Exemplo n.º 1
def corread(saclist, ipick, timewindow, taperwindow, tapertype):
    """ Read data within timewindow+taperwindow (same length for each trace) for cross-correlation.
    tw = timewindow[1] - timewindow[0]
    taperwidth = taperwindow / (taperwindow + tw)
    reftimes = array([sacdh.gethdr(ipick) for sacdh in saclist])
    if -12345.0 in reftimes:
        print('Not all seismograms has ipick={0:s} set. Exit.'.format(ipick))
    nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, reftimes, timewindow, taperwindow)
    windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
    return windata, reftimes
Exemplo n.º 2
def corread(saclist, ipick, timewindow, taperwindow, tapertype):
	""" Read data within timewindow+taperwindow (same length for each trace) for cross-correlation.
	tw = timewindow[1] - timewindow[0]
	taperwidth = taperwindow/(taperwindow+tw)
	reftimes = array([ sacdh.gethdr(ipick) for sacdh in saclist])
	if -12345.0 in reftimes:
		print ('Not all seismograms has ipick={0:s} set. Exit.'.format(ipick))
	nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, reftimes, timewindow, taperwindow)
	windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
	return windata, reftimes
Exemplo n.º 3
    def plotStack(self):
		Calculate mean stack from all traces and plot it. 
		No taper window is added in.
        saclist = self.saclist
        mm = self.bmax, self.emin
        twplot = axLimit(mm, -0.01)
        twp = twplot[1] - twplot[0]
        taperwindow = 0
        reftimes = [sacdh.reftime for sacdh in saclist]
        nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, reftimes, twplot, taperwindow)
        datacut = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwindow / twp)
        datamean = mean(datacut, 0)
        # copy a sacdh object for stack
        stackdh = copy.copy(saclist[0])
        stackdh.b = twplot[0] - taperwindow * 0.5
        stackdh.npts = len(datamean)
        stackdh.data = datamean
        stackdh.thdrs = [
        ] * 10
        stackdh.filename = 'meanstack.sac'
        self.sstack = SingleSeis(stackdh, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase,
                                 self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew)
        # plot 1-std range from mean stack
        if self.opts.zero_on and self.opts.std_on:
            datastd = std(datacut, 0)
            stda = copy.copy(stackdh)
            stdb = copy.copy(stackdh)
            stda.data = datamean + datastd
            stdb.data = datamean - datastd
            stda.thdrs = [
            ] * 10
            stdb.thdrs = [
            ] * 10
            stda.filename = 'stackstdplus.sac'
            stda.filename = 'stackstdnega.sac'
            self.sstda = SingleSeis(stda, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase,
                                    self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew / 2.)
            self.sstdb = SingleSeis(stdb, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase,
                                    self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew / 2.)
            self.stdfill = self.axss.fill_between(self.sstack.time,
Exemplo n.º 4
	def plotStack(self):
		Calculate mean stack from all traces and plot it. 
		No taper window is added in.
		saclist = self.saclist
		mm = self.bmax, self.emin
		twplot = axLimit(mm, -0.01)
		twp = twplot[1] - twplot[0]
		taperwindow = 0
		reftimes = [ sacdh.reftime for sacdh in saclist ]
		nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, reftimes, twplot, taperwindow)
		datacut = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwindow/twp)
		datamean = mean(datacut, 0)
		# copy a sacdh object for stack
		stackdh = copy.copy(saclist[0])
		stackdh.b = twplot[0] - taperwindow*0.5
		stackdh.npts = len(datamean)
		stackdh.data = datamean
		stackdh.thdrs = [0.,]*10
		stackdh.filename = 'meanstack.sac'
		self.sstack = SingleSeis(stackdh, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase, self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew)
		# plot 1-std range from mean stack
		if self.opts.zero_on and self.opts.std_on:
			datastd = std(datacut, 0)
			stda = copy.copy(stackdh)
			stdb = copy.copy(stackdh)
			stda.data = datamean + datastd
			stdb.data = datamean - datastd
			stda.thdrs = [0,]*10
			stdb.thdrs = [0,]*10
			stda.filename = 'stackstdplus.sac'
			stda.filename = 'stackstdnega.sac'
			self.sstda = SingleSeis(stda, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase, self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew/2.)
