def coxeter(self):
        Returns a list expressing the coxeter element corresponding to self._B
        (twisted) reflections are applied from top of the list, for example
        [2, 1, 0] correspond to s_2s_1s_0

        Sources == non positive columns == leftmost letters
        zero_vector = vector([0 for x in range(self.rk)])
        coxeter = []
        B = copy(self.B0)
        columns = B.columns()
        source = None
        for j in range(self.rk):
            for i in range(self.rk):
                if all(x <=0 for x in columns[i]) and columns[i] != zero_vector:
                    source = i
            if source == None:
                if B != matrix(self.rk):
                    raise ValueError("Unable to find a Coxeter element representing self.B0")
                coxeter += [ x for x in range(self.rk) if x not in coxeter]
            columns[source] = zero_vector
            B = matrix(columns).transpose()
            B[source] = zero_vector
            columns = B.columns()
            source = None
        return tuple(coxeter)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_example(filepath,more_info=False):
    e = E.Example(filepath)
    mA = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_A))
    mB_s = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_B_strict))
    mB_w = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_B_weak))
    print "Checking termination for example '"+ e.example_name +"'"
    print "published in " + e.published_in
    if more_info:
        print "Matrix A:"
        print mA
        print "Matrix jnf(A):"
        print mA.jordan_form(S.QQbar)
        print "Matrix B strict:"
        print mB_s
        print "Matrix B weak:"
        print mB_w
        print ("applicable to complexity theorem: " + str(C.are_absolute_eigenvalues_of_jordan_blocks_distinct(mA)))
        print ("polynomial update:                " + str(C.has_polynomial_growth(mA)))
        print ("max growth:                       " + str(C.pretty_growth(C.max_growth(mA))))
    start_time = time.time()
    result = T.termination_check(mA,mB_s,mB_w,more_info)
    end_time = time.time()
    print "result:",result
    print ("time: %0.4f seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print "-"*40+"\n"
    def compatibility_degree(self, alpha, beta):
        if self.is_finite():
            tube_contribution = -1
        elif self.is_affine():
            gck = self.gamma().associated_coroot()
            if any([gck.scalar(alpha) != 0, gck.scalar(beta) != 0]):
                tube_contribution = -1
                sup_a = self._tube_support(alpha)
                sup_b = self._tube_support(beta)
                if all([x in sup_b for x in sup_a]) or all([x in sup_a for x in sup_b]):
                    tube_contribution = -1
                    nbh_a = self._tube_nbh(alpha)
                    tube_contribution = len([ x for x in nbh_a if x in sup_b ])
            raise ValueError("compatibility degree is implemented only for finite and affine types")
        initial = self.initial_cluster()
        if alpha in initial:
            return max(beta[initial.index(alpha)],0)

        alphacheck = alpha.associated_coroot()

        if beta in initial:
            return max(alphacheck[initial.index(beta)],0)

        Ap = -matrix(self.rk, map(lambda x: max(x,0), self.b_matrix().list() ) )
        Am =  matrix(self.rk, map(lambda x: min(x,0), self.b_matrix().list() ) )

        a = vector(alphacheck)
        b = vector(beta)

        return max( -a*b-a*Am*b, -a*b-a*Ap*b, tube_contribution )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _load_bp(self, fname):
        bp = []
            with open(fname) as f:
                for line in f:
                    if line.startswith('#'):
                    bp_json = json.loads(line)
                    for step in bp_json['steps']:
                            Layer(int(step['position']), matrix(step['0']), matrix(step['1'])))

                    assert len(bp_json['outputs'])    == 1 and \
                           len(bp_json['outputs'][0]) == 2
                    first_out = bp_json['outputs'][0][0].lower()
                    if first_out not in ['false', '0']:
                        if first_out not in ['true', '1']:
                            print('warning: interpreting %s as a truthy output' % first_out)
                        bp[-1].one .swap_columns(0,1)
                    return bp
        except IOError as e:
        except ValueError as e:
            print('expected numeric position while parsing branching program JSON')
Exemplo n.º 5
def kernel_lattice(A, mod=None):
    ''' Lattice of vectors x with Ax = 0 (potentially mod m) '''
    A = matrix(ZZ if mod is None else Integers(mod), A)
    L = [vector(ZZ, row) for row in A.right_kernel().basis()]
    if mod is not None:
        cols = len(L[0])
        for i in range(cols):
            L.append([0]*i + [mod] + [0]*(cols-i-1))
    return matrix(L)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _rankin_cohen_triple_det_sym2_pol(k1, k2, k3):
    (r11, r12, r22, s11, s12, s22, t11, t12, t22), (u1, u2) = _triple_gens()

    m0 = matrix([[r11, s11, t11], [2 * r12, 2 * s12, 2 * t12], [k1, k2, k3]])

    m1 = matrix([[r11, s11, t11], [k1, k2, k3], [r22, s22, t22]])

    m2 = matrix([[k1, k2, k3], [2 * r12, 2 * s12, 2 * t12], [r22, s22, t22]])
    Q = m0.det() * u1**2 - 2 * m1.det() * u1 * u2 + m2.det() * u2**2
    return Q
Exemplo n.º 7
def _blocks_to_quad_form(blcs, p):
    h = matrix([[QQ(0), QQ(1) / QQ(2)],
                [QQ(1) / QQ(2), QQ(0)]])
    y = matrix([[QQ(1), QQ(1) / QQ(2)],
                [QQ(1) / QQ(2), QQ(1)]])
    mat_dict = {"h": h, "y": y}
    mats_w_expt = [(expt, mat_dict[qf] if qf in ("h", "y") else matrix([[qf]]))
                   for expt, qf in blcs]
    qfs = [QuadraticForm(ZZ, m * ZZ(2) * p ** expt) for expt, m in mats_w_expt]
    return reduce(operator.add, qfs)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def matrix_representaion(self, lin_op):
     '''Let lin_op(f, t) be an endomorphsim of self, where f is
     a modular form and t is a object corresponding to a matrix.
     This medthod returns the matrix representation of lin_op.
     basis = self.basis()
     lin_indep_tuples = self.linearly_indep_tuples()
     m1 = matrix([[f[t] for t in lin_indep_tuples] for f in basis])
     m2 = matrix([[lin_op(f, t) for t in lin_indep_tuples]
                  for f in basis])
     return (m2 * m1 ** (-1)).transpose()
Exemplo n.º 9
def cvp_embed(L, v, b=None):
    if not b:
        b = max(max(row) for row in L.rows())

