Exemplo n.º 1
    def clear_denominators(self):
        scales by the least common multiple of the denominators.

        OUTPUT: None.


            sage: R.<t>=PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: P.<x,y,z>=ProjectiveSpace(FractionField(R),2)
            sage: Q=P([t,3/t^2,1])
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (t^3 : 3 : t^2)


            sage: R.<x>=PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: K.<w>=NumberField(x^2-3)
            sage: P.<x,y,z>=ProjectiveSpace(K,2)
            sage: Q=P([1/w,3,0])
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (w : 9 : 0)


            sage: P.<x,y,z>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,2)
            sage: X=P.subscheme(x^2-y^2);
            sage: Q=X([1/2,1/2,1]);
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (1 : 1 : 2)
        self.scale_by(lcm([self[i].denominator() for i in range(self.codomain().ambient_space().dimension_relative())]))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _make_monic(self, f):
        Let alpha be a root of f.  This function returns a monic
        integral polynomial g and an element d of the base field such
        that g(alpha*d) = 0.
            sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(QQ); R.<y> = K[];
            sage: L.<alpha> = K.extension(x^2*y^5 - 1/x)
            sage: g, d = L._make_monic(L.polynomial()); g,d
            (y^5 - x^12, x^3)
            sage: g(alpha*d)
        R = f.base_ring()
        if not isinstance(R, RationalFunctionField):
            raise NotImplementedError
        # make f monic
        n = f.degree()
        c = f.leading_coefficient()
        if c != 1:
            f = f / c

        # find lcm of denominators
        from sage.rings.arith import lcm
        # would be good to replace this by minimal...
        d = lcm([b.denominator() for b in f.list() if b])
        if d != 1:
            x = f.parent().gen()
            g = (d**n) * f(x/d)
            g = f
        return g, d
Exemplo n.º 3
    def ncusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of cusps (regular or otherwise) for this subgroup.


            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).ncusps()
            sage: GammaH(32079, [21676]).ncusps()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in N.divisors() if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d,N//d)
            Hd = set([x % Nd for x in H])
            lenHd = len(Hd)
            if Nd-1 not in Hd: lenHd *= 2
            summand = euler_phi(d)*euler_phi(N//d)//lenHd
            if d**2 == N:
                c = c + summand
                c = c + 2*summand
        return c
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generalised_level(self):
        Return the generalised level of self, i.e. the least common multiple of
        the widths of all cusps. 
        If self is *even*, Wohlfart's theorem tells us that this is equal to
        the (conventional) level of self when self is a congruence subgroup.
        This can fail if self is odd, but the actual level is at most twice the
        generalised level. See the paper by Kiming, Schuett and Verrill for
        more examples.

            sage: Gamma0(18).generalised_level()
            sage: sage.modular.arithgroup.congroup_generic.CongruenceSubgroup(5).index()
            Traceback (most recent call last):

        In the following example, the actual level is twice the generalised
        level. This is the group `G_2` from Example 17 of K-S-V.

            sage: G = CongruenceSubgroup(8, [ [1,1,0,1], [3,-1,4,-1] ])
            sage: G.level()
            sage: G.generalised_level()
        return arith.lcm([self.cusp_width(c) for c in self.cusps()])
    def _roots_univariate_polynomial(self, p, ring=None, multiplicities=None, algorithm=None):
        Return a list of pairs ``(root,multiplicity)`` of roots of the polynomial ``p``.

        If the argument ``multiplicities`` is set to ``False`` then return the
        list of roots.

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(5),'x')
            sage: K = GF(5).algebraic_closure('t')

            sage: sorted((x^6 - 1).roots(K,multiplicities=False))
            [1, 4, 2*t2 + 1, 2*t2 + 2, 3*t2 + 3, 3*t2 + 4]
            sage: ((K.gen(2)*x - K.gen(3))**2).roots(K)
            [(3*t6^5 + 2*t6^4 + 2*t6^2 + 3, 2)]

            sage: for _ in xrange(10):
            ....:     p = R.random_element(degree=randint(2,8))
            ....:     for r in p.roots(K, multiplicities=False):
            ....:         assert p(r).is_zero(), "r={} is not a root of p={}".format(r,p)

        from sage.rings.arith import lcm
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing

        # first build a polynomial over some finite field
        coeffs = [v.as_finite_field_element(minimal=True) for v in p.list()]
        l = lcm([c[0].degree() for c in coeffs])
        F, phi = self.subfield(l)
        P = p.parent().change_ring(F)

        new_coeffs = [self.inclusion(c[0].degree(), l)(c[1]) for c in coeffs]

        polys = [(g,m,l,phi) for g,m in P(new_coeffs).factor()]
        roots = []    # a list of pair (root,multiplicity)
        while polys:
            g,m,l,phi = polys.pop()
            if g.degree() == 1: # found a root
                r = phi(-g.constant_coefficient())
            else: # look at the extension of degree g.degree() which contains at
                  # least one root of g
                ll = l * g.degree()
                psi = self.inclusion(l, ll)
                FF, pphi = self.subfield(ll)
                # note: there is no coercion from the l-th subfield to the ll-th
                # subfield. The line below does the conversion manually.
                g = PolynomialRing(FF, 'x')(map(psi, g))
                polys.extend((gg,m,ll,pphi) for gg,_ in g.factor())

        if multiplicities:
            return roots
            return [r[0] for r in roots]
    def _iterator_discriminant(self, epsilon, offset) :
        Return iterator over all possible discriminants of a Fourier index given a content ``eps``
        and a discriminant offset modulo `D`.
            - `\epsilon` -- Integer; Content of an index.
            - ``offset`` -- Integer; Offset modulo D of the discriminant.

            - Iterator over Integers.

            sage: fac = HermitianModularFormD2Factory(4,-3)
            sage: list(fac._iterator_discriminant(2, 3))
            [0, 12, 24]
            sage: list(fac._iterator_discriminant(2, 2))
            [8, 20]
            sage: list(fac._iterator_discriminant(1, 2))
            [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26]
        mD = -self.__D
        periode = lcm(mD, epsilon**2)
        offset = crt(offset, 0, mD, epsilon**2) % periode 
        return xrange( offset,
                       periode )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _init_from_Vrepresentation(self, ambient_dim, vertices, rays, lines, minimize=True):
        Construct polyhedron from V-representation data.


        - ``ambient_dim`` -- integer. The dimension of the ambient space.
        - ``vertices`` -- list of point. Each point can be specified
           as any iterable container of
           :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.
        - ``rays`` -- list of rays. Each ray can be specified as any
          iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.
        - ``lines`` -- list of lines. Each line can be specified as
          any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_QQ_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_QQ_ppl._init_from_Vrepresentation(p, 2, [], [], [])
        gs = Generator_System()
        if vertices is None: vertices = []
        for v in vertices:
            d = lcm([denominator(v_i) for v_i in v])
            dv = [ ZZ(d*v_i) for v_i in v ]
            gs.insert(point(Linear_Expression(dv, 0), d))
        if rays is None: rays = []
        for r in rays:
            d = lcm([denominator(r_i) for r_i in r])
            dr = [ ZZ(d*r_i) for r_i in r ]
            gs.insert(ray(Linear_Expression(dr, 0)))
        if lines is None: lines = []
        for l in lines:
            d = lcm([denominator(l_i) for l_i in l])
            dl = [ ZZ(d*l_i) for l_i in l ]
            gs.insert(line(Linear_Expression(dl, 0)))
        self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(gs)
Exemplo n.º 8
def circle_drops(A,B):
    # Drops going around the unit circle for those A and B.
    # See http://user.math.uzh.ch/dehaye/thesis_students/Nicolas_Wider-Integrality_of_factorial_ratios.pdf
    # for longer description (not original, better references exist)    
    marks = lcm(lcm(A),lcm(B))    
    tmp = [0 for i in range(marks)]
    for a in A:
#        print tmp
        for i in range(a):
            if gcd(i, a) == 1:
                tmp[i*marks/a] -= 1
    for b in B:
#        print tmp
        for i in range(b):
            if gcd(i, b) == 1:
                tmp[i*marks/b] += 1
#    print tmp
    return [sum(tmp[:j]) for j in range(marks)]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__( self, q):
     We initialize by a list of integers $[a_1,...,a_N]$. The
     lattice self is then $L = (L,\beta) = (G^{-1}\ZZ^n/\ZZ^n, G[x])$,
     where $G$ is the symmetric matrix
     $G=[a_1,...,a_n;*,a_{n+1},....;..;* ... * a_N]$,
     i.e.~the $a_j$ denote the elements above the diagonal of $G$.
     self.__form = q
     # We compute the rank
     N = len(q)
     assert is_square( 1+8*N)
     n = Integer( (-1+isqrt(1+8*N))/2)
     self.__rank = n
     # We set up the Gram matrix
     self.__G = matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n)
     i = j = 0
     for a in q:
         self.__G[i,j] = self.__G[j,i] = Integer(a)
         if j < n-1:
             j += 1
             i += 1
             j = i
     # We compute the level
     Gi = self.__G**-1
     self.__Gi = Gi
     a = lcm( map( lambda x: x.denominator(), Gi.list()))
     I = Gi.diagonal()
     b =  lcm( map( lambda x: (x/2).denominator(), I))
     self.__level = lcm( a, b)
     # We define the undelying module and the ambient space
     self.__module = FreeModule( IntegerRing(), n)
     self.__space = self.__module.ambient_vector_space()
     # We compute a shadow vector
     self.__shadow_vector = self.__space([(a%2)/2 for a in self.__G.diagonal()])*Gi
     # We define a basis
     M = Matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n, 1)
     self.__basis = self.__module.basis()
     # We prepare a cache
     self.__dual_vectors = None
     self.__values = None
     self.__chi = {}
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _roots_univariate_polynomial(self, p, ring=None, multiplicities=None, algorithm=None):
        Return a list of pairs ``(root,multiplicity)`` of roots of the polynomial ``p``.

        If the argument ``multiplicities`` is set to ``False`` then return the
        list of roots.

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(5),'x')
            sage: K = GF(5).algebraic_closure('t')

            sage: sorted((x^6 - 1).roots(K,multiplicities=False))
            [1, 4, 2*t2 + 1, 2*t2 + 2, 3*t2 + 3, 3*t2 + 4]
            sage: ((K.gen(2)*x - K.gen(3))**2).roots(K)
            [(3*t6^5 + 2*t6^4 + 2*t6^2 + 3, 2)]

            sage: for _ in xrange(10):
            ....:     p = R.random_element(degree=randint(2,8))
            ....:     for r in p.roots(K, multiplicities=False):
            ....:         assert p(r).is_zero()

        from sage.rings.arith import lcm
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing

        # first build a polynomial over some finite field
        coeffs = [v.as_finite_field_element(minimal=True) for v in p.list()]
        l = lcm([c[0].degree() for c in coeffs])
        F, phi = self.subfield(l)
        P = p.parent().change_ring(F)

        new_coeffs = [self.inclusion(c[0].degree(), l)(c[1]) for c in coeffs]

        roots = []    # a list of pair (root,multiplicity)
        for g, m in P(new_coeffs).factor():
            if g.degree() == 1:
                r = phi(-g.constant_coefficient())
                ll = l * g.degree()
                psi = self.inclusion(l, ll)
                FF, pphi = self.subfield(ll)
                gg = PolynomialRing(FF, 'x')(map(psi, g))
                for r, _ in gg.roots():  # note: we know that multiplicity is 1
                    roots.append((pphi(r), m))

        if multiplicities:
            return roots
            return [r[0] for r in roots]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def shadow_level( self):
        Return the level of $L_ev$, where $L_ev$ is the kernel
        of the map $x\mapsto e(G[x]/2)$.

            Lemma: If $L$ is odd, if $s$ is a shadow vector, and if $N$ denotes the
            denominator of $G[s]/2$, then the level of $L_ev$
            equals the lcm of the order of $s$, $N$ and the level of $L$.

            (For the proof:  the requested level is the smallest integer $l$
            such that $lG[x]/2$ is integral for all $x$ in $L^*$ and $x$ in $s+L^*$
            since $L_ev^* = L^* \cup s+L^*$. This $l$ is the smallest integer
            such that $lG[s]/2$, $lG[x]/2$ and $ls^tGx$ are integral for all $x$ in $L^*$.)
        if self.is_even():
            return self.level()
        s = self.a_shadow_vector()
        N = self.beta(s).denominator()
        h = lcm( [x.denominator() for x in s])
        return lcm( [h, N, self.level()])
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _init_from_Hrepresentation(self, ambient_dim, ieqs, eqns, minimize=True):
        Construct polyhedron from H-representation data.


        - ``ambient_dim`` -- integer. The dimension of the ambient space.
        - ``ieqs`` -- list of inequalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``eqns`` -- list of equalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_QQ_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_QQ_ppl._init_from_Hrepresentation(p, 2, [], [])
        cs = Constraint_System()
        if ieqs is None: ieqs = []
        for ieq in ieqs:
            d = lcm([denominator(ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq])
            dieq = [ ZZ(d*ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq ]
            b = dieq[0]
            A = dieq[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) >= 0)
        if eqns is None: eqns = []
        for eqn in eqns:
            d = lcm([denominator(eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn])
            deqn = [ ZZ(d*eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn ]
            b = deqn[0]
            A = deqn[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) == 0)
        self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(cs)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _heckebasis(M):
    Gives a basis of the hecke algebra of M as a ZZ-module


    - ``M`` - a hecke module


    - a list of hecke algebra elements represented as matrices


        sage: M = ModularSymbols(11,2,1)
        sage: sage.modular.hecke.algebra._heckebasis(M)
        [Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 2 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field defined by:
        [1 0]
        [0 1],
        Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 2 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field defined by:
        [0 1]
        [0 5]]
    d = M.rank()
    VV = QQ ** (d ** 2)
    WW = ZZ ** (d ** 2)
    MM = MatrixSpace(QQ, d)
    MMZ = MatrixSpace(ZZ, d)
    S = []
    Denom = []
    B = []
    B1 = []
    for i in xrange(1, M.hecke_bound() + 1):
        v = M.hecke_operator(i).matrix()
        den = v.denominator()
    den = lcm(Denom)
    for m in S:
        B.append(WW((den * m).list()))
    UU = WW.submodule(B)
    B = UU.basis()
    for u in B:
        u1 = u.list()
        m1 = M.hecke_algebra()(MM(u1), check=False)
        # m1 = MM(u1)
        B1.append((1 / den) * m1)
    return B1
Exemplo n.º 14
 def exponent(self):
     Return the exponent of this abelian group.
         sage: G = AbelianGroup([2,3,7]); G
         Multiplicative Abelian Group isomorphic to C2 x C3 x C7
         sage: G.exponent()
         sage: G = AbelianGroup([2,4,6]); G
         Multiplicative Abelian Group isomorphic to C2 x C4 x C6
         sage: G.exponent()
         return self.__exponent
     except AttributeError:
         self.__exponent = e = lcm(self.invariants())
         return e
def summand(part, n):
    Create the summand used in the Harrison count for a given partition.

        part (tuple): A partition of `n` represented as a tuple.
        n (int): The integer for which `part` is a partition.

        int: The summand corresponding to the partition `part` of `n`.

    t = 1
    count = list(cycle_count(part, n)) + (factorial(n)-n)*[0]
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        for j in range(1,n+1):
            s = sum([d*(count[d-1]) for d in divisors(lcm(i,j))])
            t = t*(s**(count[i-1]*count[j-1]*gcd(i,j)))
    t = t*factorial(n)/(prod(factorial(count[d-1])*(d**(count[d-1])) for d in range(1,n+1)))
    return t
Exemplo n.º 16
    def clear_denominators(self):
        scales by the least common multiple of the denominators.

        OUTPUT: None.


            sage: R.<t> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(FractionField(R), 2)
            sage: Q = P([t, 3/t^2, 1])
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (t^3 : 3 : t^2)


            sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: K.<w> = NumberField(x^2 - 3)
            sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(K, 2)
            sage: Q = P([1/w, 3, 0])
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (w : 9 : 0)


            sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(x^2 - y^2);
            sage: Q = X([1/2, 1/2, 1]);
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (1 : 1 : 2)


            sage: PS.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 1)
            sage: Q = PS.point([1, 2/3], False); Q
            (1 : 2/3)
            sage: Q.clear_denominators(); Q
            (3 : 2)
        self.scale_by(lcm([t.denominator() for t in self]))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def nregcusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of regular cusps for this subgroup. A cusp is regular
        if we may find a parabolic element generating the stabiliser of that
        cusp whose eigenvalues are both +1 rather than -1. If G contains -1,
        all cusps are regular.


            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nirregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nirregcusps()


        - Jordi Quer
        if self.is_even():
            return self.ncusps()

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()

        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in divisors(N) if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d,N//d)
            Hd = set([x%Nd for x in H])
            if Nd - 1 not in Hd:
                summand = euler_phi(d)*euler_phi(N//d)//(2*len(Hd))
                if d**2==N:
                    c = c + summand
                    c = c + 2*summand
        return c
Exemplo n.º 18
    def homogenize(self, n, newvar='h'):
        Return the homogenization of ``self``. If ``self.domain()`` is a subscheme, the domain of
        the homogenized map is the projective embedding of ``self.domain()``


        - ``newvar`` -- the name of the homogenization variable (only used when ``self.domain()`` is affine space)

        - ``n`` -- the n-th projective embedding into projective space


        - :class:`SchemMorphism_polynomial_projective_space`


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/x^5,y^2])
            sage: f.homogenize(2,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x^2*z^5 - 2*z^7 : x^5*y^2 : x^5*z^2)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(CC,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/(x*y),y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize(0,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Complex
            Field with 53 bits of precision
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x*y*z^2 : x^2*z^2 + (-2.00000000000000)*z^4 : x*y^3 - x^2*y*z)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: X=A.subscheme([x-y^2])
            sage: H=Hom(X,X)
            sage: f=H([9*y^2,3*y])
            sage: f.homogenize(2)
            Scheme endomorphism of Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -x1^2 + x0*x2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x0 : x1 : x2) to
                    (9*x0*x2 : 3*x1*x2 : x2^2)


            sage: R.<t>=PolynomialRing(ZZ)
            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(R,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/y,y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize(0,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Univariate
            Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (y*z^2 : x^2*z + (-2)*z^3 : y^3 - x*y*z)
        A = self.domain()
        B = self.codomain()
        N = A.ambient_space().dimension_relative()
        NB = B.ambient_space().dimension_relative()
        Vars = list(A.ambient_space().variable_names()) + [newvar]
        S = PolynomialRing(A.base_ring(), Vars)
            l = lcm([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])
        except Exception:  #no lcm
            l = prod([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])

        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import PolynomialRing_general
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring_generic import MPolynomialRing_generic
        if self.domain().base_ring() == RealField() or self.domain().base_ring(
        ) == ComplexField():
            F = [
                S(((self[i] * l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(
                    self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)
        elif isinstance(self.domain().base_ring(),
                        (PolynomialRing_general, MPolynomialRing_generic)):
            F = [
                S(((self[i] * l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(
                    self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)
            F = [S(self[i] * l) for i in range(N)]
        F.insert(n, S(l))
        d = max([F[i].degree() for i in range(N + 1)])
        F = [
            F[i].homogenize(newvar) * S.gen(N)**(d - F[i].degree())
            for i in range(N + 1)
        from sage.schemes.affine.affine_space import is_AffineSpace
        if is_AffineSpace(A) == True:
            from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
            X = ProjectiveSpace(A.base_ring(), NB, Vars)
            X = A.projective_embedding(n).codomain()
            phi = S.hom(X.ambient_space().gens(),
            F = [phi(f) for f in F]
        H = Hom(X, X)
        return (H(F))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def normalize_coordinates(self):
        Scales by 1/gcd of the coordinate functions. Also, scales to clear any denominators from the coefficients.
        This is done in place.


        - None.


