Exemplo n.º 1
def main() -> None:
    serial_number = int(next(get_data(today)))
    grid = [[cell_power_level(x, y, serial_number) for x in range(1, 301)]
            for y in range(1, 301)]

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {fmt(max(measure_grid_power(grid)))}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {variable_grid_size(grid)}')
def main() -> None:
  track = list(get_data(today))
  carts = setup_carts(track)

  it = simulate(carts)
  print(f'{today} star 1 = {next(it)}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {deque(it, maxlen = 1).pop()}')
Exemplo n.º 3
def main() -> None:
    data = list(get_data(today, [('func', fun)]))

    star1, m = map_all_claims(data)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    all_claimers = [claimer for claimer, _, _ in data]
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {find_unique_claim(m, all_claimers)}')
def main() -> None:
    test_data, source_code = parse_input(list(get_data(today)))

    star1, opcode_table = reverse_engineer(test_data, cpu)
    program = compile_program(source_code, opcode_table)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {execute(program, cpu)}')
def main() -> None:
  all_components = set(get_data(today, [('func', parse)]))
  loops = set((a,b) for a,b in all_components if a==b)
  table = set(bridges(all_components-loops, set(a for a, _ in loops)))

  print(f'{today} star 1 = {max(table, key=itemgetter(1))[1]}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {max(table)[1]}')
def main():
  global forest, map_width, slope_length
  forest = list(get_data(today))
  slope_length, map_width = len(forest), len(forest[0])

  star1, star2 = solve()
  print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
Exemplo n.º 7
def main() -> None:
  instrs = {
    'sub': sub, 'set': put,
    'mul': mul, 'jnz': jnz
  stack = list(get_data(today, [('asmbunny', instrs)]))
  print(f'{today} star 1 = {run(stack)}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {run(stack, star2=True)}')
Exemplo n.º 8
def main() -> None:
    data = get_data(today)
    gs = tuple()
    for x in data:
        gs += int(x[-3:]),
    star1, star2 = duel(*gs)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
Exemplo n.º 9
def main() -> None:
  data = list(get_data(today))
  initial_state, _, *rules = data
  initial_state = initial_state[15:]
  rules = {rule[:5]: rule[-1] for rule in rules}

  it = garden_generator(initial_state, rules)
  print(f'{today} star 1 = {next(it)}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {next(it)}')
Exemplo n.º 10
def main() -> None:
    path_regex = next(get_data(today))[1:-1]

    path_lengths = shortest_path_length(graph, Point(0, 0)).values()

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {max(path_lengths)}')
        f'{today} star 2 = {sum(1 for length in path_lengths if length >= 1000)}'
def main() -> None:
  data = get_data(today, [('split', '\t'), ('func', fmt)])
  star1 = 0
  star2 = 0
  for row in data:
    star1 += row[-1]-row[0] # sorted list
    star2 += find_even_div(row)

  print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
Exemplo n.º 12
def main() -> None:
    instructions = get_data(today, [('func', lambda l: (l[5], l[-13]))])

    steps = defaultdict(list)
    for required, before in sorted(instructions):
        steps[before] += [required]
        steps[required] += []

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {singlesledded(steps)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {multisledded(steps)}')
Exemplo n.º 13
def main() -> None:
    particles = list(get_data(today, [('func', Particle)]))

    time, result = calculate_sky_message(particles)
    if result is None:
        print('for cooler results, please install Pillow and pytesseract\n' \
            + '(along with a tesseract-ocr distribution)\n')
        print(f'{today} star 1 printed in block letters')
        print(f'{today} star 1 = {result}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {time}')
Exemplo n.º 14
def main() -> None:
    artbook = get_data(today, [('func', parse)])
    for pattern, becomes in artbook:
        book[pattern] = becomes
        for _ in range(1, 4):
            pattern = rotate(pattern)
            book[pattern] = becomes
            book[mirror(pattern)] = becomes
    grid = ['.#.', '..#', '###']
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {pixels(grid)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {pixels(grid, 18)}')
Exemplo n.º 15
def main() -> None:

    infection_eliminated = run()
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {total_units()}')
    boost = 1
    while not infection_eliminated:
        infection_eliminated = run()
        boost += 1
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {total_units()}')
Exemplo n.º 16
def main() -> None:
    global the_map
    data = list(get_data(today, base_ops + [('func', list)]))
    reference = {}
    for y, row in enumerate(data):
        for x, val in enumerate(row):
            the_map[(x, y)] = val
            reference[(x, y)] = val
    start_pos = len(data) // 2, len(data) // 2
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {infect(start_pos)}')
    the_map = reference
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {infect(start_pos, evolved=True)}')
def main() -> None:
    machine = {}
    for l in get_data(today, [('func', lambda l: l.strip())]):
        if l[:3] == 'Beg': machine['start'] = l[-2]
        elif l[:3] == 'Per': machine['check'] = int(l.split(' ')[-2])
        elif l[:3] == 'In ': c_s, machine[c_s] = l[-2], {}
        elif l[:3] == 'If ': c_v = int(l[-2])
        elif l[:3] == '- W': machine[c_s][c_v] = (int(l[-2]), )
        elif l[:3] == '- M': machine[c_s][c_v] += (1 if l[-6] == 'r' else -1, )
        elif l[:3] == '- C': machine[c_s][c_v] += (l[-2], )
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {turing(machine)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = Merry Christmas!')
Exemplo n.º 18
def main() -> None:
    data = get_data(today, base_ops + [('split', ' '), ('func', sorted)])

    star1 = 0
    star2 = 0
    for passphrase in data:
        s1, s2 = valid(passphrase)
        if s1: star1 += 1
        if s2: star2 += 1

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
Exemplo n.º 19
def main() -> None:
    global target, x, y
    target = int(list(get_data(today))[0])
    side_length = 2
    while not star1:
        y -= 1
        for direction in Direction:
            move(side_length, direction)
        x += 1
        side_length += 2

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
Exemplo n.º 20
def main() -> None:
    instrs = {
        'snd': snd,
        'set': put,
        'add': add,
        'mul': mul,
        'mod': mod,
        'rcv': rcv,
        'jgz': jgz
    stack = list(get_data(today, [('asmbunny', instrs)]))
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {run(stack)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {run(stack, threads=2)}')
Exemplo n.º 21
def main() -> None:
    global depth, target
    it = get_data(today, [('split', ' '), ('func', lambda l: l[1].strip())])
    depth = int(next(it))
    target = Point(*map(int, next(it).split(',')))
        Point(x, y)
        for x, y in product(range(target.x + 50), range(target.y + 50)))

        f'{today} star 1 = {sum([erosion[p] % 3 for p in erosion if p <= target])}'
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {rescue()}')
def main():
  data = list(get_data(today, [('func', Node)]))

  carried = []
  for x in data:
    if len(x.carrying) != 0:
      carried += x.carrying

  root = None
  for x in data:
    if x.name not in carried:
      root = build_tree(x, data)

  print(f'{today} star 1 = {root.name}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {balance(root)}')
def main() -> None:
    global ymax, ymin
    inp = list(get_data(today, [('func', parse)]))
    for p in [p for ps in inp for p in ps]:
        clay[p] = True

    ymax = max(clay).y
    ymin = min(clay).y

    flow(Point(500, 0))

        f'{today} star 1 = {len([p for p in settled | flowing if ymin <= p.y <= ymax])}'
        f'{today} star 2 = {len([p for p in settled if ymin <= p.y <= ymax])}')
def main() -> None:
    stream = next(get_data(today))
    star1, star2 = process(stream)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
def main() -> None:
    data = get_data(today, [('split', ',')])
    routine = list(next(data))
    progs = [chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('p') + 1)]
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {dance(routine, progs)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {dance(routine, progs, 1000000000)}')
def main() -> None:
  r2_value = int(list(get_data(today))[8].split()[1])

  it = optimised_activation_system(r2_value)
  print(f'{today} star 1 = {next(it)}')
  print(f'{today} star 2 = {deque(it, maxlen = 1).pop()}')
def main() -> None:
    log_entries = [fmt(entry) for entry in sorted(list(get_data(today)))]

    star1, minutes_sleeping = find_lazy_guard(log_entries)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {find_consistently_lazy_guard(minutes_sleeping)}')
Exemplo n.º 28
def main() -> None:
    it = game_runner(list(get_data(today)))

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {next(it)}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {next(it)}')
Exemplo n.º 29
def main() -> None:
    data = get_data(today, [('split', ' '), ('func', Instruction)])
    star2 = solve(data)
    print(f'{today} star 1 = {regs[max(regs, key=regs.get)]}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')
def main() -> None:
    data = iter(next(get_data(today, [('split', ' '), ('map', int)])))
    star1, star2 = parse_child(data)

    print(f'{today} star 1 = {star1}')
    print(f'{today} star 2 = {star2}')