    L2 = matrix([list(row) + [0] for row in L] + [list(v) + [b]])
    res = None
    for x in lll(matrix(L2)):
        if x[-1] > 0: x = -x
        if x[-1] == -b:
            u = vector(x[:-1]) + v
            assert in_lattice(L, u)
            if res is None or (v - u).norm() < (v - res).norm():
                res = u
    return res
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_division_generators(self):
     prec = 6
     div_consts = [c for c in gens_consts if isinstance(c, ConstDivision)]
     consts = (even_gen_consts() + odd_gen_consts() +
               [CVH(_wt18_consts[0], 2), CVH(sym10_19_consts[0], 2)])
     calculator = CalculatorVectValued(consts, data_dir)
     calculator.calc_forms_and_save(prec, verbose=True, force=True)
     gens_dct = calculator.forms_dict(prec)
     for c in div_consts:
         k = c.weight()
         print "checking when k = %s" % (str(k), )
         if k % 2 == 0:
             sccst = _find_const_of_e4_e6_of_same_wt(18 - k)
             M = Sym10EvenDiv(sccst, prec)
             sccst = _find_const_of_e4_e6_of_same_wt(19 - k)
             M = Sym10OddDiv(sccst, prec)
         pl = _anihilate_pol(k, M)
         hol_basis = M.basis_of_subsp_annihilated_by(pl)
         N = Sym10GivenWtBase(prec, k, hol_basis)
         # Check this prec is sufficient.
         mt = matrix(QQ, [[b[t] for b in N.basis()]
                          for t in N.linearly_indep_tuples()])
             mt.is_invertible(), "False when k = %s" % (str(k),))
         # Check our construction gives a holomorphic modular form
                         "False when k = %s" % (str(k),))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def gamma(self):
     Assume roots are labeled by range(self._n)
     Return the generalized eigenvector of the cartan matrix of eigenvalue 1
     in the span of the finite root system
     if self.is_affine():
         C = [self.c(x) for x in self.simple_roots()]
         C = map(vector, C)
         C = matrix(C).transpose()
         delta = vector(
         gamma = (C - 1).solve_right(delta)
         # the following two lines could probably ve replaced by the
         # assumption i0 = 0
         ct = self.cartan_type()
         i0 = [
             i for i in ct.index_set()
             if i not in ct.classical().index_set()
         gamma = gamma - gamma[i0] / delta[i0] * delta
         gamma = sum(
             [gamma[i] * self.simple_roots()[i] for i in range(self.rk)])
         return gamma
         raise ValueError("gamma is defined only for affine types")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def is_independent(self, v):
        Return True if the Hecke operators in v are independent.


            - `v` -- four elements of the Hecke algebra mod 2 (represented as matrices)


            - bool


            sage: from mdsage import *
            sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29)
            sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(4)])
            sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(1)+C.T(3)])
#        X = matrix(GF(2), 4, sum([a.list() for a in v], []))
#        c = sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense.Matrix_modn_dense(X.parent(),X.list(),False,True)
#        return c.rank() == 4

        # This crashes!  See
        return matrix(GF(2), len(v), sum([a.list() for a in v], [])).rank() == len(v)
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 13
def linear_dependencies(m, err_dec=20, round_dec=10):

    import numpy as np
    from sage.all import matrix, round

    W = m.numpy()
    (nr, nc) = W.shape

    d = np.identity(nc)

    if not W[:, 0].any():
        d[0, 0] = 0.0

    for i in range(1, nc):
        if not W[:, i].any():
            d[i, i] = 0.0
            A = W[:, :i]
            b = W[:, i:i + 1]
            Api = np.linalg.pinv(A)
            x =, b)
            err = np.linalg.norm(b -, x))
            if err < 10.0**(-err_dec):
                d[:, i:i + 1] = np.vstack(
                    (x.reshape(i, 1), np.zeros((nc - i, 1))))
                W[:, i:i + 1] = np.zeros((nr, 1))

    return matrix(d).apply_map(lambda i: round(i, round_dec))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def is_independent(self, v):
        Return True if the Hecke operators in v are independent.


            - `v` -- four elements of the Hecke algebra mod 2 (represented as matrices)


            - bool


            sage: from mdsage import *
            sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29)
            sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(4)])
            sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(1)+C.T(3)])
#        X = matrix(GF(2), 4, sum([a.list() for a in v], []))
#        c = sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense.Matrix_modn_dense(X.parent(),X.list(),False,True)
#        return c.rank() == 4

        # This crashes!  See
        return matrix(GF(2), len(v), sum([a.list() for a in v], [])).rank() == len(v)
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 15
def factorize_msb(moduli, bitsize, shared_bitsize):
    Factorizes the moduli when some most significant bits are equal among multiples of a prime factor.
    More information: Nitaj A., Ariffin MRK., "Implicit factorization of unbalanced RSA moduli" (Section 4)
    :param moduli: the moduli
    :param bitsize: the amount of bits of the moduli
    :param shared_bitsize: the amount of shared most significant bits
    :return: a list containing a tuple of the factors of each modulus, or None if the factors were not found
    L = matrix(ZZ, len(moduli), len(moduli))
    L[0, 0] = 2**(bitsize - shared_bitsize)
    for i in range(1, len(moduli)):
        L[0, i] = moduli[i]

    for i in range(1, len(moduli)):
        L[i, i] = -moduli[0]

    L = L.LLL()

    for row in range(L.nrows()):
        factors = []
        for col in range(L.ncols()):
            modulus = moduli[col]
            q = gcd(L[row, col], modulus)
            if 1 < q < modulus and modulus % q == 0:
                factors.append((modulus // q, q))

        if len(factors) == len(moduli):
            return factors
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: Projeto: LMFDB/lmfdb
def lattice_search_isometric(res, info, query):
    We check for isometric lattices if the user enters a valid gram matrix
    but not one stored in the database

    This may become slow in the future: at the moment we compare against
    a list of stored matrices with same dimension and determinant
    (just compare with respect to dimension is slow)
    if info['number'] == 0 and info.get('gram'):
        A = query['gram']
        n = len(A[0])
        d = matrix(A).determinant()
        for gram in{'dim': n, 'det': int(d)}, 'gram'):
            if isom(A, gram):
                query['gram'] = gram
                proj = lattice_search_projection
                count = parse_count(info)
                start = parse_start(info)
                res =, proj, limit=count, offset=start, info=info)

    for v in res:
        v['min'] = v.pop('minimum')
    return res
Exemplo n.º 17
def _arc(p,q,s,**kwds):
    #rewrite this to use polar_plot and get points to do filled triangles
    from sage.misc.functional import det
    from sage.plot.line import line
    from sage.misc.functional import norm
    from sage.symbolic.all import pi
    from sage.plot.arc import arc

    p,q,s = map( lambda x: vector(x), [p,q,s])

    # to avoid running into division by 0 we set to be colinear vectors that are
    # almost colinear
    if abs(det(matrix([p-s,q-s])))<0.01:
        return line((p,q),**kwds)

