Exemplo n.º 1
def decodeMessageData(message):
    data = None
    if 'data' not in message:
        raise RequestError('decodeMessageData: data field not in response')
    decodedData = b64decode(message['data'])
    if 'compressed' in message:
        data = zlib.decompress(decodedData)
        data = decodedData
    if 'hash' in message:
        dataHash = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
        if dataHash != message['hash']:
            raise RequestError('decodeMessageData: Hash checksum mismatch {} {}'.
                               format(dataHash, message['hash']))
    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
    def watchFile(self, filename: str, timeout: int = 5) -> bytes:
        """Watches for a specific file to be created and returns the file data.

        InitWatch() must be called first, before watching for specific files.
        If filename includes the full path, the path must match that used in initWatch().
        data = None
        if not self.initWatchSet:
            raise StateError(
                "DataInterface: watchFile() called without an initWatch()")

        # check filename dir matches initWatch dir
        fileDir, fileCheck = os.path.split(filename)
        if fileDir not in ('', None):
            if fileDir != self.watchDir:
                raise RequestError(
                    "DataInterface: watchFile: filepath doesn't match "
                    f"watch directory: {fileDir}, {self.watchDir}")

            foundFilename = self.fileWatcher.waitForFile(
                filename, timeout=timeout, timeCheckIncrement=0.2)
        if foundFilename is None:
            raise TimeoutError("WatchFile: Timeout {}s: {}".format(
                timeout, filename))
            with open(foundFilename, 'rb') as fp:
                data = fp.read()
        return data
Exemplo n.º 3
def clientSendCmd(commPipes, cmd):
    '''Send a request using named pipes to the projectInterface for handling.
    This allows a separate client process to make requests of the projectInterface process.
    It writes the request on fd_out and recieves the reply on fd_in.
    data = None
    savedError = None
    incomplete = True
    while incomplete:
        commPipes.fd_out.write(json.dumps(cmd) + os.linesep)
        msg = commPipes.fd_in.readline()
        if len(msg) == 0:
            # fifo closed
            raise StateError('commPipe closed')
        response = json.loads(msg)
        status = response.get('status', -1)
        if status != 200:
            raise RequestError(
                'clientSendCmd: Cmd: {} status {}: error {}'.format(
                    cmd.get('cmd'), status, response.get('error')))
        if 'data' in response:
                data = unpackDataMessage(response)
            except Exception as err:
                # The call may be incomplete, save the error and keep receiving as needed
                logging.error('clientSendCmd: {}'.format(err))
                if savedError is None:
                    savedError = err
            cmd['callId'] = response.get('callId', -1)
        # Check if need to continue to get more parts
        incomplete = response.get('incomplete', False)
    if savedError:
        raise RequestError('clientSendCmd: {}'.format(savedError))
    retVals = StructDict()
    retVals.statusCode = response.get('status', -1)
    if 'filename' in response:
        retVals.filename = response['filename']
    if 'fileList' in response:
        retVals.fileList = response['fileList']
    if 'fileTypes' in response:
        retVals.fileTypes = response['fileTypes']
    if data:
        retVals.data = data
        if retVals.filename is None:
            raise StateError('clientSendCmd: filename field is None')
    return retVals
Exemplo n.º 4
def handleDataRequest(cmd):
    savedError = None
    incomplete = True
    while incomplete:
        response = Web.sendDataMsgFromThread(cmd, timeout=60)
        if response.get('status') != 200:
            raise RequestError('handleDataRequest: status not 200: {}'.format(response.get('status')))
            data = unpackDataMessage(response)
        except Exception as err:
            logging.error('handleDataRequest: unpackDataMessage: {}'.format(err))
            if savedError is None:
                savedError = err
        cmd['callId'] = response.get('callId', -1)
        incomplete = response.get('incomplete', False)
    if savedError:
        raise RequestError('handleDataRequest: unpackDataMessage: {}'.format(savedError))
    return data
Exemplo n.º 5
 def handleRPCRequest(self, channelName, cmd, timeout=60):
     """Process RPC requests using websocket RequestHandler to send the request"""
     """Caller will catch exceptions"""
     handler = self.handlers[channelName]
     if handler is None:
         raise StateError(f'RPC Handler {channelName} not registered')
     savedError = None
     incomplete = True
     # print(f'handle request {cmd}')
     if cmd.get('cmd') == 'rpc':
         # if cmd is rpc, check and encode any byte args as base64
         cmd = encodeByteTypeArgs(cmd)
