def det_given_divisor(A, d, proof=True, stabilize=2):
    Given a divisor d of the determinant of A, compute the
    determinant of A.


    - ``A`` -- a square integer matrix
    - ``d`` -- a nonzero integer that is assumed to divide the determinant of A
    - ``proof`` -- bool (default: True) compute det modulo enough primes
      so that the determinant is computed provably correctly (via the
      Hadamard bound).  It would be VERY hard for ``det()`` to fail even
      with proof=False.
    - ``stabilize`` -- int (default: 2) if proof = False, then compute
      the determinant modulo `p` until ``stabilize`` successive modulo
      determinant computations stabilize.


    integer -- determinant


        sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense_hnf as matrix_integer_dense_hnf
        sage: a = matrix(ZZ,3,[-1, -1, -1, -20, 4, 1, -1, 1, 2])
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3, proof=False)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3, proof=False, stabilize=1)
        sage: a.det()

    Here we illustrate proof=False giving a wrong answer::

        sage: p = matrix_integer_dense_hnf.max_det_prime(2)
        sage: q = previous_prime(p)
        sage: a = matrix(ZZ, 2, [p, 0, 0, q])
        sage: p * q
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=2)

    This still works, because we don't work modulo primes that divide
    the determinant bound, which is found using a p-adic algorithm::

        sage: a.det(proof=False, stabilize=2)

    3 primes is enough::

        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=3)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=5)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=True)


        sage: m = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, 68, [2]*66 + [1,1])
        sage: m.det()
    p = max_det_prime(A.nrows())
    z_mod = []
    moduli = []
    assert d != 0
    z_so_far = 1
    N_so_far = 1
    if proof:
        N = 1
        B = (2 * 10**A.hadamard_bound()) // d + 1
        dd = d
        # bad verbose statement, since computing the log overflows!
        est = int(RR(B).log() / RR(p).log()) + 1
        cnt = 1
        verbose("Multimodular det -- need to use about %s primes."%est, level=1)
        while N < B:
            if d % p != 0:
                tm = cputime()
                dd, z_so_far, N_so_far = det_from_modp_and_divisor(A, d, p, z_mod, moduli, z_so_far, N_so_far)
                N *= p
                verbose("computed det mod p=%s which is %s (of about %s)"%(p, cnt, est), tm)
            p = previous_prime(p)
            cnt += 1
        return dd
        val = []
        while True:
            if d % p != 0:
                tm = cputime()
                dd, z_so_far, N_so_far = det_from_modp_and_divisor(A, d, p, z_mod, moduli, z_so_far, N_so_far)
                verbose("computed det mod %s"%p, tm)
                if len(val) >= stabilize and len(set(val[-stabilize:])) == 1:
                    return val[-1]
            p = previous_prime(p)
def det_given_divisor(A, d, proof=True, stabilize=2):
    Given a divisor d of the determinant of A, compute the
    determinant of A.


    - ``A`` -- a square integer matrix
    - ``d`` -- a nonzero integer that is assumed to divide the determinant of A
    - ``proof`` -- bool (default: True) compute det modulo enough primes
      so that the determinant is computed provably correctly (via the
      Hadamard bound).  It would be VERY hard for ``det()`` to fail even
      with proof=False.
    - ``stabilize`` -- int (default: 2) if proof = False, then compute
      the determinant modulo `p` until ``stabilize`` successive modulo
      determinant computations stabilize.


    integer -- determinant


        sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense_hnf as matrix_integer_dense_hnf
        sage: a = matrix(ZZ,3,[-1, -1, -1, -20, 4, 1, -1, 1, 2])
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3, proof=False)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 3, proof=False, stabilize=1)
        sage: a.det()

    Here we illustrate proof=False giving a wrong answer::

        sage: p = matrix_integer_dense_hnf.max_det_prime(2)
        sage: q = previous_prime(p)
        sage: a = matrix(ZZ, 2, [p, 0, 0, q])
        sage: p * q
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=2)

    This still works, because we don't work modulo primes that divide
    the determinant bound, which is found using a p-adic algorithm::

        sage: a.det(proof=False, stabilize=2)

    3 primes is enough::

        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=3)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=False, stabilize=5)
        sage: matrix_integer_dense_hnf.det_given_divisor(a, 1, proof=True)


        sage: m = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, 68, [2]*66 + [1,1])
        sage: m.det()
    p = max_det_prime(A.nrows())
    z_mod = []
    moduli = []
    assert d != 0
    z_so_far = 1
    N_so_far = 1
    if proof:
        N = 1
        B = (2 * 10**A.hadamard_bound()) // d + 1
        dd = d
        # bad verbose statement, since computing the log overflows!
        est = int(RR(B).log() / RR(p).log()) + 1
        cnt = 1
        verbose("Multimodular det -- need to use about %s primes." % est,
        while N < B:
            if d % p != 0:
                tm = cputime()
                dd, z_so_far, N_so_far = det_from_modp_and_divisor(
                    A, d, p, z_mod, moduli, z_so_far, N_so_far)
                N *= p
                    "computed det mod p=%s which is %s (of about %s)" %
                    (p, cnt, est), tm)
            p = previous_prime(p)
            cnt += 1
        return dd
        val = []
        while True:
            if d % p != 0:
                tm = cputime()
                dd, z_so_far, N_so_far = det_from_modp_and_divisor(
                    A, d, p, z_mod, moduli, z_so_far, N_so_far)
                verbose("computed det mod %s" % p, tm)
                if len(val) >= stabilize and len(set(val[-stabilize:])) == 1:
                    return val[-1]
            p = previous_prime(p)