Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_linear_interpolation_nan_points(self):
        """Interpolation library works with interpolation points being NaN

        This is was the reason for bug reported in:

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = [1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
        y = [5.0, 9.0]

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define values for each x, y pair as a linear function
        for i in range(len(x)):
            for j in range(len(y)):
                A[i, j] = linear_function(x[i], y[j])

        # Then test that interpolated points can contain NaN
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 10)
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 10)
        xis[6:7] = numpy.nan
        etas[3] = numpy.nan
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode='linear')
        refs = linear_function(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
        assert nan_allclose(vals, refs, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_linear_interpolation_nan_array(self):
        """Interpolation library works (linear mode) with grid points being NaN

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
        y = [4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 13.0]

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define values for each x, y pair as a linear function
        for i in range(len(x)):
            for j in range(len(y)):
                A[i, j] = linear_function(x[i], y[j])
        A[2, 3] = numpy.nan  # (x=2.0, y=9.0): NaN

        # Then test that interpolated points can contain NaN
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 12)
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 10)
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode='linear')
        refs = linear_function(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])

        # Set reference result with expected NaNs and compare
        for i, (xi, eta) in enumerate(points):
            if (1.0 < xi <= 3.0) and (7.0 < eta <= 11.0):
                refs[i] = numpy.nan

        assert nan_allclose(vals, refs, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __eq__(self, other, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Override '==' to allow comparison with other raster objecs

           * other: Raster instance to compare to
           * rtol, atol: Relative and absolute tolerance.
                         See numpy.allclose for details

        # Check type
        if not isinstance(other, Raster):
            msg = ('Raster instance cannot be compared to %s'
                   ' as its type is %s ' % (str(other), type(other)))
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # Check projection
        if self.projection != other.projection:
            return False

        # Check geotransform
        if self.get_geotransform() != other.get_geotransform():
            return False

        # Check data
        if not nan_allclose(
                self.get_data(), other.get_data(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            return False

        # Check keywords
        if self.keywords != other.keywords:
            return False

        # Raster layers are identical up to the specified tolerance
        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_linear_interpolation_nan_array(self):
        """Interpolation library works (linear mode) with grid points being NaN

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
        y = [4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 13.0]

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define values for each x, y pair as a linear function
        for i in range(len(x)):
            for j in range(len(y)):
                A[i, j] = linear_function(x[i], y[j])
        A[2, 3] = numpy.nan  # (x=2.0, y=9.0): NaN

        # Then test that interpolated points can contain NaN
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 12)
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 10)
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode='linear')
        refs = linear_function(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])

        # Set reference result with expected NaNs and compare
        for i, (xi, eta) in enumerate(points):
            if (1.0 < xi <= 3.0) and (7.0 < eta <= 11.0):
                refs[i] = numpy.nan

        assert nan_allclose(vals, refs, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_linear_interpolation_nan_points(self):
        """Interpolation library works with interpolation points being NaN

        This is was the reason for bug reported in:

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = [1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
        y = [5.0, 9.0]

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define values for each x, y pair as a linear function
        for i in range(len(x)):
            for j in range(len(y)):
                A[i, j] = linear_function(x[i], y[j])

        # Then test that interpolated points can contain NaN
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 10)
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 10)
        xis[6:7] = numpy.nan
        etas[3] = numpy.nan
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode='linear')
        refs = linear_function(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
        assert nan_allclose(vals, refs, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __eq__(self, other, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Override '==' to allow comparison with other raster objecs

           * other: Raster instance to compare to
           * rtol, atol: Relative and absolute tolerance.
                         See numpy.allclose for details

        # Check type
        if not isinstance(other, Raster):
            msg = ('Raster instance cannot be compared to %s'
                   ' as its type is %s ' % (str(other), type(other)))
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # Check projection
        if self.projection != other.projection:
            return False

        # Check geotransform
        if self.get_geotransform() != other.get_geotransform():
            return False

        # Check data
        if not nan_allclose(
                rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            return False

        # Check keywords
        if self.keywords != other.keywords:
            return False

        # Raster layers are identical up to the specified tolerance
        return True
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_interpolation_random_array_and_nan(self):
        """Interpolation library (constant and linear) works with NaN

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = numpy.arange(20) * 1.0
        y = numpy.arange(25) * 1.0

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define arbitrary values for each x, y pair
        A = numpy.random.random((len(x), len(y))) * 10

        # Create islands of NaN
        A[5, 13] = numpy.nan
        A[6, 14] = A[6, 18] = numpy.nan
        A[7, 14:18] = numpy.nan
        A[8, 13:18] = numpy.nan
        A[9, 12:19] = numpy.nan
        A[10, 14:17] = numpy.nan
        A[11, 15] = numpy.nan

        A[15, 5:6] = numpy.nan

        # Creat interpolation points
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 39)   # Hit all mid points
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 73)  # Hit thirds
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        for mode in ['linear', 'constant']:
            vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode=mode)

