Exemplo n.º 1
 def testGetOmegaList(self):
     import sppy 
     m = 10 
     n = 5
     X = scipy.sparse.rand(m, n, 0.1)
     X = X.tocsr()
     omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)
     for i in range(m): 
         nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(omegaList[i], X.toarray()[i, :].nonzero()[0])
     Xsppy = sppy.csarray(X)
     omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(Xsppy)
     for i in range(m):
         nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(omegaList[i], X.toarray()[i, :].nonzero()[0])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testGetOmegaList(self):
        import sppy
        m = 10
        n = 5
        X = scipy.sparse.rand(m, n, 0.1)
        X = X.tocsr()

        omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)
        for i in range(m):
                                            X.toarray()[i, :].nonzero()[0])

        Xsppy = sppy.csarray(X)
        omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(Xsppy)

        for i in range(m):
                                            X.toarray()[i, :].nonzero()[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def modelSelect(self, X):
        Perform model selection on X and return the best parameters. 
        m, n = X.shape
        cvInds = Sampling.randCrossValidation(self.folds, X.nnz)
        localAucs = numpy.zeros(
            (self.ks.shape[0], self.lmbdas.shape[0], len(cvInds)))

        logging.debug("Performing model selection")
        paramList = []

        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):
            Util.printIteration(icv, 1, self.folds, "Fold: ")

            trainX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, trainInds)
            testX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, testInds)

            testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)

            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks):
                maxLocalAuc = self.copy()
                maxLocalAuc.k = k
                paramList.append((trainX, testX, testOmegaList, maxLocalAuc))

        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.numProcesses,
        resultsIterator = pool.imap(localAucsLmbdas, paramList, self.chunkSize)
        #import itertools
        #resultsIterator = itertools.imap(localAucsLmbdas, paramList)

        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):
            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks):
                tempAucs = resultsIterator.next()
                localAucs[i, :, icv] = tempAucs


        meanLocalAucs = numpy.mean(localAucs, 2)
        stdLocalAucs = numpy.std(localAucs, 2)


        k = self.ks[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(meanLocalAucs),
        lmbda = self.lmbdas[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(meanLocalAucs),

        logging.debug("Model parameters: k=" + str(k) + " lmbda=" + str(lmbda))

        self.k = k
        self.lmbda = lmbda

        return meanLocalAucs, stdLocalAucs
Exemplo n.º 4
    def modelSelect(self, X): 
        Perform model selection on X and return the best parameters. 
        m, n = X.shape
        cvInds = Sampling.randCrossValidation(self.folds, X.nnz)
        localAucs = numpy.zeros((self.ks.shape[0], self.lmbdas.shape[0], len(cvInds)))
        logging.debug("Performing model selection")
        paramList = []        
        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):
            Util.printIteration(icv, 1, self.folds, "Fold: ")

            trainX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, trainInds)
            testX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, testInds)
            testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)
            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks): 
                maxLocalAuc = self.copy()
                maxLocalAuc.k = k
                paramList.append((trainX, testX, testOmegaList, maxLocalAuc))
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.numProcesses, maxtasksperchild=100)
        resultsIterator = pool.imap(localAucsLmbdas, paramList, self.chunkSize)
        #import itertools
        #resultsIterator = itertools.imap(localAucsLmbdas, paramList)
        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):        
            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks): 
                tempAucs = resultsIterator.next()
                localAucs[i, :, icv] = tempAucs
        meanLocalAucs = numpy.mean(localAucs, 2)
        stdLocalAucs = numpy.std(localAucs, 2)
        k = self.ks[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(meanLocalAucs), meanLocalAucs.shape)[0]]
        lmbda = self.lmbdas[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(meanLocalAucs), meanLocalAucs.shape)[1]]
        logging.debug("Model parameters: k=" + str(k) + " lmbda=" + str(lmbda))
        self.k = k 
        self.lmbda = lmbda 
        return meanLocalAucs, stdLocalAucs
Exemplo n.º 5
    def modelSelect(self, X): 
        Perform model selection on X and return the best parameters. 
        m, n = X.shape
        cvInds = Sampling.randCrossValidation(self.folds, X.nnz)
        precisions = numpy.zeros((self.ks.shape[0], len(cvInds)))
        logging.debug("Performing model selection")
        paramList = []        
        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):
            Util.printIteration(icv, 1, self.folds, "Fold: ")

