Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_predicted_spot_positions_and_status(
    ):  #similar to above function; above can be refactored
        panel = self.detector[0]
        from scitbx import matrix
        Astar = matrix.sqr(self.getOrientation().reciprocal_matrix())
        # must have set the basis in order to generate Astar matrix.  How to assert this has been done???

        import math, copy
        xyz = self.getXyzData()
        if old_status is None:
            spot_status = [SpotClass.GOOD] * len(xyz)
            assert len(old_status) == len(xyz)
            spot_status = copy.copy(
                old_status)  # valid way of copying enums w/o reference
        self.assigned_hkl = [(0, 0, 0)] * len(xyz)

        # step 1.  Deduce fractional HKL values from the XyzData.  start with x = A* h
        #          solve for h:  h = (A*^-1) x
        Astarinv = Astar.inverse()
        Hint = flex.vec3_double()
        results = flex.vec3_double()
        for x in xyz:
            H = Astarinv * x
            Hint.append((round(H[0], 0), round(H[1], 0), round(H[2], 0)))
        xyz_miller = flex.vec3_double()
        from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
        ra = rotation_angles(limiting_resolution=1.0,
                             wavelength=1. / self.inv_wave,
        for ij, hkl in enumerate(Hint):
                Astar *
                hkl)  # figure out how to do this efficiently on vector data
            if ra(hkl):
                omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
                rotational_diffs = [
                    abs((-omegas[omegaidx] * 180. / math.pi) -
                        self.raw_spot_input[ij][2]) for omegaidx in [0, 1]
                min_diff = min(rotational_diffs)
                min_index = rotational_diffs.index(min_diff)
                omega = omegas[min_index]
                rot_mat = self.axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(omega)

                Svec = (rot_mat * Astar) * hkl + self.S0_vector
                if self.panelID is not None:
                    panel = self.detector[self.panelID[ij]]
                xy = panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec)
                results.append((xy[0], xy[1], 0.0))
                self.assigned_hkl[ij] = hkl
                results.append((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
                spot_status[ij] = SpotClass.NONE
        return results, spot_status
Exemplo n.º 2
    def model_likelihood(self, separation_mm):
        TOLERANCE = 0.5
        fraction_properly_predicted = 0.0

        #print self.detector[0]
        panel = self.detector[0]
        from scitbx import matrix
        Astar = matrix.sqr(self.getOrientation().reciprocal_matrix())

        import math
        xyz = self.getXyzData()

        # step 1.  Deduce fractional HKL values from the XyzData.  start with x = A* h
        #          solve for h:  h = (A*^-1) x
        Astarinv = Astar.inverse()
        Hint = flex.vec3_double()
        for x in xyz:
            H = Astarinv * x
            #print "%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f"%(H[0],H[1],H[2])
            Hint.append((round(H[0], 0), round(H[1], 0), round(H[2], 0)))
        xyz_miller = flex.vec3_double()
        from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
        # XXX limiting shell of 1.0 angstroms probably needs to be changed/ removed.  How?
        ra = rotation_angles(limiting_resolution=1.0,
                             wavelength=1. / self.inv_wave,
        for ij, hkl in enumerate(Hint):
                Astar *
                hkl)  # figure out how to do this efficiently on vector data
            if ra(hkl):
                omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
                rotational_diffs = [
                    abs((-omegas[omegaidx] * 180. / math.pi) -
                        self.raw_spot_input[ij][2]) for omegaidx in [0, 1]
                min_diff = min(rotational_diffs)
                min_index = rotational_diffs.index(min_diff)
                omega = omegas[min_index]
                rot_mat = self.axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(omega)

                Svec = (rot_mat * Astar) * hkl + self.S0_vector
                #        print panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec), self.raw_spot_input[ij]
                if self.panelID is not None:
                    panel = self.detector[self.panelID[ij]]
                calc = matrix.col(panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec))
                pred = matrix.col(self.raw_spot_input[ij][0:2])
                #        print (calc-pred).length(), separation_mm * TOLERANCE
                if ((calc - pred).length() < separation_mm * TOLERANCE):
                    fraction_properly_predicted += 1. / self.raw_spot_input.size(
        #print "fraction properly predicted",fraction_properly_predicted,"with spot sep (mm)",separation_mm
        return fraction_properly_predicted
Exemplo n.º 3
  def model_likelihood(self,separation_mm):
    TOLERANCE = 0.5
    fraction_properly_predicted = 0.0

