Exemplo n.º 1
class Server(Entity):
    """ A class that does things that IdPs or AAs do """

    def __init__(self, config_file="", config=None, cache=None, stype="idp",
                 symkey="", msg_cb=None):
        Entity.__init__(self, stype, config, config_file, msg_cb=msg_cb)
        self.eptid = None
        self.cache = cache
        self.ticket = {}
        self.session_db = self.choose_session_storage()
        # Needed for
        self.symkey = symkey
        self.seed = rndstr()
        self.iv = os.urandom(16)
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def getvalid_certificate_str(self):
        if self.sec.cert_handler is not None:
            return self.sec.cert_handler._last_validated_cert
        return None

    def support_AssertionIDRequest(self):
        return True

    def support_AuthnQuery(self):
        return True

    def choose_session_storage(self):
        _spec = self.config.getattr("session_storage", "idp")
        if not _spec:
            return SessionStorage()
        elif isinstance(_spec, six.string_types):
            if _spec.lower() == "memory":
                return SessionStorage()
        else:  # Should be tuple
            typ, data = _spec
            if typ.lower() == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import SessionStorageMDB

                return SessionStorageMDB(database=data, collection="session")

        raise NotImplementedError("No such storage type implemented")

    def init_config(self, stype="idp"):
        """ Remaining init of the server configuration

        :param stype: The type of Server ("idp"/"aa")
        if stype == "aa":

        # subject information is stored in a database
        # default database is in memory which is OK in some setups
        dbspec = self.config.getattr("subject_data", "idp")
        idb = None
        typ = ""
        if not dbspec:
            idb = {}
        elif isinstance(dbspec, six.string_types):
            idb = _shelve_compat(dbspec, writeback=True, protocol=2)
        else:  # database spec is a a 2-tuple (type, address)
            # print(>> sys.stderr, "DBSPEC: %s" % (dbspec,))
            (typ, addr) = dbspec
            if typ == "shelve":
                idb = _shelve_compat(addr, writeback=True, protocol=2)
            elif typ == "memcached":
                import memcache

                idb = memcache.Client(addr)
            elif typ == "dict":  # in-memory dictionary
                idb = {}
            elif typ == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import IdentMDB

                self.ident = IdentMDB(database=addr, collection="ident")

            elif typ == "identdb":
                mod, clas = addr.rsplit('.', 1)
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod)
                self.ident = getattr(mod, clas)()

        if typ == "mongodb" or typ == "identdb":
        elif idb is not None:
            self.ident = IdentDB(idb)
        elif dbspec:
            raise Exception("Couldn't open identity database: %s" %

            _domain = self.config.getattr("domain", "idp")
            if _domain:
                self.ident.domain = _domain

            self.ident.name_qualifier = self.config.entityid

            dbspec = self.config.getattr("edu_person_targeted_id", "idp")
            if not dbspec:
                typ = dbspec[0]
                addr = dbspec[1]
                secret = dbspec[2]
                if typ == "shelve":
                    self.eptid = EptidShelve(secret, addr)
                elif typ == "mongodb":
                    from saml2.mongo_store import EptidMDB

                    self.eptid = EptidMDB(secret, database=addr,
                    self.eptid = Eptid(secret)
        except Exception:

    def wants(self, sp_entity_id, index=None):
        """ Returns what attributes the SP requires and which are optional
        if any such demands are registered in the Metadata.

        :param sp_entity_id: The entity id of the SP
        :param index: which of the attribute consumer services its all about
            if index == None then all attribute consumer services are clumped
        :return: 2-tuple, list of required and list of optional attributes
        return self.metadata.attribute_requirement(sp_entity_id, index)

    def verify_assertion_consumer_service(self, request):
        _acs = request.assertion_consumer_service_url
        _aci = request.assertion_consumer_service_index
        _binding = request.protocol_binding
        _eid = request.issuer.text
        if _acs:
            # look up acs in for that binding in the metadata given the issuer
            # Assuming the format is entity
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _acs == acs.text:
                    return True
        elif _aci:
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _aci == acs.index:
                    return True

        return False

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def parse_authn_request(self, enc_request, binding=BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT):
        """Parse a Authentication Request

        :param enc_request: The request in its transport format
        :param binding: Which binding that was used to transport the message
            to this entity.
        :return: A request instance

        return self._parse_request(enc_request, AuthnRequest,
                                   "single_sign_on_service", binding)

    def parse_attribute_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an attribute query

        :param xml_string: The Attribute Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used for the request
        :return: A query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AttributeQuery,
                                   "attribute_service", binding)

    def parse_authz_decision_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authorization decision query

        :param xml_string: The Authz decision Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthzDecisionQuery,
                                   "authz_service", binding)

    def parse_assertion_id_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an assertion id query

        :param xml_string: The AssertionIDRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AssertionIDRequest,
                                   "assertion_id_request_service", binding)

    def parse_authn_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authn query

        :param xml_string: The AuthnQuery as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthnQuery,
                                   "authn_query_service", binding)

    def parse_name_id_mapping_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse a nameid mapping request

        :param xml_string: The NameIDMappingRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, NameIDMappingRequest,
                                   "name_id_mapping_service", binding)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def setup_assertion(self, authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url,
                        name_id, policy, _issuer,
                        authn_statement, identity, best_effort, sign_response,
        ast = Assertion(identity)
        ast.acs = self.config.getattr("attribute_converters", "idp")
        if policy is None:
            policy = Policy()
            ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
        except MissingValue as exc:
            if not best_effort:
                return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, consumer_url,
                                                  exc, sign_response)

        if authn:  # expected to be a dictionary
            # Would like to use dict comprehension but ...
            authn_args = dict([
                                  (AUTHN_DICT_MAP[k], v) for k, v in
                                  if k in AUTHN_DICT_MAP])

            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      consumer_url, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer,
        elif authn_statement:  # Got a complete AuthnStatement
            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      consumer_url, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer,
            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      consumer_url, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer,
        return assertion

    def _authn_response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url,
                        sp_entity_id, identity=None, name_id=None,
                        status=None, authn=None, issuer=None, policy=None,
                        sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                        best_effort=False, encrypt_assertion=False,
                        encrypt_cert_advice=None, encrypt_cert_assertion=None,
                        pefim=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None):
        """ Create a response. A layer of indirection.

