Exemplo n.º 1
    def ui_command_create(self,
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size} parameter is
        mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a block device, the
        size parameter B{must} be ommited. If present, I{size} is the size of
        the file to be used, I{file} the path to the file or I{dev} the path to
        a block device. The I{buffered} parameter is a boolean stating
        whether or not to enable buffered mode. It is enabled by default
        (asynchronous mode). The I{sparse} parameter is only applicable when
        creating a new backing file. It is a boolean stating if the
        created file should be created as a sparse file (the default), or
        fully initialized.

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)
        self.shell.log.debug("Using params size=%s buffered=%s"
                             " sparse=%s" % (size, buffered, sparse))

        sparse = self.ui_eval_param(sparse, 'bool', True)

        backstore = FileIOBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')

        is_dev = get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None \
                or is_disk_partition(file_or_dev)

        if size is None and is_dev:
            backstore = FileIOBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')
                so = FileIOStorageObject(
            except Exception, exception:
                raise exception
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s." %
                                (name, size))
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore preferred for "
                                " best results.")
            ui_so = UIStorageObject(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None,
                          generate_wwn=None, buffered=None, sparse=None):

        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size} parameter is
        mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a block device, the
        size parameter B{must} be ommited. If present, I{size} is the size of
        the file to be used, I{file} the path to the file or I{dev} the path to
        a block device.  The optional I{generate_wwn} parameter is a boolean
        specifying whether or not we should generate a T10 wwn Serial for the
        unit (by default, yes).  The I{buffered} parameter is a boolean stating
        whether or not to enable buffered mode. It is enabled by default
        (asynchronous mode). The I{sparse} parameter is only applicable when
        creating a new backing file. It is a boolean stating if the
        created file should be created as a sparse file (the default), or
        fully initialized.

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)
        self.shell.log.debug("Using params size=%s generate_wwn=%s buffered=%s"
                             " sparse=%s"
                             % (size, generate_wwn, buffered, sparse))

        sparse = self.ui_eval_param(sparse, 'bool', True)

        backstore = FileIOBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')

        is_dev = get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None \
                or is_disk_partition(file_or_dev)

        if size is None and is_dev:
            backstore = FileIOBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')
                so = FileIOStorageObject(
                    backstore, name, file_or_dev,
            except Exception, exception:
                raise exception
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s."
                                % (name, size))
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore preferred for "
                                " best results.")
            ui_so = UIStorageObject(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None, buffered=None):
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size} parameter is
        mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a block device, the
        size parameter B{must} be ommited. If present, I{size} is the size of
        the file to be used, I{file} the path to the file or I{dev} the path to
        a block device. The I{buffered} parameter is a boolean stating
        whether or not to enable buffered mode. It is disabled by
        default (synchronous mode).

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)
        self.shell.log.debug('Using params size=%s buffered=%s' %
                             (size, buffered))
        is_dev = get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None \
                or is_disk_partition(file_or_dev)

        if size is None and is_dev:
            so = FileIOStorageObject(self.rtsnode,
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s." %
                                (name, size))
            ui_so = UIStorageObjectLegacy(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
        elif size is not None and not is_dev:
            so = FileIOStorageObject(self.rtsnode,
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio storage object %s." % name)
            ui_so = UIStorageObjectLegacy(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
                "For fileio, you must either specify both a " +
                "file and a size, or just a device path.")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None,
                          generate_wwn=None, buffered=None):
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size} parameter is
        mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a block device, the
        size parameter B{must} be ommited. If present, I{size} is the size of
        the file to be used, I{file} the path to the file or I{dev} the path to
        a block device.  The optional I{generate_wwn} parameter is a boolean
        specifying whether or not we should generate a T10 wwn Serial for the
        unit (by default, yes).  The I{buffered} parameter is a boolean stating
        whether or not to enable buffered mode. It is disabled by default
        (synchronous mode).

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)
        self.shell.log.debug('Using params size=%s generate_wwn=%s buffered=%s'
                             % (size, generate_wwn, buffered))
        is_dev = get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None \
                or is_disk_partition(file_or_dev)

        if size is None and is_dev:
            so = FileIOStorageObject(self.rtsnode, name, file_or_dev,
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s."
                                % (name, size))
            ui_so = UIStorageObjectLegacy(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
        elif size is not None and not is_dev:
            so = FileIOStorageObject(self.rtsnode, name, file_or_dev, size,
            self.shell.log.info("Created fileio storage object %s." % name)
            ui_so = UIStorageObjectLegacy(so, self)
            return self.new_node(ui_so)
            self.shell.log.error("For fileio, you must either specify both a "
                                 + "file and a size, or just a device path.")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def ui_command_create(self, name, dev):
        Creates a PSCSI storage object, with supplied name and SCSI device. The
        SCSI device I{dev} can either be a path name to the device, in which
        case it is recommended to use the /dev/disk/by-id hierarchy to have
        consistent naming should your physical SCSI system be modified, or an
        SCSI device ID in the H:C:T:L format, which is not recommended as SCSI
        IDs may vary in time.

