def storageBackend(script): if len(script.args) <= 1: logger.error( "Storage backend must be specified, either 'swift', 's3', 'noop', or 'disk'" ) sys.exit(1) if script.args[1].lower() == "disk": import disk return disk.Disk(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "noop": import noop return noop.NoOP(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "s3": import s3 if len(script.args) > 2: region = script.args[2] else: region = "us-east-1" return s3.S3(script.options.bucket, script.options.sse_c_key, region, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "swift": import swift return swift.Swift(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) logger.error( "Invalid storage backend, must be 'swift', 's3', 'noop', or 'disk'") sys.exit(1)
def process_reg_data(reg_num, pull=False): s = s3.S3(reg_num) dbh = db.DB() registree_set = dbh.get_registrees(reg_num) fn = build_doc(registree_set, pull) s.upload_pdf_file(fn) print(f"Processed payment details for reg num {registree_set.reg_num}. File: {fn}") pyperclip.copy(f"evince {fn} &")
def __init__( self ): self.__bucketName = '' self.__files = defaultdict( ) self.__userName = '' self.__actionName = '' self.__taskName = '' self.__path = '' self.__nodeID = requests.get( "http://localhost:4001/info" ).json()['Name'] # print("CHECK: ", self.__nodeID ) # Get the reouserce self.s3Obj = s3.S3() self.mqttObj = mqtt.MQTT() self.mqttObj.start() self.updateTopic = "Updates"
def storageBackend(script): if len(script.args) <= 1: logger.error("Storage backend must be specified, either 'swift' or 's3'") sys.exit(1) if script.args[1].lower() == "noop": import noop return noop.NoOP(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "s3": import s3 return s3.S3(script.options.bucket, script.options.keyprefix, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "swift": import swift return swift.Swift(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) logger.error("Invalid storage backend, must be 'swift', 's3', or 'noop'") sys.exit(1)
def storageBackend(script): if len(script.args) <= 1: logger.error( "Storage backend must be specified, either: disk, gcs, noop, s3, or swift" ) sys.exit(1) if script.args[1].lower() == "disk": import disk return disk.Disk(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "noop": import noop return noop.NoOP(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "s3": import s3 s3args = {"region": "us-east-1"} for i in script.args[2:]: fields = i.split("=") if len(fields) > 1: gcsargs[fields[0]] = fields[1] else: gcsargs["region"] = fields[0] return s3.S3(script.options.bucket, s3args["region"], script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "swift": import swift return swift.Swift(script.options.bucket, script.options.noop) if script.args[1].lower() == "gcs": import gcs gcsargs = {"project": "", "region": "us"} for i in script.args[2:]: fields = i.split("=") if len(fields) > 1: gcsargs[fields[0]] = fields[1] else: gcsargs["region"] = fields[0] return gcs.GCS(script.options.bucket, gcsargs["project"], gcsargs["region"], script.options.noop) logger.error( "Invalid storage backend, must be: disk, gcs, noop, s3, or swift") sys.exit(1)
def send_email(reg_num=None, registree_set=None, fn=None): if fn is None: s = s3.S3(reg_num) fn = s.download_pdf_reg_file(reg_num) if reg_num is not None: dbh = db.DB() registree_set = dbh.get_registrees(args.reg_num) elif registree_set is None: raise ValueError( "Either a reg num to look up or a RegistreeSet should be provided" ) emails = "; ".join(set([ for r in registree_set.registrees if])) if emails: pyperclip.copy(emails) print(f"To: addresses copied to clipboard: {emails}") input() pyperclip.copy(BCC) print(f"BCC: addresses copied to clipboard: {BCC}") input() subject = f"Registration for the 2021 MD410 Convention for {registree_set.registree_names}. Registration number: MDC{registree_set.reg_num:003}" pyperclip.copy(subject) print(f"Subject copied to clipboard: {subject}") input() kwds = locals() kwds.update(globals()) body = BODY.format(**kwds) pyperclip.copy(body) print(body) input() pyperclip.copy(fn) print(os.path.abspath(fn)) else: print("No email addresses supplied")
def process_reg_data(reg_num, rebuild=False, pull=False): s = s3.S3(reg_num) dbh = db.DB() if not rebuild: fn = s.download_data_file() registree_set = parse_data_file(fn) payees = dbh.get_2020_payees() print(f"Registrees: {registree_set.registree_names}") print( "Should any of the below payments from 2020 be applied to this registration?" ) for (r, (name, amt)) in payees.items(): print(f"{r:003}: {name}: R{amt}") print() previously_paid = 0 while True: payee_reg = input("Applicable reg num: ") if not payee_reg: break previously_paid += payees[int(payee_reg)][-1] if previously_paid: registree_set.payments = [ db.Payment(date(year=2020, month=5, day=1), previously_paid) ] registree_set.process_payments() dbh.save_registree_set(registree_set) else: registree_set = dbh.get_registrees(reg_num) fn = build_doc(registree_set, pull) s.upload_pdf_file(fn) print( f"{'re' if rebuild else ''}processed reg num {registree_set.reg_num}. File: {fn}" ) pyperclip.copy(f"evince {fn} &")