            2*cx*(s[0]-p[0])+2*cy*(s[1]-p[1]) == s[0]**2+s[1]**2-p[0]**2-p[1]**2,
            2*cx*(s[0]-q[0])+2*cy*(s[1]-q[1]) == s[0]**2+s[1]**2-q[0]**2-q[1]**2
    c = vector( [solve( equations, (cx,cy), solution_dict=True )[0][i] for i in [cx,cy]] )
    r = norm(p-c)

    a_p, a_q, a_s = map(lambda x: atan2(x[1],x[0]), [p-c,q-c,s-c])
    a_p, a_q = sorted([a_p,a_q])
    if a_s < a_p or a_s > a_q:
        return arc( c, r, angle=a_q, sector=(0,2*pi-a_q+a_p), **kwds)
    return arc( c, r, angle=a_p, sector=(0,a_q-a_p), **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def jacobian(self):
        s = len(self.mcomplex.Edges)
        result = matrix(self.vertex_gram_matrices[0].base_ring(), s, s)

        for tet in self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra:
            cofactor_matrices = _cofactor_matrices_for_submatrices(
            vga = self.vertex_gram_adjoints[tet.Index]

            for angle_edge, (i, j) in _OneSubsimplicesWithVertexIndices:
                cii = vga[i, i]
                cij = vga[i, j]
                cjj = vga[j, j]

                dcij = -1 / sqrt(cii * cjj - cij**2)
                tmp = -dcij * cij / 2
                dcii = tmp / cii
                dcjj = tmp / cjj

                a = tet.Class[t3m.comp(angle_edge)].Index

                for length_edge, (m, n) in _OneSubsimplicesWithVertexIndices:
                    l = tet.Class[length_edge].Index

                    result[a, l] += (
                        dcij *
                        _cofactor_derivative(cofactor_matrices, i, j, m, n) +
                        dcii *
                        _cofactor_derivative(cofactor_matrices, i, i, m, n) +
                        dcjj *
                        _cofactor_derivative(cofactor_matrices, j, j, m, n))
        return result
Exemplo n.º 19
    def gimbal_derivative(self):

        self.edge_index_to_column_index = {
            e: i
            for i, e in enumerate(self.approx_edges)

        RIF = self.hyperbolic_structure.vertex_gram_matrices[0].base_ring()
        num_rows = 3 * len(self.mcomplex.Vertices)
        num_cols = len(self.approx_edges)
        result = matrix(RIF, num_rows, num_cols)

        for i, gimbal_loop in enumerate(self.gimbal_loops):
            path_matrices = [
                for edgeLoop, edgePath in gimbal_loop

            for j, (edgeLoop, edgePath) in enumerate(gimbal_loop):
                col = self.edge_index_to_column_index[edgeLoop.edge_index]
                m = self._gimbal_derivative_matrix(gimbal_loop, path_matrices,
                result[3 * i, col] += m[0, 1]
                result[3 * i + 1, col] += m[0, 2]
                result[3 * i + 2, col] += m[1, 2]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, tiling_engine, bits_prec=2 * 53):
        self.RIF = RealIntervalField(bits_prec)
        self.CIF = ComplexIntervalField(bits_prec)

        self.baseTetInCenter = vector(

        self.generator_matrices = {
            g: matrix(self.RIF, PSL2C_to_O13(m))
            for g, m in tiling_engine.mcomplex.GeneratorMatrices.items()

        self.max_values = {}

        for tile in tiling_engine.all_tiles():
            if tile.word:
                m = prod(self.generator_matrices[g] for g in tile.word)
                tileCenter = vector(

                #print(m * self.baseTetInCenter)
                #print(inner_prod(m * self.baseTetInCenter, tileCenter).endpoints())

                err = my_dist(m * self.baseTetInCenter, tileCenter).upper()
                l = len(tile.word)
                self.max_values[l] = max(err, self.max_values.get(l, err))
Exemplo n.º 21
def _arc(p, q, s, **kwds):
    #rewrite this to use polar_plot and get points to do filled triangles
    from sage.misc.functional import det
    from sage.plot.line import line
    from sage.misc.functional import norm
    from sage.symbolic.all import pi
    from sage.plot.arc import arc

    p, q, s = map(lambda x: vector(x), [p, q, s])

    # to avoid running into division by 0 we set to be colinear vectors that are
    # almost colinear
    if abs(det(matrix([p - s, q - s]))) < 0.01:
        return line((p, q), **kwds)

    (cx, cy) = var('cx', 'cy')
    equations = [
        2 * cx * (s[0] - p[0]) + 2 * cy * (s[1] - p[1]) == s[0]**2 + s[1]**2 -
        p[0]**2 - p[1]**2, 2 * cx * (s[0] - q[0]) + 2 * cy *
        (s[1] - q[1]) == s[0]**2 + s[1]**2 - q[0]**2 - q[1]**2
    c = vector([
        solve(equations, (cx, cy), solution_dict=True)[0][i] for i in [cx, cy]

    r = norm(p - c)

    a_p, a_q, a_s = map(lambda x: atan2(x[1], x[0]), [p - c, q - c, s - c])
    a_p, a_q = sorted([a_p, a_q])
    if a_s < a_p or a_s > a_q:
        return arc(c, r, angle=a_q, sector=(0, 2 * pi - a_q + a_p), **kwds)
    return arc(c, r, angle=a_p, sector=(0, a_q - a_p), **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 22
def _recover_increment_and_states(outputs, state_bitsize, output_bitsize,
                                  modulus, multiplier):
    B = 2**(state_bitsize - output_bitsize)
    mult1 = multiplier
    mult2 = 1

    # Adapted from the code to solve the Hidden Number Problem using a lattice attack.
    m = len(outputs)
    M = matrix(QQ, m + 3, m + 3)
    for i in range(m):
        M[i, i] = modulus
        M[m, i] = mult1
        M[m + 1, i] = mult2
        # Adding B // 2 improves the quality of the results.
        M[m + 2, i] = (-(B * outputs[i] + B // 2)) % modulus
        mult1 = (multiplier * mult1) % modulus
        mult2 = (multiplier * mult2 + 1) % modulus
    M[m, m] = B / QQ(modulus)
    M[m + 1, m + 1] = B / QQ(modulus)
    M[m + 2, m] = 0
    M[m + 2, m + 1] = 0
    M[m + 2, m + 2] = B

