Exemplo n.º 1
def checkParamExistsOnServer(connection, paramtopic, blockwait=0.1):
    This is just an example of setting up a "call" to a service and receiving the response back.
    inputs: connection is a string (e.g., 'ws://localhost:9090/')
            paramtopic is a string (e.g., "/globals/testtype")
            blockwait is a multiplier on the time to wait in seconds (default=0.1)
    algorithm: opens a connection to the ROS parameter server
               check to see if parameter exists on the server
               sleeps for 0.20*blockwait seconds
               checks to see if the connection is open / did not throw an error
                   if no error, copies over received response on parameter status as bool
                          closes connection
                   if errored out, response = None
    output: response (should return True or False ; returns None if server is not up)
    ws = wsPF.RosParamServClient(connection)
    # .connect(ROS topic, service arguments, data unpacking function (see above))
    ws.connect('/rosapi/has_param', paramtopic)
    #sleep(0.20) # may need slightly more time over the network the first time
    sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
    if (ws.isOpen == True):
        response = bool(ws.copy_and_clear_received(
        ))  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
        ws.close()  # calls .closed()
    else:  # if RosParamServClient throws an exception
        response = None
    return response  # should return True or False ; returns None if server is not up
Exemplo n.º 2
def generalSendParamServer(connection, globaltopic, subnames, data):
    input: connection (e.g., "ws://localhost:9090/")
           globaltopic (string)
           subnames (list of strings, or more complex format -- see below)
           data (list, or list of lists)
    output: n/a
    example call:
        startpt = [ [1.0,2.0,3.0] , ... ]
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        # gives: /globals/startpt/x , /globals/startpt/y , /globals/startpt/z 
    example for recursive call:
        startpt = [ [1.0,2.0] ]
        globaltopic = '/globals/startinfo/'
        subnames = [ ['loc',['x',y']] ]
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        gives: /globals/startinfo/loc/x , /globals/startinfo/loc/y
    #subnames = list of strings;
    ws = []
    #data = []
    for i in range(len(subnames)):
        if (isinstance(subnames[i], list)
            ):  # if there are multiple elements, then must call recursively
                                   globaltopic + subnames[i][0] + '/',
                                   subnames[i][1], data[i])
            serviceArg = globaltopic + subnames[i]
            if isinstance(data[i], str):
                datapiece = '"%s"' % data[
                    i]  # need to show parameter server this is a string, not "just" numbers
                datapiece = data[i]  # can send normally
                '/rosapi/set_param', serviceArg, datapiece
            )  # .connect(ROS topic, service arguments, data unpacking function (see above))
            #sleep(0.20) # may need slightly more time over the network the first time
            returnType = None
            while (returnType is None):
                returnType = ws[i].copy_and_clear_received(
                )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
            #print("DEBUG: set_param %s = %s" % (serviceArg,returnType)) # should be either of: {True,False} # *** DEBUG ***
    for i in range(len(ws)):
        ws[i].close()  # calls .closed()
Exemplo n.º 3
def connectTo_testserviceServer(
        argvalues=['data to send', 'this string not used currently...']):
    This is just an example of setting up a "call" to a service and receiving the response back.
    inputs: connection = (default)'ws://localhost:9090/'
            servicestr = {(default)'/testservice_Solve' , '/testserviceServer/get_loggers' , '/testserviceServer/set_logger_level'} # see also: rosservice list
            # rosservice info --> type: testservice/test_msg (here, is a std_msgs/String) , args: datastring
            # rossrv list --> topicstr = {(default)'/testservice/test_msg', '...', '/testservice_srvs/test'} # see also for format: rossrv show /testservice/test_msg -r
            argvalues = [(default)'data to send']

    output: response (raw data that was unpacked using the unpack_testservice_srv() function)
    ROS .srv file should have been set up as:
    # -------------------
    # Request constants:
    # ...
    # -------
    # Request fields:
    std_msgs/String dataFile
    # -------------------
    # Response constants:
    # ...
    # --------
    # Response fields:
    # was a useful set of points given back?
    std_msgs/Bool useful
    # holds points if useful, empty list [] if not
    geometry_msgs/Point[] points
    # -------------------
    ws = wsPF.RosParamServClient(connection)
    # Input datastring for testservice <-- datastring is a std_msgs/String in this instance
    datadict = {'dataFile': {'data': argvalues[0]}}
               unpackingfunction=unpack_testservice_srv)  # see above
    if (ws.isOpen == True):
        response = None
        while (
                response is None
        ):  # because apparently .copy_and_clear_received() might return None if we didn't wait for the response long enough?