        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param authn: A dictionary containing information about the
            authn context.
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param policy:
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not
        :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a
        :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted
        assertions should have alla namespaces
        :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice
        element should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of
        assertions in the advice element.
        :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption
        of assertions.
        :param authn_statement: Authentication statement.
        :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed.
        :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile
        should be created.
        :return: A response instance

        args = {}
        # if identity:
        _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)

        # if encrypt_assertion and show_nameid:
        #    tmp_name_id = name_id
        #    name_id = None
        #    name_id = None
        #    tmp_authn = authn
        #    authn = None
        #    tmp_authn_statement = authn_statement
        #    authn_statement = None

        if pefim:
            encrypted_advice_attributes = True
            encrypt_assertion_self_contained = True
            assertion_attributes = self.setup_assertion(None, sp_entity_id,
                                                        None, None, None,
                                                        None, None, identity,
                                                        sign_response, False)
            assertion = self.setup_assertion(authn, sp_entity_id,
                                             in_response_to, consumer_url,
                                             name_id, policy, _issuer,
                                             authn_statement, [], True,
            assertion.advice = saml.Advice()

            # assertion.advice.assertion_id_ref.append(saml.AssertionIDRef())
            # assertion.advice.assertion_uri_ref.append(saml.AssertionURIRef())
            assertion = self.setup_assertion(authn, sp_entity_id,
                                             in_response_to, consumer_url,
                                             name_id, policy, _issuer,
                                             authn_statement, identity, True,

        to_sign = []
        if not encrypt_assertion:
            if sign_assertion:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1,
                to_sign.append((class_name(assertion), assertion.id))

        args["assertion"] = assertion

        if (self.support_AssertionIDRequest() or self.support_AuthnQuery()):
            self.session_db.store_assertion(assertion, to_sign)

        return self._response(in_response_to, consumer_url, status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign, sp_entity_id=sp_entity_id,
                              pefim=pefim, sign_alg=sign_alg,

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_attribute_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                  sp_entity_id, userid="", name_id=None,
                                  status=None, issuer=None,
                                  sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                                  attributes=None, sign_alg=None,
                                  digest_alg=None, **kwargs):
        """ Create an attribute assertion response.

        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param destination: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param userid: A identifier of the user
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the whole response should be signed
        :param attributes:
        :param kwargs: To catch extra keyword arguments
        :return: A response instance

        policy = self.config.getattr("policy", "aa")

        if not name_id and userid:
                name_id = self.ident.construct_nameid(userid, policy,
                logger.warning("Unspecified NameID format")
            except Exception:

        to_sign = []
        args = {}
        if identity:
            _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)
            ast = Assertion(identity)
            if policy:
                ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
                policy = Policy()

            if attributes:
                restr = restriction_from_attribute_spec(attributes)
                ast = filter_attribute_value_assertions(ast)

            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      destination, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer)

            if sign_assertion:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1,
                # Just the assertion or the response and the assertion ?
                to_sign = [(class_name(assertion), assertion.id)]

            args["assertion"] = assertion

        return self._response(in_response_to, destination, status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign, sign_alg=sign_alg,
                              digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def gather_authn_response_args(self, sp_entity_id, name_id_policy, userid,
        param_default = {
            'sign_assertion': False,
            'sign_response': False,
            'encrypt_assertion': False,
            'encrypt_assertion_self_contained': True,
            'encrypted_advice_attributes': False,
            'encrypt_cert_advice': None,
            'encrypt_cert_assertion': None

        args = {}

            args["policy"] = kwargs["release_policy"]
        except KeyError:
            args["policy"] = self.config.getattr("policy", "idp")

            args['best_effort'] = kwargs["best_effort"]
        except KeyError:
            args['best_effort'] = False

        for param in ['sign_assertion', 'sign_response', 'encrypt_assertion',
                      'encrypted_advice_attributes', 'encrypt_cert_advice',
                _val = kwargs[param]
                _val = None

            if _val is None:
                _val = self.config.getattr(param, "idp")

            if _val is None:
                args[param] = param_default[param]
                args[param] = _val

        for arg, attr, eca, pefim in [
            ('encrypted_advice_attributes', 'verify_encrypt_cert_advice',
              'encrypt_cert_advice', kwargs["pefim"]),
            ('encrypt_assertion', 'verify_encrypt_cert_assertion',
             'encrypt_cert_assertion', False)]:

            if args[arg] or pefim:
                _enc_cert = self.config.getattr(attr, "idp")

                if _enc_cert is not None:
                    if kwargs[eca] is None:
                        raise CertificateError(
                            "No SPCertEncType certificate for encryption "
                            "contained in authentication "
                    if not _enc_cert(kwargs[eca]):
                        raise CertificateError(
                            "Invalid certificate for encryption!")

        if 'name_id' not in kwargs or not kwargs['name_id']:
            nid_formats = []
            for _sp in self.metadata[sp_entity_id]["spsso_descriptor"]:
                if "name_id_format" in _sp:
                    nid_formats.extend([n["text"] for n in
                snq = name_id_policy.sp_name_qualifier
            except AttributeError:
                snq = sp_entity_id

            if not snq:
                snq = sp_entity_id

            kwa = {"sp_name_qualifier": snq}

                kwa["format"] = name_id_policy.format
            except AttributeError:

            _nids = self.ident.find_nameid(userid, **kwa)
            # either none or one
            if _nids:
                args['name_id'] = _nids[0]
                args['name_id'] = self.ident.construct_nameid(
                    userid, args['policy'], sp_entity_id, name_id_policy)
                logger.debug("construct_nameid: %s => %s", userid,
            args['name_id'] = kwargs['name_id']

        return args

    def create_authn_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                              sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                              name_id=None, authn=None, issuer=None,
                              sign_response=None, sign_assertion=None,
                              encrypted_advice_attributes=False, pefim=False,
                              sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None,
        """ Constructs an AuthenticationResponse

