Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_geometry(self, copy=False, as_geometry_objects=False):
        """Return geometry for vector layer.

        Depending on the feature type, geometry is

        =============   ===========
        geometry type   output type
        =============   ===========
        point           list of 2x1 array of longitudes and latitudes)
        line            list of arrays of coordinates
        polygon         list of arrays of coordinates
        =============   ===========

        Optional boolean argument as_geometry_objects will change the return
        value to a list of geometry objects rather than a list of arrays.
        This currently only applies to polygon geometries

        if copy:
            geometry = copy_module.deepcopy(self.geometry)
            geometry = self.geometry

        if self.is_polygon_data:
            if not as_geometry_objects:
                geometry = [p.outer_ring for p in geometry]
            if as_geometry_objects:
                msg = ('Argument as_geometry_objects can currently '
                       'be True only for polygon data')
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        return geometry
Exemplo n.º 2
def interpolate_polygon_vector(source,
    """Interpolate from polygon vector layer to vector data

        * source: Vector data set (polygon)
        * target: Vector data set (points or polygons)  - TBA also lines
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.
        * attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of source is used

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values interpolated
           from source

        If target geometry is polygon, data will be interpolated to
        its centroids and the output is a point data set.

    # Input checks

    if target.is_point_data:
        R = interpolate_polygon_points(source,
    elif target.is_line_data:
        R = interpolate_polygon_lines(source,
    elif target.is_polygon_data:
        # Use polygon centroids
        X = convert_polygons_to_centroids(target)
        P = interpolate_polygon_points(source,

        # In case of polygon data, restore the polygon geometry
        # Do this setting the geometry of the returned set to
        # that of the original polygon
        R = Vector(data=P.get_data(),
        msg = ('Unknown datatype for polygon2vector interpolation: '
               'I got %s' % str(target))
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    # Return interpolated vector layer
    return R
Exemplo n.º 3
def interpolate_raster_vector(source,
    """Interpolate from raster layer to vector data

        * source: Raster data set (grid)
        * target: Vector data set (points or polygons)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of V is used for the returned layer.
        * attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of R is used

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values
           interpolated from source

    Note: If target geometry is polygon, data will be interpolated to
    its centroids and the output is a point data set.

    # Input checks

    if target.is_point_data:
        # Interpolate from raster to point data
        R = interpolate_raster_vector_points(source,
    # elif target.is_line_data:
    # TBA - issue https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/36
    elif target.is_polygon_data:
        # Use centroids, in case of polygons
        P = convert_polygons_to_centroids(target)
        R = interpolate_raster_vector_points(source,
        # In case of polygon data, restore the polygon geometry
        # Do this setting the geometry of the returned set to
        # that of the original polygon
        R = Vector(data=R.get_data(),
        msg = ('Unknown datatype for raster2vector interpolation: '
               'I got %s' % str(target))
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    # Return interpolated vector layer
    return R
Exemplo n.º 4
def interpolate_raster_vector_points(source,
    """Interpolate from raster layer to point data

        * source: Raster data set (grid)
        * target: Vector data set (points)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.
        * attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of layer source is used
        * mode: 'linear' or 'constant' - determines whether interpolation
              from grid to points should be bilinear or piecewise constant

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values
           interpolated from source


    msg = ('There are no data points to interpolate to. Perhaps zoom out '
           'and try again')
    verify(len(target) > 0, msg)

    # Input checks

    # Get raster data and corresponding x and y axes
    A = source.get_data(nan=True)
    longitudes, latitudes = source.get_geometry()
    verify(len(longitudes) == A.shape[1])
    verify(len(latitudes) == A.shape[0])

    # Get vector point geometry as Nx2 array
    coordinates = numpy.array(target.get_geometry(), dtype='d', copy=False)
    # Get original attributes
    attributes = target.get_data()

    # Create new attribute and interpolate
        values = interpolate_raster(longitudes,
    except (BoundsError, InaSAFEError), e:
        msg = (tr('Could not interpolate from raster layer %(raster)s to '
                  'vector layer %(vector)s. Error message: %(error)s') % {
                      'raster': source.get_name(),
                      'vector': target.get_name(),
                      'error': str(e)
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_extrema(self, attribute=None):
        """Get min and max values from specified attribute

        Return min, max
        if attribute is None:
            msg = ('Valid attribute name must be specified in get_extrema '
                   'for vector layers. I got None.')
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        x = self.get_data(attribute)
        return min(x), max(x)
Exemplo n.º 6
def interpolate_raster_raster(source, target):
    """Check for alignment and returns target layer as is

    if source.get_geotransform() != target.get_geotransform():
        msg = ('Intergrid interpolation not implemented here. '
               'Make sure rasters are aligned and sampled to '
               'the same resolution')
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)
        # Rasters are aligned, no need to interpolate
        return target
Exemplo n.º 7
def in_and_outside_polygon(points,
    """Separate a list of points into two sets inside and outside a polygon

    :param points: (tuple, list or array) of coordinates

    :param polygon: list or Nx2 array of polygon vertices

    :param closed: Set to True if points on boundary are considered
      to be 'inside' polygon

    :param holes: list of polygons representing holes. Points inside either of
      these are considered outside polygon

    :param check_input: Allows faster execution if set to False

      inside: Indices of points inside the polygon

      outside: Indices of points outside the polygon

    See separate_points_by_polygon for more documentation

    # Get separation by outer_ring
    inside, outside = separate_points_by_polygon(points,

    # Take care of holes
    if holes is not None:
        msg = ('Argument holes must be a list of polygons, '
               'I got %s' % holes)
        if not isinstance(holes, list):
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        for hole in holes:
            in_hole, out_hole = separate_points_by_polygon(points[inside],
                                                           closed=not closed,

            in_hole = inside[in_hole]  # Inside hole
            inside = inside[out_hole]  # Inside outer_ring but outside hole

            # Add holde indices to outside
            outside = numpy.concatenate((outside, in_hole))

    return inside, outside
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_inputs(x, y, Z, points, mode, bounds_error):
    """Check inputs for interpolate2d function

    msg = ('Only mode "linear" and "constant" are implemented. '
           'I got "%s"' % mode)
    if mode not in ['linear', 'constant']:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    x = numpy.array(x)

        y = numpy.array(y)
    except Exception, e:
        msg = ('Input vector y could not be converted to numpy array: '
               '%s' % str(e))
        raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
def validate_mode(mode):
    """Validate that the mode is an allowable value.

    :param mode: Determines the interpolation order.
        Options are:

            * 'constant' - piecewise constant nearest neighbour interpolation
            * 'linear' - bilinear interpolation using the two nearest \
              neighbours (default)
    :type mode: str

    :raises: InaSAFEError

    msg = ('Only mode "linear" and "constant" are implemented. I got "%s"' %
    if mode not in ['linear', 'constant']:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_extrema(self, attribute=None):
        """Get min and max values from specified attribute

        :param attribute: Specify an attribute name of which to return data.
        :type attribute: str

        :raises: InaSAFEError

        :returns: minimum and maximum attribute values
        if attribute is None:
            msg = ('Valid attribute name must be specified in get_extrema '
                   'for vector layers. I got None.')
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        x = self.get_data(attribute)
        return min(x), max(x)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_resolution(self, isotropic=False, native=False):
        """Get raster resolution as a 2-tuple (resx, resy)

            * isotropic: If True, verify that dx == dy and return dx
                         If False return 2-tuple (dx, dy)
            * native: Optional flag. If True, return native resolution if
                                     available. Otherwise return actual.

