Exemplo n.º 1
def _UG(n, R, special, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    This function is commonly used by the functions :func:`GU` and :func:`SU`
    to avoid duplicated code. For documentation and examples
    see the individual functions.


        sage: GU(3,25).order()  # indirect doctest
    prefix = 'General'
    latex_prefix = 'G'
    if special:
        prefix = 'Special'
        latex_prefix = 'S'

    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q**2, name=var)
        if invariant_form is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

    if invariant_form is not None:
        invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree,
        if not invariant_form.is_hermitian():
            raise ValueError("invariant_form must be hermitian")

        inserted_text = 'with respect to hermitian form'
            if not invariant_form.is_positive_definite():
                inserted_text = 'with respect to non positive definite hermitian form'

        name = '{0} Unitary Group of degree {1} over {2} {3}\n{4}'.format(
            prefix, degree, ring, inserted_text, invariant_form)
        ltx = r'\text{{{0}U}}_{{{1}}}({2})\text{{ {3} }}{4}'.format(
            latex_prefix, degree, latex(ring), inserted_text,
        name = '{0} Unitary Group of degree {1} over {2}'.format(
            prefix, degree, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{{0}U}}_{{{1}}}({2})'.format(latex_prefix, degree,

    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = '{0}U({1}, {2})'.format(latex_prefix, degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, special, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree,
Exemplo n.º 2
def _OG(n, R, special, e=0, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    This function is commonly used by the functions GO and SO to avoid uneccessarily
    duplicated code. For documentation and examples see the individual functions.


    Check that :trac:`26028` is fixed::

        sage: GO(3,25).order()  # indirect doctest
    prefix = 'General'
    ltx_prefix ='G'
    if special:
        prefix = 'Special'
        ltx_prefix ='S'

    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)

    if e == 0:
        if invariant_form is not None:
            if is_FiniteField(ring):
                raise NotImplementedError("invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

            invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree, invariant_form)
            if not invariant_form.is_symmetric():
                raise ValueError("invariant_form must be symmetric")

                if invariant_form.is_positive_definite():
                   inserted_text = "with respect to positive definite symmetric form"
                   inserted_text = "with respect to non positive definite symmetric form"
            except ValueError:
                inserted_text = "with respect to symmetric form"

            name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} over {2} {3}\n{4}'.format(
                            prefix, degree, ring, inserted_text,invariant_form)
            ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2})\text{{ {3} }}{4}'.format(
                            ltx_prefix, degree, latex(ring), inserted_text,
            name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} over {2}'.format(prefix, degree, ring)
            ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2})'.format(ltx_prefix, degree, latex(ring))
        name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} and form parameter {2} over {3}'.format(prefix, degree, e, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2}, {3})'.format(ltx_prefix, degree,
                                                         '+' if e == 1 else '-')

    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = '{0}O({1}, {2}, {3})'.format(ltx_prefix, e, degree, ring.order())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, invariant_form=invariant_form)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _OG(n, R, special, e=0, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    This function is commonly used by the functions GO and SO to avoid uneccessarily
    duplicated code. For documentation and examples see the individual functions.


    Check that :trac:`26028` is fixed::

        sage: GO(3,25).order()  # indirect doctest
    prefix = 'General'
    ltx_prefix ='G'
    if special:
        prefix = 'Special'
        ltx_prefix ='S'

    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)

    if e == 0:
        if invariant_form is not None:
            if is_FiniteField(ring):
                raise NotImplementedError("invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

            invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree, invariant_form)
            if not invariant_form.is_symmetric():
                raise ValueError("invariant_form must be symmetric")

                if invariant_form.is_positive_definite():
                   inserted_text = "with respect to positive definite symmetric form"
                   inserted_text = "with respect to non positive definite symmetric form"
            except ValueError:
                inserted_text = "with respect to symmetric form"

            name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} over {2} {3}\n{4}'.format(
                            prefix, degree, ring, inserted_text,invariant_form)
            ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2})\text{{ {3} }}{4}'.format(
                            ltx_prefix, degree, latex(ring), inserted_text,
            name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} over {2}'.format(prefix, degree, ring)
            ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2})'.format(ltx_prefix, degree, latex(ring))
        name = '{0} Orthogonal Group of degree {1} and form parameter {2} over {3}'.format(prefix, degree, e, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{{0}O}}_{{{1}}}({2}, {3})'.format(ltx_prefix, degree,
                                                         '+' if e == 1 else '-')

    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = '{0}O({1}, {2}, {3})'.format(ltx_prefix, e, degree, ring.order())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, invariant_form=invariant_form)
Exemplo n.º 4
def SU(n, R, var='a'):
    The special unitary group `SU( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that preserve a nondegenerate sesquilinear form over the
    ring `R` and have determinant one.