        :param identity: Information about an user
        :param in_response_to: The identifier of the authentication request
            this response is an answer to.
        :param destination: Where the response should be sent
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the Service Provider
        :param name_id_policy: How the NameID should be constructed
        :param userid: The subject identifier
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject.
        :param authn: Dictionary with information about the authentication
        :param issuer: Issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not.
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not.
        :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted
        assertions should have alla namespaces
        :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice
        element should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of
        assertions in the advice element.
        :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption
        of assertions.
        :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed.
        :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile
        should be created.
        :return: A response instance

            args = self.gather_authn_response_args(
                sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=name_id_policy, userid=userid,
                name_id=name_id, sign_response=sign_response,
                pefim=pefim, **kwargs)
        except IOError as exc:
            response = self.create_error_response(in_response_to,
                                                  exc, name_id)
            return ("%s" % response).split("\n")

            _authn = authn
            if (
                        sign_assertion or sign_response) and \
                with self.lock:
                    return self._authn_response(
                        in_response_to, destination, sp_entity_id, identity,
                        authn=_authn, issuer=issuer, pefim=pefim,
                        sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)
            return self._authn_response(
                in_response_to, destination, sp_entity_id, identity,
                authn=_authn, issuer=issuer, pefim=pefim, sign_alg=sign_alg,
                digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)

        except MissingValue as exc:
            return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, destination,
                                              sp_entity_id, exc, name_id)

    def create_authn_request_response(self, identity, in_response_to,
                                      destination, sp_entity_id,
                                      name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                                      name_id=None, authn=None, authn_decl=None,
                                      issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                      sign_assertion=False, **kwargs):

        return self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy, userid,
                                          name_id, authn, issuer,
                                          sign_response, sign_assertion,

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_assertion_id_request_response(self, assertion_id, sign=False,
                                             digest_alg=None, **kwargs):

        :param assertion_id:
        :param sign:

            (assertion, to_sign) = self.session_db.get_assertion(assertion_id)
        except KeyError:
            raise Unknown

        if to_sign:
            if assertion.signature is None:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1,

            return signed_instance_factory(assertion, self.sec, to_sign)
            return assertion

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_name_id_mapping_response(self, name_id=None, encrypted_id=None,
                                        issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                        status=None, sign_alg=None,
                                        digest_alg=None, **kwargs):
        protocol for mapping a principal's name identifier into a
        different name identifier for the same principal.
        Done over soap.

        :param name_id:
        :param encrypted_id:
        :param in_response_to:
        :param issuer:
        :param sign_response:
        :param status:
        # Done over SOAP

        ms_args = self.message_args()

        _resp = NameIDMappingResponse(name_id, encrypted_id,
                                      in_response_to=in_response_to, **ms_args)

        if sign_response:
            return self.sign(_resp, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg)
            logger.info("Message: %s", _resp)
            return _resp

    def create_authn_query_response(self, subject, session_index=None,
                                    requested_context=None, in_response_to=None,
                                    issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                    status=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None,
        A successful <Response> will contain one or more assertions containing
        authentication statements.


        margs = self.message_args()
        asserts = []
        for statement in self.session_db.get_authn_statements(
                subject.name_id, session_index, requested_context):
                                          subject=subject, **margs))

        if asserts:
            args = {"assertion": asserts}
            args = {}

        return self._response(in_response_to, "", status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign=[], sign_alg=sign_alg,
                              digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)

    # ---------

    def parse_ecp_authn_request(self):

    def create_ecp_authn_request_response(self, acs_url, identity,
                                          in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None,
                                          userid=None, name_id=None, authn=None,
                                          issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                          sign_assertion=False, **kwargs):

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <ecp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        ecp_response = ecp.Response(assertion_consumer_service_url=acs_url)
        header = soapenv.Header()
        header.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(ecp_response)]

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <samlp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        response = self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to,
                                              destination, sp_entity_id,
                                              name_id_policy, userid, name_id,
                                              authn, issuer,
                                              sign_response, sign_assertion)
        body = soapenv.Body()
        body.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(response)]

        soap_envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body)

        return "%s" % soap_envelope

    def close(self):

    def clean_out_user(self, name_id):
        Remove all authentication statements that belongs to a user identified
        by a NameID instance

        :param name_id: NameID instance
        :return: The local identifier for the user

        lid = self.ident.find_local_id(name_id)
        logger.info("Clean out %s", lid)

        # remove the authentications
            for _nid in [decode(x) for x in self.ident.db[lid].split(" ")]:
                except KeyError:
        except KeyError:

        return lid
Exemplo n.º 2
class Server(Entity):
    """ A class that does things that IdPs or AAs do """

    def __init__(self, config_file="", config=None, cache=None, stype="idp",
                 symkey="", msg_cb=None):
        Entity.__init__(self, stype, config, config_file, msg_cb=msg_cb)
        self.eptid = None
        self.cache = cache
        self.ticket = {}
        self.session_db = self.choose_session_storage()
        # Needed for
        self.symkey = symkey
        self.seed = rndstr()
        self.iv = os.urandom(16)
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def getvalid_certificate_str(self):
        if self.sec.cert_handler is not None:
            return self.sec.cert_handler._last_validated_cert
        return None

    def support_AssertionIDRequest(self):
        return True

    def support_AuthnQuery(self):
        return True

    def choose_session_storage(self):
        _spec = self.config.getattr("session_storage", "idp")
        if not _spec:
            return SessionStorage()
        elif isinstance(_spec, six.string_types):
            if _spec.lower() == "memory":
                return SessionStorage()
        else:  # Should be tuple
            typ, data = _spec
            if typ.lower() == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import SessionStorageMDB

                return SessionStorageMDB(database=data, collection="session")

        raise NotImplementedError("No such storage type implemented")

    def init_config(self, stype="idp"):
        """ Remaining init of the server configuration

        :param stype: The type of Server ("idp"/"aa")
        if stype == "aa":

        # subject information is stored in a database
        # default database is in memory which is OK in some setups
        dbspec = self.config.getattr("subject_data", "idp")
        idb = None
        typ = ""
        if not dbspec:
            idb = {}
        elif isinstance(dbspec, six.string_types):
            idb = _shelve_compat(dbspec, writeback=True, protocol=2)
        else:  # database spec is a a 2-tuple (type, address)
            # print(>> sys.stderr, "DBSPEC: %s" % (dbspec,))
            (typ, addr) = dbspec
            if typ == "shelve":
                idb = _shelve_compat(addr, writeback=True, protocol=2)
            elif typ == "memcached":
                import memcache

                idb = memcache.Client(addr)
            elif typ == "dict":  # in-memory dictionary
                idb = {}
            elif typ == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import IdentMDB

                self.ident = IdentMDB(database=addr, collection="ident")

            elif typ == "identdb":
                mod, clas = addr.rsplit('.', 1)
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod)
                self.ident = getattr(mod, clas)()

        if typ == "mongodb" or typ == "identdb":
        elif idb is not None:
            self.ident = IdentDB(idb)
        elif dbspec:
            raise Exception("Couldn't open identity database: %s" %

