Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: did.py Projeto: rcarpa/rucio
def set_dids_metadata_bulk(dids, issuer, recursive=False, vo='def'):
    Add metadata to a list of data identifiers.

    :param issuer: The issuer account.
    :param dids: A list of dids including metadata.
    :param recursive: Option to propagate the metadata update to content.
    :param vo: The VO to act on.

    for entry in dids:
        kwargs = {
            'scope': entry['scope'],
            'name': entry['name'],
            'meta': entry['meta'],
            'issuer': issuer
        if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(
                issuer=issuer, vo=vo, action='set_metadata_bulk',
            raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied(
                'Account %s can not add metadata to data identifier %s:%s' %
                (issuer, entry['scope'], entry['name']))
        entry['scope'] = InternalScope(entry['scope'], vo=vo)
        meta = entry['meta']
        for key in meta:
            if key in RESERVED_KEYS:
                raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied(
                    'Account %s can not change the value of the metadata key %s to data identifier %s:%s'
                    % (issuer, key, entry['scope'], entry['name']))

    return did.set_dids_metadata_bulk(dids=dids, recursive=recursive)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_set_dids_metadata_bulk_multi(did_factory):
    """ DID (CORE) : Test setting metadata in bulk with multiple key-values on multiple dids"""
    nb_dids = 5
    dids = [did_factory.make_dataset() for _ in range(nb_dids)]

    for did in dids:
        testkeys = list(map(lambda i: 'testkey' + generate_uuid(), range(3)))
        testmeta = {key: key + 'value' for key in testkeys}
        did['meta'] = testmeta

    set_dids_metadata_bulk(dids=dids, recursive=False)
    for did in dids:
        testmeta = did['meta']
        print('Metadata:', testmeta)
        meta = get_metadata(plugin="ALL", scope=did['scope'], name=did['name'])
        print('Metadata:', meta)
        for testkey in testmeta:
            assert testkey in meta and meta[testkey] == testmeta[testkey]