        # Get actual resolution first
            res = geotransform_to_resolution(self.geotransform,
        except Exception, e:
            msg = ('Resolution for layer %s could not be obtained: %s ' %
                   (self.get_name(), str(e)))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 12
def check_geotransform(geotransform):
    """Check that geotransform is valid

        * geotransform: GDAL geotransform (6-tuple).
        (top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation,
        top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution).
        See e.g. http://www.gdal.org/gdal_tutorial.html

       This assumes that the spatial reference uses geographic coordinaties,
       so will not work for projected coordinate systems.

    msg = ('Supplied geotransform must be a tuple with '
           '6 numbers. I got %s' % str(geotransform))
    verify(len(geotransform) == 6, msg)

    for x in geotransform:
        except TypeError:
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    # Check longitude
    msg = ('Element in 0 (first) geotransform must be a valid '
           'longitude. I got %s' % geotransform[0])
    verify(-180 <= geotransform[0] <= 180, msg)

    # Check latitude
    msg = ('Element 3 (fourth) in geotransform must be a valid '
           'latitude. I got %s' % geotransform[3])
    verify(-90 <= geotransform[3] <= 90, msg)

    # Check cell size
    msg = ('Element 1 (second) in geotransform must be a positive '
           'number. I got %s' % geotransform[1])
    verify(geotransform[1] > 0, msg)

    msg = ('Element 5 (sixth) in geotransform must be a negative '
           'number. I got %s' % geotransform[1])
    verify(geotransform[5] < 0, msg)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_resolution(self, isotropic=False, native=False,
                       rtol=1.0e-4, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Get raster resolution as a 2-tuple (resx, resy)

            * isotropic: If True, verify that dx == dy and return dx
                         If False return 2-tuple (dx, dy)
            * native: Optional flag. If True, return native resolution if
                                     available. Otherwise return actual.
            * rtol, atol: Tolerances as to how much difference is accepted
                          between dx and dy if isotropic is True.

        # Get actual resolution first
            res = geotransform2resolution(self.geotransform,
                                          rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = ('Resolution for layer %s could not be obtained: %s '
                   % (self.get_name(), str(e)))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 14
def assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(hazard,
    """Assign hazard values to exposure data.

    This is the high level wrapper around interpolation functions for
    different combinations of data types.

    :param hazard: Layer representing the hazard levels

    :param exposure: Layer representing the exposure data

    :param layer_name: Optional name of returned layer. If None (default)
        the name of the exposure layer is used for the returned layer.

    :param attribute_name:
        If hazard layer is of type raster, this will be the name for new
        attribute in the result containing the hazard level.

        If None (default) the name of hazard layer is used.

        If hazard layer is polygon and exposure layer raster, this will be
        the name of the new attribute containing the raster value at each

        If hazard and exposure layers are both of type vector, this attribute
        is ignored.

        If hazard and exposure layers are both of type raster, this attribute
        is ignored.

    :param mode: Interpolation mode for raster to point interpolation only.
        Permissible values are 'linear' (default) which will employ billinear
        interpolation and 'constant' which will employ a piecewise constant
        interpolation. This parameter is passed all the way down to the
        underlying interpolation function interpolate2d (module

    :returns: Layer representing the exposure data with hazard levels assigned.

    :raises: Underlying exceptions are propagated

            Admissible combinations of input layer types are

            Admissible combinations of input layer types are::

                Exposure         Raster    Polygon    Line    Point
                Polygon          Y          Y          Y        Y
                Raster           Y          Y          Y        Y

        with the following methodologies used:

          Polygon-Point: Clip points to polygon and assign polygon attributes
            to them.

          Polygon-Line: * Not Implemented *

          Polygon-Polygon: * Not Implemented *

          Polygon-Raster: Convert raster to points, clip to polygon,
            assign values and return point data

          Raster-Point: Bilinear (or constant) interpolation as currently

          Raster-Line: * Not Implemented *

          Raster-Polygon:  Calculate centroids and use Raster - Point algorithm

          Raster-Raster:   Exposure raster is returned as is

        The data type of the resulting layer depends on the combination of
        input types as follows:

          Polygon-Point: Point data

          Polygon-Line: N/A

          Polygon-Polygon: N/A

          Polygon-Raster: Point data

          Raster-Point: Point data

          Raster-Line: N/A

          Raster-Polygon: Polygon data

          Raster-Raster: Raster data


    # Make sure attribute name can be stored in a shapefile
    if attribute_name is not None and len(attribute_name) > 10:
        msg = ('Specified attribute name "%s"\
         has length = %i. '
               'To fit into a shapefile it must be at most 10 characters '
               'long. How about naming it "%s"?' %
               (attribute_name, len(attribute_name), attribute_name[:10]))
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    layer_name, attribute_name = check_inputs(hazard, exposure, layer_name,
    # Raster-Vector
    if hazard.is_raster and exposure.is_vector:
        return interpolate_raster_vector(hazard,
    # Raster-Raster
    elif hazard.is_raster and exposure.is_raster:
        return interpolate_raster_raster(hazard, exposure)

    # Vector-Vector
    elif hazard.is_vector and exposure.is_vector:
        return interpolate_polygon_vector(hazard,

    # Vector-Raster (returns tuple)
    # (interpolated_layer, covered exposure layer)
    elif hazard.is_vector and exposure.is_raster:
        return interpolate_polygon_raster(hazard,
    # Unknown
        msg = ('Unknown combination of types for hazard and exposure data. '
               'hazard: %s, exposure: %s' % (str(hazard), str(exposure)))
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano population evacuation

        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain where two layers
            should be present.

            * my_hazard: Vector polygon layer of volcano impact zones
            * my_exposure: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as

        Counts number of people exposed to volcano event.

        :returns: Map of population exposed to the volcano hazard zone.
            The returned dict will include a table with number of people
            evacuated and supplies required.
        :rtype: dict

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano KRB
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s with '
               'layer type %s' %
               (my_hazard.get_name(), my_hazard.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distance [km]']

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            my_hazard = make_circular_polygon(centers,

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard,

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(my_exposure.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        total = round_thousand(total)

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name
            # prevent key error
            pop = int(categories.get(key, 0))

            pop = round_thousand(pop)

            cum += pop
            cum = round_thousand(cum)

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        tot_needs = evacuated_population_weekly_needs(evacuated)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                tr('People needing evacuation'),
                '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
                 tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')], header=True)

        for name in category_names:

                tr('Map shows population affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
            TableRow([tr('Needs per week'),
                      tr('Total'), blank_cell],
            [tr('Rice [kg]'),
             format_int(tot_needs['rice']), blank_cell],
                tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
                format_int(tot_needs['drinking_water']), blank_cell
                tr('Clean Water [l]'),
                format_int(tot_needs['water']), blank_cell
                tr('Family Kits'),
                format_int(tot_needs['family_kits']), blank_cell
            ], [tr('Toilets'),
                format_int(tot_needs['toilets']), blank_cell]
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total population %s in the exposure layer') %
            tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
               'volcanic hazard zones.')

