Exemplo n.º 1
    def _return_result(self, done):
        """Called set the returned future's state that of the future
        we yielded, and set the current future for the iterator.
        chain_future(done, self._running_future)

        self.current_future = done
        self.current_index = self._unfinished.pop(done)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def facebook_request(self,
        """Fetches the given relative API path, e.g., "/btaylor/picture"

        If the request is a POST, ``post_args`` should be provided. Query
        string arguments should be given as keyword arguments.

        An introduction to the Facebook Graph API can be found at

        Many methods require an OAuth access token which you can
        obtain through `~OAuth2Mixin.authorize_redirect` and
        `get_authenticated_user`. The user returned through that
        process includes an ``access_token`` attribute that can be
        used to make authenticated requests via this method.

        Example usage:


            class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
                def get(self):
                    new_entry = yield self.facebook_request(
                        post_args={"message": "I am posting from my Tornado application!"},

                    if not new_entry:
                        # Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
                        yield self.authorize_redirect()
                    self.finish("Posted a message!")

        .. testoutput::

        The given path is relative to ``self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL``,
        by default "https://graph.facebook.com".

        This method is a wrapper around `OAuth2Mixin.oauth2_request`;
        the only difference is that this method takes a relative path,
        while ``oauth2_request`` takes a complete url.

        .. versionchanged:: 3.1
           Added the ability to override ``self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL``.
        url = self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL + path
        # Thanks to the _auth_return_future decorator, our "callback"
        # argument is a Future, which we cannot pass as a callback to
        # oauth2_request. Instead, have oauth2_request return a
        # future and chain them together.
        oauth_future = self.oauth2_request(url,
        chain_future(oauth_future, callback)
Exemplo n.º 3
def with_timeout(timeout, future, io_loop=None, quiet_exceptions=()):
    """Wraps a `.Future` (or other yieldable object) in a timeout.

    Raises `TimeoutError` if the input future does not complete before
    ``timeout``, which may be specified in any form allowed by
    `.IOLoop.add_timeout` (i.e. a `datetime.timedelta` or an absolute time
    relative to `.IOLoop.time`)

    If the wrapped `.Future` fails after it has timed out, the exception
    will be logged unless it is of a type contained in ``quiet_exceptions``
    (which may be an exception type or a sequence of types).

    Does not support `YieldPoint` subclasses.

    .. versionadded:: 4.0

    .. versionchanged:: 4.1
       Added the ``quiet_exceptions`` argument and the logging of unhandled

    .. versionchanged:: 4.4
       Added support for yieldable objects other than `.Future`.
    # TODO: allow YieldPoints in addition to other yieldables?
    # Tricky to do with stack_context semantics.
    # It's tempting to optimize this by cancelling the input future on timeout
    # instead of creating a new one, but A) we can't know if we are the only
    # one waiting on the input future, so cancelling it might disrupt other
    # callers and B) concurrent futures can only be cancelled while they are
    # in the queue, so cancellation cannot reliably bound our waiting time.
    future = convert_yielded(future)
    result = Future()
    chain_future(future, result)
    if io_loop is None:
        io_loop = IOLoop.current()

    def error_callback(future):
        except Exception as e:
            if not isinstance(e, quiet_exceptions):
                app_log.error("Exception in Future %r after timeout",
                              future, exc_info=True)

    def timeout_callback():
        # In case the wrapped future goes on to fail, log it.
    timeout_handle = io_loop.add_timeout(
        timeout, timeout_callback)
    if isinstance(future, Future):
        # We know this future will resolve on the IOLoop, so we don't
        # need the extra thread-safety of IOLoop.add_future (and we also
        # don't care about StackContext here.
            lambda future: io_loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle))
        # concurrent.futures.Futures may resolve on any thread, so we
        # need to route them back to the IOLoop.
            future, lambda future: io_loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle))
    return result