Exemplo n.º 1
def add_new_lines_after_section(recipe_yaml: CommentedMap) -> CommentedMap:
    for section in recipe_yaml.keys():
        if section == "package":
            recipe_yaml.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(section, "\n\n")
            recipe_yaml.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(section, "\n")
    return recipe_yaml
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __split_off_extra_attributes(self, mapping: CommentedMap,
                                     known_attrs: List[str]) -> CommentedMap:
        """Separates the extra attributes in mapping into _yatiml_extra.

        This returns a mapping containing all key-value pairs from
        mapping whose key is in known_attrs, and an additional key
        _yatiml_extra which maps to a dict containing the remaining
        key-value pairs.

            mapping: The mapping to split
            known_attrs: Attributes that should be kept in the main
                    map, and not moved to _yatiml_extra.

            A map with attributes reorganised as described above.
        attr_names = list(mapping.keys())
        main_attrs = mapping.copy()     # type: CommentedMap
        extra_attrs = OrderedDict(mapping.items())
        for name in attr_names:
            if name not in known_attrs or name == '_yatiml_extra':
                del (main_attrs[name])
                del (extra_attrs[name])
        main_attrs['_yatiml_extra'] = extra_attrs
        return main_attrs
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _add_new_lines_after_section(
         self, recipe_yaml: CommentedMap) -> CommentedMap:
     for section in recipe_yaml.keys():
         if section == "package":
         recipe_yaml.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(section, "\n")
     return recipe_yaml
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _get_key_indicies(cls, data: CommentedMap) -> Dict[Any, int]:
     """Get a dictionary mapping of keys to relative positions."""
     key_map = {}
     if isinstance(data, CommentedMap):
         for idx, key in enumerate(data.keys()):
             key_map[key] = idx
     return key_map
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _normalize_fields(self, document: CommentedMap, loader: "Loader") -> None:
     # Normalize fields which are prefixed or full URIn to vocabulary terms
     for d in list(document.keys()):
         if isinstance(d, str):
             d2 = loader.expand_url(d, "", scoped_id=False, vocab_term=True)
             if d != d2:
                 document[d2] = document[d]
                 document.lc.add_kv_line_col(d2, document.lc.data[d])
                 del document[d]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _delete_mergeref_keys(self, data: CommentedMap) -> None:
        Delete all YAML merge reference keys from a CommentedMap.

        This is necessary when using the insert() method of a CommentedMap
        because doing so converts all YAML merge references (key-value pairs
        merged into a YAML Hash via the `<<:` operator) to concrete key-value
        pairs of the affected Hash.
        concrete_keys = []
        for local_key, _ in data.non_merged_items():

        reference_keys = set(data.keys()).difference(concrete_keys)
        for key in reference_keys:
            self.logger.debug("Deleting key from LHS:",
                              prefix="Merger::_delete_mergeref_keys:  ",
                              header="!" * 50)
            del data[key]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __type_check_attributes(self, node: yaml.Node, mapping: CommentedMap,
                                argspec: inspect.FullArgSpec) -> None:
        """Ensure all attributes have a matching constructor argument.

        This checks that there is a constructor argument with a
        matching type for each existing attribute.

        If the class has a _yatiml_extra attribute, then extra
        attributes are okay and no error will be raised if they exist.

            node: The node we're processing
            mapping: The mapping with constructed subobjects
            constructor_attrs: The attributes of the constructor,
                    including self and _yatiml_extra, if applicable
        logger.debug('Checking for extraneous attributes')
        logger.debug('Constructor arguments: {}, mapping: {}'.format(
            argspec.args, list(mapping.keys())))
        for key, value in mapping.items():
            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise RecognitionError(('{}{}YAtiML only supports strings'
                                        ' for mapping keys').format(
                                            node.start_mark, os.linesep))
            if key not in argspec.args and '_yatiml_extra' not in argspec.args:
                raise RecognitionError(
                    ('{}{}Found additional attributes ("{}")'
                     ' and {} does not support those').format(
                         node.start_mark, os.linesep, key,