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([5/4*x^3,5*x*y^2])
            sage: f.normalize_coordinates(); f
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                    (x^2 : 4*y^2)


            sage: P.<x,y,z>=ProjectiveSpace(GF(7),2)
            sage: X=P.subscheme(x^2-y^2)
            sage: H=Hom(X,X)
            sage: f=H([x^3+x*y^2,x*y^2,x*z^2])
            sage: f.normalize_coordinates(); f
            Scheme endomorphism of Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension
            2 over Finite Field of size 7 defined by:
              x^2 - y^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (2*y^2 : y^2 : z^2)

        .. NOTE::

            - gcd raises an error if the base_ring does not support gcds.
        GCD = gcd(self[0],self[1])
        if self[0].lc()>0 or self[1].lc() >0:
        while GCD!=1 and index < N:
            if self[index].lc()>0:

        if GCD != 1:
            if neg==1:
            if neg==1:

        #clears any denominators from the coefficients
        LCM = lcm([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])

        #scales by 1/gcd of the coefficients.
        GCD = gcd([self[i].content() for i in range(N)])
        if GCD!=1:
Exemplo n.º 20
    def pthpowers(self, p, Bound):
        Find the indices of proveably all pth powers in the recurrence sequence bounded by Bound.

        Let `u_n` be a binary recurrence sequence.  A ``p`` th power in `u_n` is a solution
        to `u_n = y^p` for some integer `y`.  There are only finitely many ``p`` th powers in
        any recurrence sequence [SS].


        - ``p`` - a rational prime integer (the fixed p in `u_n = y^p`)

        - ``Bound`` - a natural number (the maximum index `n` in `u_n = y^p` that is checked).


        - A list of the indices of all ``p`` th powers less bounded by ``Bound``.  If the sequence is degenerate and there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)        #the Fibonacci sequence
            sage: R.pthpowers(2, 10**30)        # long time (7 seconds) -- in fact these are all squares, c.f. [BMS06]
            [0, 1, 2, 12]

            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(8,1) #a Lucas sequence
            sage: S.pthpowers(3,10**30)    # long time (3 seconds) -- provably finds the indices of all 3rd powers less than 10^30
            [0, 1, 2]

            sage: Q = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,3,2,1)
            sage: Q.pthpowers(11,10**30)          # long time (7.5 seconds)

        If the sequence is degenerate, and there are are no ``p`` th powers, returns `[]`.  Otherwise, if
        there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_geometric()
            sage: T.pthpowers(7,10**30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers.

            sage: L = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(4,0,2,2)
            sage: [L(i).factor() for i in xrange(10)]
            [2, 2, 2^3, 2^5, 2^7, 2^9, 2^11, 2^13, 2^15, 2^17]
            sage: L.is_quasigeometric()
            sage: L.pthpowers(2,10**30)

        NOTE: This function is primarily optimized in the range where ``Bound`` is much larger than ``p``.


        #Thanks to Jesse Silliman for helpful conversations!

        #Reset the dictionary of good primes, as this depends on p
        self._PGoodness = {}
        #Starting lower bound on good primes
        self._ell = 1

        #If the sequence is geometric, then the `n`th term is `a*r^n`.  Thus the
        #property of being a ``p`` th power is periodic mod ``p``.  So there are either
        #no ``p`` th powers if there are none in the first ``p`` terms, or many if there
        #is at least one in the first ``p`` terms.

        if self.is_geometric() or self.is_quasigeometric():
            no_powers = True
            for i in xrange(1, 6 * p + 1):
                if _is_p_power(self(i), p):
                    no_powers = False
            if no_powers:
                if _is_p_power(self.u0, p):
                    return [0]
                return []
                raise ValueError, "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers."

        #If the sequence is degenerate without being geometric or quasigeometric, there
        #may be many ``p`` th powers or no ``p`` th powers.

        elif (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c) == 0:

            #This is the case if the matrix F is not diagonalizable, ie b^2 +4c = 0, and alpha/beta = 1.

            alpha = self.b / 2

            #In this case, u_n = u_0*alpha^n + (u_1 - u_0*alpha)*n*alpha^(n-1) = alpha^(n-1)*(u_0 +n*(u_1 - u_0*alpha)),
            #that is, it is a geometric term (alpha^(n-1)) times an arithmetic term (u_0 + n*(u_1-u_0*alpha)).

            #Look at classes n = k mod p, for k = 1,...,p.

            for k in xrange(1, p + 1):

                #The linear equation alpha^(k-1)*u_0 + (k+pm)*(alpha^(k-1)*u1 - u0*alpha^k)
                #must thus be a pth power.  This is a linear equation in m, namely, A + B*m, where

                A = (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u0 + k *
                     (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u1 - self.u0 * alpha**k))
                B = p * (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u1 - self.u0 * alpha**k)

                #This linear equation represents a pth power iff A is a pth power mod B.

                if _is_p_power_mod(A, p, B):
                    raise ValueError, "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence has many pth powers."
            return []

        #We find ``p`` th powers using an elementary sieve.  Term `u_n` is a ``p`` th
        #power if and only if it is a ``p`` th power modulo every prime `\\ell`.  This condition
        #gives nontrivial information if ``p`` divides the order of the multiplicative group of
        #`\\Bold(F)_{\\ell}`, i.e. if `\\ell` is ` 1 \mod{p}`, as then only `1/p` terms are ``p`` th
        #powers modulo `\\ell``.

        #Thus, given such an `\\ell`, we get a set of necessary congruences for the index modulo the
        #the period of the sequence mod `\\ell`.  Then we intersect these congruences for many primes
        #to get a tight list modulo a growing modulus.  In order to keep this step manageable, we
        #only use primes `\\ell` that are have particularly smooth periods.

        #Some congruences in the list will remain as the modulus grows.  If a congruence remains through
        #7 rounds of increasing the modulus, then we check if this corresponds to a perfect power (if
        #it does, we add it to our list of indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers).  The rest of the congruences
        #are transient and grow with the modulus.  Once the smallest of these is greater than the bound,
        #the list of known indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers is complete.


            if Bound < 3 * p:

                powers = []
                ell = p + 1

                while not is_prime(ell):
                    ell = ell + p

                F = GF(ell)
                a0 = F(self.u0)
                a1 = F(self.u1)  #a0 and a1 are variables for terms in sequence
                bf, cf = F(self.b), F(self.c)

                for n in xrange(Bound):  # n is the index of the a0

                    #Check whether a0 is a perfect power mod ell
                    if _is_p_power_mod(a0, p, ell):
                        #if a0 is a perfect power mod ell, check if nth term is ppower
                        if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    a0, a1 = a1, bf * a1 + cf * a0  #step up the variables


                powers = [
                ]  #documents the indices of the sequence that provably correspond to pth powers
                cong = [
                ]  #list of necessary congruences on the index for it to correspond to pth powers
                Possible_count = {
                }  #keeps track of the number of rounds a congruence lasts in cong

                #These parameters are involved in how we choose primes to increase the modulus
                qqold = 1  #we believe that we know complete information coming from primes good by qqold
                M1 = 1  #we have congruences modulo M1, this may not be the tightest list
                M2 = p  #we want to move to have congruences mod M2
                qq = 1  #the largest prime power divisor of M1 is qq

                #This loop ups the modulus.
                while True:

                    #Try to get good data mod M2

                    #patience of how long we should search for a "good prime"
                    patience = 0.01 * _estimated_time(
                        lcm(M2, p * next_prime_power(qq)), M1, len(cong), p)
                    tries = 0

                    #This loop uses primes to get a small set of congruences mod M2.
                    while True:

                        #only proceed if took less than patience time to find the next good prime
                        ell = _next_good_prime(p, self, qq, patience, qqold)
                        if ell:

                            #gather congruence data for the sequence mod ell, which will be mod period(ell) = modu
                            cong1, modu = _find_cong1(p, self, ell)

                            CongNew = [
                            ]  #makes a new list from cong that is now mod M = lcm(M1, modu) instead of M1
                            M = lcm(M1, modu)
                            for k in xrange(M / M1):
                                for i in cong:
                                    CongNew.append(k * M1 + i)
                            cong = set(CongNew)

                            M1 = M

                            killed_something = False  #keeps track of when cong1 can rule out a congruence in cong

                            #CRT by hand to gain speed
                            for i in list(cong):
                                if not (
                                        i % modu in cong1
                                ):  #congruence in cong is inconsistent with any in cong1
                                    cong.remove(i)  #remove that congruence
                                    killed_something = True

                            if M1 == M2:
                                if not killed_something:
                                    tries += 1
                                    if tries == 2:  #try twice to rule out congruences
                                        cong = list(cong)
                                        qqold = qq
                                        qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                                        M2 = lcm(M2, p * qq)

                            qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                            M2 = lcm(M2, p * qq)
                            cong = list(cong)

                    #Document how long each element of cong has been there
                    for i in cong:
                        if i in Possible_count:
                            Possible_count[i] = Possible_count[i] + 1
                            Possible_count[i] = 1

                    #Check how long each element has persisted, if it is for at least 7 cycles,
                    #then we check to see if it is actually a perfect power
                    for i in Possible_count:
                        if Possible_count[i] == 7:
                            n = Integer(i)
                            if n < Bound:
                                if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    #check for a contradiction
                    if len(cong) > len(powers):
                        if cong[len(powers)] > Bound:
                    elif M1 > Bound:

            return powers
Exemplo n.º 21
    def homogenize(self,n,newvar='h'):
        Return the homogenization of ``self``. If ``self.domain()`` is a subscheme, the domain of
        the homogenized map is the projective embedding of ``self.domain()``. The domain and codomain
        can be homogenized at different coordinates: ``n[0]`` for the domain and ``n[1]`` for the codomain.


        - ``newvar`` -- the name of the homogenization variable (only used when ``self.domain()`` is affine space)

        - ``n`` -- a tuple of nonnegative integers. If ``n`` is an integer, then the two values of
            the tuple are assumed to be the same.


        - :class:`SchemMorphism_polynomial_projective_space`


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/x^5,y^2])
            sage: f.homogenize(2,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x^2*z^5 - 2*z^7 : x^5*y^2 : x^5*z^2)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(CC,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/(x*y),y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize((2,0),'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Complex
            Field with 53 bits of precision
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x*y*z^2 : x^2*z^2 + (-2.00000000000000)*z^4 : x*y^3 - x^2*y*z)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: X=A.subscheme([x-y^2])
            sage: H=Hom(X,X)
            sage: f=H([9*y^2,3*y])
            sage: f.homogenize(2)
            Scheme endomorphism of Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -x1^2 + x0*x2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x0 : x1 : x2) to
                    (9*x0*x2 : 3*x1*x2 : x2^2)


            sage: R.<t>=PolynomialRing(ZZ)
            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(R,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/y,y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize((2,0),'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Univariate
            Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (y*z^2 : x^2*z + (-2)*z^3 : y^3 - x*y*z)


            sage: A.<x>=AffineSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=End(A)
            sage: f=H([x^2-1])
            sage: f.homogenize((1,0),'y')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                    (y^2 : x^2 - y^2)

        #it is possible to homogenize the domain and codomain at different coordinates
        if isinstance(n,(tuple,list)):

        #homogenize the domain

        #find the denominators if a rational function
            l=lcm([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])
        except Exception:  #no lcm
            l=prod([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])

        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import PolynomialRing_general
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring_generic import MPolynomialRing_generic
        if self.domain().base_ring()==RealField() or self.domain().base_ring()==ComplexField():
            F=[S(((self[i]*l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)]
        elif isinstance(self.domain().base_ring(),(PolynomialRing_general,MPolynomialRing_generic)):
            F=[S(((self[i]*l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)]
            F=[S(self[i]*l) for i in range(N)]

        #homogenize the codomain
        d=max([F[i].degree() for i in range(N+1)])
        F=[F[i].homogenize(newvar)*S.gen(N)**(d-F[i].degree()) for i in range(N+1)]
        from sage.schemes.affine.affine_space import is_AffineSpace
        if is_AffineSpace(A)==True:
            from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
            F=[phi(f) for f in F]
Exemplo n.º 22
def carmichael_lambda(n):
    Return the Carmichael function of a positive integer ``n``.

    The Carmichael function of `n`, denoted `\lambda(n)`, is the smallest
    positive integer `k` such that `a^k \equiv 1 \pmod{n}` for all
    `a \in \ZZ/n\ZZ` satisfying `\gcd(a, n) = 1`. Thus, `\lambda(n) = k`
    is the exponent of the multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.


    - The Carmichael function of ``n``.


    If `n = 2, 4` then `\lambda(n) = \varphi(n)`. Let `p \geq 3` be an odd
    prime and let `k` be a positive integer. Then
    `\lambda(p^k) = p^{k - 1}(p - 1) = \varphi(p^k)`. If `k \geq 3`, then
    `\lambda(2^k) = 2^{k - 2}`. Now consider the case where `n > 3` is
    composite and let `n = p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_t^{k_t}` be the
    prime factorization of `n`. Then

    .. MATH::

        = \lambda(p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_t^{k_t})
        = \text{lcm}(\lambda(p_1^{k_1}), \lambda(p_2^{k_2}), \dots, \lambda(p_t^{k_t}))


    The Carmichael function of all positive integers up to and including 10::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: map(carmichael_lambda, [1..10])
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 4]

    The Carmichael function of the first ten primes::

        sage: map(carmichael_lambda, primes_first_n(10))
        [1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 28]

    Cases where the Carmichael function is equivalent to the Euler phi

        sage: carmichael_lambda(2) == euler_phi(2)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(4) == euler_phi(4)
        sage: p = random_prime(1000, lbound=3, proof=True)
        sage: k = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(p^k) == euler_phi(p^k)

    A case where `\lambda(n) \neq \varphi(n)`::

        sage: k = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(2^k) == 2^(k - 2)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(2^k) == 2^(k - 2) == euler_phi(2^k)

    Verifying the current implementation of the Carmichael function using
    another implemenation. The other implementation that we use for
    verification is an exhaustive search for the exponent of the
    multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: n = randint(1, 500)
        sage: c = carmichael_lambda(n)
        sage: def coprime(n):
        ...       return [i for i in xrange(n) if gcd(i, n) == 1]
        sage: def znpower(n, k):
        ...       L = coprime(n)
        ...       return map(power_mod, L, [k]*len(L), [n]*len(L))
        sage: def my_carmichael(n):
        ...       for k in xrange(1, n):
        ...           L = znpower(n, k)
        ...           ones = [1] * len(L)
        ...           T = [L[i] == ones[i] for i in xrange(len(L))]
        ...           if all(T):
        ...               return k
        sage: c == my_carmichael(n)

    Carmichael's theorem states that `a^{\lambda(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod{n}`
    for all elements `a` of the multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`.
    Here, we verify Carmichael's theorem. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: n = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: c = carmichael_lambda(n)
        sage: ZnZ = IntegerModRing(n)
        sage: M = ZnZ.list_of_elements_of_multiplicative_group()
        sage: ones = [1] * len(M)
        sage: P = [power_mod(a, c, n) for a in M]
        sage: P == ones


    The input ``n`` must be a positive integer::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: carmichael_lambda(0)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Input n must be a positive integer.
        sage: carmichael_lambda(randint(-10, 0))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Input n must be a positive integer.

    Bug reported in trac #8283::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: type(carmichael_lambda(16))
        <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>


    .. [Carmichael2010] Carmichael function,
    n = Integer(n)
    # sanity check
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("Input n must be a positive integer.")

    L = n.factor()
    t = []

    # first get rid of the prime factor 2
    if n & 1 == 0:
        e = L[0][1]
        L = L[1:]   # now, n = 2**e * L.value()
        if e < 3:   # for 1 <= k < 3, lambda(2**k) = 2**(k - 1)
            e = e - 1
        else:       # for k >= 3, lambda(2**k) = 2**(k - 2)
            e = e - 2
        t.append(1 << e)  # 2**e

    # then other prime factors
    t += [p**(k - 1) * (p - 1) for p, k in L]

    # finish the job
    return lcm(t)
Exemplo n.º 23
def carmichael_lambda(n):
    Return the Carmichael function of a positive integer ``n``.

    The Carmichael function of `n`, denoted `\lambda(n)`, is the smallest
    positive integer `k` such that `a^k \equiv 1 \pmod{n}` for all
    `a \in \ZZ/n\ZZ` satisfying `\gcd(a, n) = 1`. Thus, `\lambda(n) = k`
    is the exponent of the multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`.


    - ``n`` -- a positive integer.


    - The Carmichael function of ``n``.


    If `n = 2, 4` then `\lambda(n) = \varphi(n)`. Let `p \geq 3` be an odd
    prime and let `k` be a positive integer. Then
    `\lambda(p^k) = p^{k - 1}(p - 1) = \varphi(p^k)`. If `k \geq 3`, then
    `\lambda(2^k) = 2^{k - 2}`. Now consider the case where `n > 3` is
    composite and let `n = p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_t^{k_t}` be the
    prime factorization of `n`. Then

    .. MATH::

        = \lambda(p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_t^{k_t})
        = \text{lcm}(\lambda(p_1^{k_1}), \lambda(p_2^{k_2}), \dots, \lambda(p_t^{k_t}))


    The Carmichael function of all positive integers up to and including 10::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: map(carmichael_lambda, [1..10])
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 4]

    The Carmichael function of the first ten primes::

        sage: map(carmichael_lambda, primes_first_n(10))
        [1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 28]

    Cases where the Carmichael function is equivalent to the Euler phi

        sage: carmichael_lambda(2) == euler_phi(2)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(4) == euler_phi(4)
        sage: p = random_prime(1000, lbound=3, proof=True)
        sage: k = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(p^k) == euler_phi(p^k)

    A case where `\lambda(n) \neq \varphi(n)`::

        sage: k = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(2^k) == 2^(k - 2)
        sage: carmichael_lambda(2^k) == 2^(k - 2) == euler_phi(2^k)

    Verifying the current implementation of the Carmichael function using
    another implemenation. The other implementation that we use for
    verification is an exhaustive search for the exponent of the
    multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: n = randint(1, 500)
        sage: c = carmichael_lambda(n)
        sage: def coprime(n):
        ...       return [i for i in xrange(n) if gcd(i, n) == 1]
        sage: def znpower(n, k):
        ...       L = coprime(n)
        ...       return map(power_mod, L, [k]*len(L), [n]*len(L))
        sage: def my_carmichael(n):
        ...       for k in xrange(1, n):
        ...           L = znpower(n, k)
        ...           ones = [1] * len(L)
        ...           T = [L[i] == ones[i] for i in xrange(len(L))]
        ...           if all(T):
        ...               return k
        sage: c == my_carmichael(n)

    Carmichael's theorem states that `a^{\lambda(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod{n}`
    for all elements `a` of the multiplicative group `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`.
    Here, we verify Carmichael's theorem. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: n = randint(1, 1000)
        sage: c = carmichael_lambda(n)
        sage: ZnZ = IntegerModRing(n)
        sage: M = ZnZ.list_of_elements_of_multiplicative_group()
        sage: ones = [1] * len(M)
        sage: P = [power_mod(a, c, n) for a in M]
        sage: P == ones


    The input ``n`` must be a positive integer::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: carmichael_lambda(0)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Input n must be a positive integer.
        sage: carmichael_lambda(randint(-10, 0))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Input n must be a positive integer.

    Bug reported in trac #8283::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: type(carmichael_lambda(16))
        <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>


    .. [Carmichael2010] Carmichael function,
    n = Integer(n)
    # sanity check
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("Input n must be a positive integer.")