        if get_block_type(dev) is not None:
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore recommended for "
                                "SCSI block devices")

        so = PSCSIStorageObject(name, dev)
        ui_so = UIPSCSIStorageObject(so, self)
        self.shell.log.info("Created pscsi storage object %s using %s"
                            % (name, dev))
        return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def ui_command_create(self, name, dev):
        Creates a PSCSI storage object, with supplied name and SCSI device. The
        SCSI device I{dev} can either be a path name to the device, in which
        case it is recommended to use the /dev/disk/by-id hierarchy to have
        consistent naming should your physical SCSI system be modified, or an
        SCSI device ID in the H:C:T:L format, which is not recommended as SCSI
        IDs may vary in time.

        if get_block_type(dev) is not None:
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore recommended for "
                                "SCSI block devices")

        so = PSCSIStorageObject(name, dev)
        ui_so = UIPSCSIStorageObject(so, self)
        self.shell.log.info("Created pscsi storage object %s using %s"
                            % (name, dev))
        return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def ui_command_create(self, name, dev):
        Creates a PSCSI storage object, with supplied name and SCSI device. The
        SCSI device I{dev} can either be a path name to the device, in which
        case it is recommended to use the /dev/disk/by-id hierarchy to have
        consistent naming should your physical SCSI system be modified, or an
        SCSI device ID in the H:C:T:L format, which is not recommended as SCSI
        IDs may vary in time.
        backstore = PSCSIBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')

        if get_block_type(dev) is not None or is_disk_partition(dev):
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore recommended for "
                                "SCSI block devices")

            so = PSCSIStorageObject(backstore, name, dev)
        except Exception, exception:
            raise exception
Exemplo n.º 8
    def ui_command_create(self, name, dev):
        Creates a PSCSI storage object, with supplied name and SCSI device. The
        SCSI device I{dev} can either be a path name to the device, in which
        case it is recommended to use the /dev/disk/by-id hierarchy to have
        consistent naming should your physical SCSI system be modified, or an
        SCSI device ID in the H:C:T:L format, which is not recommended as SCSI
        IDs may vary in time.
        backstore = PSCSIBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')

        if get_block_type(dev) is not None or is_disk_partition(dev):
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore recommended for "
                                "SCSI block devices")

            so = PSCSIStorageObject(backstore, name, dev)
        except Exception, exception:
            raise exception
Exemplo n.º 9
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None, write_back=None,
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path
        to a regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size}
        parameter is mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        block device, the size parameter B{must} be ommited. If
        present, I{size} is the size of the file to be used, I{file}
        the path to the file or I{dev} the path to a block device. The
        I{write_back} parameter is a boolean controlling write
        caching. It is enabled by default. The I{sparse} parameter is
        only applicable when creating a new backing file. It is a
        boolean stating if the created file should be created as a
        sparse file (the default), or fully initialized.

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)

        sparse = self.ui_eval_param(sparse, 'bool', True)
        write_back = self.ui_eval_param(write_back, 'bool', True)

        self.shell.log.debug("Using params size=%s write_back=%s sparse=%s"
                             % (size, write_back, sparse))

        file_or_dev = os.path.expanduser(file_or_dev)
        # can't use is_dev_in_use() on files so just check against other
        # storage object paths
        if os.path.exists(file_or_dev):
            for so in RTSRoot().storage_objects:
                if so.udev_path and os.path.samefile(file_or_dev, so.udev_path):
                    raise ExecutionError("storage object for %s already exists: %s" % \
                                             (file_or_dev, so.name))

        if get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None:
            if size:
                self.shell.log.info("Block device, size parameter ignored")
                size = None
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore preferred for best results")
            # use given file size only if backing file does not exist
            if os.path.isfile(file_or_dev):
                new_size = os.path.getsize(file_or_dev)
                if size:
                    self.shell.log.info("%s exists, using its size (%s bytes) instead" 
                                        % (file_or_dev, new_size))
                size = new_size
            elif os.path.exists(file_or_dev):
                raise ExecutionError("Path %s exists but is not a file" % file_or_dev)
                # create file and extend to given file size
                if not size:
                    raise ExecutionError("Attempting to create file for new" +
                                         " fileio backstore, need a size")
                size = human_to_bytes(size)
                self._create_file(file_or_dev, size, sparse)

        so = FileIOStorageObject(name, file_or_dev, size, write_back=write_back)
        ui_so = UIFileioStorageObject(so, self)
        self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s"
                            % (name, so.size))
        return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None, write_back=None,
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path
        to a regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size}
        parameter is mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        block device, the size parameter B{must} be ommited. If
        present, I{size} is the size of the file to be used, I{file}
        the path to the file or I{dev} the path to a block device. The
        I{write_back} parameter is a boolean controlling write
        caching. It is enabled by default. The I{sparse} parameter is
        only applicable when creating a new backing file. It is a
        boolean stating if the created file should be created as a
        sparse file (the default), or fully initialized.

