def dt_row_cnt(check = (), quiet = True): """ return the rows that are being displayed and the total rows in the dataTable """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser elem = browser.find_element_by_id("list_info") details = elem.text if not quiet: s3_debug(details) words = details.split() start = int(words[1]) end = int(words[3]) length = int(words[5]) filtered = None if len(words) > 10: filtered = int(words[9]) if check != (): if len(check ) == 3: expected = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % check actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % (start, end, length) assert (start, end, length) == check, "Expected result of '%s' doesn't equal '%s'" % (expected, actual) elif len(check) == 4: expected = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries (filtered from %d total entries)" % check if filtered: actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries (filtered from %d total entries)" % (start, end, length, filtered) else: actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % (start, end, length) assert (start, end, length, filtered) == check, "Expected result of '%s' doesn't equal '%s'" % (expected, actual) if len(words) > 10: return (start, end, length, filtered) else: return (start, end, length)
def logout(): """ Logout """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser url = "%s/default/user/login" % config.url browser.get(url) browser.find_element_by_id("auth_menu_email").click() try: elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_menu_logout") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Logged-out already") return True # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: assert 0, "Logout unsuccesful" else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
def logout(): """ Logout """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser url = "%s/default/user/login" % config.url browser.get(url) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_menu_logout") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Logged-out already") return True # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: assert 0, "Logout unsuccesful" else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
def helper_inv_track_send_item(self, user, send_id, data, removed=True): """ Helper method to add a track item to the inv_send with the given send_id by the given user """ try: add_btn = self.browser.find_element_by_id("show-add-btn") if add_btn.is_displayed(): except: pass self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/%s/track_item" % send_id) table = "inv_track_item" result = self.create(table, data, dbcallback = self.dbcallback_getStockLevels) # Get the last record in the before & after # this will give the stock record which has been added to the end by # the getStockLevels callback if removed: qnty = 0 for line in data: if line[0] == "quantity": qnty = float(line[1]) break stock_before = result["before"].records[len(result["before"])-1].quantity stock_after = result["after"].records[len(result["after"])-1].quantity stock_shipped = qnty self.assertTrue( stock_before - stock_after == stock_shipped, "Warehouse stock not properly adjusted, was %s should be %s but is recorded as %s" % (stock_before, stock_after, stock_before - stock_shipped)) s3_debug ("Stock level before %s, stock level after %s" % (stock_before, stock_after)) return result
def recv_shipment(self, user, recv_id, data): """ Helper method that will receive the shipment, adding the totals that arrived It will get the stock in the warehouse before and then after and check that the stock levels have been properly increased """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db rvtable = s3db.inv_recv iitable = s3db.inv_inv_item # First get the site_id query = ( == recv_id) record = db(query).select(rvtable.site_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() site_id = record.site_id # Now get all the inventory items for the site query = (iitable.site_id == site_id) before = db(query).select( self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/recv_process/%s" % recv_id) db.commit() # Close transaction - otherwise we get a cached response query = (iitable.site_id == site_id) after = db(query).select( # Find the differences between the before and the after changes = [] for a_rec in after: found = False for b_rec in before: if == if a_rec.quantity != b_rec.quantity: changes.append((a_rec.item_id, a_rec.item_pack_id, a_rec.quantity - b_rec.quantity)) found = True break if not found: changes.append( (a_rec.item_id, a_rec.item_pack_id, a_rec.quantity)) # changes now contains the list of changed or new records # these should match the records received # first check are the lengths the same? self.assertTrue( len(data) == len(changes), "The number of changed inventory items (%s) doesn't match the number of items received (%s)." % (len(changes), len(data))) for line in data: rec = line["record"] found = False for change in changes: if rec.inv_track_item.item_id == change[0] and \ rec.inv_track_item.item_pack_id == change[1] and \ rec.inv_track_item.quantity == change[2]: found = True break if found: s3_debug("%s accounted for." % line["text"]) else: s3_debug("%s not accounted for." % line["text"])
def dt_filter(search_string=" ", forceClear=True, quiet=True): """ Filter the dataTable """ if forceClear: if not dt_filter(forceClear=False, quiet=quiet): return False config = current.test_config browser = config.browser sleep_limit = 10 elem = browser.find_element_by_css_selector('label > input[type="text"]') elem.clear() elem.send_keys(search_string) time.sleep(1) # give time for the list_processing element to appear waiting_elem = browser.find_element_by_id("list_processing") sleep_time = 0 while (waiting_elem.value_of_css_property("visibility") == "visible"): time.sleep(1) sleep_time += 1 if sleep_time > sleep_limit: if not quiet: s3_debug("DataTable filter didn't respond within %d seconds" % sleep_limit) return False return True
