Exemplo n.º 1
        def _an_element_(self):
            Try to return an element of ``self``, as per

            For each parent ``self`` is a facade for, this default
            implementation tries the method ``an_element`` until it finds an
            element in ``self``. If none is found raise a


                sage: S = Sets().Facades().example(); S
                An example of facade set: the monoid of positive integers
                sage: S.an_element()
            for parent in self.facade_for():
                x = parent.an_element()
                if x in self:
                    return x
            raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _an_element_(self):
            Try to return an element of ``self``, as per

            For each parent ``self`` is a facade for, this default
            implementation tries the method ``an_element`` until it finds an
            element in ``self``. If none is found raise a


                sage: S = Sets().Facade().example(); S
                An example of facade set: the monoid of positive integers
                sage: S.an_element()
            for parent in self.facade_for():
                x = parent.an_element()
                if x in self:
                    return x
            raise NotImplementedError