            trainX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, trainInds)
            testX = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, testInds)
            testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)
            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks): 
                learner = self.copy()
                learner.k = k
                paramList.append((trainX, testX, testOmegaList, learner))
        #pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.numProcesses, maxtasksperchild=100)
        #resultsIterator = pool.imap(computePrecision, paramList, self.chunkSize)
        import itertools
        resultsIterator = itertools.imap(computePrecision, paramList)
        for icv, (trainInds, testInds) in enumerate(cvInds):        
            for i, k in enumerate(self.ks): 
                tempPrecision = resultsIterator.next()
                precisions[i, icv] = tempPrecision
        meanPrecisions = numpy.mean(precisions, 1)
        stdPrecisions = numpy.std(precisions, 1)
        k = self.ks[numpy.argmax(meanPrecisions)]

        logging.debug("Model parameters: k=" + str(k)) 
        self.k = k 
        return meanPrecisions, stdPrecisions
Exemplo n.º 6
    def localAUCApprox2(X, U, V, w, numAucSamples=50, omegaList=None):
        Compute the estimated local AUC for the score functions UV^T relative to X with 
        quantile w. 
        #For now let's compute the full matrix
        Z = U.dot(V.T)

        localAuc = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0])
        allInds = numpy.arange(X.shape[1])

        U = numpy.ascontiguousarray(U)
        V = numpy.ascontiguousarray(V)

        r = SparseUtilsCython.computeR(U, V, w, numAucSamples)

        if omegaList == None:
            omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)

        for i in range(X.shape[0]):
            omegai = omegaList[i]
            omegaBari = numpy.setdiff1d(allInds, omegai, assume_unique=True)

            if omegai.shape[0] * omegaBari.shape[0] != 0:
                partialAuc = 0

                for j in range(numAucSamples):
                    ind = numpy.random.randint(omegai.shape[0] *
                    p = omegai[int(ind / omegaBari.shape[0])]
                    q = omegaBari[ind % omegaBari.shape[0]]

                    if Z[i, p] > Z[i, q] and Z[i, p] > r[i]:
                        partialAuc += 1

                localAuc[i] = partialAuc / float(numAucSamples)

        localAuc = localAuc.mean()

        return localAuc
Exemplo n.º 7
    def localAUCApprox2(X, U, V, w, numAucSamples=50, omegaList=None): 
        Compute the estimated local AUC for the score functions UV^T relative to X with 
        quantile w. 
        #For now let's compute the full matrix 
        Z = U.dot(V.T)
        localAuc = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) 
        allInds = numpy.arange(X.shape[1])
        U = numpy.ascontiguousarray(U)
        V = numpy.ascontiguousarray(V)
        r = SparseUtilsCython.computeR(U, V, w, numAucSamples)
        if omegaList==None: 
            omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)

        for i in range(X.shape[0]): 
            omegai = omegaList[i]
            omegaBari = numpy.setdiff1d(allInds, omegai, assume_unique=True)
            if omegai.shape[0] * omegaBari.shape[0] != 0: 
                partialAuc = 0 

                for j in range(numAucSamples):
                    ind = numpy.random.randint(omegai.shape[0]*omegaBari.shape[0])
                    p = omegai[int(ind/omegaBari.shape[0])] 
                    q = omegaBari[ind % omegaBari.shape[0]]   
                    if Z[i, p] > Z[i, q] and Z[i, p] > r[i]: 
                        partialAuc += 1 
                localAuc[i] = partialAuc/float(numAucSamples)
        localAuc = localAuc.mean()        
        return localAuc        
Exemplo n.º 8
    def profileLocalAucApprox(self):
        m = 500
        n = 1000
        k = 10
        X, U, s, V = SparseUtils.generateSparseBinaryMatrix((m, n),

        u = 0.1
        w = 1 - u
        numAucSamples = 200

        omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)
        r = SparseUtilsCython.computeR(U, V, w, numAucSamples)

        numRuns = 10

        def run():
            for i in range(numRuns):
                MCEvaluator.localAUCApprox(X, U, V, omegaList, numAucSamples,

