Exemplo n.º 1
    def encrypt(self, message, pubkey, seed=None, text=False):
        tmp = None
        if not text:
            tmp = Integer(message).digits(2)
            tmp = 0
            for let in message:
                tmp = tmp*256
                tmp = (tmp + ord(let))
            tmp = Integer(tmp).digits(2)

	l = len(tmp)
        sigma = [0]*l
        for i in xrange(l):
            sigma[i] = random.choice([0,1])

        r = self.H3("".join(map(str,sigma)) + message)
        if self.pairing == "tate":
            pair = self._ext(pubkey[0]).tate_pairing(self.distortion(pubkey[1]), self.order, self.k, self.ec2.base_ring().cardinality())
            pair = self._ext(pubkey[0]).weil_pairing(self.distortion(pubkey[1]), self.order)
        print "Sin cifrar", tmp
        c1 = self._mask(list(sigma), pair**r, self.H2)
        c2 = self._mask(tmp, sigma, self.H4)
        return r*self.P, c1, c2
Exemplo n.º 2
    def B(self,x,y):
        Bilinear form B(x,y) mod 1, givenby the quadratic form Q

          -''x'' -- rational
          -''y'' -- rational


        -''B(x,y)'' -- rational


            sage: WR=WeilRepDiscriminantForm(3,dual=True)
            sage: WR.B(1/6,1/2)
            sage: WR.B(1/6,1/6)
            sage: WR.B(1/6,-1+1/6)

        #print "N=",self._N,x,y
        res=QQ(p % q)/QQ(q)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 3
def id_dirichlet(fun, N, n):
    N = Integer(N)
    if N == 1:
        return (1, 1)
    p2 = valuation(N, 2)
    N2 = 2**p2
    Nodd = N // N2
    Nfact = list(factor(Nodd))
    #print "n = "+str(n)
    #for j in range(20):
    #    print "chi(%d) = e(%d/%d)"%(j+2, fun(j+2,n), n)
    plist = [z[0] for z in Nfact]
    ppows = [z[0]**z[1] for z in Nfact]
    ppows2 = list(ppows)
    idems = [1 for z in Nfact]
    proots = [primitive_root(z) for z in ppows]
    # Get CRT idempotents
    if p2 > 0:
    for j in range(len(plist)):
        exps = [1 for z in idems]
        if p2 > 0:
        exps[j] = proots[j]
        idems[j] = crt(exps, ppows2)
    idemvals = [fun(z, n) for z in idems]
    # now normalize to right root of unity base
    idemvals = [
        idemvals[j] * euler_phi(ppows[j]) / n for j in range(len(idemvals))
    ans = [
        Integer(mod(proots[j], ppows[j])**idemvals[j])
        for j in range(len(proots))
    ans = crt(ans, ppows)
    # There are cases depending on 2-part of N
    if p2 == 0:
        return (N, ans)
    if p2 == 1:
        return (N, crt([1, ans], [2, Nodd]))
    if p2 == 2:
        my3 = crt([3, 1], [N2, Nodd])
        if fun(my3, n) == 0:
            return (N, crt([1, ans], [4, Nodd]))
            return (N, crt([3, ans], [4, Nodd]))
    # Final case 2^3 | N

    my5 = crt([5, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test1 = fun(my5, n) * N2 / 4 / n
    test1 = Integer(mod(5, N2)**test1)
    minusone = crt([-1, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test2 = (fun(minusone, n) * N2 / 4 / n) % (N2 / 4)
    if test2 > 0:
        test1 = Integer(mod(-test1, N2))
    return (N, crt([test1, ans], [N2, Nodd]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_not_type_one_two_primes(K, aux_prime_count=3, loop_curves=False):
    """Not type 1-2 primes are the finitely many primes outside of which
    the isogeny character is necessarily of Momose Type 1 or 2 (or 3, which
    is not relevant for us)."""

    if K.is_totally_real():
        aux_primes = K.primes_of_degree_one_list(aux_prime_count)
        it = K.primes_of_degree_one_iter()
        aux_primes = []
        while len(aux_primes) < aux_prime_count:
            aux_prime_candidate = next(it)
            if not aux_prime_candidate.is_principal():

    tracking_dict = {}
    epsilons = EPSILONS_NOT_TYPE_1_2
    C_K = K.class_group()

    for q in aux_primes:
        q_class_group_order = C_K(q).multiplicative_order()
        # these will be dicts with keys the epsilons, values sets of primes
        AB_primes_dict = get_AB_primes(q, epsilons, q_class_group_order)
        C_primes_dict = get_C_primes(K, q, epsilons, q_class_group_order, loop_curves)
        unified_dict = {}
        q_rat = Integer(q.norm())
        assert q_rat.is_prime()
        for eps in epsilons:
            unified_dict[eps] = lcm([q_rat, AB_primes_dict[eps], C_primes_dict[eps]])
        tracking_dict[q] = unified_dict

    tracking_dict_inv_collapsed = {}
    for eps in epsilons:
        q_dict = {}
        for q in aux_primes:
            q_dict[q] = tracking_dict[q][eps]
        q_dict_collapsed = gcd(list(q_dict.values()))
        tracking_dict_inv_collapsed[eps] = q_dict_collapsed

    final_split_dict = {}

    for eps_type in set(epsilons.values()):
        eps_type_tracking_dict_inv = {
            eps: ZZ(tracking_dict_inv_collapsed[eps])
            for eps in epsilons
            if epsilons[eps] == eps_type
        eps_type_output = lcm(list(eps_type_tracking_dict_inv.values()))
        eps_type_output = eps_type_output.prime_divisors()
        eps_type_output = filter_ABC_primes(K, eps_type_output, eps_type)
        final_split_dict[eps_type] = set(eps_type_output)