    L = n.factor()
    t = []

    # first get rid of the prime factor 2
    if n & 1 == 0:
        e = L[0][1]
        L = L[1:]  # now, n = 2**e * L.value()
        if e < 3:  # for 1 <= k < 3, lambda(2**k) = 2**(k - 1)
            e = e - 1
        else:  # for k >= 3, lambda(2**k) = 2**(k - 2)
            e = e - 2
        t.append(1 << e)  # 2**e

    # then other prime factors
    t += [p**(k - 1) * (p - 1) for p, k in L]

    # finish the job
    return lcm(t)
Exemplo n.º 24
def weak_popov_form(M,ascend=True):
    This function computes a weak Popov form of a matrix over a rational
    function field `k(x)`, for `k` a field.
     - `M` - matrix
     - `ascend` - if True, rows of output matrix `W` are sorted so
       degree (= the maximum of the degrees of the elements in
       the row) increases monotonically, and otherwise degrees decrease.
    A 3-tuple `(W,N,d)` consisting of two matrices over `k(x)` and a list
    of integers:
    1. `W` - matrix giving a weak the Popov form of M
    2. `N` - matrix representing row operations used to transform
       `M` to `W`
    3. `d` - degree of respective columns of W; the degree of a column is
       the maximum of the degree of its elements
    `N` is invertible over `k(x)`. These matrices satisfy the relation
    `N*M = W`.
    The routine expects matrices over the rational function field, but
    other examples below show how one can provide matrices over the ring
    of polynomials (whose quotient field is the rational function field).

        sage: R.<t> = GF(3)['t']
        sage: K = FractionField(R)
        sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_misc
        sage: sage.matrix.matrix_misc.weak_popov_form(matrix([[(t-1)^2/t],[(t-1)]]))
        [          0]  [      t 2*t + 1]                
        [(2*t + 1)/t], [      1       2], [-Infinity, 0]


    See docstring for weak_popov_form method of matrices for
    more information.
    # determine whether M has polynomial or rational function coefficients
    R0 = M.base_ring()

    from sage.rings.ring import is_Field

    #Compute the base polynomial ring

    if is_Field(R0):
        R = R0.base()
        R = R0
    from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing
    if not is_PolynomialRing(R):
        raise TypeError("the coefficients of M must lie in a univariate polynomial ring")

    t = R.gen()

    # calculate least-common denominator of matrix entries and clear
    # denominators. The result lies in R
    from sage.rings.arith import lcm
    from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
    from sage.misc.functional import numerator
    if is_Field(R0):
        den = lcm([a.denominator() for a in M.list()])
        num = matrix([(lambda x : map(numerator,  x))(v) for v in map(list,(M*den).rows())])
        # No need to clear denominators
        den = R.one_element()
        num = M

    r = [list(v) for v in num.rows()]

    N = matrix(num.nrows(), num.nrows(), R(1)).rows()

    from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
    if M.is_zero():
        return (M, matrix(N), [-Infinity for i in range(num.nrows())])

    rank = 0
    num_zero = 0            
    while rank != len(r) - num_zero:
        # construct matrix of leading coefficients
        v = []
        for w in map(list, r):
            # calculate degree of row (= max of degree of entries)
            d = max([e.numerator().degree() for e in w])

            # extract leading coefficients from current row
            x = []
            for y in w:
                if y.degree() >= d and d >= 0:   x.append(y.coeffs()[d])
                else:                            x.append(0)
        l = matrix(v)
        # count number of zero rows in leading coefficient matrix
        # because they do *not* contribute interesting relations
        num_zero = 0
        for v in l.rows():
            is_zero = 1
            for w in v:
                if w != 0:
                    is_zero = 0
            if is_zero == 1:
                num_zero += 1
        # find non-trivial relations among the columns of the
        # leading coefficient matrix
        kern = l.kernel().basis()
        rank = num.nrows() - len(kern)

        # do a row operation if there's a non-trivial relation        
        if not rank == len(r) - num_zero:
            for rel in kern:
                # find the row of num involved in the relation and of
                # maximal degree            
                indices = []
                degrees = []
                for i in range(len(rel)):
                    if rel[i] != 0:
                        degrees.append(max([e.degree() for e in r[i]]))
                # find maximum degree among rows involved in relation        
                max_deg = max(degrees)
                # check if relation involves non-zero rows
                if max_deg != -1:
                    i = degrees.index(max_deg)
                    rel /= rel[indices[i]]
                    for j in range(len(indices)):
                        if j != i:
                            # do row operation and record it
                            v = []
                            for k in range(len(r[indices[i]])):
                                v.append(r[indices[i]][k] + rel[indices[j]] * t**(max_deg-degrees[j]) * r[indices[j]][k])
                            r[indices[i]] = v

                            v = []
                            for k in range(len(N[indices[i]])):
                                v.append(N[indices[i]][k] + rel[indices[j]] * t**(max_deg-degrees[j]) * N[indices[j]][k])
                            N[indices[i]] = v
                    # remaining relations (if any) are no longer valid,
                    # so continue onto next step of algorithm

    # sort the rows in order of degree
    d = []
    from sage.rings.all import infinity
    for i in range(len(r)):
        d.append(max([e.degree() for e in r[i]]))
        if d[i] < 0:
            d[i] = -infinity
            d[i] -= den.degree()
    for i in range(len(r)):
        for j in range(i+1,len(r)):
            if (ascend and d[i] > d[j]) or (not ascend and d[i] < d[j]):
                (r[i], r[j]) = (r[j], r[i])
                (d[i], d[j]) = (d[j], d[i])
                (N[i], N[j]) = (N[j], N[i])
    # return reduced matrix and operations matrix
    return (matrix(r)/den, matrix(N), d)
Exemplo n.º 25
def prove_BSD(E, verbosity=0, two_desc='mwrank', proof=None, secs_hi=5,
    Attempts to prove the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural
    formula for `E`, returning a list of primes `p` for which this
    function fails to prove BSD(E,p).  Here, BSD(E,p) is the
    statement: "the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula holds up to a
    rational number coprime to `p`."


        - ``E`` - an elliptic curve

        - ``verbosity`` - int, how much information about the proof to print.

            - 0 - print nothing
            - 1 - print sketch of proof
            - 2 - print information about remaining primes

        - ``two_desc`` - string (default ``'mwrank'``), what to use for the
          two-descent. Options are ``'mwrank', 'simon', 'sage'``

        - ``proof`` - bool or None (default: None, see
          proof.elliptic_curve or sage.structure.proof). If False, this
          function just immediately returns the empty list.

        - ``secs_hi`` - maximum number of seconds to try to compute the
          Heegner index before switching over to trying to compute the
          Heegner index bound. (Rank 0 only!)

        - ``return_BSD`` - bool (default: False) whether to return an object
          which contains information to reconstruct a proof


    When printing verbose output, phrases such as "by Mazur" are referring
    to the following list of papers:


    .. [Cha] B. Cha. Vanishing of some cohomology goups and bounds for the
       Shafarevich-Tate groups of elliptic curves. J. Number Theory, 111:154-
       178, 2005.
    .. [Jetchev] D. Jetchev. Global divisibility of Heegner points and
       Tamagawa numbers. Compos. Math. 144 (2008), no. 4, 811--826.
    .. [Kato] K. Kato. p-adic Hodge theory and values of zeta functions of
       modular forms. Astérisque, (295):ix, 117-290, 2004.
    .. [Kolyvagin] V. A. Kolyvagin. On the structure of Shafarevich-Tate
       groups. Algebraic geometry, 94--121, Lecture Notes in Math., 1479,
       Springer, Berlin, 1991.
    .. [LumStein] A. Lum, W. Stein. Verification of the Birch and
       Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture for Elliptic Curves with Complex
       Multiplication (unpublished)
    .. [Mazur] B. Mazur. Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal. Inst.
       Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 47 (1977), 33--186 (1978).
    .. [Rubin] K. Rubin. The "main conjectures" of Iwasawa theory for
       imaginary quadratic fields. Invent. Math. 103 (1991), no. 1, 25--68.
    .. [SteinWuthrich] W. Stein and C. Wuthrich. Computations about
       Tate-Shafarevich groups using Iwasawa theory.
       http://wstein.org/papers/shark, February 2008.
    .. [SteinEtAl] G. Grigorov, A. Jorza, S. Patrikis, W. Stein,
       C. Tarniţǎ. Computational verification of the Birch and
       Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for individual elliptic curves.
       Math. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 268, 2397--2425.


        sage: EllipticCurve('11a').prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 5} by Kolyvagin.
        True for p=5 by Mazur

        sage: EllipticCurve('14a').prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.
        Remaining primes:
        p = 3: reducible, not surjective, good ordinary, divides a Tamagawa number
            (no bounds found)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 0
        sage: EllipticCurve('14a').prove_BSD(two_desc='simon')

    A rank two curve::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('389a')

    We know nothing with proof=True::

        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Set of all prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, ...

    We (think we) know everything with proof=False::

        sage: E.prove_BSD(proof=False)

    A curve of rank 0 and prime conductor::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('19a')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.
        True for p=3 by Mazur

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('37a')
        sage: E.rank()
        sage: E._EllipticCurve_rational_field__rank
        {True: 1}
        sage: E.analytic_rank = lambda : 0
        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: It seems that the rank conjecture does not hold for this curve (Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field)! This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug.

    We test the consistency check for the 2-part of Sha::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('37a')
        sage: S = E.sha(); S
        Tate-Shafarevich group for the Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field
        sage: def foo(use_database):
        ...    return 4
        sage: S.an = foo
        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: Apparent contradiction: 0 <= rank(sha[2]) <= 0, but ord_2(sha_an) = 2

    An example with a Tamagawa number at 5::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('123a1')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 5} by Kolyvagin.
        Remaining primes:
        p = 5: reducible, not surjective, good ordinary, divides a Tamagawa number
            (no bounds found)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 0

    A curve for which 3 divides the order of the Tate-Shafarevich group::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('681b')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)               # long time
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin....
        Remaining primes:
        p = 3: irreducible, surjective, non-split multiplicative
            (0 <= ord_p <= 2)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 2

    A curve for which we need to use ``heegner_index_bound``::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('198b')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=1, secs_hi=1)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.

    The ``return_BSD`` option gives an object with detailed information
    about the proof::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('26b')
        sage: B = E.prove_BSD(return_BSD=True)
        sage: B.two_tor_rk
        sage: B.N
        sage: B.gens
        sage: B.primes
        sage: B.heegner_indexes
        {-23: 2}


    This was fixed by trac #8184 and #7575::

        sage: EllipticCurve('438e1').prove_BSD(verbosity=1)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2} by Kolyvagin.


        sage: E = EllipticCurve('960d1')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=1)  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2011)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2} by Kolyvagin.

    if proof is None:
        from sage.structure.proof.proof import get_flag
        proof = get_flag(proof, "elliptic_curve")
        proof = bool(proof)
    if not proof:
        return []
    from copy import copy
    BSD = BSD_data()
    # We replace this curve by the optimal curve, which we can do since
    # truth of BSD(E,p) is invariant under isogeny.
    BSD.curve = E.optimal_curve()
    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        # ensure that CM is by a maximal order
        non_max_j_invs = [-12288000, 54000, 287496, 16581375]
        if BSD.curve.j_invariant() in non_max_j_invs: # is this possible for optimal curves?
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'CM by non maximal order: switching curves'
            for E in BSD.curve.isogeny_class():
                if E.j_invariant() not in non_max_j_invs:
                    BSD.curve = E
    galrep = BSD.curve.galois_representation()

    if two_desc=='mwrank':
        M = mwrank_two_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
    elif two_desc=='simon':
        M = simon_two_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
    elif two_desc=='sage':
        M = native_two_isogeny_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
        raise NotImplementedError()
    rank_lower_bd, rank_upper_bd, sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd, gens = M
    assert sha2_lower_bd <= sha2_upper_bd
    if gens is not None: gens = BSD.curve.saturation(gens)[0]
    if rank_lower_bd > rank_upper_bd:
        raise RuntimeError("Apparent contradiction: %d <= rank <= %d."%(rank_lower_bd, rank_upper_bd))
    BSD.two_selmer_rank = rank_upper_bd + sha2_lower_bd + BSD.two_tor_rk
    if sha2_upper_bd == sha2_lower_bd:
        BSD.rank = rank_lower_bd
        BSD.bounds[2] = (sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd)
        BSD.rank = BSD.curve.rank(use_database=True)
        sha2_upper_bd -= (BSD.rank - rank_lower_bd)
        BSD.bounds[2] = (sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd)
        if verbosity > 0:
            print "Unable to compute the rank exactly -- used database."
    if rank_lower_bd > 1:
        # We do not know BSD(E,p) for even a single p, since it's
        # an open problem to show that L^r(E,1)/(Reg*Omega) is
        # rational for any curve with r >= 2.
        from sage.sets.all import Primes
        BSD.primes = Primes()
        if return_BSD:
            BSD.rank = rank_lower_bd
            return BSD
        return BSD.primes
    if (BSD.sha_an.ord(2) == 0) != (BSD.bounds[2][1] == 0):
        raise RuntimeError("Apparent contradiction: %d <= rank(sha[2]) <= %d, but ord_2(sha_an) = %d"%(sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd, BSD.sha_an.ord(2)))
    if BSD.bounds[2][0] == BSD.sha_an.ord(2) and BSD.sha_an.ord(2) == BSD.bounds[2][1]:
        if verbosity > 0:
            print 'p = 2: True by 2-descent'
        BSD.primes = []
        BSD.proof[2] = ['2-descent']
        BSD.primes = [2]
        BSD.proof[2] = [('2-descent',)+BSD.bounds[2]]
    if len(gens) > rank_lower_bd or \
       rank_lower_bd > rank_upper_bd:
        raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong with 2-descent.")
    if BSD.rank != len(gens):
        if BSD.rank != len(BSD.curve._EllipticCurve_rational_field__gens[True]):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not get generators")
        gens = BSD.curve._EllipticCurve_rational_field__gens[True]
    BSD.gens = [BSD.curve.point(x, check=True) for x in gens]

    if BSD.rank != BSD.curve.analytic_rank():
        raise RuntimeError("It seems that the rank conjecture does not hold for this curve (%s)! This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug."%(BSD.curve))

    # reduce set of remaining primes to a finite set
    import signal
    kolyvagin_primes = []
    heegner_index = None
    if BSD.rank == 0:
        for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(10):
            max_height = max(13,BSD.curve.quadratic_twist(D).CPS_height_bound())
            heegner_primes = -1
            while heegner_primes == -1:
                if max_height > 21: break
                heegner_primes, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height)
                max_height += 1
            if isinstance(heegner_primes, list):
        if not isinstance(heegner_primes, list):
            raise RuntimeError("Tried 10 Heegner discriminants, and heegner_index_bound failed each time.")
        if exact is not False:
            heegner_index = exact
            BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
            BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = max(heegner_primes+[1])
        if 2 in heegner_primes:
    else: # rank 1
        for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(10):
            I = BSD.curve.heegner_index(D)
            J = I.is_int()
            if J[0] and J[1]>0:
                I = J[1]
                J = (2*I).is_int()
                if J[0] and J[1]>0:
                    I = J[1]
            heegner_index = I
            BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = I
        heegner_primes = [p for p in arith.prime_divisors(heegner_index) if p!=2]

    assert BSD.sha_an in ZZ and BSD.sha_an > 0
    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        if BSD.curve.analytic_rank() == 0:
            if verbosity > 0:
                print '    p >= 5: true by Rubin'
            K = rings.QuadraticField(BSD.curve.cm_discriminant(), 'a')
            D_K = K.disc()
            D_E = BSD.curve.discriminant()
            if len(K.factor(3)) == 1: # 3 does not split in K
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(D_K):
                if p >= 5:
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(D_E):
                if p >= 5 and D_K%p and len(K.factor(p)) == 1: # p is inert in K
            for p in heegner_primes:
                if p >= 5 and D_E%p != 0 and D_K%p != 0 and len(K.factor(p)) == 1: # p is good for E and inert in K
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(BSD.sha_an):
                if p >= 5 and D_K%p != 0 and len(K.factor(p)) == 1:
                    if BSD.curve.is_good(p):
                        if verbosity > 2 and p in heegner_primes and heegner_index is None:
                            print 'ALERT: Prime p (%d) >= 5 dividing sha_an, good for E, inert in K, in heegner_primes, should not divide the actual Heegner index'
                        # Note that the following check is not entirely
                        # exhaustive, in case there is a p not dividing
                        # the Heegner index in heegner_primes,
                        # for which only an outer bound was computed
                        if p not in heegner_primes:
                            raise RuntimeError("p = %d divides sha_an, is of good reduction for E, inert in K, and does not divide the Heegner index. This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug. %s"%(p,BSD.curve))
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'True for p not in {%s} by Kolyvagin (via Stein & Lum -- unpublished) and Rubin.'%str(list(set(BSD.primes).union(set(kolyvagin_primes))))[1:-1]
        BSD.proof['finite'] = copy(BSD.primes)
    else: # no CM
        # do some tricks to get to a finite set without calling bound_kolyvagin
        BSD.primes += [p for p in galrep.non_surjective() if p != 2]
        for p in heegner_primes:
            if p not in BSD.primes:
        for p in arith.prime_divisors(BSD.sha_an):
            if p not in BSD.primes and p != 2:
        if verbosity > 0:
            s = str(BSD.primes)[1:-1]
            if 2 not in BSD.primes:
                if len(s) == 0: s = '2'
                else: s = '2, '+s
            print 'True for p not in {' + s + '} by Kolyvagin.'
        BSD.proof['finite'] = copy(BSD.primes)
        primes_to_remove = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_surjective(p) and not BSD.curve.has_additive_reduction(p):
                if BSD.curve.has_nonsplit_multiplicative_reduction(p):
                    if BSD.rank > 0:
                if p==3:
                    if (not (BSD.curve.is_ordinary(p) and BSD.curve.is_good(p))) and (not BSD.curve.has_split_multiplicative_reduction(p)):
                    if BSD.rank > 0:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print '    p = %d: Trying p_primary_bound'%p
                p_bound = BSD.Sha.p_primary_bound(p)
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p].append(('Stein-Wuthrich', p_bound))
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Stein-Wuthrich', p_bound)]
                if BSD.sha_an.ord(p) == 0 and p_bound == 0:
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print 'True for p=%d by Stein-Wuthrich.'%p
                    if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                        BSD.bounds[p][1] = min(BSD.bounds[p][1], p_bound)
                        BSD.bounds[p] = (0, p_bound)
                    print 'Analytic %d-rank is '%p + str(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)) + ', actual %d-rank is at most %d.'%(p, p_bound)
                    print '    by Stein-Wuthrich.\n'
        for p in primes_to_remove:
        kolyvagin_primes = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_surjective(p):
        for p in kolyvagin_primes:
    # apply other hypotheses which imply Kolyvagin's bound holds
    bounded_primes = []
    D_K = rings.QuadraticField(D, 'a').disc()

    # Cha's hypothesis
    for p in BSD.primes:
        if p == 2: continue
        if D_K%p != 0 and BSD.N%(p**2) != 0 and galrep.is_irreducible(p):
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'Kolyvagin\'s bound for p = %d applies by Cha.'%p
            if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                BSD.proof[p] = ['Cha']
    # Stein et al.
    if not BSD.curve.has_cm():
        L = arith.lcm([F.torsion_order() for F in BSD.curve.isogeny_class()])
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p in kolyvagin_primes or p == 2: continue
            if L%p != 0:
                if len(arith.prime_divisors(D_K)) == 1:
                    if D_K%p == 0: continue
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Kolyvagin\'s bound for p = %d applies by Stein et al.'%p
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p].append('Stein et al.')
                    BSD.proof[p] = ['Stein et al.']
    for p in kolyvagin_primes:
        if p in BSD.primes:

    # apply Kolyvagin's bound
    primes_to_remove = []
    for p in kolyvagin_primes:
        if p == 2: continue
        if p not in heegner_primes:
            ord_p_bound = 0
        elif heegner_index is not None: # p must divide heegner_index
            ord_p_bound = 2*heegner_index.ord(p)
            # Here Jetchev's results apply.
            m_max = max([BSD.curve.tamagawa_number(q).ord(p) for q in BSD.N.prime_divisors()])
            if m_max > 0:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Jetchev\'s results apply (at p = %d) with m_max ='%p, m_max
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Jetchev',m_max)]
            ord_p_bound -= 2*m_max
        else: # Heegner index is None
            for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
                M = BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D]
                ord_p_bound = 0
                while p**(ord_p_bound+1) <= M**2:
                    ord_p_bound += 1
                # now ord_p_bound is one on I_K!!!
                ord_p_bound *= 2 # by Kolyvagin, now ord_p_bound is one on #Sha
        if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
            BSD.proof[p] = [('Kolyvagin',ord_p_bound)]
        if BSD.sha_an.ord(p) == 0 and ord_p_bound == 0:
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'True for p = %d by Kolyvagin bound'%p
        elif BSD.sha_an.ord(p) > ord_p_bound:
            raise RuntimeError("p = %d: ord_p_bound == %d, but sha_an.ord(p) == %d. This appears to be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug."%(p,ord_p_bound,BSD.sha_an.ord(p)))
        else: # BSD.sha_an.ord(p) <= ord_p_bound != 0:
            if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                low = BSD.bounds[p][0]
                BSD.bounds[p] = (low, min(BSD.bounds[p][1], ord_p_bound))
                BSD.bounds[p] = (0, ord_p_bound)
    for p in primes_to_remove:
    BSD.primes = list( set(BSD.primes).union(set(kolyvagin_primes)) )

    # Kato's bound
    if BSD.rank == 0 and not BSD.curve.has_cm():
        L_over_Omega = BSD.curve.lseries().L_ratio()
        kato_primes = BSD.Sha.bound_kato()
        primes_to_remove = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if p not in kato_primes:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Kato further implies that #Sha[%d] is trivial.'%p
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Kato',0)]
            if p not in [2,3] and BSD.N%p != 0:
                if galrep.is_surjective(p):
                    bd = L_over_Omega.valuation(p)
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print 'Kato implies that ord_p(#Sha[%d]) <= %d '%(p,bd)
                    if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                        BSD.proof[p] = [('Kato',bd)]
                    if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                        low = BSD.bounds[p][0]
                        BSD.bounds[p][1] = (low, min(BSD.bounds[p][1], bd))
                        BSD.bounds[p] = (0, bd)
        for p in primes_to_remove:

    # Mazur
    primes_to_remove = []
    if BSD.N.is_prime():
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_reducible(p):
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'True for p=%s by Mazur'%p
        for p in primes_to_remove:
            if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                BSD.proof[p] = ['Mazur']


    # Try harder to compute the Heegner index, where it matters
    if heegner_index is None:
        if max_height < 18:
            max_height = 18
        for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
            M = BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D]
            for p in kolyvagin_primes:
                if p not in BSD.primes or p == 3: continue
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print '    p = %d: Trying harder for Heegner index'%p
                obt = 0
                while p**(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)/2+1) <= M and max_height < 22:
                    if verbosity > 2:
                        print '    trying max_height =', max_height
                    old_bound = M
                    M, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height, secs_dc=secs_dc)
                    if M == -1:
                        max_height += 1
                    if exact is not False:
                        heegner_index = exact
                        BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
                        M = exact
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    heegner index =', M
                        M = max(M+[1])
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    bound =', M
                    if old_bound == M:
                        obt += 1
                        if obt == 2:
                    max_height += 1
                BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = min(M,BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D])
                low, upp = BSD.bounds[p]
                expn = 0
                while p**(expn+1) <= M:
                    expn += 1
                if 2*expn < upp:
                    upp = 2*expn
                    BSD.bounds[p] = (low,upp)
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print '    got better bound on ord_p =', upp
                    if low == upp:
                        if upp != BSD.sha_an.ord(p):
                            raise RuntimeError
                            if verbosity > 0:
                                print '    proven!'
        for p in kolyvagin_primes:
            if p not in BSD.primes or p == 3: continue
            for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(4):
                if D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound: continue
                print '    discriminant', D
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'p = %d: Trying discriminant = %d for Heegner index'%(p,D)
                max_height = max(10, BSD.curve.quadratic_twist(D).CPS_height_bound())
                obt = 0
                while True:
                    if verbosity > 2:
                        print '    trying max_height =', max_height
                    old_bound = M
                    if p**(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)/2+1) > M or max_height >= 22:
                    M, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height, secs_dc=secs_dc)
                    if M == -1:
                        max_height += 1
                    if exact is not False:
                        heegner_index = exact
                        BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
                        M = exact
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    heegner index =', M
                        M = max(M+[1])
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    bound =', M
                    if old_bound == M:
                        obt += 1
                        if obt == 2:
                    max_height += 1
                BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = M
                low, upp = BSD.bounds[p]
                expn = 0
                while p**(expn+1) <= M:
                    expn += 1
                if 2*expn < upp:
                    upp = 2*expn
                    BSD.bounds[p] = (low,upp)
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print '    got better bound =', upp
                    if low == upp:
                        if upp != BSD.sha_an.ord(p):
                            raise RuntimeError
                            if verbosity > 0:
                                print '    proven!'

    # print some extra information
    if verbosity > 1:
        if len(BSD.primes) > 0:
            print 'Remaining primes:'
        for p in BSD.primes:
            s = 'p = ' + str(p) + ': '
            if galrep.is_irreducible(p):
                s += 'ir'
            s += 'reducible, '
            if not galrep.is_surjective(p):
                s += 'not '
            s += 'surjective, '
            a_p = BSD.curve.an(p)
            if BSD.curve.is_good(p):
                if a_p%p != 0:
                    s += 'good ordinary'
                    s += 'good, non-ordinary'
                assert BSD.curve.is_minimal()
                if a_p == 0:
                    s += 'additive'
                elif a_p == 1:
                    s += 'split multiplicative'
                elif a_p == -1:
                    s += 'non-split multiplicative'
            if BSD.curve.tamagawa_product()%p==0:
                s += ', divides a Tamagawa number'
            if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                s += '\n    (%d <= ord_p <= %d)'%BSD.bounds[p]
                s += '\n    (no bounds found)'
            s += '\n    ord_p(#Sha_an) = %d'%BSD.sha_an.ord(p)
            if heegner_index is None:
                may_divide = True
                for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
                    if p > BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] or p not in kolyvagin_primes:
                        may_divide = False
                if may_divide:
                    s += '\n    may divide the Heegner index, for which only a bound was computed'
            print s

    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        if BSD.rank == 1:
            BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Rubin&Kolyvagin'
            BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Rubin'
        BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Kolyvagin'
    # reduce memory footprint of BSD object:
    BSD.curve = BSD.curve.label()
    BSD.Sha = None
    return BSD if return_BSD else BSD.primes
Exemplo n.º 26
def weak_popov_form(M, ascend=True):
    This function computes a weak Popov form of a matrix over a rational
    function field `k(x)`, for `k` a field.
     - `M` - matrix
     - `ascend` - if True, rows of output matrix `W` are sorted so
       degree (= the maximum of the degrees of the elements in
       the row) increases monotonically, and otherwise degrees decrease.
    A 3-tuple `(W,N,d)` consisting of two matrices over `k(x)` and a list
    of integers:
    1. `W` - matrix giving a weak the Popov form of M
    2. `N` - matrix representing row operations used to transform
       `M` to `W`
    3. `d` - degree of respective columns of W; the degree of a column is
       the maximum of the degree of its elements
    `N` is invertible over `k(x)`. These matrices satisfy the relation
    `N*M = W`.
    The routine expects matrices over the rational function field, but
    other examples below show how one can provide matrices over the ring
    of polynomials (whose quotient field is the rational function field).

        sage: R.<t> = GF(3)['t']
        sage: K = FractionField(R)
        sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_misc
        sage: sage.matrix.matrix_misc.weak_popov_form(matrix([[(t-1)^2/t],[(t-1)]]))
        [          0]  [      t 2*t + 1]                
        [(2*t + 1)/t], [      1       2], [-Infinity, 0]


    See docstring for weak_popov_form method of matrices for
    more information.

    # determine whether M has polynomial or rational function coefficients
    R0 = M.base_ring()

    from sage.rings.ring import is_Field

    #Compute the base polynomial ring

    if is_Field(R0):
        R = R0.base()
        R = R0
    from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import is_PolynomialRing
    if not is_PolynomialRing(R):
        raise TypeError(
            "the coefficients of M must lie in a univariate polynomial ring")

    t = R.gen()

    # calculate least-common denominator of matrix entries and clear
    # denominators. The result lies in R
    from sage.rings.arith import lcm
    from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
    from sage.misc.functional import numerator
    if is_Field(R0):
        den = lcm([a.denominator() for a in M.list()])
        num = matrix([(lambda x: map(numerator, x))(v)
                      for v in map(list, (M * den).rows())])
        # No need to clear denominators
        den = R.one_element()
        num = M

    r = [list(v) for v in num.rows()]

    N = matrix(num.nrows(), num.nrows(), R(1)).rows()

    from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
    if M.is_zero():
        return (M, matrix(N), [-Infinity for i in range(num.nrows())])

    rank = 0
    num_zero = 0
    while rank != len(r) - num_zero:
        # construct matrix of leading coefficients
        v = []
        for w in map(list, r):
            # calculate degree of row (= max of degree of entries)
            d = max([e.numerator().degree() for e in w])

            # extract leading coefficients from current row
            x = []
            for y in w:
                if y.degree() >= d and d >= 0: x.append(y.coeffs()[d])
                else: x.append(0)
        l = matrix(v)

        # count number of zero rows in leading coefficient matrix
        # because they do *not* contribute interesting relations
        num_zero = 0
        for v in l.rows():
            is_zero = 1
            for w in v:
                if w != 0:
                    is_zero = 0
            if is_zero == 1:
                num_zero += 1

        # find non-trivial relations among the columns of the
        # leading coefficient matrix
        kern = l.kernel().basis()
        rank = num.nrows() - len(kern)

        # do a row operation if there's a non-trivial relation
        if not rank == len(r) - num_zero:
            for rel in kern:
                # find the row of num involved in the relation and of
                # maximal degree
                indices = []
                degrees = []
                for i in range(len(rel)):
                    if rel[i] != 0:
                        degrees.append(max([e.degree() for e in r[i]]))

                # find maximum degree among rows involved in relation
                max_deg = max(degrees)

                # check if relation involves non-zero rows
                if max_deg != -1:
                    i = degrees.index(max_deg)
                    rel /= rel[indices[i]]

                    for j in range(len(indices)):
                        if j != i:
                            # do row operation and record it
                            v = []
                            for k in range(len(r[indices[i]])):
                                v.append(r[indices[i]][k] + rel[indices[j]] *
                                         t**(max_deg - degrees[j]) *
                            r[indices[i]] = v

                            v = []
                            for k in range(len(N[indices[i]])):
                                v.append(N[indices[i]][k] + rel[indices[j]] *
                                         t**(max_deg - degrees[j]) *
                            N[indices[i]] = v

                    # remaining relations (if any) are no longer valid,
                    # so continue onto next step of algorithm

    # sort the rows in order of degree
    d = []
    from sage.rings.all import infinity
    for i in range(len(r)):
        d.append(max([e.degree() for e in r[i]]))
        if d[i] < 0:
            d[i] = -infinity
            d[i] -= den.degree()

    for i in range(len(r)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(r)):
            if (ascend and d[i] > d[j]) or (not ascend and d[i] < d[j]):
                (r[i], r[j]) = (r[j], r[i])
                (d[i], d[j]) = (d[j], d[i])
                (N[i], N[j]) = (N[j], N[i])

    # return reduced matrix and operations matrix
    return (matrix(r) / den, matrix(N), d)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def green_function(self, G, v, **kwds):
        Evaluates the local Green's function with respect to the morphism ``G``
        at the place ``v`` for ``self`` with ``N`` terms of the
        series or to within a given error bound.  Must be over a number field
        or order of a number field. Note that this is the absolute local Green's function
        so is scaled by the degree of the base field.

        Use ``v=0`` for the archimedean place over `\QQ` or field embedding. Non-archimedean
        places are prime ideals for number fields or primes over `\QQ`.


        See Exercise 5.29 and Figure 5.6 of ``The Arithmetic of Dynamics Systems``, Joseph H. Silverman, Springer, GTM 241, 2007.


        - ``G`` - a projective morphism whose local Green's function we are computing

        - ``v`` - non-negative integer. a place, use v=0 for the archimedean place


        - ``N`` - positive integer. number of terms of the series to use, default: 10

        - ``prec`` - positive integer, float point or p-adic precision, default: 100

        - ``error_bound`` - a positive real number


        - a real number


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([x^2+y^2,x*y]);
            sage: Q=P(5,1)
            sage: f.green_function(Q,0,N=30)


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([x^2+y^2,x*y]);
            sage: Q=P(5,1)
            sage: Q.green_function(f,0,N=200,prec=200)


            sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(3)
            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(K,1)
            sage: H = Hom(P,P)
            sage: f = H([17*x^2+1/7*y^2,17*w*x*y])
            sage: f.green_function(P.point([w,2],False), K.places()[1])
            sage: print f.green_function(P([2,1]), K.ideal(7), N=7)
            sage: print f.green_function(P([w,1]), K.ideal(17), error_bound=0.001)

        .. TODO:: Implement general p-adic extensions so that the flip trick can be used
             for number fields.
        N = kwds.get('N', 10)                     #Get number of iterates (if entered)
        err = kwds.get('error_bound', None)         #Get error bound (if entered)
        prec = kwds.get('prec', 100)                #Get precision (if entered)
        R = RealField(prec)
        localht = R(0)
        BR = FractionField(self.codomain().base_ring())
        GBR = G.change_ring(BR) #so the heights work

        if not BR in NumberFields():
            raise NotImplementedError("Must be over a NumberField or a NumberField Order")

        #For QQ the 'flip-trick' works better over RR or Qp
        if isinstance(v, (NumberFieldFractionalIdeal, RingHomomorphism_im_gens)):
            K = BR
        elif is_prime(v):
            K = Qp(v, prec)
        elif v == 0:
            K = R
            v = BR.places(prec=prec)[0]
            raise ValueError("Invalid valuation (=%s) entered."%v)

        #Coerce all polynomials in F into polynomials with coefficients in K
        F = G.change_ring(K, False)
        d = F.degree()
        dim = F.codomain().ambient_space().dimension_relative()
        P = self.change_ring(K, False)

        if err is not None:
            err = R(err)
            if not err>0:
                raise ValueError("Error bound (=%s) must be positive."%err)
            if G.is_endomorphism() == False:
                raise NotImplementedError("Error bounds only for endomorphisms")

            #if doing error estimates, compute needed number of iterates
            D = (dim + 1) * (d - 1) + 1
            #compute upper bound
            if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                vindex = BR.places(prec=prec).index(v)
                U = GBR.local_height_arch(vindex, prec=prec) + R(binomial(dim + d, d)).log()
            else: #non-archimedean
                U = GBR.local_height(v, prec=prec)

            #compute lower bound - from explicit polynomials of Nullstellensatz
            CR = GBR.codomain().ambient_space().coordinate_ring() #.lift() only works over fields
            I = CR.ideal(GBR.defining_polynomials())
            maxh = 0
            for k in range(dim + 1):
                CoeffPolys = (CR.gen(k) ** D).lift(I)
                Res = 1
                h = 1
                for poly in CoeffPolys:
                    if poly != 0:
                        for c in poly.coefficients():
                            Res = lcm(Res, c.denominator())
                for poly in CoeffPolys:
                    if poly != 0:
                        if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                            if BR == QQ:
                                h = max([(Res*c).local_height_arch(prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                                h = max([(Res*c).local_height_arch(vindex, prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                        else: #non-archimedean
                            h = max([c.local_height(v, prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                        if h > maxh:
            if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                L = R(Res / ((dim + 1) * binomial(dim + D - d, D - d) * maxh)).log().abs()
            else: #non-archimedean
                L = R(1 / maxh).log().abs()
            C = max([U, L])
            if C != 0:
                N = R(C/(err)).log(d).abs().ceil()
            else: #we just need log||P||_v

        if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens):  #embedding for archimedean local height
            for i in range(N+1):
                Pv = [ (v(t).abs()) for t in P ]
                m = -1
                #compute the maximum absolute value of entries of a, and where it occurs
                for n in range(dim + 1):
                    if Pv[n] > m:
                        j = n
                        m = Pv[n]
                # add to sum for the Green's function
                localht += ((1/R(d))**R(i)) * (R(m).log())
                #get the next iterate
                if i < N:
                    P = F(P, False)
            return (1/BR.absolute_degree()) * localht

        #else - prime or prime ideal for non-archimedean
        for i in range(N + 1):
            if BR == QQ:
                Pv = [ R(K(t).abs()) for t in P ]
                Pv = [ R(t.abs_non_arch(v)) for t in P ]
            m = -1
            #compute the maximum absolute value of entries of a, and where it occurs
            for n in range(dim + 1):
                if Pv[n] > m:
                    j = n
                    m = Pv[n]
            # add to sum for the Green's function
            localht += ((1/R(d))**R(i)) * (R(m).log())
            #get the next iterate
            if i < N:
                P = F(P, False)
        return (1/BR.absolute_degree()) * localht
    def _roots_univariate_polynomial(self,
        Return a list of pairs ``(root,multiplicity)`` of roots of the polynomial ``p``.

        If the argument ``multiplicities`` is set to ``False`` then return the
        list of roots.

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(5),'x')
            sage: K = GF(5).algebraic_closure('t')

            sage: sorted((x^6 - 1).roots(K,multiplicities=False))
            [1, 4, 2*t2 + 1, 2*t2 + 2, 3*t2 + 3, 3*t2 + 4]
            sage: ((K.gen(2)*x - K.gen(3))**2).roots(K)
            [(3*t6^5 + 2*t6^4 + 2*t6^2 + 3, 2)]

            sage: for _ in xrange(10):
            ....:     p = R.random_element(degree=randint(2,8))
            ....:     for r in p.roots(K, multiplicities=False):
            ....:         assert p(r).is_zero(), "r={} is not a root of p={}".format(r,p)

        from sage.rings.arith import lcm
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing

        # first build a polynomial over some finite field
        coeffs = [v.as_finite_field_element(minimal=True) for v in p.list()]
        l = lcm([c[0].degree() for c in coeffs])
        F, phi = self.subfield(l)
        P = p.parent().change_ring(F)

        new_coeffs = [self.inclusion(c[0].degree(), l)(c[1]) for c in coeffs]

        polys = [(g, m, l, phi) for g, m in P(new_coeffs).factor()]
        roots = []  # a list of pair (root,multiplicity)
        while polys:
            g, m, l, phi = polys.pop()

            if g.degree() == 1:  # found a root
                r = phi(-g.constant_coefficient())
                roots.append((r, m))
            else:  # look at the extension of degree g.degree() which contains at
                # least one root of g
                ll = l * g.degree()
                psi = self.inclusion(l, ll)
                FF, pphi = self.subfield(ll)
                # note: there is no coercion from the l-th subfield to the ll-th
                # subfield. The line below does the conversion manually.
                g = PolynomialRing(FF, 'x')(map(psi, g))
                polys.extend((gg, m, ll, pphi) for gg, _ in g.factor())

        if multiplicities:
            return roots
            return [r[0] for r in roots]
    def period(self, m):
        Return the period of the binary recurrence sequence modulo
        an integer ``m``.

        If `n_1` is congruent to `n_2` modulu ``period(m)``, then `u_{n_1}` is
        is congruent to `u_{n_2}` modulo ``m``.


        - ``m`` -- an integer (modulo which the period of the recurrence relation is calculated).


        - The integer (the period of the sequence modulo m)


        If `p = \\pm 1 \\mod 5`, then the period of the Fibonacci sequence
        mod `p` is `p-1` (c.f. Lemma 3.3 of [BMS06]).


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)
            sage: R.period(31)

            sage: [R(i) % 4 for i in xrange(12)]
            [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1]
            sage: R.period(4)

        This function works for degenerate sequences as well.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: S.is_degenerate()
            sage: S.is_geometric()
            sage: [S(i) % 17 for i in xrange(16)]
            [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 15, 13, 9, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 15, 13, 9]
            sage: S.period(17)

        Note: the answer is cached.

