Exemplo n.º 1
def bootstrap():
    """Bootstrap the TsuDAT run into existence.

    The following globals are used (all are strings):
    User      user name
    Project   the TsuDAT project
    Scenario  the scenario
    Setup     the run setup ('trial', etc)
    BaseDir   base of the tsudat working directory

    log.info('bootstrap start, user_data globals:')
    log.info('   User=%s' % User)
    log.info('   UserDir=%s' % UserDir)
    log.info('   Project=%s' % Project)
    log.info('   Scenario=%s' % Scenario)
    log.info('   Setup=%s' % Setup)
    log.info('   BaseDir=%s' % BaseDir)
    log.info('   Debug=%s' % Debug)
    log.info('   Instance=%s' % Instance)


    # jigger the PYTHONPATH so we can import 'run_tsudat' from the common filesystem
    new_pythonpath = os.path.join(UserDir, Project, Scenario, Setup,
    log.debug('Added additional import path=%s' % new_pythonpath)

    # get the code for the rest of the simulation
    import run_tsudat

    # get path to the JSON file in scripts dir, pass to run_tsudat()
    json_path = os.path.join(new_pythonpath, JSONFile)
    log.info('Running run_tsudat.run_tsudat(%s)' % json_path)
    gen_files = run_tsudat.run_tsudat(json_path)

    # add local log files to the 'log' entry (*.log, *.out)
    output_path = os.path.join(UserDir, Project, Scenario, Setup,
    local_log_files = []
    local_logs = glob.glob('*.log')
    for l_l in local_logs:
        dst = os.path.join(output_path, l_l)
        shutil.copyfile(l_l, dst)
    local_logs = glob.glob('*.out')
    for l_l in local_logs:
        dst = os.path.join(output_path, l_l)
        shutil.copyfile(l_l, dst)
    gen_files['log'] = local_log_files

#    # before we possibly delete the gen_files['sww'], get output path
#    save_zip_base = os.path.dirname(gen_files['sww'][0])[1:]
#    log.debug('save_zip_base=%s' % save_zip_base)

    # if user data shows 'getsww' as False, remove 'sww' key from dictionary
    if not UserData.get('GETSWW', True):
        msg = 'Userdata says not to save SWW files, deleting...'
        del gen_files['sww']

    # optionally dump returned file data
    if Debug:
        import pprint
        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
        gen_str = pprint.pformat(gen_files)
        log.debug('Returned files:\n%s' % gen_str)

    # convert gen_files to JSON and add to stopping message
    send_message(status=StatusStop, payload=gen_files)

    # stop this AMI
    log.info('run_tsudat() finished, shutting down')
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """Behave like the UI and run a TsuDAT simulation locally."""

    # build the appropriate json data file
    (_, json_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json',
                                      prefix='fake_ui_', text=True)
    json_dict = {'user': User,
                 'project': Project,
                 'scenario': Scenario,
                 'setup': Setup,
                 'event_number': Event,
                 'working_directory': TsuDATBase,
                 'mux_directory': TsuDATMux,
                 'initial_tide': 0.0,
                 'start_time': 0,
                 'end_time': 27000,
                 'smoothing': 0.1,
                 'bounding_polygon_file': BoundingPolygon,
                 'elevation_data_list': RawElevationFiles,
                 'combined_elevation_filestem': CombinedElevationFileStem,
                 'mesh_friction': 0.01,
                 'raster_resolution': 250,
                 'layers': ['stage', 'depth'],
                 'area': ['All'],
                 'get_results_max': True,
                 'get_timeseries': True,
                 'gauge_file': GaugeFile,
                 'mesh_file': MeshFile,
                 'interior_regions_list': InteriorRegions,
                 'bounding_polygon_maxarea': 100000,
                 'urs_order_file': UrsOrder,
                 'landward_boundary_file': LandwardBoundary,
                 'ascii_grid_filenames': [],
                 'sts_filestem': STSFileStem,
                 'zone_number': 54,
                 'force_run': True, # if True, *forces* a simulation
                 'debug': True}	# if True, forces DEBUG logging

    with open(json_file, 'w') as fd:
        json.dump(json_dict, fd, indent=2, separators=(',', ':'))

    # create the user working directory
    (run_dir, raw_elevations, boundaries, meshes,
     polygons, gauges) = run_tsudat.make_tsudat_dir(TsuDATBase, User, Project,
                                                    Scenario, Setup, Event)

    # copy data files to correct places in user directory
    # maintain time/data stats
    for f in RawElevationFiles:
        shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'raw_elevations', f),

    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'polygons', BoundingPolygon), polygons)
    for (f, _) in InteriorRegions:
        shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'polygons', f), polygons)

    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'boundaries', LandwardBoundary), boundaries)
    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'boundaries', UrsOrder), boundaries)
    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'boundaries', STSFile), boundaries)