        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # check for zero impact
        if numpy.nanmax(population_counts) == 0 == numpy.nanmin(
            table_body = [
                    tr('People needing evacuation'),
                    '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(population_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by  %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(people)')
        legend_title = tr('Population count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'target_field': self.target_field,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                       'legend_units': legend_units,
                       'legend_title': legend_title
        return V
Exemplo n.º 16
def interpolate2d(x, y, z, points, mode='linear', bounds_error=False):
    """Fundamental 2D interpolation routine

    :param x: 1D array of x-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate
    :type x: numpy.ndarray

    :param y: 1D array of y-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate
    :type y: numpy.ndarray

    :param z: 2D array of values for each x, y pair
    :type z: numpy.ndarry

    :param points: Nx2 array of coordinates where interpolated values are
    :type points: numpy.narray

    :param mode: Determines the interpolation order.
        Options are:

            * 'constant' - piecewise constant nearest neighbour interpolation
            * 'linear' - bilinear interpolation using the four
              nearest neighbours (default)

    :type mode: str

    :param bounds_error: If True (default) a BoundsError exception
          will be raised when interpolated values are requested
          outside the domain of the input data. If False, nan
          is returned for those values
    :type bounds_error: bool

    :returns: 1D array with same length as points with interpolated values

    :raises: Exception, BoundsError (see note about bounds_error)

        Input coordinates x and y are assumed to be monotonically increasing,
        but need not be equidistantly spaced. No such assumption regarding
        ordering of points is made.

        z is assumed to have dimension M x N, where M = len(x) and N = len(y).
        In other words it is assumed that the x values follow the first
        (vertical) axis downwards and y values the second (horizontal) axis
        from left to right.

        If this routine is to be used for interpolation of raster grids where
        data is typically organised with longitudes (x) going from left to
        right and latitudes (y) from left to right then user
        interpolate_raster in this module

    # Input checks
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    x, y, z, xi, eta = validate_inputs(x=x,

    # Identify elements that are outside interpolation domain or NaN
    outside = (xi < x[0]) + (eta < y[0]) + (xi > x[-1]) + (eta > y[-1])
    outside += numpy.isnan(xi) + numpy.isnan(eta)

    inside = -outside
    xi = xi[inside]
    eta = eta[inside]

    # Find upper neighbours for each interpolation point
    idx = numpy.searchsorted(x, xi, side='left')
    idy = numpy.searchsorted(y, eta, side='left')

    # Internal check (index == 0 is OK)
    if len(idx) > 0 or len(idy) > 0:
        if (max(idx) >= len(x)) or (max(idy) >= len(y)):
            msg = ('Interpolation point outside domain. '
                   'This should never happen. '
                   'Please email [email protected]')
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    # Get the four neighbours for each interpolation point
    x0 = x[idx - 1]
    x1 = x[idx]
    y0 = y[idy - 1]
    y1 = y[idy]

    z00 = z[idx - 1, idy - 1]
    z01 = z[idx - 1, idy]
    z10 = z[idx, idy - 1]
    z11 = z[idx, idy]

    # Coefficients for weighting between lower and upper bounds
    old_set = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore')  # Suppress warnings
    alpha = (xi - x0) / (x1 - x0)
    beta = (eta - y0) / (y1 - y0)
    numpy.seterr(**old_set)  # Restore

    if mode == 'linear':
        # Bilinear interpolation formula
        dx = z10 - z00
        dy = z01 - z00
        z_interpolate = z00 + alpha * dx + beta * dy + alpha * beta * (
            z11 - dx - dy - z00)
        # Piecewise constant (as verified in input_check)

        # Set up masks for the quadrants
        left = alpha < 0.5
        right = -left
        lower = beta < 0.5
        upper = -lower

        lower_left = lower * left
        lower_right = lower * right
        upper_left = upper * left

        # Initialise result array with all elements set to upper right
        z_interpolate = z11

        # Then set the other quadrants
        z_interpolate[lower_left] = z00[lower_left]
        z_interpolate[lower_right] = z10[lower_right]
        z_interpolate[upper_left] = z01[upper_left]

    # Self test
    if len(z_interpolate) > 0:
        mz_interpolate = numpy.nanmax(z_interpolate)
        mz = numpy.nanmax(z)
        # noinspection PyStringFormat
        msg = ('Internal check failed. Max interpolated value %.15f '
               'exceeds max grid value %.15f ' % (mz_interpolate, mz))
        if not (numpy.isnan(mz_interpolate) or numpy.isnan(mz)):
            if not mz_interpolate <= mz:
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    # Populate result with interpolated values for points inside domain
    # and NaN for values outside
    r = numpy.zeros(len(points))
    r[inside] = z_interpolate
    r[outside] = numpy.nan

    return r
Exemplo n.º 17
    def run(self):
        """Run volcano population evacuation Impact Function.

        Counts number of people exposed to volcano event.

        :returns: Map of population exposed to the volcano hazard zone.
            The returned dict will include a table with number of people
            evacuated and supplies required.
        :rtype: dict

            * Exception - When hazard layer is not vector layer
            * RadiiException - When radii are not valid (they need to be
                monotonically increasing)

            'Calculating Step', 'Impact function is calculating the impact.')

        # Parameters
        self.hazard_class_attribute = self.hazard.keyword('field')
        name_attribute = self.hazard.keyword('volcano_name_field')
        self.hazard_class_mapping = self.hazard.keyword('value_map')

        if has_no_data(self.exposure.layer.get_data(nan=True)):
            self.no_data_warning = True

        # Input checks
        if not self.hazard.layer.is_polygon_data:
            message = tr(
                'Input hazard must be a polygon layer. I got %s with layer '
                'type %s' % (self.hazard.layer.get_name(),
            raise Exception(message)

        # Check if hazard_class_attribute exists in hazard_layer
        if (self.hazard_class_attribute
                not in self.hazard.layer.get_attribute_names()):
            message = tr(
                'Hazard data %s did not contain expected attribute '
                '%s ' %
                (self.hazard.layer.get_name(), self.hazard_class_attribute))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(message)

        features = self.hazard.layer.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanoes considered
        if name_attribute in self.hazard.layer.get_attribute_names():
            volcano_name_list = []
            # Run through all polygons and get unique names
            for row in features:

            self.volcano_names = ', '.join(set(volcano_name_list))

        # Retrieve the classification that is used by the hazard layer.
        vector_hazard_classification = self.hazard.keyword(
        # Get the dictionary that contains the definition of the classification
        vector_hazard_classification = definition(vector_hazard_classification)
        # Get the list classes in the classification
        vector_hazard_classes = vector_hazard_classification['classes']
        # Initialize OrderedDict of affected buildings
        self.affected_population = OrderedDict()
        # Iterate over vector hazard classes
        for vector_hazard_class in vector_hazard_classes:
            # Check if the key of class exist in hazard_class_mapping
            if vector_hazard_class['key'] in self.hazard_class_mapping.keys():
                # Replace the key with the name as we need to show the human
                # friendly name in the report.
                self.hazard_class_mapping[vector_hazard_class['name']] = \
                # Adding the class name as a key in affected_building
                self.affected_population[vector_hazard_class['name']] = 0

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        interpolated_layer, covered_exposure_layer = \

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        for row in interpolated_layer.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            population = row[self.target_field]
            if not numpy.isnan(population):
                population = float(population)
                # Update population count for this hazard zone
                hazard_value = get_key_for_value(
                if not hazard_value:
                    hazard_value = self._not_affected_value
                self.affected_population[hazard_value] += population

        # Count totals
        self.total_population = int(
        self.unaffected_population = (self.total_population -

        self.minimum_needs = [
            parameter.serialize() for parameter in filter_needs_parameters(
                self.parameters['minimum needs'])

        impact_table = impact_summary = self.html_report()

        # check for zero impact
        if self.total_affected_population == 0:
            message = no_population_impact_message(self.question)
            raise ZeroImpactException(message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(covered_exposure_layer.get_data().flat[:],
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 1:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('Low Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
            elif i == 4:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('Medium Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
            elif i == 7:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('High Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
                label = create_label(interval_classes[i])

            style_class['label'] = label
            style_class['quantity'] = classes[i]
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['transparency'] = 0

