Exemplo n.º 1
def analyzeTruss(mesh_file, bound, loadNode):

    #Create Geometry

    ele = element.Data()
    for i in range(23):
        ele.E[i] = 100.
        ele.A[i] = 10.
        ele.TYPE[i] = 'Truss'
    mesh = gmsh.Parse(mesh_file)
    model = structure.Builder(mesh, ele, bound)

    trialLoad = findMaxLoad(mesh, model, ele, loadNode, 0, 10, -100)

    maxLoad = trialLoad
    XYZplot = model.XYZ

    for design in range(10):

        for coord in range(len(model.XYZ)):
            if coord > 1 and coord != loadNode:
                model.XYZ[coord][0] = XYZplot[coord][0] + random.randint(-2, 2)
                if model.XYZ[coord][0] < 0:
                    model.XYZ[coord][0] * -1

                model.XYZ[coord][1] = XYZplot[coord][1] + random.randint(-2, 2)
            if coord == loadNode:
                model.XYZ[coord][1] = XYZplot[coord][1] + random.randint(-2, 2)

            trialLoad = findMaxLoad(mesh, model, ele, loadNode, 0, 10, -300)

            if trialLoad < maxLoad:
                maxLoad = trialLoad
                XYZplot = model.XYZ

        except LinAlgError:


    nodal_load = {loadNode: [0, maxLoad]}
    U, Q = displmethod.solver(mesh, model, ele, nodal_load)

    plotter.axialforce(model, Q)
Exemplo n.º 2
def findMaxLoad(mesh, model, ele, loadNode, start, interval, end):

    failed = False
    nodal_load = {loadNode: [0, start - interval]}

    while failed == False:
        U, Q = displmethod.solver(mesh, model, ele, nodal_load)
        t = truss.truss(model.XYZ, model.CON, Q)


        if (t.failed):

            if interval <= 0.5:
                return nodal_load[loadNode][1]

            return findMaxLoad(mesh, model, ele, loadNode,
                               nodal_load[loadNode][1] + interval,
                               interval / 2, nodal_load[loadNode][1])
            failed = True

        nodal_load[loadNode][1] -= interval
Exemplo n.º 3
from sapy import structure
from sapy import plotter

mesh_file = 'warren'

# these are the constraints
# this says that node 0 is fixed/restrained in both x and y
# directions (a pin connection) and node 4 is constrained in
# only the y direction (a roller, with the angle theta set to 0 degrees)
bound = {0: [1, 1], 3: [0, 1]}
# this is the loading on the truss.
nodal_load = {5: [0, -10]}
# parse the mesh file to create mesh.xyz (list of Points) and
# mesh.con (list of connections (beams) between Points)
mesh = gmsh.Parse(mesh_file)
# this is to create the composition of the beams in the truss
ele = element.Data()
for i in range(len(mesh.con)):
    ele.E[i] = 100.  # sectional area?
    ele.A[i] = 10.  # Young's modulus?
    ele.TYPE[i] = 'Truss'  # Truss or Frame
model = structure.Builder(mesh, ele, bound)

U, Q = displmethod.solver(mesh, model, ele, nodal_load)

plotter.deformed(model, U)
plotter.axialforce(model, Q)
