def algorytm(self): try: response = self.client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel_id, text="Zaczynamy, LECYMY DuRRrrR") except Exception as e: print(e) self.koniec = 2002 self.skip = 0 self.czaaas = time.time() CzyIstnieje("") self.sheet = self.n = 2 while self.sheet.cell(row=self.n, column=1).value != None: self.n += 1 self.zapisywacz = 0 while self.ilosc != self.koniec: #self.pruba4Z() vs self.pruba4ALGTEST() print(time.time() - self.czaaas) sandesh.send("KONIEC", webhook=) print("PROLOGJEJOJ") mp3File = "JD.mp3" playsound(mp3File) keyboard.wait("HOME") print("KONEIC")
def __init__(self, monitor, patience=5, mode="min", delta=0.001, webhook=None, initial_msg="Hello, this is sandesh! Your model is training...", es_notifications=False): self.monitor = monitor self.patience = patience # sends early stopping notifications if es_notifications = True self.es_notifications = es_notifications self.counter = 0 self.mode = mode self.best_score = None self.early_stop = False = delta if self.mode == "min": self.val_score = np.Inf else: self.val_score = -np.Inf if self.monitor.startswith("train_"): self.model_state = "train" self.monitor_value = self.monitor[len("train_") :] elif self.monitor.startswith("valid_"): self.model_state = "valid" self.monitor_value = self.monitor[len("valid_") :] else: raise Exception("monitor must start with train_ or valid_") # webhook required to send messages to slack self.webhook = webhook # welcome message try: sandesh.send(initial_msg, webhook=self.webhook) except: raise Exception("please follow the correct syntax: sandesh.send(msg, webhook='XXXX')")
def send_log(self, **kwargs): log = {'model':} log.update(kwargs) try: sandesh.send(log) except: print(log)
def send_log(self, **kwargs): log = {'model':} log.update(kwargs) if 'sandesh' in sys.modules: sandesh.send(log) else: print('log not sent - no sandesh module')
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): loss = logs.get('loss') acc = logs.get('acc') msg = f"Training accuracy was {acc} Training loss was {loss}" sandesh.send( msg, webhook= "" )
def on_epoch_end(self, model): epoch_score = model.metrics[self.model_state][self.monitor_value] if self.mode == "min": score = -1.0 * epoch_score else: score = np.copy(epoch_score) if self.best_score is None: self.best_score = score # send initial score msg = f"Epoch score: {self.best_score}" sandesh.send(msg, webhook=self.webhook) self.save_checkpoint(epoch_score, model) # early stopping notifications elif score < self.best_score + and self.es_notifications == True: self.counter += 1 msg = "EarlyStopping counter: {} out of {}".format(self.counter, self.patience) sandesh.send(msg, webhook=self.webhook) else: self.best_score = score msg = f"Epoch score: {self.best_score}" sandesh.send(msg, webhook=self.webhook) self.save_checkpoint(epoch_score, model) self.counter = 0
if save: utils.dump_pickle(tmp, utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'price_feature.pkl') ret_df = pd.concat([ret_df, tmp], axis=1) tmp = date_feature(data) if save: utils.dump_pickle(tmp, utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'date_feature.pkl') ret_df = pd.concat([ret_df, tmp], axis=1) return ret_df if __name__ == '__main__': output_path = utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'baseline_features.pkl' encoder_path = utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'encoder.pkl' melted_path = utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'melted.pkl' fold_indices_path = utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'fold_indices.pkl' sandesh.send(f'start generating feature') try: print('generating features...') # dataset = M5Dataset() # data = preprocessing.melt_and_merge( # dataset.calendar, dataset.sell_prices, dataset.main_df, dataset.submission, # merge=True) # data = preprocessing.add_separated_item_id(data) # utils.dump_pickle(data, melted_path) data = utils.load_pickle(melted_path) data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date']) data['all_id'] = 'all' # label encoding cat = [ 'item_id', 'item_id_1', 'item_id_2', 'item_id_3', 'dept_id', 'cat_id', 'store_id', 'state_id', 'event_name_1', 'event_type_1',
args = parser.parse_args() utils.seed_everything() print(f'on kaggle: {utils.ON_KAGGLE}') print(utils.DATA_DIR) print(utils.RESULTS_BASE_DIR) TARGET_COL = 'demand' try: exp_name = utils.make_experiment_name(args.debug) result_dir = utils.RESULTS_BASE_DIR / exp_name os.mkdir(result_dir) logger = mylogger.get_mylogger(filename=result_dir / 'log') sandesh.send(f'start: {exp_name}') logger.debug(f'created: {result_dir}') logger.debug('loading data ...') train_feat_path = utils.FEATURE_DIR / 'baseline_features.pkl' X = utils.load_pickle(train_feat_path) print(X.columns) features_list = utils.load_yaml(args.feature) utils.dump_yaml(features_list, result_dir / 'features_list.yml') all_features = features_list['features']['original'] + \ features_list['features']['generated'] categorical_feat = features_list['categorical_features'] logger.debug(all_features) logger.debug(f'features num: {len(all_features)}')
#formato de fecha para bases oga diasOGA = [ dia.strftime("%Y") + '-' + dia.strftime("%m") + '-' + dia.strftime("%d") for dia in dias ] #formato de fecha para el resto de las bases dias = [ dia.strftime("%Y") + dia.strftime("%m") + dia.strftime("%d") for dia in dias ] #print(dfOGA) #print(dfs) msg = '' for i in range(dfOGA.shape[0]): if ((str(dfOGA.created_at.iloc[1].date()) in diasOGA) == False): msg += f"La base {dfOGA.base.iloc[i]} no está actualizada, último movimiento: {dfOGA.created_at.iloc[i]} " for i in range(dfs.shape[0]): if ((dfs.febo.iloc[i] in dias or dfs.fepf.iloc[i] in dias or dfs.fefi.iloc[i] in dias) == False): msg += f"La base {dfs.base.iloc[i]} no está actualizada, último movimiento: febo: {dfs.febo.iloc[i]} ,fepf: {dfs.fepf.iloc[i]}, fefi: {dfs.fefi.iloc[i]} " if msg == '': msg = 'Todas las bases estan actualizadas' sandesh.send( msg, webhook= "" ) #print(msg)
def save_checkpoint(self, epoch_score, model): if epoch_score not in [-np.inf, np.inf, -np.nan, np.nan]: msg = "Validation score improved ({} --> {}). Saving model!".format(self.val_score, epoch_score) sandesh.send(msg, webhook=self.webhook) self.val_score = epoch_score