            # Calculate reference result with expected NaNs and compare
            i = j = 0
            for k, (xi, eta) in enumerate(points):

                # Find indices of nearest higher value in x and y
                i = numpy.searchsorted(x, xi)
                j = numpy.searchsorted(y, eta)

                if i > 0 and j > 0:

                    # Get four neigbours
                    A00 = A[i - 1, j - 1]
                    A01 = A[i - 1, j]
                    A10 = A[i, j - 1]
                    A11 = A[i, j]

                    if numpy.allclose(xi, x[i]):
                        alpha = 1.0
                        alpha = 0.5

                    if numpy.allclose(eta, y[j]):
                        beta = 1.0
                        beta = eta - y[j - 1]

                    if mode == 'linear':
                        if numpy.any(numpy.isnan([A00, A01, A10, A11])):
                            ref = numpy.nan
                            ref = (A00 * (1 - alpha) * (1 - beta) +
                                   A01 * (1 - alpha) * beta +
                                   A10 * alpha * (1 - beta) +
                                   A11 * alpha * beta)
                    elif mode == 'constant':
                        assert alpha >= 0.5  # Only case in this test

                        if beta < 0.5:
                            ref = A10
                            ref = A11
                        msg = 'Unknown mode: %s' % mode
                        raise Exception(msg)

                    # print i, j, xi, eta, alpha, beta, vals[k], ref
                    assert nan_allclose(vals[k], ref, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_raster_scaling(self):
        """Raster layers can be scaled when resampled.

        This is a test for ticket #52

        Native test .asc data has

        ncols         638
        nrows         649
        cellsize      0.00045228819716044

        ncols         5525
        nrows         2050
        cellsize      0.0083333333333333

        Scaling is necessary for raster data that represents density
        such as population per km^2

        filenames = [
        for filename in filenames:
            raster_path = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, filename))

            # Get reference values
            safe_layer = read_safe_layer(raster_path)
            min_value, max_value = safe_layer.get_extrema()
            del max_value
            del min_value
            native_resolution = safe_layer.get_resolution()

            # Get the Hazard extents as an array in EPSG:4326
            bounding_box = safe_layer.get_bounding_box()

            resolutions = [
                0.0005,  # Coarser
                0.0002  # Finer
            # Test for a range of resolutions
            for resolution in resolutions:  # Finer
                # To save time only do two resolutions for the
                # large population set
                if filename.startswith('Population_2010'):
                    if resolution > 0.01 or resolution < 0.005:

                # Clip the raster to the bbox
                extra_keywords = {'resolution': native_resolution}
                raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path, 'xxx')
                result = clip_layer(

                safe_layer = read_safe_layer(result.source())
                native_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=False)
                scaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=True)

                sigma_value = (safe_layer.get_resolution()[0] /
                               native_resolution[0]) ** 2

                # Compare extrema
                expected_scaled_max = sigma_value * numpy.nanmax(native_data)
                message = (
                    'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                    'max(scaled_data) was %f but expected %f' %
                    (numpy.nanmax(scaled_data), expected_scaled_max))

                # FIXME (Ole): The rtol used to be 1.0e-8 -
                #              now it has to be 1.0e-6, otherwise we get
                #              max(scaled_data) was 12083021.000000 but
                #              expected 12083020.414316
                #              Is something being rounded to the nearest
                #              integer?
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_max,
                                      rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-8), message

                expected_scaled_min = sigma_value * numpy.nanmin(native_data)
                message = (
                    'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                    'min(scaled_data) was %f but expected %f' %
                    (numpy.nanmin(scaled_data), expected_scaled_min))
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_min,
                                      rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-12), message

                # Compare element-wise
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data * sigma_value, scaled_data,
                                    rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8), message

                # Check that it also works with manual scaling
                manual_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=sigma_value)
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(manual_data, scaled_data,
                                    rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8), message

                # Check that an exception is raised for bad arguments
                except GetDataError:
                    message = 'String argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(message)

                    safe_layer.get_data(scaling='(1, 3)')
                except GetDataError:
                    message = 'Tuple argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(message)

                # Check None option without keyword datatype == 'density'
                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'undefined'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data, unscaled_data,
                                    rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), message

                # Try with None and density keyword
                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'density'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(scaled_data, unscaled_data,
                                    rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), message

                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'counts'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data, unscaled_data,
                                    rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), message
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_raster_scaling(self):
        """Raster layers can be scaled when resampled.

