Exemplo n.º 1
    async def on_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                               error: Exception) -> None:
        Send message to `ctx` and log `error`.

        Response is matched based on `error` type. If an `original` attr is carried, it will be logged,
        but its message will not propagate to the user.

        In case we do not match `error` to anything, a generic response `FALLBACK` is used as response.
        original_exception = getattr(error, "original", None)
            f"Error handler received exception of type: {type(error)}, original: {type(original_exception)}"

        # This guarantees to always return some string - a fallback is used when no match is found
        response = match_response(error)

        # Use the generic error response generator, which wraps the message in a red embed
        response_embed = msg_error(response)

        # The bot may not be able to respond, e.g. due to permissions - let's be safe
            await ctx.send(embed=response_embed)
        except DiscordException as response_error:
            log.exception("Failed to send response embed",

        # The idea is to only log the full traceback if we've encountered a non-Discord exception
        # This may need to be revisited at some point in the future - maybe we need more information
        if original_exception is not None:
            log.exception("Error handler received non-Discord exception",
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: corona.py Projeto: kwzrd/ryan
    async def cmd_status(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Show info about internal state."""
        if self.country_map is not None:
            embed = msg_success(
                f"There are currently `{len(self.country_map)}` countries in the cache."
            embed = msg_error("Cache is empty, check log for errors.")

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: corona.py Projeto: kwzrd/ryan
    async def cmd_refresh(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Refresh internal state."""
        log.debug("Manually refreshing internal state")
        if await self.refresh():
            resp = msg_success(f"Refreshed successfully! {Emoji.ok_hand}")
            resp = msg_error(
                f"Something has gone wrong, check log for details. {Emoji.weary}"

        await ctx.send(embed=resp)
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def ext_list(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Show a list of all active extensions."""
        active_extensions: t.Mapping[str, types.ModuleType] = self.bot.extensions
        log.debug(f"Active extensions: {active_extensions}")

        if active_extensions:
            readable = "\n".join(f"{i} | {ext_name}" for i, ext_name in enumerate(active_extensions.keys()))
            response = f"Active extensions:\n"f"```{readable}```"
            await ctx.send(embed=msg_success(response))

            await ctx.send(embed=msg_error("No extensions found!"))
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: corona.py Projeto: kwzrd/ryan
    async def cmd_group(self,
                        ctx: commands.Context,
                        name: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        """If no subcommand was invoked, try to match `name` to a country."""
        if None in (name, self.country_map):
            await ctx.invoke(self.cmd_status)

        if (country := self.country_map.lookup(name)) is None:
            await ctx.send(
                embed=msg_error(f"No such country found. {Emoji.frown}"))
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def ext_reload(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, ext_name: str) -> None:
        Attempt to reload extension named `ext_name`.

        This simply delegates to d.py provided utility method, so we do not need to worry
        about much - if anything goes wrong during the reload, d.py will automatically
        fallback on previous state, pretending that nothing happened.

        The bot will report the result in `ctx`.
        log.debug(f"Attempting to reload extension: {ext_name}")
        except Exception as exc:
            log.debug(f"Reload failed: {exc}")
            response = msg_error(f"Reload failed! {exc} {Emoji.angry}")
            response = msg_success(f"Reloaded `{ext_name}` successfully {Emoji.ok_hand}")

        await ctx.send(embed=response)