Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_times(query, tables, criteria, params):
    tzname = criteria.business_hours_tzname
    logger.debug("%s: timezone: %s" % (query.job, tzname))
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzname)

    # Convert to datetime objects in the requested timezone
    st = criteria.starttime.astimezone(tz)
    et = criteria.endtime.astimezone(tz)
    logger.debug("%s: times: %s - %s" % (query.job, st, et))

    # Business hours start/end, as string "HH:MMam" like 8:00am
    sb = parse_time(criteria.business_hours_start)
    eb = parse_time(criteria.business_hours_end)

    weekends = criteria.business_hours_weekends

    # Iterate from st to et until
    times = []
    t = st
    while t <= et:
        # Set t0/t1 to date of t but time of sb/eb
        t0 = replace_time(t, sb)
        t1 = replace_time(t, eb)

        # Advance t by 1 day
        t = t + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        # Skip weekends
        if not weekends and t0.weekday() >= 5:

        # Now see if we have any overlap of busines hours for today
        if et < t0:
            # Report end time is today before busines hours start, all done

        if et < t1:
            # Report end time is today in the middle of busines hours, adjust
            t1 = et

        if t1 < st:
            # Report start time occurs today *after* business end, nothing today

        if t0 < st:
            # Report start time occurs today in the middle of the business hours
            # Adjust t0
            t0 = st

        logger.debug("%s: start: %s, end: %s, duration: %s" %
                     (query.job, str(t0), str(t1), str(timedelta_total_seconds(t1-t0))))
        times.append((t0, t1, timedelta_total_seconds(t1-t0)))

    if len(times) == 0:
        return None
        return pandas.DataFrame(times, columns=['starttime', 'endtime', 'totalsecs'])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def as_text(self):
        """ Return certain field values as a dict for simple json parsing
        result = {}

        for k, v in self.cleaned_data.iteritems():

            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                result[k] = v.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta):
                result[k] = str(timedelta_total_seconds(v)) + " seconds"
            elif isinstance(v, UploadedFile):
                # look for uploaded files, save them off to another
                # temporary file and return the path for use in JSON
                # consumers of this file will need to clean them up
                # TODO this will be replaced by the File Storage App
                newtemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
                shutil.copyfileobj(v, newtemp)
                result[k] = newtemp.name
                result[k] = v

        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
 def render(self, name, value, attrs):
     initial_time = attrs.get('initial_time', None)
     if initial_time:
         m = re.match("now *- *(.+)", initial_time)
         if m:
             secs = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(m.group(1)))
             initial_time = (
                 "d = new Date(); d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds()-%d);" \
                 % secs)
             initial_time = "d = '%s';" % initial_time
         initial_time = "d = new Date();"
     msg = '''
     {0} <span id="timenow_{name}" class="icon-time" title="Set time/date to now"> </span>
     <script type="text/javascript">
              step: 15,
              timeFormat:"g:i:s a"
           $("#timenow_{name}").click(function() {{
              $("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", new Date());
           $("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", d);
     #'$("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", new Date());'
     return msg.format(
         super(TimeWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs),
         name=name, initial_time=initial_time
Exemplo n.º 4
    def as_text(self):
        """ Return certain field values as a dict for simple json parsing
        result = {}

        for k, v in self.cleaned_data.iteritems():

            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                result[k] = v.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta):
                result[k] = str(timedelta_total_seconds(v)) + " seconds"
            elif isinstance(v, UploadedFile):
                # look for uploaded files, save them off to another
                # temporary file and return the path for use in JSON
                # consumers of this file will need to clean them up
                # TODO this will be replaced by the File Storage App
                newtemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
                shutil.copyfileobj(v, newtemp)
                result[k] = newtemp.name
                result[k] = v

