Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_artists(soup, track, title):
    Parse the per-track artists from the tracks or the header."""
    raw_rls_arts = [
        for s in soup.select("#topbar_bread h1 a")
        if "/artists/" in s["href"] and s.string
    ] or [s.string.title() for s in soup.select("#product_heading_artist a")]

    artists = []
    for art in raw_rls_arts:
        for split in re_split(art):

        artists = split_artists(
            track.select('meta[itemprop="byArtist"]')[0]["content"], artists
    except (TypeError, IndexError):
        artists = [(a, "main") for a in artists]

    guests = re.search(r"[Ff]eat\.? ([^\)]+)", title)
    if guests:
        artists += [
            (re.sub(r"( -)? .+? (mix|edit)", "", a, flags=re.IGNORECASE), "guest")
            for a in re_split(guests[1])
    return artists
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parse_artists(self, artists, default_artists, title):
        Iterate over all artists and roles, returning a compliant list of
        artist tuples.
        result = []

        feat = RE_FEAT.search(title)
        if feat:
            for artist in re_split(feat[1]):
                result.append((unescape(artist), "guest"))

        if artists:
            for a in artists.get("mainartist") or artists.get("main_artist", []):
                for b in re_split(a):
                    if (b, "main") not in result:
                        result.append((b, "main"))
            for a in artists.get("featuredartist", []):
                for b in re_split(a):
                    if (b, "guest") not in result:
                        result.append((b, "guest"))
            for artist in default_artists:
                for b in re_split(artist["ART_NAME"]):
                    if (b, "main") not in result:
                        result.append((b, "main"))

        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def split_genres(genres_list):
    """Create a list of genres from splitting the string."""
    genres = set()
    if genres_list:
        for g in genres_list:
            for genre in re_split(g):
    return list(genres)
Exemplo n.º 4
def split_artists(artist, rls_artists):
    Split an artist string by known delimiter characters and compare them
    to the album artists. If any release artists match the split artists,
    return the release artists that matched.
    art_li = [a.strip() for a in re_split(artist) if a]
    rls_artists = [a.lower() for a in rls_artists]
    return [(r, "main") for r in art_li]
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_artists(artist, title):
    Parse guest artists from the title and add them to the list
    of artists as guests.
    feat_artists = RE_FEAT.search(title)
    artists = []
    if feat_artists:
        artists = [(a, "guest") for a in re_split(feat_artists[1])]
        if " - " not in title:
            raise IndexError
        track_artists = title.split(" - ", 1)[0]
        artists += [(a, "main") for a in re_split(track_artists)]
    except (IndexError, TypeError):
        if "various" not in artist.lower():
            artists += [(a, "main") for a in re_split(artist)]
    return artists
Exemplo n.º 6
def parse_artists(artist_list):
    """Split the artists by common split characters, and aso accomodate features."""
    artists = []
    if not artist_list:
        artist_list = "none"
    if isinstance(artist_list, str):
        artist_list = [artist_list]
    for artist in artist_list:
        feat = RE_FEAT.search(artist)
        if feat:
            for a in re_split(feat[1]):
                artists.append((a, "guest"))
            artist = artist.replace(feat[0], "")
        remix = re.search(r" \(?remix(?:\.|ed|ed by)? ([^\)]+)\)?", artist)
        if remix:
            for a in re_split(remix[1]):
                artists.append((a, "remixer"))
            artist = artist.replace(remix[0], "")
        for a in re_split(artist):
            artists.append((a, "main"))
    return artists
Exemplo n.º 7
def filter_results(results, artists, album):
    filtered = {}
    for rls_id, result in (results or {}).items():
        if artists:
            split_artists = []
            for a in artists:
                split_artists += re_split(re_strip(normalize_accents(a)))
            stripped_rls_artist = re_strip(normalize_accents(result[0].artist))

            if "Various" in result[0].artist:
                if len(artists) == 1:
            elif not any(a in stripped_rls_artist for a in split_artists):
            elif not any(a in stripped_rls_artist.split()
                         for a in chain.from_iterable(
                             [a.split() for a in split_artists])):
        if album:
            if not _compare_albums(album, result[0].album):
        filtered[rls_id] = result
    return filtered
Exemplo n.º 8
    def parse_artists(self, artists, title, track_id):  # noqa: C901
        Iterate over all artists and roles, returning a compliant list of
        artist tuples.
        result = []
        artist_set = set()

        feat = RE_FEAT.search(title)
        if feat:
            for artist in re_split(feat[1]):
                result.append((unescape(artist), "guest"))

        remix_str = ""
        remixer_str = re.search(r" \((.*) [Rr]emix\)", title)
        if remixer_str:
            remix_str = unescape(remixer_str[1]).lower()

        all_guests = all(a["type"] == "FEATURED" for a in artists)
        for artist in artists:
            for a in re_split(artist["name"]):
                feat = RE_FEAT.search(a)
                if feat:
                    for artist_ in re_split(feat[1]):
                        result.append((unescape(artist_), "guest"))
                    a = re.sub(feat[0] + "$", "", a).rstrip()
                if artist["type"] in ROLES and unescape(
                        a).lower() not in artist_set:
                    if unescape(a).lower() in remix_str:
                        result.append((unescape(a), "remixer"))
                    elif all_guests:
                        result.append((unescape(a), "main"))
                        result.append((unescape(a), ROLES[artist["type"]]))

        if "mix" in title.lower():  # Get contributors for (re)mixes.
            attempts = 0
            while True:
                    artists = self.get_json_sync(
                            "countryCode": self.country_code,
                            "limit": 25
                except ScrapeError:
                    attempts += 1
                    if attempts > 3:
            for artist in artists:
                if (artist["role"] == "Remixer"
                        and artist["name"].lower() not in artist_set):
                    result.append((unescape(artist["name"]), "remixer"))

        # In case something is f****d, have a failsafe of returning all artists.
        return result if result else [(unescape(a["name"]), "main")
                                      for a in artists]