        ProfileUtils.profile('run()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 9
    def modelSelect(self, X, colProbs=None):
        Perform model selection on X and return the best parameters. 
        m, n = X.shape

        trainTestXs = Sampling.shuffleSplitRows(X,
        datas = []
        for (trainX, testX) in trainTestXs:
            testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)
            #testX = trainX+testX
            datas.append((trainX, testX, testOmegaList))
        testAucs = numpy.zeros((len(self.ks), len(self.lmbdas),
                                len(self.gammas), len(trainTestXs)))

        logging.debug("Performing model selection")
        paramList = []

        for i, k in enumerate(self.ks):
            U, V = self.initUV(X, k)
            for lmbda in self.lmbdas:
                for gamma in self.gammas:
                    for (trainX, testX, testOmegaList) in datas:
                        learner = self.copy()
                        learner.k = k
                        learner.U = U.copy()
                        learner.V = V.copy()
                        learner.lmbda = lmbda
                        learner.gamma = gamma


        if self.numProcesses != 1:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.numProcesses,
            resultsIterator = pool.imap(computeTestF1, paramList,
            resultsIterator = itertools.imap(computeTestF1, paramList)

        for i_k in range(len(self.ks)):
            for i_lmbda in range(len(self.lmbdas)):
                for i_gamma in range(len(self.gammas)):
                    for i_cv in range(len(trainTestXs)):
                        testAucs[i_k, i_lmbda, i_gamma,
                                 i_cv] = resultsIterator.next()

        if self.numProcesses != 1:

        meanTestMetrics = numpy.mean(testAucs, 3)
        stdTestMetrics = numpy.std(testAucs, 3)

        logging.debug("ks=" + str(self.ks))
        logging.debug("lmbdas=" + str(self.lmbdas))
        logging.debug("gammas=" + str(self.gammas))
        logging.debug("Mean metrics=" + str(meanTestMetrics))

        i_k, i_lmbda, i_gamma = numpy.unravel_index(meanTestMetrics.argmax(),
        self.k = self.ks[i_k]
        self.lmbda = self.lmbdas[i_lmbda]
        self.gamma = self.gammas[i_gamma]

        logging.debug("Model parameters: k=" + str(self.k) + " lmbda=" +
                      str(self.lmbda) + " gamma=" + str(self.gamma))

        return meanTestMetrics, stdTestMetrics
Exemplo n.º 10
    def shuffleSplitRows(X, k, testSize, numRows=None, csarray=True, rowMajor=True, colProbs=None): 
        Take a sparse binary matrix and create k number of train-test splits 
        in which the test split contains at most testSize elements and the train 
        split contains the remaining elements from X for each row. The splits are 
        computed randomly. Returns sppy.csarray objects by default. 
        :param colProbs: This is the probability of choosing the corresponding column/item. If None, we assume uniform probabilities. 
        if csarray: 
            mattype = "csarray"
            mattype = "scipy" 
        if rowMajor: 
            storagetype = "row" 
            storagetype = "col"
        if numRows == None: 
            numRows = X.shape[0]
            outputRows = False
            outputRows = True
        trainTestXList = []
        omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)
        m, n = X.shape
        for i in range(k):
            trainInd = 0 
            testInd = 0            
            trainRowInds = numpy.zeros(X.nnz, numpy.int32)
            trainColInds = numpy.zeros(X.nnz, numpy.int32)
            testRowInds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]*testSize, numpy.int32)
            testColInds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]*testSize, numpy.int32)

            rowSample = numpy.sort(numpy.random.choice(m, numRows, replace=False))

            for j in range(m):
                if j in rowSample: 
                    if colProbs == None: 
                        inds = numpy.random.permutation(omegaList[j].shape[0])
                        probs = colProbs[omegaList[j]]
                        probs /= probs.sum() 
                        inds = numpy.random.choice(omegaList[j].shape[0], omegaList[j].shape[0], p=probs, replace=False)
                    trainInds = inds[testSize:]
                    testInds = inds[0:testSize]
                    trainInds = numpy.arange(omegaList[j].shape[0]) 
                    testInds = numpy.array([], numpy.int)
                trainRowInds[trainInd:trainInd+trainInds.shape[0]] = numpy.ones(trainInds.shape[0], dtype=numpy.uint)*j
                trainColInds[trainInd:trainInd+trainInds.shape[0]] = omegaList[j][trainInds]
                trainInd += trainInds.shape[0]
                testRowInds[testInd:testInd+testInds.shape[0]] = numpy.ones(testInds.shape[0], dtype=numpy.uint)*j
                testColInds[testInd:testInd+testInds.shape[0]] = omegaList[j][testInds]
                testInd += testInds.shape[0]
            trainRowInds = trainRowInds[0:trainInd]   
            trainColInds = trainColInds[0:trainInd] 
            testRowInds = testRowInds[0:testInd]   
            testColInds = testColInds[0:testInd]
            trainX = SparseUtils.sparseMatrix(numpy.ones(trainRowInds.shape[0], numpy.int), trainRowInds, trainColInds, X.shape, mattype, storagetype)
            testX = SparseUtils.sparseMatrix(numpy.ones(testRowInds.shape[0], numpy.int), testRowInds, testColInds, X.shape, mattype, storagetype)