			self.sstdb = SingleSeis(stdb, self.opts, self.axss, self.stackbase, self.stackcolor, self.stacklinew/2.)
			self.stdfill = self.axss.fill_between(self.sstack.time, stda.data, stdb.data, color=self.stackcolor, alpha=.25)
Exemplo n.º 5
def ccWeightStack(saclist, opts):
	Align seismograms by the iterative cross-correlation and stack algorithm.

	opts.delta : sample time interval
	opts.ccpara : a class instance for ICCS parameters 
		* qqhdrs : SAC headers to save quality factors: ccc, snr, coh
		* maxiter :	maximum number of iteration
		* converg :	convergence critrion
		* cchdrs : inputand output picks of cross-correlation
		* twcorr : time window for cross-correlation
    ccpara = opts.ccpara
    delta = opts.delta
    maxiter = ccpara.maxiter
    convtype = ccpara.convtype
    convepsi = ccpara.convepsi
    taperwidth = ccpara.taperwidth
    tapertype = ccpara.tapertype
    xcorr = ccpara.xcorr
    shift = ccpara.shift
    twhdrs = ccpara.twhdrs
    qqhdrs = ccpara.qheaders
    cchdrs = ccpara.cchdrs
    twcorr = ccpara.twcorr
    hdrccc, hdrsnr, hdrcoh, = qqhdrs[:3]
    cchdr0, cchdr1 = cchdrs
    if convtype == 'coef':
        convergence = coConverg
    elif convtype == 'resi':
        convergence = reConverg
        print('Unknown convergence criterion: {:s}. Exit.'.format(convtype))

    out = '\n--> Run ICCS at window [{0:5.1f}, {1:5.1f}] wrt {2:s}. Write to header: {3:s}'
    print(out.format(twcorr[0], twcorr[1], cchdr0, cchdr1))
    print('    Convergence criterion: {:s}'.format(convtype))
    if ccpara.stackwgt == 'coef':
        wgtcoef = True
        wgtcoef = False
    taperwindow = taperWindow(twcorr, taperwidth)
    # get initial time picks
    tinis = array([sacdh.gethdr(cchdr0) for sacdh in saclist])
    tfins = tinis.copy()
    nseis = len(saclist)
    ccc = zeros(nseis)
    snr = zeros(nseis)
    coh = zeros(nseis)
    wgts = ones(nseis)
    stkdata = []
    for it in list(range(maxiter)):
        # recut data and update array stack
        nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, tfins, twcorr, taperwindow)
        windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
        sdata = normWeightStack(windata, wgts, taperwidth, tapertype)
        if it == 0:
            print('=== Iteration {0:d} : epsilon'.format(it))
            conv = convergence(stkdata[it], stkdata[it - 1])
            print('=== Iteration {0:d} : {1:8.6f}'.format(it, conv))
            if conv <= convepsi:
                print('Array stack converged... Done. Mean corrcoef={0:.3f}'.