         # Convert numpy arguments to native python types
         cmd['args'] = npToPy(cmd.get('args', ()))
         cmd['kwargs'] = npToPy(cmd.get('kwargs', {}))
     while incomplete:
         response = handler.doRequest(cmd, timeout)
         if response.get('status') != 200:
             errStr = 'handleDataRequest: status {}, err {}'.format(
                 response.get('status'), response.get('error'))
             raise RequestError(errStr)
             data = unpackDataMessage(response)
         except Exception as err:
             errStr = 'handleDataRequest: unpackDataMessage: {}'.format(err)
             if savedError is None:
                 savedError = errStr
         incomplete = response.get('incomplete', False)
         cmd['callId'] = response.get('callId', -1)
         cmd['incomplete'] = incomplete
     if savedError:
         raise RequestError(savedError)
     serializationType = response.get('dataSerialization')
     if serializationType == 'json':
         if type(data) is bytes:
             data = data.decode()
         data = json.loads(data)
     elif serializationType == 'pickle':
         data = pickle.loads(data)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 6
def decodeMessageData(message):
    Given a message encoded with encodeMessageData (above), decode that message.
    Validate and retrive orignal bytes.
        message (dict): encoded message to decode
        The byte data of the original message from the sender
    data = None
    if 'data' not in message:
        raise RequestError('decodeMessageData: data field not in response')
    decodedData = b64decode(message['data'])
    if 'compressed' in message:
        data = zlib.decompress(decodedData)
        data = decodedData
    if 'hash' in message:
        dataHash = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
        if dataHash != message['hash']:
            raise RequestError(
                'decodeMessageData: Hash checksum mismatch {} {}'.format(
                    dataHash, message['hash']))
    return data
Exemplo n.º 7
 def listFiles(self, filepattern: str) -> List[str]:
     """Lists files matching the regex filePattern"""
     fileDir, fileCheck = os.path.split(filepattern)
     if not os.path.isabs(filepattern):
         errStr = "listFiles must have an absolute path: {}".format(
         raise RequestError(errStr)
     fileList = []
     for filename in glob.iglob(filepattern, recursive=True):
         if os.path.isdir(filename):
     fileList = self._filterFileList(fileList)
     return fileList
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, dsAccessionNumber, **entities):
         dsAccessionNumber: The OpenNeruo specific accession number for the dataset
             to stream.
         entities: BIDS entities (subject, session, task, run, suffix, datatype) that
             define the particular subject/run of the data to stream
     subject = entities.get('subject')
     run = entities.get('run')
     if subject is None or run is None:
         raise RequestError("OpenNeuroStream: Must specify subject and run number")
     # TODO - Use OpenNeuroService when it is available, to download
     #   and access the dataset and get dataset entities
     # OpenNeuroService to provide path to dataset
     datasetPath = tmpDownloadOpenNeuro(dsAccessionNumber, subject, run)
     super().__init__(datasetPath, **entities)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def listFiles(self, filePattern):
     if self.local:
         if not os.path.isabs(filePattern):
             errStr = "listFiles must have an absolute path: {}".format(filePattern)
             raise RequestError(errStr)
         fileList = []
         for filename in glob.iglob(filePattern, recursive=True):
             if os.path.isdir(filename):
         listCmd = projUtils.listFilesReqStruct(filePattern)
         retVals = projUtils.clientSendCmd(self.commPipes, listCmd)
         fileList = retVals.get('fileList')
         if type(fileList) is not list:
             errStr = "Invalid fileList reponse type {}: expecting list".format(type(fileList))
             raise StateError(errStr)
     return fileList
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _addResultValue(self, runId, trId, value):
     """Track classification result values, used to plot the results in the web browser."""
     # This assume runIds starting at 1 (not zero based)
     if not isinstance(runId, numbers.Number) or runId <= 0:
         raise RequestError(
             f'addResultValue: runId must be number > 0: {runId}')
     x = trId
     y = value
     # Make sure dataPoints has at least as many arrays as runIds
     for i in range(len(self.dataPoints), runId):
     if not isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
         # clear plot for this runId
         self.dataPoints[runId - 1] = []
     runVals = self.dataPoints[runId - 1]
     for i, val in enumerate(runVals):
         if val['x'] == x:
             runVals[i] = {'x': x, 'y': y}
     runVals.append({'x': x, 'y': y})
Exemplo n.º 11
 def runRemoteCall(self, callDict):
     # print(f'remoteCall {callDict}')