def helper_inv_track_send_item(self, user, send_id, data, removed=True): """ Helper method to add a track item to the inv_send with the given send_id by the given user """ try: add_btn = self.browser.find_element_by_id("show-add-btn") if add_btn.is_displayed(): except: pass self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/%s/track_item" % send_id) table = "inv_track_item" result = self.create(table, data, dbcallback=self.dbcallback_getStockLevels) # Get the last record in the before & after # this will give the stock record which has been added to the end by # the getStockLevels callback if removed: qnty = 0 for line in data: if line[0] == "quantity": qnty = float(line[1]) break stock_before = result["before"].records[len(result["before"]) - 1].quantity stock_after = result["after"].records[len(result["after"]) - 1].quantity stock_shipped = qnty self.assertTrue( stock_before - stock_after == stock_shipped, "Warehouse stock not properly adjusted, was %s should be %s but is recorded as %s" % (stock_before, stock_after, stock_before - stock_shipped), ) s3_debug("Stock level before %s, stock level after %s" % (stock_before, stock_after)) return result
def dt_find(search = "", row = None, column = None, tableID = "list", first = False, ): """ Find the cells where search is found in the dataTable """ # 'todo need to fix the searching on numbers config = current.test_config browser = config.browser # Calculate the rows that need to be navigated along to find the search string colList = [] rowList = [] if row == None: r = 1 while True: tr = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]" % (tableID, r) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(tr) rowList.append(r) r += 1 except: break elif isinstance(row, int): rowList = [row] else: rowList = row # Calculate the columns that need to be navigated down to find the search string if column == None: c = 1 while True: td = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[1]/td[%s]" % (tableID, c) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(td) colList.append(c) c += 1 except: break elif isinstance(column, int): colList = [column] else: colList = column s3_debug("rows %s, columns %s" % (rowList, colList)) # Now try and find a match result = [] for r in rowList: for c in colList: td = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]/td[%s]" % (tableID, r, c) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(td) s3_debug("got %s, needle %s" % (elem.text, search)) if elem.text == search: if first: return (r, c) else: result.append((r, c)) except: pass return result
def dt_links(row=1, tableID="list", quiet=True): """ Returns a list of links in the given row of the dataTable """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser links = [] # loop through each column column = 1 while True: td = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]/td[%s]" % (tableID, row, column) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(td) except: break # loop through looking for links in the cell cnt = 1 while True: link = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]/td[%s]/a[%s]" % (tableID, row, column, cnt) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(link) except: break cnt += 1 if not quiet: s3_debug("%2d) %s" % (column, elem.text)) links.append([column, elem.text]) column += 1 return links
def hrm002(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff & Volunteers").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("New Volunteer").click() w_autocomplete("Rom","hrm_human_resource_organisation","Romanian Food Assistance Association (Test) (RFAAT)",False) driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_first_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_first_name").send_keys("John") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_last_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_last_name").send_keys("Thompson") driver.find_element_by_css_selector("img.ui-datepicker-trigger").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("7").click() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_gender").send_keys("male") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_occupation").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_occupation").send_keys("Social Worker") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_email").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_email").send_keys("*****@*****.**") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_job_title").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_job_title").send_keys("Distributor") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").send_keys("2012-04-17") driver.find_element_by_id("gis_location_L0").send_keys("Romania") driver.find_element_by_id("gis_location_street").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("gis_location_street").send_keys("23 Petru St") driver.find_element_by_id("gis_location_L3_ac").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("gis_location_L3_ac").send_keys("Bucharest") time.sleep(5) driver.find_element_by_id("ui-menu-2-0").click() driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() s3_debug("hrm002 test: Pass")
def dt_links(row = 1, tableID = "list", quiet = True ): """ Returns a list of links in the given row of the dataTable """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser links = [] # loop through each column column = 1 while True: td = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]/td[%s]" % (tableID, row, column) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(td) except: break # loop through looking for links in the cell cnt = 1 while True: link = ".//*[@id='%s']/tbody/tr[%s]/td[%s]/a[%s]" % (tableID, row, column, cnt) try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath(link) except: break cnt += 1 if not quiet: s3_debug("%2d) %s" % (column, elem.text)) links.append([column,elem.text]) column += 1 return links
def dt_filter(search_string=" ", forceClear = True, quiet = True): """ filter the dataTable """ if forceClear: if not dt_filter(forceClear = False, quiet = quiet): return False config = current.test_config browser = config.browser sleep_limit = 10 elem = browser.find_element_by_css_selector('label > input[type="text"]') elem.clear() elem.send_keys(search_string) time.sleep(1) # give time for the list_processing element to appear waiting_elem = browser.find_element_by_id("list_processing") sleep_time = 0 while (waiting_elem.value_of_css_property("visibility") == "visible"): time.sleep(1) sleep_time += 1 if sleep_time > sleep_limit: if not quiet: s3_debug("DataTable filter didn't respond within %d seconds" % sleep_limit) return False return True
