Exemplo n.º 1
# Richard Darst, May 2009

import saiga12
#import saiga12.geom
from saiga12.geom.grid import *
from saiga12.geom.util import checkConnDistances, checkConnReversibility

ccr = checkConnReversibility
ccd = lambda S: checkConnDistances(S, 1., doAssert=True)

S = Grid1d()    ; S.makegrid(6)     ; ccd(S) ; ccr(S)
S = Grid2d()    ; S.makegrid(6,6)   ; ccd(S) ; ccr(S)
S = Grid3d()    ; S.makegrid(6,6,6) ; ccd(S) ; ccr(S)
S = GridHex2d() ; S.makegrid(6,6)   ; ccd(S) ; ccr(S)
S = Grid3dHCP() ; S.makegrid(6,6,6) ; ccd(S) ; ccr(S)
Exemplo n.º 2
# First, test the 3d grid (hexagonal close-packed)
S = Grid3dHCP()
S.makegrid(a, b, c)
S.addParticleRandomDensity(density, type_=12)

# set the first two particles on the x-axis to be a different color:
S.atomtype[S.lattsite[0]] = 3
S.atomtype[S.lattsite[36]] = 3

#print S.coords(numpy.arange(64))

# Print out distance of every atom from every other atom it is
# connected to.
# All of these distances should be 1:
checkConnDistances(S, 1, setType=2, doAssert=True)

# See if any connections are not symmetric:
findAsymmetry(S, doAssert=True)

if not globals().has_key("noviz"):
    V = saiga12.viz.VizSystem(S)

    # draw connections:
    drawConn(V, S, pos=1, )
    #drawConn(V, S, 1, whichi=(8, 10))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    interact(local=locals(), banner="")