Exemplo n.º 1
    def cartesian_projection(self, i):
        Return the natural projection onto the `i`-th Cartesian
        factor of ``self`` as per


        - ``i`` -- the index of a Cartesian factor of ``self``


            sage: C = Sets().CartesianProducts().example(); C
            The Cartesian product of (Set of prime numbers (basic implementation), An example of an infinite enumerated set: the non negative integers, An example of a finite enumerated set: {1,2,3})
            sage: x = C.an_element(); x
            (47, 42, 1)
            sage: pi = C.cartesian_projection(1)
            sage: pi(x)

            sage: C.cartesian_projection('hey')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: i (=hey) must be in {0, 1, 2}
        if i not in self._sets_keys():
            raise ValueError("i (={}) must be in {}".format(i, self._sets_keys()))
        return attrcall("cartesian_projection", i)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_attrcall(name, L):
    Return a function by name.

    This is a helper function for test_finite_lattice(). This
    will unify all Boolean-valued functions to a function without


        sage: from sage.tests.finite_poset import test_attrcall
        sage: N5 = posets.PentagonPoset()
        sage: N5.is_modular() == test_attrcall('is_modular', N5)
        sage: N5.is_constructible_by_doublings('convex') == test_attrcall('is_doubling_convex', N5)
    if name == 'is_doubling_any':
        return L.is_constructible_by_doublings('any')
    if name == 'is_doubling_lower':
        return L.is_constructible_by_doublings('upper')
    if name == 'is_doubling_upper':
        return L.is_constructible_by_doublings('lower')
    if name == 'is_doubling_convex':
        return L.is_constructible_by_doublings('convex')
    if name == 'is_doubling_interval':
        return L.is_constructible_by_doublings('interval')
    if name == 'is_uniq_orthocomplemented':
        return L.is_orthocomplemented(unique=True)
    return attrcall(name)(L)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __reduce__(self):

            sage: CartanType(['F', 4, 1]).dual().__reduce__()
            (*.dual(), (['F', 4, 1],))
        return (attrcall("dual"), (self._type, ))
Exemplo n.º 4
        def j_classes_of_idempotents(self):
            Returns all the idempotents of self, grouped by J-class.


             a list of lists.


                sage: S = FiniteSemigroups().example(alphabet=('a','b', 'c'))
                sage: sorted(map(sorted, S.j_classes_of_idempotents()))
                [['a'], ['ab', 'ba'], ['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca', 'cab', 'cba'], ['ac', 'ca'], ['b'], ['bc', 'cb'], ['c']]
            return [
                l for l in ([x for x in cl if attrcall('is_idempotent')(x)]
                            for cl in self.j_classes()) if len(l) > 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_finite_poset(P):
    Test several functions on a given finite poset.

    The function contains tests of different kinds, for example

    - Numerical properties jump number, dimension etc. can't be a bigger
      in a subposet with one element less.
    - "Dual tests", for example the dual of meet-semilattice must be a join-semilattice.
    - Random tries: for example if the dimension of a poset is `k`, then it can't be the
      intersection of `k-1` random linear extensions.


        sage: from sage.tests.finite_poset import test_finite_poset
        sage: P = posets.RandomPoset(10, 0.15)
        sage: test_finite_poset(P) is None  # Long time
    from sage.combinat.posets.posets import Poset
    from sage.combinat.subset import Subsets
    from sage.misc.prandom import shuffle

    from sage.misc.call import attrcall

    e = P.random_element()
    P_one_less = P.subposet([x for x in P if x != e])

    # Cardinality
    if len(P) != P.cardinality():
        raise ValueError("error 1 in cardinality")
    if P.cardinality() - 1 != P_one_less.cardinality():
        raise ValueError("error 5 in cardinality")

    # Height
    h1 = P.height()
    h2, chain = P.height(certificate=True)
    if h1 != h2:
        raise ValueError("error 1 in height")
    if h1 != len(chain):
        raise ValueError("error 2 in height")
    if not P.is_chain_of_poset(chain):
        raise ValueError("error 3 in height")
    if len(P.random_maximal_chain()) > h1:
        raise ValueError("error 4 in height")
    if h1 - P_one_less.height() not in [0, 1]:
        raise ValueError("error 5 in height")

    # Width
    w1 = P.width()
    w2, antichain = P.width(certificate=True)
    if w1 != w2:
        raise ValueError("error 1 in width")
    if w1 != len(antichain):
        raise ValueError("error 2 in width")
    if not P.is_antichain_of_poset(antichain):
        raise ValueError("error 3 in width")
    if len(P.random_maximal_antichain()) > w1:
        raise ValueError("error 4 in width")
    if w1 - P_one_less.width() not in [0, 1]:
        raise ValueError("error 5 in width")