def helper_inv_recv_shipment(self, user, recv_id, data): """ Helper method that will receive the shipment, adding the totals that arrived It will get the stock in the warehouse before and then after and check that the stock levels have been properly increased """ s3db = current.s3db db = current.db rvtable = s3db.inv_recv iitable = s3db.inv_inv_item # First get the site_id query = == recv_id record = db(query).select(rvtable.site_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() site_id = record.site_id # Now get all the inventory items for the site query = iitable.site_id == site_id before = db(query).select( self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/recv_process/%s" % recv_id) query = iitable.site_id == site_id after = db(query).select( # Find the differences between the before and the after changes = [] for a_rec in after: found = False for b_rec in before: if == if a_rec.quantity != b_rec.quantity: changes.append((a_rec.item_id, a_rec.item_pack_id, a_rec.quantity - b_rec.quantity)) found = True break if not found: changes.append((a_rec.item_id, a_rec.item_pack_id, a_rec.quantity)) # changes now contains the list of changed or new records # these should match the records received # first check are the lengths the same? self.assertTrue( len(data) == len(changes), "The number of changed inventory items (%s) doesn't match the number of items received (%s)." % (len(changes), len(data)), ) for line in data: rec = line["record"] found = False for change in changes: if ( rec.inv_track_item.item_id == change[0] and rec.inv_track_item.item_pack_id == change[1] and rec.inv_track_item.quantity == change[2] ): found = True break if found: s3_debug("%s accounted for." % line["text"]) else: s3_debug("%s not accounted for." % line["text"])
def helper_inv_send(self, user, data): """ Helper method to add a inv_send record by the given user """ self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/create") table = "inv_send" result = self.create(table, data) s3_debug("WB reference: %s" % self.helper_inv_send_get_ref(result)) return result
def login(account="normal", nexturl=None): """ Login to the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser if isinstance(account,(list,tuple)): email = account[0] password = account[1] if account == "normal": email = "*****@*****.**" password = "******" elif account == "admin": email = "*****@*****.**" password = "******" elif isinstance(account, (tuple,list)) and len(account) == 2: email = account[0] password = account[1] else: raise NotImplementedError # If the user is already logged in no need to do anything so return if browser.page_source.find("<a id=\"auth_menu_email\">%s</a>" % email) > 0: # if the url is different then move to the new url if not browser.current_url.endswith(nexturl): url = "%s/%s" % (config.url, nexturl) browser.get(url) return if nexturl: url = "%s/default/user/login?_next=%s" % (config.url, nexturl) else: url = "%s/default/user/login" % config.url browser.get(url) # Login elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Login')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Login failed.. so registering account") # Try registering register(account) else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
def hrm003(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff & Volunteers").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("New Training Course").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_course_name").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_course_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_course_name").send_keys("Emergency First Aid") driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Home").click() s3_debug("hrm003 test: Pass")
def login(account="normal", nexturl=None): """ Login to the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser data =["auth"] if account in data: email = data[account]["email"] password = data[account]["password"] elif isinstance(account, (tuple, list)): email = account[0] password = account[1] else: raise NotImplementedError # If the user is already logged in no need to do anything so return if browser.page_source != None and \ browser.page_source.find("<a id=\"auth_menu_email\">%s</a>" % email) > 0: # If the URL is different then move to the new URL if not browser.current_url.endswith(nexturl): url = "%s/%s" % (config.url, nexturl) browser.get(url) return if nexturl: url = "%s/default/user/login?_next=/%s/%s" % \ (config.url, current.request.application, nexturl) else: url = "%s/default/user/login" % config.url browser.get(url) # Login elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Login')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Login failed.. so registering account") # Try registering register(account) else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
def dt_row_cnt(check=(), quiet=True, utObj=None): """ return the rows that are being displayed and the total rows in the dataTable """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser elem = browser.find_element_by_id("list_info") details = elem.text if not quiet: s3_debug(details) words = details.split() start = int(words[1]) end = int(words[3]) length = int(words[5]) filtered = None if len(words) > 10: filtered = int(words[9]) if check != (): if len(check) == 3: expected = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % check actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % (start, end, length) msg = "Expected result of '%s' doesn't equal '%s'" % (expected, actual) if utObj != None: utObj.assertEqual((start, end, length) == check, msg) else: assert (start, end, length) == check, msg elif len(check) == 4: expected = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries (filtered from %d total entries)" % check if filtered: actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries (filtered from %d total entries)" % ( start, end, length, filtered) else: actual = "Showing %d to %d of %d entries" % (start, end, length) msg = "Expected result of '%s' doesn't equal '%s'" % (expected, actual) if utObj != None: utObj.assertEqual((start, end, length) == check, msg) else: assert (start, end, length, filtered) == check, msg if len(words) > 10: return (start, end, length, filtered) else: return (start, end, length)
def hrm007(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Warehouse").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("List All").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Open").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff").click() driver.find_element_by_id("select_from_registry").click() w_autocomplete("Fel","hrm_human_resource_person","Felix Ximenes",False) driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() driver.find_element_by_css_selector("span.S3menulogo").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Home").click() s3_debug("hrm007 test: Pass")