            response = ws.copy_and_clear_received(
            )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
        ws.close()  # calls .closed()
    else:  # if RosParamServClient throws an exception
        response = None
    return response
Exemplo n.º 4
def generalRecvParamServer(connection,
    input: connection (e.g., "ws://localhost:9090/")
           globaltopic (string)
           subnames (list of strings, or more complex format -- see below)
           blockType (default='nonblock') is whether to wait/block until receive a response, one of: {'block','nonblock'}
           blockwait (default=0.5) is a multiplier on the time to wait (in loop) between check attempts
               (wait time is 0.20*blockwait seconds in loops; default wait time = 0.10 seconds)
    output: data (list, or list of lists, OF STRINGS -- CONVERSION MAY BE REQUIRED!!)
    example call:
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        startpt = wsF.generalRecvParamServer(connection,"/globals/startpt",['x,'y','z'],'nonblock')
        # receives: /globals/startpt/x , /globals/startpt/y , /globals/startpt/z 
        # e.g.: startpt = [ [1.0,2.0,3.0] ]
    example for recursive call:
        globaltopic = '/globals/startinfo/'
        subnames = [ ['loc',['x',y']] ]
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        startpt = wsF.generalRecvParamServer(connection,globaltopic,subnames,'block')
        # receives: /globals/startinfo/loc/x , /globals/startinfo/loc/y
        # e.g.: startpt = [ [1.0,2.0] ]
    #subnames = list of strings;
    ws = []
    data = []
    wscloselist = []  # wscloselist is for tracking actually-opened connections
    for i in range(len(subnames)):
        if (isinstance(subnames[i], list)
            ):  # if there are multiple elements, then must call recursively
            datahold = generalRecvParamServer(
                connection, globaltopic + subnames[i][0] + '/', subnames[i][1])
            if (blockType == 'block'):
                while (1):
                    checkhold = checkParamExistsOnServer(
                        connection, globaltopic + subnames[i], blockwait)
                    if (
                            checkhold is None
                    ):  # with return of None, server not up, will block until server is up
                        print("Waiting for parameter server to come online...")
                    elif (checkhold == True):
                        serviceArg = globaltopic + subnames[i]
                            '/rosapi/get_param', serviceArg
                        )  # .connect(ROS topic, service arguments)
                        #sleep(0.20) # may need slightly more time over the network the first time
                        datahold = None
                        while (
                                datahold is None
                        ):  # because apparently .copy_and_clear_received() might return None if we didn't wait for the response long enough?
                            sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
                            datahold = ws[i].copy_and_clear_received(
                            )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
                        #if (datahold[0] == '"') or (datahold[len(datahold)-1] == '"'): # if datahold is meant to be a string
                        #    datahold = datahold.strip('"') # then it will likely have "" around it from generalSendParamServer(), so strip/remove that if it's there
                        #else: # this was not meant to be a string
                        #    strhold = datahold.strip('[]') # check to see if it's a list
                        #    if (strhold == datahold): # if this isn't a list either (no change detected)
                        #        datahold = float(datahold) # then assume it's a float and convert it
                        #    #else: # otherwise it's a list of some kind
                        #        #pass # so don't attempt to convert it, since it could be in a weird format
                        datahold = convertStringToInternalType(datahold)
                    else:  #if (checkhold == False):
                            "Waiting for %s to become available on parameter server..."
                            % (globaltopic + subnames[i], ))
            else:  #if (blockType == 'nonblock'):
                # receive data, DO NOT block until topic is available
                if (checkParamExistsOnServer(connection, globaltopic +
                                             subnames[i]) == True, blockwait):
                    serviceArg = globaltopic + subnames[i]
                        serviceArg)  # .connect(ROS topic, service arguments)
                    #sleep(0.20) # may need slightly more time over the network the first time
                    datahold = None
                    while (
                            datahold is None
                    ):  # because apparently .copy_and_clear_received() might return None if we didn't wait for the response long enough?
