Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, args, PATH):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('SMD.Project')
        self.args = args
        self.PATH = PATH
        self.assembly = None
        self.settings = None
        self.files = None
        self.name = args.project_id
        self.samples = SampleFactory()
        self.final_reporter_yaml = None
        self.bds_file = None

        # Lists holding the job submission commands to write to the
        # submission scripts
        self.preprocessing_jobs = []
        self.alignments_jobs = []
        self.gatk_jobs = []
        self.somatic_jobs = []
        self.annotation_jobs = []
        self.report_jobs = []
        self.config_list = []
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, args, PATH):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("SMD.Project")
        self.args = args
        self.PATH = PATH
        self.assembly = None
        self.settings = None
        self.files = None
        self.name = args.project_id
        self.samples = SampleFactory()
        self.final_reporter_yaml = None
        self.bds_file = None

        # Lists holding the job submission commands to write to the
        # submission scripts
        self.preprocessing_jobs = []
        self.alignments_jobs = []
        self.gatk_jobs = []
        self.somatic_jobs = []
        self.annotation_jobs = []
        self.report_jobs = []
        self.config_list = []
Exemplo n.º 3
class Project(object):
    '''Object representing a Tumor/Normal Exome Project

       -- args - the argparser object
       -- PATH - the path to the ExScaliburSMD application directory
       -- assembly - the assembly dictionary from the assembly yaml file
       -- settings - the PipelineSettings object
       -- files    - dictionary of main project paths
       -- samples  - the SampleFactory object
       -- name - the project ID
    def __init__(self, args, PATH):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('SMD.Project')
        self.args = args
        self.PATH = PATH
        self.assembly = None
        self.settings = None
        self.files = None
        self.name = args.project_id
        self.samples = SampleFactory()
        self.final_reporter_yaml = None
        self.bds_file = None

        # Lists holding the job submission commands to write to the
        # submission scripts
        self.preprocessing_jobs = []
        self.alignments_jobs = []
        self.gatk_jobs = []
        self.somatic_jobs = []
        self.annotation_jobs = []
        self.report_jobs = []
        self.config_list = []

    def initialize_project(self):
        '''Wrapper for building the project.
           1. Load the settings
           2. Load the assembly
           3. Load the samples
           4. Set the directory structure
        self.logger.info('Project Name: {0.name}'.format(self))

        # Settings
        self.settings = PipelineSettings(self.args, self.PATH)
        self.logger.info('Baseline Threads: {0.threads}'.format(self.settings))
        self.logger.info('Clip Adapters: {0.clipping}'.format(self.settings))
        if self.settings.clipping:
            self.logger.info('Minimum read length: {0.min_length}'.format(
        self.logger.info('Minimum MAPQ: {0.min_map_q}'.format(self.settings))
        self.logger.info('Aligners: {0}'.format(self.settings.aln_list))
        self.logger.info('Somatic Mutation Detectors: {0}'.format(

        # Assembly info
        self.logger.info('Reference Name: {0}'.format(

        # Samples
                                  self.PATH, self.name)

        # File structure

    def configure_pipeline(self):
        '''Wrapper for creating the configuration files for each sample'''
        for s in self.samples:
            s.write_sample_bds(self, self.settings)

    def _set_assembly(self):
        '''Grabs the yaml file, validates it, and returns the dictionary'''
        # Load
        in_fh = open(self.args.config_file, 'rU')
        chk = yaml.safe_load(in_fh)['reference']

        # Check the file
        refname = chk.keys()[0]
        required = [
            'cosmic', 'exons_bed', 'knowndb', 'knownindel', 'referenceseq',
        if 'novoalign' in self.settings.aln_list:
        for i in required:
            assert i in chk[refname], self.logger.error(
                "Required refrence section '%s' missing" % i)
            if i in [
                    'cosmic', 'exons_bed', 'knowndb', 'knownindel',
                    'referenceseq', 'sequence_dictionary'
                    fp = open(chk[refname][i])
                except IOError as e:
                    raise IOError('Unable to open {0} file: {1}'.format(
                        i, chk[refname][i]))

        # Set refname and assign the dictionary to the member
        chk[refname]['refname'] = refname
        self.assembly = chk[refname]

    def _set_project_files(self):
        '''Sets the project path, log, jobs, config, and results paths for the project.