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=None,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('People affected by Volcano Hazard Zones')
        legend_title = tr('Population')
        legend_units = tr('(people per cell)')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by  %s' %

        extra_keywords = {
            'impact_summary': impact_summary,
            'impact_table': impact_table,
            'target_field': self.target_field,
            'map_title': map_title,
            'legend_notes': legend_notes,
            'legend_units': legend_units,
            'legend_title': legend_title,
            'total_needs': self.total_needs


        impact_layer_keywords = self.generate_impact_keywords(extra_keywords)

        # Create vector layer and return
        impact_layer = Raster(
            name=tr('People affected by volcano hazard zones'),

        self._impact = impact_layer
        return impact_layer
    def run(self, layers):
        """Indonesian Earthquake Fatality Model

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
              P: Raster layer of population density


        # Establish model coefficients
        x = self.parameters['x']
        y = self.parameters['y']

        # Define percentages of people being displaced at each mmi level
        displacement_rate = self.parameters['displacement_rate']

        # Tolerance for transparency
        tolerance = self.parameters['tolerance']

        # Extract input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(intensity.get_name(), population.get_name(),

        # Extract data grids
        H = intensity.get_data()  # Ground Shaking
        P = population.get_data(scaling=True)  # Population Density

        # Calculate population affected by each MMI level
        # FIXME (Ole): this range is 2-9. Should 10 be included?
        mmi_range = range(2, 10)
        number_of_exposed = {}
        number_of_displaced = {}
        number_of_fatalities = {}

        # Calculate fatality rates for observed Intensity values (H
        # based on ITB power model
        R = numpy.zeros(H.shape)
        for mmi in mmi_range:

            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i
            mask = (H > mmi - 0.5) * (H <= mmi + 0.5)

            # Count population affected by this shake level
            I = numpy.where(mask, P, 0)

            # Calculate expected number of fatalities per level
            fatality_rate = numpy.power(10.0, x * mmi - y)
            F = fatality_rate * I

            # Calculate expected number of displaced people per level
                D = displacement_rate[mmi] * I
            except KeyError, e:
                msg = 'mmi = %i, I = %s, Error msg: %s' % (mmi, str(I), str(e))
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

            # Adjust displaced people to disregard fatalities.
            # Set to zero if there are more fatalities than displaced.
            D = numpy.where(D > F, D - F, 0)

            # Sum up numbers for map
            R += D  # Displaced

            # Generate text with result for this study
            # This is what is used in the real time system exposure table
            number_of_exposed[mmi] = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
            number_of_displaced[mmi] = numpy.nansum(D.flat)
            number_of_fatalities[mmi] = numpy.nansum(F.flat)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def get_data(self, nan=True, scaling=None, copy=False):
        """Get raster data as numeric array

            * nan: Optional flag controlling handling of missing values.

                   If keyword nan has a numeric value, nodata values will
                   be replaced by that value. E.g. to set missing values to 0,
                   do get_data(nan=0.0)

                   NOTE: The following behaviour is depricated,
                   since we handle this on file load:
                   [If nan is True (default), nodata values will be replaced
                   with numpy.nan]

            * scaling: Optional flag controlling if data is to be scaled
                       if it has been resampled. Admissible values are

                       False: data is retrieved without modification.

                       True: Data is rescaled based on the squared ratio
                             between its current and native resolution. This
                             is typically required if raster data represents a
                             density such as population per km^2

                       None: The behaviour will depend on the keyword
                             "population" associated with the layer. If
                             it is "density", scaling will be applied
                             otherwise not. This is the default.

                       scalar value: If scaling takes a numerical scalar value,
                                     that will be use to scale the data

            * copy (optional): If present and True return copy

            Scaling does not currently work with projected layers.
            See issue #123

        if copy:
            A = copy_module.deepcopy(self.data)
            A = self.data
            verify(A.shape[0] == self.rows and A.shape[1] == self.columns)

        # Handle no data value
        # Must explicit comparison to False and True as nan can be a number
        # so 0 would evaluate to False and e.g. 1 to True.
        if type(nan) is not bool:
            # We are handling all non-NaN's in read_from_file and
            # assuming NaN's in internal numpy arrays [issue #297].
                # Use user specified number
                new_nodata_value = float(nan)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                msg = ('Argument nan must be either True, False or a '
                       'number. I got "nan=%s"' % str(nan))
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

            # Replace NODATA_VALUE with NaN array
            NoData = numpy.ones(A.shape, A.dtype) * new_nodata_value
            A = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(A), NoData, A)

        # Take care of possible scaling
        if scaling is None:
            # Redefine scaling from density keyword if possible
            kw = self.get_keywords()
            if 'datatype' in kw and kw['datatype'].lower() == 'density':
                scaling = True
                scaling = False

        if scaling is False:
            # No change
            sigma = 1
        elif scaling is True:
            # Calculate scaling based on resolution change

            actual_res = self.get_resolution(isotropic=True)
            native_res = self.get_resolution(isotropic=True, native=True)
            sigma = (actual_res / native_res)**2
            # See if scaling can work as a scalar value
                sigma = float(scaling)
            except ValueError, e:
                msg = ('Keyword scaling "%s" could not be converted to a '
                       'number. It must be either True, False, None or a '
                       'number: %s' % (scaling, str(e)))
                raise GetDataError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def run(self, layers):
        """Indonesian Earthquake Fatality Model


        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain,

                my_hazard: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking

                my_exposure: Raster layer of population density

        displacement_rate = self.parameters['displacement_rate']

        # Tolerance for transparency
        tolerance = self.parameters['tolerance']

        # Extract input layers
        intensity = get_hazard_layer(layers)
        population = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(intensity.get_name(), population.get_name(),

        # Extract data grids
        my_hazard = intensity.get_data()  # Ground Shaking
        my_exposure = population.get_data(scaling=True)  # Population Density

        # Calculate population affected by each MMI level
        # FIXME (Ole): this range is 2-9. Should 10 be included?

        mmi_range = self.parameters['mmi_range']
        number_of_exposed = {}
        number_of_displaced = {}
        number_of_fatalities = {}

        # Calculate fatality rates for observed Intensity values (my_hazard
        # based on ITB power model
        R = numpy.zeros(my_hazard.shape)
        for mmi in mmi_range:
            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i and
            # count population affected by this shake level
            I = numpy.where((my_hazard > mmi - self.parameters['step']) *
                            (my_hazard <= mmi + self.parameters['step']),
                            my_exposure, 0)

            # Calculate expected number of fatalities per level
            fatality_rate = self.fatality_rate(mmi)

            F = fatality_rate * I

            # Calculate expected number of displaced people per level
                D = displacement_rate[mmi] * I
            except KeyError, e:
                msg = 'mmi = %i, I = %s, Error msg: %s' % (mmi, str(I), str(e))
                # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

            # Adjust displaced people to disregard fatalities.
            # Set to zero if there are more fatalities than displaced.
            D = numpy.where(D > F, D - F, 0)

            # Sum up numbers for map
            R += D  # Displaced

            # Generate text with result for this study
            # This is what is used in the real time system exposure table
            number_of_exposed[mmi] = numpy.nansum(I.flat)
            number_of_displaced[mmi] = numpy.nansum(D.flat)
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            number_of_fatalities[mmi] = numpy.nansum(F.flat)
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for flood population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of volcano depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to flood levels exceeding
        specified threshold.