    output = set.union(*(val for val in final_split_dict.values()))
    output = list(output)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 5
def wiener(e, n):
    m = 12345
    c = pow(m, e, n)

    list1 = continued_fraction(Integer(e) / Integer(n))
    conv = list1.convergents()
    for i in conv:
        d = int(i.denominator())
        m1 = pow(c, d, n)
        if m1 == m:
            return d
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_dimension_jacobi(N, k):
    from nils.jacobiforms.dimension_jac_forms import dimension_jac_cusp_forms
    N = Integer(N)
    dj = dimension_jac_cusp_forms(k + Integer(1) / Integer(2), N)
    M = FiniteQuadraticModule([2 * N], [1 / (4 * N)])
    s = GenusSymbol(M.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol())
    dv = s.dimension_cusp_forms(k, reduction=True)
    if not dj == dv:
        print "Error: ", N, dj, dv
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def weight_one_half_dim(FQM, use_reduction = True, proof = False, debug = 0, local=True):
    N = Integer(FQM.level())
    if not N % 4 == 0:
        return 0
    m = Integer(N/Integer(4))
    d = 0
    for l in m.divisors():
        if is_squarefree(m/l):
            if debug > 1: print "l = {0}".format(l)
            TM = FiniteQuadraticModule([2*l],[-1/Integer(4*l)])
            if local:
                dd = [0,0] # eigenvalue 1, -1 multiplicity
                for p,n in lcm(FQM.level(),4*l).factor():
                    N = None
                    TN = None
                    J = FQM.jordan_decomposition()
                    L = TM.jordan_decomposition()
                    for j in xrange(1,n+1):
                        C = J.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        D = L.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        if debug > 1: print "C = {0}, D = {1}".format(C,D)
                        if N == None and C.level() != 1:
                            N = C
                        elif C.level() != 1:
                            N = N + C
                        if TN == None and D.level() != 1:
                            TN = D
                        elif D.level() != 1:
                            TN = TN + D
                    dd1 = invariants_eps(N, TN, use_reduction, proof, debug)
                    if debug > 1: print "dd1 = {}".format(dd1)
                    if dd1 == [0,0]:
                        # the result is multiplicative
                        # a single [0,0] as a local result
                        # yields [0,0] in the end
                        # and we're done here
                        dd = [0,0]
                    if dd == [0,0]:
                        # this is the first prime
                        dd = dd1
                        # some basic arithmetic ;-)
                        # 1 = 1*1 = (-1)(-1)
                        # -1 = 1*(-1) = (-1)*1
                        ddtmp = copy(dd)
                        ddtmp[0] = dd[0]*dd1[0] + dd[1]*dd1[1]
                        ddtmp[1] = dd[0]*dd1[1] + dd[1]*dd1[0]
                        dd = ddtmp
                    if debug > 1: print "dd = {0}".format(dd)
                d += dd[0]
                d += invariants_eps(FQM, TM, use_reduction, proof, debug)[0]
    return d
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _kappaSR_monom_to_X(expr):
     X = StrataGraph.Xvar
     if expr in ZZ:
         return expr
     elif expr.operator() == None:
         ka_subscript = Integer(str(expr)[2:])
         return X**ka_subscript
     elif expr.operator() == operator.pow:
         ops = expr.operands()
         expon = ops[1]
         ka = ops[0]
         ka_subscript = Integer(str(ka)[2:])
         return expon * X**ka_subscript
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __calculate_rank(self):
     # this will work once the lattice class is used and Nils's
     # implementation of the module class
     if self._L != None:
         L = self._L
         o_inv = L.o_invariant()
         V2 = L.bullet_vectors_of_order_2()
         return L.det() + Integer(
             len(V2) *
             (-1)**(self.__par + o_inv)).divide_knowing_divisible_by(2)
         # stupid... just for testing purposes
         return Integer(1)
Exemplo n.º 10
def simple_gamma0_genus_symbols(r=range(1, 500), precomputed=None):
    if isinstance(precomputed, list):
        l = precomputed
        comp = False
    res = []
    for s in l:
        if Integer(4).divides(s.level()):
            if s.defines_isomorphic_module(
                    gamma0_N_genus_symbol(s.level() / Integer(4))):
                print s

    return res, filter(lambda x: x not in res, l)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
            from sfqm.fqm.genus_symbol import GenusSymbol
        except ImportError as e:
            use_genus_symbols = False
            print("Not using genus symbols.")
        self._use_reduction = use_reduction
        if use_genus_symbols:
            if isinstance(A, str):
                g = GenusSymbol(A)
                    g = GenusSymbol(A.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol())
                    raise ValueError
            self._g = g
            n2 = self._n2 = g.torsion(2)
            self._v2 = g.two_torsion_values()
            self._M = None
            self._aniso_formula = aniso_formula
            self._M = FiniteQuadraticModule(A)
            self._g = None
            self._level = self._M.level()
            self._aniso_formula = False
            if is_odd(self._M.order()):
                self._n2 = n2 = 1
                self._v2 = {0: 1}
                self._M2 = M2 = self._M.kernel_subgroup(2).as_ambient()[0]
                self._n2 = n2 = self._M2.order()
                self._v2 = list(self._M2.values())

        if use_genus_symbols:
            self._signature = g.signature()
            m = g.order()
            self._signature = self._M.signature()
            m = self._M.order()

