Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, permissif, latency, safe_keyboard=0, verbose=0):
        if verbose:
            global VERBOSE
            VERBOSE = 1

        self.midi_device_list = []
        self.midi_out = None
        self.midi_device = None
        self.latency = latency
        self.tolerance = latency / float(2)

        #time for a round trip packet
        self.delay = 0

        self.nb_notes = 0
        self.nb_lost = 0
        self.nb_xrun = 0
        self.start_chrono = 0

        #self.midi_cmd_list = myFIFO()
        self.midi_cmd_list = Queue.Queue(0)
        self.playing_buffer = myRingBuffer()

        self.is_listening = 0
        self.publish_flag = False
        self.start_time = 0

        self.keyboard = [False for i in range(127)]

        self.permissif = permissif

        #Checking non wanted artefact
        self.safe_k = 0
        if safe_keyboard:
            self.safe_keyboard = SafeKeyboard()
            self.safe_k = 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "  SafeKeyboard is running for Midi Out"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, permissif, latency, safe_keyboard=0, verbose=0):
        if verbose:
            global VERBOSE
            VERBOSE = 1

        self.midi_device_list = []
        self.midi_out = None
        self.midi_device = None
        self.latency = latency
        self.tolerance = latency / float(2)

        #time for a round trip packet
        self.delay = 0

        self.nb_notes = 0
        self.nb_lost = 0
        self.nb_xrun = 0
        self.start_chrono = 0

        #self.midi_cmd_list = myFIFO()
        self.midi_cmd_list = Queue.Queue(0)
        self.playing_buffer = myRingBuffer()

        self.is_listening = 0
        self.publish_flag = False
        self.start_time = 0

        self.keyboard =  [False for i in range(127)]

        self.permissif = permissif

        #Checking non wanted artefact
        self.safe_k = 0
        if safe_keyboard:
            self.safe_keyboard = SafeKeyboard()
            self.safe_k = 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "  SafeKeyboard is running for Midi Out"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
        self.key_safe = SafeKeyboard()
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestSafeKeyboard(unittest.TestCase):
       def setUp(self):
              self.key_safe = SafeKeyboard()

       def test_note_index(self):

       def test_check_1(self):
              """Test SafeKeyboard with only one flow only one chan"""
              plist = [[[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 120, 100], 1069],
                       [[128, 120, 100],1069], [[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                       [[144, 120, 100], 1069],[[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                       [[128, 120, 100],1069], [[144, 120, 100], 1069]]

              #Test with only one flow
              res = self.key_safe.check(plist)

              #Verify that all note are of afther the pass (nb off == nb on)
              for i in range(len(self.key_safe.keyboard)):
                     assert(self.key_safe.keyboard[0][i] == False), \
                         self.fail("Note history is not respected")

              #Checking alternate
              for i in range(len(res)):
                     if i % 2 == 0:
                            assert(res[i][0][0]==144), self.fail("Bad alternation")
                            assert(res[i][0][0]==128), self.fail("Bad alternation")

       def test_check_2(self):
              """Test SafeKeyboard with all channels (doesn't have to delete notes)"""
              plist = [[[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 110, 100], 1069],
                       [[128, 110, 100],1069], [[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                       [[128, 120, 100], 1069],[[128, 110, 100], 1069],
                       [[144, 120, 100],1069], [[144, 110, 100], 1069]]

              note_list = []
              for i in range(16):
                     for j in range(len(plist)):
                            note_list.append([[plist[j][0][0] + i,
                                               plist[j][0][1], plist[j][0][2]],

              res = self.key_safe.check(note_list)

              keyboard =  []

              #Building a map of all notes to test the result
              for i in range(16):
                     note_list =  [False for i in range(127)]

              for i in range(len(res)):
                     #Note on
                     if res[i][0][0]&240 == 144:
                            chan = res[i][0][0]&15
                            pitch = res[i][0][1]
                            if not keyboard[chan][pitch]:
                                   keyboard[chan][pitch] = True
                                   self.fail("Problem of alternation")

                     #Note off
                     elif res[i][0][0]&240 == 128:
                            chan = res[i][0][0]&15
                            pitch = res[i][0][1]
                            if keyboard[chan][pitch]:
                                   keyboard[chan][pitch] = False
                                   self.fail("Problem of alternation")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.key_safe = SafeKeyboard()
Exemplo n.º 6
class TestSafeKeyboard(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.key_safe = SafeKeyboard()

    def test_note_index(self):

    def test_check_1(self):
        """Test SafeKeyboard with only one flow only one chan"""
        plist = [[[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 120, 100], 1069],
                 [[128, 120, 100], 1069], [[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                 [[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                 [[128, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 120, 100], 1069]]