        # Find time lag at peak correlation between each trace and the array stack.
        # Calculate cross correlation coefficient, signal/noise ratio and temporal coherence
        sdatanorm = sdata / LA.norm(sdata)
        for i in list(range(nseis)):
            datai = windata[i]
            delay, ccmax, ccpol = corrmax(sdata, datai, delta, xcorr, shift)
            tfins[i] += delay
            sacdh = saclist[i]
            sacdh.sethdr(cchdr1, tfins[i])
            if wgtcoef:  # update weight only when stackwgt == coef
                wgts[i] = ccpol * ccmax
            ccc[i] = ccmax
            sacdh.sethdr(hdrccc, ccc[i])
            snr[i] = snratio(datai, delta, twcorr)
            sacdh.sethdr(hdrsnr, snr[i])
            coh[i] = coherence(datai * ccpol, sdatanorm)
            sacdh.sethdr(hdrcoh, coh[i])
    # get maximum time window for plot (excluding taperwindow)
    bb, ee = [], []
    for i in list(range(nseis)):
        sacdh = saclist[i]
        b = sacdh.b - tfins[i]
        e = b + (sacdh.npts - 1) * delta
        bb.append(b + delta)
        ee.append(e - delta)
    b = max(bb)
    e = min(ee)
    d = (e - b) * taperwidth / 2
    twplot = [b + d, e - d]
    # calculate final stack at twplot, save to a sacdh object: stkdh
    # set time picks of stkdh as mean of tinis and tfins
    taperwindow = taperWindow(twplot, taperwidth)
    nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, tfins, twplot, taperwindow)
    windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
    sdata = normWeightStack(windata, wgts, taperwidth, tapertype)
    tinimean = mean(tinis)
    tfinmean = mean(tfins)
    stkdh = copy.copy(saclist[0])
    stkdh.thdrs = [
    ] * 10
    stkdh.users = [
    ] * 10
    stkdh.kusers = [
        '-12345  ',
    ] * 3
    stkdh.b = twplot[0] - taperwindow * 0.5 + tfinmean
    stkdh.npts = len(sdata)
    stkdh.data = sdata
    stkdh.sethdr(cchdr0, tinimean)
    stkdh.sethdr(cchdr1, tfinmean)
    stkdh.knetwk = 'Array   '
    stkdh.kstnm = 'Stack   '
    stkdh.netsta = 'Array.Stack'
    stkdh.gcarc = -1
    stkdh.dist = -1
    stkdh.baz = -1
    stkdh.az = -1
    # set time window
    stkdh.sethdr(twhdrs[0], twcorr[0] + tfinmean)
    stkdh.sethdr(twhdrs[1], twcorr[1] + tfinmean)
    if opts.fstack is None:
        stkdh.filename = ccpara.fstack
        stkdh.filename = opts.fstack
    for sacdh, tfin in zip(saclist, tfins):
        sacdh.sethdr(twhdrs[0], tfin + twcorr[0])
        sacdh.sethdr(twhdrs[1], tfin + twcorr[1])
    quas = array([ccc, snr, coh])
    return stkdh, stkdata, quas
Exemplo n.º 6
def ccWeightStack(saclist, opts):
	Align seismograms by the iterative cross-correlation and stack algorithm.

	opts.delta : sample time interval
	opts.ccpara : a class instance for ICCS parameters 
		* qqhdrs : SAC headers to save quality factors: ccc, snr, coh
		* maxiter :	maximum number of iteration
		* converg :	convergence critrion
		* cchdrs : inputand output picks of cross-correlation
		* twcorr : time window for cross-correlation
	ccpara = opts.ccpara
	delta = opts.delta
	maxiter = ccpara.maxiter
	convtype = ccpara.convtype
	convepsi = ccpara.convepsi
	taperwidth = ccpara.taperwidth
	tapertype = ccpara.tapertype
	xcorr = ccpara.xcorr
	shift = ccpara.shift
	twhdrs = ccpara.twhdrs
	qqhdrs = ccpara.qheaders
	cchdrs = ccpara.cchdrs
	twcorr = ccpara.twcorr
	hdrccc, hdrsnr, hdrcoh, = qqhdrs[:3]
	cchdr0, cchdr1 = cchdrs
	if convtype == 'coef':
		convergence = coConverg
	elif convtype == 'resi':
		convergence = reConverg
		print('Unknown convergence criterion: {:s}. Exit.'.format(convtype))
	out = '\n--> Run ICCS at window [{0:5.1f}, {1:5.1f}] wrt {2:s}. Write to header: {3:s}'
	print(out.format(twcorr[0], twcorr[1], cchdr0, cchdr1))
	print('    Convergence criterion: {:s}'.format(convtype))
	if ccpara.stackwgt == 'coef':
		wgtcoef = True
		wgtcoef = False
	taperwindow = taperWindow(twcorr, taperwidth)
	# get initial time picks
	tinis = array([ sacdh.gethdr(cchdr0) for sacdh in saclist])
	tfins = tinis.copy()
	nseis = len(saclist)
	ccc = zeros(nseis)
	snr = zeros(nseis)
	coh = zeros(nseis)
	wgts = ones(nseis)
	stkdata = []
	for it in range(maxiter):
		# recut data and update array stack
		nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, tfins, twcorr, taperwindow)
		windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
		sdata = normWeightStack(windata, wgts, taperwidth, tapertype)
		if it == 0:
			print ('=== Iteration {0:d} : epsilon'.format(it))
			conv = convergence(stkdata[it], stkdata[it-1])
			print ('=== Iteration {0:d} : {1:8.6f}'.format(it, conv))
			if conv <= convepsi:
				print ('Array stack converged... Done. Mean corrcoef={0:.3f}'.format(mean(ccc)))