        self._m = m
        d = Integer(1) / Integer(2) * (m + n2)  # |discriminant group/{+/-1}|
        self._d = d
        self._alpha3 = None
        self._alpha4 = None
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_curve(num_bits, num_curves=1): 
        Finds num_curves Barreto-Naehrig curves with a prime order that is at least 2^num_bits.
        num_bits - number of bits for the prime order of the curve
        num_curves - number of curves to find
        curves - list of the first num_curves BN curves each of prime order at least 2^num_bits;
                 each curve is represented as a tuple (q,t,r,k,D)
    def P(y):
        x = Integer(y)
        return 36*pow(x,4) + 36*pow(x,3) + 24*pow(x,2) + 6*x + 1
    x = Integer(floor(pow(2, (num_bits)/4.0)/(sqrt(6))))
    q = 0
    r = 0
    t = 0
    curve_num = 0
    curves = []
    while curve_num < num_curves or (log(q).n()/log(2).n() < 2*num_bits and not (utils.is_suitable_q(q) and utils.is_suitable_r(r) and utils.is_suitable_curve(q,t,r,12,-3,num_bits))):
        t = Integer(6*pow(x,2) + 1)
        q = P(-x)
        r = q + 1 - t
        b = utils.is_suitable_q(q) and utils.is_suitable_r(r) and utils.is_suitable_curve(q,t,r,12,-3,num_bits)
        if b:
                assert floor(log(r)/log(2)) + 1 >= num_bits, 'Subgroup not large enough'  
                curve_num += 1
            except AssertionError as e:
        if curve_num < num_curves or not b:
            q = P(x)
            r = q+1-t
            if (utils.is_suitable_q(q) and utils.is_suitable_r(r) and utils.is_suitable_curve(q,t,r,12,-3,num_bits)):
                    assert floor(log(r)/log(2)) + 1 >= num_bits, 'Subgroup not large enough'  
                    curve_num += 1
                except AssertionError as e:
        x += 1
    return curves
Exemplo n.º 13
 def compute(self, p=None, cut_nonsimple_aniso=True, fast=1):
     args = list()
     for N in range(1, self._level_limit):
         v2 = Integer(N).valuation(2)
         N2 = 2**v2
         if v2 in [0, 1, 2, 3] and is_squarefree(Integer(N) / N2):
             s = anisotropic_symbols(N, self._signature)
             if len(s) == 0:
             args = args + s
     logger.debug('args = {0}'.format(args))
     logger.info('starting with {} anisotropic modules'.format(len(args)))
     self.compute_from_startpoints(args, p, cut_nonsimple_aniso, fast)
     return self._simple
def _method_pt1(num_bits, k, D, y):
    a = Integer(-D * y**2)
    R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
    f = R.cyclotomic_polynomial(k)(x - 1).polynomial(base_ring=R)
    g = (a + (x - 2)**2).polynomial(base_ring=R)
    r = Integer(f.resultant(g))
    if (Mod(r, k) == 1) and r > 2**(num_bits - 1) and utils.is_suitable_r(
            r):  # found a valid r, so use it
        F = GF(r)
        f = f.change_ring(F)
        g = g.change_ring(F)
        t = Integer(f.gcd(g).any_root())
        return t, r
        return 0, 0
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_list_freitag(m=-1):
    all = True if m == -1 else False
    for n, symbols in list_freitag.items():
        if all or n == m:
            for symbol in symbols:
                M = FiniteQuadraticModule(symbol)
                V = VectorValuedModularForms(M)
                k = Integer(2 + n) / Integer(2)
                glob = is_global(M, 2, n)
                if glob:
                    d = V.dimension_cusp_forms(k)
                    d = "?"
                print("n = {0} {1}: Dimension({2}) = {3}, {4}, |M|={5}".format(
                    n, symbol, str(k), d, glob, M.order()))
def small_A_twist(E):
        Finds a curve isogenous to E that has small A in the curve equation y^2 = x^3 + A*x + B
        E - elliptic curve
        E' - elliptic curve isogenous to E that has small A in the curve equation y^2 = x^3 + A*x + B
    a = E.ainvs()[3]
    q = E.base_field().order()
    a = power_mod(Integer(a), -1, q)
    if kronecker(a, q) == -1:
        b = 2
        while kronecker(b, q) == 1:
            b += 1
        a = a * b
    assert kronecker(a, q) == 1
    d = Mod(a, q).sqrt()
    ainvs = [i for i in E.ainvs()]
    ainvs[3] *= d**2
    ainvs[4] *= d**3
    return EllipticCurve(E.base_field(), ainvs)
def test_curve(q, t, r, k, D, E):
       Tests that E is an elliptic curve over F_q with trace t, a subgroup of order r with embedding degree k, and fundamental discriminant D
        q - size of prime field
        t - trace of Frobenius
        r - size of prime order subgroup
        k - embedding degree
        D - (negative) fundamental discriminant
        bool - true iff E is an elliptic curve over F_q with trace t, a subgroup of order r with embedding degree k, and fundamental discriminant D
    bool = True
    bool = bool and (power_mod(q, k, r) == 1)  #q^k -1 ==0 mod r
    bool = bool and (E.trace_of_frobenius() == t)
    bool = bool and (kronecker(
        (t * t - 4 * q) * Integer(D).inverse_mod(q), q) == 1)
    bool = bool and (E.cardinality() == q + 1 - t)
    bool = bool and (E.cardinality() % r == 0)
    return bool
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_download_sage(self):

        # A dimension 1 example
        L1_sage_code = self.tc.get('/ModularForm/GL2/ImaginaryQuadratic/').get_data(as_text=True)
        L1_variables = self.check_sage_compiles_and_extract_variables(L1_sage_code)
        assert L1_variables['NN'].norm() == Integer(18333)
        a = L1_variables['a']
        ZF = L1_variables['ZF']
        assert L1_variables['NN'] == ZF.ideal((6111, 3*a + 5052))
        for gens in [(27*a-22,),(-29*a+15,),(-29*a+14,),(29*a-11,),(-29*a+18,),(-29*a+9,)]:
            assert ZF.ideal(gens) in L1_variables['hecke_eigenvalues']
        hecke_av_start = [0, -1, 2, -1, 1, -3, 4, 0, -2, -8, 7, -9, -8, -4, -9, 8, 10, -11]
        assert L1_variables['hecke_eigenvalues_array'][:len(hecke_av_start)] == hecke_av_start

