def gpsTime2y_doy_hms(week, gpsTime):
    """ Function to convert GPS time to year, doy and hour minutes seconds
    iepy = 1980
    iepd = 6

    # Hour of the day
    ss = math.fmod(gpsTime, rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().day_seconds)
    hh = np.floor(ss / 3600)

    # Conversion to time of year

    # Number of days since iepy
    ndy = week * 7 + np.floor(
        (gpsTime - ss) / rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().day_seconds + 0.5) + iepd - 1

    # Number of years since iepy
    ny = np.floor(ndy / 365.25)

    # Current year
    iy = np.floor(iepy + ny)

    # Day of the year
    DOY = np.floor(ndy - ny * 365.25 + 1)

    # Minutes
    ss = math.fmod(ss, 3600)
    mm = np.floor(ss / 60)

    # Seconds
    ss = math.fmod(ss, 60)

    return iy, DOY, hh, mm, ss
def ell2cart(lat, long, height):
    """ Coordinates transformation using WGS84 ellipsoid definition
        - lat   : ellipsoidal latitude
        - lon   : ellipsoidal longitude
        - height: ellipsoidal height
        - [x,y,z] vector of geocentric-cartesian coordinates
        - "Satellite Geodesy", Seeber 

    h = height
    lat = np.radians(lat)
    long = np.radians(long)

    a = rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().WGS84_a
    f = rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().WGS84_f

    N_bar = a / np.sqrt(1 - f * (2 - f) * (np.sin(lat))**2)

    # Cartesian coordinates:

    x = (N_bar + h) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(long)
    y = (N_bar + h) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(long)
    z = (((1 - f)**2) * N_bar + h) * np.sin(lat)

    cart = np.array([x, y, z])

    return cart
def glo_time2gps_time(glo_day, glo_time, glo_year, ls):

    # Moscow day -> UTC day
    if glo_time >= 10800.0:
        utc_time = glo_time - 10800.0
        utc_time = glo_time - 10800.0 + rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().day_seconds

    # compute gregorian date
    [day, mon, year] = glo_time2greg_day(glo_day, glo_year)

    # compute day of the year
    doy = date_to_doy(year, mon, day)

    # get gps week and time
    [gps_week, gps_time] = gps_time_from_y_doy_hms(year, doy, 0, 0,
                                                   utc_time + ls)
    return gps_week, gps_time
def gps_time_from_y_doy_hms(year, doy, hh, mm, sec):
        Compute gps time from date as year, doy, hours, minutes, seconds
    iepy = 1980
    iepd = 6
    if year < 100:
        if year > 80:
            year += 1900
            year += 2000

    ndy = ((year - iepy) * 365 + doy - iepd + ((year - 1901) / 4) -
           ((iepy - 1901) / 4))

    week = (ndy / 7)
    time = (round(
        (week - int(week)) * 7) * rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().day_seconds +
            hh * 3600.0e0 + mm * 60.0e0 + sec)
    return int(week), time
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, epoch, state, rec, system, ID, f1, iono): 
        self.epoch = epoch
        self.sat     = state[0:3]
        self.rec     = rec      = rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().re
        self.omega_e = rtcm_ssr2osr.Constants().omega_e     # [rad/s]
        self.system  = system
        self.layers = iono.n_layers
        for l in range(self.layers):
            self.height = iono.height[l]
            self.sh_deg =[l]
            self.sh_ord = iono.order[l]
            self.c      = iono.c[l][:]
            self.s      = iono.s[l][:]

            [lat_sph, lon_sph, height_sph,
             el, az, psi_pp, 
             lambda_pp, phi_pp,
             sf, sun_shift, lon_s,
             p_nm, p_cos, p_sin, m, n,
             vtec] = IonoComputation.compute_global_iono(self)
            stec = vtec * sf
            self.stec_corr_f1 = 40.3 * 1e16 / (f1 * f1) * stec   
            strg = ('### SV pos/vel for SV ' + ID + ' at ' + f'{epoch}' +
                    ': ' + '{:16.4f}'.format(state[0]) + '   ' + 
                    '{:16.4f}'.format(state[1]) + '   ' + 
                    '{:16.4f}'.format(state[2]) + ' [m]' + '   ' + 
                    '{:9.4f}'.format(state[3]) + '   ' + 
                    '{:9.4f}'.format(state[4]) + '   ' +  
                    '{:9.4f}'.format(state[5]) + ' [m/s]' + '\n' +
                     'PPt at t=' +
                    f'{epoch}' + '(sun shift= ' +
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(sun_shift * 180 / np.pi) +
                    ' deg)' + ' \n' + 
                    'PPt from Ref phi_R= ' + 
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(lat_sph * 180 / np.pi) + ' lam_R=' + 
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(lon_sph * 180 / np.pi) +  
                    ' rE+hR= ' + '{:10.3f}'.format(height_sph + 6370000) + 
                    '(spherical!)' + '\n' + 
                    'PPt from Ref to SV at elev= ' +
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(el * 180 / np.pi) +  ' azim ' + 
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(az * 180 / np.pi) +
                    '(spherical!)' + '\n' +
                     'PPt psi_pp= ' +
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(psi_pp * 180 / np.pi) +
                    ' phi_pp ' + 
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(phi_pp * 180 / np.pi) +
                    ' lam_pp ' + 
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(lambda_pp * 180 / np.pi) +
                    ' lon_S ' +  
                    '{:11.8f}'.format(lon_s * 180 / np.pi) +
                    ' rE+hI: ' + 
                    '{:10.3f}'.format(self.height * 1000 + 6370000) + '\n'
                     'Pnm : ')
            # Lagrange Polynomials
            for o in range(len(p_nm)):
                m_ind = int(m[o])
                n_ind = int(n[o])
                strg = (strg + 'P(' + f'{n_ind}' + ',' +
                                  f'{m_ind}' + ')=' +
                        '{:7.4f}'.format(p_nm[o]) + '; ')
            # Cosines
            strg = strg + '\n' +  'Pcos: '
            for o in range(len(p_cos)):
                m_ind = int(m[o])
                n_ind = int(n[o])
                strg = (strg + 'P(' + f'{n_ind}' + ',' + 
                                  f'{m_ind}' + ')=' +
                       '{:7.4f}'.format(p_cos[o]) + '; ') 
            # Sines
            strg = strg + '\n' + 'Psin: '
            for o in range(len(p_sin)):
                m_ind = int(m[o])
                n_ind = int(n[o])
                strg = (strg + 'P(' + f'{n_ind}' + ',' + 
                        f'{m_ind}' + ')=' +
                        '{:7.4f}'.format(p_sin[o]) + '; ')
            # Ionosphere
            self.strg = (strg + '\n'+
                     'Sum VTEC=' +
                     '{:6.3f}'.format(vtec) + 
                     '[TECU]' + ',' + ' sf=' +
                     '{:6.3f}'.format(sf) +
                     ',' + 'STEC=' +
                     '{:6.3f}'.format(stec) +
                     '[TECU]' + '\n' + 
                     'SSR_VTEC: SV' + ID + 
                     ' Have SSR VTEC Iono slant influence: ' + 
                     '{:6.3f}'.format(stec) + '[TECU]' + 
                     '{:6.3f}'.format(self.stec_corr_f1) +