     className = callDict.get('class')
     attributeName = callDict.get('attribute')
     if None in (className, attributeName):
         raise RequestError(f'Malformed remote call struct: missing one of '
                            f'class {className}, attribute {attributeName}')
     classInstance = self.classInstanceDict.get(className)
     if classInstance is None:
         raise StateError(
             f'RemoteHandler: class {className} not registered')
     attributeInstance = getattr(classInstance, attributeName)
     if not callable(attributeInstance):
         return attributeInstance
     args = callDict.get('args', ())
     if args is None:  # Can happen if key 'args' exists and is set to None
         args = ()
     kwargs = callDict.get('kwargs', {})
     if kwargs is None:
         kwargs = {}
     res = attributeInstance(*args, **kwargs)
     return res
Exemplo n.º 12
def decodeByteTypeArgs(cmd) -> dict:
    Decodes rpc args that were previously encoded with encodeByteTypeArgs.
        cmd: a dictionary with encoded args
        cmd: a dictionary with decoded args
    byteArgIndices = cmd.get('encodedByteArgs')
    if byteArgIndices is not None:
        args = cmd.get('args', ())
        args = list(args)
        for i in byteArgIndices:
            tag = 'encodedBytes_' + str(i)
            encdata = cmd.get(tag)
            if encdata is None or args[i] != tag:
                raise RequestError(
                    f'Byte encoded data error: index {i} tag {tag}')
            decodedData = b64decode(encdata)
            args[i] = decodedData
            cmd.pop(tag, None)
        cmd['args'] = tuple(args)
    return cmd
Exemplo n.º 13
def unpackDataMessage(msg):
    global multiPartDataCache
        if msg.get('status') != 200:
            # On error delete any partial transfers
            fileHash = msg.get('fileHash')
            if fileHash is not None and fileHash in multiPartDataCache:
                del multiPartDataCache[fileHash]
            raise RequestError('unpackDataMessage: {} {}'.format(
                msg.get('status'), msg.get('error')))
        data = decodeMessageData(msg)
        multipart = msg.get('multipart', False)
        numParts = msg.get('numParts', 1)
        partId = msg.get('partId', 1)
        logging.debug('unpackDataMessage: callid {}, part {} of {}'.format(
            msg.get('callId'), partId, numParts))
        if multipart is False or numParts == 1:
            # All data sent in a single message
            return data
            assert numParts > 1
            assert multipart is True
            if partId > numParts:
                raise RequestError(
                    'unpackDataMessage: Inconsistent parts: partId {} exceeds numParts {}'
                    .format(partId, numParts))
            # get the data structure for this data
            fileHash = msg.get('fileHash')
            if partId > 1:
                partialDataStruct = multiPartDataCache.get(fileHash)
                if partialDataStruct is None:
                    raise RequestError(
                        'unpackDataMessage: partialDataStruct not found')
                partialDataStruct = StructDict({
                    'cachedDataParts': [None] * numParts,
                    'numCachedParts': 0
                multiPartDataCache[fileHash] = partialDataStruct
            partialDataStruct.cachedDataParts[partId - 1] = data
            partialDataStruct.numCachedParts += 1
            if partialDataStruct.numCachedParts == numParts:
                # All parts of the multipart transfer have been received
                # Concatenate the data into one bytearray
                data = bytearray()
                for i in range(numParts):
                    dataPart = partialDataStruct.cachedDataParts[i]
                    if dataPart is None:
                        raise StateError(
                            'unpackDataMessage: missing dataPart {}'.format(i))
                # Check fileHash and fileSize
                dataHash = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
                dataSize = len(data)
                if dataHash != fileHash:
                    raise RequestError(
                        "unpackDataMessage: File checksum mismatch {} {}".
                        format(dataHash, fileHash))
                if dataSize != msg.get('fileSize', 0):
                    raise RequestError(
                        "unpackDataMessage: File size mismatch {} {}".format(
                            dataSize, msg.get('fileSize', 0)))
                # delete the multipart data cache for this item
                del multiPartDataCache[fileHash]
                return data
        # Multi-part transfer not complete, nothing to return
        return None
    except Exception as err:
        # removed any cached data
        fileHash = msg.get('fileHash')
        if fileHash and fileHash in multiPartDataCache:
            del multiPartDataCache[fileHash]
        raise err
Exemplo n.º 14
def initialize(cfg, args):
    """ purpose: load information and add to config """