        # A dimension 2 example
        L2_sage_code = self.tc.get('/ModularForm/GL2/ImaginaryQuadratic/').get_data(as_text=True)
        L2_variables = self.check_sage_compiles_and_extract_variables(L2_sage_code)

        i = L2_variables['F'].gen()
        z = L2_variables['z']
        ZF = L2_variables['ZF']

        assert L2_variables['NN'] == ZF.ideal((16*i - 11)), "level doesn't match"  # the level displayed on BMF homepage

        for gens in [(2*i+3,),(i+4,),(i-4,),(-2*i+5,),(2*i+5,),(i+6,)]:
            assert ZF.ideal(gens) in L2_variables['hecke_eigenvalues']
        hecke_av_start = [-z, 2*z, -1, 2*z+2, "not known", 2*z-1, 4, 2*z+3, "not known", 2*z+1, -2*z-5, -4*z+5, -4*z+5, 2*z+1, 2*z]
        assert L2_variables['hecke_eigenvalues_array'][:len(hecke_av_start)] == hecke_av_start
Exemplo n.º 19
    def lpp_table(self):
        """generate the large putative primes table"""

        output_str = r"${Delta_K}$ & $\Q(\sqrt{{{D}}})$ & {large_putative_primes}\\"
        latex_output = []
        for D in range(-self.range, self.range + 1):
            if Integer(D).is_squarefree():
                if not D in CLASS_NUMBER_ONE_DISCS:
                    if D != 1:
                        K = QuadraticField(D)
                        Delta_K = K.discriminant()
                        candidates = get_isogeny_primes(K,
                        candidates = [
                            c for c in candidates
                            if c not in EC_Q_ISOGENY_PRIMES
                        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c > 71]
                        large_putative_primes = ", ".join(map(str, candidates))
                        output_here = output_str.format(

        for one_line in latex_output:
Exemplo n.º 20
def dict_to_latex_table(d, n=None, max_per_table=10, midrules=False):

    beginstr = r"\begin{table}" + "\n" + r"\centering"
    if not n == None:
        beginstr += r"\caption{$" + str(Integer(n + 2) / 2) + \
            r"$-simple discriminant forms of signature $" + \
            str(str((2 - n) % 8)) + r"$}"
    beginstr += r"\begin{tabularx}{lX} \toprule level  & $k$-simple modules\\\midrule" + \
    endstr = r"\bottomrule\end{tabularx}\end{table}" + "\n"
    s = beginstr
    dk = sorted(d.keys())
    for i in range(len(d.keys())):
        N = dk[i]
        if len(d[N]) == 0:
        s += "$" + str(N) + "$" + " & "
        l = sorted(d[N], lambda x, y: int(-1)
                   if x.order() <= y.order() else int(1))
        for m in l:
            s += str(FQM_vertex(m)).strip() + ", "
        s = s[:-2]
        if midrules:
            s += r"\\\midrule" + "\n"
            s += r"\\" + "\n"
        if (i + 1) % max_per_table == 0:
            s += endstr + beginstr
    s += endstr
    return s
Exemplo n.º 21
def all_symbols(sign, rank, D):
    symbols = list()
    # print D
    fac = Integer(D).factor()
    symbols = list()
    for p, v in fac:
        psymbols = list()
        parts = Partitions(v)
        exp_mult = list()
        for vs in parts:
            exponents = Set(list(vs))
            if len(vs) <= rank:
                mult = dict()
                for vv in exponents:
                    mult[vv] = list(vs).count(vv)
        Dp = D // (p**v)
        for vs in exp_mult:
            # print "partition:", vs
            ell = list()
            if p == 2:
                for vv, mult in vs.iteritems():
                    ll = list()
                    for t in [0, 1]:  # even(0) or odd(1) type
                        for det in [1, 3, 5, 7]:  # the possible determinants
                            if mult % 2 == 0 and t == 0:
                                ll.append([vv, mult, det, 0, 0])
                            if mult == 1:
                                odds = [det]
                            elif mult == 2:
                                if det in [1, 7]:
                                    odds = [0, 2, 6]
                                    odds = [2, 4, 6]
                                odds = [
                                    o for o in range(8) if o % 2 == mult % 2
                            for oddity in odds:
                                if t == 1:
                                    ll.append([vv, mult, det, 1, oddity])
                for vv, mult in vs.iteritems():
                    ll = [[vv, mult, 1], [vv, mult, -1]]
            l = list(itertools.product(*ell))
            l = map(lambda x: {p: list(x)}, l)
            psymbols = psymbols + l
        if len(symbols) == 0:
            symbols = psymbols
            symbols_new = list()
            for sym in symbols:
                for psym in psymbols:
                    newsym = deepcopy(sym)
            symbols = symbols_new
    return symbols
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_type_2_primes(K, aux_prime_count=5, bound=None):
    """Compute a list containing the type 2 primes"""

    # First compute the superset of type 2 primes which are not of Momose Type 2

    output = get_type_2_not_momose(K, aux_prime_count)

    # Now deal with Momose Type 2

    # First get the bound
    if bound is None:
        bound = get_type_2_bound(K)
        print("type_2_bound = {}".format(bound))

    # We need to include all primes up to 25
    # see Larson/Vaintrob's proof of Theorem 6.4
    output = output.union(set(prime_range(25)))

    for p in pari.primes(25, bound):
        p_int = Integer(p)
        if p_int % 4 == 3:  # Momose Type 2 primes are necessarily congruent to 3 mod 4
            if satisfies_condition_CC(K, p_int):