            if not outputRows: 
                trainTestXList.append((trainX, testX))
                trainTestXList.append((trainX, testX, rowSample))
        return trainTestXList 
Exemplo n.º 11
    def shuffleSplitRows(X,
        Take a sparse binary matrix and create k number of train-test splits 
        in which the test split contains at most testSize elements and the train 
        split contains the remaining elements from X for each row. The splits are 
        computed randomly. Returns sppy.csarray objects by default. 
        :param colProbs: This is the probability of choosing the corresponding column/item. If None, we assume uniform probabilities. 
        if csarray:
            mattype = "csarray"
            mattype = "scipy"

        if rowMajor:
            storagetype = "row"
            storagetype = "col"

        if numRows == None:
            numRows = X.shape[0]
            outputRows = False
            outputRows = True

        trainTestXList = []
        omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)
        m, n = X.shape

        for i in range(k):
            trainInd = 0
            testInd = 0

            trainRowInds = numpy.zeros(X.nnz, numpy.int32)
            trainColInds = numpy.zeros(X.nnz, numpy.int32)

            testRowInds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0] * testSize, numpy.int32)
            testColInds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0] * testSize, numpy.int32)

            rowSample = numpy.sort(
                numpy.random.choice(m, numRows, replace=False))

            for j in range(m):

                if j in rowSample:
                    if colProbs == None:
                        inds = numpy.random.permutation(omegaList[j].shape[0])
                        probs = colProbs[omegaList[j]]
                        probs /= probs.sum()
                        inds = numpy.random.choice(omegaList[j].shape[0],
                    trainInds = inds[testSize:]
                    testInds = inds[0:testSize]
                    trainInds = numpy.arange(omegaList[j].shape[0])
                    testInds = numpy.array([], numpy.int)

                trainRowInds[trainInd:trainInd +
                             trainInds.shape[0]] = numpy.ones(
                                 trainInds.shape[0], dtype=numpy.uint) * j
                trainColInds[trainInd:trainInd +
                             trainInds.shape[0]] = omegaList[j][trainInds]
                trainInd += trainInds.shape[0]

                testRowInds[testInd:testInd + testInds.shape[0]] = numpy.ones(
                    testInds.shape[0], dtype=numpy.uint) * j
                testColInds[testInd:testInd +
                            testInds.shape[0]] = omegaList[j][testInds]
                testInd += testInds.shape[0]

            trainRowInds = trainRowInds[0:trainInd]
            trainColInds = trainColInds[0:trainInd]

            testRowInds = testRowInds[0:testInd]
            testColInds = testColInds[0:testInd]

            trainX = SparseUtils.sparseMatrix(
                numpy.ones(trainRowInds.shape[0], numpy.int), trainRowInds,
                trainColInds, X.shape, mattype, storagetype)
            testX = SparseUtils.sparseMatrix(
                numpy.ones(testRowInds.shape[0], numpy.int), testRowInds,
                testColInds, X.shape, mattype, storagetype)

            if not outputRows:
                trainTestXList.append((trainX, testX))
                trainTestXList.append((trainX, testX, rowSample))

        return trainTestXList
Exemplo n.º 12
#Create a low rank matrix  
m = 500 
n = 1000 
k = 20 
X = SparseUtils.generateSparseBinaryMatrix((m,n), k, 0.95)
logging.debug("Number of non zero elements: " + str(X.nnz))

lmbda = 0.0
numAucSamples = 1000
u = 0.1
sigma = 1
nu = 1 
nuBar = 1
project = False
omegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(X)