           project_path - parent directory for this project
           config_path - parent directory for all config files within this project
           job_path - parent directory for all job files within this project
           log_path - parent directory for all log files within this project
           results_path - parent directory for all results files within this project
           report_path - parent directory for all report files within this project
        self.files = {
            os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), 'logs'),
            os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), 'report')
        [check_dir(i) for i in self.files.values()]

    def __write_bds_config(self):
        '''Write the default BDS config file for an amazon cloud run'''
        self.bds_file = os.path.join(
            os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), 'bds.config')
        with open(self.bds_file, 'wb') as o:
            o.write('# BDS configuration file\n')
                '# This is set up to work easily with STAR cluster on EC2\n')
                '# Please see http://pcingola.github.io/BigDataScript/bigDataScript_manual.html#config\n'
            o.write('# for more information.\n\n')

            o.write('# Easy way to change mem usage for all jobs\n')
            o.write('#mem = -1\n\n')

            o.write('# Easy way to declare a particular node for all jobs\n')
            o.write('#node = my_node\n\n')

            o.write('# Easy way to declare a particular queue for all jobs\n')
            o.write('#queue = my_queue\n\n')

                '# Easy way to declare the timeout for all jobs (seconds). It is 24 hours by default\n'
            o.write('#timeout = 86400\n\n')

                '# Number of times a failed job can be retried. We find 0 is the safest.\n'
            o.write('retry = 0\n\n')

                '# Sometimes many qsub commands is not able to be handled on some systems.\n'
                '# Use this to set the number of milliseconds to wait after qsub.\n'
            o.write('waitAfterTaskRun = 200\n\n')

            o.write('# Use bash shell for tasks\n')
            o.write('taskShell = /bin/bash -e\n\n')

            o.write('# SGE parallel environment\n')
            o.write('sge.pe = smp\n\n')

                '# SGE mem argument. We set mem_free as consumable, jobs will wait, but it does not\n'
                '# guarantee that memory will be available (e.g., it will not kill jobs that use more\n'
                '# memory than requested. You can change memory usage for each tool in the ExScalibur configs\n'
            o.write('sge.mem = mem_free\n\n')

            o.write('# SGE timeout variable\n')
            o.write('sge.timeout = h_rt\n\n')

    def __write_project_run_script(self):
        '''The script for running ExScalibur'''
        bds_script = os.path.join(self.PATH, 'ExScaliburSMD-run.bds')
        main_job = os.path.join(self.files['project_path'],
        bds_log = os.path.join(self.files['project_path'], 'BDS-System.logs')
        cri_log = os.path.join(self.files['project_path'], 'CRI-Info.logs')

        # Create the job script
        with open(main_job, 'wb') as o:
            o.write('cd {0}\n\n'.format(self.files['project_path']))

            if self.settings.system['module_source']:
                o.write('. {0}\n'.format(
            if self.settings.system['java']['use_module']:
                o.write('module load {0}\n\n'.format(
            o.write('# Command for running the ExScalibur-SMD pipeline\n\n')
            o.write('bds -c ' + self.bds_file + ' -reportHtml -reportYaml -v -log -s sge ' + \
                    '{0} -in {1} -options {2} > {3} 2> {4}\n'.format(
                bds_script, " ".join(self.config_list), self.settings.settings_cfg,
                cri_log, bds_log))

        # Make user executable
        import stat
        st = os.stat(main_job)
        os.chmod(main_job, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    ## Reporter functions
    def __write_reporter_yaml(self):
        '''Writes the pipeline reporter yaml file'''
        self.final_reporter_yaml = os.path.join(
        dic = {'data': [], 'project': self.name}
        for s in self.samples:
            curr = s.reporter_obj
                'fastqc': self.__reporter_fastqc(curr),
                'alignments': self.__reporter_alignments(curr),
                'somatic': self.__reporter_somatic(curr),
                'sample': s.name
        with open(self.final_reporter_yaml, 'wb') as o:
            yaml.safe_dump(dic, o)

    def __reporter_fastqc(self, dic):
        '''Creates the relative paths for fastqc files'''
        normal = dic['reads']['outputs']['normal']
        curr_normal = [{
            os.path.relpath(i['leftseq'], start=self.files['report_path']),
            os.path.relpath(i['rightseq'], start=self.files['report_path'])
            if i['paired'] else None,
        } for i in normal]
        tumor = dic['reads']['outputs']['tumor']
        curr_tumor = [{
            os.path.relpath(i['leftseq'], start=self.files['report_path']),
            os.path.relpath(i['rightseq'], start=self.files['report_path'])
            if i['paired'] else None,
        } for i in tumor]
        return {'inputs': {'normal': curr_normal, 'tumor': curr_tumor}}

    def __reporter_alignments(self, dic):
        '''Creates the relative paths for the alignment files'''
        curr = dic['alignments']['outputs']
        return {
            'inputs': {

    def __reporter_somatic(self, dic):
        '''Creates the relative paths for the somatic files'''
        return {
            'inputs': {
Exemplo n.º 4
class Project(object):
    """Object representing a Tumor/Normal Exome Project