        #Test with only one flow
        res = self.key_safe.check(plist)

        #Verify that all note are of afther the pass (nb off == nb on)
        for i in range(len(self.key_safe.keyboard)):
            assert(self.key_safe.keyboard[0][i] == False), \
                self.fail("Note history is not respected")

        #Checking alternate
        for i in range(len(res)):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                assert (res[i][0][0] == 144), self.fail("Bad alternation")
                assert (res[i][0][0] == 128), self.fail("Bad alternation")

    def test_check_2(self):
        """Test SafeKeyboard with all channels (doesn't have to delete notes)"""
        plist = [[[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 110, 100], 1069],
                 [[128, 110, 100], 1069], [[128, 120, 100], 1069],
                 [[128, 120, 100], 1069], [[128, 110, 100], 1069],
                 [[144, 120, 100], 1069], [[144, 110, 100], 1069]]

        note_list = []
        for i in range(16):
            for j in range(len(plist)):
                    [[plist[j][0][0] + i, plist[j][0][1], plist[j][0][2]],

        res = self.key_safe.check(note_list)

        keyboard = []

        #Building a map of all notes to test the result
        for i in range(16):
            note_list = [False for i in range(127)]

        for i in range(len(res)):
            #Note on
            if res[i][0][0] & 240 == 144:
                chan = res[i][0][0] & 15
                pitch = res[i][0][1]
                if not keyboard[chan][pitch]:
                    keyboard[chan][pitch] = True
                    self.fail("Problem of alternation")

            #Note off
            elif res[i][0][0] & 240 == 128:
                chan = res[i][0][0] & 15
                pitch = res[i][0][1]
                if keyboard[chan][pitch]:
                    keyboard[chan][pitch] = False
                    self.fail("Problem of alternation")
Exemplo n.º 7
class MidiOut(object):
    def __init__(self, permissif, latency, safe_keyboard=0, verbose=0):
        if verbose:
            global VERBOSE
            VERBOSE = 1

        self.midi_device_list = []
        self.midi_out = None
        self.midi_device = None
        self.latency = latency
        self.tolerance = latency / float(2)

        #time for a round trip packet
        self.delay = 0

        self.nb_notes = 0
        self.nb_lost = 0
        self.nb_xrun = 0
        self.start_chrono = 0

        #self.midi_cmd_list = myFIFO()
        self.midi_cmd_list = Queue.Queue(0)
        self.playing_buffer = myRingBuffer()

        self.is_listening = 0
        self.publish_flag = False
        self.start_time = 0

        self.keyboard = [False for i in range(127)]

        self.permissif = permissif

        #Checking non wanted artefact
        self.safe_k = 0
        if safe_keyboard:
            self.safe_keyboard = SafeKeyboard()
            self.safe_k = 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "  SafeKeyboard is running for Midi Out"

    def start(self):
        """Start publishing notes
        if not self.midi_out is None:
            self.publish_flag = True
            if VERBOSE:
                print "OUTPUT: Start publish notes"

            return 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "OUTPUT: Can not start publish without a midi device set"

            return 0

    def get_midi_time(self):
        return pypm.Time()

    def stop(self):
        """Stop publish
        self.publish_flag = False
        if not self.midi_out is None:
            #Why a midi problem with send note_off
            #(only when closing app ) <- patch it silly man !

    def set_init_time(self):
        """Sync set the difference between local midi time and
        remote midi time in order to apply it to the notes
        self.init_time = pypm.Time()

    def get_devices(self):
        """list and set midi device
        self.midi_device_list = []
        for loop in range(pypm.CountDevices()):
            interf, name, inp, outp, opened = pypm.GetDeviceInfo(loop)
            if outp == 1:
                self.midi_device_list.append([loop, name, opened])

        return self.midi_device_list

    def set_device(self, device):
        """set output midi device
        #check if device exist
        dev_list = [
            for i in range(len(self.midi_device_list))

        if device in dev_list:
            self.midi_device = device

            if self.midi_out is not None:
                del self.midi_out  # delete old midi device if present
            # Initializing midi input stream
            self.midi_out = pypm.Output(self.midi_device, 0)
            if VERBOSE:
                line = "  Midi device out: " + str(self.get_device_info()[1])
                print line
            return True

            print "OUTPUT: Invalid midi device selected"
            print dev_list
        return False

    def get_device_info(self):
        """print info of the current device
        res = pypm.GetDeviceInfo(self.midi_device)
        return res

    def send_note_off(self):
        """send Note Off all pitches and all channels
        midi_time = pypm.Time()
        #127 note off and 16 channels
        #TODO check problem: portMidi found host error (link to zynadd?)
        for i in range(NUM_MIDI_CHANS):
            for j in range(MIDI_MAX):
                self.midi_out.Write([[[NOTE_OFF + i, j, 0], 0]])

