Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_dequeue_deleted_jobs(self):
     """Dequeueing deleted jobs from queues don't blow the stack."""
     q = Queue()
     for _ in range(1, 1000):
         job = q.enqueue(say_hello)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_skip_queue(self):
     """Ensure the skip_queue option functions"""
     q = Queue('foo')
     job1 = q.enqueue(say_hello)
     job2 = q.enqueue(say_hello)
     assert q.dequeue() == job1
     skip_job = q.enqueue(say_hello, at_front=True)
     assert q.dequeue() == skip_job
     assert q.dequeue() == job2
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_dequeue_ignores_nonexisting_jobs(self):
        """Dequeuing silently ignores non-existing jobs."""

        q = Queue()
        uuid = '49f205ab-8ea3-47dd-a1b5-bfa186870fc8'
        result = q.enqueue(say_hello, 'Nick', foo='bar')

        # Dequeue simply ignores the missing job and returns None
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 4)
        self.assertEquals(q.dequeue().id, result.id)
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_dequeue_class_method(self):
        """Dequeueing class method jobs from queues."""
        q = Queue()
        q.enqueue(Number.divide, 3, 4)

        job = q.dequeue()

        self.assertEquals(job.instance.__dict__, Number.__dict__)
        self.assertEquals(job.func.__name__, 'divide')
        self.assertEquals(job.args, (3, 4))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_dequeue_instance_method(self):
        """Dequeueing instance method jobs from queues."""
        q = Queue()
        c = Calculator(2)
        result = q.enqueue(c.calculate, 3, 4)

        job = q.dequeue()
        # The instance has been pickled and unpickled, so it is now a separate
        # object. Test for equality using each object's __dict__ instead.
        self.assertEquals(job.instance.__dict__, c.__dict__)
        self.assertEquals(job.func.__name__, 'calculate')
        self.assertEquals(job.args, (3, 4))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_dequeue_instance_method(self):
        """Dequeueing instance method jobs from queues."""
        q = Queue()
        c = Calculator(2)
        result = q.enqueue(c.calculate, 3, 4)

        job = q.dequeue()
        # The instance has been pickled and unpickled, so it is now a separate
        # object. Test for equality using each object's __dict__ instead.
        self.assertEquals(job.instance.__dict__, c.__dict__)
        self.assertEquals(job.func.__name__, 'calculate')
        self.assertEquals(job.args, (3, 4))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_dequeue_instance_method(self):
        """Dequeueing instance method jobs from queues."""
        q = Queue()
        n = Number(2)
        q.enqueue(n.div, 4)

        job = q.dequeue()

        # The instance has been pickled and unpickled, so it is now a separate
        # object. Test for equality using each object's __dict__ instead.
        self.assertEquals(job.instance.__dict__, n.__dict__)
        self.assertEquals(job.func.__name__, 'div')
        self.assertEquals(job.args, (4,))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_dequeue_instance_method(self):
        """Dequeueing instance method jobs from queues."""
        q = Queue()
        n = Number(2)
        q.enqueue(n.div, 4)

        job = q.dequeue()

        # The instance has been pickled and unpickled, so it is now a separate
        # object. Test for equality using each object's __dict__ instead.
        self.assertEquals(job.instance.__dict__, n.__dict__)
        self.assertEquals(job.func.__name__, 'div')
        self.assertEquals(job.args, (4, ))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_dequeue(self):
        """Dequeueing jobs from queues."""
        # Set up
        q = Queue()
        result = q.enqueue(say_hello, 'Rick', foo='bar')

        # Dequeue a job (not a job ID) off the queue
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 1)
        job = q.dequeue()
        self.assertEquals(job.id, result.id)
        self.assertEquals(job.func, say_hello)
        self.assertEquals(job.origin, q.name)
        self.assertEquals(job.args[0], 'Rick')
        self.assertEquals(job.kwargs['foo'], 'bar')

        # ...and assert the queue count when down
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_dequeue(self):
        """Dequeueing jobs from queues."""
        # Set up
        q = Queue()
        result = q.enqueue(say_hello, 'Rick', foo='bar')

        # Dequeue a job (not a job ID) off the queue
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 1)
        job = q.dequeue()
        self.assertEquals(job.id, result.id)
        self.assertEquals(job.func, say_hello)
        self.assertEquals(job.origin, q.name)
        self.assertEquals(job.args[0], 'Rick')
        self.assertEquals(job.kwargs['foo'], 'bar')

        # ...and assert the queue count when down
        self.assertEquals(q.count, 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
class WikiCiteServer(ApplicationSession):
	def onJoin(self, details):
		logging.info("session ready")

		counter = 0
		while True:
			for change in queue.jobs:
				self.publish(u'com.cocytus.onchange', change)
			yield sleep(1)

#from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationRunner
#runner = ApplicationRunner(url = "ws://", realm = "realm1")
#runner.run(WikiCiteServer) # this doesn't return
while True:
	job = queue.dequeue()
	if job is None:
		print('no job ffound yet, sleeping')
		logging.debug(u'No job found yet, sleeping')
	if job.result is None:
		print('job unexecuted: '+ str(job))
		logging.debug(u'Job not executed yet; executing: '+str(job))
	print("Job result is "+str(job.result))
	if 'doi' in job.result and isinstance(job.result['doi'], dict) and (job.result['doi']['added'] or job.result['doi']['deleted']): # one is not empty
		logging.info(u'change detected: '+str(job.result))
		#and we have something intriquing to push to crossref
		print("pushing to crossref")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def onJoin(self, details):
        logging.info("session ready")

        counter = 0
        while True:
            for change in queue.jobs:
                self.publish(u'com.cocytus.onchange', change)
            yield sleep(1)