       -- args - the argparser object
       -- PATH - the path to the ExScaliburSMD application directory
       -- assembly - the assembly dictionary from the assembly yaml file
       -- settings - the PipelineSettings object
       -- files    - dictionary of main project paths
       -- samples  - the SampleFactory object
       -- name - the project ID

    def __init__(self, args, PATH):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("SMD.Project")
        self.args = args
        self.PATH = PATH
        self.assembly = None
        self.settings = None
        self.files = None
        self.name = args.project_id
        self.samples = SampleFactory()
        self.final_reporter_yaml = None
        self.bds_file = None

        # Lists holding the job submission commands to write to the
        # submission scripts
        self.preprocessing_jobs = []
        self.alignments_jobs = []
        self.gatk_jobs = []
        self.somatic_jobs = []
        self.annotation_jobs = []
        self.report_jobs = []
        self.config_list = []

    def initialize_project(self):
        """Wrapper for building the project.
           1. Load the settings
           2. Load the assembly
           3. Load the samples
           4. Set the directory structure
        self.logger.info("Project Name: {0.name}".format(self))

        # Settings
        self.settings = PipelineSettings(self.args, self.PATH)
        self.logger.info("Baseline Threads: {0.threads}".format(self.settings))
        self.logger.info("Clip Adapters: {0.clipping}".format(self.settings))
        if self.settings.clipping:
            self.logger.info("Minimum read length: {0.min_length}".format(self.settings))
        self.logger.info("Minimum MAPQ: {0.min_map_q}".format(self.settings))
        self.logger.info("Aligners: {0}".format(self.settings.aln_list))
        self.logger.info("Somatic Mutation Detectors: {0}".format(self.settings.smd_list))

        # Assembly info
        self.logger.info("Reference Name: {0}".format(self.assembly["refname"]))

        # Samples
        self.samples.load_samples(os.path.abspath(self.args.metadata), self.PATH, self.name)

        # File structure

    def configure_pipeline(self):
        """Wrapper for creating the configuration files for each sample"""
        for s in self.samples:
            s.write_sample_bds(self, self.settings)

    def _set_assembly(self):
        """Grabs the yaml file, validates it, and returns the dictionary"""
        # Load
        in_fh = open(self.args.config_file, "rU")
        chk = yaml.safe_load(in_fh)["reference"]

        # Check the file
        refname = chk.keys()[0]
        required = ["cosmic", "exons_bed", "knowndb", "knownindel", "referenceseq", "sequence_dictionary"]
        if "novoalign" in self.settings.aln_list:
        for i in required:
            assert i in chk[refname], self.logger.error("Required refrence section '%s' missing" % i)
            if i in ["cosmic", "exons_bed", "knowndb", "knownindel", "referenceseq", "sequence_dictionary"]:
                    fp = open(chk[refname][i])
                except IOError as e:
                    raise IOError("Unable to open {0} file: {1}".format(i, chk[refname][i]))

        # Set refname and assign the dictionary to the member
        chk[refname]["refname"] = refname
        self.assembly = chk[refname]

    def _set_project_files(self):
        """Sets the project path, log, jobs, config, and results paths for the project.

           project_path - parent directory for this project
           config_path - parent directory for all config files within this project
           job_path - parent directory for all job files within this project
           log_path - parent directory for all log files within this project
           results_path - parent directory for all results files within this project
           report_path - parent directory for all report files within this project
        self.files = {
            "project_path": os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory),
            "config_path": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), "config"),
            "log_path": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), "logs"),
            "results_path": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), "results"),
            "report_path": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), "report"),
        [check_dir(i) for i in self.files.values()]

    def __write_bds_config(self):
        """Write the default BDS config file for an amazon cloud run"""
        self.bds_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.args.output_directory), "bds.config")
        with open(self.bds_file, "wb") as o:
            o.write("# BDS configuration file\n")
            o.write("# This is set up to work easily with STAR cluster on EC2\n")
            o.write("# Please see http://pcingola.github.io/BigDataScript/bigDataScript_manual.html#config\n")
            o.write("# for more information.\n\n")

            o.write("# Easy way to change mem usage for all jobs\n")
            o.write("#mem = -1\n\n")

            o.write("# Easy way to declare a particular node for all jobs\n")
            o.write("#node = my_node\n\n")

            o.write("# Easy way to declare a particular queue for all jobs\n")
            o.write("#queue = my_queue\n\n")

            o.write("# Easy way to declare the timeout for all jobs (seconds). It is 24 hours by default\n")
            o.write("#timeout = 86400\n\n")

