Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_tolerance(source, want):
    Returns a version of ``want`` marked up with the tolerance tags
    specified in ``source``.


    - ``source`` -- a string, the source of a doctest
    - ``want`` -- a string, the desired output of the doctest


    - ``want`` if there are no tolerance tags specified; a
      :class:`MarkedOutput` version otherwise.


        sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import parse_tolerance
        sage: marked = parse_tolerance("sage: s.update(abs_tol = .0000001)", "")
        sage: type(marked)
        <... 'str'>
        sage: marked = parse_tolerance("sage: s.update(tol = 0.1); s.rel_tol # abs tol     0.01 ", "")
        sage: marked.tol
        sage: marked.rel_tol
        sage: marked.abs_tol
    safe, literals, state = strip_string_literals(source)
    first_line = safe.split('\n', 1)[0]
    if '#' not in first_line:
        return want
    comment = first_line[first_line.find('#') + 1:]
    comment = comment[comment.index('(') + 1:comment.rindex(')')]
    # strip_string_literals replaces comments
    comment = literals[comment]
    if random_marker.search(comment):
        want = MarkedOutput(want).update(random=True)
        m = tolerance_pattern.search(comment)
        if m:
            rel_or_abs, epsilon = m.groups()
            if epsilon is None:
                epsilon = RIFtol("1e-15")
                epsilon = RIFtol(epsilon)
            if rel_or_abs is None:
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(tol=epsilon)
            elif rel_or_abs.startswith('rel'):
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(rel_tol=epsilon)
            elif rel_or_abs.startswith('abs'):
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(abs_tol=epsilon)
                raise RuntimeError
    return want
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_tolerance(source, want):
    Returns a version of ``want`` marked up with the tolerance tags
    specified in ``source``.


    - ``source`` -- a string, the source of a doctest
    - ``want`` -- a string, the desired output of the doctest


    - ``want`` if there are no tolerance tags specified; a
      :class:`MarkedOutput` version otherwise.


        sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import parse_tolerance
        sage: marked = parse_tolerance("sage: s.update(abs_tol = .0000001)", "")
        sage: type(marked)
        <... 'str'>
        sage: marked = parse_tolerance("sage: s.update(tol = 0.1); s.rel_tol # abs tol     0.01 ", "")
        sage: marked.tol
        sage: marked.rel_tol
        sage: marked.abs_tol
    safe, literals, state = strip_string_literals(source)
    first_line = safe.split('\n', 1)[0]
    if '#' not in first_line:
        return want
    comment = first_line[first_line.find('#')+1:]
    comment = comment[comment.index('(')+1 : comment.rindex(')')]
    # strip_string_literals replaces comments
    comment = literals[comment]
    if random_marker.search(comment):
        want = MarkedOutput(want).update(random=True)
        m = tolerance_pattern.search(comment)
        if m:
            rel_or_abs, epsilon = m.groups()
            if epsilon is None:
                epsilon = RIFtol("1e-15")
                epsilon = RIFtol(epsilon)
            if rel_or_abs is None:
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(tol=epsilon)
            elif rel_or_abs.startswith('rel'):
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(rel_tol=epsilon)
            elif rel_or_abs.startswith('abs'):
                want = MarkedOutput(want).update(abs_tol=epsilon)
                raise RuntimeError
    return want
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_optional_tags(string):
    Returns a set consisting of the optional tags from the following
    set that occur in a comment on the first line of the input string.

    - 'long time'
    - 'not implemented'
    - 'not tested'
    - 'known bug'
    - 'py2'
    - 'py3'
    - 'optional: PKG_NAME' -- the set will just contain 'PKG_NAME'


        sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import parse_optional_tags
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: magma('2 + 2')# optional: magma")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: #optional -- mypkg")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: print(1)  # parentheses are optional here")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: print(1)  # optional")
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("sage: #optional -- foo bar, baz")))
        ['bar', 'foo']
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("    sage: factor(10^(10^10) + 1) # LoNg TiME, NoT TeSTED; OptioNAL -- P4cka9e")))
        ['long time', 'not tested', 'p4cka9e']
        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: raise RuntimeError # known bug")
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("    sage: determine_meaning_of_life() # long time, not implemented")))
        ['long time', 'not implemented']

    We don't parse inside strings::

        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: print('  # long time')")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: print('  # long time')  # not tested")
        {'not tested'}

    UTF-8 works::

         sage: parse_optional_tags("'ěščřžýáíéďĎ'")
    safe, literals, state = strip_string_literals(string)
    first_line = safe.split('\n', 1)[0]
    if '#' not in first_line:
        return set()
    comment = first_line[first_line.find('#') + 1:]
    comment = comment[comment.index('(') + 1:comment.rindex(')')]
    # strip_string_literals replaces comments
    comment = "#" + (literals[comment]).lower()

    tags = []
    for m in optional_regex.finditer(comment):
        cmd = m.group(1)
        if cmd == 'known bug':
            )  # so that such tests will be run by sage -t ... -only-optional=bug
        elif cmd:
            tags.extend(m.group(3).split() or [""])
    return set(tags)
Exemplo n.º 4
def preparse(line, reset=True, do_time=False, ignore_prompts=False,
    Preparses a line of input.
    The code is taken from sage.repl.preparse and modified to increase
    numerical stability.