#Permisive Mode => joue toutes les notes meme si en retard de qq
#milisecond en affichant
#un erreur style xrun dans le fichier de log

    def play_midi_note(self):
        """PlayMidi Note
           Separate midi infos to choose the good function for
           the good action
        #getting time
        midi_time = pypm.Time()

        #getting notes
        midi_notes = self.playing_buffer.get_data(midi_time - self.latency,

        self.nb_notes += len(midi_notes)

        if self.safe_k:
            midi_notes = self.safe_keyboard.check(midi_notes)

            if self.permissif:
                #Building list of lates notes in order to log it
                new_list = [
                    midi_notes[i][1] for i in range(len(midi_notes))
                    if (midi_time > (midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency))

                if (len(new_list) > 0):
                    self.nb_xrun += 1

            if VERBOSE:
                line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(midi_time)
                line += "ms  can't play in time , "
                line += str(len(midi_notes))
                line += " notes - late of "
                calc = (midi_time - (self.latency + new_list[0]))
                line += str(calc) + " ms"
                print line

            note_filtered = midi_notes

            # filter note off program change for notes that are late
            # if mode non permissif is on skip late notes except
            # note off, notes with velocitiy 0 or program change
            note_filtered = [
                midi_notes[i] for i in range(len(midi_notes))
                if midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency >= midi_time or (
                    midi_notes[i][0][0] == PROGRAM_CHANGE or midi_notes[i][0]
                    [2] == 0 or midi_notes[i][0][0] == NOTE_OFF)

            if (len(note_filtered) < len(midi_notes)):
                if VERBOSE:
                    line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(pypm.Time())
                    line += "ms can't play in time,  "
                    line += str(len(midi_notes) - len(note_filtered))
                    line += " note(s) skipped, late of: "
                    calc = (midi_time - (self.latency + midi_notes[0][1]))
                    line += str(calc) + " ms"
                    print line

        #Playing note on the midi device

    def publish_midi_notes(self):
        """Polling function for midi out"""
        def_p = defer.Deferred()
        # put in local scope to improve performance
        midi_cmd_list = self.midi_cmd_list
        play_midi_note = self.play_midi_note

        while self.publish_flag:
            """ if there are notes in the shared buffer
            Put the in the playing buffer """
            while True:
                    cur_data = midi_cmd_list.get_nowait()
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print cur_data
                except Queue.Empty:

            if self.playing_buffer.len() > 0:
                current_time = pypm.Time()
                #if the first is in time
                #12 correspond to the polling interval on the
                #test machine and the jitter of thread
                #switching ( to test on others computers with
                #diff set up)
                #The problem is that scheduler taking time to
                #switch between process
                if ((self.playing_buffer.buffer[0][1] + self.latency -
                     self.tolerance) <= current_time):
                    #time.sleep(0.001)  # this probably used to be the sleep below

            # don't hog the cpu

        return def_p

    def __del__(self):
        self.terminate = 1
Exemplo n.º 8
class MidiOut(object):

    def __init__(self, permissif, latency, safe_keyboard=0, verbose=0):
        if verbose:
            global VERBOSE
            VERBOSE = 1

        self.midi_device_list = []
        self.midi_out = None
        self.midi_device = None
        self.latency = latency
        self.tolerance = latency / float(2)

        #time for a round trip packet
        self.delay = 0

        self.nb_notes = 0
        self.nb_lost = 0
        self.nb_xrun = 0
        self.start_chrono = 0

        #self.midi_cmd_list = myFIFO()
        self.midi_cmd_list = Queue.Queue(0)
        self.playing_buffer = myRingBuffer()

        self.is_listening = 0
        self.publish_flag = False
        self.start_time = 0

        self.keyboard =  [False for i in range(127)]

        self.permissif = permissif

        #Checking non wanted artefact
        self.safe_k = 0
        if safe_keyboard:
            self.safe_keyboard = SafeKeyboard()
            self.safe_k = 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "  SafeKeyboard is running for Midi Out"

    def start(self):
        """Start publishing notes
        if not self.midi_out is None:
            self.publish_flag = True
            if VERBOSE:
                print "OUTPUT: Start publish notes"

            return 1

            if VERBOSE:
                print "OUTPUT: Can not start publish without a midi device set"

            return 0

    def get_midi_time(self):
        return pypm.Time()

    def stop(self):
        """Stop publish
        self.publish_flag = False
        if not self.midi_out is None:
            #Why a midi problem with send note_off
            #(only when closing app ) <- patch it silly man !