    #print self.detector[0]
    panel = self.detector[0]
    from scitbx import matrix
    Astar = matrix.sqr(self.getOrientation().reciprocal_matrix())

    import math
    xyz = self.getXyzData()

    # step 1.  Deduce fractional HKL values from the XyzData.  start with x = A* h
    #          solve for h:  h = (A*^-1) x
    Astarinv = Astar.inverse()
    Hint = flex.vec3_double()
    for x in xyz:
      H = Astarinv * x
      #print "%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f"%(H[0],H[1],H[2])
      Hint.append((round(H[0],0), round(H[1],0), round(H[2],0)))
    xyz_miller = flex.vec3_double()
    from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
    # XXX limiting shell of 1.0 angstroms probably needs to be changed/ removed.  How?
    ra = rotation_angles(limiting_resolution=1.0,orientation = Astar,
                         wavelength = 1./self.inv_wave, axial_direction = self.axis)
    for ij,hkl in enumerate(Hint):
      xyz_miller.append( Astar * hkl ) # figure out how to do this efficiently on vector data
      if ra(hkl):
        omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
        rotational_diffs = [ abs((-omegas[omegaidx] * 180./math.pi)-self.raw_spot_input[ij][2])
                             for omegaidx in [0,1] ]
        min_diff = min(rotational_diffs)
        min_index = rotational_diffs.index(min_diff)
        omega = omegas[min_index]
        rot_mat = self.axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(omega)

        Svec = (rot_mat * Astar) * hkl + self.S0_vector
#        print panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec), self.raw_spot_input[ij]
        if self.panelID is not None: panel = self.detector[ self.panelID[ij] ]
        calc = matrix.col(panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec))
        pred = matrix.col(self.raw_spot_input[ij][0:2])
#        print (calc-pred).length(), separation_mm * TOLERANCE
        if ((calc-pred).length() < separation_mm * TOLERANCE):
          fraction_properly_predicted += 1./ self.raw_spot_input.size()
    #print "fraction properly predicted",fraction_properly_predicted,"with spot sep (mm)",separation_mm
    return fraction_properly_predicted
Exemplo n.º 4
  def get_predicted_spot_positions_and_status(self, old_status=None): #similar to above function; above can be refactored
    panel = self.detector[0]
    from scitbx import matrix
    Astar = matrix.sqr(self.getOrientation().reciprocal_matrix())
    # must have set the basis in order to generate Astar matrix.  How to assert this has been done???

    import math,copy
    xyz = self.getXyzData()
    if old_status is None:
      spot_status = [SpotClass.GOOD]*len(xyz)
      assert len(old_status)==len(xyz)
      spot_status = copy.copy( old_status ) # valid way of copying enums w/o reference
    self.assigned_hkl= [(0,0,0)]*len(xyz)

    # step 1.  Deduce fractional HKL values from the XyzData.  start with x = A* h
    #          solve for h:  h = (A*^-1) x
    Astarinv = Astar.inverse()
    Hint = flex.vec3_double()
    results = flex.vec3_double()
    for x in xyz:
      H = Astarinv * x
      Hint.append((round(H[0],0), round(H[1],0), round(H[2],0)))
    xyz_miller = flex.vec3_double()
    from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
    ra = rotation_angles(limiting_resolution=1.0,orientation = Astar,
                         wavelength = 1./self.inv_wave, axial_direction = self.axis)
    for ij,hkl in enumerate(Hint):
      xyz_miller.append( Astar * hkl ) # figure out how to do this efficiently on vector data
      if ra(hkl):
        omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
        rotational_diffs = [ abs((-omegas[omegaidx] * 180./math.pi)-self.raw_spot_input[ij][2])
                             for omegaidx in [0,1] ]
        min_diff = min(rotational_diffs)
        min_index = rotational_diffs.index(min_diff)
        omega = omegas[min_index]
        rot_mat = self.axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(omega)

