Exemplo n.º 1
def higher_level_UpGj(p, N, klist, m, modformsring, bound):
    Returns a list ``[A_k]`` of square matrices over ``IntegerRing(p^m)``
    parameterised by the weights k in ``klist``. The matrix `A_k` is the finite
    square matrix which occurs on input p,k,N and m in Step 6 of Algorithm 2 in
    [AGBL]_. Notational change from paper: In Step 1 following Wan we defined
    j by `k = k_0 + j(p-1)` with `0 \le k_0 < p-1`. Here we replace j by
    ``kdiv`` so that we may use j as a column index for matrices.)


    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``N`` -- integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``klist`` -- list of integers all congruent modulo (p-1) (the weights).
    - ``m`` -- positive integer.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- (even) positive integer.


    - list of square matrices.


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import higher_level_UpGj
        sage: higher_level_UpGj(5,3,[4],2,true,6)
        [ 1  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  1  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  7  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  5 10 20  0  0]
        [ 0  7 20  0 20  0]
        [ 0  1 24  0 20  0]

    t = cputime()
    # Step 1

    k0 = klist[0] % (p - 1)
    n = floor(((p + 1) / (p - 1)) * (m + 1))
    elldash = compute_elldash(p, N, k0, n)
    elldashp = elldash * p
    mdash = m + ceil(n / (p + 1))

    verbose("done step 1", t)
    t = cputime()
    # Steps 2 and 3

    e, Ep1 = higher_level_katz_exp(p, N, k0, m, mdash, elldash, elldashp,
                                   modformsring, bound)
    ell = dimension(transpose(e)[0].parent())
    S = e[0, 0].parent()

    verbose("done steps 2+3", t)
    t = cputime()
    # Step 4

    R = Ep1.parent()
    G = compute_G(p, Ep1)
    Alist = []

    verbose("done step 4a", t)
    t = cputime()
    for k in klist:
        k = ZZ(k)  # convert to sage integer
        kdiv = k // (p - 1)
        Gkdiv = G**kdiv

        T = matrix(S, ell, elldash)
        for i in xrange(ell):
            ei = R(e[i].list())
            Gkdivei = Gkdiv * ei
            # act by G^kdiv
            for j in xrange(0, elldash):
                T[i, j] = Gkdivei[p * j]

        verbose("done steps 4b and 5", t)
        t = cputime()

        # Step 6: solve T = AE using fact E is upper triangular.
        # Warning: assumes that T = AE (rather than pT = AE) has
        # a solution over Z/(p^mdash). This has always been the case in
        # examples computed by the author, see Note 3.1.

        A = matrix(S, ell, ell)
        verbose("solving a square matrix problem of dimension %s" % ell)
        verbose("elldash is %s" % elldash)

        for i in xrange(0, ell):
            Ti = T[i]
            for j in xrange(0, ell):
                ej = Ti.parent()([e[j][l] for l in xrange(0, elldash)])
                ejleadpos = ej.nonzero_positions()[0]
                lj = ZZ(ej[ejleadpos])
                A[i, j] = S(ZZ(Ti[j]) / lj)
                Ti = Ti - A[i, j] * ej

        Alist.append(MatrixSpace(Zmod(p**m), ell, ell)(A))
        verbose("done step 6", t)

    return Alist
Exemplo n.º 2
def higher_level_UpGj(p,N,klist,m,modformsring,bound):
    Returns a list ``[A_k]`` of square matrices over ``IntegerRing(p^m)``
    parameterised by the weights k in ``klist``. The matrix `A_k` is the finite
    square matrix which occurs on input p,k,N and m in Step 6 of Algorithm 2 in
    [AGBL]_. Notational change from paper: In Step 1 following Wan we defined
    j by `k = k_0 + j(p-1)` with `0 \le k_0 < p-1`. Here we replace j by
    ``kdiv`` so that we may use j as a column index for matrices.)


    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``N`` -- integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``klist`` -- list of integers all congruent modulo (p-1) (the weights).
    - ``m`` -- positive integer.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- (even) positive integer.


    - list of square matrices.


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import higher_level_UpGj
        sage: higher_level_UpGj(5,3,[4],2,true,6)
        [ 1  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  1  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  7  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  5 10 20  0  0]
        [ 0  7 20  0 20  0]
        [ 0  1 24  0 20  0]

    t = cputime()
    # Step 1

    k0 = klist[0] % (p-1)
    n = floor(((p+1)/(p-1)) * (m+1))
    elldash = compute_elldash(p,N,k0,n)
    elldashp = elldash*p
    mdash = m + ceil(n/(p+1))

    verbose("done step 1",t)
    t = cputime()
    # Steps 2 and 3

    e,Ep1 = higher_level_katz_exp(p,N,k0,m,mdash,elldash,elldashp,modformsring,bound)
    ell = dimension(transpose(e)[0].parent())
    S = e[0,0].parent()

    verbose("done steps 2+3", t)
    t = cputime()
    # Step 4

    R = Ep1.parent()
    G = compute_G(p, Ep1)
    Alist = []

    verbose("done step 4a", t)
    t = cputime()
    for k in klist:
        k = ZZ(k) # convert to sage integer
        kdiv = k // (p-1)
        Gkdiv = G**kdiv

        T = matrix(S,ell,elldash)
        for i in xrange(ell):
            ei = R(e[i].list())
            Gkdivei = Gkdiv*ei; # act by G^kdiv
            for j in xrange(0, elldash):
                T[i,j] = Gkdivei[p*j]

        verbose("done steps 4b and 5", t)
        t = cputime()

        # Step 6: solve T = AE using fact E is upper triangular.
        # Warning: assumes that T = AE (rather than pT = AE) has
        # a solution over Z/(p^mdash). This has always been the case in
        # examples computed by the author, see Note 3.1.

        A = matrix(S,ell,ell)
        verbose("solving a square matrix problem of dimension %s" % ell)
        verbose("elldash is %s" % elldash)

        for i in xrange(0,ell):
            Ti = T[i]
            for j in xrange(0,ell):
                ej = Ti.parent()([e[j][l] for l in xrange(0,elldash)])
                ejleadpos = ej.nonzero_positions()[0]
                lj = ZZ(ej[ejleadpos])
                A[i,j] = S(ZZ(Ti[j])/lj)
                Ti = Ti - A[i,j]*ej

        verbose("done step 6", t)

    return Alist