Exemplo n.º 1
    def cardinality(self):
        Returns the number of Lyndon words with the evaluation e.


            sage: LyndonWords([]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        Lyndon words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: lws = [ LyndonWords(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ lw.cardinality() == len(lw.list()) for lw in lws] )
        evaluation = self.e
        le = __builtin__.list(evaluation)
        if len(evaluation) == 0:
            return 0

        n = sum(evaluation)

        return sum([moebius(j)*factorial(n/j) / prod([factorial(ni/j) for ni in evaluation]) for j in divisors(gcd(le))])/n
Exemplo n.º 2
    def cardinality(self):
        Returns the number of Lyndon words with the evaluation e.


            sage: LyndonWords([]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        Lyndon words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: lws = [ LyndonWords(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ lw.cardinality() == len(lw.list()) for lw in lws] )
        evaluation = self.e
        le = __builtin__.list(evaluation)
        if len(evaluation) == 0:
            return 0

        n = sum(evaluation)

        return sum([
            moebius(j) * factorial(n / j) /
            prod([factorial(ni / j) for ni in evaluation])
            for j in divisors(gcd(le))
        ]) / n
Exemplo n.º 3
    def cardinality(self):

            sage: [ ContreTableaux(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
        return prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self.n+k) for k in range(self.n)] )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def cardinality(self):

            sage: [ ContreTableaux(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
        return prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self.n+k) for k in range(self.n)] )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k):
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in [Sko].
        This yields a bijections of Jacobi forms of weight `k` and
        `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.

            To make ``phi_divs`` integral we introduce an extra factor
            `2^{\mathrm{index}} * \mathrm{factorial}(k + 2 * \mathrm{index} - 1)`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        p = self.__p
        PS = self.power_series_ring()

        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "fs must be a list of m + 1 elliptic modular forms or their fourier expansion"

        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None:  # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()

        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs):
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)

        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1):
                f_divs[(i, j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)

        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
                sum(f_divs[(j, i - j)] *
                    (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i * binomial(i, j) *
                    (2**self.index() // 2**i) * prod(2 * (i - l) + 1
                                                     for l in xrange(1, i)) *
                    (factorial(k + 2 * self.index() - 1) //
                     factorial(i + k + j - 1)) *
                    factorial(2 * self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1)
                    for j in xrange(i + 1)))

        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.index() + 1):
            series = sum(map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs))
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec):
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = int(series[n].lift()) % p

        return phi_coeffs
Exemplo n.º 6
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.


            sage: [AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]

        return prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self._n+k)
                       for k in range(self._n)] )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def cardinality(self):
        Cardinality of ``self``.


            sage: M = MonotoneTriangles(4)
            sage: M.cardinality()

        return prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self._n+k)
                       for k in range(self._n)] )
Exemplo n.º 8
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.


            sage: [AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]

        return prod([
            factorial(3 * k + 1) / factorial(self._n + k)
            for k in range(self._n)
 def cardinality(self):
         sage: [ AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
         [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
         sage: asms = [ AlternatingSignMatrices(n) for n in range(6) ]
         sage: all( [ asm.cardinality() == len(asm.list()) for asm in asms] )
     return prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self.n+k) for k in range(self.n)] )
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k) :
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in [Sko].
        This yields a bijections of Jacobi forms of weight `k` and
        `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.

            To make ``phi_divs`` integral we introduce an extra factor
            `2^{\mathrm{index}} * \mathrm{factorial}(k + 2 * \mathrm{index} - 1)`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        p = self.__p
        PS = self.power_series_ring()
        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1 :
            raise ValueError("fs must be a list of m + 1 elliptic modular forms or their fourier expansion")
        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None : # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()
        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs) :
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1) :
                f_divs[(i,j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)
        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
            phi_divs.append( sum( f_divs[(j, i - j)] * (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i
                                  * binomial(i,j) * ( 2**self.index() // 2**i)
                                  * prod(2*(i - l) + 1 for l in xrange(1, i))
                                  * (factorial(k + 2*self.index() - 1) // factorial(i + k + j - 1))
                                  * factorial(2*self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1)
                                  for j in xrange(i + 1) ) )
        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.index() + 1) :
            series = sum( map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs) )
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec) :
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = int(series[n].lift()) % p

        return phi_coeffs
Exemplo n.º 11
    def cardinality(self):
        Cardinality of ``self``.