            if key in argspec.args and key in argspec.annotations:
                if not self.__type_matches(value, argspec.annotations[key]):
                    raise RecognitionError(
                            ('{}{}Expected attribute "{}" to be of type {}'
                             ' but it is a(n) {}').format(
                                    node.start_mark, os.linesep, key,
                                    argspec.annotations[key], type(value)))
Exemplo n.º 8
class YAMLRoundtripConfig(MutableConfigFile, MutableAbstractItemAccessMixin, MutableAbstractDictFunctionsMixin):
    Class for YAML-based (roundtrip) configurations

    def __init__(self, owner: Any, manager: "m.StorageManager", path: str, *args: List[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]):
        self.data = CommentedMap()

        super().__init__(owner, manager, path, *args, **kwargs)

    def load(self):
        with open(self.path, "r") as fh:
            self.data = yaml.round_trip_load(fh, version=(1, 2))

    def reload(self):

    def unload(self):

    def save(self):
        if not self.mutable:
            raise RuntimeError("You may not modify a defaults file at runtime - check the mutable attribute!")

        with open(self.path, "w") as fh:
            yaml.round_trip_dump(self.data, fh)

    # region: CommentedMap functions

    def insert(self, pos, key, value, *, comment=None):
        Insert a `key: value` pair at the given position, attaching a comment if provided

        Wrapper for `CommentedMap.insert()`

        return self.data.insert(pos, key, value, comment)

    def add_eol_comment(self, comment, *, key=NoComment, column=30):
        Add an end-of-line comment for a key at a particular column (30 by default)

        Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_add_eol_comment()`

        # Setting the column to None as the API actually defaults to will raise an exception, so we have to
        # specify one unfortunately

        return self.data.yaml_add_eol_comment(comment, key=key, column=column)

    def set_comment_before_key(self, key, comment, *, indent=0):
        Set a comment before a given key

        Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key()`

        return self.data.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(
            key, before=comment, indent=indent, after=None, after_indent=None

    def set_start_comment(self, comment, indent=0):
        Set the starting comment

        Wrapper for `CommentedMap.yaml_set_start_comment()`

        return self.data.yaml_set_start_comment(comment, indent=indent)

    # endregion

    # region: Dict functions

    def clear(self):
        return self.data.clear()

    def copy(self):
        return self.data.copy()

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        return self.data.get(key, default)

    def items(self):
        return self.data.items()

    def keys(self):
        return self.data.keys()

    def pop(self, key, default=None):
        return self.data.pop(key, default)

    def popitem(self):
        return self.data.popitem()

    def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
        if key not in self.data:
            self.data[key] = default
            return default

        return self.data[key]

    def update(self, other):
        return self.data.update(other)

    def values(self):
        return self.data.values()

    # endregion

    # Item access functions

    def __contains__(self, key):
        Wrapper for `dict.__contains__()`

        return self.data.__contains__(key)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        Wrapper for `dict.__delitem__()`

        del self.data[key]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Wrapper for `dict.__getitem__()`

        return self.data.__getitem__(key)

    def __iter__(self):
        Wrapper for `dict.__iter__()`

        return self.data.__iter__()

    def __len__(self):
        Wrapper for `dict.__len__()`

        return self.data.__len__()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Wrapper for `dict.__getitem__()`

        return self.data.__setitem__(key, value)
Exemplo n.º 9
def add_space_between_main_sections(cwl: CommentedMap):
    for k in cwl.keys():
        if k in ["inputs", "outputs", "steps", "requirements", "hints", "baseCommand"]:
            cwl.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(key=k, before="\n")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _merge_dicts(
        self, lhs: CommentedMap, rhs: CommentedMap, path: YAMLPath
    ) -> CommentedMap:
        Merge two YAML maps (CommentedMap-wrapped dicts).

        1. lhs (CommentedMap) The merge target.
        2. rhs (CommentedMap) The merge source.
        3. path (YAMLPath) Location within the DOM where this merge is taking

        Returns:  (CommentedMap) The merged result.

