Exemplo n.º 1
def especularidadTrue(point, source, seg):
    #ecuacion recta punto-fuente
    m1 = (point.y - source.y) / (point.x - source.x)
    b1 = point.y - (m1 * point.x)
    #ecuacion recta ambos puntos del segmento
    m2 = (seg[1].y - seg[0].y) / (seg[1].x - seg[0].x)
    b2 = seg[1].y - (m2 * seg[1].x)
    #despejamos x
    x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
    #buscamos la y
    y = (m1 * x) + b1
    interseccion = Point(x, y)
    #distancia desde origen hasta interseccion, en eje x
    d = x - source.x
    if (d < 0):
        reflejo = Point(x + d, source.y)
        reflejo = Point(x + d, source.y)

    #ecuacion de la recta del reflejo
    m3 = (y - reflejo.y) / (x - reflejo.x)
    b3 = y - (m3 * x)

    dir = interseccion - reflejo
    length = rt.length(dir)
    length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))
    dist = rt.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
    if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
        #return [length, m3, b3]
        return length
    #return [0,0,0]
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def rayRefraction(point, source, seg):
    distancia = point.distance(seg[0], seg[1])
    nuevaFuente = Point(source.x + (distancia * 2), source.y)
    dir = nuevaFuente - point
    length = rt.length(dir)
    length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))
    dist = rt.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
    if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
        return length
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def especularidadFalse(point, source, seg):
    medio = Point((seg[0].x + seg[1].x) / 2, (seg[0].y + seg[1].y) / 2)
    nuevaFuente = Point(2 * medio.x - source.x, 2 * medio.y - source.y)
    dir = nuevaFuente - point
    length = rt.length(dir)
    length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))
    dist = rt.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
    if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
        return length
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def especularidadFalseCircle(point, source, circle):
    medio = circle[0]
    nuevaFuente = Point(2 * medio.x - source.x, 2 * medio.y - source.y)
    dir = nuevaFuente - point
    length = rt.length(dir)
    length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))
    distanciaFuente = point.distance(circle[0], nuevaFuente)
    dist = rt.rayCircleIntersect(point, dir, circle[0], circle[1])
    dist -= circle[1] * distanciaFuente * 0.00001
    if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
        return length
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def raytrace():
    #Raytraces the scene progessively
    while True:
        #random point in the image
        point = Point(random.uniform(0, 500), random.uniform(0, 500))
        #pixel color
        pixel = 0

        for source in sources:
            #calculates direction to light source

            dir = source - point
            #add jitter
            #dir.x += random.uniform(0, 25)
            #dir.y += random.uniform(0, 25)

            #distance between point and light source
            length = rt.length(dir)
            #normalized distance to source
            length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))

            free = True
            for seg in segments:
                #check if ray intersects with segment
                dist = rt.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
                #if intersection, or if intersection is closer than light source
                if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
                    free = False

            if free:
                intensity = (1 - (length / 500))**2
                #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                #combine color, light source and light color
                values = values * intensity * light

                #add all light sources
                pixel += values

            #average pixel value and assign
            px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)
Exemplo n.º 6
def raytrace():
    #Raytraces the scene progessively
    while True:
        #random point in the image
        point = Point(random.uniform(0, 500), random.uniform(0, 500))
        #pixel color
        pixel = 0

        for source in sources:
            #calculates direction to light source

            dir = source - point
            #add jitter
            #dir.x += random.uniform(0, 25)
            #dir.y += random.uniform(0, 25)

            #distance between point and light source
            length = rt.length(dir)
            #normalized distance to source
            length2 = rt.length(rt.normalize(dir))
            listSeg = []
            free = True
            especularidadF = 0
            especularidadT = 0
            especularidadC = 0
            refraccion = 0
            colorB = 0
            transparencia = 1
            transparenciaR = 1

            for seg in segments:
                #check if ray intersects with segment
                dist = rt.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
                if seg[2] == 1:
                    especularidadF = especularidadFalse(point, source, seg)
                if seg[2] == 2:
                    #data = especularidadTrue(point, source, seg)
                    especularidadT = especularidadTrue(point, source, seg)
                if seg[2] == 4:
                    refraccion = rayRefraction(point, source, seg)
                #if intersection, or if intersection is closer than light source
                if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
                    if seg[2] == 3:
                        transparencia = 3
                        free = False
                        if seg[2] == 4 and refraccion != 0:
                            free = True
                            transparenciaR = 3

            dir = source - point
            for circle in circles:
                #if rt.inRadio(point, circle[0], circle[1]):
                #free = False
                distanciaFuente = point.distance(circle[0], source)
                dist = rt.rayCircleIntersect(point, dir, circle[0], circle[1])
                dist -= circle[1] * distanciaFuente * 0.00001
                if circle[2] == False:
                    especularidadC = especularidadFalseCircle(
                        point, source, circle)
                    colorB = circle[3]
                if dist > 0 and length2 > dist:
                    free = False

            if free:
                intensity = (1 - (length / 500))**2
                intensity /= transparencia
                intensity /= transparenciaR
                #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                #combine color, light source and light color
                values = values * intensity * light

                #add all light sources
                pixel += values
                if especularidadF != 0:
                    intensity = (1 - (especularidadF / 500))**2
                    intensity /= 2
                    #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                    values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                    #combine color, light source and light color
                    values = values * intensity * light

                    #add all light sources
                    pixel += values
                if especularidadT != 0:
                    intensity = (1 - (especularidadT / 500))**2
                    intensity /= 2
                    #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                    values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                    #combine color, light source and light color
                    values = values * intensity * light

                    #add all light sources
                    pixel += values
                if refraccion != 0:
                    intensity = (1 - (refraccion / 500))**2
                    intensity /= 2
                    #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                    values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                    #combine color, light source and light color
                    values = values * intensity * light

                    #add all light sources
                    pixel += values

                if especularidadC != 0:
                    intensity = (1 - (especularidadC / 500))**2
                    intensity /= 2
                    #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                    values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                    #combine color, light source and light color
                    if colorB != 0:
                        intensity *= 2
                        values = np.asarray(colorB) * intensity * 2 * light
                        values = values * intensity * light
                    #add all light sources
                    pixel += values
            #average pixel value and assign
            px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)