Exemplo n.º 1
    def _ascii_art_(self):
        Return an ascii art representation of ``self``


            sage: t = path_tableaux.DyckPath([0,1,2,3,2,1,0])
            sage: ascii_art(path_tableaux.CylindricalDiagram(t))
             0 1 2 3 2 1 0
               0 1 2 1 0 1 0
                 0 1 0 1 2 1 0
                   0 1 2 3 2 1 0
                     0 1 2 1 0 1 0
                       0 1 0 1 2 1 0
                         0 1 2 3 2 1 0

            sage: t = path_tableaux.FriezePattern([1,3,4,5,1])
            sage: ascii_art(path_tableaux.CylindricalDiagram(t))
               0   1   3   4   5   1   0
                   0   1 5/3 7/3 2/3   1   0
                       0   1   2   1   3   1   0
                           0   1   1   4 5/3   1   0
                               0   1   5 7/3   2   1   0
                                   0   1 2/3   1   1   1   0
                                       0   1   3   4   5   1   0
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
        data = [[ascii_art(x) for x in row] for row in self.diagram]
        if not data[0]:
            data[0] = [ascii_art('')]  # Put sometime there
        max_width = max(max(len(x) for x in row) for row in data if row)
        return prod((sum((ascii_art(' '*(max_width-len(x)+1)) + x for x in row), ascii_art(''))
                    for row in data), ascii_art(''))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _column_repr(self, b, vacuum_letter=None):
        Return a string representation of the column ``b``.


            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[-2,1],[2,1],[-3,1],[-3,2]], ['D',4,2], 2)
            sage: K = crystals.KirillovReshetikhin(['D',4,2], 2,1, 'KR')
            sage: B._column_repr(K(-2,1))
            sage: B._column_repr(K.module_generator())
            sage: B._column_repr(K.module_generator(), 'x')
        if vacuum_letter is not None and b == self._vacuum_elt:
            return ascii_art(vacuum_letter)
        if self._vacuum_elt.parent()._tableau_height == 1:
            s = str(b[0])
            return ascii_art(s if s[0] != '-' else '_\n' + s[1:])
        letter_str = [str(letter) for letter in b]
        max_width = max(len(s) for s in letter_str)
        return ascii_art('\n'.join(' ' * (max_width - len(s)) + s
                                   for s in letter_str))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def print_state_evolution(self, num):
        Print the evolution process of the state ``num``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`state_evolution`, :meth:`latex_state_evolution`


            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata('1113123', 3)
            sage: B.evolve(3)
            sage: B.evolve(3)
            sage: B.print_state_evolution(0)
                  1         1         1         3         1         2         3
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            111 --+-- 111 --+-- 111 --+-- 113 --+-- 112 --+-- 123 --+-- 113 --+-- 111
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                  1         1         3         2         3         1         1
            sage: B.print_state_evolution(1)
                  1         1         3         2         3         1         1
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            111 --+-- 113 --+-- 133 --+-- 123 --+-- 113 --+-- 111 --+-- 111 --+-- 111
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                  3         3         2         1         1         1         1
        u = self.state_evolution(num)  # Also evolves as necessary
        final = self._states[num + 1]
        vacuum = self._vacuum_elt
        state = [vacuum] * (len(final) - len(self._states[num])) + list(
        carrier = KirillovReshetikhinTableaux(self._cartan_type,

        def simple_repr(x):
            return ''.join(repr(x).strip('[]').split(', '))

        def carrier_repr(x):
            if carrier._tableau_height == 1:
                return sum((ascii_art(repr(b)) if repr(b)[0] != '-' else
                            ascii_art("_" + '\n' + repr(b)[1:]) for b in x),
            return ascii_art(''.join(repr(x).strip('[]').split(', ')))

        def cross_repr(i):
            ret = ascii_art("""
""".format(simple_repr(state[i]), simple_repr(final[i])))
            ret._baseline = 2
            return ret