    # Sort and return
    output = list(output)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 23
def galois_action(self, t, N):
    from sage.modular.modsym.p1list import lift_to_sl2z
    if self.is_infinity():
        return self
    if not isinstance(t, Integer): 
        t = Integer(t)

    a = self._Cusp__a
    b = self._Cusp__b * t.inverse_mod(N)
    if b.gcd(a) != ZZ(1):
        _,_,a,b = lift_to_sl2z(a,b,N)
        a = Integer(a); b = Integer(b)

    # Now that we've computed the Galois action, we efficiently
    # construct the corresponding cusp as a Cusp object.
    return Cusp(a,b,check=False)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, curve=None, nbits=256):
        curves = self.supported_curves()

        if curve is None:
            if nbits == 160:
                curve = "brainpoolp160r1"
            elif nbits == 192:
                curve = "nist192p"
            elif nbits == 224:
                curve = "nist224p"
            elif nbits == 256:
                curve = "secp256k1"
            elif nbits == 320:
                curve = "brainpoolp320r1"
            elif nbits == 384:
                curve = "nist384p"
            elif nbits == 521:
                curve = "nist521p"
                raise NotImplementedError("nlen={nlen} is not implemented".format(nlen=nbits))

        if str.lower(curve) in curves.keys():
            self.curve = curves[curve]
            self.baselen = self.curve.baselen
            self.nbits = self.curve.order.bit_length()
            self.G = self.curve.generator
            self.n = Integer(self.G.order())
            self.F = FiniteField(self.curve.curve.p())
            self.C = EllipticCurve([self.F(self.curve.curve.a()), self.F(self.curve.curve.b())])
            self.GG = self.C([self.G.x(), self.G.y()])
            raise NotImplementedError("curve={curve} is not implemented".format(curve=curve))
Exemplo n.º 25
        def predicate(v, standard_basis=True):
            G_powers, A0, A1 = self._data_for_test()
            w = 2 ** (self.klen_list[0] - 1)
            f = Integer((2 ** (max(self.klen_list) - 1)) / w)

            if standard_basis:
                nz = v[-1]
                nz = sum(round(v[i]) * A1[i] for i in range(len(A1)))  # the last coefficient must be non-zero

            if abs(nz) != tau:
                return False

            if standard_basis:
                kG = G_powers[v[0] // f]
                kG = sum(round(v[i]) * G_powers[A0[i]] for i in range(len(A0)))

            r = self.r_list[0]
            if (kG + G_powers[w]).xy()[0] == r:
                return True
            elif (-kG + G_powers[w]).xy()[0] == r:
                return True
                return False
Exemplo n.º 26
def galois_action(self, t, N):
    from sage.modular.modsym.p1list import lift_to_sl2z
    if self.is_infinity():
        return self
    if not isinstance(t, Integer): 
        t = Integer(t)

    a = self._Cusp__a
    b = self._Cusp__b * t.inverse_mod(N)
    if b.gcd(a) != ZZ(1):
        _,_,a,b = lift_to_sl2z(a,b,N)
        a = Integer(a); b = Integer(b)

    # Now that we've computed the Galois action, we efficiently
    # construct the corresponding cusp as a Cusp object.
    return Cusp(a,b,check=False)
Exemplo n.º 27
def compute_rw(k_s):
    Cette méthode va calculer rw en fonction du password
    :return: rw en format digest
    # On hash le password
    blk2 = BLAKE2b.new(digest_bits=256)
    # On calcule H' (ks * H(pwd) * g)
    H_prime = (k_s * Integer("0x" + blk2.hexdigest())).lift() * g

    # On fait en sorte que x et y de H' soient de la même taille en les paddant
    x, y = pad(H_prime)

    bytearray_x = bytearray(bitstring_to_bytes(x))
    bytearray_y = bytearray(bitstring_to_bytes(y))

    # On passe le password en byrearray pour le concatener avec x et y de H'
    bytearray_password = bytearray(PWD.encode())

    data = bytearray_password + bytearray_x + bytearray_y

    blk2 = BLAKE2b.new(digest_bits=256)
    rw = blk2.digest()
    return rw
def type_2_primes(K, embeddings, bound=None):
    """Compute a list containing the type 2 primes"""

    logger.debug("Starting Type 2 computation ...")

    # First compute the superset of type 2 primes which are not of Momose Type 2

    output = get_type_2_not_momose(K, embeddings)
    logger.debug("Type 2 not Momose = {}".format(sorted(output)))
    # Now deal with Momose Type 2

    # First get the bound
    if bound is None:
        bound = get_type_2_bound(K)
        logger.info("type_2_bound = {}".format(bound))

    # We need to include all primes up to 25
    # see Larson/Vaintrob's proof of Theorem 6.4
    output = output.union(set(prime_range(25)))

    for p in pari.primes(25, bound):
        p_int = Integer(p)
        if p_int % 4 == 3:  # Type 2 primes necessarily congruent to 3 mod 4
            if satisfies_condition_CC(K, p_int):