def hrm006(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='facility_box']/a[4]/div").click() driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//a[contains(text(),'Open')])[3]").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff").click() driver.find_element_by_id("select_from_registry").click() driver.find_element_by_id("dummy_hrm_human_resource_person_id").clear() w_autocomplete("Corn","hrm_human_resource_person","Cornelio da Cunha",False) driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() driver.find_element_by_css_selector("span.S3menulogo").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Home").click() s3_debug("hrm006 test: Pass")
def register(account="normal"): """ Register on the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser # Load homepage homepage() if account == "normal": first_name = "Test" last_name = "User" email = "*****@*****.**" elif account == "admin": first_name = "Admin" last_name = "User" email = "*****@*****.**" else: raise NotImplementedError password = "******" # Register user elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_first_name") elem.send_keys(first_name) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_last_name") elem.send_keys(last_name) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password_two") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Register')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: assert 0, "Registration unsuccesful" else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True # END =========================================================================
def send(self, user, data): """ @case: INV @description: Functions which runs specific workflows for Inventory tes @TestDoc: @Test Wiki: """ print "\n" """ Helper method to add a inv_send record by the given user """ self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/create") table = "inv_send" result = self.create(table, data) s3_debug("WB reference: %s" % self.send_get_ref(result)) return result
def hrm005(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Organizations").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("List All").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Open").click() driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//a[contains(text(),'Staff & Volunteers')])[2]").click() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_first_name").send_keys("Herculano") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_last_name").send_keys("Hugh") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_date_of_birth").send_keys("1968-10-18") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_gender").send_keys("male") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_email").send_keys("*****@*****.**") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_job_title").send_keys("Staff") driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type="submit"]').click() s3_debug("hrm005 test: Pass")
def helper_inv_send(self, user, data): """ @case: INV @description: Functions which runs specific workflows for Inventory tes @TestDoc: @Test Wiki: """ print "\n" """ Helper method to add a inv_send record by the given user """ self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/create") table = "inv_send" result = self.create(table, data) s3_debug("WB reference: %s" % self.helper_inv_send_get_ref(result)) return result
def register(account="normal"): """ Register on the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser data =["auth"] if account in data: email = data[account]["email"] first_name = data[account]["first_name"] last_name = data[account]["last_name"] password = data[account]["password"] else: raise NotImplementedError # Load homepage homepage() # Register user elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_first_name") elem.send_keys(first_name) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_last_name") elem.send_keys(last_name) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password_two") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Register')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: assert 0, "Registration unsuccesful" else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True # END =========================================================================
def proj001(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser # driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[@href='/eden/project/index']").click() # driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[@href='/eden/project/project/create']").click() #homepage() login() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Projects").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Add New Project").click() driver.find_element_by_name("name").click() # driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_course_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_name("name").send_keys("My Test Project") driver.find_element_by_name("name").submit() # driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() # driver.find_element_by_link_text("Home").click() s3_debug("proj001 test: Pass")
def hrm004(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff & Volunteers").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("New Training Event").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_course_id").send_keys("Emergency First Aid") w_autocomplete("buch","hrm_training_event_site","Bucharest RFAAT Centre (Test) (Office)",False) driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_start_date").send_keys("2012-04-11") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_end_date").send_keys("2012-04-12") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_hours").send_keys("16") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_comments").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_event_comments").send_keys("test") driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() w_autocomplete("Rob","hrm_training_person","Robert James Lemon",False) driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_training_comments").send_keys("test") driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("Home").click() s3_debug("hrm004 test: Pass")
