Exemplo n.º 1
def route_process_check(payment_id, date_posted, action):
  """Records a check as deposited."""

  # Server side validation
  unposted_ids = [str(x["payment_id"]) for x in helpers.get_unposted_payments()]

  errs = helpers.test_predicates((
    (payment_id in unposted_ids, True,             "Not a valid payment ID!"),
    (date_posted != "",          action == "Post", "No date entered!"       )

  # If any of the validation failed
  if errs:
    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_checks"))

  # Decide what to do
  if action == "Post":
    helpers.post_payment(payment_id, date_posted)
    flask.flash("Payment successfully posted!")
  elif action == "Void":
    flask.flash("Payment successfully voided!")
    flask.flash("Not a legitimate action!")

  return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_checks"))
Exemplo n.º 2
def route_edit_expense(expense_id, budget_id, date_incurred, amount, description, payee_id, new_payee):
  """Changes the given expense."""

  expense = helpers.get_expense(expense_id)
  if expense is None:

  existing_payment = expense["payment_id"] is not None
  valid_expense = helpers.validate_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, amount,
  amount_unchanged = expense["cost"] == Decimal(amount)
  payee_unchanged = expense["payee_id"] == int(payee_id)

  # Can't change payment info if there's a linked payment
  # TODO soften this so debit purchaes aren't a PITA

  errs = helpers.test_predicates((
    (valid_expense, True, "Invalid expense."),
    (amount_unchanged,  existing_payment, "Can't change amount with linked payment."),
    (payee_unchanged,  existing_payment, "Can't change payee with linked payment."),

  if errs:
    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_show_expense", expense_id=expense_id))

  success = helpers.edit_expense(
    expense_id, budget_id, date_incurred, description, amount, payee_id
  if success:
    flask.flash("Something went wrong during the edit, not sure what.")

  return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_show_expense", expense_id=expense_id))
Exemplo n.º 3
def route_submit_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, amount, description,
    payee_id, new_payee, payment_type, account_id, check_no, defer_payment):
  """Sends the expense to the database."""

  # Checkboxes aren't sent as bools... :(
  defer_payment = defer_payment is not None

  # Server side validation
  valid_expense = helpers.validate_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, amount,
  valid_payment = helpers.validate_payment(payment_type,
      account_id, check_no)
  valid_payee = helpers.validate_payee(payee_id, new_payee)

  errs = helpers.test_predicates((
    (valid_expense, True,              "Invalid expense."),
    (valid_payment, not defer_payment, "Invalid payment."),
    (valid_payee,   defer_payment,     "Invalid payee."  )

  if errs:
    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_add_expense"))

  transaction = flask.g.db.begin()
    # This next part depends on whether we are deferring payment or not.
    # If so, then we leave the payment ID null, cause it the corresponding
    # payment hasn't been made yet. However, we require the payee. If it's a new
    # payee, we have to insert it into the database first.
    # If not, then we need to make a new payment, and use its ID. Payee ID is
    # not needed.
    if defer_payment:
      payee_id = payee_id or helpers.record_new_payee(new_payee)
      payment_id = None
      date_written = date_incurred  # non-deferred payments are instant
      date_posted = None if payment_type == PaymentType.CHECK.value else date_written

      payee_id = None
      payment_id = helpers.record_payment(
        account_id, payment_type, amount, date_written, date_posted,
        payee_id, check_no)

    # Either way, record the expense
        budget_id, date_incurred, description, amount, payment_id, payee_id)
    flask.flash("Expense recorded successfully!")

  except Exception:
      flask.flash("An unexpected error occurred. Please find an IMSS rep.")

  return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_add_expense"))
Exemplo n.º 4
def route_submit_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, amount, description,
                         payee_id, new_payee, payment_type, account_id):
    """Sends the expense to the database."""

    defer_payment = False  # deprecated feature
    check_no = "0"  # deprecated feature

    # Server side validation
    valid_expense = helpers.validate_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, amount,
    valid_payment = helpers.validate_payment(payment_type, account_id,
    valid_payee = helpers.validate_payee(payee_id, new_payee)

    errs = helpers.test_predicates(
        ((valid_expense, True, "Invalid expense."),
         (valid_payment, not defer_payment,
          "Invalid payment."), (valid_payee, defer_payment, "Invalid payee.")))

    if errs:
        return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_add_expense"))

    transaction = flask.g.db.begin()
        date_written = date_incurred
        date_posted = None if payment_type == PaymentType.CHECK.value else date_written

        payee_id = None
        payment_id = helpers.record_payment(account_id, payment_type, amount,
                                            date_written, date_posted,
                                            payee_id, check_no)

        # Record the expense
        helpers.record_expense(budget_id, date_incurred, description, amount,
                               payment_id, payee_id)
        flask.flash("Expense recorded successfully!")

    except Exception:
        flask.flash("An unexpected error occurred. Please find an IMSS rep.")

    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_add_expense"))
Exemplo n.º 5
def route_submit_unpaid(payee_id, payment_type, account_id, check_no,
    """Sends the payment to the database."""

    # The date posted is the same as the date written unless we're using a check
    date_posted = None if (
        payment_type != PaymentType.CHECK.value) else date_written

    # Server side validation
    total = helpers.get_unpaid_amount(payee_id)
    valid_payment = helpers.validate_payment(payment_type, account_id,
    has_expenses = (total is not None)

    errs = helpers.test_predicates((
        (valid_payment, True, "Invalid payment."),
        (has_expenses, True, "This payee has no expenses to reimburse."),

    if errs:
        return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_unpaid"))

    # We use a transaction to make sure we don't submit halfway.
    transaction = flask.g.db.begin()
        payment_id = helpers.record_payment(account_id, payment_type, total,
                                            date_written, date_posted,
                                            payee_id, check_no)
        helpers.mark_as_paid(payee_id, payment_id)
        flask.flash("Payment recorded successfully!")

    except Exception:
        flask.flash("An unexpected error occurred. Please find an IMSS rep.")

    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_unpaid"))
Exemplo n.º 6
def route_submit_unpaid(payee_id, payment_type, account_id, check_no,
  """Sends the payment to the database."""

  # The date posted is the same as the date written unless we're using a check
  date_posted = None if (payment_type != PaymentType.CHECK.value) else date_written

  # Server side validation
  total = helpers.get_unpaid_amount(payee_id)
  valid_payment = helpers.validate_payment(payment_type, account_id, check_no)
  has_expenses = (total is not None)

  errs = helpers.test_predicates((
    (valid_payment, True, "Invalid payment."),
    (has_expenses,  True, "This payee has no expenses to reimburse."),

  if errs:
    return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_unpaid"))

  # We use a transaction to make sure we don't submit halfway.
  transaction = flask.g.db.begin()
    payment_id = helpers.record_payment(
        account_id, payment_type, total, date_written, date_posted,
        payee_id, check_no)
    helpers.mark_as_paid(payee_id, payment_id)
    flask.flash("Payment recorded successfully!")

  except Exception:
    flask.flash("An unexpected error occurred. Please find an IMSS rep.")

  return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("budget.route_unpaid"))