        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
 def render(self, name, value, attrs):
     initial_date = attrs.get('initial_date', None)
     if initial_date:
         m = re.match("now *- *(.+)", initial_date)
         if m:
             secs = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(m.group(1)))
             initial_date = (
                 "d = new Date(); d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds()-%d);" \
                 % secs)
             initial_date = "d = '%s';" % initial_date
         initial_date = "d = new Date();"
     msg = '''
     {0} <span id="datenow_{name}" class="icon-calendar" title="Set date to today"> </span>
     <script type="text/javascript">
              format: "mm/dd/YY",
              defaultDate: +2,
              autoclose: true
           $("#id_{name}").datepicker("setDate", d);
           $("#datenow_{name}").click(function() {{ $("#id_{name}").datepicker("setDate", new Date()); }});
     return msg.format(
         super(DateWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs),
         name=name, initial_date=initial_date
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create(cls, name, groupby, realm, duration,
               resolution='auto', filterexpr=None, interface=False,
        logger.debug('Creating ProfilerTable table %s (%s) - %s/%s' %
                     (name, duration, groupby, realm))

        options = TableOptions(groupby=groupby,
                               centricity='int' if interface else 'hos')

        t = Table(name=name, module=__name__, 
                  filterexpr=filterexpr, options=options, **kwargs)

        if resolution != 'auto':
            if isinstance(resolution, int):
                res = resolution
                res = int(timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(resolution)))
            resolution = rvbd.profiler.report.Report.RESOLUTION_MAP[res]

        if isinstance(duration, int):
            duration = "%d min" % duration

        fields_add_device_selection(t, keyword='profiler_device',
                                    label='Profiler', module='profiler',
        fields_add_time_selection(t, initial_duration=duration)
        fields_add_resolution(t, initial=resolution,
                              resolutions=[('auto', 'Automatic'),
                                           '1min', '15min', 'hour', '6hour'],
        return t
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, table, job):
        self.table = table
        self.job = job
        self.timeseries = False         # if key column called 'time' is created
        self.column_names = []

        # Resolution comes in as a time_delta
        resolution = timedelta_total_seconds(job.criteria.resolution)

        default_delta = 1000000000                      # one second
        self.delta = int(default_delta * resolution)    # sample size interval
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, table, job):
        self.table = table
        self.job = job
        self.timeseries = False  # if key column called 'time' is created
        self.column_names = []

        # Resolution comes in as a time_delta
        resolution = timedelta_total_seconds(job.criteria.resolution)

        default_delta = 1000000000  # one second
        self.delta = int(default_delta * resolution)  # sample size interval
Exemplo n.º 9
    def decompress(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(value))

        if value:
            m = [v for v in self.choices if v[0] == value]
            if len(m) == 1:
                return m[0]
                return [0, '%d min' % (value / 60)]

        return [None, None]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def decompress(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(value))

        if value:
            m = [v for v in self.choices if v[0] == value]
            if len(m) == 1:
                return m[0]
                return [0, '%d min' % (value / 60)]

        return [None, None]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def create(cls, name, template_id, duration,
               resolution='auto', filterexpr=None, **kwargs):
        """ Create a ProfilerTemplateTable.

        This queries a Profiler saved report template rather than creating
        a new report from scratch.

        `template_id` is a saved-report template ID
        `duration` is in minutes or a string like '15min'
        logger.debug('Creating ProfilerTemplateTable table %s (%s) - %s/%s' %
                     (name, template_id, duration, resolution))

        options = TableOptions(template_id=template_id)

        t = Table(name=name, module=__name__, 
                  filterexpr=filterexpr, options=options, **kwargs)

        if resolution != 'auto':
            if isinstance(resolution, int):
                res = resolution
                res = int(timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(resolution)))
            resolution = rvbd.profiler.report.Report.RESOLUTION_MAP[res]

        if isinstance(duration, int):
            duration = "%d min" % duration

        fields_add_device_selection(t, keyword='profiler_device',
                                    label='Profiler', module='profiler',
        fields_add_time_selection(t, initial_duration=duration)
        fields_add_resolution(t, initial=resolution,
                              resolutions=[('auto', 'Automatic'),
                                           '1min', '15min', 'hour', '6hour'],
        return t
Exemplo n.º 12
    def create(cls, shark, interface, name,
        """Create a new capture job"""

        def _calc_size(size, total):
            if isinstance(size, str) and size[-1] == '%':
                size = total * int(size[:-1]) /100
            elif not isinstance(size, (int, long)) and size is not None:
                size = utils.human2bytes(size)
            return size

        stats = shark.get_stats()
        packet_storage_total = stats['storage']['packet_storage']['total']
        index_storage_total = stats['storage']['os_storage']['index_storage']['total']
        packet_retention_size_limit = _calc_size(packet_retention_size_limit, packet_storage_total) if packet_retention_size_limit else None
        stop_rule_size_limit = _calc_size(stop_rule_size_limit, packet_storage_total) if stop_rule_size_limit else None
        indexing_size_limit = _calc_size(indexing_size_limit, index_storage_total) if indexing_size_limit else None