          Map of population exposed to flood levels exceeding the threshold
          Table with number of people evacuated and supplies required

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(H.get_name(), E.get_name(), self)

        # Input checks
        if not H.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (H.get_name(), H.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (H.is_polygon_data or H.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if H.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['R [km]']

            centers = H.get_geometry()
            attributes = H.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            H = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            #H.write_to_file('Evac_zones_%s.shp' % str(radii))  # To check

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = H.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in H.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in H.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in H.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (H.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(H,

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = H.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(E.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        if total > 1000:
            total = total // 1000 * 1000

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name

            pop = int(categories[key])

            if pop > 1000:
                pop = pop // 1000 * 1000

            cum += pop
            if cum > 1000:
                cum = cum // 1000 * 1000

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        # Calculate estimated needs based on BNPB Perka
        # 7/2008 minimum bantuan
        # FIXME (Ole): Refactor into one function to be shared
        rice = int(evacuated * 2.8)
        drinking_water = int(evacuated * 17.5)
        water = int(evacuated * 67)
        family_kits = int(evacuated / 5)
        toilets = int(evacuated / 20)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                tr('People needing evacuation'),
                '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
                 tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')], header=True)

        for name in category_names:

                tr('Map shows population affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
            TableRow([tr('Needs per week'),
                      tr('Total'), blank_cell],
            [tr('Rice [kg]'), format_int(rice), blank_cell],
            [tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
             format_int(drinking_water), blank_cell],
            [tr('Clean Water [l]'),
             format_int(water), blank_cell],
            [tr('Family Kits'),
             format_int(family_kits), blank_cell],
            [tr('Toilets'), format_int(toilets), blank_cell]
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total population %s in the viewable area') % format_int(total),
            tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
               'volcanic hazard zones.')
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded population counts
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1, max(population_counts),

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = tr('0')
                label = tr('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label,

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=tr('Population Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'target_field': self.target_field
        return V
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __eq__(self, other, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Override '==' to allow comparison with other vector objecs

           * other: Vector instance to compare to
           * rtol, atol: Relative and absolute tolerance.
                       See numpy.allclose for details

            The algorithm will try to falsify every aspect of equality for the
            two layers such as data, geometry, projection, keywords etc.
            Only if none of them can be falsified will it return True.

        # Check type
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            msg = ('Vector instance cannot be compared to %s'
                   ' as its type is %s ' % (str(other), type(other)))
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # Check keywords
        if self.keywords != other.keywords:
            return False

        # Check number of features match
        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False

        # Check projection
        if self.projection != other.projection:
            return False

        # Check geometry type
        if self.geometry_type != other.geometry_type:
            return False

        # Check geometry
        if self.is_polygon_data:
            geom0 = self.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)
            geom1 = other.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)
            geom0 = self.get_geometry()
            geom1 = other.get_geometry()

        if len(geom0) != len(geom1):
            return False

        if self.is_point_data:
            if not numpy.allclose(geom0, geom1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                return False
        elif self.is_line_data:
            # Check vertices of each line
            for i in range(len(geom0)):

                if not rings_equal(geom0[i], geom1[i], rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                    return False

        elif self.is_polygon_data:
            # Check vertices of outer and inner rings
            for i in range(len(geom0)):

                x = geom0[i].outer_ring
                y = geom1[i].outer_ring
                if not rings_equal(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                    return False

                for j, ring0 in enumerate(geom0[i].inner_rings):
                    ring1 = geom1[i].inner_rings[j]
                    if not rings_equal(ring0, ring1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                        return False

            msg = ('== not implemented for geometry type: %s' %
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Check keys for attribute values
        x = self.get_data()
        y = other.get_data()

        if x is None:
            if y is not None:
                return False
            for key in x[0]:
                for i in range(len(y)):
                    if key not in y[i]:
                        return False

            for key in y[0]:
                for i in range(len(x)):
                    if key not in x[i]:
                        return False

            # Check attribute values
            for i, a in enumerate(x):
                for key in a:
                    X = a[key]
                    Y = y[i][key]

                    if X != Y:
                        # Not obviously equal, try some special cases

                            # Try numerical comparison with tolerances
                            res = numpy.allclose(X, Y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                        except (NotImplementedError, TypeError):
                            # E.g. '' (Not implemented)
                            # or   None or {} (Type error)
                            if not res:
                                return False

                        # Finally cast as booleans.
                        # This will e.g. match False with None or ''
                        if not (bool(X) is bool(Y)):
                            return False

        # Vector layers are identical up to the specified tolerance
        return True
Exemplo n.º 23
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              my_hazard: Hazard layer of volcano
              my_exposure: Vector layer of structure data on
              the same grid as my_hazard

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)
        is_point_data = False

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s '
               'with layer type %s' %
               (my_hazard.get_name(), my_hazard.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances [km]']
            is_point_data = True

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            my_hazard = Z

            category_names = rad_m
            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'
            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard, my_exposure)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a building count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count impacted building per polygon and total
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(my_exposure)

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
            TableRow([tr('Distance [km]'),

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            # prevent key error
            count = categories.get(name, 0)
            cum += count
            if is_point_data:
                name = int(name) / 1000
                TableRow([name, format_int(count),

                tr('Map shows buildings affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
               'area') % format_int(total),
            tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
               'are considered.')

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]

        if max(building_counts) == 0 == min(building_counts):
            table_body = [
                    tr('Number of buildings affected'),
                    '%s' % format_int(cum), blank_cell
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(building_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'target_field': self.target_field,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                       'legend_units': legend_units,
                       'legend_title': legend_title
        return V
Exemplo n.º 24
    if mode not in ['linear', 'constant']:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    x = numpy.array(x)

        y = numpy.array(y)
    except Exception, e:
        msg = ('Input vector y could not be converted to numpy array: '
               '%s' % str(e))
        raise Exception(msg)

    msg = ('Input vector x must be monotoneously increasing. I got '
           'min(x) == %.15f, but x[0] == %.15f' % (min(x), x[0]))
    if not min(x) == x[0]:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    msg = ('Input vector y must be monotoneously increasing. '
           'I got min(y) == %.15f, but y[0] == %.15f' % (min(y), y[0]))
    if not min(y) == y[0]:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    msg = ('Input vector x must be monotoneously increasing. I got '
           'max(x) == %.15f, but x[-1] == %.15f' % (max(x), x[-1]))
    if not max(x) == x[-1]:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)

    msg = ('Input vector y must be monotoneously increasing. I got '
           'max(y) == %.15f, but y[-1] == %.15f' % (max(y), y[-1]))
    if not max(y) == y[-1]:
        raise InaSAFEError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def run(self):
        """Run classified population evacuation Impact Function.

        Counts number of people exposed to each hazard zones.