def login(account="normal"): """ Login to the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser url = "%s/default/user/login" % config.url browser.get(url) if account == "normal": email = "*****@*****.**" password = "******" elif account == "admin": email = "*****@*****.**" password = "******" else: raise NotImplementedError # Login elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Login')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Login failed") # Try registering register(account) else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
def staff(): """ Tests for Staff """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser # Logout logout() # Open HRM module url = "%s/hrm" % config.url browser.get(url) # Check no unauthenticated access try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='error']") except NoSuchElementException: if "Staff" in browser.title: assert 0, "HRM accessible to unauthenticated users!" else: raise RuntimeError else: s3_debug(elem.text) # Login login() # Open HRM module browser.get(url) # Check authenticated access if "Staff" not in browser.title: assert 0, "HRM inaccessible to authenticated user!" # Create a Staff member _create()
def hrm001(): config = current.test_config browser = config.browser driver = browser driver.find_element_by_link_text("Staff & Volunteers").click() driver.find_element_by_link_text("New Staff Member").click() w_autocomplete("Rom","hrm_human_resource_organisation","Romanian Food Assistance Association (Test) (RFAAT)",False) driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_first_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_first_name").send_keys("Robert") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_middle_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_middle_name").send_keys("James") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_last_name").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_last_name").send_keys("Lemon") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_date_of_birth").click() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_date_of_birth").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_date_of_birth").send_keys("1980-10-14") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_gender").click() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_gender").send_keys("male") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_occupation").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_occupation").send_keys("Social Worker") driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_email").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("pr_person_email").send_keys("*****@*****.**") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_job_title").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_job_title").send_keys("Social Worker") driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_start_date").send_keys("2012-02-02") driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#hrm_human_resource_start_date__row > td").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_end_date").click() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_end_date").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("hrm_human_resource_end_date").send_keys("2015-03-02") w_autocomplete("Buch","hrm_human_resource_site","Bucharest RFAAT Centre (Test) (Office)",False) driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type=\"submit\"]").click() s3_debug("hrm001 test: Pass")
def confirm_received_shipment(self, user, send_id): """ Helper method to confirm that a shipment has been received outside of the system. This means that the items in the shipment will not be recorded as being at a site but the status of the shipment will be modified. """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db stable = s3db.inv_send ititable = s3db.inv_track_item # Get the current status query = ( == send_id) record = db(query).select(stable.status, limitby=(0, 1)).first() send_status = record.status query = (ititable.send_id == send_id) item_records = db(query).select(ititable.status) # check that the status is correct self.assertTrue(send_status == 2, "Shipment is not status sent") s3_debug("Shipment status is: preparing") for rec in item_records: self.assertTrue(rec.status == 2, "Shipment item is not status sent") s3_debug("Shipment items are all of status: sent") # Now send the shipment on its way self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send/%s?received=True" % send_id) db.commit() # Close transaction - otherwise we get a cached response # Get the current status query = ( == send_id) record = db(query).select(stable.status, limitby=(0, 1)).first() send_status = record.status query = (ititable.send_id == send_id) item_records = db(query).select(ititable.status) # check that the status is correct self.assertTrue(send_status == 1, "Shipment is not status received") s3_debug("Shipment status is: sent") for rec in item_records: self.assertTrue(rec.status == 4, "Shipment item is not status arrived") s3_debug("Shipment items are all of status: arrived")
def send_shipment(self, user, send_id): """ Helper method to send a shipment with id of send_id """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db stable = s3db.inv_send ititable = s3db.inv_track_item # Get the current status query = ( == send_id) record = db(query).select(stable.status, limitby=(0, 1)).first() send_status = record.status query = (ititable.send_id == send_id) item_records = db(query).select(ititable.status) # check that the status is correct self.assertTrue(send_status == 0, "Shipment is not status preparing") s3_debug("Shipment status is: preparing") for rec in item_records: self.assertTrue(rec.status == 1, "Shipment item is not status preparing") s3_debug("Shipment items are all of status: preparing") # Now send the shipment on its way self.login(account=user, nexturl="inv/send_process/%s" % send_id) db.commit() # Close transaction - otherwise we get a cached response # Get the current status query = ( == send_id) record = db(query).select(stable.status, limitby=(0, 1)).first() send_status = record.status query = (ititable.send_id == send_id) item_records = db(query).select(ititable.status) # check that the status is correct self.assertTrue(send_status == 2, "Shipment is not status sent") s3_debug("Shipment status is: sent") for rec in item_records: self.assertTrue(rec.status == 2, "Shipment item is not status sent") s3_debug("Shipment items are all of status: sent")