        #If we have already computed the period mod m, then we return the stored value.

        if m in self._period_dict:
            return self._period_dict[m]

            R = Integers(m)
            A = matrix(R, [[0,1],[self.c,self.b]])
            w = matrix(R, [[self.u0],[self.u1]])
            Fac = list(m.factor())
            Periods = {}

            #To compute the period mod m, we compute the least integer n such that A^n*w == w.  This necessarily
            #divides the order of A as a matrix in GL_2(Z/mZ).

            #We compute the period modulo all distinct prime powers dividing m, and combine via the lcm.
            #To compute the period mod p^e, we first compute the order mod p.  Then the period mod p^e
            #must divide p^{4e-4}*period(p), as the subgroup of matrices mod p^e, which reduce to
            #the identity mod p is of order (p^{e-1})^4.  So we compute the period mod p^e by successively
            #multiplying the period mod p by powers of p.

            for i in Fac:
                p = i[0]; e = i[1]
                #first compute the period mod p
                if p in self._period_dict:
                    perp = self._period_dict[p]
                    F = A.change_ring(GF(p))
                    v = w.change_ring(GF(p))
                    FF = F**(p-1)
                    p1fac = list((p-1).factor())

                    #The order of any matrix in GL_2(F_p) either divides p(p-1) or (p-1)(p+1).
                    #The order divides p-1 if it is diagaonalizable.  In any case, det(F^(p-1))=1,
                    #so if tr(F^(p-1)) = 2, then it must be triangular of the form [[1,a],[0,1]].
                    #The order of the subgroup of matrices of this form is p, so the order must divide
                    #p(p-1) -- in fact it must be a multiple of p.  If this is not the case, then the
                    #order divides (p-1)(p+1).  As the period divides the order of the matrix in GL_2(F_p),
                    #these conditions hold for the period as well.

                    #check if the order divides (p-1)
                    if FF*v == v:
                        M = p-1
                        Mfac = p1fac

                    #check if the trace is 2, then the order is a multiple of p dividing p*(p-1)
                    elif (FF).trace() == 2:
                        M = p-1
                        Mfac = p1fac
                        F = F**p        #replace F by F^p as now we only need to determine the factor dividing (p-1)

                    #otherwise it will divide (p+1)(p-1)
                    else :
                        M = (p+1)*(p-1)
                        p2fac = list((p+1).factor())        #factor the (p+1) and (p-1) terms seperately and then combine for speed
                        Mfac_dic = {}
                        for i in list(p1fac + p2fac):
                            if i[0] not in Mfac_dic:
                                Mfac_dic[i[0]] = i[1]
                            else :
                                Mfac_dic[i[0]] = Mfac_dic[i[0]] + i[1]
                        Mfac = [(i,Mfac_dic[i]) for i in Mfac_dic]

                    #Now use a fast order algorithm to compute the period.  We know that the period divides
                    #M = i_1*i_2*...*i_l where the i_j denote not necessarily distinct prime factors.  As
                    #F^M*v == v, for each i_j, if F^(M/i_j)*v == v, then the period divides (M/i_j).  After
                    #all factors have been iterated over, the result is the period mod p.

                    Mfac = list(Mfac)

                    #expand the list of prime factors so every factor is with multiplicity 1

                    for i in xrange(len(Mfac)):
                        for j in xrange(Mfac[i][1]):

                    Mfac = C
                    n = M
                    for i in Mfac:
                        b = Integer(n/i)
                        if F**b*v == v:
                            n = b
                    perp = n

                #Now compute the period mod p^e by steping up by multiples of p
                F = A.change_ring(Integers(p**e))
                v = w.change_ring(Integers(p**e))
                FF = F**perp
                if FF*v == v:
                    perpe = perp
                else :
                    tries = 0
                    while True:
                        tries += 1
                        FF = FF**p
                        if FF*v == v:
                            perpe = perp*p**tries
                Periods[p] = perpe

            #take the lcm of the periods mod all distinct primes dividing m
            period = 1
            for p in Periods:
                period = lcm(Periods[p],period)

            self._period_dict[m] = period        #cache the period mod m
            return period
    def pthpowers(self, p, Bound):
        Find the indices of proveably all pth powers in the recurrence sequence bounded by Bound.

        Let `u_n` be a binary recurrence sequence.  A ``p`` th power in `u_n` is a solution
        to `u_n = y^p` for some integer `y`.  There are only finitely many ``p`` th powers in
        any recurrence sequence [SS].


        - ``p`` - a rational prime integer (the fixed p in `u_n = y^p`)

        - ``Bound`` - a natural number (the maximum index `n` in `u_n = y^p` that is checked).


        - A list of the indices of all ``p`` th powers less bounded by ``Bound``.  If the sequence is degenerate and there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)        #the Fibonacci sequence
            sage: R.pthpowers(2, 10**30)        # long time (7 seconds) -- in fact these are all squares, c.f. [BMS06]
            [0, 1, 2, 12]

            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(8,1) #a Lucas sequence
            sage: S.pthpowers(3,10**30)    # long time (3 seconds) -- provably finds the indices of all 3rd powers less than 10^30
            [0, 1, 2]

            sage: Q = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,3,2,1)
            sage: Q.pthpowers(11,10**30)          # long time (7.5 seconds)

        If the sequence is degenerate, and there are are no ``p`` th powers, returns `[]`.  Otherwise, if
        there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_geometric()
            sage: T.pthpowers(7,10**30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers.

            sage: L = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(4,0,2,2)
            sage: [L(i).factor() for i in xrange(10)]
            [2, 2, 2^3, 2^5, 2^7, 2^9, 2^11, 2^13, 2^15, 2^17]
            sage: L.is_quasigeometric()
            sage: L.pthpowers(2,10**30)

        NOTE: This function is primarily optimized in the range where ``Bound`` is much larger than ``p``.


        #Thanks to Jesse Silliman for helpful conversations!

        #Reset the dictionary of good primes, as this depends on p
        self._PGoodness = {}
        #Starting lower bound on good primes
        self._ell = 1

        #If the sequence is geometric, then the `n`th term is `a*r^n`.  Thus the
        #property of being a ``p`` th power is periodic mod ``p``.  So there are either
        #no ``p`` th powers if there are none in the first ``p`` terms, or many if there
        #is at least one in the first ``p`` terms.

        if self.is_geometric() or self.is_quasigeometric():
            no_powers = True
            for i in xrange(1,6*p+1):
                if _is_p_power(self(i), p) :
                    no_powers = False
            if no_powers:
                if _is_p_power(self.u0,p):
                    return [0]
                return []
            else :
                raise ValueError, "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers."

        #If the sequence is degenerate without being geometric or quasigeometric, there
        #may be many ``p`` th powers or no ``p`` th powers.

        elif (self.b**2+4*self.c) == 0 :

            #This is the case if the matrix F is not diagonalizable, ie b^2 +4c = 0, and alpha/beta = 1.

            alpha = self.b/2

            #In this case, u_n = u_0*alpha^n + (u_1 - u_0*alpha)*n*alpha^(n-1) = alpha^(n-1)*(u_0 +n*(u_1 - u_0*alpha)),
            #that is, it is a geometric term (alpha^(n-1)) times an arithmetic term (u_0 + n*(u_1-u_0*alpha)).

            #Look at classes n = k mod p, for k = 1,...,p.

            for k in xrange(1,p+1):

                #The linear equation alpha^(k-1)*u_0 + (k+pm)*(alpha^(k-1)*u1 - u0*alpha^k)
                #must thus be a pth power.  This is a linear equation in m, namely, A + B*m, where

                A = (alpha**(k-1)*self.u0 + k*(alpha**(k-1)*self.u1 - self.u0*alpha**k))
                B = p*(alpha**(k-1)*self.u1 - self.u0*alpha**k)

                #This linear equation represents a pth power iff A is a pth power mod B.

                if _is_p_power_mod(A, p, B):
                    raise ValueError, "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence has many pth powers."
            return []

        #We find ``p`` th powers using an elementary sieve.  Term `u_n` is a ``p`` th
        #power if and only if it is a ``p`` th power modulo every prime `\\ell`.  This condition
        #gives nontrivial information if ``p`` divides the order of the multiplicative group of
        #`\\Bold(F)_{\\ell}`, i.e. if `\\ell` is ` 1 \mod{p}`, as then only `1/p` terms are ``p`` th
        #powers modulo `\\ell``.

        #Thus, given such an `\\ell`, we get a set of necessary congruences for the index modulo the
        #the period of the sequence mod `\\ell`.  Then we intersect these congruences for many primes
        #to get a tight list modulo a growing modulus.  In order to keep this step manageable, we
        #only use primes `\\ell` that are have particularly smooth periods.

        #Some congruences in the list will remain as the modulus grows.  If a congruence remains through
        #7 rounds of increasing the modulus, then we check if this corresponds to a perfect power (if
        #it does, we add it to our list of indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers).  The rest of the congruences
        #are transient and grow with the modulus.  Once the smallest of these is greater than the bound,
        #the list of known indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers is complete.


            if Bound < 3 * p :

                powers = []
                ell = p + 1

                while not is_prime(ell):
                    ell = ell + p

                F = GF(ell)
                a0 = F(self.u0); a1 = F(self.u1) #a0 and a1 are variables for terms in sequence
                bf, cf = F(self.b), F(self.c)

                for n in xrange(Bound): # n is the index of the a0

                    #Check whether a0 is a perfect power mod ell
                    if _is_p_power_mod(a0, p, ell) :
                        #if a0 is a perfect power mod ell, check if nth term is ppower
                        if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    a0, a1 = a1, bf*a1 + cf*a0        #step up the variables

            else :

                powers = []        #documents the indices of the sequence that provably correspond to pth powers
                cong = [0]        #list of necessary congruences on the index for it to correspond to pth powers
                Possible_count = {}    #keeps track of the number of rounds a congruence lasts in cong

                #These parameters are involved in how we choose primes to increase the modulus
                qqold = 1        #we believe that we know complete information coming from primes good by qqold
                M1 = 1            #we have congruences modulo M1, this may not be the tightest list
                M2 = p            #we want to move to have congruences mod M2
                qq = 1            #the largest prime power divisor of M1 is qq

                #This loop ups the modulus.
                while True:

                    #Try to get good data mod M2

                    #patience of how long we should search for a "good prime"
                    patience = 0.01 * _estimated_time(lcm(M2,p*next_prime_power(qq)), M1, len(cong), p)
                    tries = 0

                    #This loop uses primes to get a small set of congruences mod M2.
                    while True:

                        #only proceed if took less than patience time to find the next good prime
                        ell = _next_good_prime(p, self, qq, patience, qqold)
                        if ell:

                            #gather congruence data for the sequence mod ell, which will be mod period(ell) = modu
                            cong1, modu = _find_cong1(p, self, ell)

                            CongNew = []        #makes a new list from cong that is now mod M = lcm(M1, modu) instead of M1
                            M = lcm(M1, modu)
                            for k in xrange(M/M1):
                                for i in cong:
                            cong = set(CongNew)

                            M1 = M

                            killed_something = False        #keeps track of when cong1 can rule out a congruence in cong

                            #CRT by hand to gain speed
                            for i in list(cong):
                                if not (i % modu in cong1):        #congruence in cong is inconsistent with any in cong1
                                    cong.remove(i)            #remove that congruence
                                    killed_something = True

                            if M1 == M2:
                                if not killed_something:
                                    tries += 1
                                    if tries == 2:            #try twice to rule out congruences
                                        cong = list(cong)
                                        qqold = qq
                                        qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                                        M2 = lcm(M2,p*qq)

                        else :
                            qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                            M2 = lcm(M2,p*qq)
                            cong = list(cong)

                    #Document how long each element of cong has been there
                    for i in cong:
                        if i in Possible_count:
                            Possible_count[i] = Possible_count[i] + 1
                        else :
                            Possible_count[i] = 1

                    #Check how long each element has persisted, if it is for at least 7 cycles,
                    #then we check to see if it is actually a perfect power
                    for i in Possible_count:
                        if Possible_count[i] == 7:
                            n = Integer(i)
                            if n < Bound:
                                if _is_p_power(self(n),p):

                    #check for a contradiction
                    if len(cong) > len(powers):
                        if cong[len(powers)] > Bound:
                    elif M1 > Bound:

            return powers
Exemplo n.º 31
    def primes_of_bad_reduction(self, check=True):
        Determines the primes of bad reduction for a map `self: \mathbb{P}^N \to \mathbb{P}^N`
        defined over `\ZZ` or `\QQ`.

        If ``check`` is ``True``, each prime is verified to be of bad reduction.


        `p` is a prime of bad reduction if and only if the defining polynomials of self
        have a common zero. Or stated another way, `p` is a prime of bad reducion if and only if the
        radical of the ideal defined by the defining polynomials of self is not `(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_N)`.
        This happens if and only if some power of each `x_i` is not in the ideal defined by the defining
        polynomials of self. This last condition is what is checked. The lcm of the coefficients of
        the monomials `x_i` in a groebner basis is computed. This may return extra primes.


        - ``check`` -- Boolean (optional - default: ``True``)


        - a list of integer primes.


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([1/3*x^2+1/2*y^2,y^2])
            sage: print f.primes_of_bad_reduction()
            [2, 3]


            sage: P.<x,y,z,w>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,3)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([12*x*z-7*y^2,31*x^2-y^2,26*z^2,3*w^2-z*w])
            sage: f.primes_of_bad_reduction()
            [2, 3, 7, 13, 31]


            This is an example where check=False returns extra primes
            sage: P.<x,y,z>=ProjectiveSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([3*x*y^2 + 7*y^3 - 4*y^2*z + 5*z^3, -5*x^3 + x^2*y + y^3 + 2*x^2*z, -2*x^2*y + x*y^2 + y^3 - 4*y^2*z + x*z^2])
            sage: f.primes_of_bad_reduction(False)
            [2, 5, 37, 2239, 304432717]
            sage: f.primes_of_bad_reduction()
            [5, 37, 2239, 304432717]

        if self.base_ring() != ZZ and self.base_ring() != QQ:
            raise TypeError("Must be ZZ or QQ")
        from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import is_ProjectiveSpace
        if is_ProjectiveSpace(self.domain())==False or is_ProjectiveSpace(self.codomain())==False:
            raise NotImplementedError
        if R.base_ring().is_field():
            J=S.ideal([S.coerce(F[i]) for i in range(R.ngens())])
        if J.dimension()>0:
            raise TypeError("Not a morphism.")
        #normalize to coefficients in the ring not the fraction field.
        F=[F[i]*lcm([F[j].denominator() for j in range(len(F))]) for i in range(len(F))]

        #move the ideal to the ring of integers
        if R.base_ring().is_field():
            F=[F[i].change_ring(R.base_ring().ring_of_integers()) for i in range(len(F))]

        #get the primes dividing the coefficients of the monomials x_i^k_i
        for i in range(len(GB)):
            for j in range(R.ngens()):
                if LT[j]!=0:
            if power==1:

        #check to return only the truly bad primes
        if check==True:
            while index < len(badprimes):  #figure out which primes are really bad primes...
                J=S.ideal([S.coerce(F[j]) for j in range(R.ngens())])
                if J.dimension()==0:
Exemplo n.º 32
def modform_cusp_info(calc, S, l, precLimit):
	This goes through all the cusps and compares the space given by `(f|R)[S]`
	with the space of Elliptic modular forms expansion at those cusps.

	assert l == S.det()
	assert list(calc.curlS) == [S]

	D = calc.D
	HermWeight = calc.HermWeight
	reducedCurlFSize = calc.matrixColumnCount
	herm_modform_fe_expannsion = FreeModule(QQ, reducedCurlFSize)

	if not Integer(l).is_squarefree():
		# The calculation of the cusp expansion space takes very long here, thus
		# we skip them for now.
		return None

	for cusp in Gamma0(l).cusps():
		if cusp == Infinity: continue
		M = cusp_matrix(cusp)

			gamma, R, tM = solveR(M, S, space=CurlO(D))
		except Exception:
			print (M, S)
		R.set_immutable() # for caching, we need it hashable

		herm_modforms = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.echelonized_basis_matrix().transpose()
		ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, M_R = calcMatrixTrans(calc, R)
		CycloDegree_R = CyclotomicField(ell_R_order).degree()
		print "M_R[0] nrows, ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, Cyclo degree:", \
			M_R[0].nrows(), ell_R_denom, ell_R_order, CycloDegree_R

		# The maximum precision we can use is M_R[0].nrows().
		# However, that can be quite huge (e.g. 600).
		ce_prec = min(precLimit, M_R[0].nrows())

		ce = cuspExpansions(level=l, weight=2*HermWeight, prec=ce_prec)
		ell_M_denom, ell_M = ce.expansion_at(SL2Z(M))
		print "ell_M_denom, ell_M nrows:", ell_M_denom, ell_M.nrows()
		ell_M_order = ell_R_order # not sure here. just try the one from R. toCyclPowerBase would fail if this doesn't work
		# CyclotomicField(l / prod(l.prime_divisors())) should also work.

		# Transform to same denom.
		denom_lcm = int(lcm(ell_R_denom, ell_M_denom))
		ell_M = addRows(ell_M, denom_lcm / ell_M_denom)
		M_R = [addRows(M_R_i, denom_lcm / ell_R_denom) for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_R_denom = ell_M_denom = denom_lcm
		print "new denom:", denom_lcm
		assert ell_R_denom == ell_M_denom

		# ell_M rows are the elliptic FE. M_R[i] columns are the elliptic FE.
		# We expect that M_R gives a higher precision for the ell FE. I'm not sure
		# if this is always true but we expect it here (maybe not needed, though).
		print "precision of M_R[0], ell_M, wanted:", M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols(), ce_prec
		assert ell_M.ncols() >= ce_prec
		prec = min(M_R[0].nrows(), ell_M.ncols())
		# cut to have same precision
		M_R = [M_R_i[:prec,:] for M_R_i in M_R]
		ell_M = ell_M[:,:prec]
		assert ell_M.ncols() == M_R[0].nrows() == prec

		print "M_R[0] rank, herm rank, mult rank:", \
			M_R[0].rank(), herm_modforms.rank(), (M_R[0] * herm_modforms).rank()
		ell_R = [M_R_i * herm_modforms for M_R_i in M_R]

		# I'm not sure on this. Seems to be true and it simplifies things in the following.
		assert ell_M_order <= ell_R_order, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))
		assert ell_R_order % ell_M_order == 0, "{0}".format((ell_M_order, ell_R_order))

		# Transform to same Cyclomotic Field in same power base.
		ell_M2 = toCyclPowerBase(ell_M, ell_M_order)
		ell_R2 = toLowerCyclBase(ell_R, ell_R_order, ell_M_order)
		# We must work with the matrix. maybe we should transform hf_M instead to a
		# higher order field instead, if this ever fails (I'm not sure).
		assert ell_R2 is not None
		assert len(ell_M2) == len(ell_R2) # They should have the same power base & same degree now.
		print "ell_M2[0], ell_R2[0] rank with order %i:" % ell_M_order, ell_M2[0].rank(), ell_R2[0].rank()

		assert len(M_R) == len(ell_M2)
		for i in range(len(ell_M2)):
			ell_M_space = ell_M2[i].row_space()
			ell_R_space = ell_R2[i].column_space()
			merged = ell_M_space.intersection(ell_R_space)

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci = M_R[i].solve_right( merged.basis_matrix().transpose() )
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module = herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci.column_module()
			herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module += M_R[i].right_kernel()

				D=D, B_cF=calc.B_cF, HermWeight=HermWeight

			herm_modform_fe_expannsion = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.intersection( herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module )
			print "power", i, merged.dimension(), herm_modform_fe_expannsion_Ci_module.dimension(), \
			current_dimension = herm_modform_fe_expannsion.dimension()

	return herm_modform_fe_expannsion
Exemplo n.º 33
    def parametrization(self, point=None, morphism=True):
        Return a parametrization `f` of ``self`` together with the
        inverse of `f`.