        Svec = (rot_mat * Astar) * hkl + self.S0_vector
        if self.panelID is not None: panel = self.detector[ self.panelID[ij] ]
        xy = panel.get_ray_intersection(Svec)
    return results,spot_status
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_synthetic(filename):
    G = open(filename, "r")
    reciprocal_vectors = flex.vec3_double()
    #Example of Silicon F d 3-bar m unit cell oriented along lab axes
    A_mat = matrix.sqr((5.43, 0., 0., 0., 5.43, 0., 0., 0., 5.43))
    A_star = A_mat.inverse()
    for line in G.readlines()[1:]:
        tokens = line.strip().split('\t')
        assert len(tokens) == 5
        miller = matrix.col([float(i) for i in tokens[0:3]])
        reciprocal_vector = A_star * miller
    return reciprocal_vectors
Exemplo n.º 6
def parse_synthetic(filename):
  G = open(filename,"r")
  reciprocal_vectors = flex.vec3_double()
  #Example of Silicon F d 3-bar m unit cell oriented along lab axes
  A_mat = matrix.sqr((5.43,0.,0.,0.,5.43,0.,0.,0.,5.43))
  A_star = A_mat.inverse()
  for line in G.readlines()[1:]:
    tokens = line.strip().split('\t')
    assert len(tokens)==5
    miller = matrix.col([float(i) for i in tokens[0:3]])
    reciprocal_vector = A_star*miller
  return reciprocal_vectors
def parse_input(filename):
  with open(filename,"r") as G:
    lines = G.readlines()
  reciprocal_vectors = flex.vec3_double()
  qvec = ('qx','qy','qz')
  for line in lines[1:len(lines)]:
    l_buffer = line.rstrip()
    assert len(l_buffer)==132
    extended_q_nm = matrix.col(
     [get_token(qvec[i],l_buffer) for i in range(3)]
    checklength = math.sqrt(extended_q_nm.dot(extended_q_nm))
    assert approx_equal(1./checklength, get_token('dspacing',l_buffer), eps=0.0001)
    #convert from nanometers to Angstroms
    extended_q_Angstrom = 0.1 * extended_q_nm
  return reciprocal_vectors
Exemplo n.º 8
    def score_vectors(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors):
        """Compute the functional for the given directions.

            directions: An iterable of the search directions.
            reciprocal_lattice_vectors (scitbx.array_family.flex.vec3_double):
                The list of reciprocal lattice vectors.
            A tuple containing the list of search vectors and their scores.
        vectors = flex.vec3_double()
        scores = flex.double()
        for i, v in enumerate(self.search_vectors):
            f = self.compute_functional(v.elems, reciprocal_lattice_vectors)
        return vectors, scores
Exemplo n.º 9
def parse_input(filename):
    with open(filename, "r") as G:
        lines = G.readlines()
    reciprocal_vectors = flex.vec3_double()
    for line in lines[0:len(lines) - 0]:
        tokens = line.strip().split('\t')
        assert len(tokens) == 7
        q_vector = matrix.col([float(i) for i in tokens[4:7]])
        checklength = q_vector.dot(q_vector)
        assert approx_equal(checklength, 1.0, eps=0.001)
        energy_keV = float(tokens[2])
        theta = (math.pi / 180.) * float(tokens[3])
        inv_lambda_Angstrom = keV_to_inv_Angstrom * energy_keV
        inv_d_Angstrom = 2. * math.sin(theta) * inv_lambda_Angstrom
        extended_q_Angstrom = inv_d_Angstrom * q_vector
        E = extended_q_Angstrom
    return reciprocal_vectors
Exemplo n.º 10
def parse_input(filename):
  G = open(filename,"r")
  reciprocal_vectors = flex.vec3_double()
  lines = G.readlines()
  for line in lines[0:len(lines)-0]:
    tokens = line.strip().split('\t')
    assert len(tokens)==7
    q_vector = matrix.col([float(i) for i in tokens[4:7]])
    checklength = q_vector.dot(q_vector)
    assert approx_equal(checklength, 1.0, eps=0.001)
    energy_keV = float(tokens[2])
    theta = (math.pi/180.) * float(tokens[3])
    inv_lambda_Angstrom = keV_to_inv_Angstrom * energy_keV
    inv_d_Angstrom = 2. * math.sin(theta) * inv_lambda_Angstrom
    extended_q_Angstrom = inv_d_Angstrom * q_vector
  return reciprocal_vectors
Exemplo n.º 11
  def raw_spot_positions_mm_to_S1_vector( raw_spot_input, # as vec3_double
      detector, inverse_wave,

    if panelID is None:
      panelID = flex.int(len(raw_spot_input),0)

    reciprocal_space_vectors = flex.vec3_double()