def login(account="normal"): """ Login to the system """ config = current.test_config browser = config.browser # Load homepage homepage() if account == "normal": email = "*****@*****.**" elif account == "admin": email = "*****@*****.**" else: raise NotImplementedError password = "******" try: elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_menu_email") except NoSuchElementException: pass else: if elem.text == email: s3_debug("Logged-in already") return True else: # Logout of any existing user logout() # Login elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_menu_login") elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_email") elem.send_keys(email) elem = browser.find_element_by_id("auth_user_password") elem.send_keys(password) elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[contains(@value,'Login')]") # Check the result try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") except NoSuchElementException: s3_debug("Login failed") # Try registering register(account) else: s3_debug(elem.text) return True
globals()[args["class"]]) elif args["suite"] == "smoke": # Run Smoke tests try: from tests.smoke import * broken_links = BrokenLinkTest() broken_links.setReportOnly(args["smoke_report"]) broken_links.setDepth(args["link_depth"]) broken_links.setThreshold(args["threshold"]) broken_links.setUser(args["user_password"]) suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(broken_links) except NameError as msg: from s3 import s3_debug s3_debug("%s, unable to run the smoke tests." % msg) pass elif args["suite"] == "roles": # Run Roles tests from tests.roles.test_roles import * suite = test_roles() elif args["suite"] == "complete": # Run all Selenium Tests & Smoke Tests browser = config.browser = active_driver() browser.implicitly_wait(config.timeout) browser_open = True suite = loadAllTests() try: from tests.smoke import *
def __call__(self): """ Main entry point, configuration """ logged_in = current.auth.s3_logged_in() if logged_in: fn = "alert" else: fn = "public" T = current.T s3db = current.s3db request = current.request output = {} # Map ftable = s3db.gis_layer_feature query = (ftable.controller == "cap") & \ (ftable.function == fn) layer = current.db(query).select(ftable.layer_id, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() try: layer_id = layer.layer_id except: from s3 import s3_debug s3_debug("Cannot find Layer for Map") layer_id = None feature_resources = [{"name" : T("Alerts"), "id" : "search_results", "layer_id" : layer_id, "tablename" : "cap_alert", "url" : URL(c="cap", f=fn, extension="geojson"), # We activate in callback after ensuring URL is updated for current filter status "active" : False, }] _map = current.gis.show_map(callback='''''', catalogue_layers=True, collapsed=True, feature_resources=feature_resources, save=False, ) output["_map"] = _map # Filterable List of Alerts # - most recent first resource = s3db.resource("cap_alert") # Don't show Templates resource.add_filter(FS("is_template") == False) if not logged_in: # Only show Public Alerts resource.add_filter(FS("scope") == "Public") # Only show Alerts which haven't expired #resource.add_filter(FS("info.expires") >= request.utcnow) list_id = "cap_alert_datalist" list_fields = ["info.headline", "", "info.description", "info.sender_name", ] # Order with most recent Alert first orderby = "cap_info.expires desc" datalist, numrows, ids = resource.datalist(fields = list_fields, #start = None, limit = 5, list_id = list_id, orderby = orderby, layout = s3db.cap_alert_list_layout ) ajax_url = URL(c="cap", f=fn, args="datalist.dl", vars={"list_id": list_id}) output[list_id] = datalist.html(ajaxurl = ajax_url, pagesize = 5 ) # @ToDo: Options are currently built from the full-set rather than the filtered set filter_widgets = [#S3LocationFilter("location.location_id", # label=T("Location"), # levels=("L0",), # widget="multiselect", # ), S3OptionsFilter("info.event_type_id", label=T("Alert Type"), ), S3DateFilter("info.expires", label = "", #label=T("Expiry Date"), hide_time=True, ), ] filter_form = S3FilterForm(filter_widgets, ajax=True, submit=True, url=ajax_url, ) output["alert_filter_form"] = filter_form.html(resource, request.get_vars, list_id) # Filterable News Feed # - most recent first resource = s3db.resource("cms_post") # Only show News posts (differentiate from e.g. online user guide) resource.add_filter(FS("series_id$name") == "News") list_id = "cms_post_datalist" list_fields = [#"series_id", "location_id", "date", "body", #"created_by", #"created_by$organisation_id", #"document.file", ] # Order with most recent Post first orderby = " desc" datalist, numrows, ids = resource.datalist(fields = list_fields, #start = None, limit = 5, list_id = list_id, orderby = orderby, layout = s3db.cms_post_list_layout ) ajax_url = URL(c="cms", f="post", args="datalist.dl", vars={"list_id": list_id}) output[list_id] = datalist.html(ajaxurl = ajax_url, pagesize = 5 ) #filter_widgets = [#S3LocationFilter("location_id", # # label="", # # levels=("L0",), # # widget="multiselect", # # ), # # @ToDo: Source (Series? Tag?) # #S3OptionsFilter(), # ] #filter_form = S3FilterForm(filter_widgets, # ajax=True, # submit=True, # url=ajax_url, # ) #output["news_filter_form"] = filter_form.html(resource, request.get_vars, list_id) # Title and view output["title"] = current.deployment_settings.get_system_name() self._view(THEME, "index.html") # Custom CSS current.response.s3.stylesheets.append("../themes/SAMBRO/style.css") return output