        If ``point`` is specified, then that point is used
        for the parametrization. Otherwise, use ``self.rational_point()``
        to find a point.

        If ``morphism`` is True, then `f` is returned in the form
        of a Scheme morphism. Otherwise, it is a tuple of polynomials
        that gives the parametrization.


        Uses Denis Simon's GP script ``qfparam``.
        See ``sage.quadratic_forms.qfsolve.qfparam``.

        EXAMPLES ::

            sage: c = Conic([1,1,-1])
            sage: c.parametrization()
            (Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2 - z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                    (2*x*y : -x^2 + y^2 : x^2 + y^2),
             Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2 - z^2
              To:   Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (1/2*x : 1/2*y + 1/2*z))

        An example with ``morphism = False`` ::

            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Curve(7*x^2 + 2*y*z + z^2)
            sage: (p, i) = C.parametrization(morphism = False); (p, i)
            ([-2*x*y, 7*x^2 + y^2, -2*y^2], [-1/2*x, -1/2*z])
            sage: C.defining_polynomial()(p)
            sage: i[0](p) / i[1](p)

        A ``ValueError`` is raised if ``self`` has no rational point ::

            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + 2*y^2 + z^2)
            sage: C.parametrization()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Conic Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + 2*y^2 + z^2 has no rational points over Rational Field!

        A ``ValueError`` is raised if ``self`` is not smooth ::

            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + y^2)
            sage: C.parametrization()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The conic self (=Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2) is not smooth, hence does not have a parametrization.
        if (not self._parametrization is None) and not point:
            par = self._parametrization
            if not self.is_smooth():
                raise ValueError("The conic self (=%s) is not smooth, hence does not have a parametrization." % self)
            if point == None:
                point = self.rational_point()
            point = Sequence(point)
            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x,y')
            [x, y] = Q.gens()
            gens = self.ambient_space().gens()
            M = self.symmetric_matrix()
            M *= lcm([ t.denominator() for t in M.list() ])
            par1 = qfparam(M, point)
            B = Matrix([[par1[i][j] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)])
            # self is in the image of B and does not lie on a line,
            # hence B is invertible
            A = B.inverse()
            par2 = [sum([A[i,j]*gens[j] for j in range(3)]) for i in [1,0]]
            par = ([Q(pol(x/y)*y**2) for pol in par1], par2)
            if self._parametrization is None:
                self._parametrization = par
        if not morphism:
            return par
        P1 = ProjectiveSpace(self.base_ring(), 1, 'x,y')
        return P1.hom(par[0],self), self.Hom(P1)(par[1], check = False)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def homogenize(self,n,newvar='h'):
        Return the homogenization of ``self``. If ``self.domain()`` is a subscheme, the domain of
        the homogenized map is the projective embedding of ``self.domain()``


        - ``newvar`` -- the name of the homogenization variable (only used when ``self.domain()`` is affine space)

        - ``n`` -- the n-th projective embedding into projective space


        - :class:`SchemMorphism_polynomial_projective_space`


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/x^5,y^2])
            sage: f.homogenize(2,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x^2*z^5 - 2*z^7 : x^5*y^2 : x^5*z^2)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(CC,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/(x*y),y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize(0,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Complex
            Field with 53 bits of precision
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (x*y*z^2 : x^2*z^2 + (-2.00000000000000)*z^4 : x*y^3 - x^2*y*z)


            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(ZZ,2)
            sage: X=A.subscheme([x-y^2])
            sage: H=Hom(X,X)
            sage: f=H([9*y^2,3*y])
            sage: f.homogenize(2)
            Scheme endomorphism of Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -x1^2 + x0*x2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x0 : x1 : x2) to
                    (9*x0*x2 : 3*x1*x2 : x2^2)


            sage: R.<t>=PolynomialRing(ZZ)
            sage: A.<x,y>=AffineSpace(R,2)
            sage: H=Hom(A,A)
            sage: f=H([(x^2-2)/y,y^2-x])
            sage: f.homogenize(0,'z')
            Scheme endomorphism of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Univariate
            Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                    (y*z^2 : x^2*z + (-2)*z^3 : y^3 - x*y*z)
            l=lcm([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])
        except Exception:  #no lcm
            l=prod([self[i].denominator() for i in range(N)])

        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring import PolynomialRing_general
        from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring_generic import MPolynomialRing_generic
        if self.domain().base_ring()==RealField() or self.domain().base_ring()==ComplexField():
            F=[S(((self[i]*l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)]
        elif isinstance(self.domain().base_ring(),(PolynomialRing_general,MPolynomialRing_generic)):
            F=[S(((self[i]*l).numerator())._maxima_().divide(self[i].denominator())[0].sage()) for i in range(N)]
            F=[S(self[i]*l) for i in range(N)]
        d=max([F[i].degree() for i in range(N+1)])
        F=[F[i].homogenize(newvar)*S.gen(N)**(d-F[i].degree()) for i in range(N+1)]
        from sage.schemes.affine.affine_space import is_AffineSpace
        if is_AffineSpace(A)==True:
            from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
            F=[phi(f) for f in F]
Exemplo n.º 35
    def normal_cone(self):
        Return the (closure of the) normal cone of the triangulation.

        Recall that a regular triangulation is one that equals the
        "crease lines" of a convex piecewise-linear function. This
        support function is not unique, for example, you can scale it
        by a positive constant. The set of all piecewise-linear
        functions with fixed creases forms an open cone. This cone can
        be interpreted as the cone of normal vectors at a point of the
        secondary polytope, which is why we call it normal cone. See
        [GKZ]_ Section 7.1 for details.


        The closure of the normal cone. The `i`-th entry equals the
        value of the piecewise-linear function at the `i`-th point of
        the configuration.

        For an irregular triangulation, the normal cone is empty. In
        this case, a single point (the origin) is returned.


            sage: triangulation = polytopes.n_cube(2).triangulate(engine='internal')
            sage: triangulation
            (<0,1,3>, <0,2,3>)
            sage: N = triangulation.normal_cone();  N
            4-d cone in 4-d lattice
            sage: N.rays()
            (-1,  0,  0,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  1,  0),
            (-1,  0, -1,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  0, -1),
            (-1,  0,  0,  1),
            ( 1,  1,  0,  0),
            (-1, -1,  0,  0)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: N.dual().rays()
            (-1, 1, 1, -1)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring


            sage: polytopes.n_simplex(2).triangulate().normal_cone()
            3-d cone in 3-d lattice
            sage: _.dual().is_trivial()
        if not self.point_configuration().base_ring().is_subring(QQ):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Only base rings ZZ and QQ are supported')
        from sage.libs.ppl import Variable, Constraint, Constraint_System, Linear_Expression, C_Polyhedron
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        from sage.misc.misc import uniq
        from sage.rings.arith import lcm
        pc = self.point_configuration()
        cs = Constraint_System()
        for facet in self.interior_facets():
            s0, s1 = self._boundary_simplex_dictionary()[facet]
            p = set(s0).difference(facet).pop()
            q = set(s1).difference(facet).pop()
            origin = pc.point(p).reduced_affine_vector()
            base_indices = [i for i in s0 if i != p]
            base = matrix([
                pc.point(i).reduced_affine_vector() - origin
                for i in base_indices
            sol = base.solve_left(pc.point(q).reduced_affine_vector() - origin)
            relation = [0] * pc.n_points()
            relation[p] = sum(sol) - 1
            relation[q] = 1
            for i, base_i in enumerate(base_indices):
                relation[base_i] = -sol[i]
            rel_denom = lcm([QQ(r).denominator() for r in relation])
            relation = [ZZ(r * rel_denom) for r in relation]
            ex = Linear_Expression(relation, 0)
            cs.insert(ex >= 0)
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
        ambient = FreeModule(ZZ, self.point_configuration().n_points())
        if cs.empty():
            cone = C_Polyhedron(ambient.dimension(), 'universe')
            cone = C_Polyhedron(cs)
        from sage.geometry.cone import _Cone_from_PPL
        return _Cone_from_PPL(cone, lattice=ambient)
Exemplo n.º 36
def prove_BSD(E, verbosity=0, two_desc='mwrank', proof=None, secs_hi=5,
    Attempts to prove the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural
    formula for `E`, returning a list of primes `p` for which this
    function fails to prove BSD(E,p).  Here, BSD(E,p) is the
    statement: "the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula holds up to a
    rational number coprime to `p`."

        - ``E`` - an elliptic curve
        - ``verbosity`` - int, how much information about the proof to print.
            - 0 - print nothing
            - 1 - print sketch of proof
            - 2 - print information about remaining primes
        - ``two_desc`` - string (default ``'mwrank'``), what to use for the
          two-descent. Options are ``'mwrank', 'simon', 'sage'``
        - ``proof`` - bool or None (default: None, see
          proof.elliptic_curve or sage.structure.proof). If False, this
          function just immediately returns the empty list.
        - ``secs_hi`` - maximum number of seconds to try to compute the
          Heegner index before switching over to trying to compute the
          Heegner index bound. (Rank 0 only!)
        - ``return_BSD`` - bool (default: False) whether to return an object
          which contains information to reconstruct a proof

    When printing verbose output, phrases such as "by Mazur" are referring
    to the following list of papers:

    .. [Cha] B. Cha. Vanishing of some cohomology goups and bounds for the 
       Shafarevich-Tate groups of elliptic curves. J. Number Theory, 111:154- 
       178, 2005.
    .. [Jetchev] D. Jetchev. Global divisibility of Heegner points and
       Tamagawa numbers. Compos. Math. 144 (2008), no. 4, 811--826.
    .. [Kato] K. Kato. p-adic Hodge theory and values of zeta functions of
       modular forms. Astérisque, (295):ix, 117-290, 2004.
    .. [Kolyvagin] V. A. Kolyvagin. On the structure of Shafarevich-Tate
       groups. Algebraic geometry, 94--121, Lecture Notes in Math., 1479,
       Springer, Berlin, 1991.
    .. [LumStein] A. Lum, W. Stein. Verification of the Birch and
       Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture for Elliptic Curves with Complex
       Multiplication (unpublished)
    .. [Mazur] B. Mazur. Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal. Inst.
       Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 47 (1977), 33--186 (1978).
    .. [Rubin] K. Rubin. The "main conjectures" of Iwasawa theory for
       imaginary quadratic fields. Invent. Math. 103 (1991), no. 1, 25--68.
    .. [SteinWuthrich] W. Stein and C. Wuthrich. Computations about
       Tate-Shafarevich groups using Iwasawa theory.
       http://wstein.org/papers/shark, February 2008.
    .. [SteinEtAl] G. Grigorov, A. Jorza, S. Patrikis, W. Stein,
       C. Tarniţǎ. Computational verification of the Birch and
       Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for individual elliptic curves.
       Math. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 268, 2397--2425.

        sage: EllipticCurve('11a').prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 5} by Kolyvagin.
        True for p=5 by Mazur
        sage: EllipticCurve('14a').prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.
        Remaining primes:
        p = 3: reducible, not surjective, good ordinary, divides a Tamagawa number
            (no bounds found)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 0
        sage: EllipticCurve('14a').prove_BSD(two_desc='simon')

    A rank two curve::
        sage: E = EllipticCurve('389a')

    We know nothing with proof=True::
        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Set of all prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, ...

    We (think we) know everything with proof=False::
        sage: E.prove_BSD(proof=False)

    A curve of rank 0 and prime conductor::
        sage: E = EllipticCurve('19a')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.
        True for p=3 by Mazur

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('37a')
        sage: E.rank()
        sage: E._EllipticCurve_rational_field__rank
        {True: 1}
        sage: E.analytic_rank = lambda : 0
        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: It seems that the rank conjecture does not hold for this curve (Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field)! This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug.

    We test the consistency check for the 2-part of Sha::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('37a')
        sage: S = E.sha(); S
        Tate-Shafarevich group for the Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field
        sage: def foo(use_database):
        ...    return 4
        sage: S.an = foo
        sage: E.prove_BSD()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: Apparent contradiction: 0 <= rank(sha[2]) <= 0, but ord_2(sha_an) = 2

    An example with a Tamagawa number at 5::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('123a1')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 5} by Kolyvagin.
        Remaining primes:
        p = 5: reducible, not surjective, good ordinary, divides a Tamagawa number
            (no bounds found)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 0

    A curve for which 3 divides the order of the Tate-Shafarevich group::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('681b')                       
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=2)               # long time
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin....
        Remaining primes:
        p = 3: irreducible, surjective, non-split multiplicative
            (0 <= ord_p <= 2)
            ord_p(#Sha_an) = 2
    A curve for which we need to use ``heegner_index_bound``::

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('198b')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=1, secs_hi=1)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2, 3} by Kolyvagin.
    The ``return_BSD`` option gives an object with detailed information
    about the proof::
        sage: E = EllipticCurve('26b')
        sage: B = E.prove_BSD(return_BSD=True)
        sage: B.two_tor_rk
        sage: B.N
        sage: B.gens
        sage: B.primes
        sage: B.heegner_indexes
        {-23: 2}

    This was fixed by trac #8184 and #7575::
        sage: EllipticCurve('438e1').prove_BSD(verbosity=1)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent...
        True for p not in {2} by Kolyvagin.
        sage: E = EllipticCurve('960d1')
        sage: E.prove_BSD(verbosity=1)  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2011)
        p = 2: True by 2-descent
        True for p not in {2} by Kolyvagin.
    if proof is None:
        from sage.structure.proof.proof import get_flag
        proof = get_flag(proof, "elliptic_curve")
        proof = bool(proof)
    if not proof:
        return []
    from copy import copy
    BSD = BSD_data()
    # We replace this curve by the optimal curve, which we can do since
    # truth of BSD(E,p) is invariant under isogeny.
    BSD.curve = E.optimal_curve()
    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        # ensure that CM is by a maximal order
        non_max_j_invs = [-12288000, 54000, 287496, 16581375]
        if BSD.curve.j_invariant() in non_max_j_invs: # is this possible for optimal curves?
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'CM by non maximal order: switching curves'
            for E in BSD.curve.isogeny_class(use_tuple=False):
                if E.j_invariant() not in non_max_j_invs:
                    BSD.curve = E
    galrep = BSD.curve.galois_representation()

    if two_desc=='mwrank':
        M = mwrank_two_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
    elif two_desc=='simon':
        M = simon_two_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
    elif two_desc=='sage':
        M = native_two_isogeny_descent_work(BSD.curve, BSD.two_tor_rk)
        raise NotImplementedError()
    rank_lower_bd, rank_upper_bd, sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd, gens = M
    assert sha2_lower_bd <= sha2_upper_bd
    if gens is not None: gens = BSD.curve.saturation(gens)[0]
    if rank_lower_bd > rank_upper_bd:
        raise RuntimeError("Apparent contradiction: %d <= rank <= %d."%(rank_lower_bd, rank_upper_bd))
    BSD.two_selmer_rank = rank_upper_bd + sha2_lower_bd + BSD.two_tor_rk
    if sha2_upper_bd == sha2_lower_bd:
        BSD.rank = rank_lower_bd
        BSD.bounds[2] = (sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd)
        BSD.rank = BSD.curve.rank(use_database=True)
        sha2_upper_bd -= (BSD.rank - rank_lower_bd)
        BSD.bounds[2] = (sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd)
        if verbosity > 0:
            print "Unable to compute the rank exactly -- used database."
    if rank_lower_bd > 1:
        # We do not know BSD(E,p) for even a single p, since it's
        # an open problem to show that L^r(E,1)/(Reg*Omega) is
        # rational for any curve with r >= 2.
        from sage.sets.all import Primes
        BSD.primes = Primes()
        if return_BSD:
            BSD.rank = rank_lower_bd
            return BSD
        return BSD.primes
    if (BSD.sha_an.ord(2) == 0) != (BSD.bounds[2][1] == 0):
        raise RuntimeError("Apparent contradiction: %d <= rank(sha[2]) <= %d, but ord_2(sha_an) = %d"%(sha2_lower_bd, sha2_upper_bd, BSD.sha_an.ord(2)))
    if BSD.bounds[2][0] == BSD.sha_an.ord(2) and BSD.sha_an.ord(2) == BSD.bounds[2][1]:
        if verbosity > 0:
            print 'p = 2: True by 2-descent'
        BSD.primes = []
        BSD.proof[2] = ['2-descent']
        BSD.primes = [2]
        BSD.proof[2] = [('2-descent',)+BSD.bounds[2]]
    if len(gens) > rank_lower_bd or \
       rank_lower_bd > rank_upper_bd:
        raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong with 2-descent.")
    if BSD.rank != len(gens):
        if BSD.rank != len(BSD.curve._EllipticCurve_rational_field__gens[True]):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not get generators")
        gens = BSD.curve._EllipticCurve_rational_field__gens[True]
    BSD.gens = [BSD.curve.point(x, check=True) for x in gens]

    if BSD.rank != BSD.curve.analytic_rank():
        raise RuntimeError("It seems that the rank conjecture does not hold for this curve (%s)! This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug."%(BSD.curve))

    # reduce set of remaining primes to a finite set
    import signal
    kolyvagin_primes = []
    heegner_index = None
    if BSD.rank == 0:
        for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(10):
            max_height = max(13,BSD.curve.quadratic_twist(D).CPS_height_bound())
            heegner_primes = -1
            while heegner_primes == -1:
                if max_height > 21: break
                heegner_primes, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height)
                max_height += 1
            if isinstance(heegner_primes, list):
        if not isinstance(heegner_primes, list):
            raise RuntimeError("Tried 10 Heegner discriminants, and heegner_index_bound failed each time.")
        if exact is not False:
            heegner_index = exact
            BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
            BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = max(heegner_primes+[1])
        if 2 in heegner_primes:
    else: # rank 1
        for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(10):
            I = BSD.curve.heegner_index(D)
            J = I.is_int()
            if J[0] and J[1]>0:
                I = J[1]
                J = (2*I).is_int()
                if J[0] and J[1]>0:
                    I = J[1]
            heegner_index = I
            BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = I
        heegner_primes = [p for p in arith.prime_divisors(heegner_index) if p!=2]
    assert BSD.sha_an in ZZ and BSD.sha_an > 0
    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        if BSD.curve.analytic_rank() == 0:
            if verbosity > 0:
                print '    p >= 5: true by Rubin'
            K = rings.QuadraticField(BSD.curve.cm_discriminant(), 'a')
            D_K = K.disc()
            D_E = BSD.curve.discriminant()
            if len(K.factor(3)) == 1: # 3 does not split in K
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(D_K):
                if p >= 5:
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(D_E):
                if p >= 5 and D_K%p and len(K.factor(p)) == 1: # p is inert in K
            for p in heegner_primes:
                if p >= 5 and D_E%p != 0 and D_K%p != 0 and len(K.factor(p)) == 1: # p is good for E and inert in K
            for p in arith.prime_divisors(BSD.sha_an):
                if p >= 5 and D_K%p != 0 and len(K.factor(p)) == 1:
                    if BSD.curve.is_good(p):
                        if verbosity > 2 and p in heegner_primes and heegner_index is None:
                            print 'ALERT: Prime p (%d) >= 5 dividing sha_an, good for E, inert in K, in heegner_primes, should not divide the actual Heegner index'
                        # Note that the following check is not entirely
                        # exhaustive, in case there is a p not dividing 
                        # the Heegner index in heegner_primes,
                        # for which only an outer bound was computed
                        if p not in heegner_primes:
                            raise RuntimeError("p = %d divides sha_an, is of good reduction for E, inert in K, and does not divide the Heegner index. This may be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug. %s"%(p,BSD.curve))
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'True for p not in {%s} by Kolyvagin (via Stein & Lum -- unpublished) and Rubin.'%str(list(set(BSD.primes).union(set(kolyvagin_primes))))[1:-1]
        BSD.proof['finite'] = copy(BSD.primes)
    else: # no CM
        # do some tricks to get to a finite set without calling bound_kolyvagin
        BSD.primes += [p for p in galrep.non_surjective() if p != 2]
        for p in heegner_primes:
            if p not in BSD.primes:
        for p in arith.prime_divisors(BSD.sha_an):
            if p not in BSD.primes and p != 2:
        if verbosity > 0:
            s = str(BSD.primes)[1:-1]
            if 2 not in BSD.primes:
                if len(s) == 0: s = '2'
                else: s = '2, '+s
            print 'True for p not in {' + s + '} by Kolyvagin.'
        BSD.proof['finite'] = copy(BSD.primes)
        primes_to_remove = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_surjective(p) and not BSD.curve.has_additive_reduction(p):
                if BSD.curve.has_nonsplit_multiplicative_reduction(p):
                    if BSD.rank > 0:
                if p==3:
                    if (not (BSD.curve.is_ordinary(p) and BSD.curve.is_good(p))) and (not BSD.curve.has_split_multiplicative_reduction(p)):
                    if BSD.rank > 0:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print '    p = %d: Trying p_primary_bound'%p
                p_bound = BSD.Sha.p_primary_bound(p)
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p].append(('Stein-Wuthrich', p_bound))
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Stein-Wuthrich', p_bound)]
                if BSD.sha_an.ord(p) == 0 and p_bound == 0:
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print 'True for p=%d by Stein-Wuthrich.'%p
                    if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                        BSD.bounds[p][1] = min(BSD.bounds[p][1], p_bound)
                        BSD.bounds[p] = (0, p_bound)
                    print 'Analytic %d-rank is '%p + str(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)) + ', actual %d-rank is at most %d.'%(p, p_bound)
                    print '    by Stein-Wuthrich.\n'
        for p in primes_to_remove:
        kolyvagin_primes = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_surjective(p):
        for p in kolyvagin_primes:
    # apply other hypotheses which imply Kolyvagin's bound holds
    bounded_primes = []
    D_K = rings.QuadraticField(D, 'a').disc()
    # Cha's hypothesis
    for p in BSD.primes:
        if p == 2: continue
        if D_K%p != 0 and BSD.N%(p**2) != 0 and galrep.is_irreducible(p):
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'Kolyvagin\'s bound for p = %d applies by Cha.'%p
            if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                BSD.proof[p] = ['Cha']
    # Stein et al.
    if not BSD.curve.has_cm():
        L = arith.lcm([F.torsion_order() for F in BSD.curve.isogeny_class(use_tuple=False)])
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p in kolyvagin_primes or p == 2: continue
            if L%p != 0:
                if len(arith.prime_divisors(D_K)) == 1:
                    if D_K%p == 0: continue
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Kolyvagin\'s bound for p = %d applies by Stein et al.'%p
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p].append('Stein et al.')
                    BSD.proof[p] = ['Stein et al.']
    for p in kolyvagin_primes:
        if p in BSD.primes:

    # apply Kolyvagin's bound
    primes_to_remove = []
    for p in kolyvagin_primes:
        if p == 2: continue
        if p not in heegner_primes:
            ord_p_bound = 0
        elif heegner_index is not None: # p must divide heegner_index
            ord_p_bound = 2*heegner_index.ord(p)
            # Here Jetchev's results apply.
            m_max = max([BSD.curve.tamagawa_number(q).ord(p) for q in BSD.N.prime_divisors()])
            if m_max > 0:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Jetchev\'s results apply (at p = %d) with m_max ='%p, m_max
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Jetchev',m_max)]
            ord_p_bound -= 2*m_max
        else: # Heegner index is None
            for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
                M = BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D]
                ord_p_bound = 0
                while p**(ord_p_bound+1) <= M**2:
                    ord_p_bound += 1
                # now ord_p_bound is one on I_K!!!
                ord_p_bound *= 2 # by Kolyvagin, now ord_p_bound is one on #Sha
        if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
            BSD.proof[p] = [('Kolyvagin',ord_p_bound)]
        if BSD.sha_an.ord(p) == 0 and ord_p_bound == 0:
            if verbosity > 0:
                print 'True for p = %d by Kolyvagin bound'%p
        elif BSD.sha_an.ord(p) > ord_p_bound:
            raise RuntimeError("p = %d: ord_p_bound == %d, but sha_an.ord(p) == %d. This appears to be a counterexample to BSD, but is more likely a bug."%(p,ord_p_bound,BSD.sha_an.ord(p)))
        else: # BSD.sha_an.ord(p) <= ord_p_bound != 0:
            if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                low = BSD.bounds[p][0]
                BSD.bounds[p] = (low, min(BSD.bounds[p][1], ord_p_bound))
                BSD.bounds[p] = (0, ord_p_bound)
    for p in primes_to_remove:
    BSD.primes = list( set(BSD.primes).union(set(kolyvagin_primes)) )
    # Kato's bound
    if BSD.rank == 0 and not BSD.curve.has_cm():
        L_over_Omega = BSD.curve.lseries().L_ratio()
        kato_primes = BSD.Sha.bound_kato()
        primes_to_remove = []
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if p not in kato_primes:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'Kato further implies that #Sha[%d] is trivial.'%p
                if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                    BSD.proof[p] = [('Kato',0)]
            if p not in [2,3] and BSD.N%p != 0:
                if galrep.is_surjective(p):
                    bd = L_over_Omega.valuation(p)
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print 'Kato implies that ord_p(#Sha[%d]) <= %d '%(p,bd)
                    if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                        BSD.proof[p] = [('Kato',bd)]
                    if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                        low = BSD.bounds[p][0]
                        BSD.bounds[p][1] = (low, min(BSD.bounds[p][1], bd))
                        BSD.bounds[p] = (0, bd)
        for p in primes_to_remove:
    # Mazur
    primes_to_remove = []
    if BSD.N.is_prime():
        for p in BSD.primes:
            if p == 2: continue
            if galrep.is_reducible(p):
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'True for p=%s by Mazur'%p
        for p in primes_to_remove:
            if BSD.proof.has_key(p):
                BSD.proof[p] = ['Mazur']

    # Try harder to compute the Heegner index, where it matters
    if heegner_index is None:
        if max_height < 18:
            max_height = 18
        for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
            M = BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D]
            for p in kolyvagin_primes:
                if p not in BSD.primes or p == 3: continue
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print '    p = %d: Trying harder for Heegner index'%p
                obt = 0
                while p**(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)/2+1) <= M and max_height < 22:
                    if verbosity > 2:
                        print '    trying max_height =', max_height
                    old_bound = M
                    M, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height, secs_dc=secs_dc)
                    if M == -1:
                        max_height += 1
                    if exact is not False:
                        heegner_index = exact
                        BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
                        M = exact
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    heegner index =', M
                        M = max(M+[1])
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    bound =', M
                    if old_bound == M:
                        obt += 1
                        if obt == 2:
                    max_height += 1
                BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = min(M,BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D])
                low, upp = BSD.bounds[p]
                expn = 0
                while p**(expn+1) <= M:
                    expn += 1
                if 2*expn < upp:
                    upp = 2*expn
                    BSD.bounds[p] = (low,upp)
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print '    got better bound on ord_p =', upp
                    if low == upp:
                        if upp != BSD.sha_an.ord(p):
                            raise RuntimeError
                            if verbosity > 0:
                                print '    proven!'
        for p in kolyvagin_primes:
            if p not in BSD.primes or p == 3: continue
            for D in BSD.curve.heegner_discriminants_list(4):
                if D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound: continue
                print '    discriminant', D
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print 'p = %d: Trying discriminant = %d for Heegner index'%(p,D)
                max_height = max(10, BSD.curve.quadratic_twist(D).CPS_height_bound())
                obt = 0
                while True:
                    if verbosity > 2:
                        print '    trying max_height =', max_height
                    old_bound = M
                    if p**(BSD.sha_an.ord(p)/2+1) > M or max_height >= 22:
                    M, _, exact = BSD.curve.heegner_index_bound(D, max_height=max_height, secs_dc=secs_dc)
                    if M == -1:
                        max_height += 1
                    if exact is not False:
                        heegner_index = exact
                        BSD.heegner_indexes[D] = exact
                        M = exact
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    heegner index =', M
                        M = max(M+[1])
                        if verbosity > 2:
                            print '    bound =', M
                    if old_bound == M:
                        obt += 1
                        if obt == 2:
                    max_height += 1
                BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] = M
                low, upp = BSD.bounds[p]
                expn = 0
                while p**(expn+1) <= M:
                    expn += 1
                if 2*expn < upp:
                    upp = 2*expn
                    BSD.bounds[p] = (low,upp)
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        print '    got better bound =', upp
                    if low == upp:
                        if upp != BSD.sha_an.ord(p):
                            raise RuntimeError
                            if verbosity > 0:
                                print '    proven!'

    # print some extra information
    if verbosity > 1:
        if len(BSD.primes) > 0:
            print 'Remaining primes:'
        for p in BSD.primes:
            s = 'p = ' + str(p) + ': '
            if galrep.is_irreducible(p):
                s += 'ir'
            s += 'reducible, '
            if not galrep.is_surjective(p):
                s += 'not '
            s += 'surjective, '
            a_p = BSD.curve.an(p)
            if BSD.curve.is_good(p):
                if a_p%p != 0:
                    s += 'good ordinary'
                    s += 'good, non-ordinary'
                assert BSD.curve.is_minimal()
                if a_p == 0:
                    s += 'additive'
                elif a_p == 1:
                    s += 'split multiplicative'
                elif a_p == -1:
                    s += 'non-split multiplicative'
            if BSD.curve.tamagawa_product()%p==0:
                s += ', divides a Tamagawa number'
            if BSD.bounds.has_key(p):
                s += '\n    (%d <= ord_p <= %d)'%BSD.bounds[p]
                s += '\n    (no bounds found)'
            s += '\n    ord_p(#Sha_an) = %d'%BSD.sha_an.ord(p)
            if heegner_index is None:
                may_divide = True
                for D in BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound:
                    if p > BSD.heegner_index_upper_bound[D] or p not in kolyvagin_primes:
                        may_divide = False
                if may_divide:
                    s += '\n    may divide the Heegner index, for which only a bound was computed'
            print s

    if BSD.curve.has_cm():
        if BSD.rank == 1:
            BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Rubin&Kolyvagin'
            BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Rubin'
        BSD.proof['reason_finite'] = 'Kolyvagin'
    # reduce memory footprint of BSD object:
    BSD.curve = BSD.curve.label()
    BSD.Sha = None
    return BSD if return_BSD else BSD.primes
Exemplo n.º 37
    def has_rational_point(self, point = False, obstruction = False,
                           algorithm = 'default', read_cache = True):
        Returns True if and only if ``self`` has a point defined over `\QQ`.

        If ``point`` and ``obstruction`` are both False (default), then
        the output is a boolean ``out`` saying whether ``self`` has a
        rational point.

        If ``point`` or ``obstruction`` is True, then the output is
        a pair ``(out, S)``, where ``out`` is as above and the following

         - if ``point`` is True and ``self`` has a rational point,
           then ``S`` is a rational point,

         - if ``obstruction`` is True and ``self`` has no rational point,
           then ``S`` is a prime such that no rational point exists
           over the completion at ``S`` or `-1` if no point exists over `\RR`.

        Points and obstructions are cached, whenever they are found.
        Cached information is used if and only if ``read_cache`` is True.


        The parameter ``algorithm``
        specifies the algorithm to be used:

         - ``'qfsolve'`` -- Use Denis Simon's pari script Qfsolve
           (see ``sage.quadratic_forms.qfsolve.qfsolve``)

         - ``'rnfisnorm'`` -- Use PARI's function rnfisnorm
           (cannot be combined with ``obstruction = True``)

         - ``'local'`` -- Check if a local solution exists for all primes
           and infinite places of `\QQ` and apply the Hasse principle
           (cannot be combined with ``point = True``)

         - ``'default'`` -- Use ``'qfsolve'``

         - ``'magma'`` (requires Magma to be installed) --
           delegates the task to the Magma computer algebra


            sage: C = Conic(QQ, [1, 2, -3])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (True, (1 : 1 : 1))
            sage: D = Conic(QQ, [1, 3, -5])
            sage: D.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (False, 3)
            sage: P.<X,Y,Z> = QQ[]
            sage: E = Curve(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2); E
            Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2
            sage: E.has_rational_point(obstruction = True)
            (False, -1)

        The following would not terminate quickly with
        ``algorithm = 'rnfisnorm'`` ::

            sage: C = Conic(QQ, [1, 113922743, -310146482690273725409])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (True, (-76842858034579/5424 : -5316144401/5424 : 1))
            sage: C.has_rational_point(algorithm = 'local', read_cache = False)
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True, algorithm='magma', read_cache=False) # optional - magma
            (True, (30106379962113/7913 : 12747947692/7913 : 1))


        Create a bunch of conics over `\QQ`, check if ``has_rational_point`` runs without errors
        and returns consistent answers for all algorithms. Check if all points returned are valid. ::

            sage: l = Sequence(cartesian_product_iterator([[-1, 0, 1] for i in range(6)]))
            sage: c = [Conic(QQ, a) for a in l if a != [0,0,0] and a != (0,0,0,0,0,0)]
            sage: d = []
            sage: d = [[C]+[C.has_rational_point(algorithm = algorithm, read_cache = False, obstruction = (algorithm != 'rnfisnorm'), point = (algorithm != 'local')) for algorithm in ['local', 'qfsolve', 'rnfisnorm']] for C in c[::10]] # long time: 7 seconds
            sage: assert all([e[1][0] == e[2][0] and e[1][0] == e[3][0] for e in d])
            sage: assert all([e[0].defining_polynomial()(Sequence(e[i][1])) == 0 for e in d for i in [2,3] if e[1][0]])
        if read_cache:
            if self._rational_point is not None:
                if point or obstruction:
                    return True, self._rational_point
                    return True
            if self._local_obstruction is not None:
                if point or obstruction:
                    return False, self._local_obstruction
                    return False
            if (not point) and self._finite_obstructions == [] and \
               self._infinite_obstructions == []:
                if obstruction:
                    return True, None
                return True
        if self.has_singular_point():
            if point:
                return self.has_singular_point(point = True)
            if obstruction:
                return True, None
            return True
        if algorithm == 'default' or algorithm == 'qfsolve':
            M = self.symmetric_matrix()
            M *= lcm([ t.denominator() for t in M.list() ])
            pt = qfsolve(M)
            if pt in ZZ:
                if self._local_obstruction == None:
                    self._local_obstruction = pt
                if point or obstruction:
                    return False, pt
                return False
            pt = self.point([pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]])
            if point or obstruction:
                return True, pt
            return True
        ret = ProjectiveConic_number_field.has_rational_point( \
                                           self, point = point, \
                                           obstruction = obstruction, \
                                           algorithm = algorithm, \
                                           read_cache = read_cache)
        if point or obstruction:
            if is_RingHomomorphism(ret[1]):
                ret[1] = -1
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 38
    def has_rational_point(self, point = False, obstruction = False,
                           algorithm = 'default', read_cache = True):
        Returns True if and only if ``self`` has a point defined over `\QQ`.

        If ``point`` and ``obstruction`` are both False (default), then
        the output is a boolean ``out`` saying whether ``self`` has a
        rational point.

        If ``point`` or ``obstruction`` is True, then the output is
        a pair ``(out, S)``, where ``out`` is as above and the following

         - if ``point`` is True and ``self`` has a rational point,
           then ``S`` is a rational point,

         - if ``obstruction`` is True and ``self`` has no rational point,
           then ``S`` is a prime such that no rational point exists
           over the completion at ``S`` or `-1` if no point exists over `\RR`.

        Points and obstructions are cached, whenever they are found.
        Cached information is used if and only if ``read_cache`` is True.


        The parameter ``algorithm``
        specifies the algorithm to be used:

         - ``'qfsolve'`` -- Use Denis Simon's GP script ``qfsolve``
           (see ``sage.quadratic_forms.qfsolve.qfsolve``)

         - ``'rnfisnorm'`` -- Use PARI's function rnfisnorm
           (cannot be combined with ``obstruction = True``)

         - ``'local'`` -- Check if a local solution exists for all primes
           and infinite places of `\QQ` and apply the Hasse principle
           (cannot be combined with ``point = True``)

         - ``'default'`` -- Use ``'qfsolve'``

         - ``'magma'`` (requires Magma to be installed) --
           delegates the task to the Magma computer algebra


            sage: C = Conic(QQ, [1, 2, -3])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (True, (1 : 1 : 1))
            sage: D = Conic(QQ, [1, 3, -5])
            sage: D.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (False, 3)
            sage: P.<X,Y,Z> = QQ[]
            sage: E = Curve(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2); E
            Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2
            sage: E.has_rational_point(obstruction = True)
            (False, -1)

        The following would not terminate quickly with
        ``algorithm = 'rnfisnorm'`` ::

            sage: C = Conic(QQ, [1, 113922743, -310146482690273725409])
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point = True)
            (True, (-76842858034579/5424 : -5316144401/5424 : 1))
            sage: C.has_rational_point(algorithm = 'local', read_cache = False)
            sage: C.has_rational_point(point=True, algorithm='magma', read_cache=False) # optional - magma
            (True, (30106379962113/7913 : 12747947692/7913 : 1))


        Create a bunch of conics over `\QQ`, check if ``has_rational_point`` runs without errors
        and returns consistent answers for all algorithms. Check if all points returned are valid. ::

            sage: l = Sequence(cartesian_product_iterator([[-1, 0, 1] for i in range(6)]))
            sage: c = [Conic(QQ, a) for a in l if a != [0,0,0] and a != (0,0,0,0,0,0)]
            sage: d = []
            sage: d = [[C]+[C.has_rational_point(algorithm = algorithm, read_cache = False, obstruction = (algorithm != 'rnfisnorm'), point = (algorithm != 'local')) for algorithm in ['local', 'qfsolve', 'rnfisnorm']] for C in c[::10]] # long time: 7 seconds
            sage: assert all([e[1][0] == e[2][0] and e[1][0] == e[3][0] for e in d])
            sage: assert all([e[0].defining_polynomial()(Sequence(e[i][1])) == 0 for e in d for i in [2,3] if e[1][0]])
        if read_cache:
            if self._rational_point is not None:
                if point or obstruction:
                    return True, self._rational_point
                    return True
            if self._local_obstruction is not None:
                if point or obstruction:
                    return False, self._local_obstruction
                    return False
            if (not point) and self._finite_obstructions == [] and \
               self._infinite_obstructions == []:
                if obstruction:
                    return True, None
                return True
        if self.has_singular_point():
            if point:
                return self.has_singular_point(point = True)
            if obstruction:
                return True, None
            return True
        if algorithm == 'default' or algorithm == 'qfsolve':
            M = self.symmetric_matrix()
            M *= lcm([ t.denominator() for t in M.list() ])
            pt = qfsolve(M)
            if pt in ZZ:
                if self._local_obstruction == None:
                    self._local_obstruction = pt
                if point or obstruction:
                    return False, pt
                return False
            pt = self.point([pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]])
            if point or obstruction:
                return True, pt
            return True
        ret = ProjectiveConic_number_field.has_rational_point( \
                                           self, point = point, \
                                           obstruction = obstruction, \
                                           algorithm = algorithm, \
                                           read_cache = read_cache)
        if point or obstruction:
            if is_RingHomomorphism(ret[1]):
                ret[1] = -1
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 39
def update(G,B,h):
    Update ``G`` using the list of critical pairs ``B`` and the
    polynomial ``h`` as presented in [BW93]_, page 230. For this,
    Buchberger's first and second criterion are tested.

    This function uses the Gebauer-Moeller Installation.


