Exemplo n.º 1
# Example configuation of flats.
# (C) 2010 Petr Kubanek
# Please see flats.py file for details about needed files.
# You most probably would like to modify this file to suit your needs.
# Please see comments in flats.py for details of the parameters.

from rts2solib import flats

Flat, FlatScript = flats.Flat, flats.FlatScript
import json
#from rts2solib.rts2_wwwapi import rts2comm
from rts2solib.big61filters import filter_set

Filters = filter_set()
import numpy
from telescope import kuiper

k = kuiper()

# You would at least like to specify filter order, if not binning and
# other thingsa

# binning[0]==3x3 and binning[1]=1x1
expt = numpy.arange(1, 5, 0.2)
expt = numpy.append(expt, numpy.arange(5, 10, 0.5))
expt = numpy.append(expt, numpy.arange(10, 41))
f = FlatScript(eveningFlats=[
    Flat((Filters['U'], ), binning=0, window='100 100 500 500'),
    Flat((Filters['Open'], ), binning=0, window='100 100 500 500'),
Exemplo n.º 2
from rts2solib import stellar
from rts2solib.big61filters import filter_set
FILTERS = filter_set()
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle

import datetime
tucson = ('110d', '32d')

def test_stellar():
    st = Time(datetime.datetime.now(),
    rastr = "{}:{}:{:2.2f}".format(int(st.hms[0]), int(st.hms[1]), st.hms[2])
    decstr = "32:00:00.0"
    s = stellar("testtarg", rastr, decstr)
    return s

def test_two_stellar():
    """Test two stellar targets hour before and after the meridian"""
    st = Time(datetime.datetime.now(),
    ra1 = st + Angle(1, u.hour)
    ra2 = st - Angle(1, u.hour)
    decstr = "32:00:00.0"
    return stellar("testarg2", ra1.to_string(sep=":"), decstr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def goto_filter(Filter):
    filts = filter_set()
    filter_num = filts[Filter]
    commer = rts2comm()
    resp = commer.setValue("W0", "filter", filter_num, True )
    return jsonify({"response": resp})
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, faketarget=None):
        self.cfg = Config()
        self.filters = filter_set()
        self.log("W", "looking at fake target {}".format(faketarget))
        if faketarget is not None:
            self.log("W", "looking at fake target {}".format(faketarget))
            targetid = faketarget
            targetid = self.getValue("current_target", "SEL")
        self.tel = kuiper()
        #TODO  this should be done via rts2 and not
        # directly with the telescope class.
        # to fix this may require updating rts2 telescope driver.
        self.script = None
        #        target = rts2.target.get(targetid)
        #        self.script = None
        #        if len( target ) == 0:
        #            self.log("E", "Can't find Target {}".format(targetid))
        #            self.script = None
        self.log("W", "looking at target {}".format(targetid))
        name = self.getValue("current_name", "EXEC")
        print('using name {}'.format(name))

        # remove the first 4 bits that make the name
        # unique and write that to objectName.
        self.setValue("objectName", name[4:])

        self.log('W', self.cfg["orp_dbpath"])
        engine = create_engine(self.cfg["orp_dbpath"])
        meta = MetaData()
        obsreqs = meta.tables["obsreqs"]
        session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
            db_resp = session.query(obsreqs).filter(
                obsreqs.columns["rts2_id"] == targetid)
            self.script = db_resp[0].rts2_doc
        except Exception:
            self.log("E", "Could not find target-- {}".format(targetid))
        self.setValue('ObservationID', db_resp[0].observation_id, "C0")
        self.setValue('GroupID', db_resp[0].group_id, "C0")

        binning = db_resp[0].binning
        if binning in ("4x4", "3x3", "2x2", "1x1"):
            if binning == "1x1":
                self.setValue("binning", 1)
            if binning == "2x2":
                self.setValue("binning", 2)
            if binning == "3x3":
                self.setValue("binning", 3)
            if binning == "4x4":
                self.setValue("binning", 4)
            self.setValue("binning", 4)  # 4x4 binning

        if db_resp[0].non_sidereal:
            self.rates = db_resp[0].non_sidereal_json

            # The idea here is that the non sidereal
            # targets will have an RA and Dec, RA Bias rate, Dec bias rate,
            # position epoch, object time epoch, position angle, bias_percentage
            # and object rate. The telescope should go to the coordinates
            # RA+sin(position_angle)*object_rate, Dec+cos(position_angle)*object_rate
            # and set the bias rates to
            # RA_bias_rate*bias_percentage, Dec_bias_rate*bias_percentage
            # Scott June 2019

            utc_at_position = self.rates["UTC_At_Position"]
            dt_epoch = pytz.utc.localize(
            now = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            delta_time = now - dt_epoch

            biasra = float(self.rates['RA_BiasRate'])
            biasdec = float(self.rates['Dec_BiasRate'])
            ra_offset = biasra * delta_time.total_seconds()
            dec_offset = biasdec * delta_time.total_seconds()
            self.log("I", "Setting rates to {} {}".format(biasra, biasdec))
            self.tel.command("BIASRA {}".format(biasra))
            self.tel.command("BIASDEC {}".format(biasdec))

                "I", "Setting offset to {}s {}s (UT {}, delta {})".format(
                    ra_offset, dec_offset, utc_at_position,
            self.setValue('woffs', '{}s {}s'.format(ra_offset, dec_offset),

            self.tel.command("BIASRA 0")
            self.tel.command("BIASDEC 0")

        self.has_exposed = False
Exemplo n.º 5

# Example configuation of flats.
# (C) 2010 Petr Kubanek
# Please see flats.py file for details about needed files.
# You most probably would like to modify this file to suit your needs.
# Please see comments in flats.py for details of the parameters.

from rts2solib import flats
from flats import FlatScript, Flat
import rts2.scriptcomm
import json
#from rts2solib.rts2_wwwapi import rts2comm
from rts2solib.big61filters import filter_set; Filters=filter_set()
import numpy
from telescope import kuiper;k=kuiper()

# You would at least like to specify filter order, if not binning and
# other thingsa

# binning[0]==3x3 and binning[1]=1x1
expt = numpy.arange(1, 5, 0.2)
expt = numpy.append(expt, numpy.arange(5, 10, 0.5))
expt = numpy.append(expt, numpy.arange(10, 41))
f = FlatScript(