    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(DataFilesDir, 'gauges', GaugeFile), gauges)

    # now run the simulation
    gen_files = run_tsudat.run_tsudat(json_file)

    # remove temporary files
Exemplo n.º 3
def bootstrap():
    """Bootstrap the TsuDAT run into existence.

    The following globals are used (all are strings):
    User      user name
    Project   the TsuDAT project
    Scenario  the scenario
    Setup     the run setup ('trial', etc)
    BaseDir   base of the tsudat working directory

    log.info('bootstrap start, user_data globals:')
    log.info('   User=%s' % User)
    log.info('   Project=%s' % Project)
    log.info('   Scenario=%s' % Scenario)
    log.info('   Setup=%s' % Setup)
    log.info('   BaseDir=%s' % BaseDir)
    log.info('   Debug=%s' % Debug)
    log.info('   Instance=%s' % Instance)


    # get name of ZIP working file
    zip_name = DataFileFormat % (User, Project, Scenario, Setup)

    # get an S3 connection
    s3 = s3_connect()

    # load the input data files from S3
    key_str = ('%s/%s' % (InputS3DataDir, zip_name))
    log.info('Loading %s from S3 ...' % key_str)
    bucket = s3.get_bucket(S3Bucket)
    if bucket is None:
        abort("Can't find bucket '%s'" % S3Bucket)
        key = bucket.get_key(key_str)
    except S3ResponseError:
        abort("Can't find key '%s' in bucket '%s'" % (key_str, S3Bucket))
    if key is None:
        abort("Can't find key '%s' in bucket '%s'" % (key_str, S3Bucket))

    # unzip the input data ZIP file into the local directory
    log.debug('Unzipping %s ...' % InputZipFile)
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(InputZipFile)
    if not Debug:

    # now load any generated data from a previous run
    key_str = ('%s/%s' % (OutputS3DataDir, zip_name))
    log.info('Trying to load %s from S3 ...' % key_str)
        bucket = s3.get_bucket(S3Bucket)
        key = bucket.get_key(key_str)
        if key:

            # unpack generated data into working directory
            log.debug('Unzipping %s ...' % OutputZipFile)
            z = zipfile.ZipFile(OutputZipFile)
            if not Debug:
            log.info('Previously generated data not found')
    except S3ResponseError:
        log.info('Previously generated data not found')

    # jigger the PYTHONPATH so we can import 'run_tsudat' from the S3 data
    new_pythonpath = os.path.join(BaseDir, User, Project, Scenario, Setup,
    log.debug('Added additional import path=%s' % new_pythonpath)

    # get the code for the rest of the simulation
    import run_tsudat

    # get path to the JSON file in scripts dir, pass to run_tsudat()
    json_path = os.path.join(new_pythonpath, JSONFile)
    log.info('Running run_tsudat.run_tsudat()')
    gen_files = run_tsudat.run_tsudat(json_path, logger=run_tsudat_log)

    # add local log files to the 'log' entry
    gen_files['log'] = glob.glob('*.log')

    # before we possibly delete the gen_files['sww'], get output path
    save_zip_base = os.path.dirname(gen_files['sww'][0])[1:]
    log.debug('save_zip_base=%s' % save_zip_base)

    # if user data shows 'getsww' as False, remove 'sww' key from dictionary
    if not UserData.get('GETSWW', True):
        msg = 'Userdata says not to save SWW files, deleting...'
        send_sqs_message(status=StatusLog, msg=msg)
        del gen_files['sww']

    # optionally dump returned file data
    if Debug:
        import pprint
        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
        gen_str = pprint.pformat(gen_files)
        log.debug('Returned files:\n%s' % gen_str)

    # save generated data to a staging directory
    # want same pathname for each file as in input ZIP archive
    shutil.rmtree(save_zip_base, ignore_errors=True)	# just in case
    for key in gen_files:
        for f in gen_files[key]:
            log.debug('Copying %s -> %s' % (f, save_zip_base))
            shutil.copy2(f, save_zip_base)

    # ZIP the generated directory
    log.debug('zipping dir: %s' % save_zip_base)
    make_dir_zip(save_zip_base, OutputZipFile)

    # save generated directory back to S3
    s3_name = '%s/%s' % (OutputS3DataDir, zip_name)
    zip_size = os.path.getsize(OutputZipFile)
    zip_size_mb = float(zip_size) / (1024*1024)
    log.info('Saving %s (%.2fMB) to S3.' % (s3_name, zip_size_mb))
        bucket = s3.create_bucket(S3Bucket)
        key = bucket.new_key(s3_name)
        log.debug('Creating S3 file: %s/%s' % (S3Bucket, s3_name))
    except boto.exception.S3ResponseError, e:
        log.critical('S3 error: %s' % str(e))