        packet_retention_packet_limit = int(packet_retention_packet_limit) if packet_retention_packet_limit else None
        stop_rule_size_limit = int(stop_rule_size_limit) if stop_rule_size_limit else None
        stop_rule_packet_limit = int(stop_rule_packet_limit) if stop_rule_packet_limit else None
        snap_length = int(snap_length) if snap_length else 65535
        indexing_size_limit = int(indexing_size_limit) if indexing_size_limit else None

        if indexing_time_limit:
            indexing_time_limit = int(timeutils.timedelta_total_seconds(indexing_time_limit))
        if packet_retention_time_limit:
            packet_retention_time_limit = int(timeutils.timedelta_total_seconds(packet_retention_time_limit))
        if stop_rule_time_limit:
            stop_rule_time_limit = int(timeutils.timedelta_total_seconds(stop_rule_time_limit))

        if requested_start_time:
            requested_start_time = requested_start_time.strftime(cls._timefmt)
        if requested_stop_time:
            requested_stop_time = requested_stop_time.strftime(cls._timefmt)

        jobrequest = { 'interface_name': interface.id }

        if name:
            jobrequest['name'] = name
        if packet_retention_size_limit or packet_retention_packet_limit or packet_retention_time_limit:
            jobrequest['packet_retention'] = dict()
            if packet_retention_size_limit:
                jobrequest['packet_retention']['size_limit'] = packet_retention_size_limit
            if packet_retention_packet_limit:
                jobrequest['packet_retention']['packet_limit'] = packet_retention_packet_limit
            if packet_retention_time_limit:
                jobrequest['packet_retention']['time_limit'] = packet_retention_time_limit
        if bpf_filter:
            jobrequest['bpf_filter'] = bpf_filter
        if requested_start_time:
            jobrequest['requested_start_time'] = requested_start_time
        if requested_stop_time:
            jobrequest['requested_stop_time'] = requested_stop_time
        if stop_rule_size_limit or stop_rule_packet_limit or stop_rule_time_limit:
            jobrequest['stop_rule'] = dict()
            if stop_rule_size_limit:
                jobrequest['stop_rule']['size_limit'] = stop_rule_size_limit
            if stop_rule_packet_limit:
                jobrequest['stop_rule']['packet_limit'] = stop_rule_packet_limit
            if stop_rule_time_limit:
                jobrequest['stop_rule']['time_limit'] = stop_rule_time_limit
        if snap_length:
            jobrequest['snap_length'] = int(snap_length)
        if indexing_synced or indexing_size_limit or indexing_time_limit:
            jobrequest['indexing'] = dict()
            if indexing_synced:
                jobrequest['indexing']['synced'] = indexing_synced
            if indexing_size_limit:
                jobrequest['indexing']['size_limit'] = indexing_size_limit
            if indexing_time_limit:
                jobrequest['indexing']['time_limit'] = indexing_time_limit
        if start_immediately:
            jobrequest['start_immediately'] = start_immediately

        job_id = shark.api.jobs.add(jobrequest)

        job = cls(shark, job_id)
        return job
Exemplo n.º 13
    def run(self):
        # All user entered criteria is available directly from this object.
        # Values for any fields added to the table will appear as
        # attributes according to the field keyword.
        criteria = self.job.criteria

        # Check that a sample_device was selected
        if criteria.sample_device == "":
            logger.debug("%s: No sample device selected" % self.table)
            self.job.mark_error("No Sample Device Selected")
            return False
        sample_device = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.sample_device)

        # Get the columns for this report
        columns = self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False)

        sortcol = None
        if self.table.sortcol is not None:
            sortcol = self.table.sortcol.name

        # Time selection is available via criterai.starttime and endtime.
        # These are both datetime objects.
        t0 = criteria.starttime
        t1 = criteria.endtime

        # Time resolution is a timedelta object
        resolution = criteria.resolution

        # Grab the custom min and max criteria
        cmin = float(criteria.min)
        cmax = float(criteria.max)

        # Grab the table options
        beta = self.table.options.beta

        # Now, do some computation -- create table with a 'time' column
        # ranging from t0 to t1 with the defined resolution.  Then
        # for each additional column do some math function on the
        # data

        t = t0
        rows = []
        while t < t1:
            row = []
            for col in columns:
                if col.name == "time":
                    period_td = parse_timedelta(col.options.period)
                    period_secs = timedelta_total_seconds(period_td)
                    alpha = col.options.alpha
                    funcname = col.options.func