        - `MergeException` when a clean merge is impossible.
        if not isinstance(lhs, CommentedMap):
            raise MergeException(
                "Impossible to add Hash data to non-Hash destination.", path)

            "Merging INTO dict with keys: {}:".format(", ".join([
                    str(k.value) if isinstance(k, TaggedScalar)
                    else str(k)
                    for k in lhs.keys()])),
            data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ",
            "Merging FROM dict with keys: {}:".format(", ".join([
                    str(k.value) if isinstance(k, TaggedScalar)
                    else str(k)
                    for k in rhs.keys()])),
            data=rhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ",

        # Delete all internal YAML merge reference keys lest any later
        # .insert() operation on LHS inexplicably convert them from reference
        # to concrete keys.  This seems like a bug in ruamel.yaml...

        # Assume deep merge until a node's merge rule indicates otherwise
        buffer: List[Tuple[Any, Any]] = []
        buffer_pos = 0
        for key, val in rhs.non_merged_items():
            path_next = (path +
                YAMLPath.escape_path_section(key, path.seperator))
            if key in lhs:
                # Write the buffer if populated
                for b_key, b_val in buffer:
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Inserting key, {}, from"
                        " buffer to position, {}, at path, {}."
                        .format(b_key, buffer_pos, path_next),
                        header="INSERT " * 15)
                        "Before INSERT, the LHS document was:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                        "... and before INSERT, the incoming value will be:",
                        data=b_val, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                    lhs.insert(buffer_pos, b_key, b_val)
                        "After INSERT, the LHS document became:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                    buffer_pos += 1
                buffer = []

                # Short-circuit the deep merge if a different merge rule
                # applies to this node.
                node_coord = NodeCoords(val, rhs, key)
                merge_mode = (
                    if isinstance(val, CommentedMap)
                    else self.config.set_merge_mode(node_coord)
                    if isinstance(val, CommentedSet)
                    else self.config.aoh_merge_mode(node_coord)
                self.logger.debug("Merger::_merge_dicts:  Got merge mode, {}."
                if merge_mode in (
                    HashMergeOpts.LEFT, AoHMergeOpts.LEFT, SetMergeOpts.LEFT
                if merge_mode in (
                    HashMergeOpts.RIGHT, AoHMergeOpts.RIGHT, SetMergeOpts.RIGHT
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Overwriting key, {}, at path,"
                        " {}.".format(key, path_next),
                        header="OVERWRITE " * 15)
                    lhs[key] = val

                if isinstance(val, CommentedMap):
                    lhs[key] = self._merge_dicts(lhs[key], val, path_next)

                    # Synchronize any YAML Tag
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Setting LHS tag from {} to {}."
                        .format(lhs[key].tag.value, val.tag.value))

                        "Document BEFORE calling combine_merge_anchors:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ",
                    Anchors.combine_merge_anchors(lhs[key], val)
                        "Document AFTER calling combine_merge_anchors:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ",
                elif isinstance(val, CommentedSeq):
                    lhs[key] = self._merge_lists(
                        lhs[key], val, path_next, parent=rhs, parentref=key)

                    # Synchronize any YAML Tag
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Setting LHS tag from {} to {}."
                        .format(lhs[key].tag.value, val.tag.value))
                elif isinstance(val, CommentedSet):
                    lhs[key] = self._merge_sets(
                        lhs[key], val, path_next, node_coord)

                    # Synchronize any YAML Tag
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Setting LHS tag from {} to {}."
                        .format(lhs[key].tag.value, val.tag.value))
                        "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Updating key, {}, at path,"
                        " {}.".format(key, path_next), header="UPDATE " * 15)
                        "Before UPDATE, the LHS document was:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                        "... and before UPDATE, the incoming value will be:",
                        data=val, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                    lhs[key] = val
                        "After UPDATE, the LHS document became:",
                        data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")
                # LHS lacks the RHS key.  Buffer this key-value pair in order
                # to insert it ahead of whatever key(s) follow this one in RHS
                # to keep anchor definitions before their aliases.
                buffer.append((key, val))

            buffer_pos += 1

        # Write any remaining buffered content to the end of LHS
        for b_key, b_val in buffer:
                "Merger::_merge_dicts:  Appending key, {}, from buffer at"
                " path, {}.".format(b_key, path), header="APPEND " * 15)
            lhs[b_key] = b_val