    L = M.LLL()

    for row in L.rows():
        seed = (int(row[m] * modulus) // B) % modulus
        increment = (int(row[m + 1] * modulus) // B) % modulus
        if seed != 0 and increment != 0 and row[m + 2] == B:
            states = []
            for i in range(len(outputs)):
                states.append((B * outputs[i] + B // 2 + int(row[i])))
            yield modulus, multiplier, increment, states
Exemplo n.º 23
def check_add_qexp(dim, min_det=1, max_det=None, fix=False):
    count = 0
    query = {}
    query['dim'] = int(dim)
    query['det'] = {'$gte': int(min_det)}
    if max_det:
        query['det']['$lte'] = int(max_det)
        max_det = "infinity"
    lat_set = lat.find(query)
        "%s lattices to examine of dimension %s and determinant between %s and %s."
        % (lat_set.count(), dim, min_det, max_det))
    if lat_set.count() == 0:
        return None
    print("checking wheter the q expansion is stored...")
    for l in lat_set:
        print("Testing lattice %s" % l['label'])
        if l['theta_series'] == "":
            print("q expansion NOT stored")
            if fix:
                M = l['gram']
                exp = [
                    int(i) for i in gp("Vec(1+2*'x*Ser(qfrep(" +
                                       str(gp(matrix(M))) + ",150,0)))")
                lat.update({'theta_series': l['theta_series']},
                           {"$set": {
                               'theta_series': exp
                print("Fixed lattice %s" % l['label'])
            print("q expansion stored")
Exemplo n.º 24
def mod_right_kernel(A, mod):
    # from
    # too slow though
    Zn = ZZ**A.ncols()
    M = Zn/(mod*Zn)
    phi = M.hom([M(a) for a in A] + [M(0) for _ in range(A.ncols()-A.nrows())])
    return matrix([M(b) for b in phi.kernel().gens()])
Exemplo n.º 25
    def characteristic_polynomial(self, f, g):
        Return the characteristic polynomial of an element of a simple extension
        of `K`.


        - ``f``, ``g`` -- univariate monic polynomials over `K`


        the characteristic polynomial of the element `\beta=g(\alpha)` with
        respect to the relative extension `L=K[\alpha]/K`, where `\alpha` is
        a formal root of `f`. Of course, `L` is a field only if `f` i irreducible,
        but this is not checked, and no error would occur within this function if
        `f` is reducible.


        # construct the matrix representing alpha as endo of L/K
        K = self.number_field()
        m =
        A = matrix(K, m)
        for i in range(m - 1):
            A[i + 1, i] = K(1)
        for i in range(m):
            A[i, m - 1] = -f[i]
        B = g(A)
        # now B represents beta
        return B.charpoly()
Exemplo n.º 26
 def pi(z):
     # Note that f(...) returns a string right now, since it's all done at C level.
     # This will prboably change, breaking this code. 
     M = matrix(k,2,eval(f(z).replace(';',','), {'g':g})).transpose()
     v = M.echelon_form()[0]
     return v
Exemplo n.º 27
    def set_peripheral_info(self):
        G = self.manifold.fundamental_group()
        phi = MapToFreeAbelianization(G)
        m, l = [phi(w)[0] for w in G.peripheral_curves()[0]]
        if m < 0:
            m, l = -m, -l
        self.m_abelian, self.l_abelian = m, l
        # Same as index of homological meridian in H_1(M)_free
        self.l_order = gcd(m, l)

        # We also want to be able to view things from a more homologically
        # natural point of view.

        hom_l = self.manifold.homological_longitude()
        if abs(hom_l[1]) == 1:
            hom_m = (1, 0)
            a, b = xgcd(*hom_l)[1:]
            hom_m = (b, -a)
            M = self.manifold.copy()
            M.set_peripheral_curves([hom_m, hom_l])
            cusp = M.cusp_info(0).shape
            assert abs(1 + cusp) > 1 - 1e-10 and abs(1 - cusp) > 1 - 1e-10
        self.hom_m = hom_m
        self.hom_l = hom_l
        self.hom_m_abelian = abs(self.m_abelian * hom_m[0] +
                                 self.l_abelian * hom_m[1])
        self.change_trans_to_hom_framing = matrix([hom_m, hom_l])

        # Moreover, we store two special copies of the meridian for
        # later use.

        self.special_meridians = meridians_fixing_infinity_and_zero(
Exemplo n.º 28
def _rankin_cohen_triple_det_sym8_pol(k1, k2, k3):
    (r11, r12, r22, s11, s12, s22, t11, t12, t22), (u1, u2) = _triple_gens()

    def _mat_det(l):
        return matrix([[r11, s11, t11],
                       [r12, s12, t12],
                       l + [2 * k3]]).det()

    ls = [[2 * k1 + 6, 2 * k2],
          [2 * k1 + 4, 2 * k2 + 2],
          [2 * k1 + 2, 2 * k2 + 4],
          [2 * k1, 2 * k2 + 6]]

    coeffs = [(2 * k2 + 2) * (2 * k2 + 4) * (2 * k2 + 6) * r11 ** 3,
              -3 * (2 * k1 + 6) * (2 * k2 + 4) * (2 * k2 + 6) * r11 ** 2 * s11,
              3 * (2 * k1 + 4) * (2 * k1 + 6) * (2 * k2 + 6) * r11 * s11 ** 2,
              -(2 * k1 + 2) * (2 * k1 + 4) * (2 * k1 + 6) * s11 ** 3]
    Q0 = sum([c * _mat_det(l) for c, l in zip(coeffs, ls)])
    A = matrix([[1, u1], [0, 1]])

    def bracketA(a, b, c):
        R = matrix([[a, b], [b, c]])
        a1, b1, _, c1 = (A * R * A.transpose()).list()
        return (a1, b1, c1)

    def _subs_dct(rs):
        return {a: b for a, b in zip(rs, bracketA(*rs))}

    subs_dct = {}
    for rs in [[r11, r12, r22], [s11, s12, s22], [t11, t12, t22]]:
    Q0_subs = Q0.subs(subs_dct)
    return sum([Q0_subs[(i, 0)] * u1 ** (8 - i) * u2 ** i for i in range(9)])
Exemplo n.º 29
def isom(A, B):
    # First check that A is a symmetric matrix.
    if not matrix(A).is_symmetric():
        return False
    # Then check A against the viable database candidates.
        n = len(A[0])
        m = len(B[0])
        Avec = []
        Bvec = []
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i, n):
                if i == j:
                    Avec += [A[i][j]]
                    Avec += [2 * A[i][j]]
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(i, m):
                if i == j:
                    Bvec += [B[i][j]]
                    Bvec += [2 * B[i][j]]
        Aquad = QuadraticForm(ZZ, len(A[0]), Avec)
        # check positive definite
        if Aquad.is_positive_definite():
            Bquad = QuadraticForm(ZZ, len(B[0]), Bvec)
            return Aquad.is_globally_equivalent_to(Bquad)
            return False
Exemplo n.º 30
def resolution_graph_of_cyclic_quotient_singularity(n, r):
    r"""  Return the resolution graph of the tame cyclic quotient singularity
        of type `(n,r)`.


    - ``n``, ``r`` -- positive integers such that `n>r`

    OUTPUT: the resolution graph of a tame cyclic quotient singularity
    of type `(n,r)`. See ..

