Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_phasing(self, Mf_array, Mf0):
        Compute PN phasing from stored PN coefficients
        Mf_array: input array of geometric frequencies
        Mf0: reference frequency
        if max(Mf_array) > self.Mf_ISCO:
                "Maximum geometric frequency {} is above ISCO".format(

        PN_phase = []
        for Mf in Mf_array:
            v = (np.pi * (Mf / Mf0))**(1.0 / 3.0)
            logv = np.log(v)

            v2 = v * v
            v3 = v * v2
            v4 = v * v3
            v5 = v * v4
            v6 = v * v5
            v7 = v * v6
            v8 = v * v7
            v9 = v * v8
            v10 = v * v9
            v12 = v2 * v10
            phasing = 0.0

            phasing = phasing + self.v[7] * v7
            phasing = phasing + (self.v[6] + self.vlogv[6] * logv) * v6
            phasing = phasing + (self.v[5] + self.vlogv[5] * logv) * v5
            phasing = phasing + self.v[4] * v4
            phasing = phasing + self.v[3] * v3
            phasing = phasing + self.v[2] * v2
            phasing = phasing + self.v[1] * v
            phasing = phasing + self.v[0]

            phasing = np.divide(phasing, v5)

        return np.array(PN_phase)
def logp(x, y):
    icov = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1., .8], [.8, 1.]]))
    d = np.array([x, y])
    return -.5 * np.dot(np.dot(d, icov), d)
def logp(x, y):
    icov = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1., .8], [.8, 1.]]))
    d = np.array([x, y])
    return -.5 * np.dot(np.dot(d, icov), d)
Exemplo n.º 4
# correlated gaussian log likelihood
def logp(x, y):
    icov = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1., .8], [.8, 1.]]))
    d = np.array([x, y])
    return -.5 * np.dot(np.dot(d, icov), d)
logp_xy = lambda(th): logp(th[0], th[1])

# compare slice samplers, metropolis hastings, and the two variable 
# slice sampler
ssamp = smp.Slice(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.} )
slice_trace = ssamp.sample(1000)

met = smp.Metropolis(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.})
met_trace = met.sample(1000)

bslice = smp.Slice(logp_xy, start={'th': np.array([4., 4.])})
btrace = bslice.sample(1000)

# compute effective sample size based on autocorrelation
slice_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(slice_trace.x)
met_eff   = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(met_trace.x)
b_eff     = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(btrace.th[:,0])
print "Slice         effective sample size: %2.2f"%slice_eff
print "MH            effective sample size: %2.2f"%met_eff
print "two var slice effective sample size: %2.2f"%b_eff

print " ----- "
print "Slice sampler evals per sample: ", ssamp.evals_per_sample

# graphically compare samples
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12,4))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, m1, m2, chi1, chi2, qm_def1=1.0, qm_def2=1.0):
        m1, m2 mass of bodies in solar masses
        chi1, chi2: dimensionless aligned spins
        mtot = m1 + m2
        d = (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)
        eta = m1 * m2 / mtot / mtot
        m1M = m1 / mtot
        m2M = m2 / mtot

        # Use the spin-orbit variables from arXiv:1303.7412, Eq. 3.9
        # We write dSigmaL for their (\delta m/m) * \Sigma_\ell
        # There's a division by mtotal^2 in both the energy and flux terms
        # We just absorb the division by mtotal^2 into SL and dSigmaL
        SL = m1M * m1M * chi1 + m2M * m2M * chi2
        dSigmaL = d * (m2M * chi2 - m1M * chi1)
        pfaN = 3.0 / (128.0 * eta)  # Newtonian coefficient

        # reserve space for coefficient arrays
        #self.v = np.zeros(1 + PN_PHASING_SERIES_MAX_ORDER)
        self.vlogv = np.zeros(1 + PN_PHASING_SERIES_MAX_ORDER)
        self.vlogvsq = np.zeros(1 + PN_PHASING_SERIES_MAX_ORDER)

        # Non-spin phasing terms - see arXiv:0907.0700, Eq. 3.18 */
        EULER_GAMMA = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024
        self.v = [
            1.0, 0.0, 5.0 * (743.0 / 84.0 + 11.0 * eta) / 9.0, -16.0 * np.pi,
            5.0 * (3058.673 / 7.056 + 5429.0 / 7.0 * eta + 617.0 * eta * eta) /
            72.0, 5.0 / 9.0 * (7729.0 / 84.0 - 13.0 * eta) * np.pi,
            (11583.231236531 / 4.694215680 - 640.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * np.pi -
             6848.0 / 21.0 * EULER_GAMMA) + eta *
            (-15737.765635 / 3.048192 + 2255.0 / 12.0 * np.pi * np.pi) +
            eta * eta * 76055.0 / 1728.0 -
            eta * eta * eta * 127825.0 / 1296.0 +
            (-6848.0 / 21.0) * np.log(4.0),
            np.pi * (77096675.0 / 254016.0 + 378515.0 / 1512.0 * eta -
                     74045.0 / 756.0 * eta * eta)
        self.v = np.array(self.v)