    .. note::

        For a finite field the matrices that preserve a sesquilinear
        form over `F_q` live over `F_{q^2}`. So ``SU(n,q)`` for
        integer ``q`` constructs the matrix group over the base ring

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SU()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


    Return the special unitary group.


        sage: SU(3,5)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 5^2
        sage: SU(3, GF(5))
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 5^2
        sage: SU(3,QQ)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Rational Field


        sage: groups.matrix.SU(2, 3)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 2 over Finite Field in a of size 3^2
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q**2, name=var)
    name = 'Special Unitary Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx = r'\text{{SU}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = 'SU({0}, {1})'.format(degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 5
def SU(n, R, var='a'):
    The special unitary group `SU( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that preserve a nondegenerate sequilinear form over the
    ring `R` and have determinant one.

    .. note::

        For a finite field the matrices that preserve a sesquilinear
        form over `F_q` live over `F_{q^2}`. So ``SU(n,q)`` for
        integer ``q`` constructs the matrix group over the base ring

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SU()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


    Return the special unitary group.


        sage: SU(3,5)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 5^2
        sage: SU(3, GF(5))
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 5^2
        sage: SU(3,QQ)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 3 over Rational Field


        sage: groups.matrix.SU(2, 3)
        Special Unitary Group of degree 2 over Finite Field in a of size 3^2
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q ** 2, name=var)
    name = 'Special Unitary Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx  = r'\text{{SU}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = 'SU({0}, {1})'.format(degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 6
def Sp(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the symplectic group.

    The special linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.Sp()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: Sp(4, 5)
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: Sp(4, IntegerModRing(15))
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Ring of integers modulo 15

        sage: Sp(3, GF(7))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the degree must be even


        sage: groups.matrix.Sp(2, 3)
        Symplectic Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3

        sage: G = Sp(4,5)
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if degree % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('the degree must be even')
    name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx  = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        cmd  = 'Sp({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 7
def Sp(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the symplectic group.

    The special linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.Sp()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: Sp(4, 5)
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: Sp(4, IntegerModRing(15))
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Ring of integers modulo 15

        sage: Sp(3, GF(7))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the degree must be even


        sage: groups.matrix.Sp(2, 3)
        Symplectic Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3

        sage: G = Sp(4,5)
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if degree % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('the degree must be even')
    name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        cmd = 'Sp({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _UG(n, R, special, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    This function is commonly used by the functions :func:`GU` and :func:`SU`
    to avoid duplicated code. For documentation and examples
    see the individual functions.


        sage: GU(3,25).order()  # indirect doctest
    prefix = 'General'
    latex_prefix ='G'
    if special:
        prefix = 'Special'
        latex_prefix ='S'

    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q**2, name=var)
        if invariant_form is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

    if invariant_form is not None:
        invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree, invariant_form)
        if not invariant_form.is_hermitian():
            raise ValueError("invariant_form must be hermitian")

            if invariant_form.is_positive_definite():
               inserted_text = "with respect to positive definite hermitian form"
               inserted_text = "with respect to non positive definite hermitian form"
        except ValueError:
            inserted_text = "with respect to hermitian form"

        name = '{0} Unitary Group of degree {1} over {2} {3}\n{4}'.format(prefix,
                                 degree, ring, inserted_text, invariant_form)
        ltx  = r'\text{{{0}U}}_{{{1}}}({2})\text{{ {3} }}{4}'.format(latex_prefix,
                     degree, latex(ring), inserted_text, latex(invariant_form))
        name = '{0} Unitary Group of degree {1} over {2}'.format(prefix, degree, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{{0}U}}_{{{1}}}({2})'.format(latex_prefix, degree, latex(ring))

    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = '{0}U({1}, {2})'.format(latex_prefix, degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, special, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, special, name, ltx, invariant_form=invariant_form)
Exemplo n.º 9
def GL(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the general linear group.

