Exemplo n.º 1
    control over subsets of those resources (resource slices) to an application.

    This :class:`Manager` class represents the contact point to such
    ResourceManager instances -- the application can thus acquire compute, data
    or network resources, according to some resource specification, for a bound
    or unbound amount of time. 
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @sus.takes   ('Manager', 
                  sus.optional (basestring, surl.Url), 
                  sus.optional (ss.Session),
                  sus.optional (sab.Base), 
                  sus.optional (dict), 
                  sus.optional (sus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK)))
    @sus.returns (sus.nothing)
    def __init__ (self, url=None, session=None,
                  _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : 

        Create a new Manager instance. Connect to a remote resource management endpoint.

        :type  url: :class:`saga.Url`
        :param url: resource management endpoint

        # param checks
        _url   = surl.Url(url)
        scheme = _url.scheme.lower()
Exemplo n.º 2
    different ways: they can be actively be destroyed by the application, and
    will then enter the `CANCELED` state; they can internally cease to function
    and become unable to serve usage requests, represented by a `FAILED` state,
    and the resource manager can retract control from the application because
    the agreed time duration has passed -- this is represented by the `EXPIRED`

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @sus.takes   ('Resource', 
                  sus.optional (basestring), 
                  sus.optional (ss.Session),
                  sus.optional (sab.Base), 
                  sus.optional (dict), 
                  sus.optional (sus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK)))
    @sus.returns (sus.nothing)
    def __init__ (self, id=None, session=None,
                  _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : 
        :param id: id of the resource
        :type  id: :class:`saga.Url`
        :param session: SAGA session to be used
        :type  session: :class:`saga.Session`

        Resource class instances are usually created by calling :func:`acquire`
        on the :class:`saga.resource.Manager` class.  Already acquired resources
        are identified by a string typed identifier.  This constructor accepts
        such an identifier to create another representation of the same
        resource.  As the resource itself is new newly acquired, it can be in
Exemplo n.º 3
    control over subsets of those resources (resource slices) to an application.

    This :class:`Manager` class represents the contact point to such
    ResourceManager instances -- the application can thus acquire compute, data
    or network resources, according to some resource specification, for a bound
    or unbound amount of time. 
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @sus.takes   ('Manager', 
                  sus.optional (basestring, surl.Url), 
                  sus.optional (ss.Session),
                  sus.optional (sab.Base), 
                  sus.optional (dict), 
                  sus.optional (sus.one_of (SYNC, ASYNC, TASK)))
    @sus.returns (sus.nothing)
    def __init__ (self, url_in=None, session=None,
                  _adaptor=None, _adaptor_state={}, _ttype=None) : 
        :type  url_in: :class:`saga.Url`
        :param url_in: the contact point of the resource manager service.

        # param checks
        url    = surl.Url (url_in)
        scheme = url.scheme.lower ()

        if not session :
            session = ss.Session (default=True)