            sage: M = MonotoneTriangles(4)
            sage: M.cardinality()

        return prod([
            factorial(3 * k + 1) / factorial(self._n + k)
            for k in range(self._n)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def cpi(self, p):
        Returns the centrally primitive idempotent for the symmetric group
        of order n for the irreducible corresponding indexed by the
        partition p.
            sage: QS3 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ,3)
            sage: QS3.cpi([2,1])
            2/3*[1, 2, 3] - 1/3*[2, 3, 1] - 1/3*[3, 1, 2]
            sage: QS3.cpi([3])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] + 1/6*[1, 3, 2] + 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] + 1/6*[3, 2, 1]
            sage: QS3.cpi([1,1,1])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] - 1/6*[1, 3, 2] - 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] - 1/6*[3, 2, 1]
        if p not in partition.Partitions_n(self.n):
            raise TypeError, "p must be a partition of %s"%self.n

        character_table = eval(gap.eval("Display(Irr(SymmetricGroup(%d)));"%self.n))

        cpi = self(0)

        np = partition.Partitions_n(self.n).list()
        p_index = np.index(p)
        big_coeff = character_table[p_index][0]/factorial(self.n)

        for g in permutation.StandardPermutations_n(self.n):
            cpi += big_coeff * character_table[p_index][np.index(g.inverse().cycle_type())] * self(g)

        return cpi
Exemplo n.º 13
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of `n \times n` alternating sign matrices is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(3k+1)!}{(n+k)!} = \frac{1! 4! 7! 10!
            \cdots (3n-2)!}{n! (n+1)! (n+2)! (n+3)! \cdots (2n-1)!}


            sage: [AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
        return Integer(prod([factorial(3 * k + 1) / factorial(self._n + k) for k in range(self._n)]))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of `n \times n` alternating sign matrices is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(3k+1)!}{(n+k)!} = \frac{1! 4! 7! 10!
            \cdots (3n-2)!}{n! (n+1)! (n+2)! (n+3)! \cdots (2n-1)!}


            sage: [AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
        return Integer(prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self._n+k)
                       for k in range(self._n)] ))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def cardinality(self):
        Cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of monotone triangles with `n` rows is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(3k+1)!}{(n+k)!} = \frac{1! 4! 7! 10!
            \cdots (3n-2)!}{n! (n+1)! (n+2)! (n+3)! \cdots (2n-1)!}


            sage: M = MonotoneTriangles(4)
            sage: M.cardinality()
        return Integer(prod([factorial(3 * k + 1) / factorial(self._n + k) for k in range(self._n)]))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def cardinality(self):
        Cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of monotone triangles with `n` rows is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(3k+1)!}{(n+k)!} = \frac{1! 4! 7! 10!
            \cdots (3n-2)!}{n! (n+1)! (n+2)! (n+3)! \cdots (2n-1)!}


            sage: M = MonotoneTriangles(4)
            sage: M.cardinality()
        return Integer(prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self._n+k)
                       for k in range(self._n)] ))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def cpi(self, p):
        Return the centrally primitive idempotent for the symmetric group
        of order `n` corresponding to the irreducible representation
        indexed by the partition ``p``.


            sage: QS3 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ,3)
            sage: QS3.cpi([2,1])
            2/3*[1, 2, 3] - 1/3*[2, 3, 1] - 1/3*[3, 1, 2]
            sage: QS3.cpi([3])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] + 1/6*[1, 3, 2] + 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] + 1/6*[3, 2, 1]
            sage: QS3.cpi([1,1,1])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] - 1/6*[1, 3, 2] - 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] - 1/6*[3, 2, 1]

            sage: QS0 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ, 0)
            sage: QS0.cpi(Partition([]))


            sage: QS3.cpi([2,2])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: p (= [2, 2]) must be a partition of n (= 3)
        if p not in partition.Partitions_n(self.n):
            raise TypeError(
                "p (= {p}) must be a partition of n (= {n})".format(p=p,

        character_table = eval(
            gap.eval("Display(Irr(SymmetricGroup(%d)));" % self.n))

        cpi = self.zero()

        np = partition.Partitions_n(self.n).list()
        p_index = np.index(p)

        big_coeff = character_table[p_index][0] / factorial(self.n)

        character_row = character_table[p_index]
        dct = {
            g: big_coeff * character_row[np.index(g.cycle_type())]
            for g in permutation.StandardPermutations_n(self.n)

        return self._from_dict(dct)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def cpi(self, p):
        Return the centrally primitive idempotent for the symmetric group
        of order `n` corresponding to the irreducible representation
        indexed by the partition ``p``.