    The general linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R`.

    .. NOTE::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GL()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: G = GL(6,GF(5))
        sage: G.order()
        sage: G.base_ring()
        Finite Field of size 5
        sage: G.category()
        Category of finite groups
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()

        sage: G = GL(6, QQ)
        sage: G.category()
        Category of infinite groups
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()

    Here is the Cayley graph of (relatively small) finite General Linear Group::

        sage: g = GL(2,3)
        sage: d = g.cayley_graph(); d
        Digraph on 48 vertices
        sage: d.plot(color_by_label=True, vertex_size=0.03, vertex_labels=False)  # long time
        Graphics object consisting of 144 graphics primitives
        sage: d.plot3d(color_by_label=True)  # long time
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: F = GF(3); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
        sage: gens = [MS([[2,0],[0,1]]), MS([[2,1],[2,0]])]
        sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
        sage: G.order()
        sage: G.cardinality()
        sage: H = GL(2,F)
        sage: H.order()
        sage: H == G
        sage: H.gens() == G.gens()
        sage: H.as_matrix_group() == H
        sage: H.gens()
        [2 0]  [2 1]
        [0 1], [2 0]


        sage: groups.matrix.GL(2, 3)
        General Linear Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var='a')
        if ring.is_finite():
            cat = Groups().Finite()
            cat = Groups().Infinite()
    except AttributeError:
        cat = Groups()
    name = 'General Linear Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx = 'GL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        cmd = 'GL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return LinearMatrixGroup_gap(degree,
    except ValueError:
        return LinearMatrixGroup_generic(degree,
Exemplo n.º 10
def SL(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the special linear group.

    The special linear group `SL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SL()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: SL(3, GF(2))
        Special Linear Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 2
        sage: G = SL(15, GF(7)); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 15 over Finite Field of size 7
        sage: G.category()
        Category of finite groups
        sage: G.order()
        sage: len(G.gens())
        sage: G = SL(2, ZZ); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 2 over Integer Ring
        sage: G.category()
        Category of infinite groups
        sage: G.gens()
        [ 0  1]  [1 1]
        [-1  0], [0 1]

    Next we compute generators for `\mathrm{SL}_3(\ZZ)` ::

        sage: G = SL(3,ZZ); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 3 over Integer Ring
        sage: G.gens()
        [0 1 0]  [ 0  1  0]  [1 1 0]
        [0 0 1]  [-1  0  0]  [0 1 0]
        [1 0 0], [ 0  0  1], [0 0 1]
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()


        sage: groups.matrix.SL(2, 3)
        Special Linear Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var='a')
        if ring.is_finite() or n == 1:
            cat = Groups().Finite()
            cat = Groups().Infinite()
    except AttributeError:
        cat = Groups()
    name = 'Special Linear Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx = 'SL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        cmd = 'SL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return LinearMatrixGroup_gap(degree,
    except ValueError:
        return LinearMatrixGroup_generic(degree,
Exemplo n.º 11
def SO(n, R, e=None, var='a'):
    Return the special orthogonal group.

    The special orthogonal group `GO(n,R)` consists of all `n \times n`
    matrices with determinant one over the ring `R` preserving an
    `n`-ary positive definite quadratic form. In cases where there are
    multiple non-isomorphic quadratic forms, additional data needs to
    be specified to disambiguate.

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SO()``.


    - ``n`` -- integer. The degree.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``e`` -- ``+1`` or ``-1``, and ignored by default. Only relevant
      for finite fields and if the degree is even. A parameter that
      distinguishes inequivalent invariant forms.


    The special orthogonal group of given degree, base ring, and choice of
    invariant form.