            _domain = self.config.getattr("domain", "idp")
            if _domain:
                self.ident.domain = _domain

            self.ident.name_qualifier = self.config.entityid

            dbspec = self.config.getattr("edu_person_targeted_id", "idp")
            if not dbspec:
                typ = dbspec[0]
                addr = dbspec[1]
                secret = dbspec[2]
                if typ == "shelve":
                    self.eptid = EptidShelve(secret, addr)
                elif typ == "mongodb":
                    from saml2.mongo_store import EptidMDB

                    self.eptid = EptidMDB(secret, database=addr,
                    self.eptid = Eptid(secret)
        except Exception:

    def wants(self, sp_entity_id, index=None):
        """ Returns what attributes the SP requires and which are optional
        if any such demands are registered in the Metadata.

        :param sp_entity_id: The entity id of the SP
        :param index: which of the attribute consumer services its all about
            if index == None then all attribute consumer services are clumped
        :return: 2-tuple, list of required and list of optional attributes
        return self.metadata.attribute_requirement(sp_entity_id, index)

    def verify_assertion_consumer_service(self, request):
        _acs = request.assertion_consumer_service_url
        _aci = request.assertion_consumer_service_index
        _binding = request.protocol_binding
        _eid = request.issuer.text
        if _acs:
            # look up acs in for that binding in the metadata given the issuer
            # Assuming the format is entity
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _acs == acs.text:
                    return True
        elif _aci:
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _aci == acs.index:
                    return True

        return False

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def parse_authn_request(self, enc_request, binding=BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT):
        """Parse a Authentication Request

        :param enc_request: The request in its transport format
        :param binding: Which binding that was used to transport the message
            to this entity.
        :return: A request instance

        return self._parse_request(enc_request, AuthnRequest,
                                   "single_sign_on_service", binding)

    def parse_attribute_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an attribute query

        :param xml_string: The Attribute Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used for the request
        :return: A query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AttributeQuery,
                                   "attribute_service", binding)

    def parse_authz_decision_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authorization decision query

        :param xml_string: The Authz decision Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthzDecisionQuery,
                                   "authz_service", binding)

    def parse_assertion_id_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an assertion id query

        :param xml_string: The AssertionIDRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AssertionIDRequest,
                                   "assertion_id_request_service", binding)

    def parse_authn_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authn query

        :param xml_string: The AuthnQuery as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthnQuery,
                                   "authn_query_service", binding)

    def parse_name_id_mapping_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse a nameid mapping request

        :param xml_string: The NameIDMappingRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, NameIDMappingRequest,
                                   "name_id_mapping_service", binding)

    def update_farg(in_response_to, consumer_url, farg=None):
        if not farg:
            farg = add_path(
                ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation', 'method',
                ['subject_confirmation_data', 'in_response_to', in_response_to])
                ['subject_confirmation_data', 'recipient', consumer_url])
            if not is_set(farg,
                          ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                         ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                          'method', saml.SCM_BEARER])
            if not is_set(farg,
                          ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                           'subject_confirmation_data', 'in_response_to']):
                         ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                          'subject_confirmation_data', 'in_response_to',
            if not is_set(farg, ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                                 'subject_confirmation_data', 'recipient']):
                         ['assertion', 'subject', 'subject_confirmation',
                          'subject_confirmation_data', 'recipient',
        return farg

    def setup_assertion(self, authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url,
                        name_id, policy, _issuer, authn_statement, identity,
                        best_effort, sign_response, farg=None,
                        session_not_on_or_after=None, **kwargs):
        Construct and return the Assertion

        :param authn: Authentication information
        :param sp_entity_id:
        :param in_response_to: The ID of the request this is an answer to
        :param consumer_url: The recipient of the assertion
        :param name_id: The NameID of the subject
        :param policy: Assertion policies
        :param _issuer: Issuer of the statement
        :param authn_statement: An AuthnStatement instance
        :param identity: Identity information about the Subject
        :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a
        :param sign_response: Sign the response, only applicable if
        :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments
        :return: An Assertion instance

        ast = Assertion(identity)
        ast.acs = self.config.getattr("attribute_converters", "idp")
        if policy is None:
            policy = Policy()
            ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
        except MissingValue as exc:
            if not best_effort:
                return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, consumer_url,
                                                  exc, sign_response)

        farg = self.update_farg(in_response_to, consumer_url, farg)

        if authn:  # expected to be a dictionary
            # Would like to use dict comprehension but ...
            authn_args = dict(
                [(AUTHN_DICT_MAP[k], v) for k, v in authn.items() if
                 k in AUTHN_DICT_MAP])

            assertion = ast.construct(
                sp_entity_id, self.config.attribute_converters, policy,
                issuer=_issuer, farg=farg['assertion'], name_id=name_id,

        elif authn_statement:  # Got a complete AuthnStatement
            assertion = ast.construct(
                sp_entity_id, self.config.attribute_converters, policy,
                issuer=_issuer, authn_statem=authn_statement,
                farg=farg['assertion'], name_id=name_id,
            assertion = ast.construct(
                sp_entity_id, self.config.attribute_converters, policy,
                issuer=_issuer, farg=farg['assertion'], name_id=name_id,
        return assertion

    def _authn_response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url,
                        sp_entity_id, identity=None, name_id=None,
                        status=None, authn=None, issuer=None, policy=None,
                        sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                        best_effort=False, encrypt_assertion=False,
                        encrypt_cert_advice=None, encrypt_cert_assertion=None,
                        pefim=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None,
                        farg=None, session_not_on_or_after=None):
        """ Create a response. A layer of indirection.