    - ``line`` - a string

    - ``reset`` - a boolean (default: True)

    - ``do_time`` - a boolean (default: False)

    - ``ignore_prompts`` - a boolean (default: False)

    - ``numeric_literals`` - a boolean (default: True)


    - a string
    global quote_state
    if reset:
        quote_state = None

    L = line.lstrip()
    if len(L) > 0 and L[0] in ['#', '!']:
        return line

    if L.startswith('...'):
        i = line.find('...')
        return line[:i+3] + preparse(line[i+3:], reset=reset, do_time=do_time, ignore_prompts=ignore_prompts)

    if ignore_prompts:
        # Get rid of leading sage: and >>> so that pasting of examples from
        # the documentation works.
        line = strip_prompts(line)

    # This part handles lines with semi-colons all at once
    # Then can also handle multiple lines more efficiently, but
    # that optimization can be done later.
    L, literals, quote_state = strip_string_literals(line, quote_state)

    # Ellipsis Range
    # [1..n]
        L = parse_ellipsis(L, preparse_step=False)
    except SyntaxError:

    if implicit_mul_level:
        # Implicit Multiplication
        # 2x -> 2*x
        L = implicit_mul(L, level = implicit_mul_level)

    if numeric_literals:
        # Wrapping
        # 1 + 0.5 -> Integer(1) + RealNumber('0.5')
        L = preparse_numeric_literals(L)

    # Generators
    # R.0 -> R.gen(0)
    L = re.sub(r'([_a-zA-Z]\w*|[)\]])\.(\d+)', r'\1.gen(\2)', L)

    # Use ^ for exponentiation and ^^ for xor
    # (A side effect is that **** becomes xor as well.)
    L = L.replace('^', '**').replace('****', '^')

    # Make it easy to match statement ends
    L = ';%s;' % L.replace('\n', ';\n;')

    if do_time:
        # Separate time statement
        L = re.sub(r';(\s*)time +(\w)', r';time;\1\2', L)

    # Construction with generators
    # R.<...> = obj()
    # R.<...> = R[]
    L = preparse_generators(L)

    # Calculus functions
    # f(x,y) = x^3 - sin(y)
    L = preparse_calculus(L)

    # Backslash
    L = re.sub(r'''\\\s*([^\t ;#])''', r' * BackslashOperator() * \1', L)

    if do_time:
        # Time keyword
        L = re.sub(r';time;(\s*)(\S[^;]*)',
                   r';\1__time__=misc.cputime(); __wall__=misc.walltime(); \2; print(' +
                        '"Time: CPU %%.2f s, Wall: %%.2f s"%%(misc.cputime(__time__), misc.walltime(__wall__)))',

    # Remove extra ;'s
    L = L.replace(';\n;', '\n')[1:-1]

    line = L % literals

    return line
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_optional_tags(string):
    Returns a set consisting of the optional tags from the following
    set that occur in a comment on the first line of the input string.

    - 'long time'
    - 'not implemented'
    - 'not tested'
    - 'known bug'
    - 'py2'
    - 'py3'
    - 'optional: PKG_NAME' -- the set will just contain 'PKG_NAME'


        sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import parse_optional_tags
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: magma('2 + 2')# optional: magma")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: #optional -- mypkg")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: print(1)  # parentheses are optional here")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("sage: print(1)  # optional")
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("sage: #optional -- foo bar, baz")))
        ['bar', 'foo']
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("    sage: factor(10^(10^10) + 1) # LoNg TiME, NoT TeSTED; OptioNAL -- P4cka9e")))
        ['long time', 'not tested', 'p4cka9e']
        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: raise RuntimeError # known bug")
        sage: sorted(list(parse_optional_tags("    sage: determine_meaning_of_life() # long time, not implemented")))
        ['long time', 'not implemented']

    We don't parse inside strings::

        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: print('  # long time')")
        sage: parse_optional_tags("    sage: print('  # long time')  # not tested")
        {'not tested'}

    UTF-8 works::

         sage: parse_optional_tags("'ěščřžýáíéďĎ'")
    safe, literals, state = strip_string_literals(string)
    first_line = safe.split('\n', 1)[0]
    if '#' not in first_line:
        return set()
    comment = first_line[first_line.find('#')+1:]
    comment = comment[comment.index('(')+1 : comment.rindex(')')]
    # strip_string_literals replaces comments
    comment = "#" + (literals[comment]).lower()

    tags = []
    for m in optional_regex.finditer(comment):
        cmd = m.group(1)
        if cmd == 'known bug':
            tags.append('bug') # so that such tests will be run by sage -t ... -only-optional=bug
        elif cmd:
            tags.extend(m.group(3).split() or [""])
    return set(tags)