        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G
        Special Orthogonal Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G.gens()
        [2 0 0]  [3 2 3]  [1 4 4]
        [0 3 0]  [0 2 0]  [4 0 0]
        [0 0 1], [0 3 1], [2 0 4]
        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G.as_matrix_group()
        Matrix group over Finite Field of size 5 with 3 generators (
        [2 0 0]  [3 2 3]  [1 4 4]
        [0 3 0]  [0 2 0]  [4 0 0]
        [0 0 1], [0 3 1], [2 0 4]


        sage: groups.matrix.SO(2, 3, e=1)
        Special Orthogonal Group of degree 2 and form parameter 1 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)
    if e == 0:
        name = 'Special Orthogonal Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(
            degree, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{SO}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        name = 'Special Orthogonal Group of degree' + \
            ' {0} and form parameter {1} over {2}'.format(degree, e, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{SO}}_{{{0}}}({1}, {2})'.format(degree, latex(ring),
                                                      '+' if e == 1 else '-')
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = 'SO({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(e, degree, ring.characteristic())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 12
def GO(n, R, e=0, var='a'):
    Return the general orthogonal group.

    The general orthogonal group `GO(n,R)` consists of all `n \times n`
    matrices over the ring `R` preserving an `n`-ary positive definite
    quadratic form. In cases where there are multiple non-isomorphic
    quadratic forms, additional data needs to be specified to

    In the case of a finite field and if the degree `n` is even, then
    there are two inequivalent quadratic forms and a third parameter
    ``e`` must be specified to disambiguate these two possibilities.

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GO()``.


    - ``n`` -- integer. The degree.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``e`` -- ``+1`` or ``-1``, and ignored by default. Only relevant
      for finite fields and if the degree is even. A parameter that
      distinguishes inequivalent invariant forms.


    The general orthogonal group of given degree, base ring, and
    choice of invariant form.


        sage: GO( 3, GF(7))
        General Orthogonal Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 7
        sage: GO( 3, GF(7)).order()
        sage: GO( 3, GF(7)).gens()
        [3 0 0]  [0 1 0]
        [0 5 0]  [1 6 6]
        [0 0 1], [0 2 1]


        sage: groups.matrix.GO(2, 3, e=-1)
        General Orthogonal Group of degree 2 and form parameter -1 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)
    if e == 0:
        name = 'General Orthogonal Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(
            degree, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{GO}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        name = 'General Orthogonal Group of degree' + \
            ' {0} and form parameter {1} over {2}'.format(degree, e, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{GO}}_{{{0}}}({1}, {2})'.format(degree, latex(ring),
                                                      '+' if e == 1 else '-')
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = 'GO({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(e, degree, ring.characteristic())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 13
def SO(n, R, e=None, var='a'):
    Return the special orthogonal group.

    The special orthogonal group `GO(n,R)` consists of all `n\times n`
    matrices with determint one over the ring `R` preserving an
    `n`-ary positive definite quadratic form. In cases where there are
    muliple non-isomorphic quadratic forms, additional data needs to
    be specified to disambiguate.

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SO()``.


    - ``n`` -- integer. The degree.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``e`` -- ``+1`` or ``-1``, and ignored by default. Only relevant
      for finite fields and if the degree is even. A parameter that
      distinguishes inequivalent invariant forms.


    The special orthogonal group of given degree, base ring, and choice of
    invariant form.


        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G
        Special Orthogonal Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G.gens()
        [2 0 0]  [3 2 3]  [1 4 4]
        [0 3 0]  [0 2 0]  [4 0 0]
        [0 0 1], [0 3 1], [2 0 4]
        sage: G = SO(3,GF(5))
        sage: G.as_matrix_group()
        Matrix group over Finite Field of size 5 with 3 generators (
        [2 0 0]  [3 2 3]  [1 4 4]
        [0 3 0]  [0 2 0]  [4 0 0]
        [0 0 1], [0 3 1], [2 0 4]


        sage: groups.matrix.SO(2, 3, e=1)
        Special Orthogonal Group of degree 2 and form parameter 1 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)
    if e == 0:
        name = 'Special Orthogonal Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{SO}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        name = 'Special Orthogonal Group of degree' + \
            ' {0} and form parameter {1} over {2}'.format(degree, e, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{SO}}_{{{0}}}({1}, {2})'.format(degree, latex(ring), '+' if e == 1 else '-')
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = 'SO({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(e, degree, ring.characteristic())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 14
def GO(n, R, e=0, var='a'):
    Return the general orthogonal group.

