Exemplo n.º 1
    def canonical_height(self, F, **kwds):
        Evaluates the (absolute) canonical height of ``self`` with respect to ``F``. Must be over number field
        or order of a number field. Specify either the number of terms of the series to evaluate or
        the error bound required.


            The sum of the Green's function at the archimedean places and the places of bad reduction.


        - ``F`` - a projective morphism


        - ``badprimes`` - a list of primes of bad reduction

        - ``N`` - positive integer. number of terms of the series to use in the local green functions

        - ``prec`` - positive integer, float point or p-adic precision

        - ``error_bound`` - a positive real number


        - a real number


            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(ZZ,1)
            sage: H = Hom(P,P)
            sage: f = H([x^2+y^2,2*x*y]);
            sage: Q = P(2,1)
            sage: f.canonical_height(f(Q))
            sage: f.canonical_height(Q)

        Notice that preperiodic points may not be exactly 0. ::

            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H = Hom(P,P)
            sage: f = H([x^2-29/16*y^2,y^2]);
            sage: Q = P(5,4)
            sage: f.canonical_height(Q, N=30)


            sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(x^2-y^2);
            sage: H = Hom(X,X)
            sage: f = H([x^2,y^2,30*z^2]);
            sage: Q = X([4,4,1])
            sage: f.canonical_height(Q, badprimes=[2,3,5], prec=200)
        bad_primes = kwds.pop("badprimes", None)
        prec = kwds.get("prec", 100)
        error_bound = kwds.get("error_bound", None)
        K = FractionField(self.codomain().base_ring())

        if not K in _NumberFields:
            raise NotImplementedError("Must be over a NumberField or a NumberField Order")

        if bad_primes is None:
            bad_primes = []
            for b in self:
                if K == QQ:
                    bad_primes += b.denominator().prime_factors()
                    bad_primes += b.denominator_ideal().prime_factors()
            bad_primes += K(F.resultant()).support()
            bad_primes = list(set(bad_primes))

        emb = K.places(prec=prec)
        num_places = len(emb) + len(bad_primes)
        if not error_bound is None:
            error_bound /= num_places
        R = RealField(prec)
        h = R(0)

        # Archimedean local heights
        # :: WARNING: If places is fed the default Sage precision of 53 bits,
        # it uses Real or Complex Double Field in place of RealField(prec) or ComplexField(prec)
        # the function is_RealField does not identify RDF as real, so we test for that ourselves.
        for v in emb:
            if is_RealField(v.codomain()) or v.codomain() is RDF:
                dv = R(1)
                dv = R(2)
            h += dv*self.green_function(F, v, **kwds)       #arch Green function

        # Non-Archimedean local heights
        for v in bad_primes:
            if K == QQ:
                dv = R(1)
                dv = R(v.residue_class_degree() * v.absolute_ramification_index())
            h += dv * self.green_function(F, v, **kwds)  #non-arch Green functions
        return h
Exemplo n.º 2
    def green_function(self, G, v, **kwds):
        Evaluates the local Green's function with respect to the morphism ``G``
        at the place ``v`` for ``self`` with ``N`` terms of the
        series or to within a given error bound.  Must be over a number field
        or order of a number field. Note that this is the absolute local Green's function
        so is scaled by the degree of the base field.

        Use ``v=0`` for the archimedean place over `\QQ` or field embedding. Non-archimedean
        places are prime ideals for number fields or primes over `\QQ`.


        See Exercise 5.29 and Figure 5.6 of ``The Arithmetic of Dynamics Systems``, Joseph H. Silverman, Springer, GTM 241, 2007.


        - ``G`` - a projective morphism whose local Green's function we are computing

        - ``v`` - non-negative integer. a place, use v=0 for the archimedean place


        - ``N`` - positive integer. number of terms of the series to use, default: 10

        - ``prec`` - positive integer, float point or p-adic precision, default: 100

        - ``error_bound`` - a positive real number


        - a real number


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([x^2+y^2,x*y]);
            sage: Q=P(5,1)
            sage: f.green_function(Q,0,N=30)


            sage: P.<x,y>=ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: H=Hom(P,P)
            sage: f=H([x^2+y^2,x*y]);
            sage: Q=P(5,1)
            sage: Q.green_function(f,0,N=200,prec=200)


            sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(3)
            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(K,1)
            sage: H = Hom(P,P)
            sage: f = H([17*x^2+1/7*y^2,17*w*x*y])
            sage: f.green_function(P.point([w,2],False), K.places()[1])
            sage: print f.green_function(P([2,1]), K.ideal(7), N=7)
            sage: print f.green_function(P([w,1]), K.ideal(17), error_bound=0.001)