    def set_init_time(self):
        """Sync set the difference between local midi time and
        remote midi time in order to apply it to the notes
        self.init_time = pypm.Time()

    def get_devices(self):
        """list and set midi device
        self.midi_device_list = []
        for loop in range(pypm.CountDevices()):
            interf, name, inp, outp, opened = pypm.GetDeviceInfo(loop)
            if outp == 1:
                self.midi_device_list.append([loop, name, opened])

        return self.midi_device_list

    def set_device(self, device):
        """set output midi device
        #check if device exist
        dev_list = [self.midi_device_list[i][0]
        for i in range(len(self.midi_device_list))]

        if device in dev_list :
            self.midi_device = device

            if self.midi_out is not None :
                del self.midi_out # delete old midi device if present
            # Initializing midi input stream
            self.midi_out = pypm.Output(self.midi_device, 0)
            if VERBOSE:
                line = "  Midi device out: " + str(self.get_device_info()[1])
                print line
            return True

            print "OUTPUT: Invalid midi device selected"
            print dev_list
        return False

    def get_device_info(self):
        """print info of the current device
        res  = pypm.GetDeviceInfo(self.midi_device)
        return res

    def send_note_off(self):
        """send Note Off all pitches and all channels
        midi_time = pypm.Time()
        #127 note off and 16 channels
        #TODO check problem: portMidi found host error (link to zynadd?)
        for i in range(NUM_MIDI_CHANS):
            for j in range(MIDI_MAX):
                self.midi_out.Write([[[NOTE_OFF + i,j,0],0]])

#Permisive Mode => joue toutes les notes meme si en retard de qq
#milisecond en affichant
#un erreur style xrun dans le fichier de log

    def play_midi_note(self):
        """PlayMidi Note
           Separate midi infos to choose the good function for
           the good action
        #getting time
        midi_time = pypm.Time()

        #getting notes
        midi_notes = self.playing_buffer.get_data(midi_time - self.latency,

        self.nb_notes += len(midi_notes)

        if self.safe_k:
            midi_notes = self.safe_keyboard.check(midi_notes)

            if self.permissif :
                #Building list of lates notes in order to log it
                new_list = [midi_notes[i][1]
                for i in range(len(midi_notes))
                if (midi_time > (midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency))]

                if (len(new_list) > 0) :
                    self.nb_xrun += 1

            if VERBOSE:
                line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(midi_time)
                line += "ms  can't play in time , "
                line += str(len(midi_notes))
                line += " notes - late of "
                calc = ( midi_time - ( self.latency + new_list[0] ))
                line += str(calc) + " ms"
                print line

            note_filtered = midi_notes

        # filter note off program change for notes that are late
        # if mode non permissif is on skip late notes except
        # note off, notes with velocitiy 0 or program change
            note_filtered = [midi_notes[i] for i in range(len(midi_notes))
            if midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency >= midi_time
            or ( midi_notes[i][0][0] == PROGRAM_CHANGE
                 or midi_notes[i][0][2] == 0
                 or midi_notes[i][0][0] == NOTE_OFF)]

            if (len(note_filtered) < len(midi_notes)):
                if VERBOSE:
                    line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(pypm.Time())
                    line += "ms can't play in time,  "
                    line += str(len(midi_notes) - len(note_filtered))
                    line += " note(s) skipped, late of: "
                    calc = ( midi_time - ( self.latency + midi_notes[0][1] ))
                    line += str(calc) + " ms"
                    print line

        #Playing note on the midi device

    def publish_midi_notes(self):
        """Polling function for midi out"""
        def_p = defer.Deferred()
    # put in local scope to improve performance
        midi_cmd_list = self.midi_cmd_list
        play_midi_note = self.play_midi_note

        while self.publish_flag :
            """ if there are notes in the shared buffer
            Put the in the playing buffer """
            while True:
                    cur_data = midi_cmd_list.get_nowait()
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print cur_data
                except Queue.Empty:

            if self.playing_buffer.len() > 0:
                current_time = pypm.Time()
                #if the first is in time
                #12 correspond to the polling interval on the
                #test machine and the jitter of thread
                #switching ( to test on others computers with
                #diff set up)
                #The problem is that scheduler taking time to
                #switch between process
                if ((self.playing_buffer.buffer[0][1] + self.latency - self.tolerance) <= current_time):
                    #time.sleep(0.001)  # this probably used to be the sleep below

            # don't hog the cpu

        return def_p

    def __del__(self):
            self.terminate = 1