    Let `(a_0,\ldots,a_s)` be the modified continued fraction expansion of `n/r`.
    Then the resolution graph is a chain of components `E_0,\ldots,E_s`, where
    `E_i` is smooth of genus zero and has selfintersection `-a_i`.

    a = modified_continued_fraction(n, r)
    n = len(a)
    M = matrix(ZZ, n, n)
    for i in range(n):
        M[i, i] = - a[i]
        if i > 0:
            M[i, i - 1] = 1
            M[i - 1, i] = 1
    return ResolutionGraph(M)
Exemplo n.º 31
def lattice_search_isometric(res, info, query):
    We check for isometric lattices if the user enters a valid gram matrix
    but not one stored in the database

    This may become slow in the future: at the moment we compare against
    a list of stored matrices with same dimension and determinant
    (just compare with respect to dimension is slow)
    if info['number'] == 0 and info.get('gram'):
        A = query['gram']
        n = len(A[0])
        d = matrix(A).determinant()
        for gram in{'dim': n, 'det': int(d)}, 'gram'):
            if isom(A, gram):
                query['gram'] = gram
                proj = lattice_search_projection
                count = parse_count(info)
                start = parse_start(info)
                res =,

    for v in res:
        v['min'] = v.pop('minimum')
    return res
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, data):
        for elt in db.hgm_families.col_type:
            if elt not in data:
                data[elt] = None


        self.alpha = cyc_to_QZ(self.A)
        self.beta = cyc_to_QZ(self.B)
        self.hodge = data['famhodge']
        self.bezout = matrix(self.bezout)
        self.hinf = matrix(self.hinf)
        self.h0 = matrix(self.h0)
        self.h1 = matrix(self.h1)
        self.rotation_number = self.imprim
def sqcap_mul(A, B, n, p, q):
    Let A and B be square matrices of size
    binomial(n, p) and binomial(n, q).
    Return sqcap multiplication defined in [Bö] as a square matrix of size
    binomial(n, p + q).
    # if p or q is zero, return immediately.
    if p == 0:
        return B
    elif q == 0:
        return A

    p_dct = _index_dct(n, p)
    q_dct = _index_dct(n, q)
    p_q_dct = _index_dct(n, p + q)

    p_q_lst = permutations_increasing(n, p + q)
    res = matrix([[A.base_ring()(0) for _ in p_q_lst] for _ in p_q_lst])
    for ad in _permutations_increasing(n, p):
        for bd in _permutations_increasing(n, p):
            for add in _permutations_increasing(n, q):
                for bdd in _permutations_increasing(n, q):
                    if all(a not in add for a in ad) and all(b not in bdd for b in bd):
                        a = _concat(ad, add)
                        b = _concat(bd, bdd)
                        s = (_sign(ad, add) * _sign(bd, bdd) *
                             A[p_dct[bd], p_dct[ad]] *
                             B[q_dct[bdd], q_dct[add]])
                        res[p_q_dct[b], p_q_dct[a]] += s
    return binomial(p + q, p) ** (-1) * res
 def assert_degree_2(self, k):
     es = eisenstein_series_degree2(k, prec=10)
     es1 = sess(weight=k, degree=2)
         all(es[(n, r, m)] == es1.fourier_coefficient(matrix([[n, ZZ(r) / ZZ(2)],
                                                              [ZZ(r) / ZZ(2), m]]))
             for n, r, m in es.prec))
Exemplo n.º 35
def kalmanson_matrix(n, aug=False):
    r,c = triu_indices(n, 1)
    k = len(r)
    inds = np.arange(k)
    row_ind = lambda (i,j): inds[np.logical_and(r==i-1, c==j-1)]
    upright = lambda (i,j): (i,j) if i<j else (j,i)
    get_ind = lambda ind_lst: np.array(map(row_ind, map(upright, grouper(2, ind_lst))))

    rows = []
    for i in range(1,n-2):
        for j in range(i+2, n):
            ind_lst = (i, j+1, i+1, j, i, j, i+1, j+1)
            indices = get_ind(ind_lst)
            row = np.zeros(k,
            row[indices] = [-1, -1, 1, 1]           

    sub = len(rows)

    for i in range(2, n-1):
        ind_lst = (i, 1, i+1, n, i, n, i+1, 1)
        indices = get_ind(ind_lst)
        row = np.zeros(k,
        row[indices] = [-1, -1, 1, 1]           

    mat = matrix(np.vstack(rows))
    mat.subdivide(sub, None)
    if aug:
        return zero_matrix(len(rows),1).augment(mat)
        return mat
Exemplo n.º 36
def check_add_qexp(dim, min_det=1, max_det=None, fix=False):
    count = 0
    query = {}
    query['dim'] = int(dim)
    query['det'] = {'$gte' : int(min_det)}
    if max_det:
        query['det']['$lte'] = int(max_det)
        max_det = "infinity"
    lat_set = lat.find(query)
    print("%s lattices to examine of dimension %s and determinant between %s and %s."
          % (lat_set.count(), dim, min_det, max_det))
    if lat_set.count() == 0:
        return None
    print("checking whether the q expansion is stored...")
    for l in lat_set:
        print("Testing lattice %s" % l['label'])
        if l['theta_series'] == "":
            print("q expansion NOT stored")
            if fix:
                exp=[int(i) for i in gp("Vec(1+2*'x*Ser(qfrep("+str(gp(matrix(M)))+",150,0)))")]
                lat.update({'theta_series': l['theta_series']}, {"$set": {'theta_series': exp}}, upsert=True)
                print("Fixed lattice %s" % l['label'])
            print("q expansion stored")
Exemplo n.º 37
def do_import(ll):
    dim,det,level,gram,density,hermite,minimum,kissing,shortest,aut,theta_series,class_number,genus_reps,name,comments = ll
    mykeys = ['dim','det','level','gram','density','hermite', 'minimum','kissing','shortest','aut','theta_series','class_number','genus_reps','name','comments']
    data = {}
    for j in range(len(mykeys)):
        data[mykeys[j]] = ll[j]
    blabel = base_label(data['dim'],data['det'],data['level'], data['class_number'])
    data['base_label'] = blabel
    data['index'] = label_lookup(blabel)
    label= last_label(blabel, data['index'])
    data['label'] = label
    lattice = lat.find_one({'label': label})

    if lattice is None:
        print "new lattice"
        print "***********"
        print "check for isometries..."
        result=[B for B in lat.find({'dim': int(n), 'det' : int(d)}) if isom(A, B['gram'])]
        if len(result)>0:
            print "... the lattice with base label "+ blabel + " is isometric to " + str(result[0]['gram'])
            print "***********"
            lattice = data
        print "lattice already in the database"
    if saving:
        lat.update({'label': label} , {"$set": lattice}, upsert=True)
Exemplo n.º 38
def hom_module_induced_morphism(f, N, action, hom_M_prime_N_data,
    M_prime = f.domain()
    M = f.codomain()
    hom_M_prime_N, M_prime_basis, M_prime_basis_keys, prime_components, prime_from_components, prime_hom_action = hom_M_prime_N_data
    hom_M_N, M_basis, M_basis_keys, components, from_components, hom_action = hom_M_N_data
    f_values = {}
    for i_prime in M_prime_basis_keys:
        f_values[i_prime] = f(M_prime_basis[i_prime])