            "Completed merge result for path, {}:".format(path),
            data=lhs, prefix="Merger::_merge_dicts:  ")

        return lhs
Exemplo n.º 11
class MVYaml(object):
    protected_keys = (

    def __init__(self, base64=False):
        self._b64 = base64
        self._raw = CommentedMap()
        self._yaml = YAML()
        self._curr_version = None
        self._curr_data = None

    def _create(self):
        tag = self._make_tag()
        self._raw[tag] = CommentedMap()
        self._raw.insert(0, '__current', tag, 'current version')
        self._raw.insert(1, '__type', None, 'base64 if value are base64')
        self._commit(tag=tag, comment='Initial version')

    def import_yaml(self, file: AnyStr = None, stream: AnyStr = None):
        data = None
        if file:
            with open(file, 'r') as fp:
                data = fp.read()
        imported_data = self._yaml.load(data or stream)
        return self

    def load(self, file_handler: AnyStr = None, stream_data: AnyStr = None):
        data = None
        if file_handler:
            with open(file_handler, 'r') as fp:
                data = fp.read()
        self._raw = self._yaml.load(data or stream_data)
        if self.protected_keys not in self._raw.keys():
            raise MVYamlFileException(
                f'Not a valid mvyaml file. Perhaps is a yaml you want to import with '
        return self

    def write(self,
              file_handler: IO = None,
              comment: AnyStr = None) -> [AnyStr, None]:
        if not self._raw:
        if self._has_changes():
        output = file_handler or StringIO()
        self._yaml.dump(self._raw, output)
        return output.getvalue() if not file_handler else None

    def versions(self):
        if not self._raw:
            return []
        return [k for k in self._raw.keys() if k not in self.protected_keys]

    def current(self):
        return self._raw['__current']

    def data(self):
        if not self._curr_data:
            self._curr_data = deepcopy(self._raw[self._curr_version
                                                 or self.current])
        return self._curr_data

    def with_version(self, version: str = '__current'):
        if version not in self.versions:
            raise MVYamlVersionNotFoundException(
                f'version {version} not found')
        self._curr_version = version
        self._curr_data = None
        return self

    def _make_tag() -> str:
        d = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
        return d

    def override(self, data: [Iterable]):
        self._curr_data = CommentedMap()
        return self

    def _commit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._commit_head(*args, **kwargs)

    def _commit_head(self, tag: AnyStr = None, comment: AnyStr = None):
        apply the modifications on curr_data to the underling opened version
        and create a new tag
        commented_map = CommentedMap()
        commented_map.update(self._curr_data or self.data)
        if tag:
            self._raw[tag] = commented_map
            self._raw['__current'] = tag
            new_tag = self._make_tag()
            self._raw.insert(2, new_tag, commented_map, comment=comment)
            self._raw['__current'] = new_tag
        self._curr_version = None
        self._curr_data = None
        return self

    def _commit_tail(self, tag: AnyStr = None, comment: AnyStr = None):
        apply the modifications on curr_data to the underling opened version
        and create a new tag
        commented_map = CommentedMap()
        commented_map.update(self._curr_data or self.data)
        if tag:
            self._raw[tag] = commented_map
            self._raw['__current'] = tag
            new_tag = self._make_tag()
            self._raw['__current'] = new_tag
        self._curr_version = None
        self._curr_data = None
        return self

    def _has_changes(self):
        orig = self._raw[self._curr_version or self.current]
        current = self._curr_data or self.data
            assert_equal(orig, current)
        except AssertionError:
            return True
        return False

    def changes(self) -> AnyStr:
        if not self._has_changes():
            return ''
        yaml_orig = as_yaml(self._raw[self._curr_version or self.current])
        yaml_curr = as_yaml(self._curr_data)
        differ = Differ()
        result = list(
            differ.compare(yaml_orig.splitlines(), yaml_curr.splitlines()))
        return '\n'.join(result)

    def set_current(self, version_label: AnyStr):
        if version_label not in self.versions:
            raise MVYamlVersionNotFoundException(
                f'request version [{version_label}] not found')
        self._raw['__current'] = version_label
        return self