    if cfg.sessionId in (None, '') or cfg.useSessionTimestamp is True:
        cfg.useSessionTimestamp = True
        cfg.sessionId = utils.dateStr30(time.localtime())
        cfg.useSessionTimestamp = False
    if args.runs != '' and args.scans != '':
        # use the run and scan numbers passed in as parameters
        cfg.runNum = [int(x) for x in args.runs.split(',')]
        cfg.scanNum = [int(x) for x in args.scans.split(',')]
    else:  # when you're not specifying on the command line it's already in a list
        cfg.runNum = [int(x) for x in cfg.runNum]
        cfg.scanNum = [int(x) for x in cfg.scanNum]

    if cfg.buildImgPath:
        imgDirDate = datetime.now()
        dateStr = cfg.date.lower()
        if dateStr != 'now' and dateStr != 'today':
                imgDirDate = parser.parse(cfg.date)
            except ValueError as err:
                raise RequestError('Unable to parse date string {} {}'.format(
                    cfg.date, err))
        datestr = imgDirDate.strftime("%Y%m%d")
        imgDirName = "{}.{}.{}".format(datestr, cfg.subjectName,
        cfg.dicomDir = os.path.join(cfg.local.dicomDir, imgDirName)
        cfg.dicomDir = cfg.local.dicomDir  # then the whole path was supplied
    cfg.bids_id = 'sub-{0:03d}'.format(cfg.subjectNum)
    cfg.ses_id = 'ses-{0:02d}'.format(cfg.subjectDay)

    # specify local directories
    cfg.local.codeDir = os.path.join(cfg.local.rtcloudDir, 'projects',
    cfg.local.dataDir = os.path.join(cfg.local.codeDir, 'data')
    cfg.local.subject_full_day_path = os.path.join(cfg.local.dataDir,
                                                   cfg.bids_id, cfg.ses_id)
    cfg.local.subject_reg_dir = os.path.join(cfg.local.subject_full_day_path,
    cfg.local.wf_dir = os.path.join(cfg.local.dataDir, cfg.bids_id, 'ses-01',
    cfg.local.maskDir = os.path.join(cfg.local.codeDir, 'ROI')
    cfg.subject_reg_dir = cfg.local.subject_reg_dir
    cfg.wf_dir = cfg.local.wf_dir
    cfg.n_masks = len(cfg.MASK)

    # Copy mask files to registration directory
    if not os.path.exists(cfg.local.subject_reg_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(cfg.local.wf_dir):
    os.system(f'cp {cfg.local.maskDir}/* {cfg.local.subject_reg_dir}')

    if args.dataRemote:  # here we will need to specify separate paths for processing
        cfg.server.codeDir = os.path.join(cfg.server.rtcloudDir, 'projects',
        cfg.server.dataDir = os.path.join(cfg.server.codeDir,
        cfg.server.subject_full_day_path = os.path.join(
            cfg.server.dataDir, cfg.bids_id, cfg.ses_id)
        cfg.server.subject_reg_dir = os.path.join(
            cfg.server.subject_full_day_path, 'registration_outputs')
        cfg.server.wf_dir = os.path.join(cfg.server.dataDir, cfg.bids_id,
                                         'ses-01', 'registration')
        cfg.server.maskDir = os.path.join(cfg.server.codeDir, 'ROI')
        cfg.subject_reg_dir = cfg.server.subject_reg_dir
        cfg.wf_dir = cfg.server.wf_dir
    cfg.ref_BOLD = os.path.join(cfg.wf_dir, 'ref_image.nii.gz')
    cfg.MNI_ref_filename = os.path.join(cfg.wf_dir, cfg.MNI_ref_BOLD)
    cfg.T1_to_BOLD = os.path.join(cfg.wf_dir, 'affine.txt')
    cfg.MNI_to_T1 = os.path.join(cfg.wf_dir,
    cfg.MASK_transformed = [''] * cfg.n_masks
    cfg.local_MASK_transformed = [''] * cfg.n_masks
    for m in np.arange(cfg.n_masks):
        mask_name = cfg.MASK[m].split('.')[0] + '_space-native.nii.gz'
        cfg.MASK_transformed[m] = os.path.join(cfg.subject_reg_dir, mask_name)
        cfg.local_MASK_transformed[m] = os.path.join(cfg.local.subject_reg_dir,
    # get conversion to flip dicom to nifti files
    cfg.axesTransform = getTransform(('L', 'A', 'S'), ('P', 'L', 'S'))
    return cfg