Exemplo n.º 1
def Min(Fun, p, ubRes, conj, all_orbits=False):
    Local loop for Affine_minimal, where we check minimality at the prime p.

    First we bound the possible k in our transformations A = zp^k + b.
    See Theorems 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_.


    - ``Fun`` -- a dynamical system on projective space

    - ``p`` - a prime

    - ``ubRes`` -- integer, the upper bound needed for Th. 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_

    - ``conj`` -- a 2x2 matrix keeping track of the conjugation

    - ``all_orbits`` -- boolean; whether or not to use ``==`` in the
      inequalities to find all orbits


    - boolean -- ``True`` if ``Fun`` is minimal at ``p``, ``False`` otherwise

    - a dynamical system on projective space minimal at ``p``


        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem_projective([149*x^2 + 39*x*y + y^2, -8*x^2 + 137*x*y + 33*y^2])
        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import Min
        sage: Min(f, 3, -27000000, matrix(QQ,[[1, 0],[0, 1]]))
        Dynamical System of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (157*x^2 + 72*x*y + 3*y^2 : -24*x^2 + 121*x*y + 54*y^2)        ,
        [3 1]
        [0 1]
    d = Fun.degree()
    AffFun = Fun.dehomogenize(1)
    R = AffFun.coordinate_ring()
    if R.is_field():
        #want the polynomial ring not the fraction field
        R = R.ring()
    F = R(AffFun[0].numerator())
    G = R(AffFun[0].denominator())
    dG = G.degree()
    # all_orbits scales bounds for >= and <= if searching for orbits instead of min model
    if dG > (d + 1) / 2:
        lowerBound = (-2 * (G[dG]).valuation(p) /
                      (2 * dG - d + 1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
        lowerBound = (-2 * (F[d]).valuation(p) /
                      (d - 1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
    upperBound = 2 * (ubRes.valuation(p)) + int(all_orbits)

    if upperBound < lowerBound:
        # There are no possible transformations to reduce the resultant.
        if not all_orbits:
            return [Fun, conj]
        return []
    # Looping over each possible k, we search for transformations to reduce
    # the resultant of F/G
    all_found = []
    k = lowerBound
    Qb = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'b')
    b = Qb.gen(0)
    Q = PolynomialRing(Qb, 'z')
    z = Q.gen(0)
    while k <= upperBound:
        A = (p**k) * z + b
        Ft = Q(F(A) - b * G(A))
        Gt = Q((p**k) * G(A))
        Fcoeffs = Ft.coefficients(sparse=False)
        Gcoeffs = Gt.coefficients(sparse=False)
        coeffs = Fcoeffs + Gcoeffs
        RHS = (d + 1) * k / 2
        # If there is some b such that Res(phi^A) < Res(phi), we must have
        # ord_p(c) > RHS for each c in coeffs.
        # Make sure constant coefficients in coeffs satisfy the inequality.
        if all(
                QQ(c).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits) for c in coeffs
                if c.degree() == 0):
            # Constant coefficients in coeffs have large enough valuation, so
            # check the rest. We start by checking if simply picking b=0 works.
            if all(c(0).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits) for c in coeffs):
                # A = z*p^k satisfies the inequalities, and F/G is not minimal
                # "Conjugating by", p,"^", k, "*z +", 0
                newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, 0, 0, 1])
                minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)
                if not all_orbits:
                    return [minFun, conj * newconj]
                all_found.append([p, k, 0])

            # Otherwise we search if any value of b will work. We start by
            # finding a minimum bound on the valuation of b that is necessary.
            # See Theorem 3.3.5 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bval = max(
                bCheck(coeff, RHS, p, b) for coeff in coeffs
                if coeff.degree() > 0)

            # We scale the coefficients in coeffs, so that we may assume
            # ord_p(b) is at least 0
            scaledCoeffs = [coeff(b * (p**bval)) for coeff in coeffs]

            # We now scale the inequalities, ord_p(coeff) > RHS, so that
            # coeff is in ZZ[b]
            scale = QQ(max(coeff.denominator() for coeff in scaledCoeffs))
            normalizedCoeffs = [coeff * scale for coeff in scaledCoeffs]
            scaleRHS = RHS + scale.valuation(p)

            # We now search for integers that satisfy the inequality
            # ord_p(coeff) > RHS. See Lemma 3.3.6 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bound = (scaleRHS + 1 - int(all_orbits)).floor()
            all_blift = blift(normalizedCoeffs,

            # If bool is true after lifting, we have a solution b, and F/G
            # is not minimal.
            for boolval, sol in all_blift:
                if boolval:
                    #Rescale, conjugate and return new map
                    bsol = QQ(sol * (p**bval))
                    #only add 'minimal orbit element'
                    while bsol.abs() >= p**k:
                        if bsol < 0:
                            bsol += p**k
                            bsol -= p**k
                    #"Conjugating by ", p,"^", k, "*z +", bsol
                    newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, bsol, 0, 1])
                    minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)

                    if not all_orbits:
                        return [minFun, conj * newconj]
                    if [p, k, bsol] not in all_found:
                        all_found.append([p, k, bsol])
        k = k + 1
    if not all_orbits:
        return [Fun, conj]
    return all_found
Exemplo n.º 2
def Min(Fun, p, ubRes, conj, all_orbits=False):
    Local loop for Affine_minimal, where we check minimality at the prime p.