        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param authn: A dictionary containing information about the
            authn context.
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param policy:
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not
        :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a
        :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted
        assertions should have alla namespaces
        :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice
        element should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of
        assertions in the advice element.
        :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption
        of assertions.
        :param authn_statement: Authentication statement.
        :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed.
        :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile
        should be created.
        :param farg: Argument to pass on to the assertion constructor
        :return: A response instance

        if farg is None:
            assertion_args = {}

        args = {}
        # if identity:
        _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)

        # if encrypt_assertion and show_nameid:
        #    tmp_name_id = name_id
        #    name_id = None
        #    name_id = None
        #    tmp_authn = authn
        #    authn = None
        #    tmp_authn_statement = authn_statement
        #    authn_statement = None

        if pefim:
            encrypted_advice_attributes = True
            encrypt_assertion_self_contained = True
            assertion_attributes = self.setup_assertion(
                None, sp_entity_id, None, None, None, policy, None, None,
                identity, best_effort, sign_response, farg=farg)
            assertion = self.setup_assertion(
                authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id,
                policy, _issuer, authn_statement, [], True, sign_response,
                farg=farg, session_not_on_or_after=session_not_on_or_after)
            assertion.advice = saml.Advice()

            # assertion.advice.assertion_id_ref.append(saml.AssertionIDRef())
            # assertion.advice.assertion_uri_ref.append(saml.AssertionURIRef())
            assertion = self.setup_assertion(
                authn, sp_entity_id, in_response_to, consumer_url, name_id,
                policy, _issuer, authn_statement, identity, True,
                sign_response, farg=farg,

        to_sign = []
        if not encrypt_assertion:
            if sign_assertion:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 2,
                to_sign.append((class_name(assertion), assertion.id))

        args["assertion"] = assertion

        if (self.support_AssertionIDRequest() or self.support_AuthnQuery()):
            self.session_db.store_assertion(assertion, to_sign)

        return self._response(
            in_response_to, consumer_url, status, issuer, sign_response,
            to_sign, sp_entity_id=sp_entity_id,
            pefim=pefim, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_attribute_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                  sp_entity_id, userid="", name_id=None,
                                  status=None, issuer=None,
                                  sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                                  attributes=None, sign_alg=None,
                                  digest_alg=None, farg=None, **kwargs):
        """ Create an attribute assertion response.

        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param destination: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param userid: A identifier of the user
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the whole response should be signed
        :param attributes:
        :param kwargs: To catch extra keyword arguments
        :return: A response instance

        policy = self.config.getattr("policy", "aa")

        if not name_id and userid:
                name_id = self.ident.construct_nameid(userid, policy,
                logger.warning("Unspecified NameID format")
            except Exception:

        to_sign = []

        if identity:
            farg = self.update_farg(in_response_to, sp_entity_id, farg=farg)

            _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)
            ast = Assertion(identity)
            if policy:
                ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
                policy = Policy()

            if attributes:
                restr = restriction_from_attribute_spec(attributes)
                ast = filter_attribute_value_assertions(ast)

            assertion = ast.construct(
                sp_entity_id, self.config.attribute_converters, policy,
                issuer=_issuer, name_id=name_id,

            if sign_assertion:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1,
                # Just the assertion or the response and the assertion ?
                to_sign = [(class_name(assertion), assertion.id)]
                kwargs['sign_assertion'] = True

            kwargs["assertion"] = assertion

        if sp_entity_id:
            kwargs['sp_entity_id'] = sp_entity_id

        return self._response(in_response_to, destination, status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign, sign_alg=sign_alg,
                              digest_alg=digest_alg, **kwargs)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def gather_authn_response_args(self, sp_entity_id, name_id_policy, userid,
        param_default = {
            'sign_assertion': False,
            'sign_response': False,
            'encrypt_assertion': False,
            'encrypt_assertion_self_contained': True,
            'encrypted_advice_attributes': False,
            'encrypt_cert_advice': None,
            'encrypt_cert_assertion': None

        args = {}

            args["policy"] = kwargs["release_policy"]
        except KeyError:
            args["policy"] = self.config.getattr("policy", "idp")

            args['best_effort'] = kwargs["best_effort"]
        except KeyError:
            args['best_effort'] = False

        for param in ['sign_assertion', 'sign_response', 'encrypt_assertion',
                      'encrypted_advice_attributes', 'encrypt_cert_advice',
                _val = kwargs[param]
            except KeyError:
                _val = None

            if _val is None:
                _val = self.config.getattr(param, "idp")

            if _val is None:
                args[param] = param_default[param]
                args[param] = _val

        for arg, attr, eca, pefim in [
            ('encrypted_advice_attributes', 'verify_encrypt_cert_advice',
             'encrypt_cert_advice', kwargs["pefim"]),
            ('encrypt_assertion', 'verify_encrypt_cert_assertion',
             'encrypt_cert_assertion', False)]:

            if args[arg] or pefim:
                _enc_cert = self.config.getattr(attr, "idp")

                if _enc_cert is not None:
                    if kwargs[eca] is None:
                        raise CertificateError(
                            "No SPCertEncType certificate for encryption "
                            "contained in authentication "
                    if not _enc_cert(kwargs[eca]):
                        raise CertificateError(
                            "Invalid certificate for encryption!")

        if 'name_id' not in kwargs or not kwargs['name_id']:
            nid_formats = []
            for _sp in self.metadata[sp_entity_id]["spsso_descriptor"]:
                if "name_id_format" in _sp:
                    nid_formats.extend([n["text"] for n in
                snq = name_id_policy.sp_name_qualifier
            except AttributeError:
                snq = sp_entity_id

            if not snq:
                snq = sp_entity_id

            kwa = {"sp_name_qualifier": snq}

                kwa["format"] = name_id_policy.format
            except AttributeError:

            _nids = self.ident.find_nameid(userid, **kwa)
            # either none or one
            if _nids:
                args['name_id'] = _nids[0]
                args['name_id'] = self.ident.construct_nameid(
                    userid, args['policy'], sp_entity_id, name_id_policy)
                logger.debug("construct_nameid: %s => %s", userid,
            args['name_id'] = kwargs['name_id']

        for param in ['status', 'farg']:
                args[param] = kwargs[param]
            except KeyError:

        return args

    def create_authn_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                              sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                              name_id=None, authn=None, issuer=None,
                              sign_response=None, sign_assertion=None,
                              encrypted_advice_attributes=False, pefim=False,
                              sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None,
        """ Constructs an AuthenticationResponse