#from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationRunner
#runner = ApplicationRunner(url = "ws://", realm = "realm1")
#runner.run(WikiCiteServer) # this doesn't return
while True:
    job = queue.dequeue()
    if job is None:
        print('no job ffound yet, sleeping')
        logging.debug(u'No job found yet, sleeping')
    if job.result is None:
        print('job unexecuted: ' + str(job))
        logging.debug(u'Job not executed yet; executing: ' + str(job))

    print("Job result is " + str(job.result))
    if 'doi' in job.result and isinstance(
            dict) and (job.result['doi']['added']
                       or job.result['doi']['deleted']):  # one is not empty
Exemplo n.º 13
class RedisStorage(Singleton):
    This is the wrapper class object that wraps the
    base redis interface to a more comprehensive interface.
    This is also a Singleton design pattern.

    # The connection
    _redis      = None

    # The count
    _count      = 0

    def __init__(self):

        # Init the Redis
        os.system("redis-server &")

        # Connect to the server
        self._redis = Queue(connection=Redis())

        # Override the singleton base class

    def append(self, type, request):
        This is the append method that will insert a new row.

        :param type:            The request type
        :param request:         The request itself
        :return: count          The item count

        # Generate a tag
        tag = ":" + str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Add it
        self._redis.enqueue(type + tag, request)

        # Get the new count to validate
        self._count = self._redis.count
        return self._count

    def consume(self):
        This gets an entry from the redis database.
        :return:                The request

        # Get an entry to process
        obj = self._redis.dequeue()

        # Update the count
        self._count = self._redis.count

        # Return the object
        return obj

    def count(self):
        This is the count generator

        return self._count
Exemplo n.º 14
class RedisStorage(Singleton):
    This is the wrapper class object that wraps the
    base redis interface to a more comprehensive interface.
    This is also a Singleton design pattern.

    # The connection
    _redis = None

    # The count
    _count = 0

    def __init__(self):

        # Init the Redis
        os.system("redis-server &")

        # Connect to the server
        self._redis = Queue(connection=Redis())

        # Override the singleton base class

    def append(self, type, request):
        This is the append method that will insert a new row.

        :param type:            The request type
        :param request:         The request itself
        :return: count          The item count

        # Generate a tag
        tag = ":" + str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Add it
        self._redis.enqueue(type + tag, request)

        # Get the new count to validate
        self._count = self._redis.count
        return self._count

    def consume(self):
        This gets an entry from the redis database.
        :return:                The request

        # Get an entry to process
        obj = self._redis.dequeue()

        # Update the count
        self._count = self._redis.count

        # Return the object
        return obj

    def count(self):
        This is the count generator

        return self._count
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _get_job(self):
     queue = Queue(self.task_name, connection=self.redis_conn)
     return queue.dequeue()
Exemplo n.º 16
def upload_file():
    def create_queue(url):
        resp = requests.get(url)
        return len(resp.text.split())

    def perfromElasticSearchPost(data2, myuuid):
        #data = get_function(data2)
        #       call get function(uniqueid)
        data2['uuid'] = myuuid
        es.index(index="test-index", doc_type='plan', body=data2)
        return None


    for header in request.headers:

    data = request.get_json()
    with open(r'''usecase_schema.json''') as json_schema:
        schema = json.load(json_schema)
    #initializaing the queue
    redis_conn = Redis()
    q = Queue(connection=redis_conn)
    q.enqueue_call(func=create_queue, args=('data', ), timeout=0)
    uniqueId = uuid.uuid4()
    get_data = perfromElasticSearchPost(data, uniqueId)

    myJSONValidation = Draft3Validator(schema).is_valid(data)
    if (myJSONValidation == True):
        for key, value in data.items():
            if type(value) is dict:
                dUId = uuid.uuid4()
                dUId = str(dUId)
                value['uuid'] = dUId
                value2 = json.dumps(value)
                conn.set(dUId, value2)
                print('Dict', key)
                #conn.set(key, dUId)
                data[key] = dUId
#                    print(key)
#                    print(dUId)

            elif type(value) is list:
                print("Inside list", key)
                for i, x in enumerate(value):
                    if (type(x) is dict):
                        sUId = uuid.uuid4()
                        sUId = str(sUId)
                        x['uuid'] = sUId
                        x2 = json.dumps(x)
                        conn.set(sUId, x2)
                        print('Dict', i)
                        value[i] = sUId

                conn.set(key, value)


        encoded = jwt.encode(
                datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=36000)
            }, 'secret')

        token = encoded.decode('utf-8')

        #            response = make_response(jsonify(data), 200)
        #            response.headers["ETag"] = str(hashlib.sha256("data".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
        #            response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private, max-age=300"
        #            print('etag', response.headers["ETag"])

        #return response
        uniqueId = str(uniqueId)
        data['token'] = token
        data['uuid'] = uniqueId
        #data['etag'] = response.headers["ETag"]
        data2 = json.dumps(data)
        #es.index(index="test-index", doc_type='plan', body=data2)
        conn.set(uniqueId, data2)

        print(uniqueId, ":")
        print('token', '\n', token)

        return jsonify({"product": data2})

        return "JSON was not validated by the schema"