Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if options.get('interactive'):
            using = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
            dbname = settings.DATABASES[using]['NAME']
            if not confirm("This is going to rebuild all ledger movements "
                           "in %s. Are you sure (y/n) ?" % dbname):
                raise CommandError("User abort.")

Exemplo n.º 2
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     reqs = set(settings.SITE.get_requirements())
     if len(reqs) == 0:
         print("No requirements")
         reqs = sorted(reqs)
         if options['list']:
         runcmd('pip install --upgrade pip')
         # cmd = "pip install --upgrade --trusted-host svn.forge.pallavi.be {}".format(' '.join(reqs))
         cmd = "pip install --upgrade {}".format(' '.join(reqs))
         if not options['interactive'] or confirm("{} (y/n) ?".format(cmd)):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        using = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
        dbname = settings.DATABASES[using]['NAME']
        engine = settings.DATABASES[using]['ENGINE']
        if options.get('interactive'):
            if not confirm("""We are going to flush your database (%s).
Are you sure (y/n) ?""" % dbname):
                raise CommandError("User abort.")

        fixtures = options.pop('fixtures', args)

        # print(20160817, fixtures, options)


        # the following log message was useful on Travis 20150104
        if options.get('verbosity', 1) > 0:
            dd.logger.info("`initdb %s` started on database %s.",
                           ' '.join(fixtures), dbname)

        if engine == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
            if dbname != ':memory:' and os.path.isfile(dbname):
                del connections[using]
        elif engine == 'django.db.backends.mysql':
            conn = connections[using]
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s;" % dbname)
            cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s charset 'utf8';" % dbname)
            # We must now force Django to reconnect, otherwise we get
            # "no database selected" since Django would try to
            # continue on the dropped database:
            del connections[using]

            # now reconnect and set foreign_key_checks to 0
            conn = connections[using]
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0;")
        elif engine == 'django.db.backends.postgresql':
            foralltables(using, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {} CASCADE;")
            # cmd = """select 'DROP TABLE "' || tablename || '" IF EXISTS CASCADE;' from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';"""
            # cursor.execute(cmd)
            # cursor.close()
            del connections[using]
            raise Exception("Not tested for %r" % engine)
            sql_list = []
            conn = connections[using]

            # adds a "DELETE FROM tablename;" for each table
            # sql = sql_flush(no_style(), conn, only_django=False)
            # sql_list.extend(sql)

            if AFTER17:
                # django.core.management.base.CommandError: App
                # 'sessions' has migrations. Only the sqlmigrate and
                # sqlflush commands can be used when an app has
                # migrations.
                # from django.apps import apps
                # app_list = apps.get_app_configs()
                # for app in app_list:
                #     sql_list.extend(sql_delete(app, no_style(), conn))

            elif USE_SQLDELETE:
                from django.core.management.sql import sql_delete
                # sql_delete was removed in Django 1.9
                # ~ sql_list = u'\n'.join(sql_reset(app, no_style(), conn)).encode('utf-8')

                app_list = [
                    for p in settings.SITE.installed_plugins
                for app in app_list:
                    # app_label = app.__name__.split('.')[-2]
                    sql_list.extend(sql_delete(app, no_style(), conn))
                    # print app_label, ':', sql_list

            # ~ print sql_list

            if len(sql_list):
                with conn.constraint_checks_disabled():
                    # for sql in sql_list:
                    #     cursor.execute(sql)

                    pending = self.try_sql(conn, sql_list)
                    while len(pending):
                        pending = self.try_sql(conn, pending)


        settings.SITE._site_config = None  # clear cached instance

        if engine == 'django.db.backends.postgresql':
            #     # a first time to create tables of contenttypes. At
            #     # least on PostgreSQL this is required because for
            #     # some reason the syncdb fails when contenttypes is
            #     # not initialized.
            call_command('migrate', **options)
        call_command('makemigrations', interactive=False, verbosity=0)
        call_command('migrate', '--run-syncdb', **options)

        if len(fixtures):
            # if engine == 'django.db.backends.postgresql':
            #     foralltables(using, "ALTER TABLE {} DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;")

            call_command('loaddata', *fixtures, **options)