    output = list(output)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, data, weight=None, prec=3, dual=False):
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         #print "dict"
         self._coeff_dict = data
     elif isinstance(data, str):
         #print "str"
             if data == '':
                 F = FiniteQuadraticModule(matrix(2, 2, [0, 1, 1, 0]))
                 F = FiniteQuadraticModule(data)
             if dual:
                 F = F.twist(Integer(-1))
             J = F.jordan_decomposition()
             L = LocalSpaceByJordanData(J._jordan_decomposition_data())
             jd = genus_symbol_dict_to_jd(GenusSymbol(data)._symbol_dict)
             L = LocalSpaceByJordanData(jd)
         self._coeff_dict = L.eisenstein_series(weight, prec=prec)
         #print "else"
         L = Lattice(data)
         if dual:
             L = L(-1)
         self._coeff_dict = L.eisenstein_series(weight, prec=prec)
Exemplo n.º 30
def string2number(s):
    # a start to replace p2sage (used for the paramters in the FE)
    strs = str(s).replace(' ','')
        if 'e' in strs:
            # check for e(m/n) := exp(2*pi*i*m/n), used by Dirichlet characters, for example
            r = re.match(r'^\$?e\\left\(\\frac\{(?P<num>\d+)\}\{(?P<den>\d+)\}\\right\)\$?$',strs)
            if not r:
                r = re.match(r'^e\((?P<num>\d+)/(?P<den>\d+)\)$',strs)
            if r:
                q = Rational(r.groupdict()['num'])/Rational(r.groupdict()['den'])
                return CDF(exp(2*pi*I*q))
        if 'I' in strs:
            return CDF(strs)
        elif (type(s) is list or type(s) is tuple) and len(s) == 2:
            return CDF(tuple(s))
        elif '/' in strs:
            return Rational(strs)
        elif strs=='0.5':  # Temporary fix because 0.5 in db for EC
            return Rational('1/2')
        elif '.' in strs:
            return float(strs)
            return Integer(strs)
        return s
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_nonsurj(v=range(1,50)):
    For each non CM curve of conductor in the list v, compute the
    primes where the representation isn't surjective using both galrep
    and Sage, and make sure the answers agree.
    from sage.all import cremona_curves, Integer
    from wrapper import GalRep
    G = GalRep()
    for E in cremona_curves(v):
        if E.has_cm(): continue
        a = E.galois_representation().non_surjective()
        F = E.short_weierstrass_model()
        b = G.non_surjective_primes(Integer(F.a4()), Integer(F.a6()))
        if a != b:
            raise RuntimeError, "Test failed for %s!"%E.cremona_label()
Exemplo n.º 32
def polynomial_conjugacy_class_matcher_fn(input):
    """ Given an input of the form
        [{"RootOf":["0","1"], "ConjugacyClass":3}, {"RootOf":["-7","1"], "ConjugacyClass":4}]
        returns a function that
            - takes an argument alpha
            - matches alpha as a root to one of the 'RootsOf'
            - returns the value in the corresponding 'ConjugacyClass'
    P = PolynomialRing(Integers(), "x")
    fn_cc_pairs = []
    for d in input:
        pol = P([Integer(int_val) for int_val in d["RootOf"]])
        fn_cc_pairs.append((pol, d["ConjugacyClass"]))

    def polynomial_conjugacy_class_matcher(alpha):
        A function that has an internal list of pairs (pol, return_val). Given alpha, finds the pol that it is a root of and returns
        the associated return_val
        for pol_fn, conjugacy_class_index in fn_cc_pairs:
            if pol_fn(alpha) == 0:
                return conjugacy_class_index
        raise AssertionError("alpha = %s is supposed to be root of one of %s" %
                             (alpha, input))

    return polynomial_conjugacy_class_matcher
Exemplo n.º 33
def get_factor_over_nf(curve, prime_ideal, prime_number, conductor, accuracy):
    Returns the inverse of the factor corresponding to the given prime
    ideal in the Euler product expansion of the L-function at
    prime_ideal. Unless the accuracy doesn't need this expansion, and
    then returns 1 in power series ring.
    P = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ, 'T')
    T = P.gen()
    q = prime_ideal.norm()
    inertial_deg = Integer(q).ord(prime_number)
    if inertial_deg > accuracy:
        return P(1)
    if prime_ideal.divides(conductor):
        a = curve.local_data(prime_ideal).bad_reduction_type()
        L = 1 - a * (T**inertial_deg)
        discriminant = curve.discriminant()
        if prime_ideal.divides(discriminant):
            a = q + 1 - curve.local_minimal_model(prime_ideal).reduction(
            a = q + 1 - curve.reduction(prime_ideal).count_points()
        L = 1 - a * (T**inertial_deg) + q * (T**(2 * inertial_deg))
    return L
Exemplo n.º 34
 def bad_primes(self):
         return self._bad_primes
     except AttributeError:
         from sage.rings.all import Integer
         self._bad_primes = [Integer(str(x)) for x in self._data["BadPrimes"]]
         return self._bad_primes
Exemplo n.º 35
def method(r,k,D,max_trials=10000, g=0): 
        Run the Cocks-Pinch method to find an elliptic curve
        r - prime
        k - embedding degree, r % k == 1
        D - (negative) fundamental discriminant where D is a square mod r
        max_trials - the number of integers q to test for primality in the CP method
        g - an element of order k in Z_r^*