        art = sum((cross_repr(i) + carrier_repr(u[i + 1])
                   for i in range(len(state))), ascii_art(''))
        print(ascii_art(carrier_repr(u[0])) + art)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _ascii_art_(self):
     ASCII art representation of the array.
     l = len(repr(self.n - 1))
     fmt = '%{}d'.format(l)
     art = [("(%s, %s): " % (fmt % i, fmt % j), ascii_art(M))
            for i, A in enumerate(self.A) for j, M in enumerate(A)]
     return ascii_art("\n".join(i + "\n"*a.height() for i, a in art)) + \
         ascii_art("\n".join(sum([a._matrix + [""] for i, a in art], [])))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _ascii_art_(self):
     ASCII art representation of the array.
     l = len(repr(self.n - 1))
     fmt = '%{}d: '.format(l)
     art = [ascii_art(M) for M in self.A]
     return ascii_art("\n".join((fmt % i) + "\n"*a.height()
                                for i, a in enumerate(art))) + \
         ascii_art("\n".join(sum([a._matrix + [""] for a in art], [])))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def ascii_art_formatter(self, obj, **kwds):
        Hook to override how ascii art is being formatted.


        - ``obj`` -- anything.

        - ``**kwds`` -- optional keyword arguments to control the
          formatting. Supported are:

            * ``concatenate`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). If
              ``True``, the argument ``obj`` must be iterable and its
              entries will be concatenated. There is a single
              whitespace between entries.


        Instance of
        containing the ascii art string representation of the object.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.backend_base import BackendBase
            sage: backend = BackendBase()
            sage: out = backend.ascii_art_formatter(range(30))
            sage: out
            OutputAsciiArt container
            sage: out.ascii_art
            buffer containing 114 bytes
            sage: print(out.ascii_art.get())
            [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
             22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ]
            sage: backend.ascii_art_formatter([1,2,3], concatenate=False).ascii_art.get()
            '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'
            sage: backend.ascii_art_formatter([1,2,3], concatenate=True ).ascii_art.get()
            '1 2 3'
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art, empty_ascii_art

        if kwds.get("concatenate", False):
            result = ascii_art(*obj, sep=" ")
            result = ascii_art(obj)
        from sage.repl.rich_output.output_basic import OutputAsciiArt

        return OutputAsciiArt(str(result))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: SolitonCellularAutomata('3411111122411112223', 4)
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: []
              current state:
            sage: SolitonCellularAutomata([[4,1],[2,1],[2,1],[3,1],[3,2]], 4, 2)
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 2
              initial state:
              4  33
              evoltuions: []
              current state:
              4  33
            sage: SolitonCellularAutomata([[4,1],[2,1],[2,1],[3,1],[3,2]], ['C',4,1], 2)
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['C', 4, 1] and vacuum = 2
              initial state:
              4  33
              evoltuions: []
              current state:
              4  33
            sage: SolitonCellularAutomata([[4,3],[2,1],[-3,1],[-3,2]], ['B',4,1], 2)
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['B', 4, 1] and vacuum = 2
              initial state:
               4  -3-3
               3 . 1 2
              evoltuions: []
              current state:
               4  -3-3
               3 . 1 2
        ret = "Soliton cellular automata of type {} and vacuum = {}\n".format(
            self._cartan_type, self._vacuum)
        ret += "  initial state:\n{}\n  evoltuions: {}\n  current state:\n{}".format(
            ascii_art('  ') + self._repr_state(self._states[0]),
            ascii_art('  ') + self._repr_state(self._states[-1]))
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _ascii_art_generator(self, m):
        Return an ascii art representing the generator indexed by ``m``.


            sage: R = NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions(QQ).R()
            sage: ascii_art(R[1,2,2,4])
            sage: Partitions.options(diagram_str="#", convention="french")
            sage: ascii_art(R[1,2,2,4])
            sage: Partitions.options._reset()
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt, ascii_art
        pref = AsciiArt([self.prefix()])
        r = pref * (AsciiArt([" "**Integer(len(pref))]) + ascii_art(m))
        r._baseline = r._h - 1
        return r
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _ascii_art_generator(self, m):
        Return an ascii art representing the generator indexed by ``m``.