        :param identity: Information about an user
        :param in_response_to: The identifier of the authentication request
            this response is an answer to.
        :param destination: Where the response should be sent
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the Service Provider
        :param name_id_policy: How the NameID should be constructed
        :param userid: The subject identifier
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject. A saml.NameID instance.
        :param authn: Dictionary with information about the authentication
        :param issuer: Issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not.
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not.
        :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted
        assertions should have alla namespaces
        :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice
        element should be encrypted.
        :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of
        assertions in the advice element.
        :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption
        of assertions.
        :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed.
        :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile
        should be created.
        :return: A response instance

            args = self.gather_authn_response_args(
                sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=name_id_policy, userid=userid,
                name_id=name_id, sign_response=sign_response,
                pefim=pefim, **kwargs)
        except IOError as exc:
            response = self.create_error_response(in_response_to,
                                                  exc, name_id)
            return ("%s" % response).split("\n")

            _authn = authn
            if (sign_assertion or sign_response) and \
                with self.lock:
                    return self._authn_response(
                        in_response_to, destination, sp_entity_id, identity,
                        authn=_authn, issuer=issuer, pefim=pefim,
                        sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg,
                        session_not_on_or_after=session_not_on_or_after, **args)
            return self._authn_response(
                in_response_to, destination, sp_entity_id, identity,
                authn=_authn, issuer=issuer, pefim=pefim, sign_alg=sign_alg,
                session_not_on_or_after=session_not_on_or_after, **args)

        except MissingValue as exc:
            return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, destination,
                                              sp_entity_id, exc, name_id)

    def create_authn_request_response(self, identity, in_response_to,
                                      destination, sp_entity_id,
                                      name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                                      name_id=None, authn=None, authn_decl=None,
                                      issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                      session_not_on_or_after=None, **kwargs):

        return self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy, userid,
                                          name_id, authn, issuer,
                                          sign_response, sign_assertion,

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_assertion_id_request_response(self, assertion_id, sign=False,
                                             digest_alg=None, **kwargs):

        :param assertion_id:
        :param sign:

            (assertion, to_sign) = self.session_db.get_assertion(assertion_id)
        except KeyError:
            raise Unknown

        if to_sign:
            if assertion.signature is None:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1,

            return signed_instance_factory(assertion, self.sec, to_sign)
            return assertion

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_name_id_mapping_response(self, name_id=None, encrypted_id=None,
                                        issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                        status=None, sign_alg=None,
                                        digest_alg=None, **kwargs):
        protocol for mapping a principal's name identifier into a
        different name identifier for the same principal.
        Done over soap.

        :param name_id:
        :param encrypted_id:
        :param in_response_to:
        :param issuer:
        :param sign_response:
        :param status:
        # Done over SOAP

        ms_args = self.message_args()

        _resp = NameIDMappingResponse(name_id, encrypted_id,
                                      in_response_to=in_response_to, **ms_args)

        if sign_response:
            return self.sign(_resp, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg)
            logger.info("Message: %s", _resp)
            return _resp

    def create_authn_query_response(self, subject, session_index=None,
                                    requested_context=None, in_response_to=None,
                                    issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                    status=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None,
        A successful <Response> will contain one or more assertions containing
        authentication statements.


        margs = self.message_args()
        asserts = []
        for statement in self.session_db.get_authn_statements(
                subject.name_id, session_index, requested_context):
                                          subject=subject, **margs))

        if asserts:
            args = {"assertion": asserts}
            args = {}

        return self._response(in_response_to, "", status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign=[], sign_alg=sign_alg,
                              digest_alg=digest_alg, **args)

    # ---------

    def parse_ecp_authn_request(self):

    def create_ecp_authn_request_response(self, acs_url, identity,
                                          in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None,
                                          userid=None, name_id=None, authn=None,
                                          issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                          sign_assertion=False, **kwargs):

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <ecp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        ecp_response = ecp.Response(assertion_consumer_service_url=acs_url)
        header = soapenv.Header()
        header.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(ecp_response)]

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <samlp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        response = self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to,
                                              destination, sp_entity_id,
                                              name_id_policy, userid, name_id,
                                              authn, issuer,
                                              sign_response, sign_assertion)
        body = soapenv.Body()
        body.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(response)]

        soap_envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body)

        return "%s" % soap_envelope

    def close(self):

    def clean_out_user(self, name_id):
        Remove all authentication statements that belongs to a user identified
        by a NameID instance

        :param name_id: NameID instance
        :return: The local identifier for the user

        lid = self.ident.find_local_id(name_id)
        logger.info("Clean out %s", lid)

        # remove the authentications
            for _nid in [decode(x) for x in self.ident.db[lid].split(" ")]:
                except KeyError:
        except KeyError:

        return lid
Exemplo n.º 3
class Server(Entity):
    """ A class that does things that IdPs or AAs do """

    def __init__(self, config_file="", config=None, cache=None, stype="idp",
        Entity.__init__(self, stype, config, config_file)
        self.eptid = None
        self.cache = cache
        self.ticket = {}
        self.session_db = self.choose_session_storage()
        # Needed for
        self.symkey = symkey
        self.seed = rndbytes()
        self.iv = os.urandom(16)

    def support_AssertionIDRequest(self):
        return True

    def support_AuthnQuery(self):
        return True

    def choose_session_storage(self):
        _spec = self.config.getattr("session_storage", "idp")
        if not _spec:
            return SessionStorage()
        elif isinstance(_spec, str):
            if _spec.lower() == "memory":
                return SessionStorage()
        else:  # Should be tuple
            typ, data = _spec
            if typ.lower() == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import SessionStorageMDB

                return SessionStorageMDB(database=data, collection="session")

        raise NotImplementedError("No such storage type implemented")

    def init_config(self, stype="idp"):
        """ Remaining init of the server configuration 
        :param stype: The type of Server ("idp"/"aa")
        if stype == "aa":

        # subject information is stored in a database
        # default database is in memory which is OK in some setups
        dbspec = self.config.getattr("subject_data", "idp")
        idb = None
        typ = ""
        if not dbspec:
            idb = {}
        elif isinstance(dbspec, str):
            idb = shelve.open(dbspec, writeback=True)
        else:  # database spec is a a 2-tuple (type, address)
            #print >> sys.stderr, "DBSPEC: %s" % (dbspec,)
            (typ, addr) = dbspec
            if typ == "shelve":
                idb = shelve.open(addr, writeback=True)
            elif typ == "memcached":
                import memcache

                idb = memcache.Client(addr)
            elif typ == "dict":  # in-memory dictionary
                idb = {}
            elif typ == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import IdentMDB

                self.ident = IdentMDB(database=addr, collection="ident")

        if typ == "mongodb":
        elif idb is not None:
            self.ident = IdentDB(idb)
        elif dbspec:
            raise Exception("Couldn't open identity database: %s" %