        .. TODO:: Implement general p-adic extensions so that the flip trick can be used
             for number fields.
        N = kwds.get('N', 10)                     #Get number of iterates (if entered)
        err = kwds.get('error_bound', None)         #Get error bound (if entered)
        prec = kwds.get('prec', 100)                #Get precision (if entered)
        R = RealField(prec)
        localht = R(0)
        BR = FractionField(self.codomain().base_ring())
        GBR = G.change_ring(BR) #so the heights work

        if not BR in NumberFields():
            raise NotImplementedError("Must be over a NumberField or a NumberField Order")

        #For QQ the 'flip-trick' works better over RR or Qp
        if isinstance(v, (NumberFieldFractionalIdeal, RingHomomorphism_im_gens)):
            K = BR
        elif is_prime(v):
            K = Qp(v, prec)
        elif v == 0:
            K = R
            v = BR.places(prec=prec)[0]
            raise ValueError("Invalid valuation (=%s) entered."%v)

        #Coerce all polynomials in F into polynomials with coefficients in K
        F = G.change_ring(K, False)
        d = F.degree()
        dim = F.codomain().ambient_space().dimension_relative()
        P = self.change_ring(K, False)

        if err is not None:
            err = R(err)
            if not err>0:
                raise ValueError("Error bound (=%s) must be positive."%err)
            if G.is_endomorphism() == False:
                raise NotImplementedError("Error bounds only for endomorphisms")

            #if doing error estimates, compute needed number of iterates
            D = (dim + 1) * (d - 1) + 1
            #compute upper bound
            if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                vindex = BR.places(prec=prec).index(v)
                U = GBR.local_height_arch(vindex, prec=prec) + R(binomial(dim + d, d)).log()
            else: #non-archimedean
                U = GBR.local_height(v, prec=prec)

            #compute lower bound - from explicit polynomials of Nullstellensatz
            CR = GBR.codomain().ambient_space().coordinate_ring() #.lift() only works over fields
            I = CR.ideal(GBR.defining_polynomials())
            maxh = 0
            for k in range(dim + 1):
                CoeffPolys = (CR.gen(k) ** D).lift(I)
                Res = 1
                h = 1
                for poly in CoeffPolys:
                    if poly != 0:
                        for c in poly.coefficients():
                            Res = lcm(Res, c.denominator())
                for poly in CoeffPolys:
                    if poly != 0:
                        if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                            if BR == QQ:
                                h = max([(Res*c).local_height_arch(prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                                h = max([(Res*c).local_height_arch(vindex, prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                        else: #non-archimedean
                            h = max([c.local_height(v, prec=prec) for c in poly.coefficients()])
                        if h > maxh:
            if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens): #archimedean
                L = R(Res / ((dim + 1) * binomial(dim + D - d, D - d) * maxh)).log().abs()
            else: #non-archimedean
                L = R(1 / maxh).log().abs()
            C = max([U, L])
            if C != 0:
                N = R(C/(err)).log(d).abs().ceil()
            else: #we just need log||P||_v

        if isinstance(v, RingHomomorphism_im_gens):  #embedding for archimedean local height
            for i in range(N+1):
                Pv = [ (v(t).abs()) for t in P ]
                m = -1
                #compute the maximum absolute value of entries of a, and where it occurs
                for n in range(dim + 1):
                    if Pv[n] > m:
                        j = n
                        m = Pv[n]
                # add to sum for the Green's function
                localht += ((1/R(d))**R(i)) * (R(m).log())
                #get the next iterate
                if i < N:
                    P = F(P, False)
            return (1/BR.absolute_degree()) * localht

        #else - prime or prime ideal for non-archimedean
        for i in range(N + 1):
            if BR == QQ:
                Pv = [ R(K(t).abs()) for t in P ]
                Pv = [ R(t.abs_non_arch(v)) for t in P ]
            m = -1
            #compute the maximum absolute value of entries of a, and where it occurs
            for n in range(dim + 1):
                if Pv[n] > m:
                    j = n
                    m = Pv[n]
            # add to sum for the Green's function
            localht += ((1/R(d))**R(i)) * (R(m).log())
            #get the next iterate
            if i < N:
                P = F(P, False)
        return (1/BR.absolute_degree()) * localht