    # tile surface to laboratory transformation
    for n in xrange(len(raw_spot_input)):
      pid = panelID[n]
      lab_direct = col(detector[pid].get_lab_coord(raw_spot_input[n][0:2]))

    # laboratory direct to reciprocal space xyz transformation
      lab_recip = (lab_direct.normalize() * inverse_wave)

      reciprocal_space_vectors.append ( lab_recip )
    return reciprocal_space_vectors
Exemplo n.º 12
    def raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space(
            raw_spot_input,  # as vec3_double
            axis,  # beam, axis as scitbx.matrix.col

        if panelID is None:
            panelID = flex.int(len(raw_spot_input), 0)

        if axis is None:
            return raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space_xyz(
                raw_spot_input, detector, inverse_wave, beam, panelID)
            return raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space_xyz(
                raw_spot_input, detector, inverse_wave, beam, axis, panelID)
    1) the raw_spot_input is in the same units of measure as the origin vector (mm).
       they are given in physical length, not pixel units
    2) the raw_spot centers of mass are given with the same corner/center convention
       as the origin vector.  E.g., spotfinder assumes that the mm scale starts in
       the middle of the lower-corner pixel.

        reciprocal_space_vectors = flex.vec3_double()

        # tile surface to laboratory transformation
        for n in range(len(raw_spot_input)):
            pid = panelID[n]
            lab_direct = col(detector[pid].get_lab_coord(

            # laboratory direct to reciprocal space xyz transformation
            lab_recip = (lab_direct.normalize() * inverse_wave) - beam

        return reciprocal_space_vectors
Exemplo n.º 13
    def raw_spot_positions_mm_to_S1_vector(
            raw_spot_input,  # as vec3_double

        if panelID is None:
            panelID = flex.int(len(raw_spot_input), 0)

        reciprocal_space_vectors = flex.vec3_double()

        # tile surface to laboratory transformation
        for n in range(len(raw_spot_input)):
            pid = panelID[n]
            lab_direct = col(detector[pid].get_lab_coord(

            # laboratory direct to reciprocal space xyz transformation
            lab_recip = (lab_direct.normalize() * inverse_wave)

        return reciprocal_space_vectors
Exemplo n.º 14
  def raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space( raw_spot_input, # as vec3_double
      detector, inverse_wave, beam, axis, # beam, axis as scitbx.matrix.col

    if panelID is None:
      panelID = flex.int(len(raw_spot_input),0)

    if axis is None:
      return raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space_xyz (
          raw_spot_input, detector, inverse_wave, beam, panelID )
      return raw_spot_positions_mm_to_reciprocal_space_xyz (
          raw_spot_input, detector, inverse_wave, beam, axis, panelID )

    1) the raw_spot_input is in the same units of measure as the origin vector (mm).
       they are given in physical length, not pixel units
    2) the raw_spot centers of mass are given with the same corner/center convention
       as the origin vector.  E.g., spotfinder assumes that the mm scale starts in
       the middle of the lower-corner pixel.

    reciprocal_space_vectors = flex.vec3_double()

    # tile surface to laboratory transformation
    for n in xrange(len(raw_spot_input)):
      pid = panelID[n]
      lab_direct = col(detector[pid].get_lab_coord(raw_spot_input[n][0:2]))

    # laboratory direct to reciprocal space xyz transformation
      lab_recip = (lab_direct.normalize() * inverse_wave) - beam

      reciprocal_space_vectors.append ( lab_recip.rotate_around_origin(
        axis=axis, angle=raw_spot_input[n][2], deg=True)
    return reciprocal_space_vectors