        _domain = self.config.getattr("domain", "idp")
        if _domain:
            self.ident.domain = _domain

        self.ident.name_qualifier = self.config.entityid

        dbspec = self.config.getattr("edu_person_targeted_id", "idp")
        if not dbspec:
            typ = dbspec[0]
            addr = dbspec[1]
            secret = dbspec[2]
            if typ == "shelve":
                self.eptid = EptidShelve(secret, addr)
            elif typ == "mongodb":
                from saml2.mongo_store import EptidMDB

                self.eptid = EptidMDB(secret, database=addr,
                self.eptid = Eptid(secret)

    def wants(self, sp_entity_id, index=None):
        """ Returns what attributes the SP requires and which are optional
        if any such demands are registered in the Metadata.

        :param sp_entity_id: The entity id of the SP
        :param index: which of the attribute consumer services its all about
        :return: 2-tuple, list of required and list of optional attributes
        return self.metadata.attribute_requirement(sp_entity_id, index)

    def verify_assertion_consumer_service(self, request):
        _acs = request.assertion_consumer_service_url
        _aci = request.assertion_consumer_service_index
        _binding = request.protocol_binding
        _eid = request.issuer.text
        if _acs:
            # look up acs in for that binding in the metadata given the issuer
            # Assuming the format is entity
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _acs == acs.text:
                    return True
        elif _aci:
            for acs in self.metadata.assertion_consumer_service(_eid, _binding):
                if _aci == acs.index:
                    return True

        return False

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def parse_authn_request(self, enc_request, binding=BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT):
        """Parse a Authentication Request
        :param enc_request: The request in its transport format
        :param binding: Which binding that was used to transport the message
            to this entity.
        :return: A dictionary with keys:
            consumer_url - as gotten from the SPs entity_id and the metadata
            id - the id of the request
            sp_entity_id - the entity id of the SP
            request - The verified request

        return self._parse_request(enc_request, AuthnRequest,
                                   "single_sign_on_service", binding)

    def parse_attribute_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an attribute query
        :param xml_string: The Attribute Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used for the request
        :return: A query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AttributeQuery,
                                   "attribute_service", binding)

    def parse_authz_decision_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authorization decision query

        :param xml_string: The Authz decision Query as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthzDecisionQuery,
                                   "authz_service", binding)

    def parse_assertion_id_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an assertion id query

        :param xml_string: The AssertionIDRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AssertionIDRequest,
                                   "assertion_id_request_service", binding)

    def parse_authn_query(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse an authn query

        :param xml_string: The AuthnQuery as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this query
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, AuthnQuery,
                                   "authn_query_service", binding)

    def parse_name_id_mapping_request(self, xml_string, binding):
        """ Parse a nameid mapping request

        :param xml_string: The NameIDMappingRequest as an XML string
        :param binding: Which binding that was used when receiving this request
        :return: Query instance

        return self._parse_request(xml_string, NameIDMappingRequest,
                                   "name_id_mapping_service", binding)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _authn_response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url,
                        sp_entity_id, identity=None, name_id=None,
                        status=None, authn=None, issuer=None, policy=None,
                        sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                        best_effort=False, encrypt_assertion=False, encrypt_cert=None):
        """ Create a response. A layer of indirection.
        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param authn: A dictionary containing information about the
            authn context.
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not
        :param best_effort: Even if not the SPs demands can be met send a
        :return: A response instance

        to_sign = []
        args = {}
        #if identity:
        _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)
        ast = Assertion(identity)
        if policy is None:
            policy = Policy()
            ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
        except MissingValue as exc:
            if not best_effort:
                return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, consumer_url,
                                                  exc, sign_response)

        if authn:  # expected to be a dictionary
            # Would like to use dict comprehension but ...
            authn_args = dict([
                (AUTHN_DICT_MAP[k], v) for k, v in list(authn.items())
                if k in AUTHN_DICT_MAP])

            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      consumer_url, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer,
            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      consumer_url, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer)

        if sign_assertion:
            assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                     self.sec.my_cert, 1)
            # Just the assertion or the response and the assertion ?
            to_sign = [(class_name(assertion), assertion.id)]

        # Store which assertion that has been sent to which SP about which
        # subject.

        # self.cache.set(assertion.subject.name_id.text,
        #                 sp_entity_id, {"ava": identity, "authn": authn},
        #                 assertion.conditions.not_on_or_after)

        args["assertion"] = assertion

        if self.support_AssertionIDRequest() or self.support_AuthnQuery():
            self.session_db.store_assertion(assertion, to_sign)

        return self._response(in_response_to, consumer_url, status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign, encrypt_assertion=encrypt_assertion,
                              encrypt_cert=encrypt_cert, **args)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_attribute_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                  sp_entity_id, userid="", name_id=None,
                                  status=None, issuer=None,
                                  sign_assertion=False, sign_response=False,
                                  attributes=None, **kwargs):
        """ Create an attribute assertion response.
        :param identity: A dictionary with attributes and values that are
            expected to be the bases for the assertion in the response.
        :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request
        :param destination: The URL which should receive the response
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the SP
        :param userid: A identifier of the user
        :param name_id: The identifier of the subject
        :param status: The status of the response
        :param issuer: The issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not
        :param sign_response: Whether the whole response should be signed
        :param attributes:
        :param kwargs: To catch extra keyword arguments
        :return: A response instance

        policy = self.config.getattr("policy", "aa")

        if not name_id and userid:
                name_id = self.ident.construct_nameid(userid, policy,
                logger.warning("Unspecified NameID format")
            except Exception:

        to_sign = []
        args = {}
        if identity:
            _issuer = self._issuer(issuer)
            ast = Assertion(identity)
            if policy:
                ast.apply_policy(sp_entity_id, policy, self.metadata)
                policy = Policy()

            if attributes:
                restr = restriction_from_attribute_spec(attributes)
                ast = filter_attribute_value_assertions(ast)

            assertion = ast.construct(sp_entity_id, in_response_to,
                                      destination, name_id,
                                      policy, issuer=_issuer)

            if sign_assertion:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1)
                # Just the assertion or the response and the assertion ?
                to_sign = [(class_name(assertion), assertion.id)]

            args["assertion"] = assertion

        return self._response(in_response_to, destination, status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign, **args)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_authn_response(self, identity, in_response_to, destination,
                              sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                              name_id=None, authn=None, issuer=None,
                              sign_response=None, sign_assertion=None, encrypt_cert=None, encrypt_assertion=None,
        """ Constructs an AuthenticationResponse