                        sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
                        datahold = ws[i].copy_and_clear_received(
                        )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
                    #if (datahold[0] == '"') or (datahold[len(datahold)-1] == '"'): # if datahold is meant to be a string
                    #    datahold = datahold.strip('"') # then it will likely have "" around it from generalSendParamServer(), so strip/remove that if it's there
                    #else: # this was not meant to be a string
                    #    strhold = datahold.strip('[]') # check to see if it's a list
                    #    if (strhold == datahold): # if this isn't a list either (no change detected)
                    #        datahold = float(datahold) # then assume it's a float and convert it
                    #    #else: # otherwise it's a list of some kind
                    #        #pass # so don't attempt to convert it, since it could be in a weird format
                    datahold = convertStringToInternalType(datahold)
                    datahold = None
            data.append(datahold)  # add data to list
            #print("DEBUG: get_param %s = %r" % (globaltopic+subnames[i],data[len(data)-1])) # *** DEBUG ***
    for i in wscloselist:  # only close connections we actually opened
        ws[i].close()  # calls .closed()
    return data
Exemplo n.º 5
def generalRecvTopicsServicesList(connection,
    input: connection (e.g., "ws://localhost:9090/")
           servicestr (default = '/rosapi/topics') is one of: {'/rosapi/topics','/rosapi/services'}
           topicstr (string, default = None) is useful for searching for a particular topic or service in what is returned
           blockType (default='nonblock') is whether to wait/block until receive a response, one of: {'block','nonblock'}
           blockwait (default=1.0) is a multiplier on the time to wait (in loop) between check attempts
               (wait time is 0.20*blockwait seconds; default wait time = 0.20 seconds)
    output: data (list OF STRINGS -- CONVERSION MAY BE REQUIRED!!)
    example call:
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        listOfTopics = wsF.generalRecvTopicsServicesList(connection,'/rosapi/services',None,'nonblock')
        # returns a list of strings or None
    example call if looking/checking for existence of a specific topic:
        from rss_git_lite.common import ws4pyFunctions as wsF
        doesTopicExist = wsF.generalRecvTopicsServicesList(connection,"/rosapi/topics","/RosAria/cmd_vel",'block')
        # returns one of: {True,False,None}
    see: http://docs.ros.org/jade/api/rosapi/html/index-msg.html
    #subnames = list of strings;
    ws = []
    data = []
    ws = wsPF.RosParamServClient(connection)
    if (blockType == 'block'):
        while (1):
            sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
            if (ws.isOpen == True):
                checkhold = ws.copy_and_clear_received(
                )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
                ws.close()  # calls .closed()
            else:  # if RosParamServClient throws an exception
                checkhold = None

            if (
                    checkhold is None
            ):  # with return of None, server not up, will block until server is up
                    "Waiting for parameter server, or for %s to become available on parameter server..."
                    % (servicestr, ))
            else:  # if (checkhold is a list of u'strings'):
                # then see if the requested string is in there
                datahold = [
                    str(checkpiece) for checkpiece in checkhold
                ]  # rather than straight-send to convert..() which doesn't work on [u'/rosout', u'/rosout_agg']
                if (topicstr is None):  # then the caller wants the entire list
                    data = datahold
                else:  # the caller wants a True/False back
                    for tstr in datahold:
                        if (topicstr == tstr):
                            data = True
                    data = False
    else:  #if (blockType == 'nonblock'):
        # receive data, DO NOT block until topic is available
        sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
        if (ws.isOpen == True):
            checkhold = None
            while (
                    checkhold is None
            ):  # because apparently .copy_and_clear_received() might return None if we didn't wait for the response long enough?
                sleep(0.20 * blockwait)
                checkhold = ws.copy_and_clear_received(
                )  # retrieves data if it exists, None if no receipt since last call
            ws.close()  # calls .closed()
        else:  # if RosParamServClient throws an exception
            checkhold = None

        if (
                checkhold is None
        ):  # with return of None, server not up, will NOT block until server is up
            data = None
        else:  # if (checkhold is a list of strings):
            # then see if the requested string is in there
            datahold = [
                str(checkpiece) for checkpiece in checkhold
            ]  # rather than straight-send to convert..() which doesn't work on [u'/rosout', u'/rosout_agg']
            if (topicstr is None):  # then the caller wants the entire list
                data = datahold
            else:  # the caller wants a True/False back
                for tstr in datahold:
                    if (topicstr == tstr):
                        data = True
                data = False
    #print("DEBUG: topics = %r" % (data,)) # *** DEBUG ***
    #ws.close() # calls .closed()
    return data