    # Dimension
    dim1 = P.dimension()
    dim2, linexts = P.dimension(certificate=True)
    if dim1 != dim2:
        raise ValueError("error 1 in dimension")
    if dim1 != len(linexts):
        raise ValueError("error 2 in dimension")
    P_ = Poset((P.list(), lambda a, b: all(
        linext.index(a) < linext.index(b) for linext in linexts)))
    if P_ != Poset(P.hasse_diagram()):
        raise ValueError("error 3 in dimension")
    x = [P.random_linear_extension() for _ in range(dim1 - 1)]
    P_ = Poset(
         lambda a, b: all(linext.index(a) < linext.index(b) for linext in x)))
    if P_ == Poset(P.hasse_diagram()):
        raise ValueError("error 4 in dimension")
    if dim1 - P_one_less.dimension() < 0:
        raise ValueError("error 5 in dimension")

    # Jump number
    j1 = P.jump_number()
    j2, linext = P.jump_number(certificate=True)
    if j1 != j2:
        raise ValueError("error 1 in jump number")
    if P.linear_extension(linext).jump_count() != j1:
        raise ValueError("error 2 in jump number")
    if not P.is_linear_extension(linext):
        raise ValueError("error 3 in jump number")
    if P.linear_extension(P.random_linear_extension()).jump_count() < j1:
        raise ValueError("error 4 in jump number")
    if j1 - P_one_less.jump_number() not in [0, 1]:
        raise ValueError("error 5 in jump number")

    P_dual = P.dual()
    selfdual_properties = [
        'chain', 'bounded', 'connected', 'graded', 'ranked', 'series_parallel',
        'slender', 'lattice'
    for prop in selfdual_properties:
        f = attrcall('is_' + prop)
        if f(P) != f(P_dual):
            raise ValueError("error in self-dual property %s" % prop)
    if P.is_graded():
        if P.is_bounded():
            if P.is_eulerian() != P_dual.is_eulerian():
                raise ValueError("error in self-dual property eulerian")
            if P.is_eulerian():
                P_ = P.star_product(P)
                if not P_.is_eulerian():
                    raise ("error in star product / eulerian")
        chain1 = P.random_maximal_chain()
        if len(chain1) != h1:
            raise ValueError("error in is_graded")
        if not P.is_ranked():
            raise ValueError("error in is_ranked / is_graded")

    if P.is_meet_semilattice() != P_dual.is_join_semilattice():
        raise ValueError("error in meet/join semilattice")

    if set(P.minimal_elements()) != set(P_dual.maximal_elements()):
        raise ValueError("error in min/max elements")
    if P.top() != P_dual.bottom():
        raise ValueError("error in top/bottom element")

    parts = P.connected_components()
    P_ = Poset()
    for part in parts:
        P_ = P_.disjoint_union(part)
    if not P.is_isomorphic(P_):
        raise ValueError("error in connected components / disjoint union")
    parts = P.ordinal_summands()
    P_ = Poset()
    for part in parts:
        P_ = P_.ordinal_sum(part)
    if not P.is_isomorphic(P_):
        raise ValueError("error in ordinal summands / ordinal sum")

    P_ = P.with_bounds().without_bounds()
    if not P.is_isomorphic(P_):
        raise ValueError("error in with bounds / without bounds")

    P_ = P.completion_by_cuts().irreducibles_poset()
    if not P.has_isomorphic_subposet(P_):
        raise ValueError("error in completion by cuts / irreducibles poset")

    P_ = P.subposet(Subsets(P).random_element())
    if not P_.is_induced_subposet(P):
        raise ValueError("error in subposet / is induced subposet")

    if not P.is_linear_extension(P.random_linear_extension()):
        raise ValueError("error in is linear extension")

    x = list(P)
    if not P.is_linear_extension(P.sorted(x)):
        raise ValueError("error in sorted")

    dil = P.dilworth_decomposition()
    chain = dil[randint(0, len(dil) - 1)]
    if not P.is_chain_of_poset(chain):
        raise ValueError("error in Dilworth decomposition")
    lev = P.level_sets()
    level = lev[randint(0, len(lev) - 1)]
    if not P.is_antichain_of_poset(level):
        raise ValueError("error in level sets")

    # certificate=True must return a pair
    bool_with_cert = [
        'eulerian', 'greedy', 'join_semilattice', 'jump_critical',
        'meet_semilattice', 'slender'
    for p in bool_with_cert:
        try:  # some properties are not always defined for all posets
            res1 = attrcall('is_' + p)(P)
        except ValueError:
        res2 = attrcall('is_' + p, certificate=True)(P)
        if not isinstance(res2, tuple) or len(res2) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "certificate-option does not return a pair in %s" % p)
        if res1 != res2[0]:
            raise ValueError("certificate-option changes result in %s" % p)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_finite_lattice(L):
    Test several functions on a given finite lattice.