def test_add_logo(self): """ This will open up an existing organisation and add a logo """ nexturl = "org/organisation/" account = "admin" dataList = [ { "org": "Afghan Red Crescent Society", "logo": "icrc-cl.gif" }, { "org": "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies", "logo": "icrc.gif" }, ] s3db = current.s3db db = current.db table = s3db.org_organisation itable = s3db.pr_image_library browser = self.browser for data in dataList: # Go to the organisation list page self.login(account=account, nexturl=nexturl) # Find the org in the dataTable (filter so only one is displayed) self.dt_filter(data["org"]) # Open the org (the first - and only - by default) self.dt_action() # Add the logo to the org el = browser.find_element_by_id("org_organisation_logo") logo_path = os.path.join(self.config.base_dir, "private", "templates", "regression", data["logo"]) s3_debug("Logo path: %s" % logo_path) el.send_keys(logo_path) # Now get the org id from the url before we save the form url = browser.current_url url_parts = url.split("/") org_id = url_parts[-2] # Submit the Form browser.find_element_by_css_selector( "input[type='submit']").click() # Check & Report the results confirm = True try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='confirmation']") s3_debug(elem.text) except NoSuchElementException: confirm = False self.assertTrue(confirm == True, "Unable to add a logo to %s" % data["org"]) # Need to check that the logo has been added to the table query = ( == org_id) & (table.deleted == "F") record = db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() logo = record.logo self.assertTrue( logo, "The logo is not in the database for %s" % data["org"]) s3_debug("logo file upload with the new file name of %s" % logo) # Check that the extra images are also created query = (itable.original_name == logo) extra_images = db(query).count() self.assertTrue( extra_images == 2, "The expected extra logos were not added to the image library") s3_debug("Two extra logos were created")
def create(self, tablename, data, success = True, dbcallback = None ): """ Generic method to create a record from the data passed in @param tablename: The table where the record belongs @param data: The data that is to be inserted @param success: The expectation that this create will succeed @param dbcallback: Used by getRows to return extra data from the database before & after the create This will return a dictionary of rows before and after the create """ browser = self.browser result = {} id_data = [] table = current.s3db[tablename] # Fill in the Form for details in data: el_id = "%s_%s" % (tablename, details[0]) el_value = details[1] if len(details) == 3: el_type = details[2] if el_type == "option": el = browser.find_element_by_id(el_id) for option in el.find_elements_by_tag_name("option"): if option.text == el_value: raw_value = option.get_attribute("value") try: raw_value = int(raw_value) except: pass break elif el_type == "autocomplete": raw_value = self.w_autocomplete(el_value, el_id, ) elif el_type == "inv_widget": raw_value = self.w_inv_item_select(el_value, tablename, details[0], ) elif el_type == "supply_widget": raw_value = self.w_supply_select(el_value, tablename, details[0], ) elif el_type == "gis_location": self.w_gis_location(el_value, details[0], ) raw_value = None #@ToDp: Fix this statement: #else: # raise "Invalid element type" else: # Normal Input field el = browser.find_element_by_id(el_id) el.send_keys(el_value) raw_value = el_value if raw_value: # Use the raw value to check that the record was added succesfully id_data.append([details[0], raw_value]) result["before"] = self.getRows(table, id_data, dbcallback) # Submit the Form browser.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type='submit']").click() # Check & Report the results confirm = True try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") s3_debug(elem.text) except NoSuchElementException: confirm = False self.assertTrue(confirm == success, "Unexpected create success of %s" % confirm) result["after"] = self.getRows(table, id_data, dbcallback) successMsg = "Record added to database" failMsg = "Record not added to database" if success: self.assertTrue((len(result["after"]) - len(result["before"])) == 1, failMsg) s3_debug(successMsg) else: self.assertTrue((len(result["after"]) == len(result["before"])), successMsg) s3_debug(failMsg) return result
def create(self, tablename, data, success=True, dbcallback=None): """ Generic method to create a record from the data passed in @param tablename: The table where the record belongs @param data: The data that is to be inserted @param success: The expectation that this create will succeed @param dbcallback: Used by getRows to return extra data from the database before & after the create This will return a dictionary of rows before and after the create """ browser = self.browser result = {} id_data = [] table = current.s3db[tablename] # Fill in the Form for details in data: el_id = "%s_%s" % (tablename, details[0]) el_value = details[1] if len(details) == 3: el_type = details[2] if el_type == "option": el = browser.find_element_by_id(el_id) for option in el.find_elements_by_tag_name("option"): if option.text == el_value: raw_value = option.get_attribute("value") try: raw_value = int(raw_value) except: pass break elif el_type == "autocomplete": raw_value = self.w_autocomplete( el_value, el_id, ) elif el_type == "inv_widget": raw_value = self.w_inv_item_select( el_value, tablename, details[0], ) elif el_type == "supply_widget": raw_value = self.w_supply_select( el_value, tablename, details[0], ) elif el_type == "gis_location": self.w_gis_location( el_value, details[0], ) raw_value = None #@ToDp: Fix this statement: #else: # raise "Invalid element type" else: # Normal Input field el = browser.find_element_by_id(el_id) el.send_keys(el_value) raw_value = el_value if raw_value: # Use the raw value to check that the record was added succesfully id_data.append([details[0], raw_value]) result["before"] = self.getRows(table, id_data, dbcallback) # Submit the Form browser.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type='submit']").click() # Check & Report the results confirm = True try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='confirmation']") s3_debug(elem.text) except NoSuchElementException: confirm = False self.assertTrue(confirm == success, "Unexpected create success of %s" % confirm) result["after"] = self.getRows(table, id_data, dbcallback) successMsg = "Record added to database" failMsg = "Record not added to database" if success: self.assertTrue( (len(result["after"]) - len(result["before"])) == 1, failMsg) s3_debug(successMsg) else: self.assertTrue((len(result["after"]) == len(result["before"])), successMsg) s3_debug(failMsg) return result
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(globals()[args["class"]]) elif args["suite"] == "smoke": try: from tests.smoke import * broken_links = BrokenLinkTest() broken_links.setDepth(args["link_depth"]) broken_links.setThreshold(args["threshold"]) broken_links.setUser(args["user_password"]) suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(broken_links) except NameError as msg: from s3 import s3_debug s3_debug("%s, unable to run the smoke tests." % msg) pass elif args["suite"] == "roles": from tests.roles.test_roles import * # suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite = test_roles() # test_role = TestRole() # test_role.set(org = "Org-A", # user = "******", # row_num = 0, # method = "create", # table = "org_organisation",
