Exemplo n.º 1
def prep_for_deserialize(model, record, using, init_list=None):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
    Convert a record from SFDC (decoded JSON) to dict(model string, pk, fields)
    If fixes fields of some types. If names of required fields `init_list `are
    specified, then only these fields are processed.
    # TODO the parameter 'using' is not currently important.
    attribs = record.pop('attributes')  # NOQA pylint:disable=unused-variable

    mod = model.__module__.split('.')
    if hasattr(model._meta, 'app_label'):
        app_label = getattr(model._meta, 'app_label')
    elif mod[-1] == 'models':
        app_label = mod[-2]
        raise ImproperlyConfigured("Can't discover the app_label for %s, you must specify it via model meta options.")

    if len(record.keys()) == 1 and model._meta.db_table in record:
        # this is for objects with ManyToManyField and OneToOneField
        while len(record) == 1:
            record = list(record.values())[0]
            if record is None:
                return None

    fields = prep_for_deserialize_inner(model, record, init_list=init_list)

    if init_list and set(init_list).difference(fields).difference([SF_PK]):
        raise DatabaseError("Not found some expected fields")

    return dict(
        model='.'.join([app_label, model.__name__]),
Exemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, q, args=()):
        Send a query to the Salesforce API.
        # pylint:disable=too-many-branches
        self.rowcount = None
        response = None
        if self.query is None:
            self.execute_select(q, args)
            response = self.execute_django(q, args)
            if isinstance(response, list):

        # the encoding is detected automatically, e.g. from headers
        if response and response.text:
            # parse_float set to decimal.Decimal to avoid precision errors when
            # converting from the json number to a float and then to a Decimal object
            # on a model's DecimalField. This converts from json number directly
            # to a Decimal object
            data = response.json(parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
            # a SELECT query
            if 'totalSize' in data:
                # SELECT
                self.rowcount = data['totalSize']
            # a successful INSERT query, return after getting PK
            elif 'success' in data and 'id' in data:
                self.lastrowid = data['id']
            elif 'compositeResponse' in data:
                # TODO treat error reporting for composite requests
                self.lastrowid = [
                    if x['body'] is not None else x['referenceId']
                    for x in data['compositeResponse']
            elif data['hasErrors'] is False:
                # it is from Composite Batch request
                # save id from bulk_create even if Django don't use it
                if data['results'] and data['results'][0]['result']:
                    self.lastrowid = [
                        item['result']['id'] for item in data['results']
            # something we don't recognize
                raise DatabaseError(data)

            if not q.upper().startswith('SELECT COUNT() FROM'):
                self.first_row = data['records'][0] if data['records'] else None
Exemplo n.º 3
 def execute_django(self, soql, args=()):
     Fixed execute for queries coming from Django query compilers
     response = None
     sqltype = soql.split(None, 1)[0].upper()
     if isinstance(self.query, subqueries.InsertQuery):
         response = self.execute_insert(self.query)
     elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.UpdateQuery):
         response = self.execute_update(self.query)
     elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.DeleteQuery):
         response = self.execute_delete(self.query)
     elif isinstance(self.query, RawQuery):
         self.execute_select(soql, args)
     elif sqltype in ('SAVEPOINT', 'ROLLBACK', 'RELEASE'):
         log.info("Ignored SQL command '%s'", sqltype)
     elif isinstance(self.query, Query):
         self.execute_select(soql, args)
         raise DatabaseError("Unsupported query: type %s: %s" % (type(self.query), self.query))
     return response
Exemplo n.º 4
    def as_sql(self, with_limits=True, with_col_aliases=False, subquery=False):  # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
        # the argument `subquery` is only for old Django 1.10
        # pylint:disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
        Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of

        If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not included
        in the query.
        # After executing the query, we must get rid of any joins the query
        # setup created. So, take note of alias counts before the query ran.
        # However we do not want to get rid of stuff done in pre_sql_setup(),
        # as the pre_sql_setup will modify query state in a way that forbids
        # another run of it.
        if with_limits and self.query.low_mark == self.query.high_mark:
            return '', ()
        self.subquery = subquery
        refcounts_before = self.query.alias_refcount.copy()
        soql_trans = self.query_topology()
            extra_select, order_by, group_by = self.pre_sql_setup()
            if with_limits and self.query.low_mark == self.query.high_mark:
                return '', ()
            distinct_fields = self.get_distinct()