        :param identity: Information about an user
        :param in_response_to: The identifier of the authentication request
            this response is an answer to.
        :param destination: Where the response should be sent
        :param sp_entity_id: The entity identifier of the Service Provider
        :param name_id_policy: How the NameID should be constructed
        :param userid: The subject identifier
        :param authn: Dictionary with information about the authentication
        :param issuer: Issuer of the response
        :param sign_assertion: Whether the assertion should be signed or not.
        :param sign_response: Whether the response should be signed or not.
        :return: A response instance

            policy = kwargs["release_policy"]
        except KeyError:
            policy = self.config.getattr("policy", "idp")

            best_effort = kwargs["best_effort"]
        except KeyError:
            best_effort = False

        if sign_assertion is None:
            sign_assertion = self.config.getattr("sign_assertion", "idp")
        if sign_assertion is None:
            sign_assertion = False

        if sign_response is None:
            sign_response = self.config.getattr("sign_response", "idp")
        if sign_response is None:
            sign_response = False

        if encrypt_assertion is None:
            encrypt_assertion = self.config.getattr("encrypt_assertion", "idp")
        if encrypt_assertion is None:
            encrypt_assertion = False

        if encrypt_assertion:
            if encrypt_cert is not None:
                verify_encrypt_cert = self.config.getattr("verify_encrypt_cert", "idp")
                if verify_encrypt_cert is not None:
                    if not verify_encrypt_cert(encrypt_cert):
                        raise CertificateError("Invalid certificate for encryption!")
                raise CertificateError("No certificate for encryption!")
            encrypt_assertion = False

        if not name_id:
                nid_formats = []
                for _sp in self.metadata[sp_entity_id]["spsso_descriptor"]:
                    if "name_id_format" in _sp:
                        nid_formats.extend([n["text"] for n in
                    snq = name_id_policy.sp_name_qualifier
                except AttributeError:
                    snq = sp_entity_id

                if not snq:
                    snq = sp_entity_id

                kwa = {"sp_name_qualifier": snq}

                    kwa["format"] = name_id_policy.format
                except AttributeError:

                _nids = self.ident.find_nameid(userid, **kwa)
                # either none or one
                if _nids:
                    name_id = _nids[0]
                    name_id = self.ident.construct_nameid(userid, policy,
            except IOError as exc:
                response = self.create_error_response(in_response_to,
                                                      exc, name_id)
                return ("%s" % response).split("\n")

            _authn = authn
            return self._authn_response(in_response_to,  # in_response_to
                                        destination,  # consumer_url
                                        sp_entity_id,  # sp_entity_id
                                        identity,  # identity as dictionary

        except MissingValue as exc:
            return self.create_error_response(in_response_to, destination,
                                              sp_entity_id, exc, name_id)

    def create_authn_request_response(self, identity, in_response_to,
                                      destination, sp_entity_id,
                                      name_id_policy=None, userid=None,
                                      name_id=None, authn=None, authn_decl=None,
                                      issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                      sign_assertion=False, **kwargs):

        return self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy, userid,
                                          name_id, authn, issuer,
                                          sign_response, sign_assertion,

    #noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_assertion_id_request_response(self, assertion_id, sign=False,

        :param assertion_id:
        :param sign:

            (assertion, to_sign) = self.session_db.get_assertion(assertion_id)
        except KeyError:
            raise Unknown

        if to_sign:
            if assertion.signature is None:
                assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(assertion.id,
                                                         self.sec.my_cert, 1)

            return signed_instance_factory(assertion, self.sec, to_sign)
            return assertion

    #noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def create_name_id_mapping_response(self, name_id=None, encrypted_id=None,
                                        issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                        status=None, **kwargs):
        protocol for mapping a principal's name identifier into a
        different name identifier for the same principal.
        Done over soap.

        :param name_id:
        :param encrypted_id:
        :param in_response_to:
        :param issuer:
        :param sign_response:
        :param status:
        # Done over SOAP

        ms_args = self.message_args()

        _resp = NameIDMappingResponse(name_id, encrypted_id,
                                      in_response_to=in_response_to, **ms_args)

        if sign_response:
            return self.sign(_resp)
            logger.info("Message: %s" % _resp)
            return _resp

    def create_authn_query_response(self, subject, session_index=None,
                                    requested_context=None, in_response_to=None,
                                    issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                    status=None, **kwargs):
        A successful <Response> will contain one or more assertions containing
        authentication statements.


        margs = self.message_args()
        asserts = []
        for statement in self.session_db.get_authn_statements(
                subject.name_id, session_index, requested_context):
                                          subject=subject, **margs))

        if asserts:
            args = {"assertion": asserts}
            args = {}

        return self._response(in_response_to, "", status, issuer,
                              sign_response, to_sign=[], **args)

    # ---------

    def parse_ecp_authn_request(self):

    def create_ecp_authn_request_response(self, acs_url, identity,
                                          in_response_to, destination,
                                          sp_entity_id, name_id_policy=None,
                                          userid=None, name_id=None, authn=None,
                                          issuer=None, sign_response=False,
                                          sign_assertion=False, **kwargs):

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <ecp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        ecp_response = ecp.Response(assertion_consumer_service_url=acs_url)
        header = soapenv.Header()
        header.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(ecp_response)]

        # ----------------------------------------
        # <samlp:Response
        # ----------------------------------------

        response = self.create_authn_response(identity, in_response_to,
                                              destination, sp_entity_id,
                                              name_id_policy, userid, name_id,
                                              authn, issuer,
                                              sign_response, sign_assertion)
        body = soapenv.Body()
        body.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(response)]

        soap_envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body)

        return "%s" % soap_envelope