class ICan: """ Main class of the iCan application that packages the high level logic of the device. Public Methods: checkOrientation() """ # SENSORS lidSensor = lid.Lid() cameraSensor = camera.Camera('/tmp/trash.jpg') # ACTUATORS/OUTPUT lightOutput = light.Light(21) trapdoorOutput = trapdoor.Trapdoor() # CLOUD SERVICES AND APIs storageService = s3.S3() databaseService = database.ICanItems() weatherService = local_weather.LocalWeather() recognitionService = image_recognition.ImageRecognition() predictionService = prediction.Prediction() notificationService = notification.Notification() # How long to wait to be in "steady" state (seconds) WAIT_TIME = 3 # How often readings are taken from the accelerometer (seconds) READING_INTERVAL = 0.2 recentOpenStates = None # Take a photo only after the can was just opened and closed (and in steady state) photoRecentlyTaken = True def __init__(self): # Store recent history of states in tuples (horizontal, vertical) initialState = (False, False) maxLength = int(self.WAIT_TIME / self.READING_INTERVAL) self.recentOpenStates = deque(maxLength * [initialState], maxLength) def checkOrientation(self): """ Checks the current orientation of the lid, take a photo and process it. :return: """ horizontal = self.lidSensor.isHorizontal() vertical = self.lidSensor.isVertical() print 'H: ', horizontal print 'V: ', vertical self.recentOpenStates.append((horizontal, vertical)) if self.isReadyToTakePhoto() and not self.photoRecentlyTaken: print 'Taking photo now . . . ' fileName = self.getFileName() self.cameraSensor.setImagePath(fileName) self.cameraSensor.takePhoto() link = self.uploadPhoto(fileName) identifiers = self.recognitionService.getImageIdentifiers(fileName) targetPrediction = self.predictionService.getTrashPrediction(identifiers) print identifiers print targetPrediction # Fallback in case nothing is recognized in the image by recognition service if len(identifiers) == 0: identifiers = ['trash'] targetPrediction = 'trash' self.saveToDatabase(identifiers, targetPrediction, link) self.respondToPrediction(identifiers, targetPrediction) self.photoRecentlyTaken = True if vertical and not horizontal: # Lid is open self.lightOutput.turnOn() self.photoRecentlyTaken = False else: self.lightOutput.turnOff() def saveToDatabase(self, identifiers, targetPrediction, link): """ Save the record of identification to the database. :param identifiers: List of identifier strings from the image recognition service :param targetPrediction: String prediction from the prediction service :param link: Public URL to the image :return: Response to save request from the database """ return self.databaseService.addRecord({ 'item_name': ", ".join(identifiers), 'recyclable': (targetPrediction == 'recyclable'), 'compostable': (targetPrediction == 'compostable'), 'timestamp': int(time()), 'temperature': self.weatherService.getCurrentTemperature(), 'image': link, 'user_feedback': False, }) def getFileName(self): """ Return the pseudo unique filename of the next photo to be taken. :return: Absolute path to the file as a string """ timestamp = time() name = 'trash_' + str(timestamp) + '.jpg' path = '/tmp/' return path + name def isReadyToTakePhoto(self): """ Return if the iCan is ready to take a photo based on current state and previous states. If the lid as been closed for the entire duration of the waiting period, then it is time to take a photo. :return: Boolean on whether the iCan is ready to take a photo """ # Check if the queue of states shows it has been closed # for the entire waiting period closedState = (True, False) return self.recentOpenStates.count(closedState) == self.recentOpenStates.maxlen def uploadPhoto(self, fileName): """ Upload given file to cloud storage, write the link to a file and return it :param fileName: Absolute path to file :return: URL to the file on cloud storage """ # Write the public link to a local file link = self.storageService.uploadData(fileName) with open('/tmp/photos.txt', 'a') as photosFile: photosFile.write(link + "\n") print 'URL: ' + link return link def respondToPrediction(self, identifiers, targetPrediction): """ React to the prediction by either opening the trapdoor or sending a notification. :param identifiers: List of string identifiers from Image Recognition Service :param targetPrediction: Prediction of 'trash', 'compostable', 'recyclable', etc. from the ML model :type targetPrediction: str """ if targetPrediction == 'trash': print 'Down the hatch!' print 'Waiting . . . ' sleep(2) self.trapdoorOutput.close() else: print 'Sending Notification' identifiersList = ', '.join(identifiers[:3]) message = 'iCan has detected an item that is: ' + identifiersList message = message + "\nCategory " + targetPrediction.upper() self.notificationService.sendNotification(message) def cleanUp(self): """ Clean up any used I/O pins and close any connections if needed. :return: None """ self.trapdoorOutput.cleanUp() self.lightOutput.cleanUp()