                    # seconds since the t0
                    secs = timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0)
                    rad = (secs / period_secs) * 2 * math.pi

                    funcmap = {"sin": math.sin, "cos": math.cos}

                    # Compute!
                    val = beta + alpha * funcmap[funcname](rad)

                    # Clip by the min/max criteria
                    val = max(cmin, val)
                    val = min(cmax, val)

                    # Add the value to the row

            # Add the row

            # This function runs pretty fast, but this shows how to mark
            # progress
            self.job.mark_progress(100 * (timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) / timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)))
            t = t + resolution

        # Save the result in self.data
        self.data = rows
        if self.table.rows > 0:
            self.data = self.data[: self.table.rows]

        logger.info("Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len(self.data)))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
    def run(self):
        # All user entered criteria is available directly from this object.
        # Values for any fields added to the table will appear as
        # attributes according to the field keyword.
        criteria = self.job.criteria

        # Check that a sample_device was selected
        if criteria.sample_device == '':
            logger.debug('%s: No sample device selected' % self.table)
            self.job.mark_error("No Sample Device Selected")
            return False
        sample_device = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.sample_device)

        # Get the columns for this report
        columns = self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False)

        sortcol = None
        if self.table.sortcol is not None:
            sortcol = self.table.sortcol.name

        # Time selection is available via criterai.starttime and endtime.
        # These are both datetime objects.
        t0 = criteria.starttime
        t1 = criteria.endtime

        # Time resolution is a timedelta object
        resolution = criteria.resolution

        # Grab the custom min and max criteria
        cmin = float(criteria.min)
        cmax = float(criteria.max)

        # Grab the table options
        beta = self.table.options.beta

        # Now, do some computation -- create table with a 'time' column
        # ranging from t0 to t1 with the defined resolution.  Then
        # for each additional column do some math function on the
        # data

        t = t0
        rows = []
        while t < t1:
            row = []
            for col in columns:
                if col.name == 'time':
                    period_td = parse_timedelta(col.options.period)
                    period_secs = timedelta_total_seconds(period_td)
                    alpha = col.options.alpha
                    funcname = col.options.func

                    # seconds since the t0
                    secs = timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0)
                    rad = (secs / period_secs) * 2 * math.pi

                    funcmap = {
                        'sin': math.sin,
                        'cos': math.cos,

                    # Compute!
                    val = beta + alpha * funcmap[funcname](rad)

                    # Clip by the min/max criteria
                    val = max(cmin, val)
                    val = min(cmax, val)

                    # Add the value to the row

            # Add the row

            # This function runs pretty fast, but this shows how to mark
            # progress
            self.job.mark_progress(100 * (timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) /
                                          timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)))
            t = t + resolution

        # Save the result in self.data
        self.data = rows
        if self.table.rows > 0:
            self.data = self.data[:self.table.rows]

        logger.info("Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len(self.data)))
        return True
def report_business_hours(query, tables, criteria, params):
    times = tables['times']

    if times is None or len(times) == 0:
        return None

    deptable = Table.objects.get(id=params['table'])

    # Create all the jobs
    batch = BatchJobRunner(query)
    for i, row in times.iterrows():
        t0 = row['starttime']/1000
        t1 = row['endtime']/1000
        sub_criteria = copy.copy(criteria)
        sub_criteria.starttime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t0).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        sub_criteria.endtime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t1).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

        job = Job.create(table=deptable, criteria=sub_criteria)
        logger.debug("Created %s: %s - %s" % (job, t0, t1))

    if len(batch.jobs) == 0:
        return None

    # Run all the Jobs

    # Now collect the data
    total_secs = 0
    df = None
    idx = 0
    for job in batch.jobs:
        if job.status == Job.ERROR:
            raise AnalysisException("%s for %s-%s failed: %s" %
                                    (job, job.criteria.starttime,
        subdf = job.data()
        logger.debug("%s: returned %d rows" %
                     (job, len(subdf) if subdf is not None else 0))
        if subdf is None:

        logger.debug("%s: actual_criteria %s" % (job, job.actual_criteria))
        t0 = job.actual_criteria.starttime
        t1 = job.actual_criteria.endtime
        subdf['__secs__'] = timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)
        total_secs += timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)
        idx += 1
        if df is None:
            df = subdf
            df = df.append(subdf)

    if df is None:
        return None

    keynames = [key.name for key in deptable.get_columns(iskey=True)]
    if 'aggregate' in params:
        ops = params['aggregate']
        for col in deptable.get_columns(iskey=False):
            if col.name not in ops:
                ops[col.name] = 'sum'

        ops = 'sum'

    df = avg_groupby_aggregate(df, keynames, ops, '__secs__', total_secs)

    return df
Exemplo n.º 16
    def run(
        self, template_id, timefilter=None, resolution="auto", query=None, trafficexpr=None, data_filter=None, sync=True
        """Create the report on Profiler and begin running
        the report.  If the `sync` option is True, periodically
        poll until the report is complete, otherwise return

        `template_id` is the numeric id of the template to use for the report

        `timefilter` is the range of time to query, a TimeFilter object
        `resolution` is the data resolution (1min, 15min, etc.), defaults to 'auto'

        `query` is the query object containing criteria

        `trafficexpr` is a TrafficFilter object

        `data_filter` is a deprecated filter to run against report data

        `sync` if True, poll for status until the report is complete

        self.template_id = template_id
        self.custom_columns = False
        if self.template_id != 184:
            # the columns in this report won't match, use custom columns instead
            self.custom_columns = True

        if timefilter is None:
            self.timefilter = TimeFilter.parse_range("last 5 min")
            self.timefilter = timefilter
        self.query = query
        self.trafficexpr = trafficexpr

        self.data_filter = data_filter

        self.id = None
        self.queries = list()
        self.last_status = None

        if resolution not in ["auto", "1min", "15min", "hour", "6hour", "day", "week", "month"]:
            rd = parse_timedelta(resolution)
            resolution = self.RESOLUTION_MAP[int(timedelta_total_seconds(rd))]

        self.resolution = resolution

        start = datetime_to_seconds(self.timefilter.start)
        end = datetime_to_seconds(self.timefilter.end)

        # using a RecursiveUpdateDict
        criteria = RecursiveUpdateDict(**{"time_frame": {"start": int(start), "end": int(end)}})

        if self.query is not None:
            criteria["query"] = self.query

        if self.resolution != "auto":
            criteria["time_frame"]["resolution"] = self.resolution

        if self.data_filter:
            criteria["deprecated"] = {self.data_filter[0]: self.data_filter[1]}

        if self.trafficexpr is not None:
            criteria["traffic_expression"] = self.trafficexpr.filter

        to_post = {"template_id": self.template_id, "criteria": criteria}

        logger.debug("Posting JSON: %s" % to_post)

        response = self.profiler.api.report.reports(data=to_post)

            self.id = int(response["id"])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("failed to retrieve report id from report creation response: %s" % response)

        logger.info("Created report %d" % self.id)

        if sync:
Exemplo n.º 17
    def run(self):
        """ Main execution method. """
        criteria = self.job.criteria

        if criteria.profiler_device == '':
            logger.debug('%s: No profiler device selected' % self.table)
            self.job.mark_error("No Profiler Device Selected")
            return False
        profiler = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.profiler_device)
        report = rvbd.profiler.report.MultiQueryReport(profiler)

        tf = TimeFilter(start=criteria.starttime,

        logger.info("Running ProfilerTemplateTable table %d report "
                    "for timeframe %s" % (self.table.id, str(tf)))

        trafficexpr = TrafficFilter(

        # Incoming criteria.resolution is a timedelta
        logger.debug('Profiler report got criteria resolution %s (%s)' %
                     (criteria.resolution, type(criteria.resolution)))
        if criteria.resolution != 'auto':
            rsecs = int(timedelta_total_seconds(criteria.resolution))
            resolution = rvbd.profiler.report.Report.RESOLUTION_MAP[rsecs]
            resolution = 'auto'
        logger.debug('Profiler report using resolution %s (%s)' %
                     (resolution, type(resolution)))

        with lock:
            res = report.run(template_id=self.table.options.template_id,

        if res is True:
            logger.info("Report template complete.")