            sage: QS3 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ,3)
            sage: QS3.cpi([2,1])
            2/3*[1, 2, 3] - 1/3*[2, 3, 1] - 1/3*[3, 1, 2]
            sage: QS3.cpi([3])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] + 1/6*[1, 3, 2] + 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] + 1/6*[3, 2, 1]
            sage: QS3.cpi([1,1,1])
            1/6*[1, 2, 3] - 1/6*[1, 3, 2] - 1/6*[2, 1, 3] + 1/6*[2, 3, 1] + 1/6*[3, 1, 2] - 1/6*[3, 2, 1]

            sage: QS0 = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ, 0)
            sage: QS0.cpi(Partition([]))


            sage: QS3.cpi([2,2])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: p (= [2, 2]) must be a partition of n (= 3)
        if p not in partition.Partitions_n(self.n):
            raise TypeError("p (= {p}) must be a partition of n (= {n})".format(p=p, n=self.n))

        character_table = eval(gap.eval("Display(Irr(SymmetricGroup(%d)));"%self.n))

        cpi = self.zero()

        np = partition.Partitions_n(self.n).list()
        p_index = np.index(p)

        big_coeff = character_table[p_index][0] / factorial(self.n)

        character_row = character_table[p_index]
        dct = { g : big_coeff * character_row[np.index(g.cycle_type())]
                for g in permutation.StandardPermutations_n(self.n) }

        return self._from_dict(dct)
Exemplo n.º 19
def kappa(alpha):
    Returns `\kappa_\alpha` which is n! divided by the number
    of standard tableaux of shape `\alpha`.
        sage: from sage.combinat.symmetric_group_algebra import kappa
        sage: kappa(Partition([2,1]))
        sage: kappa([2,1])
        n = alpha.size()
    except AttributeError:
        n = sum(alpha)
    return factorial(n)/StandardTableaux(alpha).cardinality()
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k):
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in the
        thesis of Nils Skoruppa. This yields a bijections of the space of weak
        Jacobi forms of weight `k` and index `m` with the product of spaces
        of elliptic modular forms `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.

        - ``fs`` -- A list of functions that given an integer `p` return the
                    q-expansion of a modular form with rational coefficients
                    up to precision `p`.  These modular forms correspond to
                    the components of the above product.
        - `k` -- An integer. The weight of the weak Jacobi form to be computed.

            In order to make ``phi_divs`` integral we introduce an extra factor
            `2^{\mathrm{index}} * \mathrm{factorial}(k + 2 * \mathrm{index} - 1)`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        p = self.__p
        PS = self.power_series_ring()

        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1:
            raise ValueError( "fs (which has length {0}) must be a list of {1} Fourier expansions" \
                              .format(len(fs), self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) )

        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None:  # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()

        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs):
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)

        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1):
                f_divs[(i, j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)

        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
                sum(f_divs[(j, i - j)] *
                    (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i * binomial(i, j) *
                    (2**self.index() // 2**i) * prod(2 * (i - l) + 1
                                                     for l in xrange(1, i)) *
                    (factorial(k + 2 * self.index() - 1) //
                     factorial(i + k + j - 1)) *
                    factorial(2 * self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1)
                    for j in xrange(i + 1)))

        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.index() + 1):
            series = sum(map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs))
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec):
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = int(series[n].lift()) % p

        return phi_coeffs
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k) :
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in the
        thesis of Nils Skoruppa. This yields a bijections of the space of weak
        Jacobi forms of weight `k` and index `m` with the product of spaces
        of elliptic modular forms `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.

        - ``fs`` -- A list of functions that given an integer `p` return the
                    q-expansion of a modular form with rational coefficients
                    up to precision `p`.  These modular forms correspond to
                    the components of the above product.
        - `k` -- An integer. The weight of the weak Jacobi form to be computed.

            In order to make ``phi_divs`` integral we introduce an extra factor
            `2^{\mathrm{index}} * \mathrm{factorial}(k + 2 * \mathrm{index} - 1)`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        p = self.__p
        PS = self.power_series_ring()
        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1 :
            raise ValueError( "fs (which has length {0}) must be a list of {1} Fourier expansions" \
                              .format(len(fs), self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) )

        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None : # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()
        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs) :
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1) :
                f_divs[(i,j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)
        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
            phi_divs.append( sum( f_divs[(j, i - j)] * (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i
                                  * binomial(i,j) * ( 2**self.index() // 2**i)
                                  * prod(2*(i - l) + 1 for l in xrange(1, i))
                                  * (factorial(k + 2*self.index() - 1) // factorial(i + k + j - 1))
                                  * factorial(2*self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1)
                                  for j in xrange(i + 1) ) )
        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.index() + 1) :
            series = sum( map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs) )
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec) :
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = int(series[n].lift()) % p

        return phi_coeffs