    The general orthogonal group `GO(n,R)` consists of all `n\times n`
    matrices over the ring `R` preserving an `n`-ary positive definite
    quadratic form. In cases where there are muliple non-isomorphic
    quadratic forms, additional data needs to be specified to

    In the case of a finite field and if the degree `n` is even, then
    there are two inequivalent quadratic forms and a third parameter
    ``e`` must be specified to disambiguate these two possibilities.

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GO()``.


    - ``n`` -- integer. The degree.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``e`` -- ``+1`` or ``-1``, and ignored by default. Only relevant
      for finite fields and if the degree is even. A parameter that
      distinguishes inequivalent invariant forms.


    The general orthogonal group of given degree, base ring, and
    choice of invariant form.


        sage: GO( 3, GF(7))
        General Orthogonal Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 7
        sage: GO( 3, GF(7)).order()
        sage: GO( 3, GF(7)).gens()
        [3 0 0]  [0 1 0]
        [0 5 0]  [1 6 6]
        [0 0 1], [0 2 1]


        sage: groups.matrix.GO(2, 3, e=-1)
        General Orthogonal Group of degree 2 and form parameter -1 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    e = normalize_args_e(degree, ring, e)
    if e == 0:
        name = 'General Orthogonal Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{GO}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        name = 'General Orthogonal Group of degree' + \
            ' {0} and form parameter {1} over {2}'.format(degree, e, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{GO}}_{{{0}}}({1}, {2})'.format(degree, latex(ring), '+' if e == 1 else '-')
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = 'GO({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(e, degree, ring.characteristic())
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return OrthogonalMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 15
def GL(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the general linear group.

    The general linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R`.

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GL()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: G = GL(6,GF(5))
        sage: G.order()
        sage: G.base_ring()
        Finite Field of size 5
        sage: G.category()
        Category of finite groups
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()

        sage: G = GL(6, QQ)
        sage: G.category()
        Category of groups
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()

    Here is the Cayley graph of (relatively small) finite General Linear Group::

        sage: g = GL(2,3)
        sage: d = g.cayley_graph(); d
        Digraph on 48 vertices
        sage: d.show(color_by_label=True, vertex_size=0.03, vertex_labels=False)
        sage: d.show3d(color_by_label=True)


        sage: F = GF(3); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
        sage: gens = [MS([[2,0],[0,1]]), MS([[2,1],[2,0]])]
        sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
        sage: G.order()
        sage: G.cardinality()
        sage: H = GL(2,F)
        sage: H.order()
        sage: H == G
        sage: H.gens() == G.gens()
        sage: H.as_matrix_group() == H
        sage: H.gens()
        [2 0]  [2 1]
        [0 1], [2 0]


        sage: groups.matrix.GL(2, 3)
        General Linear Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var='a')
    name = 'General Linear Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx  = 'GL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
        cmd  = 'GL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return LinearMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return LinearMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 16
def GU(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the general unitary group.

    The general unitary group `GU( d, R )` consists of all `d \times
    d` matrices that preserve a nondegenerate sequilinear form over
    the ring `R`.

    .. note::

        For a finite field the matrices that preserve a sesquilinear
        form over `F_q` live over `F_{q^2}`. So ``GU(n,q)`` for
        integer ``q`` constructs the matrix group over the base ring

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GU()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


    Return the general unitary group.


        sage: G = GU(3, 7); G
        General Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 7^2
        sage: G.gens()
        [  a   0   0]  [6*a   6   1]
        [  0   1   0]  [  6   6   0]
        [  0   0 5*a], [  1   0   0]
        sage: GU(2,QQ)
        General Unitary Group of degree 2 over Rational Field

        sage: G = GU(3, 5, var='beta')
        sage: G.base_ring()
        Finite Field in beta of size 5^2
        sage: G.gens()
        [  beta      0      0]  [4*beta      4      1]
        [     0      1      0]  [     4      4      0]
        [     0      0 3*beta], [     1      0      0]


        sage: groups.matrix.GU(2, 3)
        General Unitary Group of degree 2 over Finite Field in a of size 3^2
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q ** 2, name=var)
    name = 'General Unitary Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx  = r'\text{{GU}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd  = 'GU({0}, {1})'.format(degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 17
def Sp(n, R, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    Return the symplectic group.

    The special linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant one.