		# Find time lag at peak correlation between each trace and the array stack.
		# Calculate cross correlation coefficient, signal/noise ratio and temporal coherence
		sdatanorm = sdata/l2norm(sdata)
		for i in range(nseis):
			datai = windata[i]
			delay, ccmax, ccpol = corrmax(sdata, datai, delta, xcorr, shift)
			tfins[i] += delay
			sacdh = saclist[i]
			sacdh.sethdr(cchdr1, tfins[i])
			if wgtcoef:	# update weight only when stackwgt == coef
				wgts[i] = ccpol * ccmax
			ccc[i] = ccmax
			sacdh.sethdr(hdrccc, ccc[i])
			snr[i] = snratio(datai, delta, twcorr)
			sacdh.sethdr(hdrsnr, snr[i])
			coh[i] = coherence(datai*ccpol, sdatanorm)
			sacdh.sethdr(hdrcoh, coh[i])
	# get maximum time window for plot (excluding taperwindow)
	bb, ee = [], []
	for i in range(nseis):
		sacdh = saclist[i]
		b = sacdh.b - tfins[i]
		e = b + (sacdh.npts-1)* delta
	b = max(bb)
	e = min(ee)
	d = (e-b)*taperwidth/2
	twplot = [b+d, e-d]
	# calculate final stack at twplot, save to a sacdh object: stkdh
	# set time picks of stkdh as mean of tinis and tfins
	taperwindow = taperWindow(twplot, taperwidth)
	nstart, ntotal = windowIndex(saclist, tfins, twplot, taperwindow)
	windata = windowData(saclist, nstart, ntotal, taperwidth, tapertype)
	sdata = normWeightStack(windata, wgts, taperwidth, tapertype)
	tinimean = mean(tinis)
	tfinmean = mean(tfins)
	stkdh = copy.copy(saclist[0])
	stkdh.thdrs = [-12345.,] * 10
	stkdh.users = [-12345.,] * 10
	stkdh.kusers = ['-12345  ',] * 3
	stkdh.b = twplot[0] - taperwindow*0.5 + tfinmean
	stkdh.npts = len(sdata)
	stkdh.data = sdata
	stkdh.sethdr(cchdr0, tinimean)
	stkdh.sethdr(cchdr1, tfinmean)
	stkdh.knetwk = 'Array   '
	stkdh.kstnm = 'Stack   '
	stkdh.netsta = 'Array.Stack'
	stkdh.gcarc = -1
	stkdh.dist = -1
	stkdh.baz = -1
	stkdh.az = -1
	# set time window
	stkdh.sethdr(twhdrs[0], twcorr[0]+tfinmean)
	stkdh.sethdr(twhdrs[1], twcorr[1]+tfinmean)
	if opts.fstack is None:
		stkdh.filename = ccpara.fstack
		stkdh.filename = opts.fstack
	for sacdh, tfin in zip(saclist, tfins):
		sacdh.sethdr(twhdrs[0], tfin+twcorr[0])
		sacdh.sethdr(twhdrs[1], tfin+twcorr[1])
	quas = array([ ccc, snr, coh ])
	return stkdh, stkdata, quas