Exemplo n.º 1
	def test_calculate_favour(self):
		# Basically to make sure it runs under live data
		w = world.World(database.get_cursor())
		for t, the_team in w.teams().items():
			for deity_id, the_deity in w.deities().items():
				deity_rules.calculate_favour(w, the_team, the_deity.name)
				deity_rules.calculate_favour(w, the_team, deity_id)
Exemplo n.º 2
def record_favour(the_world, the_team):
	from rules import deity_rules
	deity_dict = the_world.deities()
	for d in the_team.deities.keys():
		new_favour, favour_desc = deity_rules.calculate_favour(the_world, the_team, d)
		query = """UPDATE team_deities SET favour = %d
			WHERE team = %d AND deity = %d;""" % (int(new_favour), int(the_team.id), int(d))
		try: the_world.cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
		# Log favour
			log_f.new_log("team_f.record_favour", "Deity: %d, Favour: %d, Desc: %s" % (int(d), int(new_favour), favour_desc), "", team = the_team.id)
		# Update team item too
		the_team.deities[d] = new_favour
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ti_j.py Projeto: Teifion/Rob3
def deities(the_world, the_team):
	output = {}
	# Possible time saver
	if len(the_team.deities.items()) == 0:
		return {}
	deity_dict		= the_world.deities()
	city_dict		= the_world.cities()
	servant_dict_c	= the_world.servants()
	deity_favour_info = {}
	# Get favour
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		favour_result = deity_rules.calculate_favour(the_world, the_team, deity_id)
		the_team.deities[deity_id] = favour_result[0]
		deity_favour_info[deity_id] = favour_result[1]
	# Get temple points
	if the_team.temple_points < 0:
		the_team.temple_points = 0
		for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
			if the_city.team != the_team.id: continue
			if the_city.population < 15000: continue
			multiplier = int(math.floor(the_city.population / 15000))
			the_team.temple_points += (the_city.get_temple_points(the_world.cursor) * multiplier)
	deity_servants = {}
	# Servants
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		for servant_id, the_servant in servant_dict_c.items():
			if the_servant.deity != deity_id: continue
			# Favour
			if deity_favour < the_servant.favour_needed: continue
			# Temple points
			if the_team.temple_points < the_servant.temple_points: continue
			# Monotheism
			if len(the_team.deities.keys()) > 1 and the_servant.monotheistic: continue
			if deity_id not in deity_servants:
				deity_servants[deity_id] = {}
			deity_servants[deity_id][the_servant.name] = {
				"name":			the_servant.name,
				"description":	the_servant.description,
				"cost":			the_servant.summon_cost,
				"amount":		the_servant.summon_amount,
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		output[deity_id] = {
			"deity_id":	deity_id,
			"favour":	deity_favour,
			"servants":	deity_servants.get(deity_id, {}),
	return output
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ti_f.py Projeto: Teifion/Rob3
def deities(cursor, the_world, the_team):
	output = []
	# Possible time saver
	if len(the_team.deities.items()) == 0:
		return "".join('<div class="ti_section" id="deities_div"></div>')
	deity_dict		= the_world.deities()
	city_dict		= the_world.cities()
	servant_dict_c	= the_world.servants()
	deity_favour_info = {}
	# Get favour
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		favour_result = deity_rules.calculate_favour(the_world, the_team, deity_id)
		the_team.deities[deity_id] = favour_result[0]
		deity_favour_info[deity_id] = favour_result[1]
	# Get temple points
	if the_team.temple_points < 0:
		the_team.temple_points = 0
		for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
			if the_city.team != the_team.id: continue
			if the_city.population < 15000: continue
			multiplier = int(math.floor(the_city.population / 15000.0))
			# print "%s: %s * %s<br />" % (the_city.name, the_city.get_temple_points(), multiplier)
			the_team.temple_points += (the_city.get_temple_points(cursor) * multiplier)
	output.append('<div class="ti_section" id="deities_div">')
	output.append("<span class='stitle'>Favour breakdown</span><br /><br />")
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		output.append("""<strong>%(name)s</strong> &nbsp; %(deity_favour)s favour
		<br />%(deity_favour_info)s
		<br /><br />""" % {
			'name':			deity_dict[deity_id].name,
			'deity_favour':			deity_favour,
			'deity_favour_info':	deity_favour_info[deity_id]
	# Servants
	output.append("""<br /><br /><span class="stitle">Servants</span>
	Temple points: %s
	<br /><br />""" % the_team.temple_points)
	for deity_id, deity_favour in the_team.deities.items():
		for servant_id, the_servant in servant_dict_c.items():
			if the_servant.deity != deity_id: continue
			# Favour
			if deity_favour < the_servant.favour_needed: continue
			# Temple points
			if the_team.temple_points < the_servant.temple_points: continue
			# Monotheism
			if len(the_team.deities.keys()) > 1 and the_servant.monotheistic: continue
			# Print servant
			output.append("""<div class="servant_block">
				Summon cost: %(cost)s
				Summon amount: %(amount)s<br />
			""" % {
				"name":			the_servant.name,
				"description":	the_servant.description,
				"cost":			the_servant.summon_cost,
				"amount":		the_servant.summon_amount,
	return "".join(output)