            sage: R = NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions(QQ).R()
            sage: ascii_art(R[1,2,2,4])
            sage: Partitions.global_options(diagram_str="#", convention="french")
            sage: ascii_art(R[1,2,2,4])
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt, ascii_art
        pref = AsciiArt([self.prefix()])
        r = pref * (AsciiArt([" "**Integer(len(pref))]) + ascii_art(m))
        r._baseline = r._h - 1
        return r
Exemplo n.º 10
    def ascii_art_formatter(self, obj, **kwds):
        Hook to override how ascii art is being formatted.


        - ``obj`` -- anything.

        - ``**kwds`` -- optional keyword arguments to control the
          formatting. Supported are:

            * ``concatenate`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). If
              ``True``, the argument ``obj`` must be iterable and its
              entries will be concatenated. There is a single
              whitespace between entries.


        Instance of
        containing the ascii art string representation of the object.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.backend_base import BackendBase
            sage: backend = BackendBase()
            sage: out = backend.ascii_art_formatter(range(30))
            sage: out
            OutputAsciiArt container
            sage: out.ascii_art
            buffer containing 114 bytes
            sage: print(out.ascii_art.get())
            [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
             22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ]
            sage: backend.ascii_art_formatter([1,2,3], concatenate=False).ascii_art.get()
            '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'
            sage: backend.ascii_art_formatter([1,2,3], concatenate=True ).ascii_art.get()
            '1 2 3'
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art, empty_ascii_art
        if kwds.get('concatenate', False):
            result = ascii_art(*obj, sep=' ')
            result = ascii_art(obj)
        from sage.repl.rich_output.output_basic import OutputAsciiArt
        return OutputAsciiArt(str(result))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _ascii_art_(self):

            sage: from sage.combinat.shuffle import SetShuffleProduct
            sage: ascii_art(SetShuffleProduct([[BinaryTree()], [BinaryTree([]), BinaryTree([[],[]])]],
            ....: [[1,4]]))
            Set shuffle product of:
            [       [ o,   o   ] ]
            [       [     / \  ] ]
            [ [  ], [    o   o ] ] and [ [ 1, 4 ] ]

        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        return ascii_art("Set shuffle product of:") * \
            (ascii_art(self._l1) + ascii_art(" and ") +
Exemplo n.º 12
 def ascii_art_gen(m):
     if m[1] != 1:
         r = AsciiArt([" " ** Integer(len(pref))]) + ascii_art(m[1])
         r = empty_ascii_art
     r = r * P._ascii_art_generator(m[0])
     r._baseline = r._h - 2
     return r
Exemplo n.º 13
 def ascii_art_gen(m):
     if m[1] != 1:
         r = (AsciiArt([" " * len(pref)]) + ascii_art(m[1]))
         r = empty_ascii_art
     r = r * P._ascii_art_generator(m[0])
     r._baseline = r._h - 2
     return r
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _repr_state(self, state, vacuum_letter='.'):
        Return a string representation of ``state``.


            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata('3411111122411112223', 4)
            sage: B.evolve(number=10)
            sage: print(B._repr_state(B._states[0]))
            sage: print(B._repr_state(B._states[-1], '_'))
        output = [self._column_repr(b, vacuum_letter) for b in state]
        max_width = max(cell.width() for cell in output)
        return sum(
            (ascii_art(' ' * (max_width - b.width())) + b for b in output),
Exemplo n.º 15
        def cross_repr(i):
            ret = ascii_art("""
""".format(simple_repr(state[i]), simple_repr(final[i])))
            ret._baseline = 2
            return ret
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _ascii_art_term(self, m):
        Return ascii art for the basis element indexed by ``m``.


            sage: C4 = graphs.CycleGraph(4)
            sage: A = groups.misc.RightAngledArtin(C4)
            sage: H = A.cohomology()
            sage: H._ascii_art_term((0,1,3))
            sage: w,x,y,z = H.algebra_generators()
            sage: ascii_art(y*w + 2*x*z)
            -e0/\e2 + 2*e1/\e3
        if not m:
            return ascii_art('1')
        wedge = '/\\'
        return ascii_art(*['e' + str(i) for i in m], sep=wedge)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __repr__(self):
        Return string representation.