    - ``G`` - an intermediate Groebner basis
    - ``B`` - a list of critical pairs
    - ``h`` - a polynomial

        ``G,B`` where ``G`` and ``B`` are updated


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.toy_d_basis import update
        sage: A.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 2)
        sage: G = set([3*x^2 + 7, 2*y + 1, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1])
        sage: B = set([])
        sage: h = x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3
        sage: update(G,B,h)
        (set([3*x^2 + 7, 2*y + 1, x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1]),
         set([(x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1),  (x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, 3*x^2 + 7), (x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, 2*y + 1)]))
    R = h.parent()
    LCM = R.monomial_lcm

    lt_divides = lambda x,y: (R.monomial_divides( LM(h), LM(g) ) and LC(h).divides(LC(g)) )
    lt_pairwise_prime = lambda x,y : R.monomial_pairwise_prime(LM(x),LM(y)) and gcd(LC(x),LC(y)) == 1
    lcm_divides = lambda f,g1,h: R.monomial_divides( LCM(LM(h),LM(f[1])),  LCM(LM(h),LM(g1)) ) and \

    C = set([(h,g) for g in G])

    D = set()
    while C != set():
        (h,g1) = C.pop()

        if lt_pairwise_prime(h,g) or \
               not any( lcm_divides(f,g1,h) for f in C ) \
               not any( lcm_divides(f,g1,h) for f in D ) \
            D.add( (h,g1) )

    E = set()

    while D != set():
        (h,g) = D.pop()
        if not lt_pairwise_prime(h,g):
            E.add( (h,g) )

    B_new = set()
    while B != set():
        g1,g2 = B.pop()

        lcm_lg1_lg2 = lcm(LC(g1),LC(g2)) * LCM(LM(g1),LM(g2))
        if not lt_divides(lcm_lg1_lg2, h) or \
               lcm(LC(g1),LC( h)) * R.monomial_lcm(LM(g1),LM( h)) == lcm_lg1_lg2 or \
               lcm(LC( h),LC(g2)) * R.monomial_lcm(LM( h),LM(g2)) == lcm_lg1_lg2 :
            B_new.add( (g1,g2) )

    B_new = B_new.union( E )

    G_new = set()
    while G != set():
        g = G.pop()
        if not lt_divides(g,h):


    return G_new,B_new
Exemplo n.º 40
    def period(self, m):
        Return the period of the binary recurrence sequence modulo
        an integer ``m``.

        If `n_1` is congruent to `n_2` modulu ``period(m)``, then `u_{n_1}` is
        is congruent to `u_{n_2}` modulo ``m``.


        - ``m`` -- an integer (modulo which the period of the recurrence relation is calculated).


        - The integer (the period of the sequence modulo m)


        If `p = \\pm 1 \\mod 5`, then the period of the Fibonacci sequence
        mod `p` is `p-1` (c.f. Lemma 3.3 of [BMS06]).


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)
            sage: R.period(31)

            sage: [R(i) % 4 for i in xrange(12)]
            [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1]
            sage: R.period(4)

        This function works for degenerate sequences as well.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: S.is_degenerate()
            sage: S.is_geometric()
            sage: [S(i) % 17 for i in xrange(16)]
            [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 15, 13, 9, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 15, 13, 9]
            sage: S.period(17)

        Note: the answer is cached.

        #If we have already computed the period mod m, then we return the stored value.

        if m in self._period_dict:
            return self._period_dict[m]

            R = Integers(m)
            A = matrix(R, [[0, 1], [self.c, self.b]])
            w = matrix(R, [[self.u0], [self.u1]])
            Fac = list(m.factor())
            Periods = {}

            #To compute the period mod m, we compute the least integer n such that A^n*w == w.  This necessarily
            #divides the order of A as a matrix in GL_2(Z/mZ).

            #We compute the period modulo all distinct prime powers dividing m, and combine via the lcm.
            #To compute the period mod p^e, we first compute the order mod p.  Then the period mod p^e
            #must divide p^{4e-4}*period(p), as the subgroup of matrices mod p^e, which reduce to
            #the identity mod p is of order (p^{e-1})^4.  So we compute the period mod p^e by successively
            #multiplying the period mod p by powers of p.

            for i in Fac:
                p = i[0]
                e = i[1]
                #first compute the period mod p
                if p in self._period_dict:
                    perp = self._period_dict[p]
                    F = A.change_ring(GF(p))
                    v = w.change_ring(GF(p))
                    FF = F**(p - 1)
                    p1fac = list((p - 1).factor())

                    #The order of any matrix in GL_2(F_p) either divides p(p-1) or (p-1)(p+1).
                    #The order divides p-1 if it is diagaonalizable.  In any case, det(F^(p-1))=1,
                    #so if tr(F^(p-1)) = 2, then it must be triangular of the form [[1,a],[0,1]].
                    #The order of the subgroup of matrices of this form is p, so the order must divide
                    #p(p-1) -- in fact it must be a multiple of p.  If this is not the case, then the
                    #order divides (p-1)(p+1).  As the period divides the order of the matrix in GL_2(F_p),
                    #these conditions hold for the period as well.

                    #check if the order divides (p-1)
                    if FF * v == v:
                        M = p - 1
                        Mfac = p1fac

                    #check if the trace is 2, then the order is a multiple of p dividing p*(p-1)
                    elif (FF).trace() == 2:
                        M = p - 1
                        Mfac = p1fac
                        F = F**p  #replace F by F^p as now we only need to determine the factor dividing (p-1)

                    #otherwise it will divide (p+1)(p-1)
                        M = (p + 1) * (p - 1)
                        p2fac = list(
                            (p + 1).factor()
                        )  #factor the (p+1) and (p-1) terms seperately and then combine for speed
                        Mfac_dic = {}
                        for i in list(p1fac + p2fac):
                            if i[0] not in Mfac_dic:
                                Mfac_dic[i[0]] = i[1]
                                Mfac_dic[i[0]] = Mfac_dic[i[0]] + i[1]
                        Mfac = [(i, Mfac_dic[i]) for i in Mfac_dic]

                    #Now use a fast order algorithm to compute the period.  We know that the period divides
                    #M = i_1*i_2*...*i_l where the i_j denote not necessarily distinct prime factors.  As
                    #F^M*v == v, for each i_j, if F^(M/i_j)*v == v, then the period divides (M/i_j).  After
                    #all factors have been iterated over, the result is the period mod p.

                    Mfac = list(Mfac)
                    C = []

                    #expand the list of prime factors so every factor is with multiplicity 1

                    for i in xrange(len(Mfac)):
                        for j in xrange(Mfac[i][1]):

                    Mfac = C
                    n = M
                    for i in Mfac:
                        b = Integer(n / i)
                        if F**b * v == v:
                            n = b
                    perp = n

                #Now compute the period mod p^e by steping up by multiples of p
                F = A.change_ring(Integers(p**e))
                v = w.change_ring(Integers(p**e))
                FF = F**perp
                if FF * v == v:
                    perpe = perp
                    tries = 0
                    while True:
                        tries += 1
                        FF = FF**p
                        if FF * v == v:
                            perpe = perp * p**tries
                Periods[p] = perpe

            #take the lcm of the periods mod all distinct primes dividing m
            period = 1
            for p in Periods:
                period = lcm(Periods[p], period)

            self._period_dict[m] = period  #cache the period mod m
            return period
Exemplo n.º 41
    def parametrization(self, point=None, morphism=True):
        Return a parametrization `f` of ``self`` together with the
        inverse of `f`.

        If ``point`` is specified, then that point is used
        for the parametrization. Otherwise, use ``self.rational_point()``
        to find a point.

        If ``morphism`` is True, then `f` is returned in the form
        of a Scheme morphism. Otherwise, it is a tuple of polynomials
        that gives the parametrization.


        Uses Denis Simon's pari script Qfparam.
        See ``sage.quadratic_forms.qfsolve.qfparam``.

        EXAMPLES ::

            sage: c = Conic([1,1,-1])
            sage: c.parametrization()
            (Scheme morphism:
              From: Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
              To:   Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2 - z^2
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                    (2*x*y : x^2 - y^2 : x^2 + y^2),
             Scheme morphism:
               From: Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2 - z^2
               To:   Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
               Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y : z) to
                     (1/2*x : -1/2*y + 1/2*z))

        An example with ``morphism = False`` ::

            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Curve(7*x^2 + 2*y*z + z^2)
            sage: (p, i) = C.parametrization(morphism = False); (p, i)
            ([-2*x*y, 7*x^2 + y^2, -2*y^2], [-1/2*x, -1/2*z])
            sage: C.defining_polynomial()(p)
            sage: i[0](p) / i[1](p)

        A ``ValueError`` is raised if ``self`` has no rational point ::

            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + 2*y^2 + z^2)
            sage: C.parametrization()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Conic Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + 2*y^2 + z^2 has no rational points over Rational Field!

        A ``ValueError`` is raised if ``self`` is not smooth ::

            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + y^2)
            sage: C.parametrization()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The conic self (=Projective Conic Curve over Rational Field defined by x^2 + y^2) is not smooth, hence does not have a parametrization.
        if (not self._parametrization is None) and not point:
            par = self._parametrization
            if not self.is_smooth():
                raise ValueError, "The conic self (=%s) is not smooth, hence does not have a parametrization." % self
            if point == None:
                point = self.rational_point()
            point = Sequence(point)
            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x,y')
            [x, y] = Q.gens()
            gens = self.ambient_space().gens()
            M = self.symmetric_matrix()
            M *= lcm([ t.denominator() for t in M.list() ])
            par1 = qfparam(M, point)
            B = Matrix([[par1[i][j] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)])
            # self is in the image of B and does not lie on a line,
            # hence B is invertible
            A = B.inverse()
            par2 = [sum([A[i,j]*gens[j] for j in range(3)]) for i in [1,0]]
            par = ([Q(pol(x/y)*y**2) for pol in par1], par2)
            if self._parametrization is None:
                self._parametrization = par
        if not morphism:
            return par
        P1 = ProjectiveSpace(self.base_ring(), 1, 'x,y')
        return P1.hom(par[0],self), self.Hom(P1)(par[1], check = False)
def CyclicSievingPolynomial(L, cyc_act=None, order=None, get_order=False):
    Returns the unique polynomial p of degree smaller than order such that the triple
    ( L, cyc_act, p ) exhibits the CSP. If ``cyc_act`` is None, ``L`` is expected to contain the orbit lengths.


    - L -- if cyc_act is None: list of orbit sizes, otherwise list of objects

    - cyc_act -- (default:None) function taking an element of L and returning an element of L (must define a bijection on L)

    - order -- (default:None) if set to an integer, this cyclic order of cyc_act is used (must be an integer multiple of the order of cyc_act)
                               otherwise, the order of cyc_action is used

    - get_order -- (default:False) if True, a tuple [p,n] is returned where p as above, and n is the order


        sage: from sage.combinat.cyclic_sieving_phenomenon import CyclicSievingPolynomial
        sage: S42 = [ Set(S) for S in subsets([1,2,3,4]) if len(S) == 2 ]; S42
        [{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}]
        sage: cyc_act = lambda S: Set( i.mod(4)+1 for i in S)
        sage: cyc_act([1,3])
        {2, 4}
        sage: cyc_act([1,4])
        {1, 2}
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act )
        q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, get_order=True )
        [q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2, 4]
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, order=8 )
        q^6 + 2*q^4 + q^2 + 2
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial([4,2])
        q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2


    We check that :trac:`13997` is handled::

        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, order=8, get_order=True )
        [q^6 + 2*q^4 + q^2 + 2, 8]

    if cyc_act:
        orbits = orbit_decomposition(L, cyc_act)
        orbits = [range(k) for k in L]

    R = QQ['q']
    q = R.gen()
    p = R(0)

    orbit_sizes = {}
    for orbit in orbits:
        l = len(orbit)
        if l in orbit_sizes:
            orbit_sizes[l] += 1
            orbit_sizes[l] = 1

    keys = orbit_sizes.keys()

    n = lcm(keys)

    if order:
        if order.mod(n) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The given order is not valid as it is not a multiple of the order of the given cyclic action"
        order = n

    for i in range(n):
        if i == 0:
            j = sum(orbit_sizes[l] for l in keys)
            j = sum(orbit_sizes[l] for l in keys if ZZ(i).mod(n / l) == 0)
        p += j * q**i

    p = p(q**ZZ(order / n))

    if get_order:
        return [p, order]
        return p
Exemplo n.º 43
def update(G, B, h):
    Update ``G`` using the list of critical pairs ``B`` and the
    polynomial ``h`` as presented in [BW93]_, page 230. For this,
    Buchberger's first and second criterion are tested.

    This function uses the Gebauer-Moeller Installation.


    - ``G`` - an intermediate Groebner basis
    - ``B`` - a list of critical pairs
    - ``h`` - a polynomial

        ``G,B`` where ``G`` and ``B`` are updated


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.toy_d_basis import update
        sage: A.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 2)
        sage: G = set([3*x^2 + 7, 2*y + 1, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1])
        sage: B = set([])
        sage: h = x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3
        sage: update(G,B,h)
        ({2*y + 1, 3*x^2 + 7, x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1},
         {(x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, 2*y + 1),
          (x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, 3*x^2 + 7),
          (x^2*y - x^2 + y - 3, x^3 - y^2 + 7*x - y + 1)})
    R = h.parent()
    LCM = R.monomial_lcm

    lt_divides = lambda x, y: (R.monomial_divides(LM(h), LM(g)) and LC(h).
    lt_pairwise_prime = lambda x, y: R.monomial_pairwise_prime(LM(x), LM(
        y)) and gcd(LC(x), LC(y)) == 1
    lcm_divides = lambda f,g1,h: R.monomial_divides( LCM(LM(h),LM(f[1])),  LCM(LM(h),LM(g1)) ) and \

    C = set([(h, g) for g in G])

    D = set()
    while C != set():
        (h, g1) = C.pop()

        if lt_pairwise_prime(h,g) or \
               not any( lcm_divides(f,g1,h) for f in C ) \
               not any( lcm_divides(f,g1,h) for f in D ) \
            D.add((h, g1))

    E = set()

    while D != set():
        (h, g) = D.pop()
        if not lt_pairwise_prime(h, g):
            E.add((h, g))

    B_new = set()
    while B != set():
        g1, g2 = B.pop()

        lcm_lg1_lg2 = lcm(LC(g1), LC(g2)) * LCM(LM(g1), LM(g2))
        if not lt_divides(lcm_lg1_lg2, h) or \
               lcm(LC(g1),LC( h)) * R.monomial_lcm(LM(g1),LM( h)) == lcm_lg1_lg2 or \
               lcm(LC( h),LC(g2)) * R.monomial_lcm(LM( h),LM(g2)) == lcm_lg1_lg2 :
            B_new.add((g1, g2))

    B_new = B_new.union(E)

    G_new = set()
    while G != set():
        g = G.pop()
        if not lt_divides(g, h):


    return G_new, B_new
Exemplo n.º 44
Arquivo: element.py Projeto: rwst/sage
    def normal_cone(self):
        Return the (closure of the) normal cone of the triangulation.

        Recall that a regular triangulation is one that equals the
        "crease lines" of a convex piecewise-linear function. This
        support function is not unique, for example, you can scale it
        by a positive constant. The set of all piecewise-linear
        functions with fixed creases forms an open cone. This cone can
        be interpreted as the cone of normal vectors at a point of the
        secondary polytope, which is why we call it normal cone. See
        [GKZ]_ Section 7.1 for details.


        The closure of the normal cone. The `i`-th entry equals the
        value of the piecewise-linear function at the `i`-th point of
        the configuration.

        For an irregular triangulation, the normal cone is empty. In
        this case, a single point (the origin) is returned.


            sage: triangulation = polytopes.n_cube(2).triangulate(engine='internal')
            sage: triangulation
            (<0,1,3>, <0,2,3>)
            sage: N = triangulation.normal_cone();  N
            4-d cone in 4-d lattice
            sage: N.rays()
            (-1,  0,  0,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  1,  0),
            (-1,  0, -1,  0),
            ( 1,  0,  0, -1),
            (-1,  0,  0,  1),
            ( 1,  1,  0,  0),
            (-1, -1,  0,  0)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
            sage: N.dual().rays()
            (-1, 1, 1, -1)
            in Ambient free module of rank 4
            over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring


            sage: polytopes.n_simplex(2).triangulate().normal_cone()
            3-d cone in 3-d lattice
            sage: _.dual().is_trivial()
        if not self.point_configuration().base_ring().is_subring(QQ):
            raise NotImplementedError("Only base rings ZZ and QQ are supported")
        from sage.libs.ppl import Variable, Constraint, Constraint_System, Linear_Expression, C_Polyhedron
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        from sage.misc.misc import uniq
        from sage.rings.arith import lcm

        pc = self.point_configuration()
        cs = Constraint_System()
        for facet in self.interior_facets():
            s0, s1 = self._boundary_simplex_dictionary()[facet]
            p = set(s0).difference(facet).pop()
            q = set(s1).difference(facet).pop()
            origin = pc.point(p).reduced_affine_vector()
            base_indices = [i for i in s0 if i != p]
            base = matrix([pc.point(i).reduced_affine_vector() - origin for i in base_indices])
            sol = base.solve_left(pc.point(q).reduced_affine_vector() - origin)
            relation = [0] * pc.n_points()
            relation[p] = sum(sol) - 1
            relation[q] = 1
            for i, base_i in enumerate(base_indices):
                relation[base_i] = -sol[i]
            rel_denom = lcm([QQ(r).denominator() for r in relation])
            relation = [ZZ(r * rel_denom) for r in relation]
            ex = Linear_Expression(relation, 0)
            cs.insert(ex >= 0)
        from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule

        ambient = FreeModule(ZZ, self.point_configuration().n_points())
        if cs.empty():
            cone = C_Polyhedron(ambient.dimension(), "universe")
            cone = C_Polyhedron(cs)
        from sage.geometry.cone import _Cone_from_PPL

        return _Cone_from_PPL(cone, lattice=ambient)
def CyclicSievingPolynomial( L, cyc_act=None, order=None, get_order=False):
    Returns the unique polynomial p of degree smaller than order such that the triple
    ( L, cyc_act, p ) exhibits the CSP. If ``cyc_act`` is None, ``L`` is expected to contain the orbit lengths.


    - L -- if cyc_act is None: list of orbit sizes, otherwise list of objects

    - cyc_act -- (default:None) function taking an element of L and returning an element of L (must define a bijection on L)

    - order -- (default:None) if set to an integer, this cyclic order of cyc_act is used (must be an integer multiple of the order of cyc_act)
                               otherwise, the order of cyc_action is used

    - get_order -- (default:False) if True, a tuple [p,n] is returned where p as above, and n is the order


        sage: from sage.combinat.cyclic_sieving_phenomenon import CyclicSievingPolynomial
        sage: S42 = [ Set(S) for S in subsets([1,2,3,4]) if len(S) == 2 ]; S42
        [{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}]
        sage: cyc_act = lambda S: Set( i.mod(4)+1 for i in S)
        sage: cyc_act([1,3])
        {2, 4}
        sage: cyc_act([1,4])
        {1, 2}
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act )
        q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, get_order=True )
        [q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2, 4]
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, order=8 )
        q^6 + 2*q^4 + q^2 + 2
        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial([4,2])
        q^3 + 2*q^2 + q + 2


    We check that :trac:`13997` is handled::

        sage: CyclicSievingPolynomial( S42, cyc_act, order=8, get_order=True )
        [q^6 + 2*q^4 + q^2 + 2, 8]

    if cyc_act:
        orbits = orbit_decomposition( L, cyc_act )
        orbits = [ range(k) for k in L ]

    R = QQ['q']
    q = R.gen()
    p = R(0)

    orbit_sizes = {}
    for orbit in orbits:
        l = len( orbit )
        if l in orbit_sizes:
            orbit_sizes[ l ] += 1
            orbit_sizes[ l ] = 1

    keys = orbit_sizes.keys()

    n = lcm( keys )

    if order:
        if order.mod(n) != 0:
            raise ValueError("The given order is not valid as it is not a multiple of the order of the given cyclic action")
        order = n

    for i in range(n):
        if i == 0:
            j = sum( orbit_sizes[ l ] for l in keys )
            j = sum( orbit_sizes[ l ] for l in keys if ZZ(i).mod(n/l) == 0 )
        p += j*q**i

    p = p(q**ZZ(order/n))

    if get_order:
        return [p,order]
        return p