    def f_star_components(x):
        c_x = components(x)
        c = {}
        for i_prime in M_prime_basis_keys:
            a = f_values[i_prime]
            for c in N.coordinates(
                    sum_in_module(N, [
                        linearly_extended_action(N, action, a[i], c_x[i])
                        for i in
                yield c

    matrix_representing_f_star = matrix(
        [tuple(f_star_components(x)) for x in hom_M_N.basis()],
    return FreeModuleMorphism(Hom(hom_M_N, hom_M_prime_N),
Exemplo n.º 39
def isom(A,B):
    # First check that A is a symmetric matrix.
    if not matrix(A).is_symmetric():
        return False
    # Then check A against the viable database candidates.
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i,n):
                if i==j:
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(i,m):
                if i==j:
    # check positive definite
        if Aquad.is_positive_definite():
            return Aquad.is_globally_equivalent_to(Bquad)
            return False
Exemplo n.º 40
def small_lgs2(A, c, mod, sol=None):
    Find short x with Ax = c (mod m).

    This is more generic because it also works for composite m, but it does
    not work for c = 0. The difference is that we don't have to compute the
    orthogonal lattice of A.

    TODO: For c = 0, we can brute force a k with small ||k|| and solve for
    c = k*mod instead.

    See [2] (p. 264-268) and
    m, n = A.dimensions()
    A = list(A)
    for i in range(n):
        A.append([0]*i + [mod] + [0]*(n-i-1))
    A = matrix(ZZ, A)
    L = A.LLL()

    for i in range(m):
        assert L[i] == 0
    L = L[m:]
    if c == 0 or c == None:
        # Brutal heuristic here, see TODO above. We are only trying one single k
        # here, namely (0, ..., 0, 1)
        x = normalize(integer_lgs(L, vector([0]*(n-1) + [mod])))
        for t in x:
            assert 0 <= x < mod
        return x

    # compute Y such that Y*A == L
    Y = []
    smith = A.transpose().smith_form()
    for i in range(L.nrows()):
        y = integer_lgs(None, L[i], smith)
        # assert At*y == L[i]
    Y = matrix(ZZ, Y)
    # assert Y*A == L

    c = Y*vector(list(c)+[0]*n)%mod
    for i in range(len(c)):
        if c[i] * 2 >= mod:
            c[i] -= mod
        assert abs(c[i]) * 2 < mod
    return integer_lgs(Y*A, c)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, surface):
        if isinstance(surface, TranslationSurface):
            base_ring = surface.base_ring()
            from flatsurf.geometry.pyflatsurf_conversion import to_pyflatsurf
            self._surface = to_pyflatsurf(surface)
            from flatsurf.geometry.pyflatsurf_conversion import sage_base_ring
            base_ring, _ = sage_base_ring(surface)
            self._surface = surface

        # A model of the vector space R² in libflatsurf, e.g., to represent the
        # vector associated to a saddle connection.
        self.V2 = pyflatsurf.vector.Vectors(base_ring)

        # We construct a spanning set of edges, that is a subset of the
        # edges that form a basis of H_1(S, Sigma; Z)
        # It comes together with a projection matrix
        t, m = self._spanning_tree()
        assert set(t.keys()) == set(f[0] for f in self._faces())
        self.spanning_set = []
        v = set(t.values())
        for e in self._surface.edges():
            if e.positive() not in v and e.negative() not in v:
        self.d = len(self.spanning_set)
        assert 3 * self.d - 3 == self._surface.size()
        assert m.rank() == self.d
        m = m.transpose()
        # projection matrix from Z^E to H_1(S, Sigma; Z) in the basis
        # of spanning edges
        self.proj = matrix(ZZ, [r for r in m.rows() if not r.is_zero()])

        self.Omega = self._intersection_matrix(t, self.spanning_set)

        self.V = FreeModule(self.V2.base_ring(), self.d)
        self.H = matrix(self.V2.base_ring(), self.d, 2)
        for i in range(self.d):
            s = self._surface.fromHalfEdge(self.spanning_set[i].positive())
            self.H[i] = self.V2._isomorphic_vector_space(self.V2(s))
        self.Hdual = self.Omega * self.H

        # Note that we don't use Sage vector spaces because they are usually
        # way too slow (in particular we avoid calling .echelonize())
        self._U = matrix(self.V2._algebraic_ring(), self.d)
        self._U_rank = 0
Exemplo n.º 42
def gen_massmatrix_RNE( do_varify, rbt, usemotordyn = True, varify_trig = True ):
    from copy import deepcopy
    Si = _gen_rbt_Si(rbt)
    IIi = range(0,rbt.dof+1)
    ### Linear dynamic parameters:
    for i in range(1,rbt.dof+1): IIi[i] = block_matrix( [ rbt.Ifi[i] , skew(rbt.mli[i]) , -skew(rbt.mli[i]) , rbt.mi[i]*identity_matrix(3) ] ,subdivide=False)
    ### Not linear dynamic parameters:
    #for i in range(1,dof+1): IIi[i] = block_matrix( [ rbt.Ifi_from_Ici[i] , skew(rbt.mli_e[i]) , -skew(rbt.mli_e[i]) , rbt.mi[i]*identity_matrix(3) ] ,subdivide=False)
    def custom_simplify( expression ):
        #return trig_reduce(expression.expand()).simplify_rational()
        return expression.simplify_rational()
    varify_func = None
    if do_varify:
        auxvars = []
        def varify_func(exp,varrepr):
            if varify_trig : exp = exp.subs( LoP_to_D(rbt.LoP_trig_f2v) )
            exp = custom_simplify( exp )
            return m_varify(exp, auxvars, poolrepr='auxM', condition_func=is_compound)
    M = matrix(SR,rbt.dof,rbt.dof)
    rbttmp = deepcopy(rbt)
    rbttmp.grav = zero_matrix(3,1)
    rbttmp.dq = zero_matrix(rbttmp.dof,1)
    for i in range(M.nrows()):
        rbttmp.ddq = zero_matrix(rbttmp.dof,1)
        rbttmp.ddq[i,0] = 1.0
        Vi, dVi = _forward_RNE( rbttmp, Si, varify_func )
        Mcoli = _backward_RNE( rbttmp, IIi, Si, Vi, dVi, usemotordyn, None, varify_func = varify_func )
        # Do like this since M is symmetric:
        M[:,i] = matrix(SR,i,1,M[i,:i].list()).stack( Mcoli[i:,:] )
    if do_varify:
        if varify_trig : auxvars = rbt.LoP_trig_v2f + auxvars
        return auxvars , M
        return M
Exemplo n.º 43
def small_lgs2(A, c, mod, sol=None):
    Find short x with Ax = c (mod m).