    The function contains tests of different kinds:

    - Implications of Boolean properties. Examples: a distributive lattice is modular,
      a dismantlable and distributive lattice is planar, a simple lattice can not be
      constructible by Day's doublings.
    - Dual and self-dual properties. Examples: Dual of a modular lattice is modular,
      dual of an atomic lattice is co-atomic.
    - Certificate tests. Example: certificate for a non-complemented lattice must be
      an element without a complement.
    - Verification of some property by known property or by a random test.
      Examples: A lattice is distributive iff join-primes are exactly
      join-irreducibles and an interval of a relatively complemented
      lattice is complemented.
    - Set inclusions. Example: Every co-atom must be meet-irreducible.
    - And several other tests. Example: The skeleton of a pseudocomplemented
      lattice must be Boolean.


        sage: from sage.tests.finite_poset import test_finite_lattice
        sage: L = posets.RandomLattice(10, 0.98)
        sage: test_finite_lattice(L) is None  # Long time
    from sage.combinat.posets.lattices import LatticePoset

    from sage.sets.set import Set
    from sage.combinat.subset import Subsets

    from sage.misc.prandom import randint
    from sage.misc.flatten import flatten
    from sage.misc.call import attrcall

    from sage.misc.sageinspect import sage_getargspec

    if L.cardinality() < 4:
        # Special cases should be tested in specific TESTS-sections.
        return None

    all_props = set(list(implications) + flatten(implications.values()))
    P = {x: test_attrcall('is_' + x, L) for x in all_props}

    ### Relations between boolean-valued properties ###

    # Direct one-property implications
    for prop1 in implications:
        if P[prop1]:
            for prop2 in implications[prop1]:
                if not P[prop2]:
                    raise ValueError("error: %s should implicate %s" %
                                     (prop1, prop2))

    # Impossible combinations
    for p1, p2 in mutually_exclusive:
        if P[p1] and P[p2]:
            raise ValueError(
                "error: %s and %s should be impossible combination" % (p1, p2))

    # Two-property implications
    for p1, p2, p3 in two_to_one:
        if P[p1] and P[p2] and not P[p3]:
            raise ValueError("error: %s and %s, so should be %s" %
                             (p1, p2, p3))

    Ldual = L.dual()
    # Selfdual properties
    for p in selfdual_properties:
        if P[p] != test_attrcall('is_' + p, Ldual):
            raise ValueError("selfdual property %s error" % p)
    # Dual properties and elements
    for p1, p2 in dual_properties:
        if P[p1] != test_attrcall('is_' + p2, Ldual):
            raise ValueError("dual properties error %s" % p1)
    for e1, e2 in dual_elements:
        if set(attrcall(e1)(L)) != set(attrcall(e2)(Ldual)):
            raise ValueError("dual elements error %s" % e1)

    ### Certificates ###

    # Return value must be a pair with correct result as first element.
    for p_ in all_props:
        # Dirty fix first
        if p_[:9] == 'doubling_' or p_[:5] == 'uniq_':
        p = "is_" + p_
        if 'certificate' in sage_getargspec(getattr(L, p)).args:
            res = attrcall(p, certificate=True)(L)
            if not isinstance(res, tuple) or len(res) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "certificate-option does not return a pair in %s" % p)
            if P[p_] != res[0]:
                raise ValueError("certificate-option changes result in %s" % p)

    # Test for "yes"-certificates
    if P['supersolvable']:
        a = L.is_supersolvable(certificate=True)[1]
        S = Subsets(L).random_element()
        if L.is_chain_of_poset(S):
            if not L.sublattice(a + list(S)).is_distributive():
                raise ValueError("certificate error in is_supersolvable")
    if P['dismantlable']:
        elms = L.is_dismantlable(certificate=True)[1]
        if len(elms) != L.cardinality():
            raise ValueError("certificate error 1 in is_dismantlable")
        elms = elms[:randint(0, len(elms) - 1)]
        L_ = L.sublattice([x for x in L if x not in elms])
        if L_.cardinality() != L.cardinality() - len(elms):
            raise ValueError("certificate error 2 in is_dismantlable")
    if P['vertically_decomposable']:
        c = L.is_vertically_decomposable(certificate=True)[1]
        if c == L.bottom() or c == L.top():
            raise ValueError(
                "certificate error 1 in is_vertically_decomposable")
        e = L.random_element()
        if L.compare_elements(c, e) is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "certificate error 2 in is_vertically_decomposable")