U = numpy.random.rand(m, k)
V = numpy.random.rand(n, k)
r = SparseUtilsCython.computeR(U, V, 1-u, numAucSamples)

numPoints = 50
sampleSize = 10 
numAucSamplesList = numpy.linspace(1, 50, numPoints)
norms = numpy.zeros(numPoints)
originalU = U.copy()

for s in range(sampleSize): 
    i = numpy.random.randint(m)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def modelSelect(self, X, colProbs=None):
        Perform model selection on X and return the best parameters. 
        m, n = X.shape

        trainTestXs = Sampling.shuffleSplitRows(X, self.folds, self.validationSize, csarray=False, colProbs=colProbs)
        datas = []
        for (trainX, testX) in trainTestXs:
            testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)
            #testX = trainX+testX
            datas.append((trainX, testX, testOmegaList))
        testAucs = numpy.zeros((len(self.ks), len(self.lmbdas), len(self.gammas), len(trainTestXs)))
        logging.debug("Performing model selection")
        paramList = []        
        for i, k in enumerate(self.ks): 
            U, V = self.initUV(X, k)
            for lmbda in self.lmbdas:
                for gamma in self.gammas:
                    for (trainX, testX, testOmegaList) in datas:
                        learner = self.copy()
                        learner.k = k
                        learner.U = U.copy()
                        learner.V = V.copy()
                        learner.lmbda = lmbda
                        learner.gamma = gamma
                        paramList.append((scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(trainX, dtype=numpy.float64), scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(testX, dtype=numpy.float64), learner))
        if self.numProcesses != 1: 
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.numProcesses, maxtasksperchild=100)
            resultsIterator = pool.imap(computeTestF1, paramList, self.chunkSize)
            resultsIterator = itertools.imap(computeTestF1, paramList)
        for i_k in range(len(self.ks)):
            for i_lmbda in range(len(self.lmbdas)):
                for i_gamma in range(len(self.gammas)):
                    for i_cv in range(len(trainTestXs)):             
                        testAucs[i_k, i_lmbda, i_gamma, i_cv] = resultsIterator.next()
        if self.numProcesses != 1: 
        meanTestMetrics = numpy.mean(testAucs, 3)
        stdTestMetrics = numpy.std(testAucs, 3)
        logging.debug("ks=" + str(self.ks))
        logging.debug("lmbdas=" + str(self.lmbdas))
        logging.debug("gammas=" + str(self.gammas))
        logging.debug("Mean metrics=" + str(meanTestMetrics))
        i_k, i_lmbda, i_gamma = numpy.unravel_index(meanTestMetrics.argmax(), meanTestMetrics.shape)
        self.k = self.ks[i_k]
        self.lmbda = self.lmbdas[i_lmbda]
        self.gamma = self.gammas[i_gamma]

        logging.debug("Model parameters: k=" + str(self.k) + " lmbda=" + str(self.lmbda) + " gamma=" + str(self.gamma))
        return meanTestMetrics, stdTestMetrics
Exemplo n.º 14
    dataset = "epinions"

#Create a low rank matrix  
saveResults = True
prefix = "Convergence2"
outputFile = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "ranking/" + prefix + dataset.title() + "Results.npz" 
X = DatasetUtils.getDataset(dataset, nnz=20000)

m, n = X.shape 

folds = 3
testSize = 5
trainTestXs = Sampling.shuffleSplitRows(X, folds, testSize)
trainX, testX = trainTestXs[0]

trainOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(trainX)
trainOmegaPtr = SparseUtils.getOmegaListPtr(trainX)
testOmegaList = SparseUtils.getOmegaList(testX)
testOmegaPtr = SparseUtils.getOmegaListPtr(testX)
allOmegaPtr = SparseUtils.getOmegaListPtr(X)
numRecordAucSamples = 200

logging.debug("Number of non-zero elements: " + str((trainX.nnz, testX.nnz)))

k2 = 64
u2 = 5/float(n)
w2 = 1-u2
eps = 10**-8
lmbda = 0.01
maxLocalAuc = MaxLocalAUC(k2, w2, eps=eps, lmbdaU=0.1, lmbdaV=0.1, stochastic=True)
maxLocalAuc.alpha = 32