        :returns: Map of population exposed to each hazard zone.
            The returned dict will include a table with number of people
            evacuated and supplies required.
        :rtype: dict

            * Exception - When hazard layer is not vector layer

        # Value from layer's keywords
        self.hazard_class_attribute = self.hazard.keyword('field')
        self.hazard_class_mapping = self.hazard.keyword('value_map')
        # TODO: Remove check to self.validate (Ismail)
        # Input checks
        message = tr(
            'Input hazard must be a polygon layer. I got %s with layer type '
            '%s' % (self.hazard.name, self.hazard.layer.get_geometry_name()))
        if not self.hazard.layer.is_polygon_data:
            raise Exception(message)

        # Check if hazard_class_attribute exists in hazard_layer
        if (self.hazard_class_attribute
                not in self.hazard.layer.get_attribute_names()):
            message = tr(
                'Hazard data %s does not contain expected hazard '
                'zone attribute "%s". Please change it in the option. ' %
                (self.hazard.name, self.hazard_class_attribute))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(message)

        # Retrieve the classification that is used by the hazard layer.
        vector_hazard_classification = self.hazard.keyword(
        # Get the dictionary that contains the definition of the classification
        vector_hazard_classification = definition(vector_hazard_classification)
        # Get the list classes in the classification
        vector_hazard_classes = vector_hazard_classification['classes']
        # Initialize OrderedDict of affected buildings
        self.affected_population = OrderedDict()
        # Iterate over vector hazard classes
        for vector_hazard_class in vector_hazard_classes:
            # Check if the key of class exist in hazard_class_mapping
            if vector_hazard_class['key'] in self.hazard_class_mapping.keys():
                # Replace the key with the name as we need to show the human
                # friendly name in the report.
                self.hazard_class_mapping[vector_hazard_class['name']] = \
                # Adding the class name as a key in affected_building
                self.affected_population[vector_hazard_class['name']] = 0

        # Interpolated layer represents grid cell that lies in the polygon
        interpolated_layer, covered_exposure_layer = \

        # Count total affected population per hazard zone
        for row in interpolated_layer.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            population = row[self.target_field]
            if not numpy.isnan(population):
                population = float(population)
                # Update population count for this hazard zone
                hazard_value = get_key_for_value(
                if not hazard_value:
                    hazard_value = self._not_affected_value
                    self.affected_population[hazard_value] += population

        # Count total population from exposure layer
        self.total_population = int(

        # Count total affected population
        total_affected_population = self.total_affected_population
        self.unaffected_population = (self.total_population -

        self.minimum_needs = [
            parameter.serialize() for parameter in filter_needs_parameters(
                self.parameters['minimum needs'])

        # check for zero impact
        if total_affected_population == 0:
            message = no_population_impact_message(self.question)
            raise ZeroImpactException(message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(covered_exposure_layer.get_data().flat[:],
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 1:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('Low Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
            elif i == 4:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('Medium Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
            elif i == 7:
                label = create_label(
                    tr('High Population [%i people/cell]' % classes[i]))
                label = create_label(interval_classes[i])

            style_class['label'] = label
            style_class['quantity'] = classes[i]
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['transparency'] = 0

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=None,

        impact_data = self.generate_data()

        extra_keywords = {
            'target_field': self.target_field,
            'map_title': self.map_title(),
            'legend_notes': self.metadata().key('legend_notes'),
            'legend_units': self.metadata().key('legend_units'),
            'legend_title': self.metadata().key('legend_title')

        impact_layer_keywords = self.generate_impact_keywords(extra_keywords)

        # Create vector layer and return
        impact_layer = Raster(

        impact_layer.impact_data = impact_data
        self._impact = impact_layer
        return impact_layer
Exemplo n.º 26
    def run(self, layers=None):
        """Risk plugin for classified polygon hazard on building/structure.

        Counts number of building exposed to each hazard zones.

        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain.
                * hazard_layer: Hazard layer
                * exposure_layer: Vector layer of structure data on
                the same grid as hazard_layer

        :returns: Map of building exposed to each hazard zones.
                  Table with number of buildings affected
        :rtype: dict

        # Target Field
        target_field = 'zone'

        # Not affected string in the target field
        not_affected_value = 'Not Affected'

        # Parameters
        hazard_zone_attribute = self.parameters['hazard zone attribute']

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        hazard_layer = self.hazard
        exposure_layer = self.exposure

        # Input checks
        if not hazard_layer.is_polygon_data:
            message = (
                'Input hazard must be a polygon. I got %s with '
                'layer type %s' %
                (hazard_layer.get_name(), hazard_layer.get_geometry_name()))
            raise Exception(message)

        # Check if hazard_zone_attribute exists in hazard_layer
        if hazard_zone_attribute not in hazard_layer.get_attribute_names():
            message = (
                'Hazard data %s does not contain expected attribute %s ' %
                (hazard_layer.get_name(), hazard_zone_attribute))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(message)

        # Find the target field name that has no conflict with default
        # target
        attribute_names = hazard_layer.get_attribute_names()
        target_field = get_non_conflicting_attribute_name(
            target_field, attribute_names)

        # Hazard zone categories from hazard layer
        self.hazard_zones = list(

        self.buildings = {}
        self.affected_buildings = OrderedDict()
        for hazard_zone in self.hazard_zones:
            self.affected_buildings[hazard_zone] = {}

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2polygon
        interpolated_layer = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(
            hazard_layer, exposure_layer, attribute_name=None)

        # Extract relevant interpolated data
        attribute_names = interpolated_layer.get_attribute_names()
        features = interpolated_layer.get_data()

        for i in range(len(features)):
            hazard_value = features[i][hazard_zone_attribute]
            if not hazard_value:
                hazard_value = not_affected_value
            features[i][target_field] = hazard_value
            usage = get_osm_building_usage(attribute_names, features[i])
            if usage is None:
                usage = tr('Unknown')
            if usage not in self.buildings:
                self.buildings[usage] = 0
                for category in self.affected_buildings.keys():
                    self.affected_buildings[category][usage] = OrderedDict(
                        [(tr('Buildings Affected'), 0)])
            self.buildings[usage] += 1
            if hazard_value in self.affected_buildings.keys():
                    tr('Buildings Affected')] += 1

        # Lump small entries and 'unknown' into 'other' category

        # Generate simple impact report
        impact_summary = impact_table = self.generate_html_report()

        # Create style
        categories = self.hazard_zones
        colours = color_ramp(len(categories))
        style_classes = []

        i = 0
        for hazard_zone in self.hazard_zones:
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = tr(hazard_zone)
            style_class['transparency'] = 0
            style_class['value'] = hazard_zone
            style_class['size'] = 1
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            i += 1

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by each hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        impact_layer = Vector(
            name=tr('Buildings affected by each hazard zone'),
            keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                      'impact_table': impact_table,
                      'target_field': target_field,
                      'map_title': map_title,
                      'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                      'legend_units': legend_units,
                      'legend_title': legend_title},

        self._impact = impact_layer
        return impact_layer
Exemplo n.º 27
    def run(self, layers=None):
        """Indonesian Earthquake Fatality Model.


        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain,

                hazard: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking

                exposure: Raster layer of population count

        displacement_rate = self.hardcoded_parameters['displacement_rate']

        # Tolerance for transparency
        tolerance = self.hardcoded_parameters['tolerance']

        # Extract input layers
        intensity = self.hazard
        population = self.exposure

        # Extract data grids
        hazard = intensity.get_data()   # Ground Shaking
        exposure = population.get_data(scaling=True)  # Population Density

        # Calculate people affected by each MMI level
        # FIXME (Ole): this range is 2-9. Should 10 be included?
        mmi_range = self.hardcoded_parameters['mmi_range']
        number_of_exposed = {}
        number_of_displaced = {}
        number_of_fatalities = {}

        # Calculate fatality rates for observed Intensity values (hazard
        # based on ITB power model
        mask = numpy.zeros(hazard.shape)
        for mmi in mmi_range:
            # Identify cells where MMI is in class i and
            # count people affected by this shake level
            mmi_matches = numpy.where(
                (hazard > mmi - self.hardcoded_parameters['step']) * (
                    hazard <= mmi + self.hardcoded_parameters['step']),
                exposure, 0)

            # Calculate expected number of fatalities per level
            fatality_rate = self.fatality_rate(mmi)

            fatalities = fatality_rate * mmi_matches

            # Calculate expected number of displaced people per level
                displacements = displacement_rate[mmi] * mmi_matches
            except KeyError, e:
                msg = 'mmi = %i, mmi_matches = %s, Error msg: %s' % (
                    mmi, str(mmi_matches), str(e))
                # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
                raise InaSAFEError(msg)

            # Adjust displaced people to disregard fatalities.
            # Set to zero if there are more fatalities than displaced.
            displacements = numpy.where(
                displacements > fatalities, displacements - fatalities, 0)

            # Sum up numbers for map
            mask += displacements   # Displaced

            # Generate text with result for this study
            # This is what is used in the real time system exposure table
            number_of_exposed[mmi] = numpy.nansum(mmi_matches.flat)
            number_of_displaced[mmi] = numpy.nansum(displacements.flat)
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            number_of_fatalities[mmi] = numpy.nansum(fatalities.flat)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def run(self):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure.