            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.double_description import \
            ....:     DoubleDescriptionPair, StandardAlgorithm
            sage: A = matrix(QQ, [(1,0,1), (0,1,1), (-1,-1,1)])
            sage: DD = StandardAlgorithm(A).run()
            sage: DD.__repr__()
            'Double description pair (A, R) defined by\n    [ 1  0  1]
             [ 2/3 -1/3 -1/3]\nA = [ 0  1  1],   R = [-1/3  2/3 -1/3]\n
             [-1 -1  1]        [ 1/3  1/3  1/3]'
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        s = ascii_art('Double description pair (A, R) defined by')
        A = ascii_art(matrix(self.A))
        A._baseline = (len(self.A) // 2)
        A = ascii_art('A = ') + A
        R = ascii_art(matrix(self.R).transpose())
        if len(self.R) > 0:
            R._baseline = (len(self.R[0]) // 2)
            R._baseline = 0
        R = ascii_art('R = ') + R
        return str(s * (A + ascii_art(',   ') + R))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __repr__(self):
        Return string representation.




            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.double_description import \
            ....:     DoubleDescriptionPair, StandardAlgorithm
            sage: A = matrix(QQ, [(1,0,1), (0,1,1), (-1,-1,1)])
            sage: DD = StandardAlgorithm(A).run()
            sage: DD.__repr__()
            'Double description pair (A, R) defined by\n    [ 1  0  1]
             [ 2/3 -1/3 -1/3]\nA = [ 0  1  1],   R = [-1/3  2/3 -1/3]\n
             [-1 -1  1]        [ 1/3  1/3  1/3]'
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
        s = ascii_art('Double description pair (A, R) defined by')
        A = ascii_art(matrix(self.A))
        A._baseline = (len(self.A) / 2)
        A = ascii_art('A = ') + A
        R = ascii_art(matrix(self.R).transpose())
        if len(self.R) > 0:
            R._baseline = (len(self.R[0]) / 2)
            R._baseline = 0
        R = ascii_art('R = ') + R
        return str(s * (A + ascii_art(',   ') + R))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _ascii_art_(self):

            sage: from sage.combinat.shuffle import ShuffleProduct
            sage: ascii_art(ShuffleProduct([1,2,3],[4,5]))
            Shuffle product of:
            [ 1, 2, 3 ] and [ 4, 5 ]
            sage: B = BinaryTree
            sage: ascii_art(ShuffleProduct([B([]), B([[],[]])],
            ....:   [B([[[],[]],[[],None]])]))
            Shuffle product of:
                             [     __o__   ]
                             [    /     \  ]
            [ o,   o   ]     [   o       o ]
            [     / \  ]     [  / \     /  ]
            [    o   o ] and [ o   o   o   ]
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        return ascii_art("Shuffle product of:") * \
            (ascii_art(self._l1) + ascii_art(" and ") +
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _ascii_art_(self):
        Return an ascii art representation of ``self``.


            sage: G2 = AffineGroup(2, QQ)
            sage: g2 = G2([[1, 1], [0, 1]], [3,4])
            sage: ascii_art(g2)
            x |-> [1 1] x + [3]
                  [0 1]     [4]

            sage: G3 = AffineGroup(3, QQ)
            sage: g3 = G3([[1,1,-1], [0,1,2], [0,10,2]], [3,4,5/2])
            sage: ascii_art(g3)
                  [ 1  1 -1]     [  3]
            x |-> [ 0  1  2] x + [  4]
                  [ 0 10  2]     [5/2]
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        deg = self.parent().degree()
        A = ascii_art(self._A, baseline=deg // 2)
        b = ascii_art(self._b.column(), baseline=deg // 2)
        return ascii_art("x |-> ") + A + ascii_art(" x + ") + b
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _ascii_art_term(self, x):
        Return an ascii art representation for ``x``.


            sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 'x,y')
            sage: H = L.Hall()
            sage: x,y = H.gens()
            sage: H._ascii_art_term(x.leading_support())
            sage: a = H([x, y]).leading_support()
            sage: H._ascii_art_term(a)
            [x, y]
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import ascii_art
        return ascii_art(x)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _ascii_art_term(self, m):
        Return an ascii art representation of the term indexed by ``m``.


            sage: C = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, Partitions())
            sage: TA = TensorAlgebra(C)
            sage: s = TA([Partition([3,2,2,1]), Partition([3])]).leading_support()
            sage: TA._ascii_art_term(s)
            B    # B
             ***    ***
            sage: s = TA([Partition([3,2,2,1])]*2 + [Partition([3])]*3 + [Partition([1])]*2).leading_support()
            sage: t = TA._ascii_art_term(s); t
            B    # B    # B    # B    # B    # B  # B
             ***    ***    ***    ***    ***    *    *
             **     **
             **     **
             *      *
            sage: t._breakpoints
            [7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 40]

            sage: I = TA.indices()
            sage: TA._ascii_art_term(I.one())
        if len(m) == 0:
            return '1'
        from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt, ascii_art
        symb = self._print_options['tensor_symbol']
        if symb is None:
            symb = tensor.symbol
        M = self._base_module
        return ascii_art(*(M._ascii_art_term(k) for k, e in m._monomial
                           for _ in range(e)),
                         sep=AsciiArt([symb], breakpoints=[len(symb)]))
Exemplo n.º 23
        def _ascii_art_(self):
            Return an ascii art representation.

            Note that arrows go to the left so that composition of
            differentials is the usual matrix multiplication.


                sage: F.<x,y> = FreeAlgebra(ZZ)
                sage: H = F.hochschild_complex(F)
                sage: a = H({0: x - y,
                ....:        1: H.module(1).basis().an_element(),
                ....:        2: H.module(2).basis().an_element()})
                sage: ascii_art(a)
                   d_0           d_1         d_2             d_3
                0 <---- F  - F  <---- 1 # 1 <---- 1 # 1 # 1 <---- 0
                         x    y
            from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt, ascii_art

            if not self._vec:  # 0 chain
                return AsciiArt(['0'])

            def arrow_art(d):
                d_str = ['  d_{0}  '.format(d)]
                arrow = ' <' + '-' * (len(d_str[0]) - 3) + ' '
                return AsciiArt(d_str, baseline=0)

            result = AsciiArt(['0'])
            max_deg = max(self._vec)
            for deg in range(min(self._vec), max_deg + 1):
                A = ascii_art(self.vector(deg))
                A._baseline = A.height() // 2
                result += arrow_art(deg) + A
            return result + arrow_art(max_deg + 1) + AsciiArt(['0'])
Exemplo n.º 24
        def _ascii_art_(self):
            Return an ascii art representation.

            Note that arrows go to the left so that composition of
            differentials is the usual matrix multiplication.


                sage: F.<x,y> = FreeAlgebra(ZZ)
                sage: H = F.hochschild_complex(F)
                sage: a = H({0: x - y,
                ....:        1: H.module(1).basis().an_element(),
                ....:        2: H.module(2).basis().an_element()})
                sage: ascii_art(a)
                   d_0           d_1         d_2             d_3
                0 <---- F  - F  <---- 1 # 1 <---- 1 # 1 # 1 <---- 0
                         x    y
            from sage.typeset.ascii_art import AsciiArt, ascii_art

            if not self._vec:   # 0 chain
                return AsciiArt(['0'])

            def arrow_art(d):
                d_str = ['  d_{0}  '.format(d)]
                arrow = ' <' + '-'*(len(d_str[0])-3) + ' '
                return AsciiArt(d_str, baseline=0)