        (q,t) - tuple where q is a prime and t is chosen such that there exists
                an elliptic curve E over F_q with trace t, and r | q+1-t;
                if the algorithm fails to find (q,t), it will return (0,0)
    assert test_promise(r,k,D), 'Invalid inputs'
    if g != 0:
        assert power_mod(g,k,r) == 1, 'Invalid inputs'
        g = find_element_of_order(k,r)
    D = Integer(D)
    t = Integer(g) + 1
    root_d = Integer(Mod(D, r).sqrt())
    u = Integer(Mod((t-2)*root_d.inverse_mod(r) ,r))
    q = 1
    j = Integer(0)
    i = Integer(0)
    count = 0
    while (count < max_trials):
           q = Integer( (t+i*r)**2 - D*(u + j*r)**2)
           if q % 4 ==0:
                q = q//4
                if utils.is_suitable_q(q):
                    return (q, t+i*r)
                q = 1
           if random() < 0.5:
    return (0, 0) # no prime found, so end
Exemplo n.º 36
 def check_character_values(self, rec, verbose=False):
     The x's listed in values and values_gens should be coprime to the modulus N in the label.
     For x's that appear in both values and values_gens, the value should be the same.
     # TIME about 3000s for full table
     N = Integer(rec['modulus'])
     v2, u2 = N.val_unit(2)
     if v2 == 1:
         # Z/2 doesn't contribute generators, but 2 divides N
         adjust2 = -1
     elif v2 >= 3:
         # Z/8 and above requires two generators
         adjust2 = 1
         adjust2 = 0
     if N == 1:
         # The character stores a value in the case N=1
         ngens = 1
         ngens = len(N.factor()) + adjust2
     vals = rec['values']
     val_gens = rec['values_gens']
     val_gens_dict = dict(val_gens)
     if len(vals) != min(12, euler_phi(N)) or len(val_gens) != ngens:
         if verbose:
             print "Length failure", len(vals), euler_phi(N), len(val_gens), ngens
         return False
     if N > 2 and (vals[0][0] != N-1 or vals[1][0] != 1 or vals[1][1] != 0 or vals[0][1] not in [0, rec['order']//2]):
         if verbose:
             print "Initial value failure", N, rec['order'], vals[:2]
         return False
     if any(N.gcd(g) > 1 for g, gval in val_gens+vals):
         if verbose:
             print "gcd failure", [g for g, gval in val_gens+vals if N.gcd(g) > 1]
         return False
     for g, val in vals:
         if g in val_gens_dict and val != val_gens_dict[g]:
             if verbose:
                 print "Mismatch failure", g, val, val_gens_dict[g]
             return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 37
    def encrypt(self, message, pubkey, seed=None, text=False):
        tmp = None
        if not text:
            tmp = Integer(message).digits(2)
            tmp = 0
            for let in message:
                tmp = tmp*256
                tmp = (tmp + ord(let))
            tmp = Integer(tmp).digits(2)

        r = random.randint(2, self.order-1)
        if self.pairing == "tate":
            pair = self._ext(pubkey[0]).tate_pairing(self.distortion(pubkey[1]), self.order, self.k, self.ec2.base_ring().cardinality())
            pair = self._ext(pubkey[0]).weil_pairing(self.distortion(pubkey[1]), self.order)
        return r*self.P, self._mask(tmp, pair**r)
Exemplo n.º 38
def genus_symbol_string_to_dict(s):
    sl = s.split('.')
    d = dict()
    for s in sl:
        L1 = s.split('^')
        if len(L1)>2:
            raise ValueError()
        elif len(L1) == 1:
            nn = 1
            nn = L1[1]
        n = Integer(nn)
        L1= L1[0].split("_")
        q = Integer(L1[0])
        if len(L1) > 2: # more than one _ in item
            raise ValueError
        elif len(L1) == 2:
            if Integer(L1[1]) in range(8):
                t = Integer(L1[1])
                raise ValueError, "Type given, which ist not in 0..7: %s"%(L1[1])
            t = None
        if not (n != 0 and q != 1 and q.is_prime_power()
                and ( None == t or (is_even(q) and t%2 == n%2))
                and ( not (None == t and is_even(q)) or 0 == n%2)
            raise ValueError,"{0} is not a valid signature!".format(s)
        p = q.prime_factors()[0]
        r = q.factor()[0][1]
        eps = sign(n)
        n = abs(n)
        if not d.has_key(p):
        if p==2:
            if t == None:
                print "eps = ", eps
                if not is_even(n):
                    raise ValueError()
                d[p].append([r, n, 3*(-1)**(Integer(n-2)/2) % 8 if eps == -1 else (-1)**(Integer(n)),t,4 if eps == -1 else 0])
                print d
                if t.kronecker(2) == eps:
                    det = t % 8
                    if eps == -1:
                        det = 3
                        det = 1
                d[p].append([r,n,det,1,t % 8])
    return d
Exemplo n.º 39
 def __init__(self, modulus, number):
     assert gcd(modulus, number)==1
     self.modulus = Integer(modulus)
     self.number = Integer(number)
Exemplo n.º 40
class ConreyCharacter:
    tiny implementation on Conrey index only

    def __init__(self, modulus, number):
        assert gcd(modulus, number)==1
        self.modulus = Integer(modulus)
        self.number = Integer(number)

    def texname(self):
        return WebDirichlet.char2tex(self.modulus, self.number)

    def modfactor(self):
        return self.modulus.factor()

    def conductor(self):
        cond = Integer(1);
        number = self.number
        for p,e in self.modfactor():
            mp = Mod(number, p**e);
            if mp == 1:
            if p == 2:
                cond = 4
                if number % 4 == 3:
                    mp = -mp
                cond *= p
                mp = mp**(p-1)
            while mp != 1:
                cond *= p
                mp = mp**p
        return cond

    def is_primitive(self):
        return self.conductor() == self.modulus

    def parity(self):
        number = self.number
        par = 0;
        for p,e in self.modfactor():
            if p == 2:
                if number % 4 == 3:
                    par = 1 - par
                phi2 = (p-1)/Integer(2) * p **(e-1)
                if Mod(number, p ** e)**phi2 != 1:
                    par = 1 - par
        return par

    def is_odd(self):
        return self.parity() == 1

    def is_even(self):
        return self.parity() == 0

    def multiplicative_order(self):
        return Mod(self.number, self.modulus).multiplicative_order()

    def order(self):
        return self.multiplicative_order()