        # Retrieve the data
        with lock:
            query = report.get_query_by_index(0)
            data = query.get_data()
            headers = report.get_legend()

            tz = criteria.starttime.tzinfo
            # Update criteria
            criteria.starttime = (datetime.datetime
            criteria.endtime = (datetime.datetime


        # create dataframe with all of the default headers
        df = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=[h.key for h in headers])

        # now filter down to the columns requested by the table
        columns = [col.name for col in self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False)]
        self.data = df[columns]

        if self.table.sortcol is not None:
            self.data = self.data.sort(self.table.sortcol.name)

        if self.table.rows > 0:
            self.data = self.data[:self.table.rows]

        logger.info("Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len(self.data)))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def report_business_hours(query, tables, criteria, params):
    times = tables['times']

    if times is None or len(times) == 0:
        return None

    deptable = Table.objects.get(id=params['table'])

    # Create all the jobs
    batch = BatchJobRunner(query)
    for i, row in times.iterrows():
        t0 = row['starttime'] / 1000
        t1 = row['endtime'] / 1000
        sub_criteria = copy.copy(criteria)
        sub_criteria.starttime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
        sub_criteria.endtime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t1).replace(

        job = Job.create(table=deptable, criteria=sub_criteria)
        logger.debug("Created %s: %s - %s" % (job, t0, t1))

    if len(batch.jobs) == 0:
        return None

    # Run all the Jobs

    # Now collect the data
    total_secs = 0
    df = None
    idx = 0
    for job in batch.jobs:
        if job.status == Job.ERROR:
            raise AnalysisException("%s for %s-%s failed: %s" %
                                    (job, job.criteria.starttime,
                                     job.criteria.endtime, job.message))
        subdf = job.data()
        logger.debug("%s: returned %d rows" %
                     (job, len(subdf) if subdf is not None else 0))
        if subdf is None:

        logger.debug("%s: actual_criteria %s" % (job, job.actual_criteria))
        t0 = job.actual_criteria.starttime
        t1 = job.actual_criteria.endtime
        subdf['__secs__'] = timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)
        total_secs += timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0)
        idx += 1
        if df is None:
            df = subdf
            df = df.append(subdf)

    if df is None:
        return None

    keynames = [key.name for key in deptable.get_columns(iskey=True)]
    if 'aggregate' in params:
        ops = params['aggregate']
        for col in deptable.get_columns(iskey=False):
            if col.name not in ops:
                ops[col.name] = 'sum'

        ops = 'sum'

    df = avg_groupby_aggregate(df, keynames, ops, '__secs__', total_secs)

    return df
Exemplo n.º 19
    def run(self):
        """ Main execution method
        criteria = self.job.criteria

        if criteria.profiler_device == '':
            logger.debug('%s: No profiler device selected' % self.table)
            self.job.mark_error("No Profiler Device Selected")
            return False
        #return True

        profiler = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.profiler_device)
        report = rvbd.profiler.report.SingleQueryReport(profiler)

        columns = [col.name for col in self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False)]

        sortcol = None
        if self.table.sortcol is not None:
            sortcol = self.table.sortcol.name

        tf = TimeFilter(start=criteria.starttime,

        logger.info("Running Profiler table %d report for timeframe %s" %
                    (self.table.id, str(tf)))

        if ('datafilter' in criteria) and (criteria.datafilter is not None):
            datafilter = criteria.datafilter.split(',')
            datafilter = None

        trafficexpr = TrafficFilter(

        # Incoming criteria.resolution is a timedelta
        logger.debug('Profiler report got criteria resolution %s (%s)' %
                     (criteria.resolution, type(criteria.resolution)))
        if criteria.resolution != 'auto':
            rsecs = int(timedelta_total_seconds(criteria.resolution))
            resolution = rvbd.profiler.report.Report.RESOLUTION_MAP[rsecs]
            resolution = 'auto'
        logger.debug('Profiler report using resolution %s (%s)' %
                     (resolution, type(resolution)))

        with lock:

        done = False
        logger.info("Waiting for report to complete")
        while not done:
            with lock:
                s = report.status()

            done = (s['status'] == 'completed')

        # Retrieve the data
        with lock:
            query = report.get_query_by_index(0)
            self.data = query.get_data()

            tz = criteria.starttime.tzinfo
            # Update criteria
            criteria.starttime = (datetime.datetime
            criteria.endtime = (datetime.datetime


        if self.table.rows > 0:
            self.data = self.data[:self.table.rows]

        logger.info("Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len(self.data)))
        return True