def __call__(self): """ Main entry point, configuration """ logged_in = current.auth.s3_logged_in() if logged_in: fn = "alert" else: fn = "public" T = current.T s3db = current.s3db request = current.request output = {} # Map ftable = s3db.gis_layer_feature query = (ftable.controller == "cap") & \ (ftable.function == fn) layer = current.db(query).select(ftable.layer_id, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() try: layer_id = layer.layer_id except: from s3 import s3_debug s3_debug("Cannot find Layer for Map") layer_id = None feature_resources = [{"name" : T("Alerts"), "id" : "search_results", "layer_id" : layer_id, "tablename" : "cap_alert", "url" : URL(c="cap", f=fn, extension="geojson"), # We activate in callback after ensuring URL is updated for current filter status "active" : False, }] _map = current.gis.show_map(callback='''''', catalogue_layers=True, collapsed=True, feature_resources=feature_resources, save=False, search=True, toolbar=True, ) output["_map"] = _map # Filterable List of Alerts # - most recent first resource = s3db.resource("cap_alert") # Don't show Templates resource.add_filter(FS("is_template") == False) if not logged_in: # Only show Public Alerts resource.add_filter(FS("scope") == "Public") # Only show Alerts which haven't expired resource.add_filter(FS("info.expires") >= request.utcnow) list_id = "cap_alert_datalist" list_fields = ["msg_type", "info.headline", "", #"info.description", "info.sender_name", "info.priority", "status", "scope", "info.event_type_id", "info.severity", "info.certainty", "info.urgency", "sent", ] # Order with most recent Alert first orderby = "cap_info.expires desc" datalist, numrows, ids = resource.datalist(fields = list_fields, #start = None, limit = None, list_id = list_id, orderby = orderby, layout = s3db.cap_alert_list_layout ) ajax_url = URL(c="cap", f=fn, args="datalist.dl", vars={"list_id": list_id}) output[list_id] = datalist.html(ajaxurl = ajax_url, pagesize = None, ) # @ToDo: Options are currently built from the full-set rather than the filtered set filter_widgets = [#S3LocationFilter("location.location_id", # label=T("Location"), # levels=("L0",), # widget="multiselect", # ), S3OptionsFilter("info.priority", #label=T("Priority"), ), S3OptionsFilter("info.event_type_id", #label=T("Event Type"), ), S3OptionsFilter("scope", #label=T("Scope"), ), S3DateFilter("info.expires", label = "", #label=T("Expiry Date"), hide_time=True, ), ] filter_form = S3FilterForm(filter_widgets, ajax=True, submit=True, url=ajax_url, ) output["alert_filter_form"] = filter_form.html(resource, request.get_vars, list_id) # Filterable News Feed # - most recent first resource = s3db.resource("cms_post") # Only show News posts (differentiate from e.g. online user guide) resource.add_filter(FS("series_id$name") == "News") list_id = "cms_post_datalist" list_fields = [#"series_id", "location_id", "date", "body", #"created_by", #"created_by$organisation_id", #"document.file", ] # Order with most recent Post first orderby = " desc" datalist, numrows, ids = resource.datalist(fields = list_fields, #start = None, limit = 5, list_id = list_id, orderby = orderby, # @ToDo: Custom layout with more button to expand content block layout = s3db.cms_post_list_layout ) ajax_url = URL(c="cms", f="post", args="datalist.dl", vars={"list_id": list_id}) output[list_id] = datalist.html(ajaxurl = ajax_url, pagesize = 5 ) # Truncate body #from s3 import s3_trunk8 #s3_trunk8(lines=8) #filter_widgets = [#S3LocationFilter("location_id", # # label="", # # levels=("L0",), # # widget="multiselect", # # ), # # @ToDo: Source (Series? Tag?) # #S3OptionsFilter(), # ] #filter_form = S3FilterForm(filter_widgets, # ajax=True, # submit=True, # url=ajax_url, # ) #output["news_filter_form"] = filter_form.html(resource, request.get_vars, list_id) # Title and view output["title"] = current.deployment_settings.get_system_name() self._view(THEME, "index.html") s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom CSS s3.stylesheets.append("../themes/SAMBRO/style.css") # Custom JS s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/themes/SAMBRO/js/homepage.js" % request.application) return output
def test_add_logo(self): """ This will open up an existing organisation and add a logo """ nexturl = "org/organisation/" account = "admin" dataList = [ {"org" : "Afghan Red Crescent Society", "logo" : "icrc-cl.gif" }, {"org" : "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies", "logo" : "icrc.gif" }, ] s3db = current.s3db db = current.db table = s3db.org_organisation itable = s3db.pr_image_library browser = self.browser for data in dataList: # Go to the organisation list page self.login(account=account, nexturl=nexturl) # Find the org in the dataTable (filter so only one is displayed) self.dt_filter(data["org"]) # Open the org (the first - and only - by default) self.dt_action() # Add the logo to the org el = browser.find_element_by_id("org_organisation_logo") logo_path = os.path.join(self.config.base_dir, "private", "prepopulate", "regression", data["logo"]) s3_debug("Logo path: %s" % logo_path) el.send_keys(logo_path) # Now get the org id from the url before we save the form url = browser.current_url url_parts = url.split("/") org_id = url_parts[-2] # Submit the Form browser.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type='submit']").click() # Check & Report the results confirm = True try: elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='confirmation']") s3_debug(elem.text) except NoSuchElementException: confirm = False self.assertTrue(confirm == True, "Unable to add a logo to %s" % data["org"]) # Need to check that the logo has been added to the table query = ( == org_id) & (table.deleted == "F") record = db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() logo = record.logo self.assertTrue(logo, "The logo is not in the database for %s" % data["org"]) s3_debug("logo file upload with the new file name of %s" % logo) # Check that the extra images are also created query = (itable.original_name == logo) extra_images = db(query).count() self.assertTrue(extra_images == 2, "The expected extra logos were not added to the image library") s3_debug("Two extra logos were created")