    This is more generic because it also works for composite m, but it does
    not work for c = 0. The difference is that we don't have to compute the
    orthogonal lattice of A.

    TODO: For c = 0, we can brute force a k with small ||k|| and solve for
    c = k*mod instead.

    See [2] (p. 264-268) and
    m, n = A.dimensions()
    A = list(A)
    for i in range(n):
        A.append([0]*i + [mod] + [0]*(n-i-1))
    A = matrix(ZZ, A)
    L = A.LLL(delta=0.999999)

    for i in range(m):
        assert L[i] == 0
    L = L[m:]
    if c == 0 or c == None:
        # Brutal heuristic here, see TODO above. We are only trying one single k
        # here, namely (0, ..., 0, 1)
        x = normalize(integer_lgs(L, vector([0]*(n-1) + [mod])))
        for t in x:
            assert 0 <= x < mod
        return x

    # compute Y such that Y*A == L
    Y = []
    smith = A.transpose().smith_form()
    for i in range(L.nrows()):
        y = integer_lgs(None, L[i], smith)
        # assert At*y == L[i]
    Y = matrix(ZZ, Y)
    # assert Y*A == L

    c = Y*vector(list(c)+[0]*n)%mod
    for i in range(len(c)):
        if c[i] * 2 >= mod:
            c[i] -= mod
        assert abs(c[i]) * 2 < mod
    return integer_lgs(Y*A, c)
Exemplo n.º 44
Arquivo: Projeto: hahaXD/TDK
    def bilinear_matrix(self, sage=False):
        from .algorithms.wright import bilinearMatrix
        v, c, d = bilinearMatrix(self)
        if not sage:
            return v, c, d

        # SAGE requires... more stuff
        from sage.all import SR, matrix
        l = v.shape[0]
        v_ = []
        c_ = []
        for i in range(l * l):

        return matrix(SR, l, l, v_), matrix(SR, l, l, c_), (dconv(d[0]),
Exemplo n.º 45
def StrictlyPositiveOrthant(d):
    if d == 0:
        return Polyhedron(ambient_dim=0, vertices=[()], base_ring=QQ)
        return Polyhedron(ieqs=block_matrix([[
            matrix(QQ, d, 1, [-1 for i in range(d)]),
            identity_matrix(QQ, d)
Exemplo n.º 46
 def permute(self, g):
     Returns a new KalmansonSystem obtained by permuting the leaves
     of self according to permutation p.
     ind = permutation_vector(g)
     ieqs = matrix(np.vstack([np.array(row)[ind] for row in self._ieqs.rows()]))
     return KalmansonSystem(self._n, ieqs)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def rrkc_precomputations(self):
        self.Li = [m.inverse() for m in self.Lt]
        self.LiK = [self.Kt[i + 1] * self.Li[i] for i in range(self.r)]
        self.LiC = [self.C[i] * self.Li[i] for i in range(self.r)]

        mod_Li = [copy(self.Li[i]) for i in range(self.r)]
        for j in range(self.r):
            mod_Li[j][self.n - 3 * self.s:, :self.n] = matrix(
                F, 3 * self.s, self.n)

        self.precomputed_key_matrix = None
        self.precomputed_key_matrix_nl = matrix(F, self.n,
                                                (self.s * 3) * self.r)
        self.precomputed_constant = None
        self.precomputed_constant_nl = vector(F, (self.s * 3) * self.r)

        for round in range(self.r):
            tmp = copy(self.LiK[round])
            tmpC = copy(self.LiC[round])

            for i in range(round + 1, self.r):
                x = self.LiK[i]
                c = self.LiC[i]
                for j in range(i - 1, round - 1, -1):
                    x = x * mod_Li[j]
                    c = c * mod_Li[j]
                tmp += x
                tmpC += c

            # non-linear part
            idx = round * (3 * self.s)
            self.precomputed_key_matrix_nl[:self.n, idx:idx +
                                           3 * self.s] = tmp[:self.n, self.n -
                                                             3 * self.s:]
            self.precomputed_constant_nl[idx:idx +
                                         3 * self.s] = tmpC[self.n -
                                                            3 * self.s:]

            # linear part
            if round == 0:
                tmp[:, self.n - 3 * self.s:] = matrix(F, self.n, 3 * self.s)
                tmpC[self.n - 3 * self.s:] = vector(F, 3 * self.s)
                self.precomputed_key_matrix = tmp
                self.precomputed_constant = tmpC

        self.rrkc_precomputations_done = True
Exemplo n.º 48
 def _D_grav_2_zero(self):
   variables = matrix(SR,self.grav).variables()
   Dg2z = {}
   for i in variables: Dg2z[i] = 0
   if self.grav.subs(Dg2z).is_zero():
       return Dg2z
       return None
Exemplo n.º 49
def gen_tau_EL(robot, lagrangian=None, usemotordyn=True):
    L = lagrangian if lagrangian else gen_lagrangian(robot, usemotordyn)
    tau = matrix(SR, robot.dof, 1)
    for i in range(0, robot.dof):
            0] = (L.derivative(robot.dq[i, 0]).subs(robot.D_q_v2f).derivative(
                robot.t).subs(robot.D_q_f2v) - L.derivative(robot.q[i, 0]))
    return tau
Exemplo n.º 50
    def padically_evaluate_regular(self, datum):
        T = datum.toric_datum
        if not T.is_regular():
            raise ValueError('Can only processed regular toric data')

        M = Set(range(T.length()))
        q = SR.var('q')

        alpha = {}

        for I in Subsets(M):
            F = [T.initials[i] for i in I]
            V = SubvarietyOfTorus(F, torus_dim=T.ambient_dim)
            alpha[I] = V.count()

        def cat(u, v):
            return vector(list(u) + list(v))

        for I in Subsets(M):
            cnt = sum((-1)**len(J) * alpha[I + J] for J in Subsets(M - I))
            if not cnt:

            P = DirectProductOfPolyhedra(T.polyhedron,

            it = iter(identity_matrix(ZZ, len(I)).rows())
            ieqs = []
            for i in M:
                        vector(ZZ, (0, )),
                            vector(ZZ, T.initials[i].exponents()[0]) -
                            vector(ZZ, T.lhs[i].exponents()[0]),
                            next(it) if i in I else zero_vector(ZZ, len(I)))))

            if not ieqs:
                ieqs = [vector(ZZ, (T.ambient_dim + len(I) + 1) * [0])]

            Q = Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs,
                           ambient_dim=T.ambient_dim + len(I))

            foo, ring = symbolic_to_ratfun(
                cnt * (q - 1)**len(I) / q**(T.ambient_dim),
                [var('t'), var('q')])
            corr_cnt = CyclotomicRationalFunction.from_laurent_polynomial(
                foo, ring)

            Phi = matrix([
                cat(T.integrand[0], zero_vector(ZZ, len(I))),
                cat(T.integrand[1], vector(ZZ,
                                           len(I) * [-1]))
            sm = RationalSet([P.intersection(Q)]).generating_function()
            for z in sm.monomial_substitution(QQ['t', 'q'], Phi):
                yield corr_cnt * z
Exemplo n.º 51
    def base_change_matrix(self, integral_basis="standard", precision=20):
        Return the base change matrix to an integral basis.