    .. NOTE::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.Sp()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer; if an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used

    - ``var`` -- (optional, default: ``'a'``) variable used to
      represent generator of the finite field, if needed

    - ``invariant_form`` --  (optional) instances being accepted by 
      the matrix-constructor which define a `n \times n` square matrix
      over ``R`` describing the alternating form to be kept invariant 
      by the symplectic group


        sage: Sp(4, 5)
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: Sp(4, IntegerModRing(15))
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Ring of integers modulo 15

        sage: Sp(3, GF(7))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the degree must be even

    Using the ``invariant_form`` option::

        sage: m = matrix(QQ, 4,4, [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -2, 0, 0]])
        sage: Sp4m = Sp(4, QQ, invariant_form=m)
        sage: Sp4 = Sp(4, QQ)
        sage: Sp4 == Sp4m
        sage: Sp4.invariant_form()
        [ 0  0  0  1]
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0 -1  0  0]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        sage: Sp4m.invariant_form()
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0  0  0  2]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        [ 0 -2  0  0]
        sage: pm = Permutation([2,1,4,3]).to_matrix()
        sage: g = Sp4(pm); g in Sp4; g
        [0 1 0 0]
        [1 0 0 0]
        [0 0 0 1]
        [0 0 1 0]
        sage: Sp4m(pm)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: matrix must be symplectic with respect to the alternating form
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0  0  0  2]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        [ 0 -2  0  0]

        sage: Sp(4,3, invariant_form=[[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0],[0,2,0,0], [2,0,0,0]])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP


        sage: TestSuite(Sp4).run()
        sage: TestSuite(Sp4m).run()
        sage: groups.matrix.Sp(2, 3)
        Symplectic Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3

        sage: G = Sp(4,5)
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if degree % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('the degree must be even')

    if invariant_form is not None:
        if is_FiniteField(ring):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

        invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree,
        if not invariant_form.is_alternating():
            raise ValueError("invariant_form must be alternating")

        name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1} with respect to alternating bilinear form\n{2}'.format(
            degree, ring, invariant_form)
        ltx = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})\text{{ with respect to alternating bilinear form}}{2}'.format(
            degree, latex(ring), latex(invariant_form))
        name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
        ltx = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))

        cmd = 'Sp({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_generic(degree,
Exemplo n.º 18
def Sp(n, R, var='a', invariant_form=None):
    Return the symplectic group.

    The special linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant one.

    .. NOTE::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.Sp()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer; if an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used

    - ``var`` -- (optional, default: ``'a'``) variable used to
      represent generator of the finite field, if needed

    - ``invariant_form`` --  (optional) instances being accepted by 
      the matrix-constructor which define a `n \times n` square matrix
      over ``R`` describing the alternating form to be kept invariant 
      by the symplectic group


        sage: Sp(4, 5)
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Finite Field of size 5

        sage: Sp(4, IntegerModRing(15))
        Symplectic Group of degree 4 over Ring of integers modulo 15

        sage: Sp(3, GF(7))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the degree must be even

    Using the ``invariant_form`` option::

        sage: m = matrix(QQ, 4,4, [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -2, 0, 0]])
        sage: Sp4m = Sp(4, QQ, invariant_form=m)
        sage: Sp4 = Sp(4, QQ)
        sage: Sp4 == Sp4m
        sage: Sp4.invariant_form()
        [ 0  0  0  1]
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0 -1  0  0]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        sage: Sp4m.invariant_form()
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0  0  0  2]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        [ 0 -2  0  0]
        sage: pm = Permutation([2,1,4,3]).to_matrix()
        sage: g = Sp4(pm); g in Sp4; g
        [0 1 0 0]
        [1 0 0 0]
        [0 0 0 1]
        [0 0 1 0]
        sage: Sp4m(pm)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: matrix must be symplectic with respect to the alternating form
        [ 0  0  1  0]
        [ 0  0  0  2]
        [-1  0  0  0]
        [ 0 -2  0  0]

        sage: Sp(4,3, invariant_form=[[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0],[0,2,0,0], [2,0,0,0]])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NotImplementedError: invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP


        sage: TestSuite(Sp4).run()
        sage: TestSuite(Sp4m).run()
        sage: groups.matrix.Sp(2, 3)
        Symplectic Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3

        sage: G = Sp(4,5)
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if degree % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('the degree must be even')