    # Test for "no"-certificates
    if not P['atomic']:
        a = L.is_atomic(certificate=True)[1]
        if a in L.atoms() or a not in L.join_irreducibles():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_atomic")
    if not P['coatomic']:
        a = L.is_coatomic(certificate=True)[1]
        if a in L.coatoms() or a not in L.meet_irreducibles():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_coatomic")

    if not P['complemented']:
        a = L.is_complemented(certificate=True)[1]
        if L.complements(a):
            raise ValueError("compl. error 1")
    if not P['sectionally_complemented']:
        a, b = L.is_sectionally_complemented(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.sublattice(L.interval(L.bottom(), a))
        if L_.is_complemented():
            raise ValueError("sec. compl. error 1")
        if len(L_.complements(b)) > 0:
            raise ValueError("sec. compl. error 2")
    if not P['cosectionally_complemented']:
        a, b = L.is_cosectionally_complemented(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.sublattice(L.interval(a, L.top()))
        if L_.is_complemented():
            raise ValueError("cosec. compl. error 1")
        if L_.complements(b):
            raise ValueError("cosec. compl. error 2")
    if not P['relatively_complemented']:
        a, b, c = L.is_relatively_complemented(certificate=True)[1]
        I = L.interval(a, c)
        if len(I) != 3 or b not in I:
            raise ValueError("rel. compl. error 1")

    if not P['upper_semimodular']:
        a, b = L.is_upper_semimodular(certificate=True)[1]
        if not set(L.lower_covers(a)).intersection(set(
                L.lower_covers(b))) or set(L.upper_covers(a)).intersection(
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_upper_semimodular")
    if not P['lower_semimodular']:
        a, b = L.is_lower_semimodular(certificate=True)[1]
        if set(L.lower_covers(a)).intersection(set(
                L.lower_covers(b))) or not set(L.upper_covers(a)).intersection(
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_lower_semimodular")

    if not P['distributive']:
        x, y, z = L.is_distributive(certificate=True)[1]
        if L.meet(x, L.join(y, z)) == L.join(L.meet(x, y), L.meet(x, z)):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_distributive")
    if not P['modular']:
        x, a, b = L.is_modular(certificate=True)[1]
        if not L.is_less_than(x, b) or L.join(x, L.meet(a, b)) == L.meet(
                L.join(x, a), b):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_modular")

    if not P['pseudocomplemented']:
        a = L.is_pseudocomplemented(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.subposet([e for e in L if L.meet(e, a) == L.bottom()])
        if L_.has_top():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_pseudocomplemented")
    if not P['join_pseudocomplemented']:
        a = L.is_join_pseudocomplemented(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.subposet([e for e in L if L.join(e, a) == L.top()])
        if L_.has_bottom():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_join_pseudocomplemented")

    if not P['join_semidistributive']:
        e, x, y = L.is_join_semidistributive(certificate=True)[1]
        if L.join(e, x) != L.join(e, y) or L.join(e, x) == L.join(
                e, L.meet(x, y)):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_join_semidistributive")
    if not P['meet_semidistributive']:
        e, x, y = L.is_meet_semidistributive(certificate=True)[1]
        if L.meet(e, x) != L.meet(e, y) or L.meet(e, x) == L.meet(
                e, L.join(x, y)):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_meet_semidistributive")

    if not P['simple']:
        c = L.is_simple(certificate=True)[1]
        if len(L.congruence([c[randint(0, len(c) - 1)]])) == 1:
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_simple")
    if not P['isoform']:
        c = L.is_isoform(certificate=True)[1]
        if len(c) == 1:
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_isoform")
        if all(
                L.subposet(c[i]).is_isomorphic(L.subposet(c[i + 1]))
                for i in range(len(c) - 1)):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_isoform")
    if not P['uniform']:
        c = L.is_uniform(certificate=True)[1]
        if len(c) == 1:
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_uniform")
        if all(len(c[i]) == len(c[i + 1]) for i in range(len(c) - 1)):
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_uniform")
    if not P['regular']:
        c = L.is_regular(certificate=True)[1]
        if len(c[0]) == 1:
            raise ValueError("certificate error 1 in is_regular")
        if Set(c[1]) not in c[0]:
            raise ValueError("certificate error 2 in is_regular")
        if L.congruence([c[1]]) == c[0]:
            raise ValueError("certificate error 3 in is_regular")