            # This must come after 'select', 'ordering', and 'distinct' -- see
            # docstring of get_from_clause() for details.
            from_, f_params = self.get_from_clause()

            where, w_params = self.compile(
                self.where) if self.where is not None else ("", [])
            having, h_params = self.compile(
                self.having) if self.having is not None else ("", [])
            params = []
            result = ['SELECT']

            if self.query.distinct:

            out_cols = []
            col_idx = 1
            for _, (s_sql, s_params), alias in self.select + extra_select:
                if alias:
                    # fixed by removing 'AS'
                    s_sql = '%s %s' % (s_sql,
                elif with_col_aliases and not isinstance(
                    s_sql = '%s AS %s' % (s_sql, 'Col%d' % col_idx)
                    col_idx += 1
                if soql_trans and re.match(r'^\w+\.\w+$', s_sql):
                    tab_name, col_name = s_sql.split('.')
                    s_sql = '%s.%s' % (soql_trans[tab_name], col_name)

            result.append(', '.join(out_cols))


            if where:
                result.append('WHERE %s' % where)

            grouping = []
            for g_sql, g_params in group_by:
            if grouping:
                if distinct_fields:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "annotate() + distinct(fields) is not implemented.")
                if not order_by:
                    order_by = self.connection.ops.force_no_ordering()
                result.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(grouping))

            if having:
                result.append('HAVING %s' % having)

            if order_by:
                ordering = []
                for _, (o_sql, o_params, _) in order_by:
                result.append('ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(ordering))

            if with_limits:
                if self.query.high_mark is not None:
                    result.append('LIMIT %d' %
                                  (self.query.high_mark - self.query.low_mark))
                if self.query.low_mark:
                    if self.query.high_mark is None:
                        val = self.connection.ops.no_limit_value()
                        if val:
                            result.append('LIMIT %d' % val)
                    result.append('OFFSET %d' % self.query.low_mark)

            if self.query.select_for_update and self.connection.features.has_select_for_update:
                if self.connection.get_autocommit():
                    raise TransactionManagementError(
                        "select_for_update cannot be used outside of a transaction."

                # If we've been asked for a NOWAIT query but the backend does
                # not support it, raise a DatabaseError otherwise we could get
                # an unexpected deadlock.
                nowait = self.query.select_for_update_nowait
                if nowait and not self.connection.features.has_select_for_update_nowait:
                    raise DatabaseError(
                        'NOWAIT is not supported on this database backend.')

            return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
            # Finally do cleanup - get rid of the joins we created above.
Exemplo n.º 5
def convert_lead(lead, converted_status=None, **kwargs):
    Convert `lead` using the `convertLead()` endpoint exposed
    by the SOAP API.

    `lead` -- a Lead object that has not been converted yet.
    `converted_status` -- valid LeadStatus value for a converted lead.
        Not necessary if only one converted status is configured for Leads.

    kwargs: additional optional parameters according docs
    e.g. `accountId` if the Lead should be merged with an existing Account.

    Return value:
        {'accountId':.., 'contactId':.., 'leadId':.., 'opportunityId':.., 'success':..}

    -- BEWARE --
    The current implementation won't work in case your `Contact`,
    `Account` or `Opportunity` objects have some custom **and**
    required fields. This arises from the fact that `convertLead()`
    is only meant to deal with standard Salesforce fields, so it does
    not really care about populating custom fields at insert time.

    One workaround is to map a custom required field in
    your `Lead` object to every custom required field in the target
    objects (i.e., `Contact`, `Opportunity` or `Account`). Follow the
    instructions at


    for more details.
    # pylint:disable=protected-access
    if not beatbox:
        raise InterfaceError(
            "To use convert_lead, you'll need to install the Beatbox library.")

    accepted_kw = set(
        ('accountId', 'contactId', 'doNotCreateOpportunity', 'opportunityName',
         'overwriteLeadSource', 'ownerId', 'sendNotificationEmail'))
    assert all(x in accepted_kw for x in kwargs)

    db_alias = lead._state.db
    if converted_status is None:
        converted_status = connections[
    soap_client = get_soap_client(db_alias)

    # convert
    kwargs['leadId'] = lead.pk
    kwargs['convertedStatus'] = converted_status
    response = soap_client.convertLead(kwargs)

    ret = dict((x._name[1], str(x)) for x in response)

    if "errors" in str(ret):
        raise DatabaseError(
            "The Lead conversion failed: {0}, leadId={1}".format(
                ret['errors'], ret['leadId']))
    return ret