        - ``integral_basis`` -- a string (default: "standard")
        - ``precision`` -- a positive integer


        An invertible `(n,n)`-matrix `S` over `\mathbb{Q}` with the following
        property: for an element `a` of `K_0`, the vector ``S*a.vector()``
        gives the representation of `a` as a linear combination of ``integral_basis``.


        * clarify the role of  ``precision`` in this function

        if integral_basis == "standard":
            return self._S

        n =
        e = self.ramification_degree()
        m = self.inertia_degree()
        S = matrix(QQ, n)
        pi = self.uniformizer()
        alpha = self.integral_basis_of_unramified_subfield(precision)
        for i in range(e):
            for j in range(m):
                k = i + e * j
                alpha_k = (pi**i * alpha[j]).vector()
                for l in range(n):
                    S[k, l] = alpha_k[l]
        T = S**(-1)
        T_reduced = matrix(QQ, n)
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                          j] = self.reduce_rational_number(T[i, j], precision)
        assert T_reduced.is_invertible(
        ), "T_reduced= %s\nmust be invertible; T = %s\nprecision = %s" % (
            T_reduced, T, precision)
        return T_reduced
Exemplo n.º 52
def mpmath_matrix_to_sage(A):
    entries = list(A)
    if all(isinstance(e, mp.mpf) for e in entries):
        F = RealField(mp.prec)
        entries = [F(e) for e in entries]
        F = ComplexField(mp.prec)
        entries = [F(e.real, e.imag) for e in entries]
    return matrix(F, A.rows, A.cols, entries)
Exemplo n.º 53
def ricci_matrix(walk, g):
    N = g.num_verts()
    m = matrix(QQ, N)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i+1, N):
            r = ricci(walk, g, source=i, target=j).ric
            m[i, j] = r
            m[j, i] = r
    return m
Exemplo n.º 54
def projected_distances(M, v):
    Return the distance vector after modding out by the lineality space
    of Kalmanson polyhedron given by the Kalmanson inequality matrix M.
    L = M.right_kernel().basis_matrix()
    B = M.stack(L).transpose()
    P = matrix(np.diag([1]*M.nrows() + [0]*L.nrows()))
    return B*P*B**(-1)*v
Exemplo n.º 55
def padic_right_kernel_matrix(M, flatten_precision=False):
    # TODO compare against the kernel obtained via the howell form with the same number of digits
    # if p^prec < 2**63 - 1
    d, _, v = padic_smith_form(M)
    basis = []
    val = -Infinity
    for i in range(M.ncols()):
        if i >= M.nrows() or d[i, i] == 0:
            val = max(d[i, i].valuation(), val)
    if flatten_precision:
        assert M.base_ring()._prec_type() in ['capped-rel', 'capped-abs']
        return matrix(
               prec=M.base_ring().precision_cap() - val,
               type=M.base_ring()._prec_type()), basis)
    return matrix(basis)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def test_basis_of_scalar_valued(self):
     for k in [12, 16, 35, 37, 47]:
         M = SpaceOfModForms(k, prec=k // 10)
         dm = M.dimension()
         self.assertEqual(dm, len(M.basis()))
         tpls = M.linearly_indep_tuples()
         self.assertTrue(all(f.wt == k for f in M.basis()))
             matrix([[f[t] for f in M.basis()] for t in tpls]).change_ring(QQ).is_invertible())
Exemplo n.º 57
def SL2_to_SLN(A, N):
    F = A.base_ring()
    R = PolynomialRing(F, ['x', 'y'])
    x, y = R.gens()
    X, Y = A * vector(R, (x, y))
    monomials = [x**(N - 1 - i) * y**i for i in range(N)]
    image_vectors = [m(X, Y) for m in monomials]
    return matrix(F, [[v.monomial_coefficient(m) for m in monomials]
                      for v in image_vectors])
Exemplo n.º 58
 def _to_vector(self, fm, tpls=None):
     Returns a vector corresponding to fm.
     By this method, self.basis() becomes the standard basis.
     if tpls is None:
         tpls = self.linearly_indep_tuples()
     m1 = matrix([[f[t] for t in tpls] for f in self.basis()])
     v = vector([fm[t] for t in tpls])
     return v * m1 ** (-1)
Exemplo n.º 59
def vect_to_sym(v):
    n = ZZ(round((-1+sqrt(1+8*len(v)))/2))
    M = matrix(n)
    k = 0
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i, n):
            M[i,j] = v[k]
            M[j,i] = v[k]
    return [[int(M[i,j]) for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
Exemplo n.º 60
def ricci_gen(g, problem):
    # relevant_verts will have unique items starting with source, then target,
    # then the neighbors of source and target.
    # Use an OrderedDict to get uniques but preserve order.
    relevant_verts = OrderedDict.fromkeys(
        [problem.src, problem.tgt] +
        list(g.neighbor_iterator(problem.src)) +
    N = len(relevant_verts)
    D = matrix(ZZ, N, N)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i, N):
            dist = g.distance(relevant_verts[i], relevant_verts[j])
            D[i, j] = dist
            D[j, i] = dist

    # We multiply through by problem.denom, so this checks for unit mass:
    assert(problem.denom == sum(problem.m_src[z] for z in relevant_verts))
    assert(problem.denom == sum(problem.m_tgt[z] for z in relevant_verts))

    # Set up linear program.
    p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram()
    # Note that here and in what follows, i and j are used as the vertices that
    # correspond to relevant_verts[i] and relevant_verts[j].
    # a[i,j] is the (unknown) amount of mass that goes from i to j.
    # It is constrained to be nonnegative, which are the only inequalities for
    # our LP.
    a = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True)
    # Maximize the negative of the mass transport.
        -p.sum(D[i, j]*a[i, j] for i in range(N) for j in range(N)))
    # The equality constraints simply state that the mass starts in the places
    # it has diffused to from source...
    for i in range(N):
            p.sum(a[i, j] for j in range(N)) ==
    # and finishes in the places it has diffused to from target.
    for j in range(N):
            p.sum(a[i, j] for i in range(N)) ==

    W1 = -QQ(p.solve())/problem.denom

    dist_src_tgt = D[0, 1]  # By def'n of relevant_verts.
    kappa = 1 - W1/dist_src_tgt
    return Result(
            (relevant_verts[i], relevant_verts[j]): QQ(v/problem.denom)
            for ((i, j), v) in p.get_values(a).items() if v > 0},