        This is a test for ticket #52

        Native test .asc data has

        ncols         638
        nrows         649
        cellsize      0.00045228819716044

        ncols         5525
        nrows         2050
        cellsize      0.0083333333333333

        Scaling is necessary for raster data that represents density
        such as population per km^2

        filenames = [
            'Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc', 'Population_2010.asc'
        for filename in filenames:
            raster_path = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, filename))

            # Get reference values
            safe_layer = read_safe_layer(raster_path)
            min_value, max_value = safe_layer.get_extrema()
            del max_value
            del min_value
            native_resolution = safe_layer.get_resolution()

            # Get the Hazard extents as an array in EPSG:4326
            bounding_box = safe_layer.get_bounding_box()

            resolutions = [
                0.0005,  # Coarser
                0.0002  # Finer
            # Test for a range of resolutions
            for resolution in resolutions:  # Finer
                # To save time only do two resolutions for the
                # large population set
                if filename.startswith('Population_2010'):
                    if resolution > 0.01 or resolution < 0.005:

                # Clip the raster to the bbox
                extra_keywords = {'resolution': native_resolution}
                raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path, 'xxx')
                result = clip_layer(raster_layer,

                safe_layer = read_safe_layer(result.source())
                native_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=False)
                scaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=True)

                sigma_value = (safe_layer.get_resolution()[0] /

                # Compare extrema
                expected_scaled_max = sigma_value * numpy.nanmax(native_data)
                message = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                           'max(scaled_data) was %f but expected %f' %
                           (numpy.nanmax(scaled_data), expected_scaled_max))

                # FIXME (Ole): The rtol used to be 1.0e-8 -
                #              now it has to be 1.0e-6, otherwise we get
                #              max(scaled_data) was 12083021.000000 but
                #              expected 12083020.414316
                #              Is something being rounded to the nearest
                #              integer?
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_max,
                                      atol=1.0e-8), message

                expected_scaled_min = sigma_value * numpy.nanmin(native_data)
                message = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                           'min(scaled_data) was %f but expected %f' %
                           (numpy.nanmin(scaled_data), expected_scaled_min))
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_min,
                                      atol=1.0e-12), message

                # Compare element-wise
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data * sigma_value,
                                    atol=1.0e-8), message

                # Check that it also works with manual scaling
                manual_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=sigma_value)
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(manual_data,
                                    atol=1.0e-8), message

                # Check that an exception is raised for bad arguments
                except GetDataError:
                    message = 'String argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(message)

                    safe_layer.get_data(scaling='(1, 3)')
                except GetDataError:
                    message = 'Tuple argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(message)

                # Check None option without keyword datatype == 'density'
                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'undefined'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data,
                                    atol=1.0e-12), message

                # Try with None and density keyword
                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'density'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nan_allclose(scaled_data,
                                    atol=1.0e-12), message

                safe_layer.keywords['datatype'] = 'counts'
                unscaled_data = safe_layer.get_data(scaling=None)
                message = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nan_allclose(native_data,
                                    atol=1.0e-12), message
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_interpolation_random_array_and_nan(self):
        """Interpolation library (constant and linear) works with NaN

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        x = numpy.arange(20) * 1.0
        y = numpy.arange(25) * 1.0

        # Define ny by nx array with corresponding values
        A = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        # Define arbitrary values for each x, y pair
        A = numpy.random.random((len(x), len(y))) * 10

        # Create islands of NaN
        A[5, 13] = numpy.nan
        A[6, 14] = A[6, 18] = numpy.nan
        A[7, 14:18] = numpy.nan
        A[8, 13:18] = numpy.nan
        A[9, 12:19] = numpy.nan
        A[10, 14:17] = numpy.nan
        A[11, 15] = numpy.nan

        A[15, 5:6] = numpy.nan

        # Creat interpolation points
        xis = numpy.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 39)  # Hit all mid points
        etas = numpy.linspace(y[0], y[-1], 73)  # Hit thirds
        points = combine_coordinates(xis, etas)

        for mode in ['linear', 'constant']:
            vals = interpolate2d(x, y, A, points, mode=mode)

            # Calculate reference result with expected NaNs and compare
            i = j = 0
            for k, (xi, eta) in enumerate(points):

                # Find indices of nearest higher value in x and y
                i = numpy.searchsorted(x, xi)
                j = numpy.searchsorted(y, eta)

                if i > 0 and j > 0:

                    # Get four neigbours
                    A00 = A[i - 1, j - 1]
                    A01 = A[i - 1, j]
                    A10 = A[i, j - 1]
                    A11 = A[i, j]

                    if numpy.allclose(xi, x[i]):
                        alpha = 1.0
                        alpha = 0.5

                    if numpy.allclose(eta, y[j]):
                        beta = 1.0
                        beta = eta - y[j - 1]

                    if mode == 'linear':
                        if numpy.any(numpy.isnan([A00, A01, A10, A11])):
                            ref = numpy.nan
                            ref = (A00 * (1 - alpha) * (1 - beta) + A01 *
                                   (1 - alpha) * beta + A10 * alpha *
                                   (1 - beta) + A11 * alpha * beta)
                    elif mode == 'constant':
                        assert alpha >= 0.5  # Only case in this test

                        if beta < 0.5:
                            ref = A10
                            ref = A11
                        msg = 'Unknown mode: %s' % mode
                        raise Exception(msg)

                    # print i, j, xi, eta, alpha, beta, vals[k], ref
                    assert nan_allclose(vals[k], ref, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12)