    if invariant_form is not None:
        if is_FiniteField(ring):
            raise NotImplementedError("invariant_form for finite groups is fixed by GAP")

        invariant_form = normalize_args_invariant_form(ring, degree, invariant_form)
        if not invariant_form.is_alternating():
            raise ValueError("invariant_form must be alternating")

        name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1} with respect to alternating bilinear form\n{2}'.format(
                                                degree, ring, invariant_form)
        ltx  = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})\text{{ with respect to alternating bilinear form}}{2}'.format(
                                    degree, latex(ring), latex(invariant_form))
        name = 'Symplectic Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
        ltx  = r'\text{{Sp}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))

        cmd = 'Sp({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return SymplecticMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, invariant_form=invariant_form)
Exemplo n.º 19
def GU(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the general unitary group.

    The general unitary group `GU( d, R )` consists of all `d \times
    d` matrices that preserve a nondegenerate sesquilinear form over
    the ring `R`.

    .. note::

        For a finite field the matrices that preserve a sesquilinear
        form over `F_q` live over `F_{q^2}`. So ``GU(n,q)`` for
        integer ``q`` constructs the matrix group over the base ring

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.GU()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


    Return the general unitary group.


        sage: G = GU(3, 7); G
        General Unitary Group of degree 3 over Finite Field in a of size 7^2
        sage: G.gens()
        [  a   0   0]  [6*a   6   1]
        [  0   1   0]  [  6   6   0]
        [  0   0 5*a], [  1   0   0]
        sage: GU(2,QQ)
        General Unitary Group of degree 2 over Rational Field

        sage: G = GU(3, 5, var='beta')
        sage: G.base_ring()
        Finite Field in beta of size 5^2
        sage: G.gens()
        [  beta      0      0]  [4*beta      4      1]
        [     0      1      0]  [     4      4      0]
        [     0      0 3*beta], [     1      0      0]


        sage: groups.matrix.GU(2, 3)
        General Unitary Group of degree 2 over Finite Field in a of size 3^2
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var=var)
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        q = ring.cardinality()
        ring = GF(q**2, name=var)
    name = 'General Unitary Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx = r'\text{{GU}}_{{{0}}}({1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    if is_FiniteField(ring):
        cmd = 'GU({0}, {1})'.format(degree, q)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, False, name, ltx, cmd)
        return UnitaryMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, False, name, ltx)
Exemplo n.º 20
def SL(n, R, var='a'):
    Return the special linear group.

    The special linear group `GL( d, R )` consists of all `d \times d`
    matrices that are invertible over the ring `R` with determinant

    .. note::

        This group is also available via ``groups.matrix.SL()``.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.

    - ``R`` -- ring or an integer. If an integer is specified, the
      corresponding finite field is used.

    - ``var`` -- variable used to represent generator of the finite
      field, if needed.


        sage: SL(3, GF(2))
        Special Linear Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 2
        sage: G = SL(15, GF(7)); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 15 over Finite Field of size 7
        sage: G.category()
        Category of finite groups
        sage: G.order()
        sage: len(G.gens())
        sage: G = SL(2, ZZ); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 2 over Integer Ring
        sage: G.gens()
        [ 0  1]  [1 1]
        [-1  0], [0 1]

    Next we compute generators for `\mathrm{SL}_3(\ZZ)` ::

        sage: G = SL(3,ZZ); G
        Special Linear Group of degree 3 over Integer Ring
        sage: G.gens()
        [0 1 0]  [ 0  1  0]  [1 1 0]
        [0 0 1]  [-1  0  0]  [0 1 0]
        [1 0 0], [ 0  0  1], [0 0 1]
        sage: TestSuite(G).run()


        sage: groups.matrix.SL(2, 3)
        Special Linear Group of degree 2 over Finite Field of size 3
    degree, ring = normalize_args_vectorspace(n, R, var='a')
    name = 'Special Linear Group of degree {0} over {1}'.format(degree, ring)
    ltx  = 'SL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, latex(ring))
    from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        cmd  = 'SL({0}, {1})'.format(degree, ring._gap_init_())
        return LinearMatrixGroup_gap(degree, ring, True, name, ltx, cmd)
    except ValueError:
        return LinearMatrixGroup_generic(degree, ring, True, name, ltx)