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)

        sparse = self.ui_eval_param(sparse, 'bool', True)
        write_back = self.ui_eval_param(write_back, 'bool', True)

        self.shell.log.debug("Using params size=%s write_back=%s sparse=%s"
                             % (size, write_back, sparse))

        file_or_dev = os.path.expanduser(file_or_dev)
        # can't use is_dev_in_use() on files so just check against other
        # storage object paths
        if os.path.exists(file_or_dev):
            for so in RTSRoot().storage_objects:
                if so.udev_path and os.path.samefile(file_or_dev, so.udev_path):
                    raise ExecutionError("storage object for %s already exists: %s" % \
                                             (file_or_dev, so.name))

        if get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None:
            if size:
                self.shell.log.info("Block device, size parameter ignored")
                size = None
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore preferred for best results")
            # use given file size only if backing file does not exist
            if os.path.isfile(file_or_dev):
                new_size = os.path.getsize(file_or_dev)
                if size:
                    self.shell.log.info("%s exists, using its size (%s bytes) instead" 
                                        % (file_or_dev, new_size))
                size = new_size
            elif os.path.exists(file_or_dev):
                raise ExecutionError("Path %s exists but is not a file" % file_or_dev)
                # create file and extend to given file size
                if not size:
                    raise ExecutionError("Attempting to create file for new" +
                                         " fileio backstore, need a size")
                size = human_to_bytes(size)
                self._create_file(file_or_dev, size, sparse)

        so = FileIOStorageObject(name, file_or_dev, size, write_back=write_back)
        ui_so = UIFileioStorageObject(so, self)
        self.shell.log.info("Created fileio %s with size %s"
                            % (name, so.size))
        return self.new_node(ui_so)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def ui_command_create(self, name, file_or_dev, size=None, buffered=None,
        Creates a FileIO storage object. If I{file_or_dev} is a path to a
        regular file to be used as backend, then the I{size} parameter is
        mandatory. Else, if I{file_or_dev} is a path to a block device, the
        size parameter B{must} be ommited. If present, I{size} is the size of
        the file to be used, I{file} the path to the file or I{dev} the path to
        a block device. The I{buffered} parameter is a boolean stating
        whether or not to enable buffered mode. It is enabled by default
        (asynchronous mode). The I{sparse} parameter is only applicable when
        creating a new backing file. It is a boolean stating if the
        created file should be created as a sparse file (the default), or
        fully initialized.

        - If size is an int, it represents a number of bytes.
        - If size is a string, the following units can be used:
            - B{B} or no unit present for bytes
            - B{k}, B{K}, B{kB}, B{KB} for kB (kilobytes)
            - B{m}, B{M}, B{mB}, B{MB} for MB (megabytes)
            - B{g}, B{G}, B{gB}, B{GB} for GB (gigabytes)
            - B{t}, B{T}, B{tB}, B{TB} for TB (terabytes)
        self.shell.log.debug("Using params size=%s buffered=%s sparse=%s"
                             % (size, buffered, sparse))

        sparse = self.ui_eval_param(sparse, 'bool', True)

        backstore = FileIOBackstore(self.next_hba_index(), mode='create')

        is_dev = get_block_type(file_or_dev) is not None \
                or is_disk_partition(file_or_dev)

        if is_dev:
            if size:
                self.shell.log.info("Block device, size parameter ignored")
                size = None
            self.shell.log.info("Note: block backstore preferred for best results")
            # use given file size only if backing file does not exist
            if os.path.isfile(file_or_dev):
                new_size = str(os.path.getsize(file_or_dev))
                if size:
                    self.shell.log.info("%s exists, using its size (%s bytes) instead" 
                                        % (file_or_dev, new_size))
                size = new_size
                # create file and extend to given file size
                if not size:
                    raise ExecutionError("Attempting to create file for new" +
                                         " fileio backstore, need a size")
                self._create_file(file_or_dev, human_to_bytes(size), sparse)

            so = FileIOStorageObject(
                backstore, name, file_or_dev,
        except Exception, exception:
            raise exception