            result = AsciiArt(['0'])
            max_deg = max(self._vec)
            for deg in range(min(self._vec), max_deg+1):
                A = ascii_art(self.vector(deg))
                A._baseline = A.height() // 2
                result += arrow_art(deg) + A
            return result + arrow_art(max_deg+1) + AsciiArt(['0'])
Exemplo n.º 25
 def carrier_repr(x):
     if carrier._tableau_height == 1:
         return sum((ascii_art(repr(b)) if repr(b)[0] != '-' else
                     ascii_art("_" + '\n' + repr(b)[1:]) for b in x),
     return ascii_art(''.join(repr(x).strip('[]').split(', ')))
Exemplo n.º 26
    def evolve(self, carrier_capacity=None, carrier_index=None, number=None):
        Evolve ``self``.

        Time evolution `T_s` of a SCA state `p` is determined by

        .. MATH::

            u_{r,s} \otimes T_s(p) = R(p \otimes u_{r,s}),

        where `u_{r,s}` is the maximal element of `B^{r,s}`.


        - ``carrier_capacity`` -- (default: the number of balls in
          the system) the size `s` of carrier

        - ``carrier_index`` -- (default: the vacuum index) the index `r`
          of the carrier

        - ``number`` -- (optional) the number of times to perform
          the evolutions

        To perform multiple evolutions of the SCA, ``carrier_capacity``
        and ``carrier_index`` may be lists of the same length.


            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata('3411111122411112223', 4)
            sage: for k in range(10):
            ....:     B.evolve()
            sage: B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19),
                           (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19)]
              current state:

            sage: B.reset()
            sage: B.evolve(number=10); B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19),
                           (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19), (1, 19)]
              current state:

            sage: B.reset()
            sage: B.evolve(carrier_capacity=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]); B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5),
                           (1, 6), (1, 7), (1, 8), (1, 9), (1, 10)]
              current state:

            sage: B.reset()
            sage: B.evolve(carrier_index=[1,2,3])
            Last carrier:
              1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
              2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  3  4  4
            sage: B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(1, 19), (2, 19), (3, 19)]
              current state:

            sage: B.reset()
            sage: B.evolve(carrier_capacity=[1,2,3], carrier_index=[1,2,3])
            Last carrier:
              1  1
              3  4
            Last carrier:
              1  1  1
              2  2  3
              3  3  4
            sage: B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
              current state:

            sage: B.reset()
            sage: B.evolve(1, 2, number=3)
            Last carrier:
            Last carrier:
            Last carrier:
            sage: B
            Soliton cellular automata of type ['A', 3, 1] and vacuum = 1
              initial state:
              evoltuions: [(2, 1), (2, 1), (2, 1)]
              current state:
        if isinstance(carrier_capacity, (list, tuple)):
            if not isinstance(carrier_index, (list, tuple)):
                carrier_index = [carrier_index] * len(carrier_capacity)
            if len(carrier_index) != len(carrier_capacity):
                raise ValueError("carrier_index and carrier_capacity"
                                 " must have the same length")
            for i, r in zip(carrier_capacity, carrier_index):
                self.evolve(i, r)
        if isinstance(carrier_index, (list, tuple)):
            # carrier_capacity must be not be a list/tuple if given
            for r in carrier_index:
                self.evolve(carrier_capacity, r)

        if carrier_capacity is None:
            carrier_capacity = self._nballs
        if carrier_index is None:
            carrier_index = self._vacuum

        if number is not None:
            for k in range(number):
                self.evolve(carrier_capacity, carrier_index)

        passed = False
        K = KirillovReshetikhinTableaux(self._cartan_type, carrier_index,
            # FIXME: the maximal_vector() does not work in type E and F
            empty_carrier = K.maximal_vector()
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            empty_carrier = K.module_generators[0]
        carrier_factor = (carrier_index, carrier_capacity)
        last_final_carrier = empty_carrier
        state = self._states[-1]
        dims = state.parent().dims
        while not passed:
            KRT = TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(
                self._cartan_type, dims + (carrier_factor, ))
            elt = KRT(*(list(state) + [empty_carrier]))
            RC = RiggedConfigurations(self._cartan_type,
                                      (carrier_factor, ) + dims)
            elt2 = RC(*elt.to_rigged_configuration()
            # Back to an empty carrier or we are not getting any better
            if elt2[0] == empty_carrier or elt2[0] == last_final_carrier:
                passed = True
                KRT = TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(
                    self._cartan_type, dims)
                if elt2[0] != empty_carrier:
                    print("Last carrier:")
                # We need to add more vacuum states
                last_final_carrier = elt2[0]
                dims = tuple([(self._vacuum, 1)] * carrier_capacity) + dims
Exemplo n.º 27
    def print_states(self, num=None, vacuum_letter='.'):
        Print the first ``num`` states of ``self``.