        # Compute 2.0PN SS, QM, and self-spin
        # See Eq. (6.24) in arXiv:0810.5336
        # 9b,c,d in arXiv:astro-ph/0504538

        # aligned spin
        chi1sq = chi1 * chi1
        chi2sq = chi2 * chi2
        chi1dotchi2 = chi1 * chi2

        pn_sigma = eta * (721.0 / 48.0 * chi1 * chi2 -
                          247.0 / 48.0 * chi1dotchi2)
        pn_sigma = pn_sigma + (720.0 * qm_def1 -
                               1.0) / 96.0 * m1M * m1M * chi1 * chi1
        pn_sigma = pn_sigma + (720.0 * qm_def2 -
                               1.0) / 96.0 * m2M * m2M * chi2 * chi2
        pn_sigma = pn_sigma - (240.0 * qm_def1 -
                               7.0) / 96.0 * m1M * m1M * chi1sq
        pn_sigma = pn_sigma - (240.0 * qm_def2 -
                               7.0) / 96.0 * m2M * m2M * chi2sq

        pn_ss3 = (326.75 / 1.12 + 557.5 / 1.8 * eta) * eta * chi1 * chi2
        pn_ss3 = pn_ss3 + (
            (4703.5 / 8.4 + 2935.0 / 6.0 * m1M - 120.0 * m1M * m1M) * qm_def1 +
            (-4108.25 / 6.72 - 108.5 / 1.2 * m1M +
             125.5 / 3.6 * m1M * m1M)) * m1M * m1M * chi1sq
        pn_ss3 = pn_ss3 + (
            (4703.5 / 8.4 + 2935.0 / 6.0 * m2M - 120.0 * m2M * m2M) * qm_def2 +
            (-4108.25 / 6.72 - 108.5 / 1.2 * m2M +
             125.5 / 3.6 * m2M * m2M)) * m2M * m2M * chi2sq

        # Spin-orbit terms - can be derived from arXiv:1303.7412, Eq. 3.15-16 */
        pn_gamma = (554345.0 / 1134.0 + 110.0 * eta / 9.0) * SL + (
            13915.0 / 84.0 - 10.0 * eta / 3.0) * dSigmaL
        correction = [
            0, 0, 0, 188.0 * SL / 3.0 + 25.0 * dSigmaL, -10.0 * pn_sigma,
            -1.0 * pn_gamma,
            np.pi * (3760.0 * SL + 1490.0 * dSigmaL) / 3.0 + pn_ss3,
            (-8980424995.0 / 762048.0 + 6586595.0 * eta / 756.0 -
             305.0 * eta * eta / 36.0) * SL -
            (170978035.0 / 48384.0 - 2876425.0 * eta / 672.0 -
             4735.0 * eta * eta / 144.0) * dSigmaL
        correction = np.array(correction)
        self.v = self.v + correction

        # multiply all coefficients by pfaN

        self.v = self.v * pfaN
        self.vlogv = self.vlogv * pfaN
        self.vlogvsq = self.vlogvsq * pfaN
Exemplo n.º 6
    icov = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1., .8], [.8, 1.]]))
    d = np.array([x, y])
    return -.5 * np.dot(np.dot(d, icov), d)

logp_xy = lambda (th): logp(th[0], th[1])

# compare slice samplers, metropolis hastings, and the two variable
# slice sampler
ssamp = smp.Slice(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.})
slice_trace = ssamp.sample(1000)

met = smp.Metropolis(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.})
met_trace = met.sample(1000)

bslice = smp.Slice(logp_xy, start={'th': np.array([4., 4.])})
btrace = bslice.sample(1000)

# compute effective sample size based on autocorrelation
slice_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(slice_trace.x)
met_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(met_trace.x)
b_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(btrace.th[:, 0])
print "Slice         effective sample size: %2.2f" % slice_eff
print "MH            effective sample size: %2.2f" % met_eff
print "two var slice effective sample size: %2.2f" % b_eff

print " ----- "
print "Slice sampler evals per sample: ", ssamp.evals_per_sample

# graphically compare samples
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))