Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_increment(self):
        Test if it increment the value of a key

        class MockMemcache(object):
            Mock of memcache

            def __init__(self):
                self.key = None

            def get_stats():
                Mock of stats method
                return [(" (1)", {})]

            def get(self, key):
                Mock of get method
                self.key = key
                return 1

            def incr(self, key, delta):
                Mock of incr method
                self.key = key
                if not isinstance(delta, integer_types):
                    raise SaltInvocationError("Delta value must be an integer")
                return key

        with patch.object(
            memcached, "_connect", MagicMock(return_value=MockMemcache())
            self.assertEqual(memcached.increment("salt"), "salt")

                SaltInvocationError, memcached.increment, "salt", delta="sa"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_increment(self):
        Test if it increment the value of a key
        class MockMemcache(object):
            Mock of memcache
            def __init__(self):
                self.key = None

            def get_stats():
                Mock of stats method
                return [(' (1)', {})]

            def get(self, key):
                Mock of get method
                self.key = key
                return 1

            def incr(self, key, delta):
                Mock of incr method
                self.key = key
                if not isinstance(delta, integer_types):
                    raise SaltInvocationError('Delta value must be an integer')
                return key

        with patch.object(memcached, '_connect',
            self.assertEqual(memcached.increment('salt'), 'salt')

            self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, memcached.increment,
                              'salt', delta='sa')