            o.write("# Number of times a failed job can be retried. We find 0 is the safest.\n")
            o.write("retry = 0\n\n")

            o.write("# Sometimes many qsub commands is not able to be handled on some systems.\n")
            o.write("# Use this to set the number of milliseconds to wait after qsub.\n")
            o.write("waitAfterTaskRun = 200\n\n")

            o.write("# Use bash shell for tasks\n")
            o.write("taskShell = /bin/bash -e\n\n")

            o.write("# SGE parallel environment\n")
            o.write("sge.pe = smp\n\n")

            o.write("# SGE mem argument. We set mem_free as consumable, jobs will wait, but it does not\n")
            o.write("# guarantee that memory will be available (e.g., it will not kill jobs that use more\n")
            o.write("# memory than requested. You can change memory usage for each tool in the ExScalibur configs\n")
            o.write("sge.mem = mem_free\n\n")

            o.write("# SGE timeout variable\n")
            o.write("sge.timeout = h_rt\n\n")

    def __write_project_run_script(self):
        """The script for running ExScalibur"""
        bds_script = os.path.join(self.PATH, "ExScaliburSMD-run.bds")
        main_job = os.path.join(self.files["project_path"], "{0.name}.exscalibur-smd.sh".format(self))
        bds_log = os.path.join(self.files["project_path"], "BDS-System.logs")
        cri_log = os.path.join(self.files["project_path"], "CRI-Info.logs")

        # Create the job script
        with open(main_job, "wb") as o:
            o.write("cd {0}\n\n".format(self.files["project_path"]))

            if self.settings.system["module_source"]:
                o.write(". {0}\n".format(self.settings.system["module_source"]))
            if self.settings.system["java"]["use_module"]:
                o.write("module load {0}\n\n".format(self.settings.system["java"]["module"]["name"]))
            o.write("# Command for running the ExScalibur-SMD pipeline\n\n")
                "bds -c "
                + self.bds_file
                + " -reportHtml -reportYaml -v -log -s sge "
                + "{0} -in {1} -options {2} > {3} 2> {4}\n".format(
                    bds_script, " ".join(self.config_list), self.settings.settings_cfg, cri_log, bds_log

        # Make user executable
        import stat

        st = os.stat(main_job)
        os.chmod(main_job, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    ## Reporter functions
    def __write_reporter_yaml(self):
        """Writes the pipeline reporter yaml file"""
        self.final_reporter_yaml = os.path.join(self.files["report_path"], "{0.name}.exscalibur.smd.yaml".format(self))
        dic = {"data": [], "project": self.name}
        for s in self.samples:
            curr = s.reporter_obj
                    "fastqc": self.__reporter_fastqc(curr),
                    "alignments": self.__reporter_alignments(curr),
                    "somatic": self.__reporter_somatic(curr),
                    "sample": s.name,
        with open(self.final_reporter_yaml, "wb") as o:
            yaml.safe_dump(dic, o)

    def __reporter_fastqc(self, dic):
        """Creates the relative paths for fastqc files"""
        normal = dic["reads"]["outputs"]["normal"]
        curr_normal = [
                "readgroup": i["readgroup"],
                "leftseq": os.path.relpath(i["leftseq"], start=self.files["report_path"]),
                "rightseq": os.path.relpath(i["rightseq"], start=self.files["report_path"]) if i["paired"] else None,
                "paired": i["paired"],
            for i in normal
        tumor = dic["reads"]["outputs"]["tumor"]
        curr_tumor = [
                "readgroup": i["readgroup"],
                "leftseq": os.path.relpath(i["leftseq"], start=self.files["report_path"]),
                "rightseq": os.path.relpath(i["rightseq"], start=self.files["report_path"]) if i["paired"] else None,
                "paired": i["paired"],
            for i in tumor
        return {"inputs": {"normal": curr_normal, "tumor": curr_tumor}}

    def __reporter_alignments(self, dic):
        """Creates the relative paths for the alignment files"""
        curr = dic["alignments"]["outputs"]
        return {
            "inputs": {
                "alignment_summary_metrics": os.path.relpath(
                    curr["alignment_summary_metrics"], start=self.files["report_path"]
                "insert_size_metrics": os.path.relpath(curr["insert_size_metrics"], start=self.files["report_path"]),
                "total_coverage": os.path.relpath(curr["total_coverage"], start=self.files["report_path"]),

    def __reporter_somatic(self, dic):
        """Creates the relative paths for the somatic files"""
        return {
            "inputs": {
                "somatic_table": os.path.relpath(
                    dic["somatic"]["outputs"]["smd_snp_table"], start=self.files["report_path"]