        .. NOTE::

            If the number of states computed for ``self`` is less than
            ``num``, then this evolves the system using the default
            time evolution.


        - ``num`` -- the number of states to print


            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[2],[-1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[3],
            ....:   [-2],[1],[1],[2],[-1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[3],[3],[-3],[-2]],
            ....:   ['C',3,1])
            sage: B.print_states(7)
            t: 0                           _       _   _         __
            t: 1                        _      _    _       __
            t: 2                     _     _     _     __
            t: 3                  _    _      _   __
            t: 4              _     _    _     __
            t: 5          _     __          __
            t: 6      _    __            __

            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[2],[1],[1],[1],[3],[-2],[1],[1],
            ....:   [1],[2],[2],[-3],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[3],[3],[-3]],
            ....:   ['B',3,1])
            sage: B.print_states(9, ' ')
            t: 0                            _     _         _
                                       2   32   223      2333
            t: 1                          _    _        _
                                      2  32  223     2333
            t: 2                        _   _       _
                                     2 32 223    2333
            t: 3                      _  _      _
                                   23 2223   2333
            t: 4                     __     _
                                 23 213  2333
            t: 5                _  _    _
                             2233 222 333
            t: 6            _    _   _
                         2233  23223 3
            t: 7        _     _     _
                     2233   232 23  3
            t: 8    _      _       _
                 2233    232  23   3

            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[2],[-2],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[0],[-3],
            ....:   [1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[3],[-3],], ['D',4,2])
            sage: B.print_states(10)
            t: 0                                      _      _        _
            t: 1                                    _     _       _
            t: 2                                  _    _      _
            t: 3                                _   _     _
            t: 4                              _  _    _
            t: 5                            _ _   _
            t: 6                        _   _  _
            t: 7                    _    _   _
            t: 8                _     _    _
            t: 9            _      _     _

        Example 4.13 from [Yamada2007]_::

            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[3],[3],[1],[1],[1],[1],[2],[2],[2]], ['D',4,3])
            sage: B.print_states(15)
            t: 0
            t: 1
            t: 2
            t: 3
            t: 4
            t: 5
            t: 6                          _
            t: 7                        _
            t: 8                     _
            t: 9                   _
            t: 10
            t: 11              _
            t: 12
            t: 13
            t: 14

        Example 4.14 from [Yamada2007]_::

            sage: B = SolitonCellularAutomata([[3],[1],[1],[1],[2],[3],[1],[1],[1],[2],[3],[3]], ['D',4,3])
            sage: B.print_states(15)
            t: 0
            t: 1
            t: 2
            t: 3
            t: 4
            t: 5                                _
            t: 6
            t: 7                           _
            t: 8
            t: 9
            t: 10
            t: 11
            t: 12
            t: 13
            t: 14
        if num is None:
            num = len(self._states)
        if num > len(self._states):
            for _ in range(num - len(self._states)):

        vacuum = self._vacuum_elt
        num_factors = len(self._states[num - 1])
        for i, state in enumerate(self._states[:num]):
            state = [vacuum] * (num_factors - len(state)) + list(state)
            output = [self._column_repr(b, vacuum_letter) for b in state]
            max_width = max(b.width() for b in output)
            start = ascii_art("t: %s \n" % i)
            start._baseline = -1
            print(start + sum((ascii_art(' ' * (max_width - b.width())) + b
                               for b in output), ascii_art('')))