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

        :returns: Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones.
                  Table with number of buildings affected
        :rtype: dict

            'Calculating Step', 'Impact function is calculating the impact.')

        # Get parameters from layer's keywords
        self.hazard_class_attribute = self.hazard.keyword('field')
        self.name_attribute = self.hazard.keyword('volcano_name_field')
        self.hazard_class_mapping = self.hazard.keyword('value_map')
        # Try to get the value from keyword, if not exist, it will not fail,
        # but use the old get_osm_building_usage
            self.exposure_class_attribute = self.exposure.keyword(
        except KeywordNotFoundError:
            self.exposure_class_attribute = None

        # Input checks
        if not self.hazard.layer.is_polygon_data:
            message = (
                'Input hazard must be a polygon. I got %s with '
                'layer type %s' %
                (self.hazard.name, self.hazard.layer.get_geometry_name()))
            raise Exception(message)

        # Check if hazard_zone_attribute exists in hazard_layer
        if (self.hazard_class_attribute
                not in self.hazard.layer.get_attribute_names()):
            message = (
                'Hazard data %s did not contain expected attribute %s ' %
                (self.hazard.name, self.hazard_class_attribute))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(message)

        # Get names of volcanoes considered
        if self.name_attribute in self.hazard.layer.get_attribute_names():
            volcano_name_list = set()
            for row in self.hazard.layer.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
            self.volcano_names = ', '.join(volcano_name_list)
            self.volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        # Retrieve the classification that is used by the hazard layer.
        vector_hazard_classification = self.hazard.keyword(
        # Get the dictionary that contains the definition of the classification
        vector_hazard_classification = definition(vector_hazard_classification)
        # Get the list classes in the classification
        vector_hazard_classes = vector_hazard_classification['classes']
        # Initialize OrderedDict of affected buildings
        self.affected_buildings = OrderedDict()
        # Iterate over vector hazard classes
        for vector_hazard_class in vector_hazard_classes:
            # Check if the key of class exist in hazard_class_mapping
            if vector_hazard_class['key'] in self.hazard_class_mapping.keys():
                # Replace the key with the name as we need to show the human
                # friendly name in the report.
                self.hazard_class_mapping[vector_hazard_class['name']] = \
                # Adding the class name as a key in affected_building
                self.affected_buildings[vector_hazard_class['name']] = {}

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        interpolated_layer = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(
            self.hazard.layer, self.exposure.layer)

        # Extract relevant exposure data
        attribute_names = interpolated_layer.get_attribute_names()
        features = interpolated_layer.get_data()

        self.buildings = {}

        for i in range(len(features)):
            # Get the hazard value based on the value mapping in keyword
            hazard_value = get_key_for_value(
            if not hazard_value:
                hazard_value = self._not_affected_value
            features[i][self.target_field] = get_string(hazard_value)

            if (self.exposure_class_attribute
                    and self.exposure_class_attribute in attribute_names):
                usage = features[i][self.exposure_class_attribute]
                usage = get_osm_building_usage(attribute_names, features[i])

            if usage in [None, 'NULL', 'null', 'Null', 0]:
                usage = tr('Unknown')

            if usage not in self.buildings:
                self.buildings[usage] = 0
                for category in self.affected_buildings.keys():
                    self.affected_buildings[category][usage] = OrderedDict([
                        (tr('Buildings Affected'), 0)

            self.buildings[usage] += 1
            if hazard_value in self.affected_buildings.keys():
                    'Buildings Affected')] += 1

        # Lump small entries and 'unknown' into 'other' category
        # Building threshold #2468
        postprocessors = self.parameters['postprocessors']
        building_postprocessors = postprocessors['BuildingType'][0]
        self.building_report_threshold = building_postprocessors.value[0].value

        # Generate simple impact report
        impact_summary = impact_table = self.html_report()

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        colours = colours[::-1]  # flip

        colours = colours[:len(self.affected_buildings.keys())]

        style_classes = []

        i = 0
        for category_name in self.affected_buildings.keys():
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = tr(category_name)
            style_class['transparency'] = 0
            style_class['value'] = category_name
            style_class['size'] = 1

            if i >= len(self.affected_buildings.keys()):
                i = len(self.affected_buildings.keys()) - 1
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            i += 1


        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by %s' %

        extra_keywords = {
            'impact_summary': impact_summary,
            'impact_table': impact_table,
            'target_field': self.target_field,
            'map_title': map_title,
            'legend_notes': legend_notes,
            'legend_units': legend_units,
            'legend_title': legend_title


        impact_layer_keywords = self.generate_impact_keywords(extra_keywords)

        # Create vector layer and return
        impact_layer = Vector(
            name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),

        self._impact = impact_layer
        return impact_layer
Exemplo n.º 29
    def get_data(self, nan=True, scaling=None, copy=False):
        """Get raster data as numeric array

            * nan: Optional flag controlling handling of missing values.

                   If nan is True (default), nodata values will be replaced
                   with numpy.nan

                   If keyword nan has a numeric value, nodata values will
                   be replaced by that value. E.g. to set missing values to 0,
                   do get_data(nan=0.0)

            * scaling: Optional flag controlling if data is to be scaled
                       if it has been resampled. Admissible values are

                       False: data is retrieved without modification.

                       True: Data is rescaled based on the squared ratio
                             between its current and native resolution. This
                             is typically required if raster data represents a
                             density such as population per km^2

                       None: The behaviour will depend on the keyword
                             "population" associated with the layer. If
                             it is "density", scaling will be applied
                             otherwise not. This is the default.

                       scalar value: If scaling takes a numerical scalar value,
                                     that will be use to scale the data

            * copy (optional): If present and True return copy

            Scaling does not currently work with projected layers.
            See issue #123

        if hasattr(self, 'data') and self.data is not None:
            # Return internal data grid
            if copy:

                A = copy_module.deepcopy(self.data)
                A = self.data
            verify(A.shape[0] == self.rows and A.shape[1] == self.columns)

            # Force garbage collection to free up any memory we can (TS)

            # Read from raster file
            # FIXME: This can be slow so should be moved to read_from_file
            A = self.band.ReadAsArray()

            # Convert to double precision (issue #75)
            A = numpy.array(A, dtype=numpy.float64)

            # Self check
            M, N = A.shape
            msg = ('Dimensions of raster array do not match those of '
                   'raster file %s' % self.filename)
            verify(M == self.rows, msg)
            verify(N == self.columns, msg)

        # Handle no data value
        # FIXME (Ole): This only pertains to data read from file
        # and should be moved to read_from_file.
        nodata = self.get_nodata_value()