    def kronecker_symbol(self):
        c = self.conductor()
        p = self.parity()
        return kronecker_symbol(symbol_numerator(c, p))
Exemplo n.º 41
def legendre(n, x):
    e = Integer(1)/(Integer(2)**n * fact(Integer(n))) * diff((x**2-1)**n, x, n)
    return e.expand()
Exemplo n.º 42
    def _compute_simple_modules_graph_from_startpoint(self, s, p=None, cut_nonsimple_aniso=True, fast=1):
        # for forking this is necessary
        logger = get_logger(s)
        # print logger
        k = self._weight
        # Determine which primes need to be checked
        # According to the proof of Proposition XX in [BEF], we
        # only need to check primesnot dividing the 6*level(s),
        # for which prime_pol(s,p,k) <= 0.
        # For those primes, we check if there is any
        # k-simple fqm in s.C(p) and if not, we do not have to
        # consider p anymore.
        if p == None:
            p = 2
            N = Integer(6) * s.level()
            slp = N.prime_factors()
            for q in prime_range(next_prime(N) + 1):
                if not q in slp:
                        "Smallest prime not dividing 6*level({0}) = {1} is p = {2}".format(s, Integer(6) * s.level(), q))
                    p = q
            while prime_pol(s, p, k) <= 0 or p in slp:
                p = next_prime(p)
            p = uniq(prime_range(p) + slp)
        logger.info("Starting with s = {0} and primes = {1}".format(s, p))
        if isinstance(p, list):
            primes = p
            primes = [p]

        simple = s.is_simple(k, reduction = self._reduction, bound = self._bound)
        if not simple:
            logger.info("{0} is not simple.".format(s))

        # print simple
        s = FQM_vertex(s)
        # print s
        # print "added vertex ", s
        # Starting from the list of primes we generated,
        # we now compute which primes we actually need to consider.
        # That is, the primes such that there is a fqm in s.C(p)
        # which is k-simple.
        np = list()
        if cut_nonsimple_aniso and simple:
            for i in range(len(primes)):
                p = primes[i]
                fs = False
                for t in s.genus_symbol().C(p, False):
                    if t.is_simple(k, bound = self._bound):
                        fs = True
                        logger.debug("Setting fs = True")
                if fs:
        primes = np
        # print "here", primes
        logger.info("primes for graph for {0}: {1}".format(s, primes))
        # if len(primes) == 0:
        #    return
        heights = self._heights
        h = 0
        if not heights.has_key(h):
            heights[h] = [s]
            if heights[h].count(s) == 0:
        vertex_colors = self._vertex_colors
        nonsimple_color = self._nonsimple_color
        simple_color = self._simple_color
        # Bs contains the modules of the current level (= height = h)
        Bs = [s]
        # set the correct color for the vertex s
        if simple:
            if vertex_colors[simple_color].count(s) == 0:
        elif vertex_colors[nonsimple_color].count(s) == 0:
        # MAIN LOOP
        # we loop until we haven't found any simple fqm's
        while simple:
            h = h + 1
            if not heights.has_key(h):
                heights[h] = list()
            # the list Bss will contain the k-simple modules of the next height level
            # recall that Bs contains the modules of the current height level
            Bss = list()
            simple = False
            # checklist = modules that we need to check for with .is_simple(k)
            # we assemble this list because afterwards
            # we check them in parallel
            checklist = []
            for s1 in Bs:
                Bs2 = list()
                for p in primes:
                    # check if we really need to check p for s1
                    # otherwise none of the fqm's in s1.C(p) are simple
                    # and we will not consider them.
                    if prime_pol(s1.genus_symbol(), p, k) <= 0:
                        Bs2 = Bs2 + s1.genus_symbol().C(p, False)
                            "Skipping p = {0} for s1 = {1}".format(p, s1))
                        # print "Skipping p = {0} for s1 = {1}".format(p, s1)
                # print "Bs2 = ", Bs2
                # now we actually check the symbols in Bs2
                for s2 in Bs2:
                    if s2.max_rank() > self._rank_limit:
                        # we skip s2 if its minimal number of generators
                        # is > than the given rank_limit.
                    s2 = FQM_vertex(s2)
                    skip = False
                    for v in self._heights[h]:
                        # we skip symbols that correspond to isomorphic modules
                        if v.genus_symbol().defines_isomorphic_module(s2.genus_symbol()):
                            skip = True
                                "skipping {0} b/c isomorphic to {1}".format(s2.genus_symbol(), v.genus_symbol()))
                            s2 = v
                    if skip:
                    if not skip:
                    self.update_edges(s2, h, fast=fast)
                    # before using the actual dimension formula
                    # we check if there is already a non-k-simple neighbor
                    # (an incoming edge from a non-k-simple module)
                    # which would imply that s2 is not k-simple.
                    has_nonsimple_neighbor = False
                    for e in self.incoming_edges(s2):
                        if vertex_colors[nonsimple_color].count(e[0]) > 0:
                            has_nonsimple_neighbor = True
                                "Has nonsimple neighbor: {0}".format(s2.genus_symbol()))
                    if has_nonsimple_neighbor:
                        #not simple
                        if not vertex_colors[nonsimple_color].count(s2) > 0:
                        checklist.append((s2, k, self._reduction, self._bound))
            logger.debug("checklist = {0}".format(checklist))
            # check the modules in checklist
            # for being k-simple
            # this is done in parallel
            # when a process returns
            # we add the vertex and give it its appropriate color
            if NCPUS1 == 1:
                checks = [([[s[0]]],check_simple(*s)) for s in checklist]
                checks = list(check_simple(checklist))
            logger.info("checks = {0}".format(checks))
            for check in checks:
                s2 = check[0][0][0]
                if check[1]:
                    simple = True
                        "Found simple module: {0}".format(s2.genus_symbol()))
                    if not vertex_colors[simple_color].count(s2) > 0:
                    if not vertex_colors[nonsimple_color].count(s2) > 0:
            Bs = Bss
        simple = [v.genus_symbol() for v in vertex_colors[simple_color]]
        self._simple = uniq(simple)