Exemplo n.º 1
class TestCoreShell(unittest.TestCase):
        Testing C++ Cylinder model
    def setUp(self):
        from sas.models.CoreShellModel import CoreShellModel
        self.model= CoreShellModel()
        self.model.setParam('scale', 1.0)
        self.model.setParam('radius', 60.0)
        self.model.setParam('thickness', 10.0)
        self.model.setParam('core_sld', 1.e-6)
        self.model.setParam('shell_sld', 2.e-6)
        self.model.setParam('solvent_sld', 3.e-6)
        self.model.setParam('background', 0.0)
    def test_simple(self):
            Test simple 1D and 2D values
            Numbers taken from model that passed validation, before
            the update to C++ underlying class.
                               381.27304697150055, 3)
                               380.93779156218682, 3)
    def test_dispersion(self):
            Test with dispersion
        from sas.models.DisperseModel import DisperseModel
        disp = DisperseModel(self.model, ['radius', 'thickness'], [10, 2])
        disp.setParam('n_pts', 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(disp.run(0.001), 407.344127907553, 3)
    def test_new_disp(self):
        from sas.models.dispersion_models import GaussianDispersion
        disp_rm = GaussianDispersion()
        self.model.set_dispersion('radius', disp_rm)
        self.model.dispersion['radius']['width'] = 0.1666666667
        self.model.dispersion['radius']['npts'] = 10
        self.model.dispersion['radius']['nsigmas'] = 2

        disp_rr = GaussianDispersion()
        self.model.set_dispersion('thickness', disp_rr)
        self.model.dispersion['thickness']['width'] = 0.2
        self.model.dispersion['thickness']['npts'] = 10
        self.model.dispersion['thickness']['nsigmas'] = 2

                               1.16747510*407.344127907553, 3)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_2():
    radius = 15.0
    thickness = 5.0
    core_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*radius*radius*radius
    outer_radius = radius+thickness
    shell_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*outer_radius*outer_radius*outer_radius - core_vol
    shell_sld = -1.0*core_vol/shell_vol
    print "Shell SLD", shell_sld

    density = .1
    vol = 4/3*math.pi*radius*radius*radius
    npts = vol*density
    canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas()
    canvas.setParam('lores_density', density)
    handle = canvas.add('sphere')
    canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, outer_radius)
    canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, shell_sld)
    handle2 = canvas.add('sphere')
    canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle2, radius)
    canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle2, 1.0)
    # Core-shell
    sphere = CoreShellModel()
    # Core radius
    sphere.setParam('radius', radius)
    # Shell thickness
    sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness)
    sphere.setParam('core_sld', 1.0)
    sphere.setParam('shell_sld', shell_sld)
    out = open("lores_test.txt",'w')
    out.write("<q> <sim> <ana>\n")
    for i in range(65):
        q = 0.001 + 0.01*i
        # For each volume integral that we change to a sum,
        # we must multiply by 1/density = V/N
        # Since we want P(r)/V, we will need to multiply
        # the sum by 1/(N*density), where N is the number of
        # points without overlap. Since we already divide
        # by N when calculating I(q), we only need to divide
        # by the density here. We divide by N in the 
        # calculation because it is difficult to estimate it here.
        # Put the factor 2 in the simulation two...
        sim_1 = canvas.getIq(q)
        ana_1 = sphere.run(q)
        print "q=%g  sim=%g  ana=%g   ratio=%g" % (q, sim_1, ana_1, sim_1/ana_1)
        out.write( "%g  %g  %g\n" % (q, sim_1, ana_1))

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_2():
    radius = 15.0
    thickness = 5.0

    core_vol = 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * radius * radius * radius
    outer_radius = radius + thickness
    shell_vol = 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * outer_radius * outer_radius * outer_radius - core_vol
    shell_sld = -1.0 * core_vol / shell_vol
    print("Shell SLD", shell_sld)

    density = .1
    vol = 4 / 3 * math.pi * radius * radius * radius
    npts = vol * density

    canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas()
    canvas.setParam('lores_density', density)
    handle = canvas.add('sphere')
    canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, outer_radius)
    canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, shell_sld)

    handle2 = canvas.add('sphere')
    canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle2, radius)
    canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle2, 1.0)

    # Core-shell
    sphere = CoreShellModel()
    # Core radius
    sphere.setParam('radius', radius)
    # Shell thickness
    sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness)
    sphere.setParam('core_sld', 1.0)

    sphere.setParam('shell_sld', shell_sld)
    sphere.setParam('solvent_sld', 0.0)
    sphere.setParam('background', 0.0)
    sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0)

    out = open("lores_test.txt", 'w')
    out.write("<q> <sim> <ana>\n")

    for i in range(65):
        q = 0.001 + 0.01 * i

        # For each volume integral that we change to a sum,
        # we must multiply by 1/density = V/N
        # Since we want P(r)/V, we will need to multiply
        # the sum by 1/(N*density), where N is the number of
        # points without overlap. Since we already divide
        # by N when calculating I(q), we only need to divide
        # by the density here. We divide by N in the
        # calculation because it is difficult to estimate it here.

        # Put the factor 2 in the simulation two...
        sim_1 = canvas.getIq(q)
        ana_1 = sphere.run(q)

        print("q=%g  sim=%g  ana=%g   ratio=%g" %
              (q, sim_1, ana_1, sim_1 / ana_1))
        out.write("%g  %g  %g\n" % (q, sim_1, ana_1))