    if not P['subdirectly_reducible']:
        x, y = L.is_subdirectly_reducible(certificate=True)[1]
        a = L.random_element()
        b = L.random_element()
        c = L.congruence([[a, b]])
        if len(c) != L.cardinality():
            for c_ in c:
                if x in c_:
                    if y not in c_:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "certificate error 1 in is_subdirectly_reducible")
                raise ValueError(
                    "certificate error 2 in is_subdirectly_reducible")

    if not P['join_distributive']:
        a = L.is_join_distributive(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.sublattice(L.interval(a, L.join(L.upper_covers(a))))
        if L_.is_distributive():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_join_distributive")
    if not P['meet_distributive']:
        a = L.is_meet_distributive(certificate=True)[1]
        L_ = L.sublattice(L.interval(L.meet(L.lower_covers(a)), a))
        if L_.is_distributive():
            raise ValueError("certificate error in is_meet_distributive")

    ### Other ###

    # Other ways to recognize some boolean property
    if P['distributive'] != (set(L.join_primes()) == set(
        raise ValueError(
            "every join-irreducible of a distributive lattice should be join-prime"
    if P['distributive'] != (set(L.meet_primes()) == set(
        raise ValueError(
            "every meet-irreducible of a distributive lattice should be meet-prime"
    if P['join_semidistributive'] != all(
            L.canonical_joinands(e) is not None for e in L):
        raise ValueError(
            "every element of join-semidistributive lattice should have canonical joinands"
    if P['meet_semidistributive'] != all(
            L.canonical_meetands(e) is not None for e in L):
        raise ValueError(
            "every element of meet-semidistributive lattice should have canonical meetands"

    # Random verification of a Boolean property
    if P['relatively_complemented']:
        a = L.random_element()
        b = L.random_element()
        if not L.sublattice(L.interval(a, b)).is_complemented():
            raise ValueError("rel. compl. error 3")
    if P['sectionally_complemented']:
        a = L.random_element()
        if not L.sublattice(L.interval(L.bottom(), a)).is_complemented():
            raise ValueError("sec. compl. error 3")
    if P['cosectionally_complemented']:
        a = L.random_element()
        if not L.sublattice(L.interval(a, L.top())).is_complemented():
            raise ValueError("cosec. compl. error 2")

    # Element set inclusions
    for s1, s2 in set_inclusions:
        if not set(attrcall(s1)(L)).issubset(set(attrcall(s2)(L))):
            raise ValueError("%s should be a subset of %s" % (s1, s2))

    # Sublattice-closed properties
    L_ = L.sublattice(Subsets(L).random_element())
    for p in sublattice_closed:
        if P[p] and not test_attrcall('is_' + p, L_):
            raise ValueError("property %s should apply to sublattices" % p)

    # Some sublattices
    L_ = L.center()  # Center is a Boolean lattice
    if not L_.is_atomic() or not L_.is_distributive():
        raise ValueError("error in center")
    if P['pseudocomplemented']:
        L_ = L.skeleton()  # Skeleton is a Boolean lattice
        if not L_.is_atomic() or not L_.is_distributive():
            raise ValueError("error in skeleton")
    L_ = L.frattini_sublattice()
    S = Subsets(L).random_element()
    if L.sublattice(S) == L and L.sublattice([e
                                              for e in S if e not in L_]) != L:
        raise ValueError("error in Frattini sublattice")
    L_ = L.maximal_sublattices()
    L_ = L_[randint(0, len(L_) - 1)]
    e = L.random_element()
    if e not in L_ and L.sublattice(list(L_) + [e]) != L:
        raise ValueError("error in maximal_sublattices")

    # Reverse functions: vertical composition and decomposition
    L_ = reduce(lambda a, b: a.vertical_composition(b),
                L.vertical_decomposition(), LatticePoset())
    if not L.is_isomorphic(L_):
        raise ValueError("error in vertical [de]composition")

    # Meet and join
    a = L.random_element()
    b = L.random_element()
    m = L.meet(a, b)
    j = L.join(a, b)
    m_ = L.subposet([
        e for e in L.principal_lower_set(a) if e in L.principal_lower_set(b)
    j_ = L.subposet([
        e for e in L.principal_upper_set(a) if e in L.principal_upper_set(b)
    if m != m_ or m != Ldual.join(a, b):
        raise ValueError("error in meet")
    if j != j_ or j != Ldual.meet(a, b):
        raise ValueError("error in join")

    # Misc misc
    e = L.neutral_elements()
    e = e[randint(0, len(e) - 1)]
    a = L.random_element()
    b = L.random_element()
    if not L.sublattice([e, a, b]).is_distributive():
        raise ValueError("error in neutral_elements")