Exemplo n.º 1
def modform_cusp_info(calc, S, l, precLimit):
	This goes through all the cusps and compares the space given by `(f|R)[S]`
	with the space of Elliptic modular forms expansion at those cusps.

	assert l == S.det()
	assert list(calc.curlS) == [S]

	D = calc.D
	HermWeight = calc.HermWeight
	reducedCurlFSize = calc.matrixColumnCount
	herm_modform_fe_expannsion = FreeModule(QQ, reducedCurlFSize)

	if not Integer(l).is_squarefree():
		# The calculation of the cusp expansion space takes very long here, thus
		# we skip them for now.
		return None

	for cusp in Gamma0(l).cusps():
		if cusp == Infinity: continue
		M = cusp_matrix(cusp)

			gamma, R, tM = solveR(M, S, space=CurlO(D))
		except Exception:
			print (M, S)
		R.set_immutable() # for caching, we need it hashable

		herm_modforms = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.echelonized_basis_matrix().transpose()
		ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, M_R = calcMatrixTrans(calc, R)
		CycloDegree_R = CyclotomicField(ell_R_order).degree()
		print "M_R[0] nrows, ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, Cyclo degree:", \
			M_R[0].nrows(), ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, CycloDegree_R

		# The maximum precision we can use is M_R[0].nrows().
		# However, that can be quite huge (e.g. 600).
		ce_prec = min(precLimit, M_R[0].nrows())

		ce = cuspExpansions(level=l, weight=2*HermWeight, prec=ce_prec)
		ell_M_denom, ell_M = ce.expansion_at(SL2Z(M))
		print "ell_M_denom, ell_M nrows:", ell_M_denom, ell_M.nrows()
		ell_M_order = ell_R_order # not sure here. just try the one from R. toCyclPowerBase would fail if this doesn't work
		# CyclotomicField(l / prod(l.prime_divisors())) should also work.

		# Transform to same denom.
		denom_lcm = int(lcm(ell_R_denom, ell_M_denom))
		ell_M = addRows(ell_M, denom_lcm / ell_M_denom)
		M_R = [addRows(M_R_i, denom_lcm / ell_R_denom) for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_R_denom = ell_M_denom = denom_lcm
		print "new denom:", denom_lcm
		assert ell_R_denom == ell_M_denom

		# ell_M rows are the elliptic FE. M_R[i] columns are the elliptic FE.
		# We expect that M_R gives a higher precision for the ell FE. I'm not sure
		# if this is always true but we expect it here (maybe not needed, though).
		print "precision of M_R[0], ell_M, wanted:", M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols(), ce_prec
		assert ell_M.ncols() >= ce_prec
		prec = min(M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols())
		# cut to have same precision
		M_R = [M_R_i[:prec,:] for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_M = ell_M[:,:prec]
		assert ell_M.ncols() == M_R[0].nrows() == prec

		print "M_R[0] rank, herm rank, mult rank:", \
			M_R[0].rank(), herm_modforms.rank(), (M_R[0] * herm_modforms).rank()
		ell_R = [M_R_i * herm_modforms for M_R_i in M_R]

		# I'm not sure on this. Seems to be true and it simplifies things in the following.
		assert ell_M_order <= ell_R_order, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))
		assert ell_R_order % ell_M_order == 0, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))

		# Transform to same Cyclomotic Field in same power base.
		ell_M2 = toCyclPowerBase(ell_M, ell_M_order)
		ell_R2 = toLowerCyclBase(ell_R, ell_R_order, ell_M_order)
		# We must work with the matrix. maybe we should transform hf_M instead to a
		# higher order field instead, if this ever fails (I'm not sure).
		assert ell_R2 is not None
		assert len(ell_M2) == len(ell_R2) # They should have the same power base & same degree now.
		print "ell_M2[0], ell_R2[0] rank with order %i:" % ell_M_order, ell_M2[0].rank(), ell_R2[0].rank()

		assert len(M_R) == len(ell_M2)
		for i in range(len(ell_M2)):
			ell_M_space = ell_M2[i].row_space()
			ell_R_space = ell_R2[i].column_space()
			merged = ell_M_space.intersection(ell_R_space)

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci = M_R[i].solve_right( merged.basis_matrix().transpose() )
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module = herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci.column_module()
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module += M_R[i].right_kernel()

				D=D, B_cF=calc.B_cF, HermWeight=HermWeight

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.intersection( herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module )
			print "power", i, merged.dimension(), herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module.dimension(), \
			current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()

	return herm_modform_fe_expannsion