    First we bound the possible k in our transformations A = zp^k + b.
    See Theorems 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_.


    - ``Fun`` -- a dynamical system on projective space

    - ``p`` - a prime

    - ``ubRes`` -- integer, the upper bound needed for Th. 3.3.3 in [Molnar]_

    - ``conj`` -- a 2x2 matrix keeping track of the conjugation

    - ``all_orbits`` -- boolean; whether or not to use ``==`` in the
      inequalities to find all orbits


    - boolean -- ``True`` if ``Fun`` is minimal at ``p``, ``False`` otherwise

    - a dynamical system on projective space minimal at ``p``


        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem_projective([149*x^2 + 39*x*y + y^2, -8*x^2 + 137*x*y + 33*y^2])
        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import Min
        sage: Min(f, 3, -27000000, matrix(QQ,[[1, 0],[0, 1]]))
        Dynamical System of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (157*x^2 + 72*x*y + 3*y^2 : -24*x^2 + 121*x*y + 54*y^2)        ,
        [3 1]
        [0 1]
    d = Fun.degree()
    AffFun = Fun.dehomogenize(1)
    R = AffFun.coordinate_ring()
    if R.is_field():
        #want the polynomial ring not the fraction field
        R = R.ring()
    F = R(AffFun[0].numerator())
    G = R(AffFun[0].denominator())
    dG = G.degree()
    # all_orbits scales bounds for >= and <= if searching for orbits instead of min model
    if dG > (d+1)/2:
        lowerBound = (-2*(G[dG]).valuation(p)/(2*dG - d + 1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
        lowerBound = (-2*(F[d]).valuation(p)/(d-1) + 1).floor() - int(all_orbits)
    upperBound = 2*(ubRes.valuation(p)) + int(all_orbits)

    if upperBound < lowerBound:
        # There are no possible transformations to reduce the resultant.
        if not all_orbits:
            return [Fun, conj]
        return []
    # Looping over each possible k, we search for transformations to reduce
    # the resultant of F/G
    all_found = []
    k = lowerBound
    Qb = PolynomialRing(QQ,'b')
    b = Qb.gen(0)
    Q = PolynomialRing(Qb,'z')
    z = Q.gen(0)
    while k <= upperBound:
        A = (p**k)*z + b
        Ft = Q(F(A) - b*G(A))
        Gt = Q((p**k)*G(A))
        Fcoeffs = Ft.coefficients(sparse=False)
        Gcoeffs = Gt.coefficients(sparse=False)
        coeffs = Fcoeffs + Gcoeffs
        RHS = (d + 1) * k / 2
        # If there is some b such that Res(phi^A) < Res(phi), we must have
        # ord_p(c) > RHS for each c in coeffs.
        # Make sure constant coefficients in coeffs satisfy the inequality.
        if all(QQ(c).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits)
               for c in coeffs if c.degree() == 0):
            # Constant coefficients in coeffs have large enough valuation, so
            # check the rest. We start by checking if simply picking b=0 works.
            if all(c(0).valuation(p) > RHS - int(all_orbits) for c in coeffs):
                # A = z*p^k satisfies the inequalities, and F/G is not minimal
                # "Conjugating by", p,"^", k, "*z +", 0
                newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, 0, 0, 1])
                minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)
                if not all_orbits:
                    return [minFun, conj*newconj]
                all_found.append([p, k, 0])

            # Otherwise we search if any value of b will work. We start by
            # finding a minimum bound on the valuation of b that is necessary.
            # See Theorem 3.3.5 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bval = max(bCheck(coeff, RHS, p, b) for coeff in coeffs if coeff.degree() > 0)

            # We scale the coefficients in coeffs, so that we may assume
            # ord_p(b) is at least 0
            scaledCoeffs = [coeff(b*(p**bval)) for coeff in coeffs]

            # We now scale the inequalities, ord_p(coeff) > RHS, so that
            # coeff is in ZZ[b]
            scale = QQ(max(coeff.denominator() for coeff in scaledCoeffs))
            normalizedCoeffs = [coeff * scale for coeff in scaledCoeffs]
            scaleRHS = RHS + scale.valuation(p)

            # We now search for integers that satisfy the inequality
            # ord_p(coeff) > RHS. See Lemma 3.3.6 in [Molnar, M.Sc. thesis].
            bound = (scaleRHS + 1 - int(all_orbits)).floor()
            all_blift = blift(normalizedCoeffs, bound, p, k, all_orbits=all_orbits)

            # If bool is true after lifting, we have a solution b, and F/G
            # is not minimal.
            for boolval, sol in all_blift:
                if boolval:
                    #Rescale, conjugate and return new map
                    bsol = QQ(sol * (p**bval))
                    #only add 'minimal orbit element'
                    while bsol.abs() >= p**k:
                        if bsol < 0:
                            bsol += p**k
                            bsol -= p**k
                    #"Conjugating by ", p,"^", k, "*z +", bsol
                    newconj = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [p**k, bsol, 0, 1])
                    minFun = Fun.conjugate(newconj)

                    if not all_orbits:
                        return [minFun, conj*newconj]
                    if [p,k,bsol] not in all_found:
                        all_found.append([p, k, bsol])
        k = k + 1
    if not all_orbits:
        return [Fun, conj]
    return all_found