        # Must explicit comparison to False and True as nan can be a number
        # so 0 would evaluate to False and e.g. 1 to True.
        if nan is False:
            # No change
            # Nan value should be changed
            if nan is True:
                NAN = numpy.nan  # Use numpy's nan value
                    # Use user specified number
                    NAN = float(nan)
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    msg = ('Argument nan must be either True, False or a '
                           'number. I got "nan=%s"' % str(nan))
                    raise InaSAFEError(msg)

            # Replace NODATA_VALUE with NaN array
            #print 'Replacing', nodata, 'with', NAN
            NaN = numpy.ones(A.shape, A.dtype) * NAN
            A = numpy.where(A == nodata, NaN, A)

        # Take care of possible scaling
        if scaling is None:
            # Redefine scaling from density keyword if possible
            kw = self.get_keywords()
            if 'datatype' in kw and kw['datatype'].lower() == 'density':
                scaling = True
                scaling = False

        if scaling is False:
            # No change
            sigma = 1
        elif scaling is True:
            # Calculate scaling based on resolution change

            actual_res = self.get_resolution(isotropic=True)
            native_res = self.get_resolution(isotropic=True, native=True)
            #print 'Actual res', actual_res
            #print 'Native res', native_res
            sigma = (actual_res / native_res)**2
            #print 'Scaling', sigma
            # See if scaling can work as a scalar value
                sigma = float(scaling)
            except ValueError, e:
                msg = ('Keyword scaling "%s" could not be converted to a '
                       'number. It must be either True, False, None or a '
                       'number: %s' % (scaling, str(e)))
                raise GetDataError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure.

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain.
                * hazard_layer: Hazard layer of volcano
                * exposure_layer: Vector layer of structure data on
                the same grid as hazard_layer

        :returns: Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones.
                  Table with number of buildings affected
        :rtype: dict
        # Parameters
        not_affected_value = self.parameters['Not affected value']
        radii = self.parameters['distances [km]']
        target_field = self.parameters['target field']
        name_attribute = self.parameters['name attribute']
        hazard_zone_attribute = self.parameters['hazard zone attribute']

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        hazard_layer = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        exposure_layer = get_exposure_layer(layers)  # Building exposure layer

        # Get question
        question = get_question(
            hazard_layer.get_name(), exposure_layer.get_name(), self)

        # Input checks
        if not hazard_layer.is_vector:
            message = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                       % hazard_layer.get_name())
            raise Exception(message)

        if not (hazard_layer.is_polygon_data or hazard_layer.is_point_data):
            message = (
                'Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s with '
                'layer type %s' %
                (hazard_layer.get_name(), hazard_layer.get_geometry_name()))
            raise Exception(message)

        if hazard_layer.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            centers = hazard_layer.get_geometry()
            attributes = hazard_layer.get_data()
            radii_meter = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            hazard_layer = buffer_points(
            # To check
            category_names = radii_meter
            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            # FIXME (Ismail) : Or simply use the values from the hazard layer
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']


        # Get names of volcanoes considered
        if name_attribute in hazard_layer.get_attribute_names():
            volcano_name_list = set()
            for row in hazard_layer.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
            volcano_names = ', '.join(volcano_name_list)
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        # Check if category_title exists in hazard_layer
        if hazard_zone_attribute not in hazard_layer.get_attribute_names():
            message = (
                'Hazard data %s did not contain expected attribute %s ' %
                (hazard_layer.get_name(), hazard_zone_attribute))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(message)

        # Find the target field name that has no conflict with default
        # target
        attribute_names = hazard_layer.get_attribute_names()
        target_field = get_non_conflicting_attribute_name(
            target_field, attribute_names)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        interpolated_layer = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(
            hazard_layer, exposure_layer, attribute_name=None)

        # Extract relevant exposure data
        attribute_names = interpolated_layer.get_attribute_names()
        attribute_names_lower = [
            attribute_name.lower() for attribute_name in attribute_names]
        attributes = interpolated_layer.get_data()
        interpolate_size = len(interpolated_layer)

        building_per_category = {}
        building_usages = []
        other_sum = {}

        for category_name in category_names:
            building_per_category[category_name] = {}
            building_per_category[category_name]['total'] = 0
            other_sum[category_name] = 0

        # Building attribute that should be looked up to get the usage
        building_type_attributes = [

        for i in range(interpolate_size):
            hazard_value = attributes[i][hazard_zone_attribute]
            if not hazard_value:
                hazard_value = not_affected_value
            attributes[i][target_field] = hazard_value

            if hazard_value in building_per_category.keys():
                building_per_category[hazard_value]['total'] += 1
            elif not hazard_value:
                building_per_category[not_affected_value]['total'] += 1
                building_per_category[hazard_value] = {}
                building_per_category[hazard_value]['total'] = 1

            # Count affected buildings by usage type if available
            usage = None
            for building_type_attribute in building_type_attributes:
                if (
                        building_type_attribute in attribute_names_lower and (
                            usage is None or usage == 0)):
                    attribute_index = attribute_names_lower.index(
                    field_name = attribute_names[attribute_index]
                    usage = attributes[i][field_name]

            if (
                    'building' in attribute_names_lower and (
                        usage is None or usage == 0)):
                attribute_index = attribute_names_lower.index('building')
                field_name = attribute_names[attribute_index]
                usage = attributes[i][field_name]
                if usage == 'yes':
                    usage = 'building'

            if usage is None or usage == 0:
                usage = tr('unknown')

            if usage not in building_usages:
                for building in building_per_category.values():
                    building[usage] = 0

            building_per_category[hazard_value][usage] += 1

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([tr('Volcanoes considered'),
                                '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],

        table_headers = [tr('Building type')]
        table_headers += [tr(x) for x in category_names]
        table_headers += [tr('Total')]

        table_body += [TableRow(table_headers, header=True)]

        for building_usage in building_usages:
            building_usage_good = building_usage.replace('_', ' ')
            building_usage_good = building_usage_good.capitalize()

            building_sum = sum([
                building_per_category[category_name][building_usage] for
                category_name in category_names

            # Filter building type that has no less than 25 items
            if building_sum >= 25:
                row = [tr(building_usage_good)]
                building_sum = 0
                for category_name in category_names:
                    building_sub_sum = building_per_category[category_name][
                    building_sum += building_sub_sum


                for category_name in category_names:
                    if category_name in other_sum.keys():
                        other_sum[category_name] += building_per_category[
                        other_sum[category_name] = building_per_category[

        # Adding others building type to the report.
        other_row = [tr('Other')]
        other_building_total = 0
        for category_name in category_names:
            other_building_sum = other_sum[category_name]
            other_building_total += other_building_sum


        all_row = [tr('Total')]
        all_row += [format_int(building_per_category[category_name]['total'])
                    for category_name in category_names]
        total = sum([building_per_category[category_name]['total'] for
                     category_name in category_names])
        all_row += [format_int(total)]

        table_body.append(TableRow(all_row, header=True))

        table_body += [TableRow(tr('Map shows buildings affected in each of '
                                   'volcano hazard polygons.'))]

        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        impact_summary = impact_table

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
                              'area') % format_int(total),
                           tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
                              'are considered.')])

        # Create style
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        colours = colours[::-1]  # flip

        colours = colours[:len(category_names)]

        style_classes = []

        i = 0
        for category_name in category_names:
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = tr(category_name)
            style_class['transparency'] = 0
            style_class['value'] = category_name
            style_class['size'] = 1

            if i >= len(category_names):
                i = len(category_names) - 1
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            i += 1


        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        impact_layer = Vector(
            name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
            keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                      'impact_table': impact_table,
                      'target_field': target_field,
                      'map_title': map_title,
                      'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                      'legend_units': legend_units,
                      'legend_title': legend_title},
        return impact_layer